Presentation for the master class with teachers (parents) "Family Coat of Arms". What is family"? Family presentations

Most people have a family. Usually in the family there is a mother, father, children, older members of the family of grandparents. A person who does not have a family feels lonely: he has no one to take care of and no one takes care of him either. The family unites people who are blood relatives (mother and children, sisters and brothers) or close people (husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law).

7 Family Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, purchases, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good, excitement, awe. Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive insults and quarrels away, We want friends to talk about you: What a good family you are!

How are responsibilities distributed in your families? dad mom kids If each member of the family has his own area of ​​work, then the house is cosiness, warmth, harmony. Where all household chores lie on the same shoulders, as a rule, irritation and misunderstanding reign. House to lead - do not shake your beard, Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family, The grief does not take a consonant family.

1. The state pays a cash benefit for pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for young children. 2. Guarantees free secondary education and health care 3. Pays for all or part of school meals for children from low-income families. 4. Provides benefits to large families. 5. Government program"Children of Russia" pays special attention to helping orphans and disabled children. 6. Held public policy to increase the birth rate.

29 Task: "Through the mouth of a baby" - This is when everyone is together - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. -. The most gentle, kindest, most beloved person for all people on Earth - The place where we all go together. “It’s so small, it’s squeaky, it’s a lot of trouble, but it’s still loved. - This is the most precious thing in the family, it is cherished, passed down from generation to generation - She knits socks for everyone and bakes the most wonderful pies and buns. Family Family tradition (Mom) (Home) (Child) (Grandmother) Family, mother, home, child, family traditions, grandmother, Information provided by the site: You can find abstracts and presentations on history and social studies lessons on the site

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MBOU " Primary SchoolKindergarten village of Tekstilshchiki" Master class "Family coat of arms" "The more a person cherishes the memory of his grandfathers and fathers, the deeper he feels his responsibility for the future" (V. Peskov)

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GEF DO ... To one of the basic principles preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state applies. And one of the tasks of the Standard is aimed at combining training and education into an integral educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, and society.

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A task educational organization- to actualize the sense of belonging of the child with the family, clan, relatives; give the opportunity to realize the rules governing relationships in the family; to initiate children's awareness of family values, traditions, customs. Interaction with parents in this direction contributes to the formation of a careful attitude to family values, the preservation of family ties.

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Why the coat of arms is created: - Appeal to the historical past, which awakens interest in the history of the family. - The emblem of the clan, which in a fascinating way tells the children and close circle of the family about the history of the clan and the values ​​of the family. - Creation of a symbol of the family, contributing to the strengthening of the family, the manifestation of common aspirations and awareness of the unity of the family. - Unusual and significant event for posterity in the history of the family. - The surname of the family will be inscribed in history for centuries. - A good birthday present.

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Tasks project activities: - to form in children and parents elementary ideas about the coat of arms as an emblem of the spiritual community of the family; - contribute to the unity of the child's family through the development of interest in a common cause; - to promote the unification of project participants (children and parents) within the framework of creating collective creative works; - to promote the manifestation of creativity of the project participants.

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Stage 1 of the project activity 1. Do you know the pedigree of your family? 2. Do you know everything about your ancestors at the level of: parents; grandfathers and grandmothers; great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. 3. Do you know where and how to collect information about your ancestors? a) Do you know how to work in archives? b) How can I get information from libraries? in). Do you know how to conduct interviews with relatives? 4. Do you know how to use the information collected to create your family tree or family coat of arms? 5. Are you interested in this questionnaire? 6. Do you need advice to conduct a study of your family's pedigree? Questionnaire "Do I know the pedigree of my family?" (option 1) Stages, tasks Activities of teachers Activities of the family Stage 1 Awaken in parents the desire to work on the development of their family, as well as on the development of their child. To do this, create an individual image of the family: its pedigree, coat of arms, traditions, history, archive, etc. They formulate the problem (goal), (when setting the goal, the product of the activity is also determined: the coat of arms of the family). Motivating the family to comprehend and develop the family, its values ​​(especially those related to strengthening the physical and spiritual health of the family). Formulate project objectives. Entry into the problem (awareness and personal perception of it) Acceptance of the tasks of the project Comprehension of traditions, family values, those rules healthy lifestyle the life that the family follows. Addition of project tasks

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Questionnaire for parents (option 2) Parent's full name Does your child know the names, patronymics of parents, grandparents, other relatives? Does your child know who is related to whom? Genealogical tree of your family, do you have it? Family coat of arms, do you have one? What traditions exist in your family? How did certain traditions appear and become fixed in your family? How does the child get involved in the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat the family adheres to? Would you like your children to adopt your family values ​​into their future families? Do you talk with your child about patriotism, about veterans and the exploits of the Second World War? Do you talk with your child about the history of the country, city, village in which you live?

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Stage 2 of the project activity Stages, tasks Activities of teachers Activities of the family Stage 2 Help parents comprehend the individuality of the family, select what will be embodied in the coat of arms. Assistance in solving problems, in planning activities. Individual consultation on the problem. Deepening the concept of family. Demonstration of intermediate results. Involving the majority of parents in project activities Design tips creative work. Search for information about coats of arms, their symbols, family history, traditions. Planning of joint activities. Distribution of roles in the implementation of the project. Awareness by parents of individuality, the importance of their family. Acquisition necessary materials for making an album, a poster: paints, felt-tip pens, etc.

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Stage 3 of the project activity Stages, tasks Activities of teachers Activities of the family Stage 3 Making a coat of arms. Enrichment child-parent relations in creative activity on the project. Encourage the implementation of the project. Provide necessary advice. Organization of joint activities with children, conversations on a given topic: “What do my parents do”, “Our hobby”, etc. to deepen children's ideas about the family, its traditions Joint implementation of the project product (coordination of actions, exchange of opinions, making additions, artistic - productive activity). Coming up with a motto, symbols, inscriptions on the coat of arms. Involving children in the design of the coat of arms.

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Stage 4 of the project activity Stages, tasks Activities of teachers Activities of the family Stage 4 Reveal the individuality of the family in the finished product. Training parent meeting, where the presentation of family emblems will be Summing up the exhibition / competition. Identification and dissemination of experience Preparation of the project product for the presentation of emblems short story about the coat of arms). They present the product of activity to other parents: a demonstration of the coat of arms, a brief story about the family, its traditions, about what is reflected on the coat of arms.

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2. The color of the coat of arms Yellow - gold, sun, generosity, generosity, justice White - silver, moon, water, snow, purity, innocence Red - fire, courage, courage, courage, love Blue - azure, sky, fidelity, truthfulness, faith Green - greenery, plants, youth, joy, hope Black - earth, education, modesty, humility Purple - nobility, dignity, wisdom (prudence)

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A family is a group of relatives living together. (Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov) Family is parents and children. (modern reality)

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Qualities happy family Duty to relatives Mutual understanding Loyalty Friendship Patience Respect Love Family

The state is a big family, and the family is a small state. The great philosopher Confucius.

Add 5 definitions of a happy family. The family will be happy if...

Explain the proverbs Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy. Where there is love and advice, there is no grief. Who indulges children, then sheds tears. Punish children with shame, not with thunder and scourge.

Help the kids find their parents. Cow foal horse Cat calf rabbit hare puppy dog ​​Horse kitten bull Dog hare cat

The song "My family" on the motive of the song "Little country". There is a small country beyond the mountains, beyond the forests. There is mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother, brother or sister. It is always warm and clear for me there, everyone loves me there. There the sun ray settled and warms me. Chorus: A small country is my family, Where I was born and raised, Where everyone loves me.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lecture hall for parents' meeting "Orthodox family as the optimal type of social structure (educational influence of the family on the child)"

The article deals with the problems of family education in line with modern reality, where the Orthodox family seems to be the optimal type of social structure....

Labor education in the family: myths and reality. (Speech at the round table "Do we need a family today?" as part of the project "Healthy family - strong Russia").


Lesson-workshop "Two families. The Rostov family in L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" and the Marmeladov family in F.N. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment."

Literature teachers at the present stage of teaching literature, especially when preparing for new forms of certification (USE), need to move away from the traditional reproductive teaching method, from question-answering...

The project of the regional profile change of the camp-hike with a round-the-clock stay for large families, families with children with disabilities and foster families "Summer with a backpack"

A family camp-hike is an effective form of organizing a summer holiday that contributes to the development creativity adults and children, the formation of a tolerant consciousness of family members and social ...

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WHAT IS FAMILY? The family for the child is the place of birth and formation. It is in the family that he receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him The family is a certain moral and psychological climate, it is a school of relations with people Features of family education The child is included in all vital types of family activities - intellectual, cognitive, labor, social, playful, artistic and creative , free communication family education has a wide time range of impact: it lasts a person’s entire life, occurs at any time of the day, at any time of the year. The family is a social group of different ages, which means that different value orientations, different evaluation criteria and different ideals, points of view and beliefs are intertwined here. But despite this tangle of contradictions, family members sit down at the same table, relax together, lead household

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QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS What place does a child take in a family? Will your child want his future family to be like yours? Is your child familiar with the moral and material problems that exist in your family? What does an evening spent at home mean for a child?

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FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY Biological reproduction of society Satisfying the needs for contacts with children and their upbringing Obtaining household services by some family members from others, caring for children Economic support for minors and disabled family members Spiritual mutual enrichment of all family members Granting a certain social status to family members Obtaining psychological protection by individuals , emotional support, meeting the needs for personal happiness and love

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PRINCIPLES OF FAMILY EDUCATION Children should grow up in an atmosphere of benevolence, love and happiness Parents should understand and accept the child as he is, and contribute to the development of the best in him Educational influences should be built taking into account age, gender and individual features The dialectical unity of sincere, deep respect for the individual and high demands on it The ideal role model is the personality of the parents themselves Education should be based on the positive in a growing person Optimism and major are the basis of style and tone for communicating with children in the family

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TYPES OF FAMILY By number of children: Large family Small family One child Childless Composition: Single generation (only spouses) Two generation (parents and children) Intergenerational (parents, children, parents of parents) Extramarital (mother raises a child without registering marital relations with his father)

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TYPES OF FAMILY BY THE NATURE OF RELATIONSHIPS Yu. P. Azarov divides families into: Ideal Medium Negative or scandalously irritable M. I. Buyanov divides families into: Harmonious Decaying Decayed Incomplete

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R. M. KAPRALOVA HIGHLIGHTS THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF FAMILY RELATIONS: Agreed harmonious Regulated compromise Unstable, but generally positive Regulated with a low social orientation Outwardly decent, but internally dysfunctional with a low orientation of family members Sharply conflicting Incomplete families

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TASKS OF FAMILY EDUCATION Preserving the health of the child Caring for the self-realization of the natural and energy potential, inclinations, inclinations of the child Assistance in the comfortable socialization of the child (care for his social status, education, moral dignity, observance of civil rights and obligations) Formation of the experience of emotional and moral relations Labor education, assistance in choosing a profession Caring for general cultural and information development

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FEATURES OF THE MODERN RUSSIAN FAMILY At the heart of creating a family is love as the highest human feeling, but it is problematic to preserve this feeling in marriage Predominant predominance of civil, secular marriages, although there is a tendency to increase marriages formalized by the church Equal rights for men and women, protection of the rights of all family members Marriage, regardless of social, national, religious, regional affiliation Freedom to enter into and dissolve marriages Tendency to democratize family relations, economic and moral emancipation of all family members Reduction birth rate (currently, a family with 3 children is considered a large family)

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SIGNS OF A "PROFESSIONAL" AND "UNFAIR" FAMILY In a "prosperous" family, both parents work, have a fairly prosperous well-being, and are engaged in raising children "Formally prosperous" - well-being is often visible and is determined only by personal data. The family is not involved in the upbringing of children "Unfavorable" families, where defects in upbringing are clearly visible - constant shouting, punishment of children. This creates a break in the soul of the child, makes him flawed, he cannot find his place in the family, and then in life a new type of family of “new Russians” is born - high-income and super-well-to-do. Sociologists and psychologists record in these families the highest crisis in family relationships and parenting.

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WHAT IS THE TERM "THE CRISIS OF THE MODERN FAMILY" UNDER THE TERM? A sharp division of families on material grounds gives rise to hostile relationships between children, provokes quarrels, fights, secret envy Development of shadow market relations among schoolchildren, the emergence of teenage and youthful racketeering, an increase in property crimes Reduction in the influence of out-of-school educational institutions, a drop in some cases of the prestige of schools and education in general Initiation children to alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse The emergence of the phenomenon of vagrancy among adolescents The emergence of teenage and youthful prostitution, the growth of misconduct and crimes related to sexual promiscuity The growth of facts of teenage and youthful suicide A sharp drop in the authority of parents and teachers, an increase in the conflict of children with school, parents with children and school

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COMMON NEGATIVE FACTORS IN FAMILY EDUCATION Priority material well-being over the spiritual, an overabundance or lack of things, spoiled, effeminacy of children Lack of spirituality of parents, lack of desire for spiritual development children Authoritarianism or extreme liberalism, impunity and forgiveness The presence of an immoral style and tone of relations in the family The absence of a normal psychological climate in the family Fanaticism in all its manifestations (religious, political, musical, sports, passion for hoarding, etc.) Psychological and pedagogical illiteracy (lack of purposeful education, unscrupulousness, physical punishment, causing moral suffering) Illegal behavior adults

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WHAT AFFECTS THE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD IN THE FAMILY? Natural and environmental conditions Territorial and settlement location of the family (region, city or village, presence of sociocultural centers) Ethnicity of the family (customs and traditions in education) Material and living conditions (satisfaction of needs, social expectations, role claims of its members) Time of birth and place in a number of other children Family structure (presence of parents, older generation, other relatives) Norms and patterns of behavior of all family members Forms of intra-family communication Atmosphere in the family Childhood experience of the parents themselves Child's name (reinforces a certain image of the child's behavior in the present and future)

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METHODS OF ACTIVE INFLUENCE ON THE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSON Explanatory-administrative: Story Conversation Dialogue Suggestion Motivation for independent action Demand Example-support, example-support Order Control over role behavior Prohibition Negative assessment-condemnation of the child's act Stimulating-incentive: Example of adults Positive assessment and encouragement of success Sympathy, empathy Spiritual support in a difficult situation Mutual analysis of actions Taking responsibility for one’s behavior Effective-practical: Assistance-help-cooperation different types social role behavior)

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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