What to give for 2 years of family life. Choosing a venue for the celebration. The main attribute is paper

Rida Khasanova

2 years after the wedding, the couple celebrate the anniversary, which is called paper. Family life has already been established, each other's tastes and habits have been studied. But in order for a marriage to be truly happy, sometimes we need to celebrate each other, do romantic surprises and gifts. There are many ideas that you can give your wife for a paper wedding anniversary, for every taste and budget.

Paper anniversary: ​​what should be a gift for a wife?

What to give your wife for the second paper wedding anniversary? The idea of ​​a gift made of paper may seem strange to someone, because it’s not money to give your wife for such a holiday. But there are so many options for gifts for a paper wedding that you can easily choose something interesting and please your wife.

Some options can be an addition to the main gift, while others may well be an independent present.

For a 2 year wedding, you can give your wife:

  • a picture painted in watercolor or a portrait of a loved one made using a photo mosaic (that is, from a large number of greatly reduced photographs);
  • tickets to a concert of your favorite band, to a theater for a performance about love, or tickets for a trip for two (you can even go to a neighboring unfamiliar city for the weekend);
  • a flip large calendar, on each page of which the best photos of the spouse or joint will be printed. On the first pages, you can place photos taken before the wedding, and end the calendar with recent photos and the words that your love story is just beginning;
  • certificates for a master class in an occupation that the wife is fond of, or for a family photo session;
  • a gift book edition on a topic that the spouse is interested in.

And of course, any the gift needs to be supplemented with a beautiful bouquet live or self-made flowers from paper.

Versatile and practical gifts

When choosing a gift for his wife, the husband must take into account her interests and hobbies. And even the most ordinary gift should be beautifully packaged in bright paper, attaching a bow and a hand-signed postcard.

Universal gifts that can be given:

  • large photo album for family photos. You can print several of the most beautiful photos from the wedding and put in the album;
  • set of cotton towels different sizes;
  • a set of quality bed linen, soft plaid or coverlet;
  • favorite perfume of the spouse, if they are just running out;
  • spa certificate;
  • a notebook in a leather or bamboo cover.

To surprise your wife on the 2nd wedding anniversary, you should listen to her dreams and desires in advance and get exactly what she wants

Then the gift will become not only practical, but also desirable, and spouse attentiveness will definitely be appreciated.

Romantic gift ideas or DIY gifts

The best way to express your love for your spouse would be romantic evening . For the biennium life together in marriage, you can give your wife an evening in a cozy cafe or restaurant, or you can arrange such a dinner in an apartment, decorating it unusually and preparing a delicious dinner. And at night you can ride around the city to the music. Or go to the observation deck, from which you can see the whole city.

Another romantic option for the second anniversary - a walk around the places where the first dates took place. During such an excursion, you can go to a cafe and treat yourself to ice cream, coffee and be sure to remember all the best moments of spending time together.

If the financial situation allows, and there is free time, then you can spend weekend in a country house for two without inviting guests. Enjoy the silence and each other, and as a gift, you can present a comic game for two.

To create a festive mood for your wife in the morning you can put it under her pillow beautiful postcard in the shape of a heart, inside of which there will be a declaration of love. You can also put a joint photo in a beautiful photo frame on the bedside table. Or order a cake for tea in the shape of a heart.

good addition to the holiday will be a gift that you can make yourself. DIY gift ideas for the wife for the second year of the wedding:

  • a film about a family or a photo collage;
  • write a song or poem and sing to his wife;
  • write on small pieces of paper the reasons for your love for your spouse and compliments, fold each one, tie it with a ribbon and put it in a glass jar or box;
  • make a newspaper with congratulations and photos, and with an article about the holiday.

If guests are invited on this day, then in the midst of fun, you can steal your spouse and go on a romantic trip with pre-purchased tickets. She will definitely remember such a congratulation for the rest of her life.

The most important thing is to spend the anniversary exactly the way the two of you want it, because it is their holiday.

Original gifts

If you want to present something unusual, then you can do original gift wife for 2 paper wedding anniversary:

  • a book-album from which Mendelssohn's march sounds and romantic photographs from the wedding are inserted;
  • personal magazine containing the most interesting stories that happened in the life of the spouses, the development of their relationship, news and of course photos. You can order such a magazine yourself, or you can contact a holiday agency;
  • bed linen with the inscriptions "husband" and "wife" on the pillowcases;
  • 3D postcard;
  • self-written poem and framed in a paper scroll;
  • a small gift, such as a piece of jewelry packed in a lot of cardboard boxes different sizes (like a nesting doll). To make the search for a gift fun, you can put a leaflet with a task or a declaration of love inside each box;
  • a gift that needs to be found in an apartment or on the street will also be original. You need to arrange a series of puzzles in the form of a quest - they should be fun and not too difficult.

On the day of the paper anniversary, you can give your wife a variety of gifts: from a handmade postcard to major purchases or travel. To keep the tradition, any gift needs to be supplemented with paper or simply packed in a bright wrapper. But the main thing to remember is that not a single gift can replace sincere declarations of love and kind words his half.

You can clearly see a few more options for gifts for a paper anniversary to your wife in this video:

January 15, 2018, 12:39

A paper wedding is celebrated two years after the wedding. On this day, it is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, but they must fit into the theme of the celebration. Tips for those who want to make a pleasant surprise for a two year wedding to friends, husband or wife.

After two years of marriage, it is customary to celebrate a paper wedding. Most likely, the second anniversary received its symbolic name for the reason that such a short period cannot yet testify to the strength of the family. At the same time, two years is a serious period and an excellent opportunity to visit a young family with gifts.

In the old days, young people were given a nesting doll for a paper wedding - a symbol of a large and friendly family. You can use this idea even now, and in order to connect the gift even more closely with a paper wedding, you can put a piece of paper inside each wooden beauty with beautiful congratulations in verse.

A photo album can also be a good gift for a second anniversary. If the young do not yet have children, then they will certainly appear in the near future, which means that they will need a place to store numerous memorable images. Instead of an album, you can order a beautiful flip calendar with the best moments from family life the heroes of the occasion.

If you want to do useful gift, but there are no ideas, you can donate money. Naturally, these should not be coins, but banknotes packed in a beautiful paper envelope or cardboard box.

The second wedding anniversary is also called glass. Therefore, on this day, glass gifts will look quite appropriate: dishes, vases, figurines. Glass figurines of paired swans or doves will look symbolic. You can also buy two beautiful glasses or romantic glass candlesticks.

What to give your husband for a paper wedding

Congratulate your beloved spouse on the fact that he has been living in happy marriage, you can use something useful made of paper. As an option, a diary or a notebook for notes is suitable. With your own hands, you can make a congratulatory letter or a paper medal that perpetuates a significant event.

If the husband loves to read, then the best gift a book should be for him. Instead of a work of art, you can buy a book on computer technology or on the topic of a man's hobby. Even more joy will cause a subscription to your favorite magazine.

How to congratulate your wife on a paper wedding

Gift certificate in jewelry shop or a beauty salon printed on paper will great gift for the second anniversary of marriage. As a romantic addition to an expensive gift, you can make a beautiful postcard, a garland or a large congratulatory poster with family photos.

Origami figurines are ideal for a paper wedding gift. As an idea, you can take figurines of doves, flowers or a heart. If the spouse is not devoid of a sense of humor, then for two years of family life you can give her beads or a paper ring.

A wife who does not appreciate paper decoration, you will have to buy a real ring made of gold or silver. To decorate a gift, you need to take a paper box, fill it with finely chopped multi-colored paper and hide jewelry in this pile.

If a expensive gifts in the family it is not customary to give, a young wife can buy a notebook for writing down culinary recipes, a colorful book about beauty and health, or love story her favorite author.

If you are going to celebrate your 2nd wedding anniversary, then it will be useful for you to find out what this celebration is called. After all, we are gradually starting to return to our traditions, and each family tries to celebrate this or that celebration in a certain theme and in a special style. And the second wedding anniversary is called - paper.

Paper wedding and its features

Customs to assign their names to wedding anniversaries are rooted in the times of Ancient Russia. Our ancestors subtly noticed the nuances of each year lived together by a married couple, and in accordance with the strength and hardening of the family, they gave the anniversary a symbolic name.

Of course, paper is not the most durable material, but for each individual couple, a paper wedding has its own interpretation:

To some, the paper seemed extremely unreliable, capable of instantly burning to the ground or drowning and softening in everyday turmoil.

Someone managed to build a bridge, albeit paper, but still, connecting two loving hearts.

And for some, a blank sheet of paper is an opportunity to write a new, happy story of living together.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary 2 years?

A paper wedding is already the second experience of celebrating an anniversary. For many couples in love, it is important to recreate touching and exciting sensations. After all, not much time has passed since the painting, and Mendelssohn's bewitching march is still heard in my head.

It is not necessary to invite many guests to a paper wedding. This is for the most part family holiday and it should take place in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere.

But, nevertheless, the holiday should be memorable. After all, what wedding anniversary will do without gifts, congratulations and family photos?

paper wedding decoration

Naturally, the highlight of the design of the entire celebration should be paper. A variety of handmade butterflies, pictures, bows and bouquets look very creative and interesting. With such decorative elements, you can easily decorate the venue of the event, the outfit of the bride and groom.

You can also surprise your guests with gifts. And what to give to friends and relatives for a paper wedding if not paper handkerchiefs, multi-colored paper cards, flowers or wedding hats? And do not worry that the gifts are inexpensive, the main thing is that you made them yourself and put a piece of your soul into each of them.

Paper wedding ideas

So that a family holiday does not turn into a banal feast, you need to consider entertainment program celebrations.

Start your holiday with solemn vows of love and fidelity and secure your words with paper letters with seals. By the way, it is advisable to come up with seals for letters yourself. Subsequently, these seals can become the emblem or motto of your family.

If in the family during these two years there were frictions and omissions, you can write messages to each other. From the side of the husband, the message will be read by the friend, and from the side of the wife by the friend. By the way, in this way, you can solve any family conflicts and in everyday life. But if you do not want to bring your family feuds to the public discussion, you can hand letters to each other at the end of the evening, when the guests disperse.

Install a wish tree near the couple's seats. There, each of the guests will be able to write parting words or wishes to the young family.

The entertainment program for guests may include such contests and quizzes:

  • Guests can be invited to draw a portrait of a married couple. Moreover, each guest will draw in turn on one large canvas;
  • You can play a funny question-answer game;
  • Invite guests to make paper figures, only they will do them with their eyes closed;
  • Don't forget about small rewards for the winner for each contest won;
  • And with the advent of the evening, launch paper lanterns with wishes into the sky.

What to give for a paper wedding?

What to give a couple for a paper wedding? Of course, any paper products. It can be:

  • Money
  • Paintings
  • Icons
  • Useful books
  • Photo albums
  • Subscriptions to magazines, on topics of interest to the couple.

gifts for wife

A spouse can present a beautiful gift to his beloved on the day of the celebration. paper bouquet, a functional diary, a recipe book or sweets in beautiful paper wrappers. If finances allow, you can give your wife vacation tickets, somewhere in warmer climes. Invite your beloved to a concert or to the cinema, because tickets will be needed there too.

What to give your husband?

A gift for a husband should be special and memorable. Surprise your loved one and give him a subscription to a sauna or a billiard club for his anniversary. A business spouse can be presented with an expensive paper organizer or a personal notepad.

Interesting video

The family lived together for the first 2 years, what kind of wedding will it be? The people, starting from the 19th century, began to call it paper.

A beautiful tradition has developed, which is supported by up to two-thirds of all married couples.

They celebrate every wedding anniversary.

Popular rumor gave the name to each wedding, corresponding to the year lived together, investing in them their wisdom, humor, and observations. At the same time, it took into account how many years they lived together, how relations were transformed during this time, and, accordingly, a name was chosen for each year of marriage.

A paper wedding comes after calico, it is also called gauze.

At first, the couple did not change their bachelor habits much. They got to know each other, got used to it, learned to live together. The people noticed that in a year some couples wore out their cotton beds to the state of gauze.

Relationships during this period can be full of passion, but still fragile and thin like gauze.

But 2 years of marriage can begin to open the eyes of spouses to reality. Especially many problems can appear if a child is born in the family. Family relationships during this period can become fragile and fragile, like paper. But paper also has its advantages. This is flexibility and the ability to fold.

Married life in 2 years is also transformed into a structure convenient for the family.

A paper wedding is a summing up of the first results for a two-year period of marriage. This is a statement of fact - whether the family has developed as a unit of society or not. At this time, the first joint holidays appear, care for each other, bachelor habits are lost, joint behavior is developed, and responsibility for the future of the family appears.

How is the second wedding year celebrated in the world?

The wedding is celebrated for two years and other anniversaries not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

In Russia, a young couple is given nesting dolls as a symbol of a large and friendly family.

And be sure to present cards with a wedding anniversary of 2 years with verses-wishes.

In the United States, a mandatory gift is paper figures made using the origami technique. They are perceived as a symbol of variability and inconstancy in family relationships.

In Russia, nesting dolls are given for this anniversary, in the USA - origami

It is customary for Greeks and Hungarians to dance a money dance for a paper celebration. It is danced by a young wife. The guests, to join the dance, buy a permit by putting paper money in her belt.

In China, husband and wife dress up as rooster and hen.

One of the guests is dressed up in a suit decorated with black feathers. He personifies the envy of ill-wishers. This guest is to steal the young wife. The husband vigilantly watches the action and must protect his wife from his encroachments. Black feathers are burned, symbolizing that the family was saved from sorrows and hardships. For an example of congratulations on a 2-year wedding, see this video:

In Western European countries, spouses are given origami dolls on their second wedding anniversary, in which they hide congratulations and wishes for a long and strong family life.

How to celebrate the two-year anniversary of a young family?

There are many ways to celebrate a paper wedding anniversary. You can just go to a restaurant together or cook at home romantic dinner. And you can gather the closest people to the family and arrange a holiday in an interesting place.

By tradition, a paper wedding is celebrated for 2 years in nature.

If it is warm outside, then guests are gathered for a picnic at the dacha or just on the shore of the reservoir. In winter, you can rent a nearby tourist or ski base for 1 day.

Fun and romantic picnic in nature

The venue of the celebration is decorated with paper products: garlands, Chinese lanterns, flower arrangements.

Tables are covered with paper tablecloths and served with matching napkins. In the second year of the wedding, the place where the feast will take place is decorated with many paper crafts.

A young couple prepares paper wedding dresses for themselves in advance. The couple get creative and make the bride's ball gown out of paper flowers, while the wife is dressed in a shirt made from the same materials. Or you can just dress your wife in a paper skirt, and make the same butterfly for your husband. Ten years ago it was prerequisite holding a paper celebration, today young people can be dressed in comfortable clothes.

You can show all your imagination by inventing a festive paper entourage

Now the industry produces a very beautiful disposable tableware from thick food cardboard. It goes very well with table setting in nature. After all, the wedding anniversary is 2 years old, its celebration must necessarily be associated with any items made of paper, since this is a paper wedding.

If the anniversary is celebrated indoors, then its walls are decorated with paper butterflies, hearts of different sizes. Volumetric paper pompoms are attached under the ceiling. Pigeons and swans are attached to the threads using the origami technique.

Many newlyweds prepare decorations for a paper wedding with their own hands, involving their friends and relatives in this. They make beautiful name plates with which guests are seated. This allows you to seat them so that the guests do not get bored, but can communicate with each other on topics of interest to them.

Even simple origami chicks can adequately decorate a holiday.

Cards prepared in advance allow you not to get into a mess and not to sit next to people who have a strained relationship.

Over 200 years of celebrating the second year of the wedding, some traditions and special signs have formed:

  • the wife should come to the celebration in worn shoes so that the family is strong and life together is long;
  • the first gift to a married couple should be a paper bill so that the family has money and life becomes rich;
  • the first child in the family will be a girl if one of the guests presents a bouquet of paper flowers to his wife, but this should be spontaneous, without a preliminary agreement;
  • if on the night before the anniversary one of the spouses dreams of a long ribbon of paper, then soon there will be a move away from relatives. For more information on how to celebrate a paper date, see this video:

According to tradition, the spouses write letters to each other the day before, when it turns 2 years from the date of the wedding.

The letters describe their feelings, express wishes and hopes.

At the celebration of the wedding anniversary for 2 years, congratulations are read aloud, or the spouses simply exchange letters and read them only among themselves, without divulging the contents to all those present at the celebration.

What do you get for a 2 year anniversary?

A gift for a wedding anniversary for 2 years is chosen on the same subject as the second anniversary of marriage is called.

Presents made of paper or cardboard or just paper packaging are well suited for a celebration.

Invited guests also give gifts made of cotton and glass. The second wedding anniversary is also associated with these materials. They are also quite fragile and can be easily torn or broken. About what to cut, see this video:

What to present for a paper wedding to a young family is decided without any problems. First of all, it is money, especially since they are made of paper. Any gift wrapped in paper bag and decorated with ribbons and flowers of the same material, would be appropriate for a two-year celebration.

Many couples prepare a tree of happiness with large quantity branches. On them, guests hang their congratulations on their wedding anniversary for 2 years with paper money attached to them, with witty advice and wishes. Money is the most universal gift for a young family.

To collect gifts for a paper wedding in one place, they prepare special cardboard boxes decorated with tinsel, flowers and ribbons.

Money will always be a good gift young family

The program of the holiday must include contests and quizzes. They allow guests to entertain and have fun. Some of the popular contests:

  • drawing of a married couple blindfolded. Each guest draws only one line, continuing the drawing begun by the previous artist;
  • humorous answers and questions asked by guests;
  • cutting out origami figures for speed with a blindfold.

The awards for the winners are made in advance from cardboard and brightly colored.

Books and puzzles are also a good gift for this day.

Users are often interested in what to give on a paper wedding date? It can be:

  • books, various useful reference books, atlases and dictionaries;
  • puzzles (now this is one of the most fashionable gifts);
  • a subscription to various interesting magazines, especially if a young couple has a favorite pastime or hobby, because you can learn a lot of useful things from magazines;
  • creator's Kit;
  • notebooks for notes (the wife can write down recipes in them, they are suitable for her husband for business records).

What to give your husband for two years of marriage?

A wedding gift for a paper wedding from friends and relatives can be simple and creative, useful in the household and expensive. But the spouses give each other some unusual gifts.

Banal shaving lotion or your favorite cologne should not be presented to your husband.

You can congratulate your husband on the 2nd anniversary of marriage with a gift made by yourself.

Choose a gift for your husband based on his hobbies

A good tradition has developed when a wife, solving the problem of what to give her husband for a paper wedding, chooses something related to his interests or hobbies.

As a rule, the main present is complemented by a small paper gift. But you can get by with simple paper packaging. It is practically enough to keep the traditions.

So, a gift to her husband for a paper wedding from his beloved wife:

  • thermos for lovers of hitchhiking, cycling or for hiking in the mountains and cross-country crossings;
  • tourists: a sleeping bag, a tent, a set of tourist dishes;
  • windbreaker, special shoes, thermal underwear, backpack, folding chair;
  • you can give an anniversary tackle for fishing to an avid fisherman;
  • hunter - permission to shoot animals or accessories related to hunting;
  • suitable for businessmen beautiful pens, organizers, wrist watch, useful books about business.

If you list what you give your husband for the 2nd anniversary, then this may take several pages. After all, it can also be:

Most wives, when solving the problem of what to give their husband for their wedding anniversary, do not go to the store. They roll up their sleeves and make a present to their husband. These can be crocheted or knitted items, an embroidered T-shirt, a collage that is not the subject of his hobbies, things decorated using decoupage technique.

gifts for wife

The husband also needs to show imagination in order to decide what to give his wife for the 2nd wedding year. Women are always happy with gifts that will improve their appearance.

Favorite women's things will please the spouse on this day

It could be:

  • cosmetics;
  • subscriptions to fitness, to the pool, to spa treatments;
  • jewelry, clothes, shoes;
  • favorite perfumes;
  • interior items;
  • tableware;
  • candies;
  • voucher for a joint vacation. A lot of gift ideas in this video:

The gift can be anything, the main thing is that it is desirable for the wife and wrapped in beautiful paper, because the wedding is paper. Wives are happy with any gift, if it is chosen with love. They gladly accept gifts and lovingly give their presents to their husbands.

The wedding day itself and the entire first year is called a green wedding - as a sign of youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. In the first year, you can mark the date of this event at least every month, and even every week!

The name of the first wedding anniversary is associated with chintz - a light material. On the one hand, chintz symbolizes the fragility of relations: the young people have just got to know each other better. On the other hand, relationships soaked in love are still very easy and simple.

It is customary to give items made of chintz, cotton, silk for a calico wedding. It is convenient for close people to present to a young couple, for example, a beautiful set of bed linen. Spouses are usually recommended to exchange chintz handkerchiefs on the first wedding anniversary, but if this gift seems banal or impractical to you (for example, you are used to using disposable ones), then you can choose other chintz products.

In the old days, on this day, the “young” was given a dress made of chintz fabric, and the spouse was given a shirt or trousers, also made of chintz. And, of course, the main ceremonial gift on this day was a cotton dress presented to the young wife by her mother-in-law.

The two-year wedding anniversary is called the paper wedding. Marital relations during this period are identified with the most fragile material - paper: it is easily torn, wrinkled, and burned.

For two years of family life, the spouses manage to get to know each other quite well. Unpleasant habits are revealed, there is a distribution of duties, grinding of characters. Often at this time, the couple has a baby, which means the end of the romantic period when the husband and wife belonged only to each other and enjoyed intimacy. At the same time, this is a period of joy and happiness from new emotions and impressions - they should help overcome possible conflicts.

Guests invited to a paper wedding give all kinds of printed products: books, calendars, photo albums, paintings. Gifts made of plastic and furniture are also considered acceptable. You can even donate money: they are also paper!

They say that this wedding anniversary in Byzantium was associated interesting tradition. For the festive feast, the husband and wife made dolls out of paper. Notes with wishes to the spouse were hidden in these dolls, the advantages and disadvantages of a loved one were listed. It was believed that after two years of family life, the husband and wife got to know each other quite well and could give an objective assessment. Young spouses exchange dolls with guests, which should be next to them until the end of the holiday. During the feast, the husband and wife each closely monitor their doll, because the husband's friends or the wife's girlfriends can change the notes in the dolls. In the replaced notes, only the merits of the spouse are indicated. If the note is stolen, the kidnappers demand a symbolic ransom. By the end of the celebration, the young spouses take out notes from the dolls and read them aloud to the guests. The guests discuss whether the person who wrote them is truthful or whether he exaggerated something. The parents of the heroes of the occasion did not participate in this discussion. After the discussion, each of the guests had to give wise advice to the young spouses.

3 years from the date of the wedding - Leather wedding

Three years of marriage is the first "significant" date of a young family. Anniversary of 3 years from the date of the wedding is called a leather wedding. It is believed that the "paper" difficulties are left behind, and since the husband and wife did not break off relations like paper, it means that they learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. After all, leather is a symbol of flexibility.

The importance of the ability to find a compromise in family relationships is emphasized by the gifts that guests bring to the holiday. These can be leather or leatherette products: bags, purses, organizers, belts, and for the more affluent - leather clothes or even furniture.

It was no coincidence that the fourth wedding anniversary was called linen, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses has become stronger and more reliable. Linen is a symbol of strength and durability.

This anniversary is sometimes also called a wax anniversary, which laid the foundation for the tradition of putting candles on the table without fail. Well, to cover the table, of course, should be a linen tablecloth, and put a linen napkin near each device.

Flax is a symbol of prosperity and security. Linen items last a long time, and therefore the gifts presented on this day will remain with the spouses for life: tablecloths, bedspreads, and other high-quality home textiles.

The fifth wedding anniversary is the first major family anniversary. Wood is a warm, supple, cozy and very homely material. In addition, it is also a building material. By the age of five years of marriage, the couple had already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a baby.

Compared to all previous symbols of wedding anniversaries - chintz, paper, leather and linen, wood is the first solid material, which is also very symbolic. By the age of five, all the main roughness in relationships is smoothed out, which come to relative stability. Wood is a hard material, but, unfortunately, not eternal. A house built of wood is warm and reliable, but it can also be threatened by fires of family quarrels. It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their fifth wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted on the fifth wedding anniversary will survive all hardships and will be a memory for distant descendants.

If you did not mark the previous milestones of family life, then wooden wedding definitely worth celebrating. It would be nice to invite friends and all the guests who were present at your wedding. Gifts do not have to be expensive: caskets, carved gizmos, wooden utensils and jewelry, small pieces of furniture.

Here is the first "metal" wedding anniversary. But it should be remembered that cast iron, despite its external strength, is the most fragile of all metals, and may well break from a strong blow. In the old days, on this day, the hostess polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and put them on display for passers-by.

As a gift for a cast-iron wedding, it is recommended to give cast-iron pots and pans (in modern conditions, perhaps, they will have to be replaced with Teflon or ceramic). You can donate a brazier and skewers: although not cast iron, it is directly related to open fire.

Incidentally, in America Western Europe the anniversary of 6 years of wedding is called candy, and in Latvia - mountain ash.

The first incomplete wedding anniversary is probably due to the fact that the atomic mass of zinc is 65.38. Obviously, the tradition of the holiday has not very deep historical roots and is not celebrated by everyone. However, it also has its own meaning: a zinc wedding reminds us that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. You can give a set of dishes, pots.

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal cast iron, but valuable. But it is still far from noble or precious.

As for wool, it is a warm material, warming all family members with even and soft warmth. But sometimes it can be prickly, which reminds of possible roughness in relationships even at this stage of family life.

In previous years, in honor of the seventh wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins. Now you can give each other as a gift for a copper wedding handicrafts - a candlestick, a cezve for coffee, decorative cups, and in honor of a woolen wedding - knitted socks or sweaters. And you can, by analogy with copper utensils, give the hostess a multicooker or other useful kitchen device as a gift.

For eight years, everyday life becomes too familiar for the spouses, their relationship pales and dims, becoming like a nondescript tin. But everyday problems, which in the first years of life so interfered with marriage, have now subsided. The name of the wedding, as it were, says that life, which tested the spouses for strength, became their ally, bringing them together with common concerns about home and family. But you should not go too deep into everyday life, so that family life does not become too dull, from time to time it needs to be minted.

On the eighth wedding anniversary, you can give kitchen utensils, household items, or just everything that sparkles and looks like tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes.

The faience wedding is celebrated on the ninth year of family life. The symbolism of the ninth wedding anniversary has two opposite interpretations. One version, every year family relationships become stronger, like good tea poured into faience cups. According to another version, nine years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience.

For a faience wedding, they usually give a tea set or tableware. In addition, a faience wedding is a good reason to break a plate for happiness!

The first full-fledged wedding anniversary, a round date, is called a pink (according to other sources - tin) wedding. On this day, it is customary to have fun to the fullest, celebrate solemnly, with huge bouquets of roses, and not remember minor family troubles and troubles.

Gifts for 10 years of marriage should be as beautiful as a ten-year relationship of husband and wife. Even the less popular "tin" name of the tenth wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility and pliability of tin - that is, with the ability of spouses to adapt to each other.

Traditionally, a husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red as a symbol of love, and 1 white as a symbol of hope for the next decade. Guests who came to congratulate the spouses on the tenth anniversary of marriage also give bouquets of roses. In the details of clothing, they try to include elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern). On the table are rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

This anniversary speaks for itself, because it is 1 + 1 - the union of two people - hand in hand, soul to soul. Marriage hardened and became like steel, became strong and resilient. Steel is a beautiful metal, with a certain processing it becomes a mirror, so your union, having been processed by life's problems, joy, love and time, has become, like steel, a mirror.

Stainless steel products are presented as a gift: a set of pots, a tray, a coffee pot, etc.

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, since this is exactly half the way to the most important anniversary - 25 years, the silver wedding. For convenience, her conception is celebrated six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of this wedding anniversary is similar to a tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the brilliance of the relationship.

The theme of the gift for 12.5 years of the wedding is obvious - shiny items should be given, for example, dishes or even a mirror.

13 years of marriage - Lily of the valley wedding (or lace wedding)

Like lace, which requires great patience from the craftswoman, good, harmonious family relationships are weaved for years with great patience and accuracy.
Just as vibrant and gentle image include lilies of the valley, which gave the second name to this wedding anniversary.

For 13 years of marriage, it is customary to give gifts made of lace, products knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary.

Only 14 years after the wedding folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone and this first stone is agate. Husband can give his wife on the fourteenth anniversary of marriage Jewelry from agate. It is appropriate for guests to present products made of bone to match the stone.

The name of the fifteenth wedding anniversary of the wedding testifies to the purity and clarity of the relationship of the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware Participants of the celebration are advised to wear light-colored clothing.

Gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls and even Swarovski crystals. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding

Topaz - transparent gem blue hue, which is probably why it symbolizes openness, clarity, mutual understanding. It is customary to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary with family, relatives and friends. Any gifts that emphasize the warmth of the hearth, the strength of family ties are appropriate: a blanket or sofa cushions, service or set for fondue, camera or family photo album, etc.

17th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding

Some sources call the 17th anniversary a pink wedding, and the 10th in this case is a pewter one. A gift for a pink wedding is obvious - a bouquet of 17 scarlet roses!

By this time, the older child often reaches adulthood, and with it the difficulties associated with growing up end. The purity and freshness of turquoise is reminiscent of the color of the sky on a clear day. They wish the spouses the same calm and cloudless life in the future and give turquoise jewelry.

19 years of wedding - Pomegranate wedding

The red shade of garnet, like red in general, symbolizes love. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate 19 years of marriage in scarlet or burgundy dress. The closest friends are usually invited to visit, who, when choosing a gift, stick to reddish hues.

The twentieth wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. After 20 years of marriage, the family union is as beautiful and harmonious as genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which is still a mystery.

As a gift for porcelain wedding It is appropriate to give, of course, a tea service. But ask the owners if they will be happy with such a gift, because if each of the guests gives a service, this can become a real problem for the anniversary spouses!

21st wedding anniversary - Opal wedding

The people believe that opal brings discord and hostility, but according to other sources, it develops intuition, strengthens love and fidelity. In any case, it is to be hoped that during 21 years of marriage, husband and wife have become so close to each other that not only a stone, but even more serious reasons are not able to sow discord among them.
It is customary to celebrate the 21st wedding anniversary in private. The husband usually presents his wife with an opal, an amazingly beautiful gemstone.

So you got to the first "Olympic" wedding! Bronze is an expensive and noble metal, to earn it, you need a lot of work to strengthen the family hearth. On the 22nd wedding anniversary, bronze items are given: figurines, candlesticks, watches, etc.

The 23rd wedding anniversary is usually celebrated in a close family circle. They try to decorate the table in the yellow-green range, characteristic of beryl. In warm weather, it is appropriate to transfer the holiday to nature. Gifts can be simple and inexpensive, symbolizing mutual love.

Satin is a dense, smooth and silky fabric. This is exactly how - smooth and strong - the relationship between the spouses becomes after 24 years of marriage.
Since the 24th wedding anniversary precedes a major date - a silver wedding - it is not customary to celebrate it widely. But for a family feast, of course, there is a reason.

25 years of married life - SILVER WEDDING

Poems, songs and plays have been written about this wedding anniversary. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time "got" to precious metal- silver.
Silver wedding gifts do not have to be made of silver, but usually give something significant and quite expensive. It can be large household appliances, pieces of furniture (which have worn out over the years), or antique clocks, figurines, silverware, etc.

Some special traditions accompany the celebration of the silver wedding. On this day, husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to the wedding ones throughout the jubilee year. A silver wedding can also be celebrated "officially" - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place.

Jade is a very strong mineral, it is almost impossible to destroy it. So a family that has lived a long life together becomes strong and indestructible.
Spouses can exchange jade products or jewelry. One of the beautiful and touching traditions of the Jade wedding is the exchange of vows between spouses. Husband and wife should join hands and repeat their vows, which they probably gave each other 26 years ago. The repetition of these pleasant and meaningful words obviously will not be superfluous, but will only bring the heroes of the occasion even closer and strengthen their relationship.

Mahogany is a symbol of nobility and strength, wisdom and strong roots. All these qualities are inherent in a family celebrating 27 years from the date of the wedding.
Gifts, of course, should be from this noble type of wood: jewelry, caskets, figurines, etc., up to an elegant table or chair, if you are not limited in finances.

28th Wedding Anniversary - Nickel Wedding

Nickel is a very hard material and is also magnetic, polishes well and is very durable. The relationship of spouses who celebrate the Nickel wedding should also have the same qualities.

gift for nickel wedding may be associated with this metal, but not necessarily. You can give a beautiful bedspread for a double bed, a large bouquet or a cake with an inscription.

Velvet is a symbol of softness and tenderness. Without these qualities, it is difficult to save a marriage, which is well known to spouses celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary.
Velvet symbolizes wealth and luxury, so they often try to mark it “on wide leg”, for example, in a restaurant. Gifts for the 29th wedding anniversary should be decorated or complemented with velvet. You can present curtains or other velvet textiles, or show your imagination and present earrings on a velvet cushion.

Probably, the name is connected with the years lived together, in which there were both difficulties and hardships, and therefore the relationship managed to “tan”, from “green” to become “dark”.
A gift can be related to tanning: from sunglasses or a poster with a summer landscape to an invitation to a solarium or trips to hot countries.

32 years - Copper wedding

Some sources call the 32nd anniversary of the copper wedding, although the day of 7 years from the date of the wedding has a similar name. You can present gifts made of copper, or limit yourself to a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake.

33 years - Stone (strawberry) wedding

The stone symbolizes the unbreakable strength that family ties have gained on the 33rd wedding anniversary. Another name for this date is more playful and suggests a strawberry cake or pie, which should certainly decorate the festive table.

Amber is an amazing material that hardens over the centuries, turning from a viscous resin into a precious stone, becoming harder and harder, like your relationship. On the 34th wedding anniversary, amber crafts and jewelry should be presented.