Stylish hijab. Beautiful hijab - ideas in photos. Stylish hijab embellishment ideas from Dolce & Gabbana

Hi girls!

I decided to dedicate today's article to girls who are especially reverent about their style. We are talking about girls who, for religious reasons, wear a hijab. There have been a lot of questions from them lately. Well, I'll try to answer them with this article :-)

What should a girl wear if she needs to cover her head with a scarf? And even so, to look stylish? Yes, in fact, almost everything is possible. Re-read the article about 2017, take on board the trends in which you do not need to expose body parts and dress up boldly. Believe me, the field for maneuver is huge. Let me show you with an example!

And you, of course, will adjust and adapt my ideas for yourself, because everything is sooooo very individual and there are no two identical girls and two identical wardrobes :)



The super hot trend of recent seasons "sport-chic" perfectly adapts to the oriental style. A hood or cap right on top of a scarf looks bold, but very cool.


But what if you tie a scarf in some unusual way? There are a lot of videos on the Internet on this subject. Worth a try.


Cotton shirt dress + skinny pants = a win-win combination. In my opinion, in combination with a scarf, it looks even more interesting than without it!



Jumpsuit is a great alternative to skirts and dresses. Solves 2 problems in one fell swoop. Looks stylish and covers everything.


And, continuing the theme of overalls, another alternative to the dress is wide pants. I remind you that this season this is one of the most relevant.


The main thing is to wear it correctly to avoid a womanish style. How to wear? See the photo below and re-read again, dedicated only to these skirts.


If you want to look stylish and modern, pay attention to basic dresses. Try to try on a dress with a straight silhouette without an abundance of frills and other details in the cut.

Girls, I hope you got new ideas for your beautiful wardrobes!

And once again, as a mantra, I will repeat the important words: EVERYTHING CANNOT SUIT EVERYONE! Every wardrobe is unique. Each of you is UNIQUE!

With their own requirements for clothing, tastes, sympathies and preferences, features of the figure and lifestyle.

Therefore, the wardrobe must be created from and to carefully and painstakingly, taking into account all the nuances.

Militta has devoted many publications to the hijab and other garments. We told the story of origin and wearing rules. And today we will see the most beautiful images with a hijab. This will be useful not only for the girls of Islam, but also the Orthodox can draw a lot of ideas for creating images.

It must be said right away that God does not require a person to give up material goods and luxury. There are examples in parables when the Lord calls for generous almsgiving and even giving away one's property, and the saints also talk about this. But such a path is not imposed on everyone and everyone, but is offered as an ideal. Simply put, if you want to achieve maximum perfection in the spiritual life on Earth, leave only God in your thoughts, and let everything else not concern your soul.

Excellence in any business is the lot of the elite. The Lord knows our weaknesses and does not require the impossible from us. Therefore, no religion denies wealth and luxury, the main thing is that they do not harm our soul. If you have the opportunity to buy expensive outfits and this pleases yourself and your loved ones - that's good. What if expensive clothes needed to satisfy their own vanity and boasting in in social networks, this approach harms your soul.

God created the Universe and our Earth beautiful, in general, all God's creations initially shone with beauty, and then, under the influence of the sinful nature of man, much was distorted and took on ugly, disgusting forms. But the desire for beauty is inherent in us from birth, which means that the desire to decorate ourselves with luxurious things is not sinful in itself. Therefore, be inspired by beautiful stylish images in the photo, buy scarves and create your own.

As you know, you need to be loyal to several things, among which religion comes first. Islam has a special place among other religious directions. So, according to Sharia, a Muslim woman must adhere to the hijab. Who, why, in what cases, and at what age should wear a hijab, we will tell in this review.

What is a Muslim Hijab? It is a mistake to think that the hijab is just a headscarf. This is not true, although in translation from Arabic this word means a veil. For a Muslim woman, the hijab is a position in life, a level of high morality, modesty, humility, religiosity and spiritual restraint in the spirit of Islam. If we deviate from the spiritual world, then the material hijab is called women's clothing Islam, which can be of several types.

Women's clothing, which fully complies with Shariah, should hide the woman's body completely, leaving only the oval of the face, hands, and sometimes only the eyes. AT modern world most women wear a veil in the form of a scarf or stole, which covers the head with hair and neck.

Wearing a hijab is optional, but highly recommended according to Sharia law.

Permissible to use for eyeliner with antimony, and for decorating hands with henna.

At present, seeing a Muslim woman in a long robe and a hijab is so logical that it does not surprise other people.

It is enough for a Muslim woman to understand that the use of this clothing is a protection of her dignity and honor, and not an infringement of freedom and rights.

Every religion has its own "laws". In Russia and European countries, Muslim women are limited to wearing a headscarf, in countries where there are more stringent requirements, representatives of the weaker sex wear strict veils, etc. There, even in certain cases, a “hijab for men” (turban) is needed to perform a prayer .

One of the goals of Islam is to educate people with respect for elders, women, themselves and piety.

modern hijab

A woman remains a woman even under the veil. The Holy Quran does not say what kind of fabric the veil should be made of. That's why their varieties can be many. So, Muslim women can choose to purchase a knitted bedspread with several multi-colored layers. They are also often sewn from silk or chiffon. For solemn occasions such as weddings, hijabs can be decorated with sequins, lurex, embroidery, precious stones or pin. Wedding "veils" in most cases are a work of art.

Whoever wears a veil at ordinary times should not be allowed, even if very beautiful scarf unnecessarily attract the attention of men.

It is also not allowed to use catchy and ringing jewelry to fix religious clothing.

Hijab at its core, designed to hide from prying eyes all the ladies' charms. For outsiders, the age and figure of a woman should remain unknown.

For true Muslims, such a "veil of faith" is calling card women.

Surrounding strangers are allowed to see a Muslim woman only:

  • partially or completely a person;
  • Hands;
  • eyes;
  • ankles, but not higher.

If a representative of the weaker sex has a very long hair which are difficult to hide with a hijab, a special cotton hat is put on under it. In the event that the "cape" you like is not able to cover the shoulders and neck, the Muslim woman is obliged to put on a special shirt-front or a golf turtleneck under it.

In the modern concept, most people call hijab any clothing that makes it clear that a woman is a Muslim.

Muslim woman's wardrobe don't call it poor. It includes a large number of dresses, bathrobes, suits, triplets, sundresses, tunics and other things. And for a woman of the Islamic faith, the main thing is to successfully combine all this with a traditional religious headdress.

How to properly wear a hijab

Who should wear the hijab and why?

It is useful to know how to properly wear Muslim clothes not only for women of this faith, but, say, for Christian women. For example, if a Slavic woman finds herself in a Muslim country, such knowledge and skills may come in handy.

When putting on a “ritual veil”, it is necessary to pursue two goals - to completely hide the hair, leaving the face or eyes open, and to firmly tie the ends of the veil so that it does not accidentally open the veil of secrecy.

How to properly wear or wear a hijab, a European woman can be recognized by a photo or video.

Muslim women learn these skills from childhood. By the way, it is obligatory for girls to wear a “religious headscarf” only from the moment of puberty (13-15 years). Until then, babies up to 7 years old can safely do without it, and starting from school age Parents should begin teaching their child to pray. Those parents who believe that girls need to be taught in the very early age to righteous behavior, do not wait for a certain date of birth.

Modern women are allowed to tie a "head covering" with a knot, a few pins, barrettes or a brooch, but they must all be discreet and modest.

Every time when leaving the house or when greeting male guests, the hijab should be worn by Muslim wives.

Family rules should be taken into account, the order of conduct in the country and public places, the mentality of the surrounding society, to decide whether to wear a hijab.

Traditional Islamists believe that Muslim women are simply required to wear the hijab. It is preferable for men to wear it during prayer. Indeed, in a turban, a man is promised more savab.

At present, some fashion designers have paid attention to the fashion of Muslim women. It is difficult for foreign designers to comply with religious boundaries. "Muslim headscarves" in their style do not always completely cover the hair, or are too embellished bright colors and patterns.

A simple pattern for tying a hijab looks like this:

A tippet, a scarf, etc. are put on the head, pulled over the forehead, and the fabric is tightly fixed with a pin in the back of the head. Then cross the ends and cover them with opposite sides of the shoulders. The second time, pins are used in the temporal region on both sides of the scarf.

There are many ways to properly and beautifully tie a hijab. Many options can be seen in the photo or video on the Internet.

So, for example, it is now fashionable for Turkish women to wear a “turban”, which is a kind of hijab. Modern girls can even go to beauty salons, where one of the services on the list is beautiful styling turban and its decoration.

As you know, the first Muslim woman who began to decorate and style her headdress was the wife of Turkish President Khairunis Gul. And he helped her famous fashion designer Kutoglu.

This is a beautiful garment that provides a woman with complete protection, comfort and inner confidence in movements, wherever she is. Currently, there are many different models and topics of conversation regarding the hijab and abaya.
And now it has become a trend that is gaining more and more popularity in Dubai. So if you are moving to any place, you can't neglect this amazing and stunning style of abaya and hijab in Dubai, according to the latest take on modern fashion.

The article presents some amazing and outstanding abaya and hijab designs. Everyone knows that women from the UAE are very sensitive to their appearance while trying to follow fashion trends.
And they certainly love to wear high quality branded elegant pieces. So, these stunning amazing masterpieces of Dubai fashion are made from high quality fabric.

Both abayas and hijabs are simple and elegant, and some of them are adorned with gorgeous embroidery. Floral design, ribbons, embroidery... So, choosing a color for every detail makes it feel great.

Pink abaya dress

Let's turn to stylish abayas and hijabs presented in Dubai fashion. Take a look at the chic yet modest collection of abaya and hijab that meets all modern requirements for reliability. It's time to make your style worthy as designers use chic finds in design and color.
Check out the photos to see these amazing hijab and abaya designs in Dubai fashion.

Elegant abayas in gray and black colors:

Abaya in a combination of blue and burgundy colors:

Abaya in the unique style of Dubai fashion:

Abaya gives a woman a very wise look. Going out into the street, every woman wants to look modest, but, at the same time, does not want to sacrifice her style. The peculiarity of the abaya is that the whole body is covered, and even the hair, but still, it is possible to look stylish in these clothes.

Various fabrics and designs are used to make the abaya, which is attractive. great amount women. Wearing an abaya, women feel safe and do not forget about creating fashionable image. Abaya looks great in silk, velvet and chiffon.

In an open style, with a belt at the waist, abaya embellished with stones and beads looks amazing. These stylish outfits can be considered a kind of promotion, and we want to introduce you to some ideas from the latest models:

Open abaya, simple silhouette:

The open abaya model looks very cute, and girls who don't like to wear an abaya with jewelry can wear an abaya in this style. The black hijab looks great with the abaya. Office ladies may prefer this style to look great at work.

A model made of silk fabric will become much more desirable. Complete with a large bag and shoes on high heels, you will look inimitable. This model is absolutely suitable for shopping, and women wearing it will look modest and beautiful.

Abaya in caftan style:

It is not surprising to see an abaya in the style of a caftan, but the girls are extremely fond of this style. Black with white trim, this abaya looks great. The kaftan style will make you stand out from the crowd, and if you approach this issue formally, then wearing an abaya will definitely attract the eye. Black shoes are the best match for the abaya. For a gorgeous look, complete the abaya with a hijab.

Abaya in coat style:

The style of the coat gives the abaya a stately look, and it's great that fashion designers have come up with a model like this. Abaya in black and white color combination looks amazing if sewn from silk fabric. In Capri, they wear an abaya, the lower layer of which white color, and the top, the so-called coat, is black, which surprisingly complements each other.

A floor-length coat with trimmed edges makes the abaya a stylish piece of clothing. Flesh-colored pumps are the best fit in this case. If you wear a fantastic turban hijab with an abaya, you will look great.

Abaya trimmed with lace:

Consider a black abaya, decorated with lace on the cuffs and hem, and the belt silver color make the outfit even more beautiful. The hijab is also adorned with lace, which makes it attractive and stylish. Such an abaya can be worn for going to the store. You can complete your look with silver shoes. When buying an abaya, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the fabric.

Black and white butterfly style abaya:

The butterfly style gives a simple abaya a classy look. A black hijab and sandals will look chic with an abaya. For expressiveness of the image, you can wear black-rimmed glasses. Watches on the wrist and rings will be enough to create an attractive look.

Islamic way to dress while keeping your own style

It is not easy to find the perfect balance between the requirements of religion and the style of dress without sacrificing it, which is especially evident in Islam. Islam requires a woman to completely cover her body in front of gentlemen.

This rule is not only about the safety of women, but also about keeping them clean and safe from dirty looks. Many people sincerely believe that a woman looks modest and respected if she does not invite men by showing off her body. But the challenge is to keep your style while wearing fully covered dresses. Lately, designers have come up with new ways to wear clothes that cover you from head to toe while still being fashionable.

Modern models of hijabs and abayas have become a kind of advertisement for the fact that not only women in Muslim countries, but many Western women have begun to wear a hijab to look decent. The photo shows various Islamic outfits to show how stylish they can look:

Skirt and top, and hijab on the head:

A leopard print knee-length pleated skirt will look elegant with a black top. A black hijab completes the dress, while a layered khaar embellished with pearls gives the dress a classy look. Flesh-colored pumps will make a woman fashionable.

Skirts can be combined with multi-colored tops, and it will look dignified and stylish. Refresh your face with makeup and highlight the natural beauty of your eyes. Working ladies can use this method to look active and fresh in their establishment.

Palazzo with chiffon dress:

white palazzo with long shirt from chiffon will make a great pair. A beautiful shirt and a contrasting light peach color of the dress will make the set gorgeous. This dress will make you charming and you will feel comfortable and elegant in it. Pay attention to the outfit with a white cape and a peach-colored chiffon dupatta on the head. Bright eyes and peach-colored lipstick complete the look. This look is perfect for a special occasion.

A fashionable look created by a dress that covers you completely:

The turquoise color gives a woman charm and can be considered as a color for a dress with a belt around the waist and a noticeable neckline. If you want to create an image of an Islamic woman, then pay attention to long sleeves and floor length. In this dress you will look very fashionable. To complete the look, cover your head with a light brown hijab. A silk hijab will give you pleasure, and at the same time, it will add style to an outfit without harming grace.

  • Dresses for Muslim women, what are they?

Girls and women who once put on a hijab do not think that it is worth changing habits in a wedding dress. For creating stylish look you can choose white clothes and a contrasting hijab. , embroidered with beads on the corsage will make the bride charming. A contrasting hijab will give the bride an inspired and breathtaking look. If the bridesmaid is wearing a red dress, then the bride can wear a red hijab to complement each other, which will also look wonderful.

Stylish abaya models from different fabrics:

The abaya is a must-have for Muslim girls, but lately, more and more more women interested in similar clothes. Various models of abaya, sewn from different materials become very popular as they give women beauty and grace.

110+ Muslim wedding dresses with sleeves and hijab. Video.

A dupatta made of silk with lace or a velvet abaya will certainly attract the attention of others with their unique image.

Stylish hijab embellishment ideas from Dolce & Gabbana

The hijab is a must for Muslim women because it provides them with protection from the gaze of unknown men, because Islam requires women to hide themselves, so the hijab and abaya are made especially for women.

The hijab is not so common among Muslim women, but still girls all over the world wear it not so much for religious reasons, but simply following fashion, because when you put on a hijab you do not need to do your hair, as if you put on a dress.

The hijab can be not only black: any color, pattern, material is acceptable, which gives it a luxurious look. The black hijab is perfect for women working in the office, students and girls for two reasons: firstly, it covers the head, and secondly, it saves time.

Therefore, hijabs do not have a wide distribution in the market, because they are only produced by big designers, because the demand for hijabs is increasing day by day, and Western fashion designers such as Dolce & Gabbana, who have created various models of hijabs to make you look charming and attractive.

Light gray with black:

The light gray abaya looks chic when sewn from silk fabric. Abaya looks great if the sleeves and hem are decorated with black guipure lace with floral patterns. The image can be supplemented with shoes - pumps or sandals with high heels, as well as glasses from Dolce & Gabbana.

Double layer abaya:

Black color looks so elegant on women dressed in a floor-length abaya of lace chiffon. The inner layer is made of colored silk. To make the outfit fit better, there are elastic inserts, and the sleeves are also trimmed with lace. The hijab is also black, and if you are a student, you need to take a bag.

Abaya in black and white:

A simple black abaya looks great, which is suitable for winter period. If you need to go outside and don't have time to change, an abaya is the best way to hide your dress. So, pay attention to the black chiffon abaya with a white lace jacket and silver lace inserts.

Black and white abaya:

A black and white abaya can serve as a wedding dress, which is very unique already in that the white parts are used on the inside, and the top layer is made of floral organza, as are the sleeves. Black color is used to give the look a formal style, along with a simple hijab.

Nude abaya:

The flesh-colored abaya is current trend. Chiffon lace frames the abaya, and the sleeves are trimmed with wide lace. With this model, it is best to wear a simple black hijab with black lace, which will look amazing while walking. This model looks great with high heels, a black bag and colorful painted nails.

Muslim dresses

Fashionable and exclusive abayas in plain black for a stylish look

According to the teachings of Islam, it is extremely important for all women that they hide their bodies with loose, long clothes called burqa or abaya.
All Muslim women around the world wear an abaya when they go to work, shop or study, and they feel comfortable wearing it. Abaya has become part of the wardrobe and no lady will go out without this dress.

A long time ago, abayas were simple, black outfits, but in today's world, everyone wants to look stylish and fashionable, even wearing it. Various models of abaya are now available on the market. They are developed in different color schemes and from different fabrics, but the black color of the abaya always looks great. This article describes several examples of abaya in black so that you have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it looks like.

This outfit is black with red silk accents. Cute inserts can be seen on the bodice and long sleeves. On the edge of the sleeve you can see lace inserts, again in black, and if you want to look stylish and glamorous, then complete your look with a red scarf.

Georgette fabric is great for black abayas, especially if you add a floral pattern of the same color in the center and along the sleeves. This simple but cute abaya is perfect for college students and if you work you can also wear it to the office.

If you are going on a picnic, then this model is for you. Fine embroidery in light brown with stones is made on the sleeves and the top layer of the dress. You can optionally choose a black or light brown scarf to match the embroidery. Girls from college or university, and all other young girls can choose this stylish option.

Butterfly-style abaya quickly won the love of young girls, and, accordingly, they really like to wear them. But such a model is better suited for slender girls, so if you have a slender figure, then feel free to choose this style. You will definitely feel more comfortable in a loose-fitting abaya, and she, in turn, will make your look trendy.

The flared sleeves and hem of the abaya are fully embroidered. The embroidered golden floral ornament looks amazing and inspiring. A pashmina or scarf is perfect for a velvet abaya, which looks very dignified and civilized. You can wear a silk hijab, which consists of several layers.

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However, this does not mean at all that the most freedom-loving women of the East abandon their culture and are ready to imitate Europeans in everything. The "fashion revolution" in the Arab countries is in full swing (), but even the rebels continue to respect their traditions.

They wear bright European clothes, but do not remove the hijab. They are well versed in fashion, they are happy to experiment with style and they can take selfies and post their looks on Instagram just as well as we do.

Just imagine - among women in hijabs there is a lot of fashion! Moreover, a whole movement of hijabists (from the English hijab + fashionistas, “fashionistas in hijabs”) is gaining momentum on the Internet. Here is one of the "leaders" of the fashion movement - an Iranian American Imaan Ali, author of a super popular fashion blog The Hijablog. Look at Imaan's amazing sense of fashion, the ability to mix different styles, create sets at the junction of East and West:

Imaan says she started her blog in 2009 to break the stereotype of a Muslim woman as a colorless, inconspicuous creature hidden in black clothes. She wanted to give the girls of the East self-confidence, individuality, beauty and the desire to show it with the help of fashion. After all, fashion beautiful clothes and accessories are creativity. Moreover, it does not contradict religious principles at all. Imaan Ali wears a scarf and does not expose her body, but this does not prevent her from looking stylish and modern at all. Even we Europeans have something to learn from her. For example, here is a useful video tutorial on how to tie a turban:

And here is what other Islamic fashionistas look like. Some manage to combine even the traditional hijab and sneakers in one look:

But back to globalization. See how interesting it is: Islamic fashion tries to fit into European trends, while Europeans, on the contrary, make a “curtsy” towards the east. Dior, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Chanel create capsule collections for the Arab countries. So in the United Arab Emirates, for example, even on the veil you can see recognizable logos of high brands.

And in general, is it any wonder that the hijab fashion is so popular when even superstars do not ignore it? For them, this is nothing more than a game or even hooliganism - the Islamic world has attacked them for this with criticism. But oriental fashionistas liked it!

Admire Madonna, Kim Kirdashian and Rihanna in Islamic looks:

By the way, what do you think about Islamic fashion trends?

P.S. But not a single hijab! The most interesting about other scarves and capes -

Do you know and?


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Comments: 11


    I am not against traditions, but any hijab gives age to a woman, nothing makes a woman look younger and beautiful than stylish hairstyle and well-groomed hair.

    27.03.2015 / 04:31


    there is no smell of hijab here. Muslim women don't look like that. Our religion has very different requirements for the appearance of women. Do not mislead women with such articles. meaning in hiding and protecting oneself from prying eyes

    22.09.2015 / 22:19


    emancipation and other nonsense should not affect following the instructions of the Creator. everything of value is difficult to access and hidden. such as pearls at the bottom of the ocean, gold and pearls. Is it easy to get them. also female beauty. exposing yourself devalues. wrapping yourself in a beautiful wrapper and "food" at a higher price, you forget about the sweet stuffing