Birthday at home 20 years. How to celebrate the porcelain anniversary (20 years of marriage)? How to celebrate a porcelain wedding at home

As folk wisdom says, - how many people, so many opinions. This applies to any issue, including the organization of a birthday. Each birthday person has their own, individual view of how this day should look like. However, within the framework of this article, an attempt will still be made to give some recommendations on how, with whom and where one can celebrate 20 years.

5 ideas for celebrating 20 years

First of all, it is worth noting that a lot of factors influence the birthday celebration format - gender, social status, material condition of the birthday person, as well as his habits and worldview. Below are the most common options for celebrating 20 years for completely different representatives of our humanity:

A young person will most likely prefer to celebrate 20 years with friends in some cozy beer restaurant with a large screen that broadcasts football or hockey. An additional gift will be the victory of your favorite team.

A student girl who loves movement and noisy parties will not betray herself this time and will organize a celebration of her birth in some fashionable club, where a popular band or DJ will perform.

A romantic female person will prefer on her birthday a date with her beloved young man, a quiet walk in the park, a cozy cafe. If the girl has not yet met her soul mate, then most likely she will organize a collective trip with friends with an overnight stay in tents, barbecues and songs with a guitar until the morning.

Almost all birthdays will have to celebrate 20 years with friends. It’s better to arrange it in a cafe or restaurant. The menu must also be developed in order to calculate the costs. Be sure to write everything down and plan. Do not forget about such important little things as napkins, toothpicks, etc.

If it is supposed entertainment think about what it could be. Games, contests, watching movies, photos, walks on fresh air- all this will be a great addition to the holiday. You can hire a professional toastmaster. The choice is yours!

how help your son or daughter celebrate 20 years of fun and bright

So you've decided to celebrate your child's 20th birthday. True, in fact, he is no longer a child, but a completely adult person - it is very important to understand this. So, first talk to your son or daughter.

know their views on birthday celebrations. Based on your wishes, you can offer several options for spending time, depending on finances and other circumstances.

Where do young people prefer to celebrate birthdays today? A home environment is not a bad option, but it is still better to give young people freedom. Fairly affordable prices for various entertainment.

For example, a birthday can be spent in a cafe, water park, bowling alley, entertainment center. If good weather is expected on the day of the holiday (for example, a birthday is celebrated in spring, summer, autumn), then you can always get out into nature. Suitable forest edges, beaches.

Today, special complexes have also been created that offer services for organizing festive events. So, if you don’t know how to celebrate 20 years, choose just such complexes - you won’t be mistaken.

On their territory, it is usually offered to visit a restaurant, a swimming pool, a sauna, play billiards, tennis and other games, spend an evening with the participation of toastmasters, musicians, and creative teams. And note that such entertainment is surrounded by marvelous nature, away from the hustle and bustle. In general, the idea is quite good.

If you are developing a menu with the birthday person, be sure to check if there will be people with special eating habits in the company of guests. A person may be a vegetarian or a diabetic, not eat bell peppers or not drink milk for some special reason. Therefore, separate food should be prepared for them, or "forbidden" ingredients should not be included in dishes, if possible.

You will need

  • Photographer, presenter, bicycle, amusement park tickets, Balloons, fireworks, sky lanterns, party hats, candles, cake.


If you decide to celebrate yours traditionally, arrange a dinner with a cake and candles for yourself, your friends and loved ones at home or in a restaurant. The latter option will make it easier for you to prepare for the event, because then you don’t have to cook the treat yourself. Be sure to think funny contests. They can be farmed out to a specially invited presenter or invented and carried out independently.

You can have a costume party on your birthday. Come up with a theme in advance and notify guests to come to your party in appropriate costumes. It can be a retro party, a Hawaiian disco, a sea party, a rock party, a wild west party, a pajama party, etc. In summer, you can arrange a beach disco or relax with friends in nature.

If you want to remember your childhood, organize your 20th in a circus, a zoo, an amusement park, a slot machine hall, etc. Let there be characters from your favorite cartoons or clowns at the holiday. Treat your friends to ice cream, cotton candy and sweets.

If you like outdoor activities, organize a water park trip, bowling or bike ride for yourself and your friends. Invite guests to the skating rink, horseback or boat ride, play paintball. Or arrange a joint fishing trip, at the end of which you and your friends will taste a dinner prepared from your own catch. You can arrange an adventure game for yourself and friends. If you like "hanging out", celebrate your holiday in a nightclub.

If you like extreme sports, realize on your birthday what you have long dreamed of. For example, fly with an instructor on a paraglider, go down to the seabed, etc. If you have the opportunity, invite your friends to witness your brave act. Or arrange your fun party on the roof of the house. If you decide to celebrate the 20th anniversary in a narrow circle, flying in a balloon or an airplane can become unusual and memorable for you.

Funny caps, balloons, a cake with twenty lighted candles should become an obligatory attribute of your holiday. Wherever you organize your celebration, launch sky lanterns into the sky in the evening or at night. This is a very beautiful sight. Don't forget to invite a professional photographer for the day. Let him take beautiful pictures of your anniversary. With it, you can arrange an unusual photo session for yourself and your friends.

There is no need to cry and say goodbye to your twenty years. Celebrating your thirtieth birthday isn't such a bad thing - especially if you decide to throw a superb launch party. balloons and cake. Since we are ready to offer you some ideas with great cool photo booth ideas - everyone will say “There is no point in regretting your twenty!”. You deserve worthy celebrate your 30th birthday . The best way to start the new decade is with a party - we have no doubt that at 30 your best years still ahead.

1. BAR PARTY is a great occasion to have a great time and enjoy champagne. What could be better than a celebration with neon and glitter?

2. BRILLIANT PHOTOS : So many good things happen at this party, from the number 30 made of tinsel to the cupcakes with the signs. All of this is worth capturing. If there are a lot of such photos, you can use old photos as decoration.

3. "ADULT" CAKE on the occasion of the anniversary of 30 years: The fact that you met your friends when you were 21 years old can also not be mentioned on this day. But you can still (as before) order a cake, full glasses of beer and other delicious dishes.

4. NUMBER 30 FROM MATCHES Candles are placed at 29. Now that you are already 30, you can use new styleput the number 30 out of matches and set them on fire.

5. CHANDELIER FROM BALLS with your photos. Favorite photos of you and your friends attached to helium balloons will fly right over the heads of your guests. They will be able to tear off photos on the fly and remember the good moments of life with you.

6. THIRTY ANNIVERSARY IN THE STYLE OF CHANEL No. 30 If you love fashion very much, you should celebrate your 30th birthday in the style of Chanel. The combination of black and white will never go out of style. This is a great way to celebrate your anniversary.

7. CANDIES ON STICKS : There's nothing better than celebrating a birthday with a little reminder of the good old days. In our case, the 80s! Candies on a stick will remind you of your favorite moments in the 80s - the way you were as a child!

8. FUNNY BAG on the 30th anniversary: ​​30 years old, of course, is a respectable age, and it should be hidden. This fun bag will help you with this.

9. KISSING STICKERS ON CANDY : kiss goodbye to 20s, wishes for entering the third decade and other special badge tags pasted on sweets.

10. 30 WISHES: There is no better idea than this. Each guest writes birthday wishes for a boyfriend or girlfriend, and attaches a balloon to each wish. Such wishes, as well as blowing out candles, no one will ever forget.

11. CASSETTE THEME: You're old enough to be over 30 years old. You're old enough to remember the days before iTunes and CDs. Why not use tapes for your party? And yes, mix tapes will definitely cause a buzz.

12. 30TH ANNIVERSARY IN GATSEBY STYLE : no doubt there were a lot of cool moments when I was 20+, but it's time to remember those days. Costume: flyaway dresses, feathers and coffee pearls.

13. A SET OF PROPERTIES "INSECURE THIRTY" : this is not so, but this humorous prop may well cheer you up. If your guests disappear, just look at the flashing camera.

14. DYLAN'S CANDY BAR Time Capsule: To sweeten up the party and make your guests remember the past. These capsules represent all the sweetness, and everyone will remember the candy stores of our childhood.

15. SIGNS 30 YEARS ON EVERYTHING : Yes it's true. You have just turned 30 and have achieved a lot. "Reminders" will be on all food.

16. BOW: These huge bows look very bright and fun. Fill up your photo collection with such photos and they will always remind you of the 80s (as well as Cyndi Lauper).

17. BRIGHT and FUN + lyric memory song, it will remind you of the past. It's best to start the party with one of your favorite childhood songs. Complete the look with fun DIY hats.

18. SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS : You can tag any food, sandwiches and even cake with these cute tags on a stick.

19. Chocolate Bunk Cake: Thirty doesn't mean you have to grow up. It is better to celebrate with your favorite cake from childhood. And of course, do not forget to fill it with milk for impregnation!

20. GOLD AND PINK + Wishes at the booth: this year it is worth forgetting about standard postcards. gold ribbon, pink flowers and wrapping paper, as well as helium pens (remember those?) - and guests will leave you their birthday wishes.

I have a difficult relationship with birthdays. I don’t like to “cover the clearing” at work and banal congratulations on the wall in Vkontakte, but I always try to organize something unusual for my friends on my birthday. I must admit that sometimes there is no time, sometimes I’m insanely lazy, sometimes I want to spit on everything and say that “I don’t want to order, it’s better to organize a holiday on any other day just like that”, and sometimes they just don’t go to my head original ideas and even Pinterest does not save.

1. Role play

It was at the institute. We were celebrating a birthday with my classmate, somehow magically pushed about thirty people into my three-room, but small apartment and arranged (don’t laugh!) role play. In theory, a role-playing game could be taken ready-made, but we decided to come up with the whole plot on our own. The script was not particularly intriguing, but each of the guests received a description of their role (there was an elderly millionaire, young hunters for his inheritance, a Greenpeace fan and a lover of furs) and had to fulfill their goals. We, as birthday girls and authors of the story, played the role of journalists, filmed it all on camera and interviewed the participants in the events on a rolling pin instead of a microphone. The alcohol was strong and it was clearly enough. The heroes of the drama (and not all of the guests were familiar with each other) quickly dispersed through the rooms and got to know each other. I remember that even the defender of animals made friends with the lady in the fur collar.

2. Quest

If the budget allows, then you can already invite professionals to host an interesting game, which I did in 2010. Once again, the end of May was approaching, and once again I puzzled over how to arrange such an interesting game for my friends on my birthday. This time I did not come up with the script myself, but ordered the organization and conduct of a pro quest. We all reincarnated as actors, actresses, screenwriters who came to the hotel for testing and further filming of the film, but our task was to find the killer of the director. In parallel, we still somehow managed to take part in the auditions for the role main character movie. Great pastime: on the one hand, a great opportunity to be at the table (well, you understand me), on the other hand, to move your brains and participate in the action, but without jumping in bags.

If you want to order a quest, I recommend contacting the guys from Questime. Their representative offices are located in many cities of Russia, as well as in Kyiv, Astana and even New York. I personally know the founders. They are passionate about what they do, so I highly recommend it.

3. Party at the Jolly Roger

It was 2007, the day before my birthday, another film from the series about the pirates of the Caribbean came out in Russian cinemas. To this topic, I decided to time the theme of the celebration. The evening began with a joint trip to the cinema, and then we sat down small company in the restaurant "Jolly Roger" with the appropriate interior, which I had previously found. It was a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, in addition to the feast itself, I organized a mafia game, which I remade in a pirate style with black marks, a ship's doctor and a cabin boy. There were also small gifts for the participants - some simple souvenir with images of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

My friend and I are at the cinema for the Pirates of the Caribbean premiere.

4. Costume party

The idea is simple - everyone comes in costumes. You can turn this idea around in any way you like: say that the theme is not important, the main thing is that the costume should fit (my friends in such a situation quickly played free, kicked dandelions in the yard and came in wreaths) or set a specific theme for reincarnation.

My friend was throwing an American style party for her birthday. Aside from the stylized clothes she asked guests to wear, the theme of the party was kept alive by the menu - awesome homemade burgers and chips.

But another friend of mine decided to arrange a trip to karaoke for her birthday (and no, I do not agree that this is banal!). All invitees had to transform into some kind of musical hero (you could choose at least Beethoven, at least Lady Gaga). It just so happened that both of my friends celebrated their birthdays with different companies, but on the same day. So I became an American Britney Spears. True, everyone confused me with a Japanese schoolgirl.

5. Every hunter wants to know

In 2012, the theme of my birthday was a rainbow. No, a law against propaganda had not yet been passed, so I invited seven invited friends to choose one color from the rainbow and choose clothes and accessories of this color (although, of course, you could stir up something in the style of Snow White and the seven dwarfs). The idea was to go so beautiful and colorful to nature and take a good picture (). My girlfriend is a very good photographer and gave me a photo shoot, and bought all sorts of colored accessories and donuts. By the way, I also gave each guest an envelope with colored Skittles (try the rainbow!) and hairpins with a flower of the chosen color.

Colorful donuts were also accessories at the party, but not for long.

6. Walk on the rooftops

For a long time I have been talking about the fact that I want to climb onto the roofs of St. Petersburg. Somehow, of course, it turned out very stupid that I, a Petersburg girl, had never been there, although it seems to be considered almost the main romantic pastime in our city. Even my parents ran away from their own wedding to sit on the roof wrapped in a blanket. Well, at least that's what the family story says. In general, at the age of 27, I decided that it was time and found a link on the Internet for a tour and invited my sisters for a walk (one of them with a camera - yes, I really like to be photographed).

My sisters and I are on the roofs of St. Petersburg on my birthday. No special photo shoots, we just took a camera and this photo was taken for us by the organizer of the walk.

7. Cooking workshop

Joint cooking unites, this was proved by corporate team building. In addition, this is a double benefit - you do not need to spend money separately on the event, but separately on feeding a horde of your beloved (and hungry!) Friends. Since, as usual, I lasted until the last minute and started preparing the event at the last moment, all the establishments specially designed for such a business were already occupied (this is on a warm May weekend, no wonder!). But I found a wonderful cafe where we had a master class on making cookies.

Girlfriends with pleasure stuck silver balls-eyes to crabs.

8. White Nights Party

And finally, the theme of the 2014 party was the White Nights White Party. Of course, everyone cursed me that I again came up with a dress code, but this time absolutely all the invitees observed it (and no wreaths of dandelions). The celebration was in a rooftop bar in the center of St. Petersburg with a beautiful view of St. Isaac's Cathedral, the evening sun at ten in the evening framed by thirty white and silver balloons. And then we walked along the embankment, admired the drawbridges (every time I fall into such delight, as if I had not looked at them since childhood) and huge rusty barges passing by. Passers-by were talking, guessing whether we had a wedding, or whether we were graduates (white dresses are the secret of eternal fashion) and begged for balloons from us. And we made wishes and released them in the middle of the Champ de Mars.

At the age of twenty, young people first celebrate the “round date” of their birthday, the so-called “anniversary”.

There comes an age of hopes and desires, the coming true love and romance.

And it seems that the opportunity to conquer the world and earn the trust of many millions of people is so close and easy to implement. And so much can be done in this life! And it is not worth dissuading twenty-year-old youth of something and shaking their heads in disbelief. Let's wait and see. It is better to help your children in overcoming difficulties, to support their aspirations and aspirations. Do not move away from the new generation, but join it. A great idea could be to host family holidays. For example, holding a birthday on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of a son or daughter.

And here it is worth understanding that at any age you have your own dreams and desires, which you should listen to. And how to congratulate a guy, a girl on this day, how to properly organize a holiday and what to look for when congratulating, let's try to figure it out. What do the young generation like, what are their interests, what are ambitions and perseverance connected with?

When organizing celebrations, always take into account psychological aspect"Problems". Especially if the event is dedicated to a specific person. To bring him joy, you need to understand exactly what will please him. If a boy or girl loves modern music, dances and enjoys "lighting up" on the dance floor, arrange a party in his honor in a club or disco. Such a birthday, of course, will be to your taste and will be remembered for a long time by the whole company of friends who came to congratulate the birthday man.

If your child is a homebody or, on the contrary, simply “crazes” with travel and loves to enjoy natural beauties, then you should not have a noisy party. And, after consulting, go on a tourist trip or just enjoy the local beauties outside the city. There are countless amazing places on the planet. Give a "holiday of life" to yourself and your loved ones.

And it is possible that a girl or a guy will want to spend this exciting day with a loved one, if any. Don't interfere, step aside. Let the young people stay together. And suddenly this day will be decisive in the birth new family? After all, twenty years is a beautiful date, which is perceived by some as a transition to adult independent life.

As for the gift, then here you should not brush aside and give anything. Many today "do not bother" and like to present money. Yes, no one argues. Money is always desirable, especially for people who are not firmly on the ground. But such an idea is wonderful only in the case of a present from a “tidy” sum. Then the "gift" will be pleasant. Especially if the money is already being saved for something.

But smart people, when they give money, will definitely present some other inexpensive thing, purely symbolically. And, again, based on the interests of the gifted person. It can be discs, any computer paraphernalia, a ticket to a concert of your favorite band…. And so, a subscription to the gym or swimming pool can serve as a wonderful gift, stylish clothes, laptop, bike or even motorbike.

It all depends on the joint desires and capabilities of the donor. And, if guys like technical “toys” more often, then modern girls are essentially romantic and ... practical. They are waiting for a meaningful gift, something significant. It is appropriate for young ladies of any age in any life situation to present a bouquet of flowers. But for a twenty-year-old lady, they choose traditional roses of tender colors or touching wildflowers.