Find a beautiful Catholic Christmas greeting. Beautiful pictures for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas. A selection of beautiful vintage pictures Merry Christmas

Christmas takes in church calendar and the hearts of believers is one of the most significant places. Both Orthodox and Catholics look forward with joyful impatience to a series of weekends and public holidays. Despite the difference in dates, the essence of Christmas for all Christians is the same - honoring the Son of God for His great sacrifice, brought in the name of the salvation of mankind. According to tradition, on this day it is customary to attend a solemn service in the church, carol, receive guests at a generously laid table, and also exchange gifts and congratulations. Beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2018 appear on sale long before the start winter holidays- depicting traditional biblical scenes, touching angels, cozy family gatherings near a smart Christmas tree. Our collection includes many of the most best postcards for Christmas themed free download to a computer and sent to the addressee electronically. So, modern fashionable and vintage retro pictures with the symbol of 2018 the Dog - here everyone will find a Christmas card with poems to their taste. Having chosen the option you like, all that remains is to sign and congratulate loved one Happy wonderful Christmas day. Happy holidays and good mood!

Beautiful postcards Merry Christmas

Representatives of the Western branch of Christianity celebrate Christmas a little earlier than the Orthodox - on December 25th. For every Catholic, this is a special day in the calendar, because it is preceded by a whole month of prayers, spiritual cleansing and repentance. After attending a festive mass, believers receive congratulations from relatives and friends, and also give each other Christmas cards and pictures. We have compiled a selection of the most beautiful postcards Merry Christmas - they can be downloaded for free and printed on a color printer or sent by e-mail. Let this family holiday an atmosphere of joy and fun reigns in your home - Merry Christmas 2018!

Orthodox cards Merry Christmas-2018 (free download)

Happy Christmas 2018 greeting cards, free download for the holiday

The tradition of presenting beautiful cards at Christmas originates in England in the 18th century. So, once an artist named Dobson depicted an original picture on a card - happy family near a decorated Christmas tree, with fluffy snow falling outside the window. Having prepared such a cute present for his friend for the holiday, the Englishman could not imagine that his invention would soon gain popularity all over the world. Today, thousands of Merry Christmas greeting cards find their addressees - it's so nice to receive bright news in paper or electronic form. Where can I download a free Christmas card - 2018? Our pages present the best Christmas cards - download and congratulate everyone who is dear to you!

Funny cards Merry Christmas-2018 in the year of the Yellow Dog

New 2018 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog, which will come into its own from February. So funny postcards depicting four-legged human friends are also relevant for Christmas - if you wish, you can add words of congratulations in verse or a few lines of prose. If you are going to congratulate relatives and friends on Christmas - 2018, we recommend using our festive collection of bright postcards and pictures. We are sure that with our help you will choose the best Christmas card with a dog - for congratulations on this wonderful bright holiday.

Vintage postcards for Merry Christmas greetings

The first postcards were delivered to Russia from Europe and contained only images on a Christmas theme - the text had to be entered by hand. True, the cost of such "overseas" postcards was beyond the reach of most of the population. However, since 1894, bright congratulatory pictures with illustrations - already a Russian publishing house. So, for Christmas 1898, a series of 10 postcards was issued, based on watercolor drawings by famous artists of St. Petersburg. We tried to collect the most original vintage postcards for Merry Christmas - the "descendants" of those pictures that our ancestors exchanged for the holiday more than 100 years ago.

Festive Retro Merry Christmas Cards

The quality of domestic pre-revolutionary postcards at Christmas, it often surpassed foreign counterparts. However, after the Great October Revolution of 1917, the publication of postcards was discontinued - as "a relic of the bourgeois past." Despite the ban, people continued to exchange congratulations on the New Year and Christmas holidays, using pictures of similar themes for this. Below are old cute retro Merry Christmas cards - with touching stories from the past.

The best cards with congratulations-poems for Christmas

Christmas holidays are always fun and noisy - the doors for guests are open in every house! In addition, many colorful cards come from close and distant relatives and friends for Christmas - with congratulations in verse and touching inscriptions in prose. Here you will find the best Greeting Cards with poems that will touch the soul and set you in a festive mood.

So, here you will find beautiful postcards Merry Christmas-2018 - modern and vintage retro, with poems and congratulations in prose. It is enough to choose the best postcard, download it for free and send it electronically to the mail - as an option, you can print the picture on a color printer. With the help of our colorful postcards, you will beautifully congratulate your loved ones on Catholic or Orthodox Christmas or New 2018 Year of the Dog. Merry Christmas to you!

The site of audio congratulations and surprises makes it possible to feel your warmth and care for those whom we love and appreciate. Distance will not be an annoying hindrance.

Often difficulties arise with the choice of congratulations on a date or holiday that is not in the official calendars of our country. To do this, we have original congratulatory audio stories (for example, musical congratulations Merry Christmas or commercials for the "Old New Year").

Catholic Christmas is rarely celebrated in countries with an Orthodox bias. musical gift on the phone will be pleasant not only to domestic adherents of this religion, but also to acquaintances and relatives who are abroad, where this is the main church holiday. You can receive various audio greetings:

  • music video
  • congratulations from famous people or even the president
  • congratulations in your own voice

Congratulatory audio cards presented on the site will dilute the flow of standard congratulations from others and bring bright creative colors to the festive mood!

It is also valuable that you can be sure that congratulations will come at the right time, even remotely. For this, it is provided in the order field to indicate the exact time of sending a congratulatory voice card.

And it will not be a laconic dry SMS or a message in the form of voice mail, but a natural incoming call that does not give the feeling of isolation from the subscriber. Do not forget about the time difference between you and the congratulatory person, so as not to cause inconvenience.

The era of amazing, bright and very atmospheric Christmas cards began back in 1794. Exactly then talented painter Dobson created his first greeting card with a beautiful winter landscape, a fancy Christmas tree and big family three generations to present it to the best friend. A successful idea was enthusiastically received by the recipient and all observers. And the very next year, the inventive artist wrote several dozen of the best cards with congratulations for all his friends on Christmas. Over time, the circulation of holiday cards increased, and other talented craftsmen began to use the idea. And soon postcards with Catholic and Orthodox Christmas reached Russia. At first, merchants bought thematic drawings without inscriptions on merchant ships and people independently wrote Russian poems and congratulations on them. And after that, holiday cards began to be printed by a printing house in St. Petersburg. Today, the variety of cardboard postcards is amazing. But even with all this, printed presentations have been replaced by a more convenient option - electronic cards for Christmas 2018, which can be downloaded for free and sent to all recipients without resorting to mail services. Fashionable and modern, old nostalgic, vintage black and white and even retro postcards from the USSR period - all of them are available to the average Internet user, and the best ones, as usual, are collected in our collection.

Beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2018: free download

As before, this year beautiful cards with Orthodox Christmas 2018 are provided in several popular series:

  • with pictures on a Christmas theme with congratulatory inscriptions;
  • funny postcards with jokes and caricatures;
  • bright soulful cards with religious motives;
  • baby postcards fairy tale characters and festive attributes;
  • congratulatory leaflets with ready-made poems and wishes;
  • vintage and retro postcards with black and white illustrations or artificially aged.

The same goes for beautiful e-cards for Orthodox Christmas 2018 for free download. Among the abundance of all kinds of options, you can easily find the best for all planned recipients.

A collection of beautiful cards for free download on the Orthodox Christmas

Best Merry Christmas Cards 2017

Unlike the Orthodox Christmas, celebrated by most Christians on January 7, Catholic Christmas is celebrated annually on December 25, which means that there is very little time left to search best gifts and greeting cards to family and friends. Don't wait last day. In the pre-holiday bustle, it’s hard to find time for more essential things. Therefore, take a little time to search for high-quality congratulations, or choose the best Merry Christmas Catholic cards just now in our next section.

Examples of the best cards for Catholic Christmas 2017

Funny cards "Dogs" Merry Christmas 2018

Someone once very rightly remarked: “On Christmas Eve, people need more spiritual warmth than on a normal day.” This is probably why the creators of funny cards for Christmas 2018 are trying to fill their creations with the cutest and most touching images: bright biblical scenes, winter landscapes with old snow-covered huts, gift boxes in the soft light of a flickering garland, wonderful Dogs - good-natured symbols of the year. That's the same, funny postcards "Dogs" Merry Christmas 2018 will not leave anyone indifferent.

Best Dog Christmas Ecard Options

The most popular Merry Christmas cards with congratulations and poems

Christmas is the most important religious holiday, celebrated by believers of the Christian church of all denominations. In every country on the globe there are those for whom Christmas Eve is not just a phrase, but a whole grandiose event. And all these people dream of the same thing, cherish the same values: peace on earth, peace in the house, family happiness, spiritual and physical health. From that, all the most popular Merry Christmas cards with congratulations and poems include these important wishes. Browse through our short selection of the best verse greeting cards and choose the most interesting and popular option for your family and friends for Christmas 2018.

A selection of popular cards with poems and congratulations on Christmas

Merry Christmas Funny Cards 2018 for free download

Since Christmas is a bright holiday of good news, funny and cool greeting cards for free download will not be superfluous. It is easy to congratulate friends, godfathers, classmates and work colleagues with funny electronic pictures. It is enough just to send the recipient an original thematic picture and supplement it with a funny congratulatory rhyme or a couple of well-aimed phrases. And you can always choose funny Christmas cards 2018 for free download on our website.

Collection of free funny cards for Christmas 2018

Old postcard Merry Christmas "retro"

For some reason, it so happened that it was on Christmas Eve that the most adult representatives of each family begin to recall with nostalgia the delightful moments of their life that has flown by. Some are sad, others are happy with a barely perceptible grin on their faces. And it does not matter at all whether the elderly are lonely or surrounded by a pile of children and grandchildren: there is a moment of Christmas nostalgia in each of them. Only old “retro” Merry Christmas postcards can deepen and brighten up pleasant memories. They depict the most diverse, but always cheerful scenes of family holiday comfort with warm hugs from parents, an elegant Christmas tree and happy kids under it. Do something nice for your family, present old retro cards from our collection for Christmas.

Gallery of electronic retro cards for Christmas 2018

Beautiful vintage postcard Merry Christmas

Christmas is a quiet family holiday, which is annually celebrated in the native circle of the closest people. And if it’s not at all possible to unite with relatives on the main celebration of January, I would like to at least send beautiful old postcards Merry Christmas to everyone we remember in moments of joy and sadness: parents, sisters and brothers, godparents, grandparents, children, distant relatives. Let the electronic greeting not replace live communication, warm hugs and heartfelt conversations, but still become a bright ray of light on the birthday of Jesus, the savior of all souls. Do not rely on chance. We recommend choosing the most beautiful vintage greeting cards today so that you can be well prepared for Christmas.

A selection of valuable vintage postcards for congratulations on Christmas

The best e-cards Merry Christmas 2018 - selected from the heart and downloaded for free on our website. And it doesn’t matter at all what they are: Orthodox or Catholic, with congratulations or poems, beautiful old, modern or old “retro”. All options are worthy of becoming an addition to a gift or a cute decoration for a festive evening.

Historically, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas on December 25th. At the same time, in most countries this day is given much more importance than the New Year, especially where there is a high proportion of the believing population. This holiday is considered a family holiday and is always celebrated in the circle of close people. It begins with a traditional prayer, which is said by the head of the family or all those gathered at the table. On our Fresh-Cards website, in this wonderful section of the catalog, you can download Catholic Christmas cards and wonderful greeting pictures for free with wishes to a man, woman, colleague, acquaintances and relatives with touching verses, Christian texts, as well as without words and inscriptions in the form of funny thematic images . The selected option is very easy to send by e-mail, to mobile phone via Viber, as well as post it on pages in the popular social networks Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and Vkontakte, giving friends a lot of joyful emotions and a great mood.

On the joyful and long-awaited holiday of the Nativity of Christ, from time immemorial people congratulate each other at a meeting or exchange postcards. Of course, by sending wishes and pictures for Christmas 2018 to our friends, relatives and colleagues, we want to surprise the addressee, to make sure that he remembers our congratulations for a long time. In order for the gift to be bright and sincere, to have individuality and warmth, you can make a Christmas card yourself. For a more formal greeting, an email newsletter is suitable, which allows you to quickly send wishes to business partners. You can issue a congratulation in the form of a charming collage for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas of Christ, beautifully arranging old and modern on it cool pictures with congratulations in verses, which can be downloaded for free. If you're creative and tired of the standard Christmas decorations, you can print out the images and use them to decorate your rooms. And on weekdays, a festive image on your computer desktop will surely evoke sunny memories.

Beautiful pictures for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas 2017-2018

Catholic Christmas is always filled with warm and sincere words, children's fun and agonizing expectation of a miracle. In addition to the custom of exchanging gifts and decorating courtyards and rooms, Catholics are very fond of giving cards. This tradition is strictly observed on the twenty-fifth of December, so in all families and offices, people send beautiful pictures for the Catholic Christmas with winter images. Let the electronic picture that your friends, relatives and colleagues will receive will cause them a feeling of solemnity and home warmth.

Options for beautiful pictures for the Catholic Christmas

Beautiful pictures for Orthodox Christmas free download

The joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ is shrouded in an atmosphere of light and sincerity, which you so want to share with your loved ones. This is easy to do by downloading a beautiful picture of Merry Christmas for free and writing a few warm words for your friends and relatives. good tradition The exchange of Christmas cards has been around for a long time. But even now people continue to please each other by sending and handing out beautiful pictures for the Orthodox Christmas of Christ, which you can download for free from our selection.

Beautiful old pictures for Christmas (can be downloaded for free)

Christmas cards have ancient history, therefore, it is especially pleasant to receive beautiful old pictures with good and sincere wishes for Christmas. Now we do not stand in line at the post office - to convey the news to your loved ones, friends and family, you just need to download beautiful old pictures for free and add heartfelt congratulations to them.

A selection of beautiful vintage pictures Merry Christmas

Cool pictures for Christmas with congratulations-poems

The easiest way to briefly and beautifully express your wishes is to write them in poetic form. And if you add a funny Merry Christmas picture to the greeting, a wonderful mood will be provided. On our site you can find cool pictures for Christmas with congratulations in verse, which are easy enough to send to please friends.

Variants of cool pictures with the holy holiday of Christmas

Let the pictures of Merry Christmas 2018 make your friends, loved ones and colleagues feel the atmosphere and fullness of the holiday. We wish that on this day you are wrapped in good wishes. Let your friends rejoice by getting beautiful, old and modern funny pictures with congratulations in verses for the Catholic and Orthodox Christmas, which you can download for free. Happy holidays!