Nickel wedding: congratulations in prose and verse. Congratulations on the Nickel wedding (12 years) Postcards with the Nickel wedding 12 years

After 12 years life together spouses celebrate a beautiful date - a nickel wedding, gathering their relatives and friends for festive table. Therefore, if you were invited to such an event, you should prepare a sincere congratulation for the couple, emphasizing all the beauty and strength of their union, advises the portal.

Don't know what to say in a congratulatory speech? Remember: 12 years of marriage - what kind of wedding? Nickel! So, in congratulations, you can compare relationships with this durable and shiny metal! And so you can make a congratulation on any date, the main thing is to know wedding anniversaries and their names.

Congratulations on a nickel wedding in prose

The most touching and sincere are congratulations on a nickel wedding, said in prose from the bottom of the heart. But in front of all the guests it is sometimes so difficult to find the right words, so it’s worthwhile to make a beautiful speech in advance, expressing all your sincere feelings for the heroes of the occasion!

I congratulate you on this beautiful date! You have been together for 12 years and this is not the limit, because your love and loyalty can only be envied! And so on, let your house be filled with joy and comfort, relationships will be strong and trusting, and your eyes will sparkle with boundless happiness just because you have each other!

Congratulations on beautiful anniversary weddings for 12 years! Let like a nickel, a symbol of this anniversary, your relationship be strong and brilliant, literally blinding with the power of sincere feelings, boundless love and devotion!

We are in a hurry to give you our congratulations on your nickel wedding anniversary! Your feelings for 12 years of marriage have been tested for strength, because you had everything: both joys and sorrows! And you divided everything equally, supporting each other in everything. So continue to go hand in hand, let your strong union not be afraid of any adversity, because you know how to solve all the problems that arise quickly and together! May your love become brighter and more beautiful over the years, turning from shiny nickel into precious gold!

For 12 years of living together, you have managed to prove that you are a strong and happy family in which joy, love and mutual understanding reign! May your future married life be filled only with positive, good luck and prosperity. Give each other tenderness and care, because there is never a lot of it!

It has been 12 years since your marriage, but you have not changed at all: you still radiate joy and happiness from the fact that you simply exist for each other. Therefore, I would like to wish that your marriage will continue to become stronger and acquire new facets, each year kindling your love with renewed vigor!

Cool congratulations

If the spouses have a great sense of humor, then you can prepare cool congratulations for their 12th wedding anniversary, which will cheer you up and bring a smile not only to the perpetrators of the holiday, but also to all the guests present.

    Want to find beautiful congratulations Happy 12th wedding anniversary? Come in! On the Fani Hani website you will find beautiful and touching congratulations in verse and prose for the Nickel wedding from a husband, wife, parents. Find one of the verses below that is right for you. There are many options for how to congratulate relatives and friends on their 12th wedding anniversary. We recommend the most sincere and sincere option. Write out the words of congratulations on a postcard and read it in the form of a toast at the holiday. Or just hand over the congratulations in person or via SMS.


    You have been together for 12 years
    This is a happy date.
    And there is no better family
    Keep it up, guys!

    Let goodness come to the house
    Staying alive forever.
    Happy Anniversary, Happy Day
    I congratulate you heartily!


    Twelve years you've been together is a lot:
    Hand in hand, soul lives in the soul.
    Let the love road never end
    And luckily you confidently leads!

    Let there be ups, there will be downs,
    Help each other in everything.
    Work, do not rely on luck,
    Then the house will be cozy, warm!

    Rejoice, children, appreciate all the moments,
    They are your reward from the Lord from heaven.
    Love is both help and patience,
    And a lot of work, and a long process!


    I congratulate you with all my heart on the nickel wedding, on the 12th anniversary of marriage. This is not much, but not enough, you managed to create a strong fortress and a happy hearth called a family. I wish you further well-being and prosperity, family comfort and warmth, peace and understanding in your home, strong love and unspeakable joy for many years to come.


    12 years hand in hand
    What could be more important in fate?!
    What is your secret to happiness?
    There is no more important family in the world!

    Congratulations on your anniversary
    And we sincerely wish you
    May it always be so with you!
    Hand in hand, eye to eye!

    So that both sorrows and adversity,
    And so that any bad weather
    And happiness together to meet
    Not to offend each other!


    Twelve years - not too much and not too little
    And the years flew by like the wind.
    Your love has only grown stronger
    And as if the bird conquers the heights.

    You also experience everything together:
    And their joys and sorrows.
    Open everything new in a second,
    And may your days be joyful.

    Congratulations on your nickel wedding


    Twelve years of marriage
    It's called a nickel wedding.
    On such a date, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
    We would like to wish you.

    Let your house be a full bowl.
    We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
    And be happy forever!


    Your wedding is called nickel.
    From time immemorial it has already been conducted:
    Who together reached the nickel,
    He acquired great happiness.

    And now such a craftsman has the right
    To teach everyone and live in honor, glory,
    Give everyone good advice
    Any question has an answer.

    We wish you great luck
    Happiness, darkness money, and nothing else
    Many true, loving friends.
    And the love of the endless seas for you!


    Your marriage is wonderful, like a nickel, durable!
    You trust each other like friends.
    You don't need bans or cages
    You are truly a happy family!

    We wish to become even friendlier and richer,
    May your happiness grow day by day!
    After all, you, in fact, could not otherwise:
    You are like one! But still together.


    You have confidently crossed
    In the second ten, gentlemen,
    And love, and loyalty kept,
    Like metal, your family is solid!

    They say that nickel is mined
    The most skilled experts.
    Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
    You guys are just great!


    Your marriage has become stronger, it has become strong,
    Like amazing metal
    What is nickel called?
    Only a ray of sun hits -
    He will shine.
    Not in vain in the old years,
    He was greatly appreciated
    And together with gold and silver
    Stored in safety.
    And you keep your union
    Always loving each other
    How nickel will become your husband,
    If his wife is next to him.

    Cool congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 12 years


    Not a short period, 12 years,
    Live even longer.
    Together in happiness and without trouble,
    More love and money.

    Today is a nickel holiday
    The wedding day is like an anniversary.
    Live brightly, diversify your life,
    And it will be even more fun.


    Your wedding is already 12 years old,
    Congratulations and hello to you.
    Your warm and bright love
    We only want to grow.

    Outside the window there will be time to run,
    But he doesn't scare you.
    Among the storms, among any bad weather
    We wish you only happiness!


    Congratulations guys on your nickel wedding, happy 12th birthday family life. The number 12 is the number of months in a year, so I wish you January family warmth, February home comfort, March sincere joy, April tender feelings, May fun, June inspiration, July a great holiday, August hopes, September good luck, October bright memories, November smiles December magic.


    No wonder 12 years of marriage
    Crowning the nickel anniversary.
    Your marriage, as an ideal, impeccable,
    More stable than metal and whiter.

    We heartily congratulate you.
    We wish you understanding, smiles,
    Love each other so forever
    Without quarrels, insults, without any mistakes.

    Although nickel metal is strong and good,
    But still his gold is more valuable.
    Let's go years later
    Let's celebrate your Golden Anniversary!


    Your marriage is 12 today!
    We wish you to always smile,
    To live only in happiness - beautiful, serene,
    Your love lasted forever!

    To take care of each other
    Hands would not open in difficulties,
    Joy was also shared all the time,
    So that only bright days continue!

    Touching congratulations on the 12th wedding anniversary


    12 years legally married
    You have been together for 12 years
    Gone are the troubles and happiness,
    And together you found joy.

    Today we celebrate the wedding
    Glasses will clink for you.
    Let it come true what you dreamed about
    And gossips ... let them talk.

    May it be strong, impeccable,
    Your together created an alliance.
    May feelings flourish forever
    Let the smile never leave your lips.


    12 years have passed since the wedding
    Anniversary day is a bright day.
    We want love to burn in our hearts
    Happiness has taken you into a sweet captivity.

    Let love for each other grow stronger
    Hearts to fight in unison.
    Let the light of loving eyes not grow dark,
    Life flows like a dream.

    Let's raise our glasses
    So that life is full of miracles,
    After all, together you will roll the rocks.
    We congratulate you and drink for you to the bottom!


    We congratulate you on a nickel wedding,
    So many years together you two.
    This is the best day - we wish you happiness,
    Love for many, many years to come!

    We wish you luck, success,
    Joyful, cheerful days.
    Let home be your comfort
    Where the laughter of children does not subside!


    After all, twelve years is not enough
    For great and devoted love,
    The heart is not tired to beat loudly
    From those feelings that smolder in the chest.

    Children's laughter is a gift for patience
    And you won't find a better one.
    Gives life to you the passion of inspiration,
    Breaking down the obstacles on the way.


    Nickel wedding -
    joy dawn
    Freezes in the heart
    gentle spring.

    You are both beautiful
    nothing to say!
    We are left with only
    wish happiness.

    And the love that's with you -
    best of all awards.
    From love, from yours.
    The garden is blooming!

    Let her give
    best years!
    To be together
    next to you always.

    Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day 12 years


    a dozen years
    You lived nearby.
    There is a son and a daughter
    The house is beautiful with a garden.

    Harder than nickel ores
    Your feelings have become.
    They ate a pood of salt together,
    Marriage is an art.

    We wish you
    Happiness and success
    With good friends
    Joy and laughter.

    Never argue
    Respect Friendship,
    Don't be afraid of difficulties
    Greet them with a laugh.


    Nickel wedding - an interesting date,
    You have been a family for twelve years.
    Let life be sweet together,
    Christmas honey cake!

    Give gentle hugs to each other, you
    Smiles, joy, affection, kindness.
    Let apathy bypass you
    Diseases and tinctures on alcohol!


    Today we have a nickel wedding!
    The fire of loving hearts has not gone out,
    Together we achieved the desired goals,
    They gave birth to such long-awaited children!

    We are happy is the motto of the family,
    And you can see, glow inside
    From joy, mutual feelings, kindness,
    We want the family to always be like this!


    Congratulations on your 12 years of married life. On your nickel wedding, I want to wish a bright glare of joy and beauty from your real and well-deserved happiness. May every day be festive, bright and kind for your family, may you have many more wonderful achievements, grandiose events and joint victories to go through. Good luck to you guys, and inexhaustible love.


    You've been together for twelve years
    I congratulate you now.
    You are a couple, gentle spouses,
    Allies, friends in everything.

    I wish you guys happiness
    Let love reign in the house
    I wish that every puzzle
    Matched the life picture.


    Time to meet on the threshold -
    With a frying pan in hand.
    And clean up, straight to a shine,
    All appliances are in stock.

    You lived twelve years
    Mark now -
    Nickel - a symbol of the anniversary,
    Kettle, heat up quickly!

    The family union has become strong -
    Hardened for centuries.
    Hug and kiss
    And wear it on your hands!


    Your marriage is 12 today!
    This is a celebration of mutual love.
    We need to have a fun holiday,
    To celebrate this miracle!

    May guests with gifts coincide with you,
    Let them call you and scribble sms,
    Know that we admire yours,
    Let the interest not go out in the eyes!


    Nickel is said to be strong
    I don't know to be honest
    But your marriage, and that's for sure,
    Very durable and gorgeous.

    You have been married for twelve years
    There is no better couple
    Let money live in the family
    And love warms you!


    For twelve whole years
    Walk with each other together
    May the beautiful light
    The way illuminates the spouses.

    May your journey be easy
    We'll have to step together
    To get far
    Let the sun guide you!


    12 years - measured a lot,
    But on this day, it is important not to forget:
    How nickel is cleaned of soot,
    So feelings need to give shine.

    Go to places where together
    You've been on dates many times
    Where the groom proposed to the bride
    Bind your fate forever at once.


    12 years you love each other
    And please with your smile
    Parents, neighbors and girlfriend,
    After all, your couple is brighter every day.
    May troubles not come in your life
    And let grief not ask at your door,
    Love forever, save more
    Hug and kiss every day.


    Today we congratulate you on your nickel wedding. The first 12 years of the couple laid a great start to your lifelong union. May your family ties continue to grow stronger, life together will be bright and brilliant, and love will always be passionate and passionate, like 12 years ago.


    12 years lived together is not so short a period: all possible problems have already made themselves felt, character flaws manifested themselves in all their glory, and feelings have been tested for strength. So let your family not be afraid of adversity in the future, and all the problems that arise only strengthen your union to the envy of everyone.


    Happy 12th birthday to you
    We congratulate family life,
    Your nickel wedding
    We are celebrating today!

    We want to wish the spouses
    So that prosperity and harmony reign in the house,
    Children for fun, joy
    Positive and happiness gave you!


    Still a very young child
    A teenager is your family.
    Barely fluttered from the cradle,
    Years rush, ringing.

    Chintz, paper and leather,
    Linen, wood, cast iron ...
    And much more can be said
    The strings you touched.

    Let the wedding sound like a song
    Let the wine flow.
    You need to save your family
    If it is given to you by a particle.

    Touching and sincere congratulations on the Nickel wedding


    Let every anniversary pass like a holiday,
    Meet 12 years with unearthly happiness in your eyes,
    You still have enough love for a million years
    Your marriage took place in heaven.

    You live only in happiness together,
    After all, you won’t find dearer souls in this world,
    You love each other with all your heart,
    And any trouble will pass by!


    We did a lot of work
    All these years building a family
    We still have the same feelings
    They burn brightly, and like in paradise,
    Living with you now, no wonder
    After all, they took steps together,
    Towards happiness, we are feasible,
    Leave all worries behind.
    I know we are together
    Both body and soul
    And there's no better place in the world
    Than this, near. here with you.


    It's been twelve years already
    How they became husband and wife
    We grow up with you son
    And next to her daughter is catching up.

    So much has already passed
    We rubbed our backs to each other,
    We went to the cinema with you
    They walked under the gloomy moon.

    And I want to wish one thing -
    So that joy does not leave us.
    I love you my dear,
    And I will never get tired!


    Children go to school on their own
    Yes, and you already have a mustache -
    What is family life
    You don't need to explain.
    So, I will praise:
    You lived twelve years
    Rejoiced, did not grieve.
    May this year also
    It will bring you good luck.


    If a husband and wife look smart,
    Roses smell in vases, guests at the table.
    So we're celebrating our wedding anniversary.
    And for the young, we shout "Bitterly!" we drink.

    We want to congratulate you on a nickel wedding,
    Wish you happiness, joy, love.
    And fill the glass with sunny champagne
    May your days be sweet!

    Nickel wedding - 12th wedding anniversary


    You have been together for 12 years!
    In sickness, in health, and in grief.
    You are also in love and you are not happier
    From joy for you weep involuntarily.
    Do you know that this anniversary
    Nickel people call?
    Did not know? Well, good! There is a reason,
    We will return to the table
    Where the glasses are so sparkling.


    Happy anniversary, nickel wedding. Who could have said twelve years ago that you would be such an amazing and harmonious couple? May this love stay with you further, becoming only brighter and bring happiness to all parties.


    Though not a round date,
    Just 12 and 5
    But we want guys
    We wish you:
    Still in the family
    For love to live
    To keep dreaming
    Like being together for the first time.


    A dozen years lived is not happiness?
    You have experienced both joy and bad weather!
    Your union is very strong, marvelous to everyone.
    We celebrate gathered wedding birthday!

    We put a nickel samovar on the table in honor of the date.
    We wish that the armor of love saves from all adversity,
    And we wish you to live in love and happiness,
    Let grief and bad weather bypass you!


    Though they lived twelve years,
    But you are newlyweds!
    Keep forever your secret
    Such bottomless love!

    From our generous soul
    We wish you happiness.
    And empty sits in his wilderness
    Bad weather with itself!

    Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.

    It is not necessary to celebrate a nickel wedding splendidly; according to tradition, the spouses spend this day together, walk around memorable places, remember their first dates and the wedding day. As a gift for a wife, jewelry made of nickel or its alloy with silver is perfect. A husband can pick up a keychain or an ashtray made of shiny metal.

    Congratulating your friends on this symbolic anniversary is as easy as shelling pears - for a gift, you can choose nickel dishes or buy any other useful thing for home. Bedding sets will look appropriate, bathrobes, dining sets, Wall Clock.

    Interestingly, the second time married couple The Nickel wedding is to be celebrated exactly 28 years after the wedding. Congratulating friends, you can wish them to live in love and harmony until the next anniversary.

    12 years since you've been married...
    Not just a number or a date
    She carries destiny
    12 zodiac signs,
    12 months a year.
    Nickel is popularly called:
    Feelings in the round dance
    After all, they have been hardened for years,
    So let the union always grow stronger.
    And if time is fleeting
    Let love turn into eternity.

    12 years hand in hand
    What could be more important in fate?!
    What is your secret to happiness?
    There is no more important family in the world!

    Congratulations on your anniversary
    And we sincerely wish you
    May it always be so with you!
    Hand in hand, eye to eye!

    So that sorrows and adversities,
    And so that any bad weather,
    And happiness together to meet
    Not to offend each other!

    I sincerely congratulate you on your twelfth wedding anniversary! May your family always remain so friendly and cheerful! I wish you great happiness, inexhaustible mutual love and harmonious relations!

    12 years you save love,
    And you forge your own happiness,
    Years flew by like a day
    Make strong flint out of your feelings.

    So that nothing prevents them from growing,
    So that happiness walks with you toe to toe,
    Love each other, appreciate the minutes,
    Don't let your paths diverge.

    Caring husband and beautiful wife,
    You both deserve happiness in full,
    May the family be strong and grow,
    And let joy come to visit you soon.

    Twelve years you've been together is a lot:
    Hand in hand, soul lives in the soul.
    Let the love road never end
    And luckily you confidently leads!

    Let there be ups, there will be downs,
    Help each other in everything.
    Work hard, don't rely on luck
    Then the house will be cozy, warm!

    Rejoice kids, appreciate all the moments,
    They are your reward from the Lord from heaven.
    Love is both help and patience,
    And a lot of work, and a long process!

    You've been together for 12 years
    This is a happy date.
    And there is no more beautiful family
    Keep it up, guys!

    Let goodness come to the house
    Staying alive forever.
    Happy Anniversary, Happy Day
    I congratulate you heartily!

    Twelve years of marriage
    It's called a nickel wedding.
    On such a date, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
    We would like to wish you.

    Let your house be a full bowl.
    We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
    Please accept our congratulations
    And be happy forever!

    Twelve years - not too much and not too little
    And the years flew by like the wind.
    Your love has only grown stronger
    And as if the bird conquers the heights.

    You also experience everything together:
    And their joys and sorrows.
    Discover everything new in each other,
    And may your days be joyful.

    Your wedding is called nickel.
    From time immemorial it has already been conducted:
    Who together reached the nickel,
    He acquired great happiness.

    And now such a craftsman has the right
    To teach everyone and live in honor, glory,
    Give everyone good advice
    For any question have answers.

    We wish you great luck
    Happiness, darkness money, and nothing else
    Many true, loving friends.
    And the love of the endless seas for you!

    No wonder 12 years of marriage
    Crowning the nickel anniversary.
    Your marriage, as an ideal, is impeccable,
    More stable than metal and whiter.

    We heartily congratulate you.
    We wish you understanding, smiles,
    Love each other so forever
    Without quarrels, insults, without any mistakes.

    Although nickel is a strong and good metal,
    But still his gold is more valuable.
    Let's in a year, later,
    Let's celebrate your golden anniversary!

    You've been together for twelve years
    I congratulate you today.
    You are a couple, tender spouses,
    Allies, friends in everything.

    I wish you guys happiness
    Let love reign in the house
    I wish that every puzzle
    Matched the life picture.

    Congratulations: 47 in verse, 16 in prose.

    When spouses live together for 12 years, this date is certainly worth noting. And even if this is not an anniversary, but still, such long term living together means a lot, which means that congratulations will be appropriate.

    How to prepare?

    Traditionally, the anniversary is called nickel. Our grandparents believe that with its name, the nickel wedding, which marks 12 years from the date of marriage, reminds the wife and husband of how important it is to keep the house and family radiant and clean. A married couple at this time, having lived a lot in marriage, should already understand how important it is to take care of each other and believe that in a variety of life situations it is their tandem that will help to survive.

    12 years of marriage is an anniversary that does not have to be celebrated somehow pompously. On such a day, you can turn to traditions: for example, it has long been believed that spouses should spend time together, walk through memorable places, remember the first meetings and declarations of love. Congratulations can be very different, it all depends on the season, the availability of money and imagination.

    Many will agree that 12 years is not so much, but the calendar tirelessly and stubbornly counts the pages of life. Year after year, these twelve years fly by ... Someone does not notice the time, but for the other couple, 12 years drag on for a very long time. Probably, it all depends on the number of trials that have befallen the family, on the difficulties, mysteries generously sprinkled with life itself. What is the life of the spouses - happy, joyful or not so? Either way, an anniversary should be fun!

    You can read about everything related to gifts here, and now let's talk about congratulations that will be appropriate for such a wonderful date.

    What about congratulations?

    The nickel anniversary is an occasion for joy and fun. We bring to your attention the two most common ways to congratulate spouses on the 12th anniversary of marriage:

    • So, if you are acting as a guest, then you can take the beautiful verses that are presented below and substitute the names of your spouses.
    • Otherwise, you can always use your imagination, sit down and write in beautiful postcard a few sentences in your own words. What is important to consider so that congratulations are beautiful and meaningful? It is worth conveying your attitude towards the couple, emphasizing how wonderful their union is, how glad you are to live next to such people and take an example from them.

    Congratulate the spouses on such a significant nickel anniversary in their lives, because you must admit that it is very rare for anyone to have the opportunity to celebrate a nickel wedding for the second time in their life. May the couple keep the traditions and celebrate the day of their love and fidelity every year. Perhaps you, as a close family friend, will have your own ideas about congratulations, then feel free to implement them and trust that the spouses will definitely appreciate them.

    From wife or husband

    As for spouses, advising something here is a waste of time. Who, if not the heroes of the occasion, should know about the desires and secret dreams of the second half? Having lived so many years in marriage, you can guess with accuracy what the husband or wife is waiting for, and then try to implement everything in real life. Congratulations can be modest, but insanely pleasant.

    What's an anniversary without gifts? Options might include decorations and furnishings, a new set or appliances, a trip to a spa, or theater tickets. This spouse will be remembered for a long time, so it is worth making a photoset in order to place it in the album along with other photos in the future.

    In verse

    "Bitter" - so we shouted that 12 years!
    Wishing you a life without worries and troubles!
    To be together, not to get divorced!
    Our wishes came true exactly.
    You have a glorious anniversary today,
    And the symbol of the wedding is a nickel!
    The metal is strong, no fuss,
    It means that love is at its peak!
    We wish you new life victories,
    And happiness and love for many years!
    Let the house be filled with goodness
    Shiny nickel becomes silver!
    Special anniversary today
    You celebrate a dozen weddings,
    Accept congratulations from friends
    Which is totally deserved.
    We all acknowledge today
    Admiration is not melting at all:
    You have a beautiful and comfortable home!
    You have a happy and strong family!
    May your love be passionate and passionate,
    Do not know you grief, misfortune and misfortune
    Let the house of children be full
    And life is full of happy days!
    When the clock strikes twelve
    New Year is born
    Happy New Year to you, friends,
    Here's how it works.
    You don't just New Year
    A new era is coming!
    Live on together, without worries,
    Forget the word "bad".
    Let everything be just "good"
    And better - let it be "excellent",
    We wish you great love
    And an extraordinary life!
    Today we celebrate twelve together
    But not twelve months of the year,
    This number gives you life for happiness,
    Like a guiding star.
    Let her shine bright now
    For the two of you forever, forever
    Sweet love to you, hot kisses,
    And fidelity, and passion for years!
    The number twelve is a special number,
    He has magical powers
    already gone
    And you look just as cute.
    And most importantly - everyone is just as in love!
    Love conquered all troubles
    You are surrounded by your magic
    And this is your strength.
    Walk together and excitement and anxiety,
    And the magic of love dreams
    Let the road run smoothly for you
    No quarrels, no troubles and bitter tears!
    Overcoming adversity together
    You have lived the first of dozens.
    There are still years and years ahead...
    How to live - you do not need our advice!
    All you need is our congratulations,
    Wishing you happiness from the bottom of your heart!
    Be together without boredom and laziness!
    Like today - always good!
    Your family is now a teenager
    Do not be surprised - such an age,
    You're twelve, and it's not easy
    Deal with a growing family!
    But let all doubts melt away
    You have love - your main amulet,
    Please accept our congratulations
    Love and happiness for a hundred years!
    My words for husband and wife:
    You are born for each other!
    And your first family dozen -
    Loyalty and love deserved!
    Having lived together for twelve years,
    You are not indifferent to each other,
    We wish you new victories
    And happiness in personal life!
    Separation you said "No"
    And hot love - "Yes!"
    Twelve years have passed since then
    You are together forever!
    Let adversity leave you
    Let love win again
    Let fresh feelings come flooding in!
    Good, bright years to you!
    How long have you lived together?
    How old is family happiness?
    Laughed together, grieve together,
    Both troubles and bad weather have passed.
    It's not hard for us to count
    You have a dozen today
    The magic number suits you,
    And your success is well-deserved.
    You deserve it with your loyalty
    Mutual respect, success of children,
    With fiery love, passion and tenderness,
    An endless succession of nights and days.
    The ones that you were always together!
    "Bitterly!" now to the bride and groom!
    How nice to see happy family,
    Celebrating its 12th anniversary.
    What is your symbol: chintz, paper or leather?
    No, it doesn't look like you at all...
    Or maybe linen, cast iron and glass?
    After all, so much water has flowed under the bridge since then,
    How together you got married,
    Uniting the love of two hearts!
    And now the symbol of the wedding has become
    Nickel is a hard, shiny metal!
    Strong and glorious nickel ore,
    So be together in life forever!
    Be always in love and beautiful,
    Let the children be successful and happy!

    In prose

    Favorite friends! The time has come to celebrate your nickel wedding. Nickel is a unique metal. It is not as expensive as silver, but it shines no less. It is not as heavy as iron, but just as strong. We wish your family to be strong like nickel and sparkle with joyful smiles like nickel ore in the sun!

    You have been together for 12 years! In your first dozen, you have not changed at all, only gained experience and wisdom. As then, today you radiate joy and love. Just like that day, today you are happy. We are incredibly happy for you! For the fact that you managed to save your tender feelings and bring them to this day. You are great fellows and deserve applause. I would like to wish you one thing - peace and prosperity to your family and live together for another dozen dozen! Happy holiday!

    Today is a special day for the two of you, the anniversary of your wedding - 12 years. Twelve is a special number, it is strict and demanding, it puts everything in order: hours in a day, months in a year. Therefore, I also wish you order. Order in everything - in everyday life and business, at work and in personal life, in the house and in the yard. Let your children frolic, but do not break anything. Let all problems at work be unleashed before the end of the working day. Let a faithful soulmate wait for you at home, who is always ready to listen, understand and accept. Good luck and order to you in everything you have planned!

    Today we all congratulate you two on your nickel wedding. You lived 12 years in peace and tenderness. So let them always accompany you. May love always accompany you. May the bonds of marriage never weaken, and your hearts only be filled with kindness. I wish you frosty weather so that the warmth of your love is more tangible. Build a house - let it be full of children! Buy a car so that the kilometers between you turn into centimeters. Do not lose friends on the path of life - we will always be with you and come to congratulate you on a silver and golden wedding! Good luck and love! Bitterly!

    You have an important and good anniversary- 12 years together. During this time, you got to know each other, studied all the pros and cons. I can say with confidence that you have perfectly adapted to each other. 12 is a magic number. His magic protects you, so let only understanding, faith in each other and inexhaustible love accompany you further! Happiness to you!

    It's been 12 years since you got married. You have already lost the status of a young family and joined the ranks of experienced ones. A whole dozen years have passed, and you are together. This means that the decision to get married was conscious and mature. I want to wish you the most important thing - understanding. May your life path never think of bifurcating. I want you to always understand and know that there is a person in the world who loves you, will never betray you and will always understand. You do not need to tell your beloved or beloved what is in your soul, because they will understand it in your eyes. There is no greater happiness than understanding relatives and relatives, and especially your soulmate. Happy holiday!

    Over the past dozen happy years, you have managed to prove to everyone that you are a strong family that is not afraid of any life and everyday problems. So let your love and your understanding give you energy for work and leisure. Let your life be filled with pleasure, and the hearth warms the soul. May tenderness reign between you. Give it to each other, because there is never too much of it. Let your enemies envy you, and your friends admire and look up to you. Good luck and happiness!

    When you decided to get married, we were all surprised. But today, 12 years later, we admire you. After all, 12 years is not twelve months, that is, the "honey" year has long passed, and you still love each other just as much. You two are beautiful in your love and your tenderness. We admire you in your nickel wedding. Give us a reason to do the same for your golden wedding. Love and understand each other, support each other. Let the family hearth never fade away, the house is filled with children's laughter and children's babble. Happiness to you two and more smiles!

    It's been 12 years since that wonderful wedding day! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish your strong relationship the same impeccability, warmth and tenderness. Let all difficulties and troubles bypass you, and only happiness reigns in life. May well-being and prosperity only multiply, and love become stronger and stronger! Let the ocean of joy and the clear sun reign in your home!

    Today marks 12 years of marriage and we are celebrating a nickel wedding. Believe it or not, every year it is more and more pleasant to congratulate you. After all, you flourish and open up. You have everything you dream of modern people. Today your family is as strong as nickel alloy! May this fortress stay with you forever! I wish you love, joy and fun! Enjoy every new day, light up those around you with your smiles! Happiness to you!


    SMS congratulations on a nickel wedding 12 years in verse

    Wedding congratulations:

    "SMS congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 12 years"

    On your wedding day, I hasten to congratulate you,
    And wish you luck - upper class,
    You have not changed at all, friends,
    Love can't be replaced by anything.

    I want to love as sincerely
    Always be the most worthy people,
    Protect your family, of course,
    Protect her from all misfortunes!

    "Congratulations on 12 years of marriage"

    You've been together for 12 years!
    Congratulations on your nickel wedding!
    Happiness to you, success and victories!
    Wisdom, patience we wish!

    Let him keep the hearth of the family and at home
    Your angel, covering him with a wing!
    So that sorrows and troubles come to you
    We just couldn't get into the house!

    "Short congratulations happy wedding anniversary 12 years

    There is a very important reason
    Congratulate people close to me!
    Today is your anniversary
    happy wedding anniversary!

    You've been together for 12 years already!
    I wish you love more!
    To each other sincerely and honestly
    Always talk about feelings!

    "Short congratulations on the nickel wedding of 12 years"

    We congratulate you on a nickel wedding,
    12 years you are together, you two.
    And on this day we wish only happiness,
    We'll pour glasses full for you.

    We wish you great success
    Happy life endless days
    May there be a lot of joy and laughter
    And many worthy friends!

    "SMS congratulations on the nickel wedding 12 years"

    Since your wedding bright
    It's been 12 years already!
    And the best wedding gift
    Marriage has become stronger, no!

    Let love always warm you
    Over the years, becoming stronger!
    Happy wonderful wedding anniversary
    We hasten to congratulate you soon!

    "Short congratulations on your 12th wedding anniversary"

    wedding nickel
    Let it be fun.
    All the sorrows of the past
    Let them change for good.

    Let comfort reign in the house
    Children's laughter here and there.
    Let life be long
    Happy road!

    "Cool congratulations happy wedding anniversary 12 years

    My friend, remember how you got married,
    I fell in love with my bride,
    Now you Friendly family!
    And congratulations to my friend!

    I wish you many victories
    Live in the world for many years
    So that everything always works out
    Never knew sadness.