Congratulation of muses to the worker. Original congratulations with a surprise for the music worker "Melody of Life". sing the song "Kindergarten is a house for children"

Ekaterina Nazarova
The script of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the preschool worker "Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!"

Target: Congratulating colleagues on their professional holiday, creating a festive mood, team building.

Description: Day of the preschool worker has just entered into force, and the traditions of its celebration are still taking shape. I will tell you how this holiday was celebrated in our kindergarten. This holiday, of course, is not complete without the participation of children, our pupils. As on any other holiday, children, under the supervision of a music director and teachers, learned poems and songs, prepared dances and learned skits. Kindergarten workers together, as a friendly team, decorated the music hall for the holiday. And the parents did not stand aside - they gladly responded to our invitation, helped us organize the children's performance. There were also guests of honor from the regional center and local administration. The holiday was held in a cozy atmosphere. There was an atmosphere of joy and celebration in the air.

Purpose: the scenario may be of interest to preschool educational institutions - educators, music directors.

Necessary equipment: laptop, music system, projector and screen. Also, according to the scenario, balls are provided for congratulating kindergarten workers.

Event progress:

While kindergarten workers are gathering in the hall, the song “Nosiki-Kurnosiki” sounds in the background (words by A. Bulycheva, music by B. Emelyanov).

At the final words, two presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear colleagues! Today we have gathered in our cozy and beautiful hall to celebrate our professional holiday- Day of the preschool worker!

This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 2004, although preschool education in Russia is already 150 years old. Labor of workers preschool education highly appreciated and therefore since 2016 our holiday has rightfully taken an honorable place in the list official holidays countries!

Educator is not a job

Not measured life.

This is a service without calculation

Her calling is to love.

Host 2:

What should a teacher be like?

Of course, it must be kind!

Love children, and this is the main thing!

Love your profession!

Today we are glad to congratulate our dear educators, who tirelessly in their work with children show patience, care and kindness of the mother, wisdom and exactingness of the mentor. Their talents are countless - they sing, dance, draw. They are excellent artists, inventors and entertainers. They not only love children, they give them their heart.

Do not count the talents of other kindergarten employees: the head and her deputies, speech therapist and psychologist, music director, swimming instructor and physical culture, our cooks and doctors, cleaners and watchmen, technical staff and all-all-all! Each of us works tirelessly every day for the benefit of our students! Happy professional holiday, dear colleagues!

1 number. The girls come in to the music senior group pa)

Check out Kindergarten!

Yes, everyone is happy to see

Here the toys are neat,

How they stand on a string.

We sing and we dance.

In general, we have fun.

We go for a walk together.

And we are slowly growing!

Our mothers take us

And their souls are at peace.

In kindergarten, indeed,

Our life is so good.

Congratulations to everyone today

Who devoted his life to children!

You health and wellness!

Lots of joy and strength!

The one who is faithfully friendly with childhood,

Never gets old!

We say thank you!

Be happy always!

2 number. The song "Ding Ding" Kindergarten", children of the older group enter the hall with balloons and give them to guests.

Then the kids come out.

Presenter 1: The children are already eager to demonstrate their talents, and they rush to the stage to congratulate each of you.

Presenter 2: Meet the guys of the senior group! They will perform the waltz for you.

3 number. The senior group dances "Waltz".

Presenter 1: On this wonderful day, honored guests came to us to share this holiday with us.

The word is given ___

Invited to the stage ___

Presenter 2: And now, with their congratulations, our mischievous children from preparatory group. Let's give them a big round of applause!

The preparatory group comes out to the music.

4 number.

1. Poem"We go to kindergarten every day." Is reading___

Every day we go to kindergarten, where you are waiting for us at the door.

We hasten to give you smiles of bright starfall as soon as possible!

On the day of the teacher, we want to wish you all the blessings of the earth!

And thank you for the kindness, because we love you like family!

2. Children sing the song "What is a kindergarten?"

3. The poem "Educator". Is reading___

Your merit is that we found in you both a mother and a friend.

We wiped away tears with a handkerchief more than once,

When mothers left us in the kindergarten,

When harmful borscht suddenly spilled on the table,

And not everyone wore a cunning sock.

You are truly a magician!

You manage to be Fox Alice and shine like the sun!

Play, amuse, understand and regret...

We wish our souls never grow old!

The kids go out to the music.

Presenter 1: They read the poems, they performed the song, but what about without dancing? For you, dear guests, the guys will perform the dance "Tango"! We meet!

5 number. Children from the preparatory group perform the dance "Tango".

Presenter 2: Our children are mischievous, funny, beautiful, and most importantly - talented in everything, right? So the guys from the older group prepared a scene. The artists have already prepared and are in a hurry to please you! Meet!

6 number. Children from older groups perform the scene "Kindergarten"

Presenter 1: And now the debut performance of our aspiring little artists. They have been preparing very seriously for their first performance and are very excited because they want you to like it.

Presenter 2: Let's support them with thunderous applause and smiles, because they need your support so much! Meet the guys from middle group with a congratulatory song "Kindergarten".

7 number. Children of middle groups sing the song "Kindergarten"

8 number.

The guys from the Middle group "A" come out to the music to read poetry.

1 child:___

Many, many days in a row in summer and winter

We come to kindergarten, dear kindergarten.

2 child: Ruslan

We wake up early, we can't be late.

Toys and friends are waiting for us in the garden.

3rd child: Ilona

Here we are taught to dress, brush our teeth, wash ourselves.

And tie shoelaces and recite poems.

4th child: Bulat

Among us there are braggarts, crybabies, brawlers, cowards.

But we always forgive each other and do not grieve with reproaches.

5th child: Zarina

Children live in the kindergarten, play and sing here,

Here they find friends for themselves, go for a walk with them.

6th child: Alice

They argue and dream together, imperceptibly grow up.

Children's garden - second our house, how warm, cozy in it!

(G. Shalaeva "Your second home")

Presenter 1: And again, for all of you, in honor of this wonderful holiday, to cheer you up, our little artists perform - guys from the middle group. For you, they have prepared a fun and provocative dance "Kind Bug"!

9 number. Children of middle groups A and B perform the dance "Kind Beetle".

Poem by I. Gurina "Educator".

Mom goes to work.

And dad has a lot to do.

So someone needs to

And looked after us!

Who will feed porridge from a spoon,

Who reads a fairy tale to us,

Who will put on our boots,

Who knows poems and songs?

Who will reconcile, caress,

Who is a girlfriend and friend,

Who takes care of us all day?

Well, of course, the teacher!

Presenter 2: With the next congratulatory number for you, the guys from the senior group are invited to the stage. Meet!

11 number. Seniors take the stage

1. Poems

A. Vishnevskaya. "I work as a child."

I'll get up and wake up my mother. I'll put on my pants.

I wash myself. And I'll drink tea, and I won't forget the book.

I have a job waiting for me, I have to work hard!

Eat porridge, take a walk, sleep, have fun!

I'm at work all day: I sing, sculpt, dance.

Then I'll have a drink, sing again and draw a letter.

And if you ask me, I will answer very loudly:

"I'm in the kindergarten, I work in the kindergarten as a child!"

2. perform the song "Kindergarten is a house for children"

Presenter 1: And now for a congratulatory speech, we invite our manager to the stage!

To the music, the manager comes out with a congratulatory speech.

Presenter 1: On this cheerful note, our congratulatory concert comes to the end. Dear colleagues! Thank you for your hard work. Happy professional holiday!

You are good fairies leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light.

Hope you happy, great recognition,

And new discoveries, and new victories!

Host 2:

May there be a thousand reasons for happiness:

Favorite people, gifts, flowers,

Good news, warm welcome,

Pleasant chores, plans, dreams.

Good luck in business, cheerful mood,

Smiles, support from family and friends.

Comfort and coziness, good relations

And many happy and joyful days!

Congratulations to the babysitter.
With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?

Of course we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And don't use sand.

Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for what it's time
She dedicated her work to us!

Our teddy bear is sad
And he was always funny like this:
We are our nanny - (nanny's name)
Let's wave goodbye.

Toys and books are in order,
And cleanly washed all the mugs.
Now girls, boys
Leave: Goodbye toys!

We promise we will
Learn only on "FIVE"!
We will not forget the kindergarten
And we ask you not to forget!!!

* * *

It's time for us to grow up
We part with the fourth group.
Our garden "........", bye!
We won't wake up in your beds.

We will grow big soon
And remember the kindergarten sometimes
A nanny like (nanny's name),
We will never meet again.

Whose friendly smile
Did you always meet us in the morning?!
Whose patient hand
Did you braid the girls' braids?!

Now not to us, to other guys
Show bright pictures
You take them for a walk
And you will lace up your boots.

And as we leave, we want to say
We, (nanny's name), love you very much.
Your smile and eyes
We will never forget!!!

You were not afraid of big work,
You were both kind and patient.
(name of nanny or caregiver)! With an open mind
We say to you: "Thank you very much!"

So difficult, sometimes, to teach children -
There is a disobedient, there is a breaker.
You showed them how to live right,
You - with a capital letter V O S P I T A T E L:

(name of nanny or caregiver)! Your work is not appreciated
Patience, care cannot be measured by anything,
We will not tire of thanking you for your work -
Loved and loved! And we will love!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, like a fairy tale,
And the tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And a fairy - there was a nanny for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina
So that it is impossible to answer "I will not"!

Congratulations to the speech therapist.
We are good at talking
Useful for school!
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
Worked with you
We are friends with sounds
Just like you tried.

Know we won't let you down
You are our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Speech therapist.
One, two, tr-ri, four-re, five
That's how I can count!

And at the party yesterday
The loudest shouted "Ur-ra"!

With "r" we were in a quarrel for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her.
And all the time in conversation
I changed it to "L".

But it sounds funny "I got out"
And do not say - "grown up"!

With "r" I decided to make peace
Tried but couldn't
Make friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

I'll tell you a secret:
This doctor is a speech pathologist!

This doctor teaches children
Speak without mistakes
We owe him for this
Thanks a lot!

After all, with the insidious letter "r"
We are very good friends now!

diligence and creativity,
Perseverance and victory -
Here are the main steps
In the work of a speech therapist.
All Nadi, Vani, Viti
Gotta talk
And it depends on you
To be or not to be.
My heart hurts for everyone.
Everyone wants to help.
More than once the question: "What to do?"
Chased all night.
You go sometimes with bags,
And the tongue is a "fungus",
Or "horse" clicks,
Ile lips "proboscis".
Suddenly you crackle with a "motor"
Several times in a row
And you catch the wary
Walking by look.
So day after day
Down then up
tongue flies,
Work so hard
Not all of you could.
And… there were sounds
Suddenly, syllables will appear,
And there the words will go
On the right road.
At the very first meeting
We often hear: "Datte"
And goodbye clear:
"Health and happiness to you!"
And I'm without false modesty
I'm not ashamed to admit
That I am my profession
Really proud!

Perhaps the child has a problem
with a speech
Then I can give you a practical
The issue will be resolved
Only a professional speech therapist.
He teaches speech: clean, smooth,
He knows the secret of eloquence:
How to speak clearly and understandably, -
Qualified master -
He teaches verbal communication,
Grammar and vocabulary is his subject.
Breathing, phonation, articulation
With knowledge of the matter will teach you
He is an educator, teacher and psychologist,
He is a philologist and he is a linguist,
He is a teacher, doctor, defectologist,
An actor, a speaker is a speech therapist.
Researcher, methodologist, innovator,
He is a diagnostician, proofreader and expert,
Both consultant and observer -
Versatile specialist -
He is thoughtful, serious,
And for any question will be able to give
He is enthusiastic, searching, active,
He is a creative person

He will explain, aim, justify,
Will tell and show tete-a-tete,
Record, clarify, recommend
Attentive, tactful speech therapist.
He works subtly, patiently,
Adding the result from small
Works smart and efficient
Intelligent, delicate
He loves his work selflessly,
And there is no better job for him.
He devotes his aspirations to children,
Worthy of respect speech therapist!
Now you are familiar with the profession
You just have to knock
to the office
(At the hospital, school or nursery
With a sign of a modest "SPEECH Therapist".

Congratulations to the manager.
Accept our bow to the ground
For warming your hands
Your children's oasis, create comfort there,
For moms and dads, you are like a second mother,
After all, we are young and sometimes not always,
We have enough experience in our years,
We often come to you for advice.
The children have finished their preschool path,
And today we want to wish you
So that your kindergarten managed to survive
In such a difficult time,
Enough patience you this burden
Carry through the years on women's shoulders!
Not to express all respect in words,
Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care,
Let only work be your joy,
Good luck and happiness to the kindergarten and you,
Bow to you today from dads and moms!

You certainly have the hardest work!
We want to say that the children are now in school
They will go, grafted to order by you!
hard-working female hands
The order was brought day by day!
And sometimes insure the educator,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work in joy,
So that labor turns out to be grateful!
Let your name not be a teacher,
Let you be his assistant only,
But you had so many worries
That we do not appreciate your work,
We can hardly forget you
Health and happiness to you henceforth,
Blaze in work and burn!

Nowadays, no, it's not easy
Lead the garden.
Every day a million questions
All of them need to be resolved.
Yeah, work here ain't honey
Here, not everyone could.
For this hard work
Let's say thank you!

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And thank you very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity garden!

At the head of care
All other worries are more important.
How he comes to work
This is how the cycle went:
The nanny got sick in the group,
Need someone to replace
And there will be no energy -
Call Gorenergo.
Select specialists
So that academic year to begin.
Invite artists to kindergarten
Show the children the story.
Register new kids
Praise the teachers
And of course updates
Buy for kindergarten.
And thank you very much
We all want to say.
Too bad in elementary school
We won't miss you.

All employees and children
Every day needs care
At the head of our
A very difficult job.
We thank her
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Poems for kindergarten workers.
And when did we have time?
So suddenly grown up!
At school, waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
Sorry, we're leaving the garden.
Everyone needs to say thank you.
How many holiday balls -
So many kind words.

Kindergarten is fun!
Well, who's in charge here?
Who is in the office?
Who is in charge of everyone?
Not sleeping at night
Keeping track of the budget
Talking to mothers
Good Manager!

What are the guys to do?
How to study and when?
How to walk and have fun?
We don't know, that's the trouble!
But a whole list of activities
Methodist writes to children!

Doors, light bulbs, carpets,
And sand for the kids
Curtains and toys
Blankets and pillows
We brought furniture to the kindergarten
Wonderful caretaker!

Erases, irons
On an ironed sheet
In a quiet hour, we relax our backs.
On a white pillow
Sleep comes serene.
The linen in the garden has a bath.
The director there is Aunt Tanya!

It sits in our stomachs
Sweet tooth-appetite.
He gurgles, then howls.
Who will comfort the poor thing?
Porridge in the morning
Chefs cook for children!

Canteen workers
Who will open the canteen?
Will the guys set the table?
Who will pour soup into bowls?
Yato will clean up after us?
Who will give us supplements of the new?
Canteen workers only!
Gena spilled the soup again,
Gosha dropped the porridge.
And canteen workers
Clean up again!

Who will stroke every crumb
Arms, back, belly, legs?
Gently massage
Our favorite massage therapist.

Well, who is stronger here
All diseases and colds?
Like Dr. Aibolit
Will it protect us from the flu?
I'm not afraid - I run, I jump
Visit the good doctor!

We're not without a reason
We love vitamins.
It's time for a cocktail, hooray!
The nurse is calling!

Gym teacher
For health and figure,
And for the strength of the legs and arms
For physical education lessons
The fizruk will take the children!

Speech therapist
Oh, what were the torments -
No sounds were given to people!
Eternal errors:
Instead of "fish" - "smile".
"Bowl" instead of "bear"
"Fifka" instead of "bump"!
We'll let you in on a secret:
A speech pathologist can help!

We didn't know the days of the week
They barely spoke.
The path to knowledge is terribly long.
But the defectologist helped us.

We fantasize, we play
Putting something together
In a great mood
In an unusual office.
Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash -
Our psychologist loves everyone.

We couldn't do anything
Even wrote more than once.
You almost turned gray
Rescuing us forever!

Wiped, washed
Lenochek and Vanechek (Zhenechek and Tanechek),
And we always knew for sure:
We can't do without nannies!

Musical director
Who plays the harmonica
In addition to Gena-crocodile?
piano, tambourine, spoons,
She can even play the flute!

Our farewell holiday
Spend with us
Most Musical
Our leader!

Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot to do.
So someone needs to
And looked after us!

Who will feed porridge from a spoon,
Who reads a fairy tale to us,
Who will put on our boots,
Who knows poems and songs?

Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is a girlfriend and friend,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, the teacher!
I. Gurina

What is music, tell me?
It's medicine for the soul
A stream enters the heart of music ...
Congratulations to all musicians!
Congratulations to all of us musicians -
Composers and orchestrators,
Opera artists and entertainers -
With their wonderful musical holiday!
Receive greetings from congratulators -
All music lovers in the world!

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Music teaches us to live
And laugh and love
Forgive everyone, do not be angry,
Stay young!
Love everyone and pity everyone
Have a good heart!
Congratulations musicians,
The most excellent talents!
And we want you to create
As if in good fairy tale live,
On this musical day
Congratulations from the fans!

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(Minsk literary and musical association "Galaktika" and the literary site "Infinity") have the honor to congratulate all the women of our "yard" on the most working women's holiday! And let the men pretend that they worked for three, preparing this day for their halves, they only pretend, and the women do the rest

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Congratulations on the national holiday Day of the educator and all preschool workers.
Dear preschool workers educational institutions!
In 2004, for the first time, the Day of the Educator and All Preschool Workers is celebrated throughout the country.
On September 27, 2004, in each municipality of the region, solemn events dedicated to the national holiday of all employees of preschool educational institutions.
Today, more than ever, the fate of every child depends on the wisdom, kindness and patience of adults. Educational institutions, and first of all, preschool ones, are based on caring enthusiasts who love children, on individuals who are obsessed with their profession. With your help, children preschool age learn the secrets of the surrounding world, learn to love and protect their homeland. Your pupils to build a new Russia.
On your professional holiday, dear employees of preschool institutions, please accept congratulations and sincere wishes for good health, creative success, well-being, optimism and confidence in the future.
Sincerely, Director of the Department of Education M.V. Koreshkov

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Dear teachers, kindergarten workers and veterans of preschool education!
September 27 - a new national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers." I sincerely congratulate everyone on the Day of the preschool worker!
Day of the preschool worker was established on September 27, 2004 at the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications. The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood generally.
The system of pre-school education is the first link in general education; it has retained its best traditions and is constantly evolving, taking into account the real needs of the inhabitants of our region. Today preschool education- this is the educational component that is most in demand by the population, and this is a serious reserve for maintaining the network of preschool educational institutions and its human resources. This is a way to create equal starting conditions for all preschool children.

An educator is not only a profession, the essence of which is to give knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of a personality, the affirmation of a person in a person. Thanks to your kindness and skill, every day a child in kindergarten turns into a day of joy and happiness. You put a lot of effort and energy into the development of the personality of a little person, take care of the well-being of each child.
I express sincere words thanks for your noble work, love for your profession.
Happy holiday everyone! I wish everyone good health, happiness, optimism and success in all good undertakings, well-being in the family.
Head of the Batyrevsky district N.I.Glukhov

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Social Worker's Day
Great holiday to remember
About those who care every day
About the old, the sick, the helpless.
They work to the limit
Their work is not easy. After all, everything is on the nerves.
Happy social worker day
I hasten to congratulate one of the first!

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Forest Workers Day
Owners of places, foresters, huntsmen!
Plant forests, raise forests!
Let the earthly beauty not fade,
Our land is famous for its forests.
Green patrol - your help in protection.
In the forest they are young as if in a temple.
And the forest - it is the temple of nature, miracles.
Love, keep our forest green.
When the autumn time in the forest comes,
People congratulate forest workers.
Their celebration of the profession inspires people,
How help is needed for those who protect the forest.

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Happy Teacher's Day!!!
September 27 - a new national holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers."
The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general. On this day, ceremonial events are held, dedicated to the Day employees of preschool educational institutions.
Preschool age is a particularly important and responsible period in the life of a child, at this age a personality is formed, and the foundations of health are laid. A prosperous childhood and the future fate of each child depends on the wisdom of the educator, his patience, attention to inner world child. With the help of their teachers, preschoolers learn the secrets of the world around them, learn to love and protect their homeland.
We congratulate all employees of preschool institutions who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! We are sure that your kindness and pedagogical skills will turn every day for kindergarten students into a day of joy and happiness!

Here are sample texts for thank you letter music director kindergarten. The samples are written in prose (not in verse). The collection is divided into 2 parts:

  • on behalf of the organization
  • from parents of pupils

Both lists have corresponding headings. Design guidelines are at the end of the page.

All names, surnames, names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, you need to change them.

Sample letters on behalf of the organization

Option number 1

Musical director of MBDOU No. 9

Olgina A. G.

Dear Amalia Glebovna!

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Anadyr expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your participation in holiday concert dedicated All-Russian Day preschool worker


Thanks to your creativity and pedagogical talent, which deserve the highest awards, the prestige of all preschool education is increasing.

We hope that our cooperation will continue in the future, and the residents of the city of Anadyr will be able to enjoy such concerts many more times.

We wish you and your family good health and creative success!

Head of Education Department

P. Zh. Zolotukhina


Option number 2

Music director

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 299"

Kondratieva Anzhelika Lukinichna

Please accept our sincere gratitude for preparing students for the performance

at the regional festival of dance and game gymnastics

"Moments of Glory"

among preschool children.

We wish you good health, professional growth and financial stability.


MDOU "Kindergarten No. 91"

R. D. Gordina


Option number 3

additional education

"Children's Music School No. 55", Aramil


Maksimova Arina Moiseevna

musical director of preschool educational institution No. 73 "Ship of Childhood"

for help in organizing the concerts.

By combining friendly efforts and a creative approach to work, our events were successful and became a real gift to the young residents of our city on New Year's Eve.

We are sincerely glad to work with you on joint projects.

We look forward to further fruitful cooperation in the future, which will make a significant contribution to the development of the younger generation.

We wish you indestructible health, longevity, love, creative success and well-being.

Director of Music School No. 55

U. R. Skripkina

December, 2020

Option number 4

Sultanova Bella Bronislavovna

music director of MBDOU "D / S No. 343"

for promoting the growth of the spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation, creating conditions for the artistic and aesthetic education of children, transferring the experience of teachers of municipal preschool educational institutions in the city theater competition "First Steps on the Professional Stage".

Chairman of the Committee

by education Arkadak

M. Yu. Zavarzin

Arcadak, 2020

Option number 5

Music director

Anikina Viola Evgrafovna

We express gratitude

for the ability to plan and organize the educational process, the implementation of modern educational programs and methods of preschool education.

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 118"

P. Z. Chaplygina

Deputy head According to VMR

N. A. Ryushkina

Artyomovsk 2020

Option number 6

Zinovieva Gabriella Benediktovna,

musical director of preschool educational institution No. 532 "Voskhod", Atkarsk

Educational center "Creation"

expresses gratitude to you for promoting the ideas of blended learning, effective partnership, successful positioning educational organization and own pedagogical experience at the All-Russian level.

Director of the OC "Creation"

B. Kh. Anisimova


Option number 7

Is awarded

Davydova Julia Mstislavovna

music director

for fruitful work and effective work on organizing musical activities with pupils as part of summing up the results for the 2019-2020 academic year.

We thank you for the development of the musicality of children, an extraordinary, innovative approach to holding competitions, musical events, and holidays.

Head of MBDOU No. 613

E. Sh. Volodarova

Deputy Head

R. O. Dolkina

November, 2020

Option number 8



Zlata Veniaminovna

(music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 46", Asbest, Sverdlovsk region)

Editorial staff of the journal "Treble clef"

expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the dissemination of innovative experience in the musical and creative development of children, the search and implementation of new, modern forms organization of children's leisure and interaction with the families of pupils.

Chief Editor

magazine "Treble clef"

candidate of pedagogical sciences

P. Sh. Dotsenko


Option number 9

Is awarded

Timofeeva Izolda Karlovna,

music director

Preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 397" Tsvetik-Semitsvetik "

for the high level of leisure activities in the summer recreation camp with round-the-clock stay of children "Country of Childhood".

We wish prosperity, optimism, new grandiose ideas and their successful implementation!

Head of preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №397 "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"

F. K. Fedotova

September 2020

Option number 10

Municipal budget institution

"Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Citizens with Disabilities" of the Metallurgical District of the city of Chelyabinsk

expresses gratitude

Musical director of MBDOU No. 235 of Chelyabinsk

Aronova Yulia Edwardovna

for assistance in the preparation and holding of New Year's events.

Director of the MBU "Center for Social Services

Senior Citizens and Citizens

with restricted abilities"

Metallurgical district


U. Ts. Terentyeva

Option number 11

Teacher of the Belgorod children's

art school Karlova K. T.

Dear Ksenia Trofimovna!

Thank you for your fruitful creative work on musical and aesthetic education of children.

To instill in children a musical taste, to teach the beautiful, the eternal - this is a noble goal, without which the intelligentsia of the city cannot be grown. Therefore, it is important not only to notice the child's ability to be creative in a timely manner, but also to help him reach maximum heights.

Thank you for being so selflessly striving to support your pupils, who will eventually become our common pride.

Let me wish you success in professional activity, health for many years and creative victories for your students!

Director of MAOU DOD BDSHI:

O. D. Ruchkina

Belgorod, 2020

Option number 12

Is awarded

music director

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 91", Belousovo

Murasheva Regina Nikitichna

for preparing young artists for performances and for active participation in the organization of the festival "Rising Stars of Belousovo", the preservation and development of the traditions of the cultural heritage of our city, professionalism and creative approach to business.

Deputy Head of Administration

the city of Belousovo

P. L. Minnikova

July, 2020


Option number 13

Usacheva Maria Albertovna, musical director

MBOU DOD "Children's Music School No. 9"

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your assistance in organizing and holding the concert, dedicated to the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, for his personal contribution to the preservation of the traditions of Orthodox musical culture, the formation of the moral foundations of children, as well as the high performing level of students of the children's music school.

Deputy Heads of administration

Pravoberezhny district of Bratsk

N. O. Zarechnikova

Option number 14

Zolotareva Evgenia Rudolfovna

music director,

for the repeated representation of the pupils of the institution at city events, the creation of a positive image of the institution.


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 334"

V. Sh. Romashkina


Option number 15

Is awarded

Almazova Louise Romanovna

for the support, development and promotion of the performing arts of young Petersburgers, the identification of talented vocalists and musicians and the formation of a harmonious, spiritually developed personality through art.


Muses. school number 10

St. Petersburg

E. Kh. Pashkova

Deputy Director

G. F. Fedorova

St. Petersburg

Option number 16

Dear Violetta Alexandrovna!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for the creative cooperation within the framework of the project of the Children's Festival of the Novgorod Region in 2020 - "Future Big Names of Novgorod and the Region".

Thank you for your fruitful and selfless work, significant personal contribution to the development of music education and upbringing of the younger generation of the Novgorod region, for the skill and professionalism of the Teacher, clearly manifested in the bright performances of your students at the Festival.

I wish you creative success, new talented students, a grateful audience and further achievements in the musical and artistic education of children. I have no doubt that this noble and responsible pedagogical work will continue to give you not only special impressions and the joy of communicating with the young talents of the Novgorod land, but will also give you the opportunity to be involved with us in the discovery of new names of future figures of culture and art in Russia.

Good health to you, happiness and prosperity!

Deputy Minister of Culture

Novgorod region

V. Yu. Sidorenkova

Novgorod, 2020

sample letters from parents

Option number 1

Music director

Preschool №91 Balashov

Gerasimova G. L.

Dear Galina Leontievna!

We, the parents of the pupils of the Raketa group of preschool educational institution No. 91, sincerely thank you for your many years of work, high professional skills, significant contribution to the development of musical abilities and aesthetic development our children.

We are sure that your constant creative search and joint work with pupils will continue to be aimed at supporting a favorable creative atmosphere in preschool, preservation and enhancement of the best cultural traditions.

We wish you new professional victories, grateful students, creative longevity! And of course, good health, female happiness and well-being!

December 2020

Option number 2

Parents of the Umki group, preschool educational institution No. 173, Abinsk

express gratitude

music director

Antonova Aida Filimonovna

for the quality of the event - a dance flash mob "For safety on the street"

October 2020

Option number 3

Dear Ella Illarionovna!

Thank you so much for your talent and skill!

For your sincere devotion to the chosen cause!

For introducing our children to the world of beauty - the world of good songs and music.

For the development of fantasy, horizons, hearing and intellect. For wonderful, bright holidays!

May beautiful melodies always sound in your soul. New creative success to you and prosperity!

Parents of group No. 7

Release of 2020

Option number 4

Dear Adelaida Valentinovna!

Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for the development of the musical talents of our children and for your active participation in matters of their aesthetic education.

Thank you for your teaching skills, warmth and unlimited patience, thanks to which the guys always attended your classes with pleasure, bringing home new impressions and skills.

Thank you for the spectacular morning performances and bright events organized by you for our children and for us.

We wish you well-being, good health, good spirits, warmth of hearts and love, which you put into your work with a sincere sense of concern for children.

I wish you new creative heights, successful achievements and great achievements!

Sincerely, parents of pupils

preparatory group No. 10 "Preschoolers"

December 2020

Option number 5

Parents of pupils of group No. 4

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 118" express their sincere gratitude to the musical director and teacher of the theater-studio "Golden Key" Karolina Filimonovna Fomina, for the talented staging of the musical and dramatic performance "Lukomorye", for the creative approach to teaching children, high professionalism and skill.

Participation in performances makes the life of children emotionally rich, filled with joy, reveals the individual abilities of each child.

Musical and theatrical and artistic activities help our children learn to express their feelings and thoughts, liberate and make them feel confident.

Special thanks I want to say for the beautiful musical arrangement performances and staging of wonderful dances by little artists. Also, we thank all the participants of the production: the set designer for the magical design; costume designer for fantastically beautiful and interesting costumes for kids.

Diverse, great work has been done in all directions.

Such events give parents the opportunity to see how their child's talents develop. A pleasant surprise was the discovery that every child involved in the theater-studio "Golden Key" plays on stage as an adult artist.

Thank you for this amazing discovery, we received great pleasure and satisfaction from viewing!

We wish Karolina Filimonovna and her young actors new successes, bright and meaningful performances, beautiful concerts and inexhaustible creative energy.

Parents of group No. 4

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 118"

A. P. Ivanova

R. O. Petrova

Zh. N. Sidorova

Option number 6

On May 19, in the kindergarten "Rosinka", in the city of Belogorsk, graduation party on the theme "Journey to the big world"

We, the parents of group No. 3, want to express our sincere gratitude to

musical director Ilyina Lidia Rodionovna.

To be both a talented person and a teacher with “ capital letter' is a calling.

Lidia Rodionovna You, sparing no effort, time and effort, managed to instill in our children a love for beauty, for music, for dancing, for rhythm!

Thank you for having such a talented teacher for our children! You always modestly keep silent about your difficult, painstaking work and show the excellent results of our children at matinees. But it is thanks to your work that the children achieve more and more success every day, they look forward to your classes, they repeat everything with joy at home, they rehearse dances in order to please you the next day.

Thank you for your patience, responsibility, love, extraordinary approach, creative imagination and fantastic scripts for matinees!

Our kindergarten, parents and children are very lucky to have such a wonderful teacher!

With respect, gratitude,

wishes of health and creative success,

parents and parent committee of group No. 3

May 2020

Option number 7

Alumni parents team

preschool department

children's music school №1, Velsk


music teacher

Smirnova Alevtina Vasilievna

for an invaluable contribution to the cultural and aesthetic development of our children, sincerity, professionalism, methodological literacy, support and assistance in the development of a spiritually gifted personality of each student.

July, 2020

Option number 8

I express my heartfelt gratitude preschool teacher"Kindergarten No. 622"

Pavlova Nelli Serafimovna (teacher of music and dances).

My daughter has been attending music classes for several recent years and during this time Nelli Serafimovna has shown high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and dedication to the chosen cause. She has boundless patience, which has helped my daughter learn to sing, dance, listen and hear music.

Nelly Serafimovna finds individual approach to each student, in teaching he knows how to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each.

I would very much like to see such teachers as Nelli Serafimovna meet as often as possible on the path of life and instill in our children a love of music, helping us to educate intelligent people.

Mom of a pupil of group No. 1

Artyukhina S. K.

  • It is acceptable to write a letter from parents in a less formal form than a letter from an organization. To make the message warmer, add more emotion to the text, make the writing style less dry, and express admiration for the teacher's work.
  • If none of the samples satisfies you to the fullest, you can create your own letter. To do this, take the part you like from any sample and attach to it a part of another sample you like (combine them into one text).
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the sheet. In cases where there is no other way to place the text on the page, it is permissible to lay out the text in a different way (by width or by the left margin). Examples of such a layout are samples No. 5 and No. 8 (see examples “on behalf of parents”)
  • Separate fragments of text can be bolded or italicized. Also, you can write some lines in a smaller font than the main text. However, don't make each line special by highlighting it in different ways. Try to highlight only what really needs to be highlighted.
  • At the beginning of the text, it is permissible to write “awarded”, but try not to write the word “awarded” ... Usually they are awarded with a diploma, not a letter.
  • After the main text, at the bottom of the page, along the left margin, indicate the position of the author of the letter. If the letter is from the parents of the pupils, the positions are not written, indicating only the number of the group, its name.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge, indicate the initials and surname of the author.
  • The personal signature and seal of the organization are placed in the center at the bottom of the page, between the position and the author's surname.
  • After the position, on the left or in the center, indicate the number and date of the order, if any.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date. It is allowed to reduce it (leaving only the month and year, or - only the year). You can add the name of the settlement to the date, however, this is not a strict requirement for registration (you can leave only the year of writing, omitting the name of the city, village, region, etc.).

Suitable for those whose life is connected with music, to organize it, you need to know the main biographical data of the hero of the day, and make or order a Royal (or make original photo piano and figure out how to beat it). Original congratulations with a surprise for the music worker "Melody of Life"- this is the life story of the hero of the occasion with the giving of a significant gift at the end, very touching and beautiful. A musical congratulation will be especially effective if you accompany the story with appropriate photographs from different periods of the life of the hero of the day (make slides).

Note: this is just a template for congratulations, specific names and biography facts are omitted - everyone enters their own.

Original "Note" congratulations

It's no secret that any melody is made up of the same seven notes, and yet it sounds different every time. Tonight is dedicated to the melody of the life of our hero of the day, let's listen to every note of this melody.

Note DO.

1. The first note, as you know, “Do” ... (the story of the acquaintance of the parents of the hero of the day).


Let's remember what the world was like before (the name of the hero of the day) was born.

So, the 60s, 20th century, in one of the (name educational institutions) met and fell in love with each other a girl with an amazing name .... (names of parents), and where there is love, there is a wedding and the birth of a daughter:

(name) has a birthday today
And though so many years have flown by,
It is impossible to remember without excitement,
The birth of (name).

For parents, she is like the sun,

What warmed a gloomy winter day

Great happiness! Without a donut….

Such that I wanted to live and sing!

RE note.

2. (something about the childhood of the hero of the day)


It is not surprising that in this loving family the girl grew up obedient, cheerful and in love with music. We're moving on to note RE, (Girl's name) - child.

Olga, desired, dear,
Lovely curls, sonorous laughter,
Clever, such a beauty -
She has fascinated everyone since childhood.

She sang songs and wrote poems,
She brought only joy and kindness to the world.
"I will become a musician" - assured
To give melodies beauty ...

Note MI .

3. (something from the youth of the hero of the day)


And now it's time to move on to note MI, since A Million Roads was open to a hardworking and talented girl, but she did not change her childhood dream and entered a music school, and later graduated from the university.

She was the best student at school
Bright and talented in everything
Mommy could be proud of you -
You didn't let her down!

Note FA

4. (about the wedding of the hero of the day)


And here in our scales, along with Mendelssohn's march, wedding veil breaks in note fa, (date and place of the wedding, name of the chosen one, etc.)

The wedding is noisy and youthful,

And next to the one who is dear to the heart.

Family life is sometimes difficult

But the angel kept their fate.

SALT note.

5. (facts family life, birth of children, etc.)


No one, alas, measured how much then the newlyweds ate salt together, maybe a pood, or maybe more, but Salt stories in that they are together, and children's voices have joined the melody of their lives (names of children). And last year, the family tune sounded even brighter: the wedding of a son and the birth of a charming grandson (name)

And now my dad became a great-grandfather.

And the daughter imperceptibly grew up,

BUT (name) became a young grandmother.

And the music of life is pleasant and bright!

Note LA

6. What about note LA, so versatile, fun and triumphant. They say it is enough to sing la-la-la correctly and there is no need for words in the song. But Zhenya can not only sing correctly in A, but also find Right words, otherwise her students would not have brought awards from Russian and international competitions.

Twenty-nine years of experience behind my back,

And day after day: work, music and children

But Zhenya does not wait for a different fate,

Life is good and the sun is shining!

SI note

7. (symbolic gift)


And today, on the anniversary day, we wanted to give (name) something very meaningful and symbolic . SI note means a symbol, and we unanimously decided that it would be a piano,

And we made it what we are (name) see, feel and know

(a grand piano made by one's own hands is solemnly carried out)

Piano white- as a symbol of sincerity and a bright attitude (name).

Grand piano with black and white keys, saying that (name) goes with music both in light and in dark periods of his life.

Grand piano graceful- as a symbol of grace and subtlety of her nature.

Piano with raised openwork lid as a symbol of her unchanging grace, taste and openness to everything new.

Piano on stable and graceful legs- as a symbol of its reliability and constancy with external fragility and vulnerability.

Finally this piano with a surprise- as a symbol of its mystery and inner depth.

And there are exactly 50 of these surprises in this piano - as a symbol of the anniversary date and our endless wishes of all the best! (50 chocolates and sweets were used)