Holiday dedicated to February 23 in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday "February 23" material (senior group) on the topic. "Defence of the Fatherland Day"

Educator: This holiday is very important.

Celebrating in February

Feast of the brave warriors

Holiday of peace on earth

Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Hello to all heroes

Hundreds of little guys!

The children and I have prepared small reflections for you about what kind of dad is after all? And every child has a father. Let's listen.

Children say:
1. My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant
Beloved, considerate
He is affectionate.
2. I'm looking forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my portfolio
He brings something.
3. My dad is resourceful,
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.
4. My dad is funny,
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
5. He can become a clown,
Tiger, giraffe.
But the best
He knows how to be a dad.
6. I will hug him
And quietly whisper:
-My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!
7. I have a dad!
It doesn't matter what he is!
The best dad in the world
Because he is mine!

Leading: Well done. Guys, are you strong, brave, courageous, dexterous, strong? We will check it now .. And our dads and grandfathers will help us with this.

Children and fathers are divided into 2 teams. Selected by the jury (mother). (Awarding stars after each competition).

To become protectors
The duty of a soldier to fulfill,
You need to be strong, be strong
Be friends with physical education.
Let's start by warming up our fingers.

1 competition. " Finger gymnastics"Fighters-well done"
These fingers are all fighters,
Remote fellows.
Two - large and strong small
And a soldier in experienced battles,
Two - brave guardsmen,
Two - quick-witted fellows,
Two - nameless heroes,
But very zealous in their work,
Two short little fingers -
Very nice boys!
(Children's actions
Children show palms with straightened fingers.
Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.
The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the big ones are raised.
Show index fingers.
Show middle fingers.
Show ring fingers.
Show little fingers.)

2. Who will teach you how to hammer a nail,
Let the car drive
And tell you how to be brave
Agile, strong and skillful.
All you guys know!
This is our favorite…
All children in chorus - dad

3. Can he play football,
Can I read a book
Can you heat up my soup?
Can watch a cartoon
Always a hero for me
Most best dad my!

4. Can give me a ride
Instead of a fast horse
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
The best dad is mine!

2Competition " Good words about dad"
Children say the word and put a match in the apple. At the end, each team presents its "hedgehog".

3. The game "Pull-pull"
Unbeknownst to the children, any of the dads are inserted into the sleeves outerwear rope and offer two teams a tug-of-war, while helping the weakest.

4.Competition "Get in the basket" (for 1 minute)
Need to throw small ball Add to cart. Whose team will throw more, she will win this competition.

"Aircraft Design"
The team captain constructs an aircraft from an A4 sheet, and then compete with each other in the flight range of a combat aircraft.
Equipment: sheets of colored paper - 2 pcs., table - 2 pcs.
(The jury evaluates).
The game "Listen to the command and do it together!"
Children on the command “run”, run in a scattered gallop around the hall, on the command “Line up” - they line up behind the commander in a column one after another ..

Our holiday has come to an end. I would like to wish you to remain as brave, strong, courageous, and our children have a clear starry sky above their heads, so that they grow up the same as you, dear dads. Once again, Happy Holidays.

Sports entertainment for preschoolers on February 23

Event preparation plan

1. A phonogram of a military march is selected.

2. Chalk is being prepared, two packages each, flags; two sets of 6 dice, on one side of which fragments of military equipment are depicted - a tank and an aircraft; two arcs, plane rockets, six hoops, three logs.

adults: Host, Governor

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the sound of a military march performed by a brass band (phonogram).


Today is a special day

Today is the holiday of warriors

Those who defend the border

Who protects the world from war.

Song "Russian Army" by E. Tilicheeva

Russian folk melody sounds. The Governor enters.


Mother Russia! Praise to you!

You've seen a lot over the centuries.

Whenever you could speak

You would have a lot to say.

Governor. Guys, I'm a warlord. In ancient, ancient times guarded native land the first Russian warriors - governors with their squads. On the border, guards stood at the outpost, went out on patrol and looked to see if the enemy was sneaking up.

Leading. You know, voivode, soldiers-border guards still guard our border so that no one with evil intentions can enter our country.

1st child

At the very border, in secret,

I carry out vigilant service, -

For every hillock in the answer,

For every tree in the forest.

2nd child

covered with thick branches,

And I listen and I look

And heart with native land

I speak at times like this.

3rd child

And everything gets closer to me

As if through the darkness of the night

I see all my homeland

And she's all next to me.

4th child

I see the sun rising

How the tractor goes big

And like a little boy on a cart

Cans are lucky with milk.

5th child

And the swallows flap their wings

And someone's oven is lit...

And all this is our Motherland,

And the Motherland must be protected.

Governor. Yes, it is not easy to serve on the border. After all, if trouble happens and the enemy attacks our country, the frontier troops take the first blow.

Leading. Our guys are still small, but they are already preparing to serve in the army. Look, governor, how our border guards stand guard over their country.

The game "On the border"

A “border” is drawn on the floor - two parallel lines at a distance of 2-3 m from each other. Between these lines there are two "border guards" on duty. Several children are on the same side of the border. On a signal, they must cross to the other side (“cross the border”). "Border guards" should detain them - touch them with their hands. The children that the "border guards" could touch should freeze in place.

Governor. I see our border is in good hands.

Leading. Tell me, governor, why were Russian soldiers famous for their strength?

Governor. This is because we have accumulated strength since childhood: we ran, jumped, swam, learned to fight and shoot from a bow.

We send my regards to the guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy.

Leading. Come on, guys, show the voivode that we also love to play sports.

Physical education minute

I ask everyone to stand up straight,

Whatever I say, do it all.

Everybody breathe... Don't breathe...

And don't make fun of each other.

Bend over - bend over

Straighten up - smile.

On "one-two!" - sit down quickly.

On "three-four!" - get up quickly.

Lean left and right

Feel free to reach the floor with your hands

And take a deep breath

Stretch well.

1st child

We are vigorous, healthy,

Cheerful always.

For us, pine forests,

Both sun and water.

2nd child

We love to swim in the summer

And sing and dance

Don't fall behind us!

The song "Physical education-hurray!" Y. Chichkova

Leading. Tell us, governor, how did you go on long trips, because there were no cars in Russia before?

Governor. And what are the horses for? A heroic horse will help to hide from the chase, and fight in battle, and if necessary, it will be able to stop at a gallop. Come on, guys, on the horses!

Musical game "Our horses are clean" by E. Tilicheeva

Governor. If it was necessary to send an urgent message, we had our own smoke mail. Let's light a big fire so that the smoke can be seen far away. At another outpost they will immediately understand that the enemy is close. And then we'll send a messenger with a report.

Leading. And signalmen help us deliver messages.

Game "Deliver the package"

Two children are participating - "communicators". Everyone is holding a bag. They must go through an obstacle course: crawl under an arc, jump from hoop to hoop, step over the ramparts and give their packages to the governor. The first person to deliver their package wins.

Leading. Voivode, what kind of weapons were there in ancient times?

Governor. Don't you know? (Shows a weapon.) A sharp sword, a well-aimed bow with arrows, and a heavy club. And you, in modern world, what weapon?

The children answer.

What names are tricky. And I can’t even imagine what such a weapon looks like.

Leading. Yes, we will show you, governor, how our military equipment looks.

Relay "Military equipment"

There are two teams of six people. Each participant receives a cube, on one side of which a fragment of military equipment is depicted. The children take turns running up to the voivode, standing at a distance of 5-6 m from the teams, and put together a tank and an airplane from the fragments. The team that completes the task correctly wins.

Governor. What are you weapons masters! These are the complex machines they came up with - a tank and an airplane.

Leading. What's this! We now have a rocket. On it we can go on a space flight to the stars.

Relay "Let's fly"

There are two teams of five people. The first players hold the flag. At a distance of 5-6 m from the teams, plane rockets with a cut-out porthole are placed. Participants take turns running around their rocket and passing the flag to the next one. The child, the last in the team, stands behind the rocket and waves a flag from the porthole. The team that completes the task first wins.

Governor. I understood, guys, that your soldiers are true to Russian traditions. Reliably they protect our Motherland. After all, it is the most precious thing a person has. No wonder they say about her: Motherland.

1st child

Daisies covered the whole meadow,

And clover is a fluffy bumblebee,

And it smells of pine and linden,

And the spruce flaps its wings.

2nd child

Here, where everything breathes a fairy tale,

We were born and live

Therefore, our land is gentle

We call home.

The event ends with the song "About the Motherland" by V. Volkov.

"Soldiers - kids"

Holiday to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

To the music of "Good Soldiers" the children enter the hall. The girls enter first, they greet the boys.


Dear Guys! Here we are again all together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. All of Russia these days congratulates your dads and grandfathers, and we congratulate our boys. Everyone gives them flowers, read poems in their honor and sing songs.

May there be as much joy as possible on this day in our hall.


All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

This dance is without a doubt

It will cheer everyone up!

Checkbox exercise:

Dance with flags, then everyone sits on the chairs.


Listen only to these proud words - "Defender of the Fatherland"! The defenders of our Fatherland - Russia - are our soldiers, officers, pilots and sailors who are ready to defend us at any moment. Our boys really want to become like them: strong, courageous and noble.


Because the sun shines on us

Because there is no war

Thanks to those who keep

Peace of the native country.

The song "When I grow up big."


Our boys are still kindergarten. but years will pass, and each of them will choose any military specialty: he will become a pilot, sailor, infantryman, tanker ... The army will teach them to be hardy and courageous.


For a soldier training

Starts in the morning.

Competition for fun, dexterous!

Get together kids!


Now we will hold a competition and see how clever, brave, and brave our guys are.

Let's play. We will be divided into 2 teams: boys and girls.

1 competition:

A soldier's day begins with a rise. They get up quickly, dress quickly. Let's try to get dressed quickly.

2 competition:

And now charging. But not simple, but to test the strength. Tug of war!

3 competition:

Physical training is over. Combat training begins.

Squad, get up! March step. Sing the song!

Song "Good Soldiers"


Well done boys. Now let's swear. We have a riddle contest.

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it. What is this ... (Airplane)

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

A few minutes later, the parachute descended.

Thunder roared, merry thunder. It sparkled all around.

Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly.

Splashes of light pour everywhere. This is a festive ... (Salute)

Takes off without acceleration, reminds a dragonfly,

Our Russian is taking off ... (helicopter)


Well done boys! You know how to do everything: get dressed quickly, and pull the rope, and march, and guess riddles. But I'm wondering - can you run fast? Let's hold a relay race "Who will deliver the envelope to the commander faster." Commander is a girl. Whose commander collects more envelopes, that team won.

Relay race. Summing up. Star awards are given.


These are our dexterous, brave and skillful guys. And they are also very good at reciting poems and singing songs.


My father

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

He is the most beloved

And he is affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

He is always with him

Brings me something.

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He's on the shoulder

Even a difficult one.

He's also a naughty

A mischievous and a prankster.

With him every day

Turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad

Ride on sleds.

Nobody can

Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard

He is the nicest.

He instantly turns

For what you ask.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But the best

He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him

And quietly whisper:

my daddy i love you

I love it hard!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!


This is all, of course, lies, That the boys love to fight, Hooligans, bullies,
They grow up naughty... They even make faces at adults... Should we be stricter with them? Let everyone down - they seem to bring you to a heart attack ?! But, imagine that the boys In a fight - just hearsay, They will not stuff bumps Just like that and for no reason! They will not pass their own roads, Rifts and rapids ... After all, then they will not turn out to be men in the end!

About me

I still have toys: Tanks, pistols, cannons, Tin soldiers, Armored train, machine guns. And when the time comes, To serve calmly I could, I'm with the guys in the game I train in the yard. We play "Zarnitsa" there - We drew the border, I'm on duty! I'm guarding! Once trusted - I can! And the parents in the window Look after me with concern. Don't worry about your son, I'm the future man!

Today is the holiday of all fathers, All sons, all who are ready to protect their home and mother, to fence us all off from troubles. Dad. Can he play football, Can he read a book to me, Can he warm up my soup, Can watch a cartoon, Can he play checkers, Can even wash cups, Can draw cars, Can collect pictures, Can give me a ride Instead of a fast horse. Can he catch fish, Repair the faucet in the kitchen. For me, always a hero - My best PAPA!


The sea begins

From a small river

Are we all boys? -

We are all sailors!

We're marching in formation

Everyone around is looking at us

Sailor bearing

Anchors on ribbons

Curl behind the back

We'll be back in the evening

Wait for us home.

Sleep, capless,

With us until the morning

And with the dawn in swimming

It's time.


For dear guests: dads, grandfathers, mothers, grandmothers, we will perform a song that we love very much - “Captain”.

Song "Captain"

Because the sun shines on us

Because there is no war

Thanks to those who keep

Peace of the native country.

All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

All soldiers protect

Earth, sky, peace and labor.

To all children

They lived happily in the world.


We want to live only in the world. And we dream of those times when there will be no war on earth. But we will always need strong, courageous, brave and noble men. Happy Holidays, dear dads!

In the role of a leader - a teacher, in the role of a brave Prince - one of the popes.

pencils, pieces of paper, cut-out shoulder straps, gifts for the winners of competitions.

Children, Nurse, Prince.

The hall is decorated with balloons, ribbons, posters. The teacher appears.

On this February day, important,
I congratulate all men
On your special, bright holiday,
I wish you health!
You are the protectors, the support,
You are the support and the wall
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Since February 23!

Dear men We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Today everything is for you and for you. Our beautiful children have prepared congratulations and a few more surprises, so make yourself comfortable and enjoy the celebration! In the meantime, you are sitting down, I invite our courageous and courageous men and beautiful girls who are already waiting.

(Marching to the music, children enter and stand in a semicircle. You can dress them in themed costumes to make it more interesting)

Girl #1:
Men I congratulate you
Health to you, I wish you happiness,
From February 23,
Joy, success and wealth!

Girl #2:
May everything be fine with you
Defenders, such good fellows,
You only help moms,
And let dreams come true!

And they asked me to convey that a brave prince is coming to visit us, so he will teach our boys wisdom!

(Doors open, prince enters)

I came to you from distant countries,
I'm a little tired along the way,
The boys here told me
Perky such, mischievous.
I was told courage to teach
I'm ready to get started!

Dear Prince, will you really help our guys? Will you teach them to be brave and courageous?

Of course! Well, I made a request, now I will fulfill it! And also, I came because the royal army needs soldiers, so I will gather an army. And you know, I really love poetry, so all my fighters know a dozen poems, and everyone reads with expression. Do your guys know poetry?

Of course, they tried, taught.

Let's see what they can do!

(Boys are reading)

Prince (pulls out notepad):
Paragraph verses - cross out. Let's see what's next...

Girl #3:
Your Highness, do you only take boys into the army, or girls too?

Yes girl, only boys.

Girl #3:
It’s a pity, I also know how to recite poems, and also sing and dance! Also, I'm beautiful!

Girl #4 (referring to the previous one):
Don't worry, we'll grow up, and we'll make an army ourselves, but for now, let's congratulate our boys!

Girl #5:
Our boys, we are friends with you,
You are very good, groovy,
Decided to sing a song for you
Our dear children!

(Girls sing the song "Guard, get up oh early")

What good girls do you have
And to you guys, I now
I guess riddles
I test my intelligence!

(Makes riddles corresponding to the theme of the holiday. Whoever guesses the most gets a prize)

What smart and smart guys we have! Do you agree, Your Highness?

I agree! Riddle point - cross out.

Girl #6:
We've been watching you
And got a little bored
And it's time for us dads,
Congratulations together!

(Girls are reading)

What beautiful poems the girls read! One congratulations, better than another! Decided! You will be my court ladies, reading poetry to me every evening!

Girl #2:
We don't want ladies! We want to serve just like the boys!

Well, what to do with you? Let's try! As you know, no soldier can do without a backpack. Your task is to write what you would take with you!

Competition "Backpack".
Girl m is issued by a piece of paper and a pencil. In 3 minutes they write 5 basic items that they would fit in a backpack. While they are writing with the boys, you can spend another.

So, let's see what you would take with you (reads the sheets aloud).

Girls are cute, you fill your backpacks perfectly, but you are all so beautiful that you should dance at balls, and not sit in the trenches!

Girl #7:
You know we agree! How can I imagine carrying this backpack, I already got sick of going to the army!

Girl #8:
Exactly, exactly, we better congratulate our grandfathers on the holiday!

Girl #1:
We thought for a long time about the gift,
And decided to dance
You will clap loudly for us,
We will congratulate you!

(Girls dance a dance to the song of the Bremen Town Musicians)

That's what I wanted to check! Guys, do you know that friendship is very important for a soldier? In my army, everyone is friendly and a mountain for each other. But I'm wondering, which of you knows what proverbs about friendship?

(Guys call proverbs. Whoever calls more gets a prize)

How many interesting proverbs our boys know!

Friendship - cross out!

Girl #4:
Our brave soldiers
Congratulations friends,
And we want to sing ditties,
Shout "Hurrah" to you all!

(Children all sing ditties together. It is desirable that they correspond to the theme of the holiday)

I want the guys to test my dexterity,
After all, a soldier cannot live without her,
Still have to salute me
I suggest you get started!

Competition "Shoulder straps".
Previously for this competition, shoulder straps are cut out of thick cardboard. The boys line up. Shoulder straps are placed on the shoulders of each child. The task is to run to the commander, in our case the Prince, to salute and not lose shoulder straps. Time spent 2 minutes. It is better to spend under rhythmic music. The most dexterous can be awarded a prize.

Agility, long-distance running - cross out.

Girl #2:
On this day, we must congratulate
Brothers, uncles, godparents,
Let us introduce
The element is serious!

Girl #3:
Let's be together with the boys
Perform a bright dance
Dear, beloved loved ones,
We will all congratulate!

(Children dance the "Little Ducks" dance or any other dance)

Your Highness, are you sure?

I take everyone!

And so our holiday came to an end. Dear men, once again I want to congratulate you all, wish you good health, success, colorful days and a peaceful sky above our heads!

19 Feb 2013

This children's scenario for February 23 is recommended for holding with children of older and preparatory groups preschools and primary school general education schools. The script does not require long preparation, and most importantly, it involves the participation of older men (grandfathers) in the holiday; contributes to the development of patriotic feelings, instills respect for the Russian Army.

Vedas: Dear friends, today we have gathered in our music hall, to spend fun party dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, and we invited our wonderful grandfathers and their grandchildren to participate in it. We decided to hold our holiday in the form of a competition, and we called it “Grandfather and I are best friends!”

In order to find out whose pair will be the winner today, we invited the jury:

(select jury)

Meet our esteemed contestants.

(grandfathers and their grandchildren come out to applause)

Vedas: Since ancient times, it was customary in Russia that a man was the defender of his homeland. He had to be brave, dexterous and skillful, he had to plow the land, and collect bread, and cut firewood and build a house.

Your first task: "Build a house"

(each pair of participants builds a house from building material)

Vedas: A man must be brave and strong, and for this he must be friends with sports.

Second task: "Who will do more push-ups?"

(phonogram of A. Agutin “Border” sounds, couples perform push-ups from the floor)

Vedas: While our members have a little rest, a song will be played for our dear grandfathers.

(song by I. Rybkina "About Grandpa")

Vedas: Dear jury, two competition tasks have passed, announce the results!

(music sounds, Carlson enters)

Carlson: Hello, here I am!

I heard that today you celebrate the holiday of real men, so this is about me! I am the most beautiful, well-fed, smart and very well-mannered!

Vedas: Carlson, did you serve in the Army?

Carlson: Not! What should I do there? There are no cookies, no jam, no cakes!

Vedas: You see, real men do not eat jam, but study military affairs.

Now, do you know how many different professions we have in the army?

Carlson: Of course not!

Vedas: But our participants will tell you now.

Vedas: Third task. it homework was. Each couple, grandfather and grandson were given the task to prepare a message about some kind of troops. Now we will listen to what they tell us.

(pairs take turns talking about sailors, pilots, foot soldiers, etc.)

Vedas: And now, I invite all children to play the game "Pilots at the airfield"

(game by N. Nechaev “Pilots at the airfield”)

(the children become in a circle, the introductory melody sounds - the children perform the “pump” movement (pump gasoline), the next musical part “start the engines”, perform rotational hand movements, for the next musical part they run in a circle with arms outstretched to the right and left (airplane), then to slow down the melody, the run slows down and the children sit down in a pose - on the knee, hands to the sides, to the sound of the march - the children-pilots walk along the airfield)

Vedas: For our dear grandfathers who served in the Navy, the song Captain sounds.

(children perform Z. Root's song "Captain")

Carlson: Well, I don't play like that! What am I to do now? I also want to serve in the Army.

Vedas: Guys, what do you think you can advise Carlson?

(children say that you need to go in for sports, improve health, do exercises)

Carlson: And I have never done exercises, I don’t even know how it is?

Vedas: Guys, let's show Carloson how to do exercises!

(children perform a sports complex with gymnastic sticks)

Carlson: Blimey! I immediately flew to my roof! I promise, from today I don’t eat cookies and jam, and every day I do exercises! Goodbye, I flew!


Vedas: So, it's time for fourth task.

In military affairs, ingenuity, skill and dexterity are very important. Now we will check how quickly and deftly our couples can lay out puzzles.

(each couple gets a puzzle set)

Vedas: A soldier must not only master military affairs, but be able to cook porridge from an ax.

Following, fifth task: « Peel potatoes".

(all participants peel potatoes)

Vedas. A soldier must not only be able to fight, but also be able to relax!

Last task. It will be necessary dance the apple dance»

Vedas: While our esteemed jury is summing up, a song will be played for our dear grandfathers.

(song by A. Yermolov, M. Zagota "Great-grandfather")

Vedas: Dear jury, we are waiting for your evaluations.

(jury gives marks, the winning couple is selected)

Vedas: Dear guests, dear participants, once again I wholeheartedly congratulate everyone on the holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you all health, success and a peaceful sky over your head!

As a gift to all dads and grandfathers, you can prepare according to the technique - do it yourself.

We never listened to our parents, and now our children don't listen to us. Law of life!