Concert - greeting card "soldiers of my homeland". Congratulations and poems to a soldier in the army. Wishes for a birthday, taking an oath, a hundred days before the order Poems from a beloved girl

Glybochensky branch of MBOU Seletskaya secondary school

Teacher primary school

Explanatory note

Every person and every nation wants to live with dignity, enjoying the well-deserved respect of others. This is possible only when you respect yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors, people who live in the same village with you: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, soldiers - internationalists, soldiers who have completed military service in hot spots, guys who are now serving in the army, you understand your place in the world of people. And this needs to be taught to children. "Education of patriotism", "A person and his relationship with other people" are important areas in the work of the school. In this direction, various extra-curricular activities are held, cool watch, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, soldiers - internationalists, soldiers who served in Chechnya, etc.

Festive concert - greeting card"Soldiers of my Motherland", presented in this development, pursues the main goal: instilling a sense of patriotism, instilling in students a sense of respect and love for people who have passed the path of the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan and Chechen wars. In addition, the event should form the concept of the meaning of the date, contribute to the development creativity, skills to declare, sing, stage.

This extra-curricular event takes place in the form of KTD on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Students in grades 1-9 are preparing amateur art performances. The organizer of cultural and mass events draws up a script for the concert and prepares the leaders of the holiday. On the eve of the holiday, guests are invited: WWII veterans, soldiers who served in Afghanistan, Chechnya, soldiers' mothers. The school has a soldier's post office. The school-wide newspaper “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!” is published in advance! and “Guys serve in the army”, a “festival of greeting cards” is being held

School calendar event

Festive concert - greeting card

"Soldiers of my Motherland"

    fostering a sense of patriotism;

    instilling in students a sense of respect and love for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers who served in Afghanistan and Chechnya;

    formation of the concept of the meaning of the calendar date;

    to promote the development of students' creative abilities, the ability to declare, sing, stage.


All-school newspaper “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!”, newspaper “Guys serve in the army”, original greeting cards from each class, bouquets of flowers and greeting cards for guests, computer, projector

Scenario plan:

I. opening speech

    Congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War

    Congratulations to soldiers - internationalists who served in Afghanistan

    Congratulations to school graduates who served in Chechnya

    Congratulations to male teachers on Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Congratulations to the soldiers' mothers

    Congratulations to school students

III. Conclusion

The course of the holiday

I. opening speech

Presenter 1:

Today is a holiday, but not an easy holiday.

Day of the Russian Army -

Invincible and steel

So, this is a man's day! ..

Host 2:

The date has a special meaning -

Sons of the brave birthday.

All the Russian people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

Presenter 1:

Our holiday is dedicated significant date. Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. And earlier it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Why do we celebrate the birthday of our army on February 23?

Host 2:

After the tsarist empire collapsed in 1917, German troops launched an offensive along the entire front from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. A threat hung over revolutionary Petrograd.

Presenter 1:

On February 21, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars addressed the population with an appeal "The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger"...

Host 2:

On February 23, in the battles near Pskov and Narva, the young Red Army won its first victory. The offensive of the German troops was suspended. Later, a holiday date was established to commemorate this victory.

Presenter 1:

Many tests fell on the lot of Russian soldiers and officers, there were no fewer of them in last years. But the Russian army, as always, is true to its traditions. She firmly stands guard over peace throughout our land.

Student 1:

The buckle on the belt sparkles

And shine from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called a vest.

Gloomy in the sea - the ocean,

Waves crash here and there

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded.

Student 2:

The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn ...

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border:

Our sea, our land,

Our heaven is the watchman!

Student 3:

Long live the artillerymen -

Defenders of our lands

Carriers of our shells,

Gunners hitting the target!

Student 4:

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

And so that only at the exercises

The soldier went on the attack.

Let spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature awakens from sleep

And our children sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always!

Student 5:

Soldiers are coming with a battle song,

Everyone is looking at them lovingly.

From all enemies they cost any

Our native country will be protected.

Presenter 1:

When he performs a feat,

It doesn't care at all

Knows who or does not know

About him sometime.

Host 2:

But life is given to the planet,

And the sky is peaceful above her

Just because there is

Soldiers of my Motherland!

Presenter 1:

Our holiday concert we called it “Soldiers of my Motherland”. And we will hold our concert in the form of a greeting card.

Host 2:

Today we have gathered to congratulate our men on Defender of the Fatherland Day - teachers of our school, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, our dads, participants in military conflicts in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and our future defenders - boys.

Presenter 1:

And how on such a day not to remember the feats of the defenders of our Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War, the feats of soldiers and officers in the Afghan and Chechen wars.

The song sounds "Soldiers of Russia" from the repertoire of the group "Group R"

Photos of the war years,

Front-line forties thunderstorm,

And unbidden tears run

Oh, how young my grandfather was.

Spanish sky, Mongolian sky

German sky, wherever you've been.

You lived carelessly, did not ask for rewards,

An evil wind is blowing over Afghanistan.

The sand is watered with fresh blood.

With a machine gun on the armor stands

My father used to be young.

They beat bullets, do not raise your face,

And mercilessly mowed lead.

And from the picture he smiles

My once young father.

Korean sky, Vietnamese sky

Afghan sky, wherever you've been,

Soldiers of Russia gone to eternity.

We, who have not seen Berlin on fire,

Seeing off last century,

New Year's snow has become familiar

On the graves of young guys.

Chechnya sprouted with new pain,

To our peers in fire and hell,

My brother who did not return from the war

Looking at me from photos.

Dniester sky, Tajik sky,

Chechen sky, wherever you've been,

We lived carelessly, did not ask for awards,

Soldiers of Russia gone to eternity.

Presenter 1:

- Let's honor the blessed memory of the soldiers and officers who died during the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan and Chechen wars, the military conflict with Georgia with a moment of silence.

moment of silence

Student 1: Thank you soldier for the light

For peace and wonderful dawn,

For life and its beauty,

Our victorious spring!

Student 2: Thank you, thank you soldier

For the birds that fly across the sky

For May, warm rain and thunderstorm,

The dew that fell to the ground.

Student 3: Thank you, thank you soldier

Do not count any merit or awards.

Like eternal fire and peace,

Sunset bent over you!

Presenter 1:

If they say the word "Motherland",

Immediately comes to mind

Father's house, currants in the garden,

Old poplar at the gate

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile hillock ...

Host 2:

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Above the rope, the stomp of feet

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Presenter 1:

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Host 2:

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

4th grade students sing a song "Where does the Motherland begin?"

II. Concert - greeting card

1. Congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War

Presenter 1:

The first page of our concert - greeting card is dedicated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Host 2:

Dear Yegor Yegorovich and Vasily Nefedovich! From all the students of our school, please accept my sincere congratulations such a wonderful holiday! We wish you all earthly blessings, health, love of your loved ones, a peaceful sky above your head.

(School students give flowers and greeting cards to veterans)

Presenter 1:

At seventeen

I got into the soldier's formation.

All overcoats grey colour,

All have one cut.

Host 2:

All comrades are soldiers

Both in the company and in the regiment -

Gas mask yes automatic,

Yes, a flask on the side ...

Presenter 1:

I thought I couldn't resist

What I can't bear

What will I get lost in the ranks,

Like a tree in the forest

Host 2:

It rains endlessly

And the whole earth is covered in mud.

And you, soldier, get up, go,

Crawl on your stomach ... (S. Narovchatov)

Presenter 1:

There's a song for you "Ballad of a Soldier" performed by 5th grade students

Presenter 1:

how i love people native Russia!

They are solid. You can't turn them back.

They spilled their blood

Those fields where rye grows today.

They were not bent by any troubles.

And the whole earth must praise forever

Ordinary people, who for the victory

I would pour the stars on orders!

Presenter 1:

Song "Good Soldiers". Performed by students of grades 1 - 2

Presenter 1:

Poem of his own composition "Do you remember, soldier?" Marina Shershneva, grade 8 reads for you.

Do you remember, soldier, those years?

After all, they cannot be forgotten.

To give everyone a breath of freedom,

How did your friends die?

How women sobbed for a long time,

Losing your loved ones

How the children all starved

Do you remember their moans?

Do you remember our last fight

Damn it rained then

And who could have thought then

That you won't come back.

You walked the war standing

Nothing broke you.

But only with the last fight

Your life is over.

And in letters to his bride

Just recently wrote:

"Prepare your wedding dress

And most importantly, do not be bored!

Now at your grave

She sits for hours.

Wanted to be a bride

Not married, - a widow.

And your mother, old woman,

Everything is still waiting for you.

She can't believe

And whispers to himself: "Come!"

And she will go out on the porch,

Look into the deep distance

And often the heart beats;
"Son, don't die!"

Presenter 1:

-A song is playing for you "May Waltz" performed by Daria Abramenkova and Karina Dudina.

2. Congratulations to the soldiers - internationalists who served in Afghanistan

Presenter 1:

The second page of our congratulations is dedicated to the soldiers who performed their international duty in Afghanistan. At our concert there is the father of our students - Slyunkin Mikhail Anatolyevich, graduates of our school: Borisenkov Mikhail Mikhailovich, Lyapkin Sergey Petrovich, Vasilkov Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vladimir Nikolaevich.

Host 2:

We sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!

Do not count

The virtues of the sons of the Fatherland,

After all, valor, courage and honor

Always on guard of a peaceful life!

(Students give flowers and greeting cards)

Presenter 1:

There's a song for you "Cuckoo" from the repertoire of the Kaskad group performed by Slyunkina Anastasia and Ryabykh Kristina.

I often dream of my home,

The forest is dreaming of something of its own.

Gray cuckoo across the river

How long do I have left to live, he thinks.

I dream of an edge of flowers,

In forgotten dreams, a quiet edge.

Eighty, ninety, one hundred

Something you're generous, cuckoo?

I pressed gently to the flower,

The stalk of wild rosemary is flattened.

And it sounds like a lazy "cuckoo"

Measuring the life of my date.

I yearn for home country,

By her sunrises and sunsets,

On Afghan scorched earth

The Russian soldiers are sleeping anxiously.

They spend their energy without being stingy,

They are accustomed to cold and fatigue,

They do not accumulate their strength in reserve,

So tell me, how much do they have left?

So you cuckoo wait

To give me someone else's share,

A soldier has eternity ahead

Don't confuse it with old age.

Presenter 1:

How I love to argue

You know, friends!

Host 2:

role reading "Dispute", Grade 2

3. Congratulations to school graduates who served in Chechnya

Presenter 1:

The third page of our greeting card is dedicated to the graduates of our school, participants in the first war in Chechnya, Kolosok Andrey Petrovich and Solomatin Nikolai Vasilyevich, and the second war - Morozov Alexei Mikhailovich.

Host 2:

We sincerely congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! This holiday is rightfully yours! We wish you happiness, success in all your endeavors, good health and may your children not see the horrors of war that you happened to see.

(School students give flowers and greeting cards)

Presenter 1:

There's a song for you "In Chechnya" from the repertoire of B. Dragilev performed by Kusakin Roman.

4. Congratulations to male teachers on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Presenter 1:

- The next page is dedicated to the teachers of our school - Gaikov Viktor Ivanovich and Borovikov Nikolai Mikhailovich.

Host 2:

Dear Nikolai Mikhailovich and Viktor Ivanovich! Allow me, on behalf of all the students of our school, to congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Happy February holiday to you

Glorious congratulations!

Cheerfulness and joy

We sincerely wish!

Live a hundred years, at least

With a young heart

To mood

It was combat!

Presenter 1:

May great love for the Motherland

The heart is always warm!

Vigor, energy, health,

Joy for years to come!

(Students give greeting cards and flowers)

Host 2:

- A song sounds for you "Russian guy" from the repertoire of A. Khvorostyan performed by a vocal group.

5. Congratulations to the soldiers' mothers

Presenter 1:

The fifth page of our concert - a postcard is dedicated to soldiers serving in the Russian Armed Forces - Viktor Viktorovich Shershnev, Aleksey Vladimirovich Shikov and Vladimir Alekseevich Shikov.

Host 2:

Of course, they cannot attend our concert. We sent them greeting cards to their military units. But the mothers of our soldiers are present in this hall today.

(School students give flowers to mothers)

Presenter 1:

As my own mother saw me off,

Then all my relatives came running:

Oh, where are you, boy, oh, where are you?

You would not go, Vanek, to the soldiers!

Host 2:

scene "Seeing", 7th grade

Presenter 1:

Dear mothers, your sons serve the Motherland with dignity. A song from the repertoire of A. Khvorostyan sounds for you "I serve Russia" performed by Mikhail Konyshev and Roman Kusakin.

6. Congratulations to the students of the school

Presenter 1:

Our dear boys! Congratulations on the holiday of real men. We hope that in the future you will become just real men who are not afraid of difficulties, are true to this word, stand up for their homeland with honor and dignity.

Host 2:

- The sixth page of our concert is dedicated to you, the future defenders of the Motherland.

(Girls give boys greeting cards and flowers)

Presenter 1:

If I go to the army,

I'll lose a year or two.

Maybe I'd better take a break

I'll take a walk in civilian life!

Host 2:

scene "At the recruiting office", 4th grade

Invitation point. A poster hangs on the wall with the inscription “Have you signed up for the Russian Army?”, At the bottom, in clumsy handwriting, the postscript “You can’t wait!”, “Right now!” and “Weakest yourself?”. 10 guys are sitting on a long bench: a bespectacled Zubril, a fashionable Rapper, a Musician with a bow tie, a Hooligan in torn clothes, an artist with long hair and twisted drawing paper in their hands, Businessman with a diplomat, Goofy, Simulator on crutches, Biker and Experienced - a shaven-headed guy in military clothes. Everyone, except for the seasoned one, has a frightened look.

What are you up to, boys?

Our army needs

The guys are brave, dashing ...

(Slaps the Wanderer on the shoulder)

Why are you so frail?


Mother purposely did not feed,

Put on a diet.

Where can I get selected?

Strong weight loss!

Nonsense! They love goons here!

Send to where the formidable enemy.

Can you hide behind a branch?

(The goner nods his head in agreement)

So the way is for you to explore!

Cunning (respectfully):

You are surely experienced

You know there are many ways

How to get out of service...

I'll tell you, so be it!

But it's not free...

Throw yourself on the chervonets!

All in unison: Okay!

(They collect money and give it to Experienced)

Experienced (important):

To legally mow

You have to be an inventor.

I will only give you ideas

Your goal is to lie without blushing!

(Turning to the Wanderer)

Goner! You will be the first!

When you come in, pretend to be nervous.

(Pulls out a certificate, gives it to Dokhodyaga)

Show this help -

Just enter your last name!


Sorry for the tactlessness

But we get in trouble

If we are all brothers,

Pretend to be mentally ill.

I don't waste money!

Everyone will have their own

The story is made up by me.

Here are ten. And stories

There will be the same...


Just like the Decameron!

Don't be smart, Bitch!

Hear what happened to you

you recently invented

New alcohol solution.

You drink - and you seem to get drunk,

Just don't look stupid

And will not calculate you

No boss, no family.

The formula is a big mystery...

(Gives Zubrile a sheet of paper)

If the general accidentally

Wants to know her

He will poke for you.

Tired of your chatter, yo-oh, yo-oh,

Where is my alibi?

If they shave off my dreadlocks -

I'll become a copy of a skinhead

And my rap friends

The bald one will be lathered with a turnip!

And you just need to say

What is Decel with you in friendship,

What is familiar with his father

And I have been entering their house for a long time!

(referring to the musician)

You say that you are a friend of Bahu.

This Bach caught up with fear here ...


Anywhere in a hurry

He fires. For this Bach

Got my nickname...


Well, consider that I screwed up!

Experienced (addressing the Artist):

And your talent will save you.

Our general is not a giant:

From the pot it is two inches

And a silly head...

(Gives a photo)

Here's Tom Cruise! Look:

Convince the old man

What is he in this picture.

He has a full house

Unattractive relatives.

Flatter them with all your might:

He depicted them in paint -

And consider that you served!


Well, I can do it myself

to teach you lessons:

Slightly hurt my leg -

And skipped a year!

Nonsense! Lots of those!

With our brave general

You need two of your legs

Put on crutches!

And really, not like that!

Help here is more expensive than a lie!

(Gives the Simulator a sheet of paper)


How to write a legend

Maybe just give a bribe?

I agree with you right now:

This method is infallible.

Don't leave me brother!

Without an iron horse

I can't live mine

I'll sit on my lips right away!

And you play along with them

It will take five days

Maybe for a shorter time...

In the morning - hard rock

You will beat out the bowl,

You will steal tanks

You are at the speed of a comet ...

And even grandfathers will pray

To get you home -

And they will pay for a simple one!

(Looking at Bully)

Well, you are just a maniac!

Lie, my friend, they are like this:

Like, the object of your anger

Important people serve

BUT last month became

Suddenly carry on the generals,

Three of them, they say, soaked ...

And consider - you squinted!

Well, no fluff, no feather!

I'm going to smoke until...

Wait a minute! Nine stories.

Well, what are you going to do?

I have stories - the sea,

I'll tell you mine soon...

(A minute later, everyone comes out from behind the scenes with the general)

Congratulations! Battalion

Yours is formed. And he

(Pointing towards backstage)

Yours, conscripts, battalion commander.

Welcome to the squad!

Well, you did a great job!

I was dying from laughter

From ridiculous nonsense

What did these eagles carry!

And what a scribble!

(Pulls out the papers that Experienced gave to conscripts)

Kab not you - could be fraught

Turn around everything for us.

Anyone in reserve

There is some paper

Or that he is a goner

Or that he's a pacifist

Or that he's a jerk...

And you have to fight

Who will protect us?

Do not hold, brothers, evil!

Every year there is only one problem:

To catch you and in service

Put next to you!

But I'm ready to argue with you:

Your Tanyam, Manyam, Olyam

It would be bad to know

What not only to protect -

And you're afraid to leave the house!

However, you are not ashamed of them:

I won't tell them

That I deceived you.

I will be happy to raise you...

All conscripts:

Well, dad! Well, kombat!

Marching to the chorus of the song "Combat Batyanya" by the group "Lube", they leave the stage.

Presenter 1:

Life in the army goes on

Measured and strict -

Everything is clear in it. But here -

An alert has been declared!

And immediately the rhythm is different -

Everything is compressed to the limit.

And the private looks

With excitement for the sergeant!

Host 2:

And what to look at. A sergeant and a sergeant in the army!

scene "On construction", 4th grade

Scene "On construction"

The ensign bypasses the system.

Sidorov! Sidorov! Where is Sidorov?

(Sidorov appears, gets in line)

Yes here I am...

Still would! As the sailors say, where will you go from a submarine! Kidding.

I don't ask where you've been! I'm asking where you're coming from! And in general, if you want to say something, stand and be silent!

(Notices Burakov, who does not dare to get in line)

And you, Burakov, why are you standing there? You don't have a language to knock on the door!

Let me get in line!

I allow. So, I'll start with a reminder: boots should be cleaned in the evening and put on a fresh head in the morning! Is everyone clear?

Let's move on to today's agenda. Equal! Attention! Private Ivanov, why are you scratching your nose when I commanded "Attention!"?

I have a fly on my nose.

But I commanded: "Attention!"

Yes, but the fly keeps marching!

(Everyone laughs)

Stop laughing! And you'd better keep quiet, Private Ivanov, your noodles on your ears haven't dried yet!

So, today is a subbotnik according to the plan. For a soldier, a subbotnik is a voluntary matter, and not in such a way that if you want, you participate, but if you don’t want, you don’t. Who loves light music - three steps forward!

(Two soldiers go out of line)

A new piano was brought to the officers' house. Take it to the third floor.

The rest - to lay the foundation. We dig from enthusiasm to dinner. I have already agreed with the shovels. Everyone is clear!

Yes sir!


Presenter 1:

Dear boys! There's a song for you "Boys" performed by Daria Abramenkova

III. Conclusion

Presenter 1:

We don't want guns to rumble

And black smoke swirled above the ground.

We want doves to fly everywhere

And the sky was bright blue!

Host 2:

Our army is mighty and strong,

And you won't find another like it in the world.

Our army is invincible

She will always defend the country of Russia!

Presenter 1:

Let the sun shine, birds sing, gardens bloom and fields turn green, but never, never bullets whistle. After all, we all come into this world to live, and no one dares to dispose of our lives. No even the highest goal can be justified if at least one drop of innocent blood is shed!

Host 2:

Keep the fire of the native hearth

And do not covet other people's fires -

This is how our ancestors lived.

Keep the fire of the native hearth!

Presenter 1:

Cherish a patch of paternal land,

No matter how swampy, no matter how stony he is,

Do not reach for the clean black soil,

What others have found before you.

Cherish a patch of paternal land!

Host 2:

And if the enemy decides to take away

A field cultivated by your labor,

Not on the page that they taught at school,

You will know what to stand for!

(O. Fokina)

The soundtrack of the song “I Serve Russia” performed by A. Khvorostyan sounds


    « extracurricular activities: Grade 4”, O. E. Zhirenko, L. N. Yarovaya, L. P. Barylkina, T. I. Tsibina, Moscow, “VAKO”, 2007

    "Day care center. Grades 3 - 4 ", L. I. Gaidina, A. V. Korchegina, Moscow," VAKO ", 2009

    "Classroom hours: Grade 3", M. A. Fisenko, Volgograd, "Teacher - AST", 2005

    "Organization educational process at school”, M. I. Rozhkov, L. V. Baiborodova, Moscow, Vlados, 2001

    "Holidays at school", M. A. Davydova, Volgograd, "Teacher", 2009

    "Holiday - the expected miracle!", Moscow, "WAKO", 2006

    "Theatrical holidays for children", L. P. Makarova, V. G. Ryabchikova, N. N. Mosyagina, Voronezh: ChP Lakotsenin S. S., 2006

My friends, why did we decide to drink,
Why did we proclaim the first toast?
For the sun By God, we did not sin,
Compare your loved ones with him.
We drink for flowers, and for birds too.
I think when we're in love
They all look a little like...
For the birds, of course, we must drink.
I drink for poplar, young and thin,
In transparent droplets of rain and grew,
So that he races with my child,
Not knowing storms and dry winds, he grew up.
I drink for friends and loyal, and honest,
For all whose friendship is holy and strong.
For all of us and those whose names
Neither you nor I are yet known.
I drink, friends, for everyone who was a soldier,
Who defended our happiness in the fire,
I drink to my brother
Missing in action in the war.
I drink for the fact that in the world
Again, the flames did not rise to the sky.
I drink, friends, so that our children
There was no need to drink for the friends of the dead.
And let the enmity of the peoples not obscure the eyes,
Let no lie cloud honest eyes.
In short, I drink to happiness
I proclaim, people, a toast to you!
Rasul Gamzatov

Send to a friend

A general came to the unit with a check. Well, as usual, everything was tinted, greased. They take the general, everyone is fussing around him. The general enters the barracks. All the soldiers jumped up and lined up. And only one, as if nothing had happened, lies on the bunk and smokes a cigarette.
The general was surprised, coming up to him:
- Why are you lying down? Who it?
- I'm demobilized!
- And I'm a general!
- Well, that's good too!
Friends, let's drink for demobilization! After all, wherever you look in these bright days, they wander drunk everywhere!

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And the scout has fate sometimes
Short as hand to hand combat
And the sky is blue overhead
And the stars are easy to reach with your hand.
And you listen, they fly and buzz
Tracer on the silence of the night,
Scattering bullets will whistle
Over your head
Or maybe tomorrow among these mountains
We'll have to fight an unequal battle.
Well, fate will bravely enter into an argument
Combat reconnaissance soldier.
You do not envy our glory,
What girls sometimes give flowers
Perhaps tomorrow in the silence of the night
We will enter our final battle.

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Congratulations on the day of the Rocket Forces - Strategic Missile Forces,
This holiday is also important for
That the soldiers protect our peace,
In frosty winter or summer heat.
From the attacks of foreigners and enemies,
From bandits and militants,
From a terrible nuclear war,
in the service of his native country.

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Day and night, rain, fog,
You guys are supposed to guard the gates of heaven,
So that the country can live in peace,
The mission of the defenders is assigned to you.
Today is the holiday of the rocket troops,
Accept congratulations,
May your service be easy
Soldiers of the Strategic Forces.

Send to a friend

We know the rear is always reliable,
The valiant rocket men are on guard,
Any task for them is resolvable and possible,
Soldiers have an excellent strategy of tactics.
I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday,
I want to wish you happiness, good luck,
Let the service pass peacefully and easily,
And let it be light in the soul from happiness.

Send to a friend

We used to sing about you
Very true words
your service really
Both dangerous and difficult.
you soldiers of order
Magnified since October.
Although not everything is going smoothly,
But without you, it's impossible.
We count militia day
Common holiday of the country.
We heartily congratulate you -
The Fatherland needs you.

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Today we celebrate Recruitment Day.
Not those who seek to escape from the army,
Not those to whom the father's hand
From service in the army will help pay off.
Do not renounce fate, from duty, from the sum
A hard retribution will come to the "refuseniks"!
Today is Recruitment Day.
And so we all raise a glass
for the Russian soldier!

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It is a great honor to serve in the army,
And the merit, the prestige of being a soldier can no longer be counted,
You must pay your debt to the Motherland in full,
And service in the army is honorable and necessary.
Happy Conscript Day, I congratulate you
I wish you good health, good luck, joy,
May you meet reliable friends
Soldier friendship will be reliable and strong.

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Every boy wants to be a soldier
To conscientiously and honestly serve in the army,
Be ready to pay your debt to the country in full,
For the Russian army to be reliable, large.
Happy recruit day, I congratulate you,
May success and good luck be in your service,
So that all relatives can be proud of you,
May you meet reliable friends.

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The sign of Scorpio is a sign of passion,
It carries in itself constancy,
His character is dark darkness,
An alloy of aggression, stubbornness,
Self-satisfaction and silence
Rebellion, rebellion,
contradictions, searches,
Irrevocability, deceit...
Sign very strong Scorpio,
For enemies without knowing leniency,
He easily bears them damage,
Confuses enemies.
resistance is strong
Unusual in this sign
Like a mother dear to them war,
And Scorpio is always on the attack!
Who disagrees with Scorpio
And the dispute will be decided to wage with him,
In confrontation with him with a groan
Will eventually turn off the path.
The sign of Scorpio is very hot-tempered,
He is a fighter, he is a warrior, a soldier,
And there are many secrets in it, by the way,
And he is rich in ideas,
He despises all foundations,
And he does not care about morality,
He bends everyone under himself,
And he doesn't feel sorry for anyone...
He is a resolute and sharp sign,
Scorpio has a will - firmament,
His eyes are cold,
He can endure for a long time
He is distrustful, unavailable
And well armed
And dialogue with him is always difficult,
Even though he is surrounded
Ready without much thought
Destroy everything in a minute
To the bottom, without a doubt
He will break the tight bondage,
Jokes with him are simply not appropriate,
Conflict is his nature,
And it is unlikely that weekdays will be insipid,
And he won't let him rest.
Proud, active, curious,
Very jealous Scorpions,
The origins of many of their forces are hidden,
And these forces in them are bottomless.

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During the war, the Katyushas glorified the country,
During peace, the army is strong with soldiers,
After all, artillerymen and rocket troops are on duty,
Their service to the country is great.
Happy holiday, I congratulate you all,
May you always be lucky in the service,
Good health, patience and joy without end,
Happiness, life without hassle.

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Lopatina Hope

On February 23, the whole country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all men in order to once again remind them of how much we love and appreciate them. It was decided to cook for our guests present. By doing this, we will bring joy not only to them, but also to ourselves. After all present It is pleasant not only to receive, but also to cook, to give.

We don't buy gifts.

we will make them by hand.

This time it will card"Soldier"

To begin with, we found a picture on the Internet soldier and print out the correct amount. The guys were asked to do gift by the way of plasticineography and application.

For work we need: plasticine 4 colors (green, black, beige and a little red, colored cardboard, glue, felt-tip pens, confetti, "February 23" printout.

With the help of plasticine, the children "painted" soldier

The resulting the soldier needs to be cut

and stick on colored cardboard.

We will decorate the frame with colored confetti pre-cut by me using a hole punch

and stick it on cardboard.

It can be donated! There was so much joy, smiles (not only from dads, but also from children!

Thank you for your attention, dear colleagues, and the feedback, which I hope will be on my work and my children.

Related publications:

February 23 We congratulate all the defenders of the country today. All soldiers protect the Earth, sky, peace and labor. For all children to live happily.

Albina Ratnikova Photo report "Gift for dad on February 23" Purpose: creation original gift for dads by using traditional ones.

Photo report "Gift for dad" Educator of the 2nd group early age: Lenkina O. S. Hello, dear colleagues. Here comes another one.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming! soldiers Russian army stand guard over the world. Many of you guys want to be strong.

On the eve of the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland, I wanted to please our dads an unusual gift. It was possible to please not only our defenders.

The holiday of our dads and grandfathers is approaching, so the guys and I decided to make a postcard for dad. Before work, we had a conversation with the guys.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. We made a postcard with a flag. Purpose: - to make a card with your own hands as a gift for dad. Tasks:.

I wish you soldier
Serve not many days
And if someone sends to the outfit -
More potatoes.
I wish you a day off
Beauty to find
Or, throwing away laziness,
Drop into the cafe.
I want to be closer to the kitchen
And the company commander to know
That it's a sin to wake up soldiers early,
And let me sleep.

Poems for taking the oath

You are drafted into the army, fighter,
And on the day of your oath,
You finally became a soldier
Filled with courage.
We wish affectionate "grandfathers"
And good leaders.
Soldier of the Fatherland, be ready
To fight for the cause of peace!

Happy birthday to a soldier

Soldier's birthday!
Happy birthday brother!
Old timers jam
You will be happy to give
Wish all the soldier
To ring out your lively laughter,
So that in disassembling the machine
You have surpassed everyone.

Poems from a girlfriend

You are a soldier, my dear friend,
I send greetings to the army.
It's dark around me without you
And the light of the sun is dark.
You serve too far
And I will say again
It's not easy for me alone
But I'll be sure to wait!

Beloved, my dear soldier,
My face is in tears...
When will the news arrive?
Will you send a letter?
Serve, may God keep you
From the company - platoon of all,
Let the days be forgotten insults
I want to hear your laughter!

For those waiting for demobilization

Soldier, spring drops
They bring good news
Only three weeks before demobilization,
Your soul is not here already.
You wake up early in the morning,
and in my thoughts a bright day when
Forget your tunic and footcloths,
And away from the part forever!

Wishes to a soldier

Soldier, be braver in the unit,
army star,
And from footcloths blisters
Never feel
Let the machine do not rub your shoulder,
Does not press a gas mask,
Girls love it hot
And, most importantly, more than once!

Funny SMS poems to a soldier in the army

Soldier, I wish you
To be brave, well, at least in appearance,
And there, dear army
Will turn you into a man!

Serve soldiers wholeheartedly
Dig, shoot, write home,
You look - wrote, dug, shot,
And the noble general came out!

Be the best soldier on the parade ground and in training,
Do not think that the army is a torment,
Serve wholeheartedly, do not be afraid of worries
And the demobilization day will certainly come!

Other poems to a soldier in the army