Do-it-yourself coffee topiary step by step instructions. Do-it-yourself coffee topiary: step by step instructions. Coffee tree - step by step instructions

It is not in vain that they say that every man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. But this is a man, everything is clear as daylight, just a tree, just plant it. But every girl can do do-it-yourself topiary, moreover, she shouldn’t, or maybe because the girl doesn’t owe anything to anyone.

Topiary is perhaps the oldest art of landscape design, cutting trees and giving them all sorts of bizarre shapes: animals, geometric shapes and architectural structures. From Latin, topiary (topiarius) is translated as a gardener of landscape ornament.

Do-it-yourself topiary made of roses will perfectly decorate the interior and give good mood.

A bit of history...

In Europe, the first topiary appeared in the days of the Roman Empire, and in Asia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the embodiment of the art of topiary. In Japan, the skill of forming the crown of a tree was embodied in "Bonsai", by the way, remember, we have already talked about it. In Europe, the heyday of topiary falls on the Renaissance, it was then that gardeners polished the skills of carving balls, pyramids, people and animals from trees. Topiary in Europe is best represented in Versailles.

Topiary, also known as a European tree, is very popular in Russia today, not only as a beautifully trimmed bush, but also as an aesthetically designed decorative tree. But chic in the interior, of course, is considered to be made do-it-yourself topiary.

Topiary made of decorative mesh will be both a birthday present and a beautiful party decoration at the same time.

It is generally accepted that topiary - tree of happiness brings to the house not only good luck and good mood, but also financial wealth, so the craftswomen put pennies in the pot, and flowers and hearts from banknotes are fixed on the branches. It is quite simple to make them, especially since we already had one on this topic.

Fruit topiary will perfectly decorate festive table. It is doubly useful: both aesthetic pleasure and gastronomic.

Will be appropriate gift for almost every holiday. Generously flavored with valentines, red feathers and hearts, it will become a chic present for Valentine's Day, bill topiary - original gift from money for a wedding, a topiary with delicate flowers, balls and coins - for the birth of a child, but a tree with flowers and bows - for a housewarming party.

Topiary can be New Year's, it can consist of a pumpkin and is perfect for Halloween, it can be made from fruits and vegetables and it will perfectly decorate the kitchen and dining room.

Topiary from marmalade and sweets for the sweet tooth.

DIY topiary tree everyone can do it, you just need to stock up necessary material, because each tree consists of a certain set of parts.

First, it's the foundation. Most often, a ball is taken as the basis, but there may be variations: a heart, a cone, and even numbers (depending on how old the birthday person is to whom the tree is presented), in the form of letters and in the form of an arch. As a basis, it is customary to use:

  • foam blank;
  • papier-mâché ball;
  • old ball (but not heavy).

For curly blanks you will need wire, foam or cardboard.

Secondly, each topiary has its own trunk. It can be wire and twigs wrapped in twine, or it can be real tree branches covered with varnish or stain. For small topiaries, you can use pencils.

Thirdly, this is the crown. This is the time to turn on the fantasy. A set of decorative elements can start from coffee beans and end with sea ​​shells. Also suitable: multi-colored paper napkins, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, decor from polymer clay, beads, dried leaves and even pasta - whatever your imagination wants.

Fourth, it's a stand. As a rule, a decorative pot, stone, teapot is used as this element, and for small trees - shells and cups. Coasters are decorated with fabric, lace, beads and gems. Remember that the diameter of the base should not be less than the diameter of the stand.

Fifth, this is the base of the tree. For do-it-yourself topiary any filler or a more solid base is suitable, where the rod with the crown will be fixed. Styrofoam, floral sponge, and polyurethane foam are excellent for these purposes.

Topiary - do-it-yourself tree of happiness

To make it you will need:

  1. boxwood twigs (you can take artificial green twigs);
  2. decorative pot;
  3. artificial flowers;
  4. polystyrene ball;
  5. gravel;
  6. twigs;
  7. wire.

First, alternately stick branches of artificial boxwood into a ball of polystyrene foam, making sure that no voids form. Then tie the branches with wire.

Make a hole in the crown ball and stick it on the wired sticks.

Set the topiary in a pot and fill it with gravel, lay moss on top.

Your topiary is ready. We put two large cones side by side to give it a New Year's charm, but you can easily seat a teddy bear or a bunny.

Topiary from decorative ribbons

Do-it-yourself topiary can be made from bright ribbons stacked in tubes. He asks for a birthday present.

Read the master class carefully and get to work. But first, stock up:

  1. styrofoam ball;
  2. wooden stick (you can use a pencil);
  3. ribbons;
  4. glue;
  5. decorative pot;
  6. invisible.

Cut the ribbon into small strips and wind around your finger to form rings. Then alternately pin the rings to the base. Make sure there is no empty space left. Then put the ball on a pencil (you can sharpen it on one side to make it easier to work) and secure the finished topiary in a pot, “weighting” it with gravel.

From above, you can lay decorative frost. And you can sprinkle with small pieces - the remnants of the ribbons.

Do-it-yourself topiary in a fun cup

This topiary is very beautiful and mischievous. It is suitable for those who are not too diligent and like to make crafts from improvised materials. It will take you only 20 minutes to make.

For work it will be useful:

  • polystyrene ball;
  • bright mug;
  • artificial flowers (we used zinnias);
  • wooden stick or pencil;
  • tape to wrap a pencil;
  • a small ball for the base according to the diameter of the cup (you can use polyurethane foam);
  • a handful of artificial grass or moss.

Wrap the pencil with tape and stick it into a small ball. Or fasten mounting foam in a cup.

Stick each flower individually into the ball, make sure there are no empty spaces, and string the finished crown onto the stem. Decorate this wonderful work with decorative moss or grass and plant a butterfly on the edge of the cup. Amazing, right?

By the same principle, you can make another topiary with your own hands, as, for example, in the photo:

It is made from the same materials except for the colors - they are made from corrugated paper. For their manufacture, you will need paper - you can multi-colored, you can - plain, if desired, wire, scissors and photo instructions.

Do-it-yourself topiary-tree from fresh flowers

Very beautiful and romantic gift, it is a pity that it is short-lived. But it's worth it!

So, for the topiary, stock up:

  1. decorative pot;
  2. plastic bag;
  3. chopsticks or a twig;
  4. putty;
  5. floral sponge (do not forget to moisten);
  6. moss;
  7. decorative tape and wire;
  8. as well as 9 roses.

Take the pot and wrap the inside with a plastic bag. Pour the putty into the pot, leaving 5-7 cm on top - we will put decorative moss there. Stick a stick into the pot and leave to harden overnight. After that, cut off the edges of the bag with a knife.

Cut a circle out of a floral sponge and fill the pot to the brim with it. Dampen the sponge and lay the moss on top. Move the moss to the center and stick six long-stemmed roses into the sponge. Secure them with decorative tape with a wooden rod.

Stick three more roses on short stems into the sponge and decorate with a bow. You remember that we already held a master class on.

like this do-it-yourself topiary you should be able to. Good luck!

Topiary of 100 paper roses

This ornamental tree is truly wonderful. It is done according to an already developed scheme - a base of expanded polystyrene, a decorative vase and 100 paper roses, which even a child can make.

This ornamental tree is so charming that it just asks for the scenery of the most exquisite wedding.

Chic topiary gives live moss, beautifully laid in a pot.

DIY topiary ball

If you do not have a ready-made ball, ball or Christmas toys, just crumple a certain amount of paper and form a ball, or any other shape. The same can be done with foil or cloth, with a ball of old thread or foam, simply cutting it into the desired shape.

Topiary candy master class

This wonderful Christmas candy tree is simply obliged to lure the good Santa Claus into your home and make him give the kids the most tasty gifts.

Stock up on a standard set of balls, a pot, a stem and ribbon, and also buy 200-300 grams of beautiful candies. Preferably mint - they will also smell.

Insert the rod into the pot and cover the ball with red tape. Then use a glue gun to glue the sweets - use tweezers so as not to stain the sweets.

DIY Topiary for Valentine's Day

The most difficult thing for this tree is to find suitable invisible ones. You can make hydrangeas by downloading a template from the Internet. The tree for the holiday is done quite quickly, but how much fun!

Topiary for a newborn from balls

Although, after thinking a little, I realized that the topiary is suitable not only for the birth of a baby, but also for a bright party. So. Stock up for this wonderful man-made tree:

  • a ball and a cube of expanded polystyrene;
  • wooden dowel or pencil;
  • 70 small balloons;
  • 70 large balloons;
  • a handful of small sawdust;
  • glue or putty;
  • decorative pot;
  • pins.

This do-it-yourself topiary is easy and fun to make. Wrap the lollipops in paper, stick them on the eye, and stick them into the Styrofoam sphere. Such a topiary must be kept under guard, otherwise the guests will simply eat it: watch the master class and create your own sweet tree.

If you like to surprise and delight your friends with non-standard gifts, this type of craft is like a coffee topiary, you will definitely like it. After all, all that is required to create it is simple fixtures and materials, accuracy and patience. Well, a drop of inspiration, of course!

What is a topiary, or how far does a coffee bean tree go?

Topiary is a man-made ornamental tree. Now it is made from various natural materials and improvised means. This art originated in ancient Rome. The first topiaries were skillfully pruned trees in the gardens of the Roman patricians. Gardeners gave bizarre shapes to the crowns of plants, thereby creating a semblance of statues and other decorative items.

Topiary went through many changes in its development: modest and painstaking work of nuns in medieval monasteries, decorative Renaissance trees created on a grand scale, gardens and labyrinths of Holland and England of the 17th century, etc.

Today, the topiary is an incredibly popular souvenir. The tree of coffee beans, in addition to visual pleasure, brings olfactory pleasure. After all, even after processing, the grains continue to smell, filling the room with a wonderful aroma and creating a cozy atmosphere.

Materials and tools

The main material in the manufacture of coffee trees is, of course, coffee beans. You will also need:

  • ball or heart for the base;
  • paints, glue, paper, tapes;
  • container in which the tree will "grow";
  • wire;
  • gypsum, putty or other container fillers, etc.

The exact list is compiled when choosing a product option and will be presented by us below, in a step-by-step instruction.

Having become acquainted with existing techniques, You can create your own recipe using the items you have on hand.

Gift with meaning

Before you make a coffee tree, think about what meaning you want to put into this gift. Topiaries are a symbol of prosperity and inextinguishable life force(like a tree, in principle), happiness and prosperity. By adding some elements, you can correct the message enclosed in the craft.

Idea! So, if the topiary is intended for newlyweds, there can be two crowns (or small baby trees will be located next to two large ones).

It is customary to give gifts in the shape of a heart to a loved one. When creating a souvenir for a woman, you can add a lot of small jewelry, ribbons and lace. The topiary addressed to a man should presumably have a strong base, as if emphasizing the reliability of the stronger sex. Based on your knowledge of a person, you can create a unique, special gift.

A coffee tree is a cute gift for Valentine's Day, International Women's Day, or just a romantic gift for a loved one.

Topiary has become a popular interior element. It is made from different materials. One of them is coffee.

Do-it-yourself coffee topiary. Step by step

It will help to make a coffee topiary master class with a detailed description of the steps.

Glue on the blank for the crown coffee beans, placing them with the central strip down.

The ball is covered completely. Then the next layer is glued, placing the grains with a strip up.

Used for stem a tube. Three centimeters should be retreated from its edge and double-sided tape should be glued in a spiral. On the other side, three centimeters of the tube are also left unglued.

Wrapping on tape satin ribbon desired color.

do-it-yourself coffee topiary master class. A photo

Take a container and pour water into it. Add to water alabaster until you get a mass that looks like rather thick sour cream.

We shift this mass into a cache-pot and insert the trunk into it.

The alabaster needs to harden so that its surface becomes dry.

The surface of the alabaster in the pot is also pasted over with grains in two layers, like a ball.

Squeeze glue on top of the tube and glue the crown.

Decorate the resulting coffee topiary with a ribbon.

Do-it-yourself coffee topiary in a bag

To make an original do-it-yourself coffee topiary, no special materials are required.

do-it-yourself topiary from coffee beans. A photo

The basis for the crown can be christmas ball , and with a barrel - a wooden skewer for barbecue.

Coffee beans are glued to the ball, decorate skewer.

Can be used as a container for installation jar from under the cream. We wrap it in burlap, which we tie with a rope around the neck.

Gypsum is poured inside, fixing the tree. The surface of the plaster is hidden by a cardboard circle filled with instant coffee.

Topiary coffee. Step by step guide with photo

The manufacture of such a coffee topiary in a master class is described. Let us consider in detail the manufacturing process of such an interesting decorative composition.

take wire twenty centimeters long, recede from the end by seven centimeters and turn this part into a ring. Four centimeters are measured from the other end of the wire and bent at this point.

The saucer is degreased with alcohol. The wire with the side with the ring is glued to the degreased surface with instant glue.

inner surface cups also wipe with alcohol and glue it to the other side of the wire. First find a support that will support the cup while the glue sets. The curing process can take several days.

When the foam hardens, cut off the excess amount. Removing foam. take into account the thickness that the coffee beans will give. It is necessary to make the stream look harmonious.

To form a volumetric mounting jet, you can use mass for molding or masking tape. It is convenient to wind the wire frame last.

After the excess foam is removed, the surface stain. If this is not done, then a white base will appear between the coffee beans.

A step-by-step master class on creating a coffee topiary ends gluing grains to the surface of the foam. It is better to glue them with transparent glue, which sets in a couple of minutes. This will allow you to adjust the location of the grains.

coffee heart

You can make a coffee topiary with your own hands in a variety of shapes. One of options is the heart.

To make it, draw a heart on paper, cut it out and trace it on cardboard. We need to make two cardboard hearts.

do-it-yourself coffee tree topiary. A photo

Two wire the required length is wrapped with paper and glued to the heart.

Glue on a cardboard surface cotton pads, and close the top with a second cardboard heart. This will create volume.

Outside, the resulting heart also needs to be pasted over with cotton pads. To give the necessary shape, it is wrapped threads.

The resulting basis coloring brown paint. Then glue coffee beans on its surface.

Glue to the iron can in a circle sticks from ice cream.

wire. Glued to the heart we wrap with jute thread.

We fix the sponge in the resulting pot, and put the stem of the topiary from coffee in the form of a heart into it.

We decorate the surface of the pot and the topiary itself.

Variants of coffee hearts

A rather discreet topiary, which is decorated with only small elements. As a decoration, a cinnamon star is used, which goes well with coffee, a harsh rope, and two thin ribbons that match perfectly in color.

Very interesting coffee tree with a crown in the shape of a heart. The grains are arranged in even rows, which gives the composition a special effect. There is no need for bright decorations. One modest bow is enough.

Coffee tree with a regular crown. Unusualness gives it a special decor. This is a bright bow with hearts and an absolutely straight trunk wrapped with a rope.

how to make topiary from coffee beans. A photo

Tenderness to this coffee tree gives the decor and shape of the trunk. The slightly curved trunk looks elegant. White and pale green details perfectly set off the other colors of this composition.

Bright and elegant coffee heart, decorated with red roses with shiny petals. The decor is emphasized by a double bow with the same combination of colors.

Coffee topiary with several crowns

To create such an unusual do-it-yourself coffee topiary, you will need six foam balls. They need to be wrapped with threads, the ends of which are fixed with glue. Coffee beans are glued on top, flat side down. When pasting, leave a small space for attaching the support.

Double aluminum wire divide into several parts to form a branched crown. The end of one wire is divided into two parts so that the structure becomes stable.

We bend the trunk, and fix additional branches with masking tape. Then we split all the upper ends into two parts, bend the branches.

To give aesthetics to the trunk, we first wrap it with masking tape. This will create a thickening at the bottom, like a real tree. Coarse tape is wound over the masking tape twine.

At the ends of the branches, smeared with glue, we put on balls of coffee. A tree is installed in the selected pot and the base is poured with plaster. The plaster surface is also decorated with coffee beans after drying. You can stick another layer of coffee on the crown.

Coffee Topiary: video

The process is most clearly explained by the video of a master class on creating a coffee topiary. For the crown is taken foam ball, which is wrapped with paper and thread. On one side, a hole is made in it for the barrel. Coffee beans are glued onto the surface with transparent glue. The details of the trunk are fixed in the pot with the help of a plaster composition. A ball is put on this trunk, which is pasted over with grains. Next, the surface of the gypsum in the pot is decorated. To do this, it is also covered with coffee beans. At the end, the finished topiary is decorated. To do this, you can take various tapes and others. decorative elements.

Video: heart-shaped coffee topiary

This step-by-step coffee topiary tutorial shows how you can decorate a fairly ordinary topiary container in a fun way. A transparent glass cup is taken as such a container. Pigtails woven from a simple, coarse rope are glued onto it. The result is a textured detail, combined with smooth glass. Liquid gypsum is placed inside the cup, in which the topiary is installed. After the gypsum has hardened, the edges of the cup are decorated with coffee beans, and white pebbles are laid on the surface. As a result, the heart-shaped topiary looks more harmonious, thanks to an interestingly decorated base.

Topiary coffee magnet

Let's make a coffee topiary magnet. A step-by-step master class will help with this.

To make such a topiary, we do blanks from cardboard. To do this, draw a round crown and a pot, and then cut them out.

We collect a tree using a wooden wand from ice cream. We insert it between two pieces of cardboard and glue it.

Pasting over burlap cardboard pieces on both sides.

Glue on the back side magnets.

On the front side glue the coffee beans. The first row along the edge we glue the grains with the flat side down, and the second row with the flat side up. Fill the center with grains, and then glue the second row.

We decorate the finished topiary.

The basis for a topiary from a branch

To make the base for step by step wizard class to create a coffee topiary, it is not at all necessary to take special components. Branch and old newspapers can be used.

From newspapers ball is made. Branch lubricated with glue and placed in it. Newspapers should be pressed closer to her.

The surface of the ball is smeared glue and wrapped threads. The next layer of newspapers is wound around it, which is also wrapped with threads and smeared with glue. The procedure is repeated until the desired size is obtained.

The finished crown on the trunk is installed in a container with gypsum filling. Gypsum it is necessary to dilute to the consistency of sour cream and pour into the desired container. A trunk is installed there and kept as evenly as possible until the gypsum solidifies.

No one can say exactly how long coffee has been known to the human race. This drink has firmly entered our lives. And people of a creative warehouse even made coffee a source of self-expression. And such a thing as coffee topiary is known to almost any person.

Application of coffee beans

So, how can we use coffee beans other than their intended purpose? Most often coffee is used in cosmetology. Scrubs or soap are made from it. Coffee beans can be used as a flavoring agent and as an ant repeller. And with a strong brewed drink, they rinse their hair and draw pictures. Using coffee beans of different shades, you can create mosaic paintings, as well as other masterpieces of art. One of these is coffee bean topiary.

What is a topiary

The word topiary itself, translated from Latin, means "curly haircut." Such art is often used by garden owners to decorate their property with figured shrubs.

Nowadays, the same term also refers to the creation of artificial miniature ornamental trees. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to make coffee topiary with your own hands and at minimal cost.

What you need to create a miniature tree

As in any business, there is a certain universal set of tools and materials for creating a miniature tree. To make a coffee topiary with your own hands, you will need a pot, a base (a ball or other shape), a stem blank, coffee beans, and decorative elements. Of the tools, you will probably need scissors, tweezers, glue gun and a supply of hot glue.

We select a pot

Any topiary needs a pot or other container for planting. It is this part that determines the whole style of the tree in the future. And therefore, you should approach the choice of capacity with all responsibility. First of all, proceed from the interior of the room in which the topiary will be located in the future. You can pick up a flower pot to your taste by visiting a houseplant store, or decorate any container that suits your tree with your own hands.

Also, do not forget about what kind of topiary you have. A coffee tree, for example, looks good in a teapot or cup. But in general, you can use any container decorated with fabric, foil, and even just paper. Remember that the more magnificent the "crown" of the tree, the more restrained the pot should be.

What to make a trunk

Any interestingly curved branch, wooden skewer, sushi stick, and even wire wrapped in something pretty can work for the trunk.

Coffee topiary looks interesting if you wrap its trunk with a rope made of natural fiber. When choosing a trunk for a future tree, pay attention to the estimated size of the crown. After all, your tree as a whole should look proportional.

Planting in a pot

At this stage of the work, everything is simple. Since the weight of the grains glued to the crown is not small, it is best to fill the tree trunk in a pot with alabaster or gypsum. To do this, dilute the gypsum in a separate bowl to the consistency of thick sour cream and pour it into the container that you use as a pot. Leave this whole structure overnight. After the mass has completely hardened, decorate it on top in such a way that this design echoes the future crown of the tree. If you have a coffee topiary, then you can simply add a few coffee beans at the bottom or fill the entire space with them.


The "crown" of a tree may have a traditional topiary round shape or look something more unusual. The variety of "crowns" in this article will be illustrated by the master classes below. Topiary, whose coffee beans have a different shade, looks more interesting. The variety of colors of coffee beans is caused, as a rule, by the degree of their roasting. They can be lighter, almost black, white and even green. Topiary from coffee beans can be absolutely any shape, as well as any volume.

For the top, you can use purchased foam molds, or you can make them yourself, for example, using the papier-mâché technique. Or cut out a flat blank of the desired size from cardboard and give it a little volume on the sides. To do this, glue the cardboard with cotton pads. So that the peeking cotton wool does not spoil your topiary in the future, it is better to paint the coffee tree created in this way with brown paint or wrap it with natural rope. And then, using hot glue, attach the coffee beans. Sometimes even two layers should be done.

Heart with coffee aroma

Love and coffee can be perfectly combined in one product. An example of such a masterpiece is the heart coffee topiary. This is a wonderful gift for all coffee lovers, for example, for Valentine's Day.

To make such a product, it is necessary to cut a blank in the shape of a heart of the desired size from cardboard and arrange it in the manner described above. Choose the right pot. Do not be afraid to use all shades of red in such a composition. They go great with brown coffee. Decorate such a tree with lace, beads, ribbons or feathers. Add glitter and miniature hearts. Thus, a wonderful fragrant hand-made gift is ready.

coffee sunflower

Topiary sunflowers are quite original. The coffee aroma of these sunny flowers will delight its owner for quite a long time. To complete the crown of a tree in the form of a sunflower, coffee beans alone will not be enough for you. With the help of coffee in these colors, only the middle ones are made. But the sunflower also has bright petals. yellow color. To make these petals, you can use fabric, satin ribbons, or paper.

They come out very nicely. satin ribbon, especially if you use different shades and width. You can stencil the petals and scorch them over a candle or with a lighter. You can also use thin tape. In this case, cut it into pieces required length. Fold each piece in such a way that you get a loop, secure the ends of the tape by melting them over the candle. Attach two or three standing petals to a round blank of cardboard using hot glue. Each of these layers must be slightly overlapped with respect to the previous one. On the reverse side of the workpiece, attach the same loops of green ribbons. And from the side of the yellow petals - the middle, made of coffee beans.

Center for coffee sunflower

To make the middle of a sunflower topiary using coffee beans, take a Styrofoam ball or half of it and glue it with coffee beans in two layers. This is necessary to prevent the surface of the ball from showing through the grains. Before you start gluing, go through the grains and select all those that have the same size and shape. And although at first glance it may seem that the grains are no different from each other, nevertheless, upon closer examination, you will find elements that have certain disadvantages. Attach pasted balls or hemispheres to a cardboard base with petals. On the reverse side, make a hole into which the wire stem will be inserted. Decorate the entire composition with miniature insects.

Summing up, it can be noted that coffee topiary - for all its simplicity of execution - amazes with a variety of possible shapes and designs. It can become a wonderful souvenir for all occasions and symbolize any holiday.

In addition, its creation does not require too much financial outlay, and the size of coffee beans contributes to the design of even the most unusual forms of the "crown". Which, of course, allows you to use your imagination to the fullest and apply a seemingly rather unusual decor.

Today, people buy in specialized stores a variety of decor elements that can decorate the interior of their apartment. One of these products is the topiary. This small craft, made in the form of a tree, can consist of a variety of components. In particular, there are models on the market made from poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, all kinds of ribbons, moss and flowers.

There is a variety in the form of similar products; they are made in the form of a simple tree, in the form of hearts, in the form of various geometric shapes etc. In addition, models with unusual design or a picture (for example, with lightning and coins, in the form of a globe, etc.).

Know! Naturally, the price of such jewelry depends on the complexity of the work (the most sophisticated options, as a rule, are not cheap).

However, you can get a beautiful element of decor with minimal financial costs. You just need to make the decoration yourself. So, in this article we will learn how to make a coffee topiary with our own hands. We will focus on both simple and complex models.

The easiest coffee topiary

To make a standard coffee bean topiary, you will need to get:

  • high-quality coffee beans (the correctness of the shape and the duration of the aroma depend on their price);
  • a ball with an 8-centimeter diameter (you can make such a blank yourself, but it’s better to buy it in the store anyway);
  • plastic tube (it is recommended that its length be approximately 25 cm and diameter 1.2 cm); in the absence of a plastic tube, you can get by with a wooden analogue of the same size;
  • glue gun;
  • satin and nylon ribbon;
  • alabaster;
  • well-sharpened scissors;
  • double-sided tape;
  • dishes in which alabaster will be kneaded.

Now let's move on to the main point: how to make this decoration. The sequence of actions looks like this:

  • make a hole in the ball (make sure that the diameter of the hole fits the tube that will play the role of the leg);
  • glue the ball with the first layer of coffee beans so that the stripes of grains look down;
  • when the glue dries, apply the 2nd layer of grains, but now they should look outward; you can also get by with just one layer, although for this you will have to paint the ball in a color that matches the coffee shade;
  • wrap the plastic tube with double-sided tape; you need to wind slightly obliquely; leave unaffected 3 cm from the edges of the tube;
  • wrap a satin ribbon over the adhesive tape;
  • after that, take the pot; pour water into the pot, in which the finished coffee topiary will stand in the future; the water level should be 3 cm below the edges;
  • pour the water into another container and start adding alabaster a little bit at a time; adding alabaster, stir the solution; in the end, you should get a creamy substance (by viscosity);
  • when the mixture is ready, pour it into a pot for crafts;
  • insert the "trunk" of the tree into the mixture;
  • when the alabaster mixture has completely hardened, put two layers of coffee beans on it; it is necessary to follow the same principle as in the case of the crown: first, the grains are laid out with a strip down, then with a strip up;
  • apply glue to the top of the “trunk” and put the “crown” on it; briefly support the crown until the glue completely hardens;
  • then decorate the trunk at the base of the crown with some kind of ribbon (ideally, satin and organza ribbons are suitable);
  • if desired, you can glue an additional decorative component to the crown (for example, a fabric flower).

That's all, the decoration is ready. If it is difficult for you to understand how this coffee topiary is made, the photos below will help you understand this issue in detail.

specific topiary

Do you want to make a unique coffee bean topiary with your own hands? Then the next option is perfect for you. Its highlight is that ready product will consist of several crowns connected by a curved trunk. To make such a miracle, you will need to acquire:

  • 6 foam balls;
  • dark threads for knitting;
  • double aluminum wiring;
  • coffee beans;
  • alabaster;
  • strong twine;
  • a small flower pot;
  • glue;
  • masking tape.

The step-by-step instructions for making this product look like this:

  • wrap the balls with prepared threads and fix their ends with glue;
  • glue the balls with coffee beans so that their stripes look down; be sure to leave a little untouched space (the “branches” of the tree will then be attached to it);
  • divide the prepared wire into 3 pieces (one long and two small);
  • divide one end of the long wire in two, then twist the wire so that the resulting structure stands without problems;
  • bend a long wire (simulating a barrel) in two places;
  • attach two smaller pieces to the bend points using masking tape;
  • then you need to divide all the ends of the wires in two and strip each branch (about 2-3 itself from the edge);
  • bend the smaller wires (this is how you get the branches of the future tree);
  • wrap the trunk and branches with masking tape, leaving the stripped sections of the wire intact; so the whole structure will acquire the optimal thickness;
  • apply glue to the wrapped areas and tie them with twine;
  • grease the ends of the branches with glue and put balls on them;
  • put the tree in a pot and fill it with gypsum;
  • after the gypsum dries, decorate the “soil” with coffee beans (so the whole composition will take on a truly beautiful look);
  • stick a second layer of grains on the “crowns” (they will become more beautiful; in addition, the second layer will close possible gaps).

After that, the craft will be ready. If you don’t understand how to make such a coffee topiary, the photo below will allow you to study the basic steps in more detail.

Heart models

If you want to donate close person a special topiary, a heart-shaped coffee tree is the most suitable option for you. This wonderful mini-gift can be presented to your soulmate on Valentine's Day; in addition, it can be presented to newlyweds for a wedding (the bride and groom will definitely be delighted at the sight of such a surprise). In a word, this topiary model will certainly appeal to everyone to whom it will be presented. To make such a wonderful souvenir, you need to prepare:

  • brown satin ribbon
  • strong twine;
  • coffee beans;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • saucer and cup (preferably new);
  • anise stars;
  • a blank of the heart itself (it is cut out without problems from a piece of foam or cardboard);
  • dense brown threads (under the shade of grains);
  • brown paint;
  • gypsum.

So that you understand exactly how to make this coffee topiary with your own hands, the master class below will clearly outline each step. So:

  • glue the heart blank with paper, then wrap it with brown thread, forming a loop at the top;
  • paint the heart with paint and wait until it dries;
  • glue the side parts of the heart with grains in strips down; then glue the middle of the heart;
  • after the first layer has dried, apply a second layer of grains, but now with stripes up;
  • when the second layer sets well, glue an anise star in the corner of the heart;
  • twist the prepared wire into a spiral near the base (this will make the whole craft more stable);
  • apply glue to the surface of the wire and wind the twine around it;
  • after that, wrap a satin ribbon with a spiral over the twine;
  • dilute the plaster with water;
  • place the basis of the future creation in a cup and fill the dishes with plaster;
  • wait until the plaster hardens;
  • at the very end, decorate the plaster surface with coffee beans (also in two layers).

That's all. A wedding gift for the newlyweds or a present for the second half is ready. If it’s still difficult for you to figure out how to make such topiary from coffee beans, the photos presented just above will help you better understand the whole process.

Making a floating cup

A craft made in the form of a floating cup (it is also called a spilling cup) is a real pinnacle of handicraft. It may seem that creating such a wonderful illusion is extremely difficult, but this is not entirely true. Of course, this process cannot be called the easiest, but by following all the rules and keeping attentiveness, you will definitely achieve the desired result. So, to make such a do-it-yourself coffee topiary, you will need to acquire:

  1. coffee beans;
  2. a small saucer and a cup (it is best to buy new ones);
  3. construction foam;
  4. copper wiring (in the absence of such, you can get by with a thick wire);
  5. superglue;
  6. brown acrylic paint
  7. 3 anise flowers.

For a better understanding of the manufacturing process, consider it step by step:

  • take the prepared wire and cut 20 cm from it;
  • measure from one end of the cut piece 7 cm and wrap the wire in a circle;
  • measure 4 cm from the other end and bend the wire at the desired point;
  • carefully check the surface of the saucer (it must be completely fat-free); in order to protect yourself from problems with further steps, it is recommended to use new dishes at all;
  • glue the wire with the wrapped part to the surface of the saucer; give this initial design 4 hours to dry;
  • after that, glue the cup to the other end of the wiring (the cup must also be completely clean); so that the glue has time to grab properly, substitute some kind of support (for example, a plastic box) under the cup;
  • wait 8 hours (this is how much time it is recommended to give the structures to dry);
  • after that, bending the wires, adjust the angle of inclination of the future jet;
  • take the prepared balloon with polyurethane foam; start applying foam along the wiring (direction - from the cup to the saucer); exercising this step, it must be borne in mind that after exiting the cylinder, the foam will gradually increase in volume; therefore it is recommended not to apply it in in large numbers so that the whole structure does not fall apart;
  • let the whole structure harden properly (in this case it is recommended to wait 24 hours);
  • when the foam dries, take a clerical knife and cut off its excess; at this step you will form the outlines of the future "jet";
  • cover the foam with paint of the previously indicated color;
  • using superglue, fix the coffee beans on the foam;
  • To give the craft a truly sophisticated look, decorate the surface of the saucer with anise flowers.

Why is it worth spending time making coffee topiary?

Such crafts from coffee beans have a lot of advantages, among which are:

  • uniqueness - such products will become a highlight of any interior or a wonderful gift that will be remembered for a long time by the hero of the occasion;
  • profitability - for the manufacture of coffee topiary you do not need to spend a lot of money;
  • benefits for personal development - doing such wonderful crafts you will develop in yourself such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness (especially to trifles), imagination.

Remember! Special attention should be paid to such an advantage of these crafts as the development of fantasy. In this article, only the most popular options for topiary were considered, but ideas for such creativity can be inexhaustible.

You can make any tree crown design, add new elements, create crafts in one or more tiers. All you need is to trust your imagination and try to realize even the most fantastic ideas. Don't be afraid to experiment and fail. Perhaps, having gone through a series of mistakes, you will be able to create a masterpiece of coffee topiary, which the most ardent fans of this art will try to repeat. Click on photo to enlarge: