How to braid cones from hair. Universal hairstyle bump. What length of hair is needed to create a bagel

What could be more beautiful than loose hair? Only a stylish and fashionable bunch! Do you want to replenish your beauty arsenal with a new “recipe”. Learn how to make a bun with a donut and experiment with your own style.

What do you need for beautiful bunches?

Believe it or not, it only takes a few minutes and a minimal amount of tools to create this stylish look. It's simple perfect solution for mornings or quick gatherings for a party.

So, you will need:

  • Hair comb;
  • 2 elastic thin elastic bands;
  • Invisibles;
  • Sophist-twist (aka twister), donut (aka roller), heagami or regular thin sock - to choose from;
  • Varnish of medium fixation;
  • hairpins;
  • Ribbons, bows, headbands, false braids and other decor.

A bundle with a roller or sock - option 1

This option is an undoubted hit of the last two seasons. How to twist it correctly and what does the sock have to do with it? Everything is very simple. The most ordinary thin sock can easily replace a bought bagel - the effect is the same, but what a savings!

  1. Trim the toe at the heel.
  2. We turn the product inside out.
  3. We roll it into a tight and dense roller.
  4. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail. Low or high? It all depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.
  5. We place the roller on the base of the tail on top of the gum.
  6. We straighten the hair in the same way as shown in the photo.
  7. We fix the beam thin rubber band.
  8. From the free ends we weave two pigtails - neat or careless, classic or French.
  9. We wrap each pigtail around our bundle and fasten with hairpins or stealth.
  10. Carefully correct all flaws.
  11. Do you want to make a strict bun with a donut? Spray it with varnish. For an artistic mess, loosen some strands with a pencil or other thin tool.

The layout is ready!

Option 2

You can create a bunch of hair a little differently. You will need the same materials, only the procedure will look different.

How to do:

  1. We comb the hair and collect it in a high ponytail.
  2. Raises the tail up and sticks its tip into our bagel.
  3. We begin to twist the bagel until it reaches the base of the tail.
  4. We correct flaws in the form of gaps or strands that overlap each other.
  5. We fix the styling with hairpins and varnish.

How to make a bun (video):

Option 3

This is a great way to collect strands in a bun. middle length.

Step 1. Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail.

Step 2. We put on a bagel or sock on the base of the tail.

Step 3. Separate a not very thick strand, comb it with a thick comb to achieve maximum smoothness. You can use mousse, foam or gel.

Step 4. We wrap the strand around the sock, carefully hiding the tips inside (under the base of the sock). We fix everything invisible.

Step 5. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the hair.

Step 6. We form a flower from the middle strand. We fix the beam with varnish.

Option 4

How to do bagel styling for an evening out? There is nothing easier!

  1. We comb the hair and collect it in a ponytail.
  2. We put the roller on the base of the tail.
  3. We distribute the hair around the donut and smooth it from all sides.
  4. From above we put on a thin elastic band.
  5. The remaining strands are divided into two identical parts.
  6. We braid one of them into a pigtail, wrap it around the corresponding side and fix it with an invisibility.
  7. From the second part we make a bow. We divide the strand into three parts. We comb the outer hair slightly and twist it into a ring. We fix it with an invisible in the middle and straighten it.
  8. We braid the middle part in a pigtail and wrap it on the other side of the beam. We fix with an invisible or hairpin.
  9. We spray the hair with varnish and decorate with rhinestones or beautiful hairpins.

Any questions? Look at the video:

Unusual sock bun

Did you get bored with regular bunches? Diversify this hairstyle with braids. This option looks very nice, and it is even easier to perform than classic version.

Step 1. We comb the strands and tie them into a high tail.

Step 2. We put a bagel on the base of the tail.

Step 3. Distribute the hair around him.

Step 4. We separate a not very thick strand and weave a pigtail out of it - regular, reverse or fishtail.

Step 5. Wrap it around the sock. You don't have to make it very tight.

Step 6. We attach the tail left from the pigtail to the next strand. Weave the second braid and wrap it around the sock again.

Step 7. We repeat this algorithm of actions with the rest of the hair.

Step 8. We tie the last braid with an elastic band and wrap it around the sock as many times as necessary in order to hide it.

Step 9. We stretch the weave so that the braids completely cover the sock. We connect them with studs.

Step 10. Decorate the bun with a ribbon, bow or decorative hairpin.

Bundle with twisted strands

Another one evening styling, with which it is not a shame to go on a date or a romantic dinner.

1. We comb the hair and divide it into two parts with a horizontal parting.

2. We tie the second part into a low tail.

3. We put the roller on the base of the hair.

4. We make a light pile.

5. We distribute the hair around the donut and put on a thin elastic band on top.

6. We divide the upper part of the hair into three thin strands. We twist each of them into a bundle.

7. We fix the harnesses with invisibility at the base of the tail.

8. We twist the hair left from the bundle into another bundle and wrap it around the bundle.

9. We fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Twister is a worthy alternative to a donut

Twister - a foam hairpin with a slot in the middle and a thin wire inside. Known since Soviet times, it was unfairly forgotten for many years. Now the twister is back in fashion. Let's try and we make a beautiful bunch with it.

1. We comb the hair and collect it in a ponytail at the place where the bundle will be located.

2. We pass the end of the tail into the hole of the hairpin and wrap the hair in an upward direction to the very base.

3. Install the hairpin horizontally and bend it so as to completely cover the base of the tail.

4. Distribute the mane around the twister. Hairstyle is ready!

Heagami for stylish buns

Heags are called a device of two plates, fastened on one side only. Using this device, you can easily collect the strands into a bun.

  1. We comb the strands and collect them in the tail.
  2. We clamp the tips between the plates.
  3. We rotate the hairpin, dragging the whole hair behind it, to the very base of the tail.
  4. We bring together the ends of the heags.

A beam with heags is not so lush, but more natural. And he does not weigh down the hair, which will certainly be appreciated by the owners of a long and thick mane.

This concludes the theoretical part of our master class. It's time to start its practical section. Good luck with your images and beautiful beams!

The modern fashion for hairstyles is quite democratic - here you will find classic styling, retro hairstyles, and frivolous grunge that is super relevant today. But it is the "bump" that is in the greatest demand - a separate kind of beam, feminine and refined, appropriate in the office, on a walk and even at a gala evening. Next, we will tell you step by step how you can easily and quickly make such a hairstyle at home.

Who suits this hairstyle

Beams are good not only for their beauty, but also for their versatility - they suit almost everyone. Are there any "contraindications"? Yes, and they must be taken into account.

"Bump" is also good because it suits most girls and women. But still, there are points that should be considered when creating this hairstyle.

  • smooth and thick - an ideal basis;
  • thick and curly - you won’t be able to play with braids, but a bunch of curls will come out what you need;
  • thin and even - you can achieve the desired volume if you use a roller.

The ideal hair for creating a bump is thick, straight or curly, as well as even, thin. AT last case it is advisable to use a roller - it will help create volume.

The bump looks very nice on the face if it has the shape:

  • oval - an oval is generally a universal option, everything suits him;
  • triangle - it is advisable to add a bang that will smooth out sharp corners;
  • rhombus - looks perfect when you need to emphasize the cheekbones, it is advisable to make a thick medium-length bang;
  • rectangle - use additional accessories for hair decoration (headbands, ribbons, hairpins), as well as large earrings.

The styling is perfect for the owners of the face oval shape. But keep in mind that in adulthood, such a hairstyle only further stretches the features.

Round face shape

It is not recommended to build chubby young ladies - it will only further expand the face, make the cheekbones heavier. “Square” is also not the best base, since in this case the heavy lower part will be further emphasized.

Who better not to make a fashionable bump? Owners of a square face or round shape, since such a hairstyle will only emphasize imperfections.

As for the length of the hair, the average in this case will be ideal - and you will create the volume you need, and working with such curls is quite simple. Long strands provide more scope for creativity, but it is more difficult to stack them. You can try to work with short ones too, but for this, stock up on hairpins, varnish and patience - you will have to do bouffants, flagella and carefully fix the result.

The ideal hair length for a bump is medium. But with long and short strands, you can also experiment.

  • headbands and hoops;
  • small hairpins and large hairpins;
  • flowers (live or artificial);
  • pearl;
  • tiaras.

Decorative hairpins

Comb take a thick type of "brush" and a comb with fine teeth. Hairspray is a must, but do not abuse it - an excess of styling products makes the finished result heavy, unnatural.

Do you create hair from a photo? Please note that the final result may vary slightly from the picture as it depends on the length, thickness, structure and manageability of the hair.

How to make a hair cone step by step

Volumetric classic version

as follows:

  1. The hair is carefully combed and collected in a high tail (horse).
  2. A roller is put on the base of the ponytail if the volume is not enough, or only your hair is used.
  3. Distribute the strands to make a bagel, put on a thin rubber band on top.
  4. Divide the remaining curls into two parts - braid one into a braid and wrap its base around the cone, secure with invisible. Make a bow out of the second strand.

Classic styling

Done - spray the result with varnish, use accessories. The classic cone is a great evening option.

Braid on the basis of harnesses

Flagella - simple and beautiful option creating styling. Collect the strands in the tail (necessarily tight, it can be located in the lower or upper part of the head), fix it with an elastic band. Then select the bottom strand from the tail and wrap the elastic around it. Secure the ends of the hair with invisible, divide the remaining curls into strands and twist into bundles. The number of harnesses is arbitrary. Then they will need to be laid around the tail in any order and secured.

To make a bump with flagella hairstyle look spectacular, do it only on clean hair Oh.

can be done completely short hair:

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two approximately equal parts.
  2. Take one part and divide it in the ear area into two more, twist the flagellum from each strand.
  3. Tie the ends of the flagella with a rubber band.
  4. Repeat steps on the other side.
  5. Take all the flagella and tie them in the back of the head with a knot, secure the knot with hairpins.
  6. Remove the rubber bands from the ends of the flagella and comb the protruding hairs.

Bundle of bundles

Done - it remains to sprinkle the result with varnish.

Roller paving

Is your hair not thick enough? To achieve spectacular volume, use a roller to create hairstyles. Make a tail, put a round roller on it, and carefully twist the strands of the tail into flagella and lay it around the roller.

Classic styling is increasingly appearing on modern fashion shows. Among them, one can single out a particularly popular bump hairstyle. Many girls call her a bunch, babette or just a bun. Such styling will be appropriate both at a business meeting and at romantic date, because she is able to give her owner a touch of femininity and sophistication.

The “bump” styling will be an ideal option for owners of thick and even hair - styling options are almost limitless. For owners of curly hair, the choice is slightly limited: it will be difficult to braid braids, but a bunch of curly curls will look easy and gentle. Thin and even hair requires an additional accessory - a roller, with its help, styling can be made voluminous. The bump hairstyle with bangs goes well: it can be curled and styled as an addition to styling.

Braiding a bump on the back of the head is best for tall girls with an elongated, graceful neck. Laying in this case should be done voluminous and a little sloppy.

A low bump is a hairstyle good for hiding imperfections in the shape of the face. More suitable for girls short stature. The bump should be braided tightly.

Look at the photo how these styling options look like:

In this article we will tell you how to make a bump on your head with detailed instructions and photo.

Hairstyle "Bump" with a pigtail on the back of the head

To do this styling, you do not have to practice for a long time. If the styling came out a little sloppy - it does not matter. This option is a good addition romantic image Suitable for a light summer dress.

If you have little time to put your hair in order, and the meeting requires you to look beautiful and elegant, then the best solution would be to stab a classic bun. Laying will look stylish and at the same time natural, and this is now really in trend.

The simplest, “classic” option is a bump hairstyle with a pigtail, which is done in just a couple of steps:

Tie your hair in a tight ponytail, it is advisable to choose an elastic band to match the color of your hair. But do not overdo it: by the end of the day, the hairstyle can bring a feeling of severe discomfort due to the tight tension.

Divide the hair into 3 identical parts and start weaving the usual "triple" pigtail. Secure the end of the pigtail with a thin rubber band.

Wrap the braid around the base of the ponytail and secure with bobby pins or bobby pins.

To give the bun more volume, the upper strands can be slightly dissolved. But after that, the styling will look a little sloppy and is hardly suitable for a business meeting.

This option is good for a high bump hairstyle, but you can place it on the back of the head.

For detailed instructions on how to make a bump on your head, see the photo below:

How to make a “Bump” hairstyle on the head out of long hair (with photo)

Without a doubt, long hair opens up endless styling options with intricate weaves and curls. However, the bun is available to owners of any type and length of hair.

On long hair, a bump will become an essential hairstyle, as it is able to quickly hide the hair in a comfortable styling so that, for example, it does not interfere with sports.

One of original variants bun is weaving a bundle with a spikelet. At the top is an ordinary bun, but the back of the head is decorated with an unusual braid.

It is not difficult to make such styling:

Lean forward and comb the strands over your face.

Starting at the back of your head, select a wide strand of hair and start weaving a French spikelet.

Continue weaving until you reach the future location of the beam.

Tie the rest of your hair into a tight ponytail.

Look at the photo with hairstyles with bumps for long hair:

Do-it-yourself hairstyle "Bump" from curls for medium hair

A variety of hairstyles with a bump for medium hair is not much inferior to long-haired options. The whole point is that the bun is able to hide even a cascading hairstyle and securely fix it in the styling.

One of these hairstyle options is a bump of curls:

Divide the hair with a horizontal parting, tie the back part into a tight tail.

Wind the strands with a curling iron.

Make a bouffant for volume, then wrap the ponytail around the elastic band and pin with stealth to make a bun.

We pin up the remaining curled curls to the main bun.

To keep the styling better, it should be sprinkled large quantity varnish.

Look at the photo instruction on how to do this styling:

Hairstyle options "Bump" for short hair with and without bangs

Many girls believe that it is impossible to style a bump on short hair. But this is deeply misleading.

You can make a bun in at least three ways:

  • Twist a bunch of bundles
  • Fasten the strands with a mesh
  • Lay the strands with an accordion

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

A bundle of harnesses is made extremely simple:

Divide the hair with an even parting into 2 parts.

Divide each part in half and twist 2 bundles.

Tie the resulting bundles at the back of the head, securing them with hairpins.

Fix the styling with hairspray.

Thanks to the mesh, you can create the effect of a bunch of long hair:

Tie a tight tail at the back of your head, then divide it into two parts: upper and lower.

Comb the bottom part to add volume to the styling.

Put a net on combed hair, forming a ball out of it. Secure everything with pins.

Use the top of the ponytail to wrap the mesh and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Laying "accordion" will create a voluminous bundle even on the shortest hair: Tie a ponytail and comb it. Divide the hair into several small strands. Fold each strand with an accordion and secure with a hairpin. When all the strands are fixed, sprinkle the styling with varnish. It is very important to pay special attention to the strands of the temporal part: they are most often the first to knock out of the styling.

In spite of short length hair, the bump looks voluminous.

Look at the photo and see for yourself:

Hairstyle with two "bumps" on the sides and loose hair

Recently, a hairstyle with bumps on the sides has become very popular among girls. If this is your first time encountering such styling, we advise you to try different variants wrap the beam and choose the most comfortable for yourself.

by the most in a simple way stacking of cones from two tails is considered:

Tie two tails in the place where the cones will be located.

Comb your hair, then wrap it around the ponytail.

Secure the styling with invisibility.

Also, you can simply casually tie your hair with an elastic band, you are limited only by your imagination.

Another option for this styling is a hairstyle with two cones and loose hair.

The principle remains the same, the only difference is that not all hair is involved, but only the upper part. This styling is perfect for young girls.

You can make a hairstyle from cones with your own hands, or you can contact a stylist. A professional is able to choose the perfect styling option for any type of face in order to create a harmonious look.

Look at the photo, how different options for beams on the sides look like:

How to make a girl's hairstyle "Bump" by decorating with a bow

A great option for a young lady would be a bump hairstyle with a bow. The bun perfectly holds the hair, preventing it from getting into the eyes, and the cute bow serves as a wonderful decoration for the head.

How to make a girl's hairstyle a bump by decorating it with a bow:

Tie a ponytail. Select a small part of the hair from it. The further size of the bow will depend on its width.

Put your hair in a bun, combing it and wrapping it around the base of the ponytail.

Braid the previously selected strand into a pigtail, leaving part of the hair to make a bow.

Secure the braid around the bun with bobby pins.

From the remaining ponytail, make two loops - the sides of the bow, securing them with hairpins.

The tail can be braided into a thin pigtail and wrapped in the form of a flower to hide the central part of the bow.

Look at the photo, what a hairstyle with a bump for girls looks like:

Retro hairstyle "Bump with curls"

The bobble hairstyle with curls, made in a retro style, is suitable for hair of any length. It goes well with the evening look and complements the everyday look.

To make a bump in retro style, it does not take much effort:

Roll the curls onto a wide curling iron.

Make a small root pile.

Divide the bangs with an uneven parting.

Tie the hair at the back of your head into a ponytail with a thin elastic band.

Lay the remaining curls around the bump, securing them with invisibility in the desired position.

So that the curls do not lose their shape prematurely, after winding them with a curling iron, wind them around your finger and pin them with invisibility so that they can cool in this position.

Look at the photo instruction on how to make a retro bump from curls:

Performing the hairstyle "Bump with an elastic band"

To perform such a hairstyle, you will need a special accessory - a bun roller. A bump with an elastic band is fixed in such a hairstyle.

Tie up ponytails.

Pass your hair through the roller.

Straighten the strands around the roller and put on a thin elastic band on top to secure the hair in this position.

Braid the remaining strands into a pigtail or roll into bundles and wrap around the bundle.

For clarity, see the photo instruction:

New Year's hairstyle "Bump" on the head with loose hair

A bump on the head with loose hair is a hairstyle that won the hearts of many fashion bloggers and became a real hit.

The bundle can be the most diverse - from perfectly even and neat, to a simple sloppy knot. Despite the simplicity of this hairstyle, it has become fashion trend this year.

To make such a hairstyle is very simple: just comb your hair and tie a bun on the top of your head. And what it will be, you decide.

It can be a bundle of a tourniquet, a small roller, or simply strands of hair stretched halfway through an elastic band. To make the bun look lush, just comb the hair a little at the crown.

An interesting option is obtained if you make a bundle, and next to it, braid a braid from a small strand.

Look at the photo: this styling looks very fresh and unusual

How to make a hairstyle "Bump" for the New Year

Every girl wants to meet New Year beautiful. In order for the image to be completed, it must be supplemented with a suitable styling. One of these hairstyles for the New Year is a bump of braided curls.

Despite such an intricate look, such a hairstyle is done without any difficulty. Curl your hair into curls. Tie the front strands with a thin elastic band, and divide the remaining hair into 4 sections. Comb the top of your hair lightly. Form a neat bundle from this part, stab it with hairpins. Divide the lower part of the hair into thin strands and add them to the top bun. On the right side, start weaving a classic spikelet, then stab its tail with an invisible one. Repeat steps on the left side. Pin both braids next to the bun. Lay the remaining curls near the face to your liking.

Look at the detailed photos of the New Year's hairstyle bumps:

Watch a video on how to make a bump hairstyle for the New Year:

If you want to make a chic bun of hair, you should consider a few nuances:

  • Do not bun on freshly washed hair. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not hold, the strands will start to break out of the styling.
  • Don't forget to fix with varnish. Especially if you decide to make a hairstyle with curls.
  • A strict bunch should be done only on dry hair. If you wet them, the strands will lie unevenly.

Every girl deserves to look spectacular without spending a lot of energy on her hair. Gulka is a great way to look beautiful and original every day. Don't be afraid to experiment. You can add various hairpins, ribbons, headbands and even tiaras to the bundle. It all depends on your goals and tastes.

One of the simplest and most versatile hairstyles suitable for hair different lengths, is a bump hairstyle. Despite its unpretentious design, designed for every day, this hairstyle has many stylish and elegant styling options.

Hairstyle bump: how to do?

Photo Shutterstock

Variety of styling

A bumpy hairstyle is usually created from a regular bun - just collect the hair, twist it with a bundle and secure it with hairpins.

There are such types of cones as:

  • bump with fleece
  • lump on the side
  • twisted bump on the back of the head
  • bumps on the sides
  • closed cones
  • combined cones

The most common and simple everyday styling is the tow bun, which can be done in just a few minutes. Carefully gather the hair at the back of the head into a fashionable bun, twist a one-sided bundle from it and wrap it around its axis. You will get a bump that needs to be fixed with ordinary hairpins.

If you decorate such a hairstyle with beautiful decorative hairpins, the styling will automatically turn into a beautiful festive or evening option.

Non-standard styling hairstyles-bumps

To make an original bump, you will need not a tourniquet, but a pigtail. The principle of creating a hairstyle is similar to the previous one - braid a traditional braid from a bundle at the back of the head, then lay it around its axis and secure with hairpins. You will get a relief bump that will look very impressive if you complement it with studs with knobs of multi-colored rhinestones, decorative flowers, fabric or crystal beads.

To create a romantic and gentle image twist a tight bunch of clean hair, release a few thin strands from it and curl them slightly. You can also enhance the impression by hiding the collected hair under a beautiful mesh with an elastic band.

If you want to create a complex and unusual bump, a special plastic hairpin will come to your aid, which will greatly simplify the task.

For the perfect holiday look, style your hair into tight curls for a bun. You can also combine a bump with loose hair, collecting only part of the curls in the back of the head, leaving the rest of the strands free.

Hairstyles-bumps with accessories

With the help of additional hair accessories, you can create interesting and unusual styling from a bumpy hairstyle. So, to make an original bun with a rim, take a decorative rim with a scattering of flowers or crystals, foam or mousse, invisible hairpins and hairpins, as well as hairspray.

Apply styling product to clean, damp hair and dry it with a comb and hair dryer. Gather your hair into a loose ponytail and wrap it around an elastic band to create a voluminous bun. Tuck the tip of the tail under the elastic and secure the resulting bundle with hairpins and stealth.

To create extra volume, pull out some strands by gently pulling on the ends of the bun.

Secure your hair with a strong hold hairspray. If you need a creative look, put some decorative headbands on your head instead of one and spritz your hair with any glittery hairspray.

An elegant bun for everyday wear can be made with a comb, two small elastic bands, hairpins and hairspray. On each side of the head, separate one strand and fasten them together with an elastic band. You will get a hanging ponytail - comb it lightly with a comb and tie the rest of the hair with a second elastic band 10 centimeters below the first ponytail. Then lift the bottom of the second tail, pull it through the first, then pull it again inside the bump. Finish the hairstyle by securing it with hairspray and hairpins.

braid hairstyle

To make yourself a quick and stylish bun with two braids, take a comb, one regular hair tie and two small ones, hairpins, invisibles and hairspray. Make the ponytail as high as possible by first combing the hair at the roots. Having tied the tail, divide it into two parts and braid a braid from each strand, the ends of which must be secured with small elastic bands.

The cone is called updo, which is a sophisticated, feminine bunch. This style came to us from the sixties, when buns were at the peak of popularity. Now, the bump has become an eternal and popular favorite hairstyle due to important advantages.

Hairstyle Benefits

  • Versatility. This hairstyle is equally relevant in the office, and at the university, and for a walk. Even for special occasions, the cone is perfect if you add bright themed accessories to it.
  • A wide variety. Tons of options bumps offer different styles styling and various tools used: a special bagel for bundles, hairpins and even an ordinary sock.
  • The beauty. The hair gathered in a bun completely reveals the face, drawing attention to makeup and jewelry. This hairstyle gives femininity, charm, fragility and defenselessness.
  • Ease of creation. A voluminous bump is formed from the tail, and the main component of the styling is a donut. No special skills and complex hairdressing tools are required, so every girl will be able to build a wonderful bump out of her hair.
  • High speed. Everyday version is created within five to ten minutes. This is true if you are in a hurry to run out of the house.
  • Convenience. The bump belongs to the category of "second day" hairstyles. So, if in the morning you were too lazy or didn’t have time to wash your hair, and it’s time to run, the bump is your real salvation.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent studies of hair care products have revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the structure of the hair, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals enter the bloodstream through the pores and are transported throughout internal organs which can cause infection or even cancer. We strongly recommend avoiding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. Products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics the shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

Bump and hair types

The bump looks great on straight lines and thick hair who offer various ways styling. Curly hair, laid in a cone, form a charming combination of a bun and curls. If the hair is thin, then when creating a lush bun, you can’t do without a large bagel for buns.

Optimal for styling strands of medium length. They create sufficient volume and easily fit into the cone. FROM long hair you have to tinker, but the bunch of them turns out to be huge. Short-haired girls can also create a bump on their heads with the help of a bun net, hairpins and elastic bands.

Bump and face types

The bumpy hairstyle is quite risky, because it opens the whole face completely. However, certain variations are allowed that suit one or another type of face. So, saving bangs are recommended for triangular and diamond-shaped face types. Moreover, it can be either flat horizontal or going obliquely, to one side.

With an oval type of face, when all facial features are harmoniously balanced, you can lift the hair from the forehead.

If your face type is round or square, you should think carefully before you lift your hair into a bun and take bangs into it.

The fact is that with such styling, the wide cheekbones of a round face will look even wider, and the heavy lower part square face will attract even more attention. However, if you really want to collect your hair in a voluminous bump, leave the bangs and decorate your ears with long earrings. They visually lengthen the face, creating the illusion of an oval shape.

Pine cone with a donut

The bagel is a great tool for making fluffy buds. With its help, neat and voluminous beams are obtained.

In the video you will see how to use a bagel and how to build a cone when using it. Detailed descriptions will help you understand every step of the installation.

  1. Comb your hair, gathering it into a fist. Comb gently from all sides, top and bottom, so that the hair lies smoothly in your hand.
  2. When all the hair is neatly gathered into a hand, fix the ponytail with an elastic band. Carefully choose the location of the tail, because the position of the beam depends on it. It can be placed high on the top of the head or low on the back of the head.
  3. Spread the ponytail, slightly pull the hair from the elastic to slightly relax the grip. Otherwise, by the end of the day with a bun, your head may ache from excessive tension.
  4. Pass the tail through the bagel, placing it on the elastic.
  5. Spread the tail, placing the strands so that they completely, on all sides, cover the bagel.
  6. Pass the elastic through the tail covering the bagel. It forms the lower boundary of the beam.
  7. Smooth out all the hair that forms the top of the bun.
  8. Wrap the remaining strands in a single bundle, starting on one side and moving clockwise.
  9. Wrap the bundle around the bundle several times.
  10. Secure the tourniquet with hairpins, attaching it to the bundle.
  11. Your charming cone is ready! If desired, decorate its base with bright hairpins.

Solemn cone

At festive parties, it is customary to build unusual hairstyles. As a rule, ladies lift their hair to draw the attention of the crowd to dress, jewelry and makeup. The cone becomes elegant and solemn if it is laid properly.

The video will show you the installation process, and you can repeat it using our detailed descriptions.

  1. Lift a section of hair off the top of your head on one side. Form a roller out of them and secure it to the head with clips. You will return to this section at the very end of the installation.
  2. Now gather the hair at the back into a ponytail, first grabbing it with your hand. Comb the hair from all sides.
  3. Tie the base of the ponytail several times with a special hairdressing elastic band with hooks.
  4. Spray hairspray over the elastic.
  5. Put a bagel on your hand, stretching it with your fingers. Pass the ponytail through it and leave it on top of the elastic.
  6. Attach the bagel to your hair with a few hairpins.
  7. Tilt your head and spread all of your hair over the surface of the donut. Comb the strands so that they evenly and smoothly cover the bagel.
  8. Tuck the ends of the strands under the base of the bundle. To do this, use the sharp handle of a long comb. Start at the back of your head, then lead in a circle and finish at the starting point.
  9. Thread a few hairpins under the base of the bun to secure the hairstyle.
  10. Now that the bun is done, it's time to move on to the section you secured at the beginning of the styling. Remove the clip and comb your hair.
  11. Point the section to one side, and then comb at the roots, strand by strand, and place it on the opposite side. Before sending it to the other side, spray each combed strand with varnish at the roots.
  12. When all the strands are combed, connect them and direct them to the original side. Comb a little, smooth.
  13. Using a comb, form a roller and attach it with hairpins.
  14. Straighten and smooth the roller so that it becomes a little wider and falls over the forehead.
  15. Spray the resulting design with varnish.

Openwork cone

Although the smooth bun shaped on the donut looks flawless and spectacular, there are other variations of this hairstyle. The bump can be openwork, textured. She looks interesting and attractive.

The video will help you complete the hairstyle, and do not forget about our descriptions, which will reveal to you in detail every step of the creation.

  1. Start with a high ponytail secured with an elastic band. All hair should be neatly combed, without "roosters".
  2. Pass the bagel through the ponytail, place it over the elastic, at the very base of the ponytail.
  3. Spread all your hair over the top of the donut. This stage is similar to the previous hairstyles, and we will meet the main differences later.
  4. Separate one strand from the top on one side. To keep the rest of your hair out of the way, put it aside and secure with a clip.
  5. Divide this strand into two identical, thin halves. Scroll one around the other to make a twisted tourniquet. Do this not along the entire length of the strand, but only to the middle.
  6. Pass this twisted strand through the bagel from the bottom and pull through the top. Thus, the twisted part will cover the donut, remaining in sight.
  7. Connect the tip of the twisted strand to the adjacent strand, scrolling them together, as in the previous step.
  8. Pass the second twisted strand through the bagel from below and pull it out from above. Now two twisted bundles flaunt on the donut.
  9. Now attach the next strand to the strand that has just been pulled out. Scroll them together and thread through the bagel.
  10. In the same way, scroll through all the strands to form a fully openwork beam. Of course, it takes quite a lot of time to create such a hairstyle, because it is painstaking work. However, the result is definitely worth the effort and time.
  11. Work in a clockwise direction, descending to the lower sector of the beam, and then rising to the opposite side.
  12. When all the strands are scrolled, you will have one strand left. You will hide it, but first distribute all the flagella evenly over the entire surface of the bagel. Try to cover it completely so that it is not visible at all. To do this, expand the flagella by slightly pulling the strands in different directions. Do this very carefully so as not to destroy their structure.
  13. Scroll the remaining strand into a single tourniquet and thread it through the bagel in the usual way. Secure the tip at the base of the beam with a hairpin.
  14. Fix the entire openwork cone with hairpins, attaching each flagellum to the base of the bundle. You will obviously need a lot of studs.
  15. Your openwork cone is ready!


Now you know how to build an ordinary and elegant bump out of hair. As you can see, this hairstyle is quite easy to do. Most styling options are based on a donut. It is important that it matches your hair color. So you can better hide it behind your hair.

A cone is a luxurious styling option for both everyday life and celebrations. It is enough to experiment with accessories to get a variety of cone variations.

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