How to restore elasticity to hardened rubber (rubber product), is it possible? Rubber that has lost its elasticity can still be restored How to restore the shape of a rubber product

The length of all blood vessels in the human body, according to doctors, is about 100,000 km. As soon as the vessels lose their elasticity and cholesterol plaques are deposited on their walls (this is called sclerosis), a person becomes sensitive to weather changes and, in addition, forgetful. Somewhere on the horizon a small cloud has just gathered, and such a person already has a headache. He went into the room from the kitchen and got up as if rooted to the spot: he forgot what he went for. When the vessels are out of order, the legs and arms also begin to feel cold, there may be numbness or a painful sensation in the calves of the legs, sometimes it reduces the muscles.
Atherosclerosis is a disease process when the walls of blood vessels lose their former elasticity, are covered with cholesterol and toxins from the inside, and defects and scars appear in the membranes of the vascular wall.

The vessels of the brain signal their poor condition with tinnitus and regular headaches.

In this case, you need to try to restore the lost elasticity to the vessels.

Vegetable oils, especially sea buckthorn oil, and fish oil are good for this purpose. Sea buckthorn oil can be taken one teaspoon three times a day. In countries where people traditionally eat fatty fish, there are usually many centenarians - for example, in Iceland and Japan. The main healer here is fish oil. It restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants also include parsley, porcini mushrooms, carrots, citrus fruits.

Ideally, you should eat fatty fish (mackerel, herring, herring) at least twice a week. But since it is not always easy and simple, it is safer to take fish oil - one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Preferably fish oil in vials rather than capsules.
By the way, fish oil restores not only blood vessels, but also promotes joint mobility, especially the cervical vertebrae. The fact is that one of the causes of diseases of the cerebral vessels is sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. In this mode, there is an overstrain of the head and neck muscles, which leads to vasospasm and provokes headache due to the fact that the blood supplied by the heart stagnates in the veins and presses on their walls. With each contraction of the heart, more and more portions of blood are pumped, and the previously received blood does not leave through the narrowed veins.

The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae have openings through which the vertebral arteries pass. These blood vessels are involved in the blood supply to the brain stem, cerebellum, occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres. If problems arise in the cervical region, the formation of hernias that compress the vertebral artery, with painful spasms as a result of irritation of damaged cervical discs, the parts of the brain are poorly supplied with blood. This is manifested not only by headaches, but also by dizziness, “flies” before the eyes.
To get rid of this ailment, it is worth adding mandatory exercises for the cervical spine to the regular use of fish oil (or sea buckthorn oil). We must not forget that the exercises must be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking. It is advisable to do them not only in the morning, but if possible in the afternoon. To the morning exercise you already know, you should definitely add:
. tilting the head forward (a gesture indicating consent);
. head turns left and right (gesture meaning denial);
. tilting the head to the shoulders (a gesture meaning censure: "ah-ah-ah");
. rotational movements of the head clockwise and counterclockwise;
. pushing the head forward with the retraction of the head into the shoulders.

These exercises are performed with a very small amplitude.

Remember one important thing! Veins don't like heat.

Headaches arise not only from a spasm of the arteries, but also due to poor patency of the veins. In the heat, a person loses water, and as a result, the blood thickens. The pressure rises, in addition, the heart begins to work more powerfully in order to push the thickened blood through the veins, where it slows down its current the most. In such weather, you have to feed the body with fluid, eat more greens and salads, be sure to include garlic and nuts in their composition (almonds are better, since, for example, walnuts also thicken the blood). Such a diet helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
There is a very effective remedy for problems with the vessels of the brain. This is singing (!), and even better - choral singing.

We now list the plants that can restore their former youth to the vessels of the brain. These are meadowsweet, motherwort, cudweed, Japanese sophora, meadow geranium, sweet clover flowers, barberry roots and bark, wheat bran, young needles (spruce, pine, fir, juniper), hawthorn, mountain arnica, dandelion root, mint, cranberries (leaves and berries), initial letter, nettle, strawberry (leaves and berries), raspberries (leaves and berries), oregano, plantain, flax, cudweed, licorice, red mountain ash, sage, chicory, dill, thyme, string, onion, garlic. And also knotweed, lemongrass, lure and immortelle, which can only be used by people with low blood pressure, as these plants increase it.
But wild rose, St. John's wort, nettle, corn stigmas, yarrow, mountaineer, valerian, chokeberry, bananas, walnuts, grape juice have the ability to thicken the blood, although they also restore blood vessels well.
Mistletoe and cranberries dissolve organic waste from the inner walls of blood vessels, in addition, mistletoe normalizes the level of heart pressure - the very second digit in the readings of medical devices during measurements (160/100).
Do not try to use all the plants from the proposed list at once. For your collection, 6-8 items are enough. Mix the dried plants available in equal volumes and prepare a decoction. Ready broth take half a glass three to four times a day before meals.
Garlic is prepared as an infusion. Two crushed garlic cloves pour 200 ml of cold water, leave for at least one hour.
Freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets, cabbage are also useful for vessels - with the addition of grated horseradish or lemon along with the peel. Such drinks are adaptogens. Drink half a glass three to four times a day before meals.

Adaptogens reduce the synthesis of cholesterol, in addition, they improve fat (lipid) metabolism and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Take decoctions and juices for two months, then a 10-day break, and repeat the course again. The minimum course of treatment is 6 months, even better - a year, since the vessels are cleaned of toxins and cholesterol plaques with great difficulty.

- To cleanse the body as a whole, pour 1 cup of flax seeds into 3 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 2 hours. Leave for 1 hour, strain and drink warm, 1 liter or more per day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
- 100 g of fresh sage herb pour 800 ml of vodka, add 400 ml of water, insist in the light for 40 days in a closed glassware, strain and drink 1 time per day in the morning before breakfast, 1 tablespoon in half with water until the tincture is over. The course of treatment is carried out 1 time per year.

You can restore the elasticity of blood vessels, “cleanse” them of unnecessary deposits with the help of some simple recipes traditional medicine:
# Mix together 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, honey and sunflower oil. Take the mixture on an empty stomach.
# 1 teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon dissolved in a glass 3/4 filled with warm boiled water. Take at night, before bed.

# As a prevention of atherosclerosis, people use the classic recipe for garlic tincture: place 40 g of garlic mashed in a mortar into a glass vessel and pour 100 g of alcohol or vodka, leave in a dark place for 10 days, strain and drink 10 drops 2-3 times per day 30 minutes before meals.

If atherosclerosis has already begun, it is recommended to take tincture on birch buds. 15 grams of kidneys pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 14 days in a dark place. After filtering, take 20 drops 3 times a day, dissolved in 15 ml of water.

Even when the plaques have almost blocked the blood vessels, sclerosis can be reversed. To do this, food is enriched with "sweet couples". 1) Strawberries in combination with oatmeal not only heals inflammation in the vessels, cleanses the vessels of cholesterol plaques, but also relieves the fragility of our veins, arteries and capillaries. In strawberries, the main active ingredient is elagenic acid.

2) Trout, or salmon, in combination with balsamic vinegar, gently dissolves fatty plaques in the vessels and they are gradually removed. It is the gradualness that protects the vessels from injury and inflammation. The quieter you go, the farther you will be.

And another observation of doctors: if the patient loves sweets, but does not move much, that is, does not burn the sugar eaten by physical activity, then the blood becomes caustic and injures the vessels from the inside. The body, of course, immediately heals these microtraumas, and these "patches" turn into plaques. In deadly plaques.

After a glass of tea, you need to do at least thirty squats if you can’t walk for an hour. Or give up sweets, even vegetables, fruits and berries that contain sugar. Unless, of course, you want to live longer.

Take in equal parts the grass of the meadowsweet, motherwort, cudweed, rose hips. 4 tbsp. spoons brew 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for at least 8 hours. Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 months.

After a month break, try this collection. 2 tbsp. spoons taken in the same amount of the fruits of Japanese Sophora, meadow geranium grass and sweet clover flowers, brew in a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water, insist overnight, strain. Take a third cup 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 months.

For those who find it difficult to find the right herbs, I will recommend a simpler one, but also very effective method stabilize pressure and clean the vessels of the brain. Firstly, every day, eat carrots in all forms - eat salads, meatballs, cookies, kvass, jam. And secondly, in parallel, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals such a balm. Make a mixture of 1 cup of honey, the same amount of carrot and beet juice, finely grated horseradish. Add 50 ml of vodka. After the mixture has been infused for a day, add the juice of one lemon to it and mix thoroughly again so that the honey is completely dissolved. This amount should be enough for about two months. After the same break, repeat the reception. And so - four times a year.

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, infusion and tincture from the roots and bark of young branches of the common barberry. 25% alcohol tincture (sold in a pharmacy) should be taken 30 drops 3-4 times a day before meals. For infusion 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed roots and bark of young branches of common barberry, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and soak for 3-4 hours. Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day warm before meals.

And I recommend this recipe to those who are prone to vascular thrombosis, suffer from headaches and tinnitus. Fill a half-liter jar with dried red clover heads collected at the beginning of flowering, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark place

Strain, squeeze. Take once a day for 1 tbsp. spoon before dinner or at night. After a month and a half, take a break for 10 days and continue drinking the tincture for the same amount of time. After six months, the course can be repeated.

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Elasticity and firmness of the skin, causes of wilting and aging of the skin, means and procedures for restoring their elasticity, simple rules for health and beauty.

The content of the article:

The elasticity of the skin is its natural ability to retain its shape after mechanical impact. The degree of elasticity, on which appearance body and face of a person, is characterized by the speed of the dermis taking on its original forms after any mechanical manipulations, for example, pressing, pulling. There are many reasons for the violation of this ability, but the result is almost always the same: the skin becomes flabby, ugly and looks much older. Such changes are sometimes quite difficult to deal with, but even more difficult to come to terms with them. Therefore, people striving to preserve beauty and youth choose an active struggle with the causes and use the mass for this. safe means. This article will talk about useful substances ah, complex products and procedures that can restore youthfulness and flawless appearance to the skin, stopping premature aging.

Why does the skin lose elasticity?

The loss of skin elasticity is manifested in different ages any person. But taking into account physiology, it can be noted that more woman than men. However, there are a number of other reasons besides gender.

It is worth noting that special proteins, namely collagen and elastin, play the main role in the mechanism of maintaining cell tone. Among their functions is the maintenance of wall density and the adherence of cells to fatty tissue. Violation of the functionality or lack of these proteins leads to the fact that the body becomes flabby and unattractive. It is known that the human body is able to independently synthesize them, but this ability is lost under certain conditions.

The main reasons for the decrease in the elasticity of the skin are as follows:

  • Aging. With age, the natural ability of the body to self-synthesize protein is slowly but surely lost, as evidenced by the sagging of the skin.
  • Sharp weight loss. With a rapid decrease in weight, the cells do not have time to adapt, and protein fibers shrink. This leads to inevitable sagging of the skin. In this case, there is no need to talk about tone. Experienced nutritionists do not recommend resorting to aggressive weight loss, promoting healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. Rapid weight gain leads to a violation of the structure of the skin and the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Dehydration. It manifests itself when an insufficient amount of fluid is consumed, after a long course of infectious diseases of the digestive tract, as a result of prolonged exposure to the hot sun. The lack of water in the body leads to the depletion of cells.
  • Bad habits. Smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and taking drugs poison the body, thereby contributing to metabolic disorders, blocking the absorption of useful products, which is fraught with a violation of the intracellular synthesis of proteins necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Impact sun rays . In addition to dehydration, exposure to the sun without protection (clothes, sunscreens) opens the way to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Solarium has the same negative effect.
  • insufficient care. The skin is constantly in need of cleansing, for which it is best to use safe hygiene products and clean water. In the summer, the skin also needs to be moisturized and nourished.
  • Influence environment . People living in polluted regions are more prone to premature skin aging due to a poor environmental situation that contributes to a lack of nutrients in the body. This also includes low-quality food products.
  • chronic diseases. Sometimes the synthesis of collagen and elastin worsens with the development of certain diseases of the nervous, endocrine, vascular, cardiac, and digestive systems.
Properly selected means and procedures do not always give a 100% result, because. it also depends on individual features body of every person.

What products to use for firmness and elasticity of the skin

The very first step to return the skin to its former elasticity should be getting rid of the causes that caused its withering. It's about about giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition and lifestyle, maintaining a stable weight. However, it is impossible to fight with age and change genes. In this case, it is necessary to try to correct the state of health and in every possible way help the skin to function normally. In this difficult work, various cosmetics and procedures. Let's consider the options in more detail.

Cream for skin elasticity

When choosing a cream for skin elasticity in a store, pay attention to the presence in its composition of such important components as retinol and carotene, which are converted into vitamin A inside the body, as well as vitamins E and C, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. These ingredients can also be used in the preparation of mixtures at home. This cream will be different natural composition and safety of use.

There are many recipes. We describe the most effective of them:

  1. Citrus cream. Beeswax(20 g) and cocoa butter (40 ml) are placed in a heat-resistant dish and placed on water bath. Stir until completely dissolved. After removing from heat, carrot seed oil (4 drops) and glycerin (20 ml) are added. After the formation of a homogeneous mass, without stopping stirring, add the remaining ingredients in small portions: lemon oil (10 drops), a mixture of two oils - soybean and apricot kernels (50 ml).
  2. chocolate cream. All ingredients - dark chocolate (30 g), cocoa butter (1 tablespoon), natural honey (50 g), lanolin (40 g) - are placed in a water bath and melted until the mixture is homogeneous, then cooled. The product is stored in a cool place without access to light. Frequency of use - 1-2 times a day.
  3. Cream with mummy. Place in a mixing container baby cream(50 ml). Add 2 tablets of mummy and leave to dissolve. After that, the resulting unpleasant odor is stopped with essential oils. It is best to take 10 drops of orange and juniper oil and 2 to 5 drops of cinnamon oil. With the last ingredient, you should be more careful, because. it gives off quite a strong scent. After thorough mixing, the cream is ready.
You can apply such creams daily after preliminary cleansing of the skin. There is nothing easier than applying the cream to problem areas, letting it fully absorb for 1-2 minutes and continue with your daily activities. Applying the cream with massage movements is welcome, which helps to improve blood flow and metabolism.

Masks for skin elasticity

Masks for skin elasticity are not only products produced in laboratories, but also home-made mixtures designed to significantly improve the condition of the skin. Everyone decides for himself which option suits him best.

Ready-made masks can be fast-acting or can be beneficial after continuous use for a certain period of time. Others recommend applying continuously with a certain period of time, for example, every 2-4 days.

At home, it is almost impossible to accurately reproduce the composition of the finished masks that cosmetic stores offer us. However, this has its own plus: ready-made mixtures cannot boast of a completely natural and safe composition. And homemade masks are rarely prepared for the future, so there is no need to use preservatives that extend the shelf life.

When preparing homemade mixtures, simple, but very useful products and substances are used. The composition of home masks often includes components such as vegetable oils, honey, yeast, oatmeal, fruits and others.

Popular recipes for body masks that support skin tone:

  • coffee mask. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. coffee grounds formed after brewing natural ground coffee, 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. olive oil. After thorough mixing, the mixture is applied to problem areas and left to act for 15 minutes. Application can be combined with rubbing, then small particles of coffee gently massage the skin. Frequency of application - 1 time in 7-10 days.
  • Honey Coconut Mask. Thoroughly mixed ingredients, namely honey, ground oatmeal and coconut milk taken in equal proportions, are applied to clean skin. Withstand 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The end of the procedure is rinsing the body with cool water.
  • Yeast mask. Yeast (20 g), cream (50 g), honey (50 g) are mixed until smooth and applied to the skin. Exposure time - up to 30 minutes. You can also add to the mixture essential oils such as verbena or geranium.
  • clay mask. Clay (100 g) is gradually diluted with water until a slurry is formed. Then coffee grounds (40 g) are mixed into the mixture and orange essential oil (10 drops) is added. After application, for greater effect, you can wrap the treated areas with a film.
Masks are used most often in courses with a certain time interval between procedures. They become most effective when the skin is carefully prepared (cleansing, massage, steaming). Each mixture must be removed from the skin after exposure, which usually lasts 10 to 30 minutes.

Oil for skin elasticity

Many useful natural oils are included in creams, masks and other ready-made mixtures, but at the same time they are considered to be completely self-sufficient means that can improve skin condition, increase its elasticity and firmness.

The basis of the composition is vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and many biologically active substances. All these substances provide such beneficial properties as improving intracellular metabolism, stimulating the processes of regeneration and synthesis of useful substances, strengthening cell membranes, preventing oxidation processes, normalizing water balance and increasing the ability to remove harmful substances from cells.

Among a large variety of oils, the most effective in the fight against early aging are the following: almond, wheat germ, peach, apricot, avocado, borage, walnut, Indian garcinia, castor, rice. Most oils have practically no contraindications, because. they are natural products, but individual intolerance may occur.

Here are a few recipes for creating complex oils for skin elasticity:

  1. Recipe #1. The composition includes almond seed oil (120 ml), avocado oil (80 ml), patchouli essential oil (10 drops), sandalwood (20 drops) and carrot seeds (5 drops). All ingredients are mixed until smooth and placed in a container with a lid for long-term storage.
  2. Recipe #2. The composition includes the following oils: sesame (40 g), grapefruit (10 drops), sweet orange (7 drops), ginger (5 drops), cardamom (5 drops) and black pepper (3 drops). Auxiliary component - cyclomethicone or natural emollient (60 g). This mixture is considered dry oil, as includes cyclomethicone, capable of volatilization from the treated surface.
  3. Recipe #3. In this recipe, you should focus on the percentage of each ingredient and use a scale during the cooking process. The composition includes shea butter (46%), coconut oil (34%), mango butter (6%), cocoa butter (6%), starch (8%). The last ingredient relieves the resulting mixture of stickiness, prevents its deterioration, and allows you to achieve a feeling of airiness on the skin. All oils are first melted and mixed, and then starch is added. After reaching the homogeneity of the mixture, it is placed in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then beat with a mixer until a light and thick mass is obtained, which is able to hold its shape. This composition has a long shelf life.
Oils after application most often do not require rinsing, but it is necessary to wait until they are absorbed in order to improve the effect and in order not to stain bedding or clothes. Traditionally applied to cleansed skin. Can be applied daily. Doesn't give quick results. The effect is noticeable with prolonged systematic use.

Wraps to improve skin elasticity

Wrapping is a fairly popular skin care procedure. More recently, such manipulations were carried out only within the salons, but every day everything large quantity girls prefer body wraps at home in order to save money and time.

Professional wrapping is a procedure during which a special composition is applied to the prepared skin of the client, then the treated areas of the body are wrapped with a cosmetic film. Wrapping requires time and technology. The exposure time is from 30 to 60 minutes. The drugs work best when heated, so the client is placed in a warm room or wrapped in an additional blanket.

The compositions are different. Gels are applied directly to the skin. Liquid ones are diluted with water in the ratio specified by the manufacturer and serve as an impregnation for fabric bandages, which are used to wrap problem areas.

As already mentioned, wrapping can be done at home. To do this, improvised products are used as a preparation, which are of natural origin and are able to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. As an example, here are several types of home wraps that are useful for skin firmness and elasticity:

  • Mustard honey wrap. According to the recipe, you need to take 30-40 g of dry mustard and mix 20 ml of olive oil into it. Then add 40-50 ml of natural honey. A thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the skin (the most problematic areas are the stomach, thighs) and tightly wrapped with cling film, then wrapped in a blanket or put on warm clothes. Exposure time - up to half an hour. Not recommended for sensitive skin. Beneficial features: reduction of cellulite, restoration of skin elasticity, acceleration of tissue regeneration.
  • Mustard clay wrap. The recipe is as follows: 60-80 g of mustard powder is mixed with 40 g of clay blue color diluted with a small amount of warm water. As an additive, essential oils are used, for example, grapefruit, orange, rosemary or lemon oil. Processing is carried out according to general rules. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • nettle wrap. Pre-dried and chopped nettle (40 g) is poured with water (200 ml). Slowly bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. After complete cooling, gauze is moistened in the resulting broth, problem areas are covered with it and wrapped with a film and a warm blanket. The exposure time is 60 minutes.
  • Vinegar wrap. To obtain a solution, mix the ingredients - water (200 ml) and vinegar 9% (20 ml). The gauze soaked in the solution is applied to the abdomen and thighs, wrapped with a film and a warm blanket. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • Wrap with algae. considered the most effective. Laminaria purchased at a pharmacy (40 g) is poured with hot water and left to swell. Apply to problem areas, wrap. The exposure time is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Wrap with horsetail. The crushed leaves of the plant (300-400 g) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), add lemon juice(20 ml). Insist for 1 hour. Then, a tissue or gauze is moistened with a solution and wrapped around areas of the body with sagging skin and cellulite. Exposure time - from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Wine wrap with aloe. To prepare a mixture for 7 procedures, use 500 g of crushed aloe, 1 tsp. honey, 200 ml of fortified wine. The exposure time can be long - up to 8 hours. In a closed container in a cool place, the mixture retains all its beneficial properties.
  • Raspberry wrap. To prepare the solution, fresh or dry raspberry leaves (100 g) are used. They should be poured with boiling water (400 ml). After a short infusion, honey (200 ml) and lavender oil (20 drops) are added to the solution. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes.
At home, you can use special shorts that produce the effect of a sauna.

Do not forget about the precautions to avoid allergic reactions or irritation. Treat your body with due attention and care. Mustard powder wraps are very effective, but can lead to burning, redness of the skin. After the procedure, it is desirable to treat the skin with a moisturizer.

The duration and number of wrapping courses depend on the goals and initial data of each individual person. The simplest cases, when it is necessary to maintain the body and shed a small amount of excess adipose tissue, require 3 to 5 procedures. More neglected - from 12 to 15 procedures in three to five courses.

Restoring skin elasticity with water treatments

Water procedures are an integral part of daily body care. They contribute not only to the cleansing of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on them, which is manifested in the activation of metabolic processes, the replenishment of nutrients, the improvement of blood circulation, the removal of decay products. The skin is restored, becomes softer and at the same time retains elasticity.

Complex water procedures, useful for maintaining youthful skin, may include several techniques and methods:

  1. . After completing the rite of cleansing the skin under warm water, it is necessary to carry out a simple procedure - multiple alternating rinsing of the body, then hot, then cold water. Moreover, the last jet must be necessarily cold. A change in temperature perfectly stimulates all metabolic processes, tones not only the skin, but the entire body. Cold and hot shower, applied for 30 days, will significantly improve the condition of the skin, the changes will be noticeable even with a visual examination. The skin is strengthened, becomes more elastic and soft.
  2. Massage while taking a bath. This manipulation can be done with a massage mitt and your favorite shower gel or with a scrub, which contains not only abrasive particles that have a massage effect, but also a variety of useful substances that penetrate the skin more thoroughly, causing normalization of metabolism, cell restoration, increase in firmness and elasticity. Such a tool as a scrub can be used 1-2 times a week. Excessive care should be avoided during processing, which can lead to scratches.
  3. Body baths. In today's hustle and bustle, most people prefer short showers over a full bath. Half an hour in clean water or with the addition of useful tools It will help not only moisturize the skin cells, but fight the signs of aging.
There are many recipes for skin-friendly baths. Here are a few of them:
  1. Milky honey bath with rose oil. Honey (80-100 g) and rose oil (40 ml) are added to slightly warmed milk (1 cup). The resulting mixture is poured into a bath of water at a comfortable temperature. The procedure time is 30-40 minutes with periodic addition of warm water.
  2. herbal bath. Herbs are a frequent savior for many ailments, including premature aging and depletion of the skin. For the recipe, ready-made herbal preparations are used, which can be purchased at pharmacies, or personally collected and dried herbs. For a decoction, take chamomile, medicinal sweet clover, birch leaves, thyme in the amount of 5 g, as well as hernia grass in the amount of 10 g. All ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for at least an hour. The finished broth is added to the water and take a bath. Mint, rose petals, oregano, lemon balm are active in preserving youth.
  3. Mineral baths. The main ingredient is heated carbonated mineral water. The greater its concentration, the better. Instead of mineral water, you can use sea salt, but, in addition to nutrition with microelements, it contributes to the drying of the skin.
  4. mustard bath. Quite a cheap option to maintain youthful and healthy skin. Only 100 g of dry mustard added to water can reduce weight, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and give elasticity. Mustard is also combined with other ingredients, for example, with sea ​​salt in a ratio of 1 to 3, i.e. take 100 g of mustard powder and 300 g of sea salt.

The best way to give the skin firmness and elasticity is not to lose it, but to maintain it at the proper level, minimizing the factors that contribute to premature aging of the body and skin in particular. These, as previously described, are bad habits diseases that must be dealt with. There are other recommendations that will help give the skin elasticity.

What needs to be done to give the skin elasticity and prevent its premature aging:

  • Keep track of your weight. Any sudden change in weight is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the skin. Do not resort to strict diets, refuse to use unverified weight loss products.
  • Maintain work and rest schedule. This rule ensures stable Good work the whole organism.
  • Do sport. Sports are important not only for health, but also for beauty. Optimal physical activity normalizes all metabolic processes in the body, contributes to the appearance of a beautiful body relief and improves skin elasticity.
  • eat normally. A healthy diet includes many natural products. The diet should always include cottage cheese, fish, lean meats and other protein-rich foods. Don't Forget the Benefits vegetable oils, nuts.
  • Observe the drinking regime. Everyone has long known about the dangers of alcohol, carbonated drinks, which should be completely excluded from the diet. Tea, compote, pure and mineral water are drinks useful for skin beauty.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Sunburn is beautiful, but also dangerous. The skin under UV rays quickly loses moisture, becomes dry and flabby.
  • Use vitamin complexes . In addition to the intake of nutrients with food and body care products, vitamin complexes should be consumed. This will definitely speed up the achievement of the desired result.
  • Solve the problem comprehensively. You can not get quick and sustainable results by choosing any one method. It is always necessary to apply a set of measures, especially since the means and procedures given in the article are perfectly combined with each other and significantly increase the beneficial effect.
How to give elasticity to the skin - look at the video:

Thanks to the riches of our nature, it is quite easy to take care of your body, maintaining beauty and youth. All new effective procedures, which were previously only possible within the walls of salons, can now be carried out at home. One has only to be attentive to one's health, take care of the gifts of nature and use them to the fullest in order to be beautiful.

Water leaks from the cistern into the toilet. The rubber pad has become too hard. What can soften it up? and got the best answer

Answer from Victor*73[guru]
two weeks p .. beat the cat for puddles in the toilet .. .
Turned out the tank was leaking.

Answer from Yoehmet[guru]
Why soften it, buy a new one.

Answer from Ira Ivanova[guru]
hold it in kerosene, but it's better to buy a new one

Answer from V...Spb[guru]
softening will not work, and all kerosene gasolines only dissolve rubber.
You can wind a little solder (or lead) on top for weight, most often this helps.

Answer from Buster Bunny[guru]
Try putting a couple of heavy bearings on the thing that's blocking the drain hole... They will rust, of course, but the problem will be solved in time ... And so you have to remove the tank and change the whole system

Answer from Valery Myakishev[guru]
Completely replace the fittings, and neighbors can be flooded.

Answer from a lion[guru]
buy a new one, it costs a penny and adjust the valve

Answer from Alex Mishin[guru]
There is absolutely no need to replace all fittings - it is enough to replace the trigger shut-off valve, colloquially often referred to as a "pear".
Depending on the design of the tank, it is either screwed onto a wire hook-shackle, or (in newer tanks) it is pulled onto a plastic tube that serves as a trigger handle - a "pear" for one and for another case you need to buy a different one that you need - look necessary.
The pear not only becomes hard, but also begins to crumble, and sometimes falls from one side - soaking it in gasoline-kerosene will not help. Although it would get wet normally - the rubber is vulcanized and therefore will not completely dissolve, but only swell.
If you send a picture of your tank inside, I'll try to tell you which release valve you need.
Valve price - from 5 rubles.

Answer from Truculentus[guru]
Nothing to soften up required state. Replacement required. A penny nonsense, and work for five minutes.

Rubber is considered one of the most common materials today. Over time, the main characteristics can be significantly reduced. A fairly common question is how to soften the rubber. A similar procedure can be performed independently at home, it is important to follow all the recommendations.

Do-it-yourself rubber restoration

All materials lose their performance over time. Often you can find a situation where the rubber becomes too hard and loses its elasticity. If desired, you can restore the basic properties of the material, it is not necessary to throw it away. Rubber can be softened in a variety of ways. Among the features of this issue, we note the following points:

  1. Rubber cuffs and seals of some devices lose their basic properties over time. In this case, you can buy new consumables, since their cost is relatively low.
  2. Some elements are difficult to find on sale, due to their unusual shape and properties. In this case, softening can be carried out using various common technologies.

There is quite a large number of various ways softening rubber, the most common is to use kerosene.

What is needed to restore the elasticity of rubber?

Rubber is considered one of the most resilient materials. It is for this reason that it is used in the manufacture of various seals. After the seal ceases to be affected by the load, it is able to return to its dimensions. This moment determines the spread of the question of how to restore the elasticity of rubber. Over time, this property is also lost. If the surface is worn too much, cracks appear, due to which the insulating qualities are significantly reduced.

You can soften rubber at home using common substances. The most commonly used substances are:

  1. Kerosene can easily restore the elasticity index. This substance is ideal for processing small products; you can soften them by soaking them.
  2. Can be used ammonia to soften the texture. To do this, it is enough to create a small bath in which the product is lowered for several hours.

When soaking rubber in a recovery liquid, it should be borne in mind that the material can increase significantly in size. To remove the substance from the surface, the product is thoroughly washed with soap and water.

In some cases, hot water can be used to soften the rubber. This method is used to restore the insulation of the doorway of the refrigerator. You can enhance the effect achieved by wetting the surface with silicone.

Seals from the material in question are also used in the manufacture of windows. To improve the insulating qualities of the rubber bands, they are wiped with silicone and glycerin from time to time. Such substances can be purchased without any problems.

How to give elasticity to rubber?

  1. Rigidity increases if the rubber is kept dry for a long time. Elasticity is restored by wetting the surface with oil. Softening is recommended to be carried out periodically to achieve the desired result.
  2. Car wipers can be lubricated silicone grease which softens the surface. Of course, it is possible to restore the old structure only if there are no mechanical defects.

In addition, on sale you can find special compounds that can soften the structure after application.

How to soften rubber at home?

At home, you can soften the rubber when applying various materials. The most widespread are:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Castor oil and silicone.

High temperatures also cause the rubber to become softer, but the wear resistance decreases.


When considering how to soften rubber, many give the possibility of using kerosene. Such a substance is able to restore the elasticity index.

Application features are that the product is soaked in a special bath, after which the surface is thoroughly washed and dried. If the length of the product is large, then it can be rolled up. Aged in kerosene to soften for several hours, as kerosene does not act immediately.

This substance is widely used, it can also make the product softer. The procedure is as follows:

  1. A container of a suitable volume is selected.
  2. Ammonia is diluted in water to obtain the required solution.
  3. The product is placed in the solution for an hour to soften.
  4. After that, the softened element is taken out and washed with clean water.

Drying is carried out at room temperature. It should be borne in mind that high and low temperatures always negatively affect the condition of the rubber.

Silicone and castor oil

A short-term effect can be achieved if silicone and castor oil are used. Among the features of the application, we note the following points:

  1. Silicone has only a temporary effect. It can be purchased in specialized stores.
  2. After lubrication, you need to wait a while. Silicone can be absorbed into the structure, making it more elastic.

After half an hour, the rubber will be ready for use. It should be borne in mind that the achieved effect will be temporary. When considering how to soften such material, you can pay attention to castor oil.

The heating

In some cases, only a temporary softening is required, for example, when putting a hose on a nozzle. In this case, you can solve the problem by temporarily lowering the product into a hot bath. After some time of exposure high temperature elasticity increases.

With prolonged use, the rubber can become dull. Problems can only be solved if the product is boiled. Significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure by adding salt to the composition. Boiling is carried out until the moment when the surface becomes elastic.

If there are difficulties in removing the tubes and hoses, then the heating is carried out by exposure to a warm air stream. For this, a building or ordinary hair dryer can be used. When the high temperature air flow is concentrated in one place, plasticity increases significantly.

In conclusion, we note that only in the absence of defects can the restoration of the material be carried out. Some recommended methods may result in some performance degradation. That is why you need to follow all the recommendations.

In many cases, rubber products are completely irreplaceable. Various seals, belts, hoses and other parts are found in the design of household items and automotive technology. But with prolonged use or hypothermia, they can become hard and unsuitable for further use. How to soften rubber at home? There are substances and methods of exposure that help achieve the desired result.


This substance is able to change the structure of rubber and restore the elasticity of rubber products. The procedure consists in soaking objects until the desired effect is obtained. Rubber big size can be carefully rolled up before being placed in a container of kerosene. After a couple of hours, the softened part must be removed and rinsed thoroughly.


There is another option - to arrange the product bathing in a water-ammonia solution. The rubber should be placed in the prepared composition and kept for about half an hour. Then the washed and dried part can be used for its intended purpose.

Silicone and castor oil

What can soften the rubber at least for a while? Silicone will have a temporary effect on it. Having lubricated the surface of the object with it, it is necessary to give time for absorption, after which the product will be ready for use. Similar processing can be carried out using castor oil.

The heating

In a situation where it is not possible to put a hose on a rounded part or pipe, immersion of the desired part of the product in boiling water will help. After waiting a little, you need to remove the hose from the water and, without wasting time, install it in the right place. It will be easy enough to do this, because the material will steam out from the high temperature.

Sometimes there is a problem with the removal of rubber elements from some structural parts. In this case, air heating will be effective. A hair dryer is used. Under the influence of a hot jet, the material will expand, as a result of which it will be possible to scroll and pull off the pliable element.

Such simple methods you can soften hardened rubber, thereby increasing the service life of popular products.