How many weeks does the 2nd trimester of pregnancy end? Second trimester of pregnancy: the size and weight of the fetus, the condition of the pregnant woman, the necessary tests. Hemorrhoids and constipation

Absolutely rightfully the most calm and favorable period of pregnancy is the second trimester. The dangers of the first weeks are over, toxicosis, as a rule, also recedes. Yes and psychological state expectant mother comes back to normal.

Clarification: what week does the 2nd trimester start from

We can say that from the 13th week of pregnancy, you can consider yourself moving into the second trimester. At 12 weeks, the first third of the wonderful situation ends, and with it the dangers of the first months, the risks of miscarriage, toxicosis and the psychological instability of the expectant mother. At the same time, the period in which abortion is possible ends - this also has to be mentioned.

As a rule, at 12 weeks, the first pregnancy screening is carried out:

  • The main goal of the first screening is early detection malformations;
  • Pathologies can be identified by a special blood test;
  • Completes the picture of the ultrasound study.

Such a comprehensive screening examination should take place within a period of 11 to a maximum of 14 weeks. At that time future mother check for the absence of congenital pathologies in the fetus such as Down syndrome and also Edwards syndrome. These pathologies cannot be corrected, therefore, screening should leave a choice to a woman - to give birth to a baby with features or to terminate the pregnancy. As you can see, in some cases, screening goes as early as the second trimester, but usually it is completed by 12 weeks.

When the first trimester ends, a quiet time comes for a pregnant woman. Toxicosis, which accompanies many women at an early stage of pregnancy, is forgotten, a gynecologist has been chosen, and the first medical examination has been completed. The expectant mother can relax and enjoy the changes in her body.

Women who are pregnant for the first time are interested in what week of pregnancy the 2nd trimester begins? The entire period of pregnancy is divided into trimesters. Each trimester consists of 3 months. How to count weeks if the month ends on a partial week? Gynecologists traditionally assign 13 weeks for the 1st trimester. The second trimester starts at 14 weeks. It lasts 13 weeks. Its end is considered the 27th week of pregnancy.

Changes in the mother's body

By week 14, a woman is transformed. The rapid growth of the uterus leads to external changes in its figure. In a pregnant woman, rounded shapes appear, the mammary glands increase and the belly grows. Do not wear tight clothing and tight underwear. Nothing should interfere with the development of the fetus. Tight clothing will not only hamper the movement of a woman, but will also adversely affect the development of the child.

Are subject to change internal organs women. The growing uterus changes their position, does not allow them to fully work. This may cause discomfort. In order not to burden the pancreas, liver, kidneys and other organs, dietary restrictions must be observed.

Fatty, spicy, fried foods are best avoided. Use a large number cakes and muffins will not only lead to overweight, but also provoke heartburn in the stomach, nausea, bile rush. The gynecologist at the next weigh-in will advise you to stick to the diet.

The second trimester is the rapid growth of the uterus. It presses on the diaphragm and it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe. The doctor advises to move more, but there should not be any sudden movements. Calm walks with a sedate step will contribute to even breathing. ventilation of rooms and frequent change posture will prevent shortness of breath.

The pressure is on the stomach. There is heaviness after eating. Doctors advise to eat often, but in minimal portions. If nausea and heartburn do not go away, then the pregnant woman is shown antacids, which are excreted from the body and are not absorbed into the blood.

The skin undergoes changes. All forms of pregnancy increase, many women develop stretch marks. To give it more elasticity, you can use body creams.

The development of the placenta and mammary glands is often accompanied by edema. The body stores fluid. Soft shoes with flat soles will help ease the situation. Heels will have to be abandoned. It is better to remove the rings so that the pressure on the skin is minimal, and the distribution of fluid in the body becomes uniform.

The second trimester brings inconvenience due to changes in the functioning of the vascular system. During pregnancy, vascular "asterisks" often appear or develop varicose veins veins. There is stagnation of venous blood in the legs. This can lead to seizures. The doctor will advise cold and hot shower, massage and gymnastics for legs. Pregnant women are prescribed a vitamin complex containing vitamin E, which is responsible for skin elasticity. The complex must include calcium and magnesium. They strengthen bones and normalize the functioning of blood vessels.

Fetal development

The second trimester will be marked by the rapid growth of the fetus. In the 1st trimester, he had limbs, a torso was determined. The formation of internal organs took place. The second trimester is a qualitative change, when the respiratory organs, digestive and excretory systems develop.

  • Liver functions are noticeable: filtration occurs nutrients.
  • Insulin is released into the blood - the pancreas began to work.
  • The walls of the stomach and intestines begin to contract.
  • The functioning of the kidneys is observed. The baby is able to swallow amniotic fluid, which comes out in the form of urine.
  • Oxygen to the fetus comes through the placenta, but the lungs increase in volume, preparing for the first breath. By week 27, the baby's lungs are fully formed.
  • Facial bones develop. In the 2nd trimester, clear outlines appear on the face, and the child becomes recognizable.
  • At 14 weeks, an ultrasound can determine the sex of the fetus. The sexual organs develop.
  • You can talk to the child. He is able to hear. Acoustic vibrations pass through the amniotic fluid, and the fetus reacts to them. In the womb, he is surrounded by many sounds: the beating of the mother's heart, the work of her intestines, the noise of the blood circulation. These sounds are familiar to him, but he can already distinguish his mother's voice from the general noise.
  • At 20 weeks, the baby's fingers can be distinguished. He squeezes them into fists.
  • The second trimester is the rapid growth of the fetus. By the end of the period, it grows to 28 cm.
  • The spleen begins to work. It produces white blood cells. The body of the child stores fat. By week 24, his weight is up to 600 g.
  • The second trimester of pregnancy is the first movements of the fetus. A pregnant woman may feel tremors - this means that he is developing reflexes. He is able to straighten the arm and leg.
  • By the end of the 2nd trimester, the child can open and close his eyes. Gynecologists say that he begins to form phases of rest and wakefulness.

If the child is born at the end of the 2nd trimester, then doctors can already fight for his life. All organs are just starting to work, but they are fully formed. New technologies help the baby develop the functions of all body systems.

Pathology prevention

Spontaneous delivery in the 2nd trimester is very rare, but some pathologies may occur. During this period, a woman is prescribed a screening, a complete examination. It is carried out at 16-18 weeks. This takes into account the data of the first screening, which took place at the beginning of pregnancy. At the second examination, the woman undergoes:

  • analyze for protein, alpha-fetoprotein; by its quantity determine how the fetus develops;
  • take blood for examination of free estriol; indicators determine the quality of the development of pregnancy;
  • calculate the level of inhibin A; this analysis determines the pathology of the fetus;
  • conduct a genetic analysis of hCG; it may indicate Down syndrome, Edwards;

All pregnant women undergo the second screening. This is the last trimester in which hCG can be done. If the ultrasound did not reveal the pathology of the fetus and the pregnancy is developing well, then the blood is not taken for genetic analysis.

In the 2nd trimester, pregnancy fading may occur. This will be determined not only by the examination, but also by the gynecologist.

  • In a pregnant woman, the mammary glands decrease.
  • Fetal movements stop.
  • His heartbeat is not heard.
  • The uterus stops growing.
  • A woman has brown discharge.

These deviations can be identified by the woman herself. They are visible visually. Screening will confirm or refute the pathology, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment.

Examination may reveal placental abruption. The child will not receive enough oxygen. He starts moving too fast. When the pathology occurs in the second trimester, the growth of the placenta will allow contact with the uterus and the lack of oxygen is compensated.

Otherwise, it can lead to fetal hypoxia and death. When it happens on later dates pregnancy, a decision is made on an urgent operation to remove the fetus. His body has already formed, he will have every chance of survival and proper development.

It is better for a future mother to listen to her body and to the child in the womb. She must know the number and frequency of his movements per day.

Changes in the color of discharge in a pregnant woman or leakage amniotic fluid- all this should alert a woman. These pathologies will require treatment in a hospital. In the middle of pregnancy, such a pathology as uterine tone occurs. A woman can identify this by the following symptoms:

  • compressive pain in the lower abdomen;
  • contraction of the uterus;
  • the stomach becomes hard;

These sensations must be reported to the gynecologist immediately. The tone of the uterus can be reduced by certain therapy.

The main task of a pregnant woman is to set herself up for a successful outcome of pregnancy. Walking, doing what you love, choosing supplies for your unborn baby, shopping for maternity and shopping new clothes- all this should calm and cheer up a woman. There are still 3 months left, and she will meet her baby.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and important periods in a woman's life. One of the safe and calm moments is the second trimester, when a woman does not suffer from toxicosis, and the risks of abortion are minimized. In obstetric practice, the 2nd trimeter is often called the "golden mean". It is during this period that a woman begins to feel the movement of the fetus, there is a feeling of impending motherhood.

The second trimester starts at week 13 and lasts. During this period, changes continue to occur in the woman's body, the fetus is actively developing, the woman's stomach slowly begins to increase in size. Basically, the 2nd trimester is accompanied by a feeling of comfort. The woman is no longer tormented by toxicosis, her mood improves. Despite the comfortable period, you should not relax, because, like other trimesters of pregnancy, it requires maximum attention from the woman herself and doctors. At this stage, up to 16 weeks, the final period of formation occurs. intrauterine life child, the laying of internal organs and the formation of the placenta. It is from this period that the placenta is fully formed, protects the baby from harmful influences, and provides oxygen supply.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may encounter certain difficulties, so you need to know not only how the baby develops, what sensations will be present, but also what risks may appear and what to do in some situations.

The size and weight of the fetus in the second trimester

Starting from, the fetus begins to actively develop. It forms a skeleton and internal organs. If in the first trimester there is a laying of all organs and systems, then starting from the second trimester, its organs and systems begin to work independently. For example, the fetal heart begins to beat 2 times faster, pumps about 22 liters of blood. The formation of the brain also occurs, twists appear, the pituitary gland begins to work, the intestines, bladder, kidneys and other organs are formed. Only the respiratory system rests.

At this stage of pregnancy, the growth and size of the fetus increases. If in the 1st trimester he weighed about 20 g, and the body length was 7 cm, then in the 2nd trimester, by the end of it, the baby weighs from 850 g to 1000 g. The growth of the fetus increases to 35 cm in full height. Thus, the fetus from a small embryo turns into a fetus weighing up to 1 kg.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus develops rapidly. The following changes occur in his tiny body:

  1. The skeleton is strengthened, the bones grow intensively.
  2. The organs of the abdominal cavity develop.
  3. The kidneys begin to excrete urine.
  4. The stomach, gallbladder and intestines function.
  5. The cerebral cortex is being formed.
  6. The first hormones are produced in the adrenal glands.
  7. The formation of milk teeth is completed.
  8. The proportions of the baby's body are changing.
  9. Sexual glands develop.
  10. Fingernails appear.
  11. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed, in boys, the genitals.
  12. The muscles of the face are formed.

Starting with the fetus, the auditory ossicles are formed, which allows him to hear his mother. During this period, he is quite active, moves a lot, often changes his position, which allows the mother to feel the first movements of the baby. From the 19th week, the fetus can blink and squint, open its mouth. Taste buds begin to form in him, which allows him to feel the taste of the food that mom eats.

By the end of the 2nd trimester, the mental abilities of the fetus are being formed, all parts of the cerebral cortex are well developed. The placenta at this stage is also fully formed. It provides the fetus with all the nutrients, protects against negative impact provides access to oxygen. In the second trimester, the fetus is fully formed, increases in size every day and reaches almost 1 kg by the end of the 27th week.

Condition of the pregnant woman in the second trimester

Unlike the first trimester, in the second, a woman feels much better. She no longer suffers from toxicosis, there are no big risks for abortion. At this stage, the expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of the fetus, which become more pronounced and tangible every day. In the second trimester, the hormonal background begins to normalize, overall well-being improves, mood and appetite increase. Many mothers during this period are full of energy, begin to visit the pool, do yoga, and some decide to travel. The woman's belly is inconspicuous, but begins to acquire roundness. Despite the improvement in well-being, there are still some nuances that bother a woman and can cause anxiety.

Nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy

Normally, with the onset of the second trimester, toxicosis recedes, and it is replaced by good appetite. However, due to individual features women, many women still complain of slight nausea, which is mostly present in the morning or as a reaction to unpleasant or pungent odors. With a slight nausea, you should not worry, it will pass by the 18th week. In the absence of any pathologies of pregnant women, doctors recommend drinking water with lemon or tea immediately after waking up for morning sickness. The cause of this condition can also be malnutrition of the mother, eating fatty foods, overeating or starvation.

In the case when nausea is constant, there is an urge to, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of gestosis or other pathology dangerous for the development and life of the child and the woman herself.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, vaginal discharge can be both the norm and be a sign of internal diseases. It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge.

Normal discharge in the 2nd trimester has a milky tint. What is the result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The secretions themselves have a slight odor, their number may increase slightly as the period increases. The following vaginal discharges are cause for concern:

  1. accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area - a sign (candidiasis).
  2. Smearing spotting is a sign, a threat of miscarriage, premature birth.
  3. A yellowish or greenish discharge is a sign of a vaginal infection.
  4. with an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of such secretions in any trimester of pregnancy should alert the woman, become a reason for contacting a doctor who, after the results of the examination, examination, will be able to identify the cause, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, a woman may periodically be disturbed by pain in the lumbar region or pelvis. Doctors explain such painful sensations by an increase in the uterus, its pressure on neighboring organs. But in cases of pathologies or possible risks, pain can be the first signal for immediate medical attention. A pregnant woman should be alerted by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain in the sacrum or thighs. With the threat of a miscarriage, in addition to pain, bloody discharge from the vagina will also be present.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman often suffers from heartburn, which also appears as a result of an increase in the uterus, its pressure on the stomach. Heartburn is not a serious symptom. It worries almost 80% of pregnant women.

In connection with the same increase in the uterus, the expectant mother may be disturbed by constipation, there is a risk of developing hemorrhoids. In such cases, doctors recommend adjusting the diet, eating as many fermented milk products as possible or those that contain fiber.

Pain can also appear as a result of convulsions - muscle spasms due to their involuntary contraction. Cramps can be a sign of impaired mineral metabolism in the body. It is recommended to lead healthy lifestyle life, in the absence of contraindications, do gymnastics for pregnant women, and also pay attention to your diet, which should be rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is vulnerable to various viral and bacterial infections, which can cause an increase in body temperature. Fortunately, in the second trimester, a cold is not as dangerous as at the beginning of pregnancy, but it is still important to pay attention to it, to treat it at its first signs. Most of medicines are contraindicated, therefore, self-medication, as well as uncontrolled medication, should be excluded. At the first sign of a cold, you need to consult a doctor who can choose the most optimal treatment regimen and give useful recommendations.

It is important to remember that at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, a cold is just as dangerous for a pregnant woman and, with its complications, can provoke a miscarriage. In this regard, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. With minor signs of SARS, bed rest is recommended, plenty of drinking, inhalation, rinsing, nasal rinsing, you can seek help from traditional medicine use only proven and safe methods. If necessary, taking medications.

Temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, body temperature may increase, which is the body's reaction to a particular irritant. At subfebrile temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees, it is not worth taking measures for treatment. In some women, this temperature is present in the 1st and early second trimester. It is not worth ignoring an elevated body temperature, since it can be a sign of an ectopic position of the fetus or an internal infection.

It is very important to determine the cause of elevated body temperature, as it has a negative effect on the fetus. To normalize body temperature, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs: It is important to understand that such drugs as - must be abandoned. At the same time, such drugs can be taken only at a body temperature above 37.8-38 degrees.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a routine examination, which consists of an ultrasound of the fetus, a clinical blood test, and urine. During this period, a gynecological smear is also prescribed, an analysis for TORCH infection. If necessary, if a fetal pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes biochemical screening, or "triple test", which consist of a blood test for 3 markers. The results of the studies make it possible to identify possible pathologies in the development of the fetus, as well as chromosomal abnormalities that can serve as a reason for terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons. Full screening is recommended for women who have had a miscarriage, are older than 35, or have a history of fetal failure. Tests and full screening are carried out only for women who are at risk.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a real tragedy for a woman can be the fading of the fetus. The most dangerous period is 16 - 18 weeks. That is why those women who are at risk are recommended to be screened during the 16th or 18th week. The main signs are considered to be the absence of fetal movements, periodic discharges may disturb Brown color. If a missed pregnancy is suspected, a woman needs to visit a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an ultrasound scan that can confirm or refute the death of the fetus.


A woman's nutrition will play a key role throughout pregnancy. In the second trimester, a woman's appetite increases. Nutrition should be balanced, fortified and healthy. Proper diet and healthy nutrition will provide a woman's body with all the necessary substances for full growth and development.

The diet should contain only fresh and natural products: fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products. Porridge, vegetables and fruits, as well as beef liver, tomato juice will bring benefits. It is better to eat food raw, boiled or stewed. It is not recommended to eat fried foods, spices, foods containing dyes and carcinogens. Do not abuse sweet and flour products, this will help to avoid significant weight gain and the development of pregnant women.

At any stage of pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, even in small quantities, and also stop smoking.

In order for the 2nd trimester, as well as the entire pregnancy to proceed without complications, the woman feels comfortable, some rules must be followed:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Moderate physical activity.
  3. Daily outdoor walks.
  4. Lack of contact with sick people.
  5. Compliance with all rules of personal hygiene.
  6. Comfortable clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  7. Full and comfortable sleep.
  8. Absence of any stressful situations.
  9. In hot weather, do not stay in the open sun for a long time.
  10. Regular visits to the doctor, delivery of all tests.

Compliance with elementary rules will help reduce all sorts of risks that may appear in the second term of pregnancy, improve a woman's well-being, and ensure healthy growth and development of the fetus.

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. During this period, I want to think only about the good, enjoy every day and dream of a future child. Especially from...

2nd trimester of pregnancy: from what week, what happens to the fetus, possible complications

By Masterweb

01.05.2018 18:00

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. During this period, I want to think only about the good, enjoy every day and dream of a future child. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered especially responsible. Sometimes during this period, the expectant mother has difficulties, and she must know how to deal with them. If everything is done correctly, then the 2nd trimester of pregnancy will go well. Having a baby is a wonderful time, but you need to prepare for it.

When does the 2nd trimester start?

Carrying a baby is an exciting and wonderful time. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered the calmest. What week does it start? From 13, and ends at 27. The period from 4 to 6 months is considered the most comfortable for a woman. This is due to the fact that in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the belly is still not very large, so the expectant mother is not yet limited in her movements.

She can walk, visit the pool and sports activities. The woman feels calmer, because the excitement of the first days is over. She feels an invisible contact between herself and the child. It is in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy that the expectant mother will first feel the tremors of her baby.

By this period, the child completes the formation of the most important systems. There is little threat to bearing a baby; less than 25 percent of miscarriages occur in the 2nd trimester. The expectant mother can already begin to collect things for the child that he will need from the first days of life. Also, the wardrobe needs to be updated for the woman herself, because the baby is growing, and with it her belly is also increasing.

What happens in the second trimester?

During this period, the child continues to develop, its internal organs continue to form, it grows and increases in size. At the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the fetus becomes more and more like a new one. born baby. Even if he is born ahead of time, then after 6 months he has every chance of surviving.

2nd trimester of pregnancy - what happens? For the first time, a mother feels the movements of her child. At first they are very weak and inconspicuous, but by the end of this period they will become very tangible. At the appointment, the doctor may ask about the activity of the unborn baby. Therefore, women are advised to count the movements of the child during the day, this can be valuable information for the doctor.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. This will eliminate pathologies in the development of the fetus. Also, during the ultrasound procedure, very significant event- Mom finds out the gender of the unborn child. Modern technologies allow you to take pictures of the baby during the procedure. Many mothers take these pictures and keep them. This is the first photo of the baby, and she deserves to be in the album too.

Fetal development

Starting from 4-5 months, the fetus changes greatly in appearance. This can be seen if you do not skip an ultrasound during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. At 4 months, the baby weighs only 20 grams, and by the sixth - already up to a kilogram. Now he does not look like a fetus, it is almost a fully formed child. Every month of the second trimester, it changes more and more.

Starting from the 13th-16th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to intensively build up bone tissue. His skeleton becomes strong and durable. In most places, the connective tissue turns into bone. The internal organs of the abdominal cavity continue to form. This is even noticeable to the doctor during an ultrasound examination. The kidneys take the right position in the body and begin to work. Now the baby is able to excrete urine after swallowing the amniotic fluid. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to function in him, and the adrenal glands are already capable of producing hormones. The cerebral cortex continues to develop.

At the 5th month, the expectant mother begins to notice fetal movements. If the pregnancy is the first, then it usually happens at 19-20 weeks, if the second or more - then at 16-18. The endocrine system begins to work harder in the baby, this contributes to proper development his hormonal levels. The skin of the child is covered with a special lubricant, which will help him pass through the birth canal more easily. The baby's spleen begins to produce blood cells.

At the 6th month of pregnancy, the fetus continues its intensive development. He gains strength and sleeps a lot. During wakefulness, the baby is actively pushing, which can cause concern to the mother. He sleeps from 16 to 20 hours a day. His lung tissue is still underdeveloped, but the baby is already trying to make respiratory movements, so he is preparing for his birth.

The brain increases in size, its weight can already reach 100 grams. There is an active development of his cortex, right now the child is forming his mental abilities, creative inclinations, etc. Scientists believe that if a mother at 6 months often arrives in a bad mood, then this can lead to undesirable consequences. For example, in the future, the baby will be prone to depression and even suicide.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

During the bearing of a child, the body of the expectant mother experiences tremendous overload. All systems work in an enhanced mode: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory and others. The belly gets bigger and the uterus rises even higher. By the end of the 2nd trimester, it is closer to the level of the navel.

The tummy at this time looks very beautiful and neat. The movements are not yet difficult, and the weight is not too great. Now is the time to capture this wonderful moment on film. It is better to turn to a professional, he will help you take high-quality photos that will delight a woman after childbirth.

Starting from 4-5 months of pregnancy, the uterus may begin to periodically tone up. These are called practice contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. Thus, the body of a woman prepares for the upcoming birth. However, it is important not to confuse this condition with hypertonicity.

With the development of the fetus, the body of the expectant mother begins to experience an increased need for vitamins and nutrients. Ask your doctor to prescribe mineral complex and adjust your diet. Some women develop anemia due to iron deficiency. This condition can be dangerous, so you need to urgently start treatment.

The hormonal background continues to change. This causes the growth of the mammary glands and discoloration of the skin near the nipples. She becomes darker. Some mothers already have colostrum in the second trimester, in which case it's time to start using special bra inserts.

Vaginal discharge during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy may become more intense. If they are not accompanied by pain, pain or itching, then everything is fine. Due to the increase in the uterus, which presses on the internal organs, pregnant women may experience constipation, heartburn, and nausea. These conditions can be corrected with proper nutrition.

Some women develop swelling, this is an alarming symptom. They are more typical for the last third of pregnancy, so it is better to consult a doctor. May worsen varicose veins or joint disease. Some women develop pigmentation on the skin.

Critical periods of the 2nd trimester and possible complications

At 4-6 months, pathologies that were not visible before may be revealed. The critical period of the 2nd trimester is the time from 18 to 22 weeks. At this time, doctors can find pathologies of the uterus, placenta, and diagnose various infections.

Premature thinning of the cervix is ​​very dangerous, as this can contribute to the onset of early labor. Thrush is also undesirable in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is very dangerous, which is accompanied by edema and the appearance of protein in the urine. This disease can be fatal. Even a cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous. You can not self-medicate, you need to go to the doctor.

Sometimes women are afraid of the doctor and are treated at home with herbs. You can’t even treat a runny nose during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy on your own, this can harm the fetus. At 4-6 months, the risk of losing a child is lower than at 1-2, but it is still there. A baby born before 22 weeks is considered unviable.


Even mild diseases can be dangerous during the period of bearing a child. A cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. The first symptoms are drowsiness, slight malaise, headaches. But by the evening the condition may worsen. Cough, runny nose, sore throat appear. The common cold usually occurs without high temperature, but there are exceptions.

The woman experiences the greatest discomfort in the first 3 days. Although at 4-6 months the baby is not so defenseless against viruses, this does not mean that you can self-medicate or ignore a cold. Even a common runny nose during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a threat. For example, it is undesirable for women in position to use vasoconstrictor drops; it is better to do with washing with sea water.

If you have a sore throat, then the first aid will be rinsing with soda or salt. Also, the drug "Furacilin" will have a good therapeutic effect. After that, you need to see a doctor. He is unlikely to prescribe antibiotics to a pregnant woman, only in the case when everything is very serious.

We must not forget about the precautions in the treatment of colds folk remedies. Pregnant women should absolutely not soar their legs, this can negatively affect the tone of the uterus. For the same reasons, it is undesirable to bet banks.


Curdled discharge, itching, burning are rather unpleasant symptoms. They mean that a woman in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy has thrush. Candidiasis during childbearing usually appears either due to a weakened immune system, or due to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes thrush in the 2nd trimester occurs due to a long course of antibiotics a few months before conception.

Even if you suspect candidiasis, you need to see a doctor. For diagnosis, he will take a swab from the vagina. If it is candidiasis, then the treatment regimen will be selected individually, since many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy.

Usually the doctor prescribes suppositories against thrush. The preparations "Pimafucin", "Betadine", "Clotrimazole" have proven themselves well. Also, doctors often prescribe Ginofort vaginal applicators, which, unlike suppositories, are used once.

Some women stop taking medication after 2-3 days, as soon as they feel relief. This cannot be done, since the fungi that cause candidiasis adapt to the drug and it will no longer help. Medications for thrush and the course of their intake should be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is dangerous for the fetus.


When carrying a child, all body systems work with overload. This can cause an increase or decrease in pressure during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. If there are any significant deviations from 120/80, then you need to keep a diary of measurements, and then show it to the doctor.

Low blood pressure often occurs in women who, even before pregnancy, were diagnosed with anemia or vegetative-vascular dystonia. You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience tinnitus, headaches, fainting. Also, women with low blood pressure may experience increased shortness of breath when walking, a feeling of lack of oxygen, and increased drowsiness. These symptoms can also be associated with the observance of strict diets, which are contraindicated in carrying a baby.

High blood pressure in pregnant women is often accompanied by vision problems. A woman can see a "spider web" in front of her or experience tension in her eyes. A pregnant woman has headaches, ringing in the ears, excessive sweating. In some cases, there are failures in the rhythm of the heart and tachycardia. Often high blood pressure seen in overweight pregnant women.

Uterine hypertonicity

This is very dangerous state, which may cause premature birth, fading of pregnancy, lag in the development of the fetus. The thing is that at the moments when the uterus is at rest, its vessels work correctly and deliver to the baby all the necessary nutrients and a sufficient amount of oxygen. This does not happen with hypertension. The baby experiences hypoxia and, due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, begins to lag behind in development. Sometimes pregnancy just freezes. Preterm birth may also occur.

The main causes of uterine hypertonicity in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  • increased production of male sex hormones;
  • underdeveloped uterus;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • ever transferred inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system;
  • thyroid disease;
  • stress;
  • bad habits.

Sometimes the trigger can be night shift work, lack of sleep, emotional distress. The cause of uterine hypertonicity may be multiple pregnancies and the large size of the unborn child.

When treating a pregnant woman, it is necessary to observe bed rest. It is necessary to exclude any factors that can excite a woman and cause her stress. For support, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu. The doctor selects the dosage for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy individually.


Iron deficiency during pregnancy is undesirable for both mother and child. Anemia is often the result of a woman's poor diet. Sometimes it leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding. Anemia can also occur against the background of a decrease in immunity. It can also develop due to any serious bleeding. A woman can have an ailment even before pregnancy.

Anemia is a disease in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops. At risk are vegetarians, pregnant adolescents, ladies suffering from heart defects. It can also develop in those who previously suffered from excessively heavy menstruation.

The disease can manifest itself as dizziness, fainting, irritability. Often there is a violation of the heart rhythm, loss of appetite, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. For the treatment of the patient, a diet and intake of vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed. With severe anemia, the pregnant woman is placed in a hospital.


Excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues usually begins in the last stages of pregnancy. Edema that appeared in the 2nd trimester should alert the expectant mother. Usually their appearance is promoted by excess body weight, bad habits, malnutrition. At mature women edema is observed more often than in younger ones.

Fluid retention in tissues can be very dangerous. Edema can be renal, usually they are localized in the area of ​​the face and hands. Because of them, protein appears in the urine. Cardiac edema occurs due to increased blood volume. They are localized on the legs, in the areas of the abdomen and back. With this type of edema, tachycardia and shortness of breath are observed.

In some cases, preeclampsia is the cause of water retention in tissues. This is a terrible disease that is the main cause of maternal mortality. Also, this disease increases the likelihood of death of the child within a week after birth.

Painful sensations

While carrying a child, you need to take a more responsible approach to taking care of your health. To endure pain during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is unacceptable. If you experience any discomfort, you should tell your doctor about them.

Some women experience pain when walking. This may be due to a change in the center of gravity due to the enlarged uterus. If a woman continues to walk in the same way as before pregnancy, then this can contribute to the appearance of pain. You should try not to spend a long time on your feet or rest sitting more often.

Pain in the abdomen can be a formidable sign. If they are pulling, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes discomfort in the stomach appears due to malnutrition.

Some pregnant women experience leg cramps at night, causing pain. In some cases, this even disrupts sleep patterns. This may be a symptom of a blood clot, so a doctor's consultation is required.

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It is important to know, especially when you consider that this period in itself is very important for the expectant mother. The third trimester is the final line, which brings a lot of surprises, troubles, and sometimes problems. The baby is about to arrive! There is very little left.

What did he prepare for the future mother? What should she prepare for? You can find out more about all this below. After all, this is a very important process, especially at its very end and beginning.


In general, whoever has ever encountered an "interesting situation" is aware of some perplexities of future young mothers who have just registered and are trying to determine what week they are in. The thing is that there are two options for the development of events. What exactly?

Interested in what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins? Then keep in mind: your data and doctor's testimony will be different. Approximately 2 weeks. After all, there is a so-called obstetric period and embryonic. They influence the readings. Which means they won't match. It can be difficult to answer from which week of pregnancy the 3rd trimester begins. But probably.


Most often, in order not to confuse and scare a woman, it is customary to take into account both options. The first step is to pay attention to the obstetric period. It is extremely important for setting the EDD (approximate date when you will give birth). Of course, it will take place in the third trimester.

The obstetric indicator depends on your menstruation. It is counted from the beginning of the last critical days. If you believe this indicator, then you can answer the question of which week the third trimester of pregnancy starts from, on your own, without the testimony and conclusions of a doctor. What will be the answer? The third trimester is, as you might guess, 27 weeks. It is from this period that you enter the finish line with such a long and important process.


But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It has already been said - there are two options. In the first case, obstetric, you can do without the help of doctors and determine everything yourself. But in the second, embryonic, only an examination by a gynecologist, as well as an ultrasound report, will give you the result. And accurate.

So, for example, be prepared for the discrepancy between the obstetric and embryonic gestational age. This is normal, it never happens that they coincide. In practice, the second indicator exceeds the first by about 2 weeks. After all, as a rule, conception occurs on the day of ovulation (from here the countdown of embryo development begins). It happens closer to the middle of the cycle, on average after 14 days.

From what week of pregnancy does the 3rd trimester begin in this case? Only your doctor will answer you, who observes the difference between obstetric and But if we take the generally accepted indicators of 2 weeks, then 25 (relative to the first day of the last menstruation) already begins The final stage your baby's development. But the immediate beginning of the 3rd trimester for the mother remains the same - from the 27th week.

Attention, childbirth

So we decided on when the pregnancy can be called almost complete. Only now it is worth understanding the features of this period of time. There are a lot of them, much more than at the very beginning of the path of bearing the fetus.

What week does the third trimester of pregnancy start from? As it already turned out: with an obstetric period - from 27 weeks from the day of the last menstruation, and with an embryonic - from about 25. There is nothing difficult about this. Orientation will be more on the first indicator, it is on him that both women and doctors look up.

The thing is that already at the beginning of the third trimester you may start giving birth! Approximately on This phenomenon is called a spontaneous miscarriage or a similar birth process, premature. If the child develops normally, nothing bothers you, you should not panic much. The baby will be born in a natural way, just up to a certain point he will stay in intensive care, connected to special devices that will help the newborn, who has not yet fully formed, come out. Pretty rare, but it happens. Your doctor will usually warn you about the risk of preterm labor.


We have already found out from what week the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, already at the beginning of this period, one can encounter such a phenomenon as childbirth. But, as already noted, this does not happen so often. Therefore, it is worth considering a typical situation in which the expectant mother is equal to the DA.

The third trimester of pregnancy becomes a huge headache for women. Why? Already from 27-28 weeks and up to 30 inclusive (and this is about a month), you will be driven to the doctors. More examinations and tests! One donated urine is not enough.

The third trimester is remembered for many by running around the doctors. First, you need to donate blood for many hormones. Not too critical, but sometimes unpleasant. Secondly, gynecological smears according to indications. Thirdly, the passage of narrow specialists. This moment able to unsettle even the calmest pregnant woman. Very often, it is narrow specialists (for example, a therapist) who begin to raise unnecessary panic around a woman in position, prescribe many additional tests and studies, which is why the future woman in labor is not able to sign an exchange card in the maternity hospital and conclude an agreement. But it is inevitable, you have to be patient. When the tests are passed, and the doctors are passed, you will finally be given recommendations for delivery.

By month

We have already found out from what week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Or from 27, or from 25. It all depends on what period you had in mind - obstetric or embryonic. But now there is one more question that worries some people quite seriously: "And how many months are these?"

It is not difficult to guess (and count too) that the third trimester begins at the 7th month of pregnancy. And it lasts for 9 inclusive. Therefore, many consider the periods of the "interesting situation" not in weeks, but in months. This is much easier than specifying obstetric and embryonic periods.

From now on, we know when the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Moreover, now it is clear what you can mentally set yourself up and prepare for, especially if you are not too fond of taking tests and visiting doctors.

The final stage

What else can be said about the features that await the expectant mother in this period? For example, one should not forget that births that are normal for the development of the fetus, but not entirely suitable for the mother and doctors, are not excluded. Also premature, but resuscitation is no longer required.

The thing is that it is important to know how long the third trimester of pregnancy begins, because of the likelihood of childbirth during this period. The question is, when will they start? Quite premature and dangerous, equivalent to a miscarriage, occur at 28 weeks, but just premature babies are born at 36. This is normal.

Nevertheless, it is generally accepted by doctors that the body is completely ready for childbearing by the 38th obstetric week. And such births are normal. As practice shows, from 38 to 40 weeks they will definitely take place. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the expiration of the full embryonic period. It's not the most common occurrence, but it does happen. Now it’s clear from which week of pregnancy the third trimester begins. Get ready for this period! Start packing bags for the hospital!