Dresses for the new year according to the sign of the zodiac. How to celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster: recommendations for the signs of the zodiac. What not to wear to the celebration in the year of the Dog: traditions and predictions

May happen as early as the 20th of December. We think over the image - you can dress brightly for a corporate party, but not too sexy and open - do not forget that you still have to work there))) Bright accessories for a calm but luxurious look are a great way out!

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

These holidays can be found in very different places.


Time with family and friends! Home is comfort and warmth, softness and tenderness. It is better to avoid sequins and floral prints, too sexy cutouts and naked body... Velvet, cashmere, skirts, dresses of medium length, soft jackets and shoes with medium heels are a win-win option.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Party with friends

This is a more informal atmosphere, dancing, fun, laughter and a little radiance!

Option 1

Option 2

Try at least once to be only light colors, and you will see how it will affect your mood and everyone who will be around!

Option 1

Option 2

This is where you can really stand on the highest stilettos, put on the most luxurious earrings, make up your lips with the brightest lipstick, but you should stay within the dress code: long dresses with a bold neckline or an outfit of medium length, but with closed arms and chest. Asymmetric bottom and top cuts are also possible, dresses with an open 1 arm, or 1 knee, or 1 shoulder.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

How to!

But what about NO NEED celebrate the New Year in any company and in any context, even at a masquerade?

In little black jersey dresses that hug your body or hang all over the place! This is definitely not what is considered stylish and timeless.

In little multi-colored barbie dresses, secretly they were never stylish, and always too “cheerful” and too open.

In tight and sequined pieces, even if you have a luxurious body, they simplify and frankly reduce the cost of the image!

In copies from the catwalks or "star" exits - "stars" are people too and can be wrong.

In frankly yesterday's images - something forgotten from the closet or from a recent graduation. We want a new turn in our lives in the New Year and it means it's a sin to hold on to the old! ;)


  1. Write down all the New Year's events in which you will take part: corporate parties, going out, Christmas trees and matinees, meetings with friends, trips out of town, etc.
  2. Think about what you should be wearing on all these occasions.
  3. Review your wardrobe. Are all the necessary clothes, shoes and accessories available?
  4. If something is missing, there is still time to buy what you like and fit (and not what you can find at the last moment). Do it this week!

Special offer: Would you like a professional stylist to select clothes for you online according to your request, occasion, favorite color, texture and even budget? Then follow the link to the stylists.

In 1 day you will receive an individual New Year's look for your budget and you can immediately place an order! Hurry up to do it from 7 to 17 December and your clothes will be delivered to you by European Christmas on December 25!

Slowly but very confidently, we are approaching the most long-awaited event - the meeting of the New Year 2019. For most women, this is a real test, because you need to carefully prepare for it and decide what to wear or cook for a holiday in order to attract happiness and success. To do this, all signs of the zodiac should heed the advice of astrologers who will help appease the new mistress of the year - the Yellow Pig. To do this, you will need to create your own image that corresponds to all modern fashion trends (the most interesting ideas are presented in the photo).

According to the Eastern calendar, next year we will live under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig. This symbol guarantees positive changes in the life of each zodiac sign. Experts note that this animal has a calm and kind disposition. They are cheerful, cheerful, but at the same time quite reasonable.

Therefore, under the influence of such positive energy, next year promises to be more than successful. In order to thoroughly prepare, many astrologers recommend thinking in advance about what you could wear for the holiday, because only in this case luck will be on your side for the next 12 months.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the actual colors and shades that should prevail in clothes on New Year's Eve:

  • yellow (lemon);
  • brown;
  • gold;
  • beige (cream);
  • red;
  • blue;
  • black.

  1. The best outfit for celebrating the New Year is a dress. You can choose any style that suits your figure perfectly. For example, flared and light dresses are suitable for romantic girls, but women with a strong-willed character should take a closer look at the free style of the outfit.
  2. The classic combination of skirt and blouse remains no less relevant. But at the same time, you can diversify the usual set with a play of shades. So, choosing a mustard satin blouse, complement it with a lemon fluffy skirt.
  3. Trouser suits will be very popular, to which you can pick up several fashionable accessories.
  4. But men are unlikely to have problems with choosing a wardrobe. Basically, they prefer a conservative style of clothing and do not believe that they can attract good luck only through the right combination of things.

In any case, do not forget about personal preferences. Only in harmony with oneself a person is able to make the right choice.

New Year's Eve: choose outfits according to the zodiac sign


Representatives of this sign belong to the fire element. They are always very emotional, charismatic and stubborn. In order to emphasize these character traits, it is necessary to choose bright and saturated shades: red or purple. Aries girls can meet New Year's Eve in a long evening dress with a deep neckline, complementing the look with elegant high-heeled shoes and.

In addition, the following outfits will be appropriate:

  • dress with a straight cut, the length of which should be just below the knees;
  • silk blouse and trouser suit;
  • a light skirt with slits and a fitted shirt.

As additional accessories, you can choose a silk scarf, a clutch bag or exquisite jewelry. It is important that as a result your image is not vulgar.


You can experiment with style, but remember that it is simplicity that makes the outfit more sophisticated. The image will be harmonious if you stop at an evening silk dress of azure color. And for Taurus Men, you can pick up a fitted blue shirt. It is worth noting that there are some items and items of clothing that are completely unacceptable on New Year's Eve:

  • mini skirt;
  • fur trim on things;
  • long train on the dress;
  • any cat prints.

If the outfit seems too simple for you, then complement it with bright makeup.


For those who were born under this sign, public opinion is very important. Therefore, they always carefully choose each item of clothing. According to astrologers, it is in the coming year that many representatives of the sign will be able to find their love if they put on New Year's Eve

The main colors for the twins will be cold, silvery shades. It is equally important to choose the appropriate decorations:

  • large earrings;
  • massive bracelets;
  • shiny hairpins.

In this case, the selected elements must be paired. A great option would be a blouse with small sparkling sequins and a black pencil skirt.


Representatives of the water element should take a closer look at festive outfits in wine shades that can express the whole range of feelings of this sign. Crayfish are mysterious and romantic natures, so the main attributes of the New Year's image can be:

  • Carnival mask;
  • accessories made of feathers or flowers;
  • gold jewelry.

In addition, the color palette also matters. Warm shades are suitable for cancers: cream or peach. An ideal option would be a fitted dress with a floral print.

a lion

It is worth noting that people born under this sign are quite proud. They want to stand out from the crowd, so they often choose luxurious and outrageous wardrobe items. But on New Year's Eve it is better to get rid of unnecessary pathos and look at more elegant outfits. An ideal option would be an evening tight-fitting floor-length dress. The main colors are white and gold. Luck will be on the side of the Lions if they pick up outfits made of silk, satin or velvet.

The following accessories will help complete the look:

  • diadem or hoop;
  • gold jewelry (ring, bracelet);
  • elegant pumps.

    Do you take into account your zodiac sign when choosing a New Year's image?

FROM It should be noted that makeup and manicure should not be defiant. Here it is better to give preference to light and delicate shades.


Unlike other representatives of the earth element, Virgos have an innate sense of style. In their wardrobe there is always a place for feminine and elegant dresses. To make a lasting impression on your guests on New Year's Eve, you need to choose the perfect outfit.

There are several suitable options for this:

  • silk jumpsuit with a thin belt;
  • fashionable trouser suit;
  • medium length cocktail dress;
  • high heeled shoes.

The emphasis should be on chocolate and emerald colors.


Optimistic and cheerful Libra will be able to attract happiness and good luck if they celebrate the New Year in blue clothes. The perfect outfit for a girl is a light flared dress with sequins or other decorative elements. But at the same time, shine should not be too much. It is also possible that blue shades prevail only in additional accessories (belt, scarf, handbag). It is desirable that the product be made of velvet or velor.


The complex nature of scorpions most often resonates in bold and defiant images. But since the new mistress of 2019 loves simplicity and modesty, representatives of this sign will have to take a more responsible approach to choosing clothes. First of all, you need to consider the main colors of the outfit. These include:

  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • red.

In order to make an impact on others, Scorpio girls can choose a long fitted dress with an open back or neckline. In this case, special emphasis should be placed on the hairstyle, which should be done in a natural and casual style. For example, hair combed into a luxurious ponytail.


Self-confident Sagittarius will be lucky only if they adhere to a strict style. For men, classic suits in dark purple and blue are suitable. And women need to opt for an elegant sheath dress. Preference should be given to green, brown and purple shades. To make the image even more mysterious, you can pick up an elegant hat with a light veil.


Charming Capricorns are advised by the stars not to restrain their desires and pick up bright, New Year's outfits. Men can choose original shirts or ties, and girls can choose puffy dresses with hems or flowing pleats of various colors. For the New Year's celebration, outfits complemented by floral prints or unpretentious ornaments will be relevant (for ideas with photos, see below in the article).

Do not be afraid to show your individuality, because only then the Pig will be able to help realize all your ideas. Everything is possible this night - dance and have fun from the heart. And in order for your legs to withstand a heavy load throughout the evening, you need to choose the right shoes. The ideal option would be pumps with low heels or comfortable ballet flats.


In the new year, the following colors will be able to bring good luck to the kind, wise and honest Aquarius:

  • yellow;
  • gold;
  • brown;
  • beige.

They can be more restrained or, on the contrary, saturated, it all depends on the flight of your fantasies. Finishing outfits can also be varied. Rhinestones, feathers, lace and other additional decorations are welcome.

The only requirement for clothing is its convenience and practicality.


Representatives of this sign are distinguished by special kindness and dreaminess. There is room for many styles in their wardrobe as they are not shy about expressing their individuality. It is worth noting that it will be easiest for them to choose an outfit on New Year's Eve. You can safely experiment with the length and style of dresses.

The main thing is that they remotely resemble fish scales. "Successful" shades of the upcoming New Year will be:

  • turquoise;
  • ashen;
  • lilac.

Lightweight fabrics with transparent or translucent inserts are also welcome. The best jewelry will be pearl earrings and a pendant. The hairstyle should be light and slightly sloppy, so you can let your hair down.

This cheerful and long-awaited holiday will bring good mood to all signs of the zodiac. For everyone, this is a great occasion to meet your love, make new acquaintances or meet old friends. Undoubtedly, many girls expect big changes from the New Year.

According to astrologers, it is the right outfit that can bring good luck into the life of every person. Therefore, do not be afraid to try something new, experiment with styles and trends in clothing, but do not lose your individuality and natural beauty.

Fashion trends. The best dresses for the New Year 2019

Despite the huge selection of different images for the New Year 2019, designers advise choosing an outfit based on the main indicators of appearance, as well as the main fashion trends. The most popular clothing options that will be relevant on New Year's Eve include:

  • An elegant peplum dress is a real must-have in the wardrobe of every modern fashionista. It is suitable for almost all girls who want to emphasize their forms. Thanks to various styles (long sleeve, detachable peplum, strapless) you can stay stylish even in the cold season.
  • Crop Top Style. Such dresses will not leave any girl indifferent. The beauty of the style lies in a cropped top and a skirt of various lengths in the form of a case, a fish or a trapezoid (see the photo below in the article).

  • Brilliant dress. Chic golden and silver models delight others for several seasons in a row. In such an outfit, you can safely celebrate the New Year and be sure that the Yellow Pig will certainly mark you and bring success and good luck to your home.

: yellow, black and brown. As well as their shades - sand, olive, golden, coffee, ocher, khaki. White, cream or milky are neutral colors for the Dog.

The dog is positive and playful by nature. In the first place, the symbol of the coming year is sincerity and goodwill. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of money on a New Year's outfit. The main thing is that the clothes are chosen with taste.

This animal appreciates beautiful and unusual things.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces

These signs refer to representatives of the water element. In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog should pay attention to sand and lilac shades - it is believed that these colors can attract wealth, help in matters of health and arrange personal life.

You don't have to choose solid colors; a dress or suit can be made in several contrasting shades. Prints and drawings look original and unusual - the hostess of the holiday welcomes such decisions. One of the most successful for representatives of the water element will be drawings on oriental or geometric themes.

Beautiful ladies will look great in dresses made of weightless fabrics - silk, organza, chiffon, lace. For men, everything is much simpler: a win-win option is an unforgettable classic: trousers, a stylish jacket and shirt. At least one item of clothing must be yellow or sand: a tie, a scarf around the neck or a trouser belt.

As for accessories, it is better to give preference to classic jewelry made of gold or amber. Yellow shades will come in handy and will surely arouse the sympathy of the Dog - the symbol of the next year. Astrologers are ready to give advice to each sign separately in order to place accents, emphasize the individuality and exclusivity of each image:

Crayfish can bring a carnival mask to the party, decorated with flowers, sparkles and rhinestones. The horoscope promises representatives of this sign an amazing romantic story, and a mask, if necessary, will help hide sudden emotions;

For the meeting of 2018, Scorpio women are advised to wear stilettos, and the more original and unusual the shoe model, the better;

Pisces can wear a dress or blouse with a delightful tropical print. The abundance of flowers will become the personification of fun, joy and mutual love.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Representatives of the earth element were more fortunate than others: this element is the closest and dearest for the wise Dog.

Designers offer skirts, dresses and shirts in beige, brown, golden colors. The palette also captures other shades close to the earthly beginning - graphite, gray, terracotta. These tones are especially effectively embodied in smooth, sliding fabrics - knitwear, silk, satin. Decoration elements should not be overlooked either: motifs of flowers, greenery, forbs and the sky are very welcome - they evoke associations with outdoor walks.

When discussing styles for women, fashion designers highlight sheath dresses or A-line outfits. Such options are moderately restrained, but can look incredibly advantageous if they are decorated with stylish jewelry.

Virgos, accustomed to dressing brightly, for the New Year 2018 are simply obliged to emphasize their femininity and romance. It is better to celebrate the holiday in delicate, flowing dresses in the floor of sand shades;

ladies of the Taurus sign need to pay special attention to accessories. The best option would be massive, voluminous gold earrings - they personify wealth and success in all financial endeavors;

The main accent in the image of Capricorns should be an original handbag or clutch, this attribute will play the role of a luxurious cherry on the cake and attract the attention of others to its owner.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

"Dress brightly" is a constant motto for representatives of fiery signs. When meeting the New Year, it is better for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius to move away from the established rules and give preference to more restrained burgundy and pink tones. It is better to do without dresses with hard corsets, deep necklines, trains. If the outfit with bare shoulders has already been bought, you can add it with a light stole or a weightless scarf - this way the harmony of the image will be preserved and a kind of tribute to the rules established by the Yellow Earth Dog will be paid:

For romantic Aries, the best option would be a long dress of deep coral color. A blouse or suit made of noble natural silk is also suitable. As a decoration, you can buy long earrings, a ring with a large stone or an original hair clip;

Leo women, as in any other setting, should feel like real queens. A luxurious diadem or crown will come to the rescue; the accessory will not only emphasize the beauty of the hairstyle, but also make the image more regal;

For Sagittarius, a spectacular hat will be the perfect finishing touch. Models with a veil look very original - an excellent solution for those who want to surround themselves with an atmosphere of mystery and mystery.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

For fickle Aquarius, cheerful Gemini and optimistic Libra, green and blue shades are best suited. The same applies to prints - all variants of tropical, floral ornaments will be more than appropriate. After all, the dog loves to walk!

Paired bracelets made of gold or other yellow metal will help emphasize the individuality of Gemini. The accessory will become a symbol of openness and will demonstrate to the Universe that Gemini is ready for new meetings and acquaintances.

Lace gloves - that's what must be on the charming hands of Aquarius. They can be worn with almost anything; even a simple dress will look truly aristocratic if you complement it with such an exquisite detail.

When choosing festive decorations, Libra is advised to pay attention to beautiful dresses and blouses with shiny sequins and lurex. The main thing is that there should not be too much sparkle - you do not need to outshine the New Year tree with an outfit. Dazzling elements will definitely attract the attention of the Earth Dog and help to achieve its location.

Very soon, the long-awaited New Year celebration will come, which everyone is looking forward to. On this night, everyone has fun, because there is a well-known saying: “As you celebrate New Year's Eve, you will spend the whole year.” The fiery cockerel symbolizes the new year. But how to celebrate the new year 2018? This question worries many.

How to enter the New Year Aquarius? This sign has one very important quality. People born under the sign of Aquarius find the positive side, even if things are bad. According to astrologers, it is better for them to wear a long dress and trousers on New Year's Eve. Aquarius can wear a skirt or a suit, but the main thing is that the chosen outfit is bright, elegant and shiny. Any little thing can emphasize your sophistication. Follow all the tips and you will surprise the rooster, and he will delight you.

Aquatic zodiac signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water signs of the zodiac are distinguished by special emotionality and sensuality. Such people are not accustomed to hide their emotions. Water signs are very attentive, they are able to notice every little thing.

What to enter the New Year of Raku? These people will suit absolutely any outfit. For them, the New Year is a masquerade. Crayfish love to wrap themselves in something, which is why they love carnival costumes. In this outfit, they feel at home. The same goes for shoes. Cancers are looking for spacious and comfortable shoes so that nothing gets in the way of having fun until the morning.

How to enter the New Year for Scorpio? It is desirable for such people to choose clothes that will distinguish you from other people. Buy eye-catching accessories. You can include some element in your hair or put a brooch on your clothes. Turn on your imagination and purchase costumes in advance.

What to enter the New Year of Pisces? Such people should take a chance and put on something new, something that they have never worn before. Even if the outfit is not bright, but it will give a good impression. It is very important to choose comfortable and comfortable things. The outfit should evoke positive emotions in you. New clothes will allow girls to become shy and indecisive.

It doesn't matter which zodiac sign you belong to, as long as your outfit is bright and festive. People try to celebrate the New Year in such a way that the rooster becomes the patron of the whole next year. Many adhere to the advice of astrologers and dress according to the character and preferences of the symbol. Combine your outfits with a good mood. New 2018 year of the fiery rooster should be met joyfully and amicably.

Color features in a festive costume look

As the main colors for the New Year, all shades of red and yellow are distinguished. This does not surprise anyone, because the year of the Fire Rooster is coming. It is advisable to add at least one color from the presented shades to your image. You can use your favorite color in accessories.

It is better for girls to choose long dresses to the floor and it is better to purchase options for cocktail colors. Red sheath dresses will also be in demand. Marsala color suits will look unusually beautiful.

Men can surprise everyone with a pantsuit in bright colors, red, yellow or burgundy. The purple outfit will look original. Remember that the element of 2018 is fire. Please the symbol of the next year by combining his favorite colors. But choose clothes not only because of your own desire, but also based on the meaning of color:

  • As everyone knows, red means passion, love, power and fertility.
  • Yellow and gold shades represent prosperity in the family and health.
  • Blue and green are characterized by happiness and family well-being.
  • Lilac and purple shades mean prosperity.
  • Skills and skill are hidden behind the orange color.

When choosing an outfit, it is not necessary to use any one shade. You can combine trendy colors. Turn on your imagination and experiment.

What fabrics are best for making outfits?

Boring business suits are a thing of the past. New Year is better not to meet in blouses and straight skirts. The symbol of 2018 loves light fluffy dresses. Girls can purchase loose-fitting trousers. Such things will be comfortable, as tight clothes will hamper movement.

To create an image, it is better to choose natural materials:

  • velvet fabric;
  • satin fabric;
  • silk cloth;

Some people do not like to wear clothes with rhinestones or feathers. Men can opt for a dark suit. Young ladies without complexes can dress up in golden and burgundy colors. The symbol of 2018 loves order, so the owner must attend the holiday neat, clean and ironed.

What shoes and jewelry to choose?

It is not enough just to choose an outfit for the celebration, you also need to complement your image with various accessories. You can choose jewelry or bijouterie. Be sure to buy a small bag. If you celebrate the holiday at home, then the clutch will not come in handy, but in a cafe this attribute will come in very handy. The main thing is that the clutch fits the image.

Handbags can be decorated with sequins, pebbles or rhinestones. It is advisable to choose discreet and modest things. Remember an important rule, the brighter the outfit, the less jewelry you use. Among the stones, you can choose a ruby ​​or garnet.

Choose fashionable women's shoes with stable heels. A hairpin is also allowed, but it will be inconvenient to celebrate a holiday in it. You can wear ballet flats with rhinestones and stones. According to astrologers, if you choose the right New Year's image, then luck will accompany you throughout the year. The most important thing on New Year's Eve is to have a good mood, and the holiday will be successful.