How to store and care for natural stone jewelry. Cleansing and care Storage of natural gemstone jewelry organization

By purchasing some thing or object, we, as a rule, simultaneously learn both their properties and conditions of use. If this is clothing, then we are interested in what type of fabric it is made of, how to wash it, iron it, whether the colors will fade. If this is, for example, a flower plant, then we are interested in the conditions of its maintenance, the frequency of watering, the danger of drafts and dark places, etc.

For those who are already happy owners or just intending to buy stone beads, it may be useful to get some general ideas about the minerals from which these jewelry is made, and some tips for caring for them.

Natural stones have a variety of physical and chemical characteristics. Knowing and taking into account at least some of them, it is possible to provide proper care for natural beads and thereby prolong their "brilliant" life, and the owner - the pleasure of prolonged use of their favorite jewelry.

For starters, it's good to get acquainted with the value "hierarchy" of stones. There are several gemological classifications, but they differ slightly from each other. As a rule, all stones are divided into jewelry (precious), jewelry and ornamental and ornamental. Here is some of them.

jewelry stones:

  • I class - diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire;
  • II class - alexandrite, noble opal;
  • III class - topaz, aquamarine, red tourmaline;
  • Class IV - tourmalines (blue, green, pink and polychrome), beryls, amethyst, citrine, turquoise, chrysolite, chrysoprase, pyrope and almandine (red garnets).

Jewelry and ornamental stones:

  • I class - rock crystal, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), prase ( green quartz), jadeite, jade, malachite, charoite, lapis lazuli, aventurine, sodalite, amber;
  • Class II - agate, rose quartz, colored chalcedony (sapphirine, carnelian, carnelian), rhodonite, amazonite, labrador, iridescent obsidian, hematite;

ornamental stones: jaspers, petrified wood, marble onyx, selenite, fluorite, shungite, obsidian, serpentine.

For the manufacture of jewelry, such forms of stone processing as tumbling and cutting have long been used. Tumbling assumes an arbitrary shape with smoothed corners and a polished surface. On such a stone, the unique beauty of pattern and color is clearly visible. The cut is used to enhance the play of light and brilliance and is more often used for transparent and translucent stones. Cabochonization is an older form of gem-cutting, with this treatment the stone takes the form of a hemisphere.

A very important characteristic of minerals is their hardness. It varies for different stones from 1 to 10. Diamond has a hardness of 10 and it is eternal in products. Stones with a hardness of 7 and above can be called practically "non-wearable" - these are corundum, beryl, tourmaline, topaz, garnet, and also quartz.

Most of the well-known natural stones used to make beads, necklaces, bracelets, brooches and other jewelry are quartz.

The mineral quartz exists in two varieties: crystalline (found in nature in the form of crystals) and cryptocrystalline (not found in crystals).

Crystalline quartz of certain colors has its own names:

  • without color, transparent - rock crystal,
  • lilac-violet - amethyst,
  • yellow-golden - citrine,
  • gray-brown - smoky quartz (rauchtopaz),
  • dark brown or black - morion,
  • green - prase,
  • pink - rose quartz (crystals are rare),
  • blue - blue quartz (crystals are extremely rare).

The most famous variety of cryptocrystalline quartz is chalcedony (hardness 6.5-7). Chalcedony also have their own names depending on the color:

  • yellow-orange color - carnelian,
  • orange-red - carnelian,
  • yellow-brown and red-brown - sardier,
  • apple green, herbal - chrysoprase,
  • onion green - prase.

There is no clear line between carnelian, carnelian and sardier, sometimes all these shades can be found in one small piece of stone at the same time. If the chalcedony has a pattern or layering, this variety is called agate. If the stripes on agate are strictly parallel, then such a stone is called onyx.

As it turned out, all these beautiful transparent or translucent gems from the quartz family are very hard and have a beautiful glassy luster. Any products from them - for example, or amethyst, carnelian bracelets, rose quartz brooches - are practical to wear, as they do not lose their attractiveness over time.

Jewelry made from minerals with a hardness of 5-7, when used continuously over several years, may lose their original polish due to accidental damage.

Minerals with a hardness less than 5 are considered unstable, glass leaves scratches on them. Products from them require accuracy in wearing and storage (for example, fluorite beads), because. polishing fades over time, and if it is a cut, then the edges of the faces are rounded.

A large group of jewelry and ornamental and ornamental stones has another interesting characteristic - viscosity(or "non-brittle" as a stone can be hard but brittle).

  • Minerals with a hardness greater than 5 and high viscosity - jade, jadeite, charoite.
  • Minerals with a hardness greater than 5 and medium viscosity - lapis lazuli, rhodonite, amazonite, obsidian, jasper, aventurine, eye quartz (tiger, falcon and cat eyes), belomorite (a kind of moonstone).
  • Soft stones with hardness (3-5) - malachite, serpentine, amber, fluorite, marble onyx.
  • Soft stones with a hardness of less than 3 - selenite, alabaster.

Taking into account the above characteristics, it becomes clear why, for example, selenite beads or marble onyx beads are covered with a thin layer of protective clear varnish: it preserves and prolongs the original attractiveness of the jewelry.

It is not recommended to store beads with different hardness in one box. Beads made from harder minerals (eg cut crystal beads) will damage or even scratch the finish of softer stones (eg malachite, turquoise, selenite).

Beads made of malachite, lapis lazuli, amazonite and other stones of similar hardness are often strung through beads or knots. This is also a necessary element that prevents the beads from rubbing against each other.

Large beads made of carnelian, amethyst or other hard quartz varieties are sometimes also placed through a knot, beads or alternated with smaller beads so that the beads lie better and are not too heavy while maintaining the desired length.

Beads have long been strung on cotton or silk thread. This tradition has been preserved to this day, but new options have also appeared - "metallized" g thread and fishing line. They should not be afraid, these materials have their advantages. The wear resistance of natural and synthetic threads is approximately the same: both of them, unlike stones, are not eternal and tear when worn intensively or carelessly. The rupture of the bead string is successfully repaired, the main thing is to collect and preserve the most valuable thing - stone beads.

Bead locks are also a wear item. Which type of locks to give preference to is a matter of taste and habit, because. and screwed, and latched, and fastened with a hook - they all fail sooner or later, they should simply be replaced.

Some minerals have individual characteristics maintenance and care. Their chemical composition (for example, malachite beads) does not allow cleaning with detergents containing acids. Traces of etching will appear on the surface of the beads, and the polishing will be disturbed.

Turquoise is sensitive to the effects of organic substances (they are part of cosmetics) and can change color under their influence.

To increase the durability of amber beads, they should be stored in a dark and humid place.

Rose quartz beads lose their color saturation from prolonged exposure to bright sun (they should not be left on the windowsill without a box).

Therefore, before, namely, stone beads, it is very useful to get at least some information about the chosen mineral in order to ensure a long life for the jewelry you like.

Any jewelry from natural stones require not only correct use but also appropriate care. Which one exactly? First of all, it is necessary to follow various rules and recommendations, which, depending on the material, the properties of the stones and the particular product, may differ.

There is a huge variety of stones and jewelry from them, which is why care must be individual. In rings and rings, most of the dirt collects under the inlaid stone. You can clean such jewelry with a cotton swab soaked in cologne in advance - gently wipe the stone and its setting, and then lightly polish the ring with a piece of flannel or suede. It is strictly forbidden to use sharp objects to clean the frame of natural stone.

To facilitate this task, specialized compositions for cleaning and polishing metal jewelry with pearls or natural stone will help. If the jewelry has fasteners, then around them you need to wipe especially carefully. As a rule, the main dirt accumulates just in such places.

Emeralds, opals, garnets, lapis lazuli, amethysts, citrines, onyxes can be easily cleaned with a soft bristle toothbrush and warm water or a mild soapy solution. No less simple is the care of beryl and aquamarine, especially if the stone does not have inclusions. In addition, zircon, topaz, chrysolite and jade can be cleaned with ordinary rags and products. But jewelry made of rock crystal, coral and tourmaline is not recommended to be cleaned too often, it is also necessary to use only a very soft brush with warm (not hot) water for this purpose.

Pearls are cleaned with a damp cloth, you can lightly wipe with potato starch. Turquoise cannot be cleaned in soapy solutions at all. Turquoise jewelry should be washed only with distilled water, and in order to remove impurities on their surface, it is recommended to use an alcohol solution. Steam or ultrasonic treatment of rings, beads or bracelets made of natural stones is also unacceptable.

Very often stones are painted in more bright colors. Color fastness may vary. For example, porous materials such as coral, turquoise, or lava can easily release paint even with the slightest exposure to household chemicals. To care for such stones, use distilled water or dry clean without abrasives.

It is necessary to store jewelry in dark boxes, protected from light, then they will last as long as possible. Do not forget that jewelry needs periodic rest.

What is negative and alien energy in jewelry and why clean jewelry with stones from it? First you need to figure out which stones and why contain negative energy. How is decoration different? self made from jewelry that is mass-produced in a factory.

Jewelry with stones in our online store.

It has long been known that handmade jewelry is made in a state of inspiration, so to speak, loving hands every curl and every facet of the gem is processed. The artist puts his soul into the jewelry and creates it, as a rule, in the most sublime mood. The decoration, as it were, takes on the vibrations of its creator, absorbs the good energy emanating from him. And such a decoration is created in a single copy for the owner, who will receive with him everything that the author has invested during the work.

Now imagine the stones (about metal, if it is not from a noble family and out of the question), which are produced daily at the factory in huge quantities. They are processed by machines and people who bring their experiences to work from home. Offended and charged gems can take revenge on future owners.

A separate conversation about jewelry bought in antique shops. Such specimens carry truly magical properties, starting from a birth curse and ending with incredible luck. Such a decoration has absorbed the energy of perhaps more than one owner and is a real translator of who knows what kind of energy.

The whole point is that you need to “demagnetize” - clean all jewelry, with the exception of those that were made especially for you by good hands.

Cleaning jewelry from someone else's energy can be done with water, if there are natural stones, then salt water can lead to cloudiness, so use rain, well or melt water. Place the jewelry in a vessel of water, wrap it in black cloth and keep it there for three days, starting from the new moon.

Another way is to put the stones in a plastic bag and fill them with water, leaving some room for air, so you can clean the metals too, and freeze for three days. Then defrost and pour water into the toilet, as the negative energy turned into ice during freezing. Wipe jewelry with ammonia.

Jewelry with onyx and spar is cleaned only with the fire of a church candle. It is best to clean on a waning moon.

Since ancient times, gold has been compared to the sun and endowed with positive qualities, but the energy of gold jewelry does not always coincide with the human one. If you feel uncomfortable when you wear gold, then it is better to take it off when possible, or pay attention to silver, which in its positive effect is several times superior to expensive gold jewelry.

Any gem needs care and regular cleaning (regardless of its use, wear as jewelry or use in medical procedures). Especially important point- this is the cleaning of stones and crystals just bought in the store.

The easiest way to clean stones and crystals is to put the stone in whole rice. Those. take a container, pour whole rice and put your crystals inside (so that the rice completely covers the stones) and leave for a day. After 24 hours, the rice will absorb all the negative energy, and the crystal will be renewed, charged, and you can already use it in your work. Rice can be used a couple more times, but be sure to throw it away afterward (do not cook food!).

Another simple option for cleaning stones and crystals is to put them in the sun. It will be especially good after cleaning with rice (rinse in water and put in the sun). So the crystals will gain more great amount positive solar energy! But there are exceptions (for example, amethyst and citrine), they must not be exposed to sunlight otherwise they will fade!

Crystals can be given to other people for use, but be sure to clean after! Exceptions are crystals - amulets that serve your specific purposes. We do not give such crystals to anyone (even just to hold)!

Pay attention to our online catalog of healing crystals.

There is general rule clearing stones and crystals by dates! Best time for such a procedure, these are the last 3 days of the lunar month (28, 29, 30). Those. right before the new moon. This is due to the fact that during the full moon, crystals gain energy, i.e. after cleaning, the stone has the ability to charge well.

Stones should ideally be kept separate from each other. There are even special bags (made of silk, cotton or linen) for storing stones. It all depends on your work with stones. If you use for yourself, you can keep it in one place. And when wearing it, it is desirable that the stone be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corresponding chakra.

Purification of stones and crystals - different methods, more:

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the properties of your stone before you start cleaning it.

Cleaning stones and crystals with water. This method has already been presented previously. If you clean at home, you can put the crystal in a bag and hang it on a faucet. Or take spring water in a glass, place a stone there.

Cleaning stones and crystals by the sun - we place the stone in the sun with water (for about 30 minutes). The stone will be cleansed and filled with positive solar energy.

Cleaning stones and crystals with salt - pour salt into a container, place our stone there for 3-4 hours. After the salt must be thrown away!

Cleaning stones and crystals with saline water - prepare salt water, preferably in crystal glassware Let's put a stone in there. Cleaning will take about 1-2 hours.

Cleaning stones and crystals with soapy water - dilute a warm soapy solution in a porcelain (crystal) container. We place a stone there and place it all in the sun. For this cleaning method, 2 hours is enough.

Cleaning stones and crystals with earth is a good method for precious stones. We bury stones in the ground for the night.

Cleaning stones and crystals with natural sea water - if possible, we take sea water and wash the stones in it. Then we leave them to lie down in sea water for 3 hours.

Most crystals are very fond of sunlight and will be very happy if you periodically place them in daylight sunlight. This is especially true for stones that you constantly use. But there are exceptions (amethyst, citrine).

You can wash the stone with water every day, it will only get better from it.

It happens that stones are also cleaned with washing powder, but this is if their hardness index is more than 5. These are stones such as ruby, aquamarine, quartz, sapphire, emerald, diamond, topaz, ordinary beryl. But we do not use if this jewelry is made of soft metal (silver). At the end of cleaning, wash off the solution with distilled water.

For stones with a hardness index of less than 5, a softer medium is useful - a soapy solution. These are stones: chrysolite, lapis lazuli, malachite, apatite, ruby, opal, sunflower, moonstone.

When cleaning ruby, alexandrite and sapphire, in addition to a soap solution, use ammonia. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of alcohol and about 0.5 cups of water for the solution. After cleaning, rinse the gems with warm water.

Purification of stones and crystals using ultrasound. This method clears amethyst, rock crystal and citrine!

Such a stone as turquoise is not very friendly with acidic and soapy solutions. It will fade and lose properties.

Purification of stones and crystals. There are still very interesting way cleaning stones and crystals is to place them overnight on an amethyst brush (this is an elongated cut of amethyst with small germinating crystals). They create a very powerful and high energy background, clearing out all the low negative energy.

You can also use quartz brushes. They, like amethyst, have a very high energy background.

And further...

Caskets made of serpentine: -This stone is the most powerful space purifier. Putting jewelry in such a box, it will undoubtedly be cleaned!

Rules for caring for stone beads

How to care for beads made of natural stones.

Mineral products do not lose their value over time. On the contrary, their price increases from year to year. Therefore, it is customary to pass on jewelry made from natural minerals by inheritance, to give. But for this it is necessary that the beads made of semi-precious stones retain their original beauty, do not fade, do not burn out. Beads should not be scratched, chipped, cracked.

Storage of beads made of natural stones

If you wear jewelry every day, you can purchase special bead holders for storage. But do not put them in direct sunlight or near heating appliances. Temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to gems. Beads fade, lose their luster. And, for example, turquoise can fade under the influence of sunlight.

If natural stone beads need to be put away for storage, then each product is packed in an individual linen bag. It can be made of natural velvet, silk, linen.

If you use a box for storage, then it should also be made of natural materials and lined with a soft cloth. But cotton wool should not be used for these purposes. In its production, chlorine could be used, which will negative impact on a stone. It is better to store each string of beads in an individual compartment.

It is especially necessary to ensure that beads made of hard (garnet, agate, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, kyanite, jasper, jadeite, aventurine, labradorite) and soft minerals are not stored together. So you will avoid scratches and abrasions on products with low hardness (lapis lazuli, obsidian, turquoise and others). It is preferable to place a vessel with clean water in a room with low air humidity, next to the place where natural stone beads are stored. In homes with high humidity, place a piece of chalk in the bead bag.

Cleaning beads from natural stones

To clean the products from gems, they are washed in warm water with soapy suds. Then the beads are rinsed and dried. With extreme caution, you should approach jewelry made of turquoise, pearls, corals. In a saturated soapy solution, the stones fade. They can be cleansed with salt. To do this, a tablespoon of coarse salt is poured into a linen bag with the product and rinsed in warm water until the salt is completely dissolved. You can add 6 drops of ammonia per 200 ml of water to the rinse water. Excess moisture from the beads can be removed by rubbing them with potato starch.

Most stones are able to react to aromatic substances and oils that are part of cosmetics and perfumes, as well as to chemical compounds, high temperature. Therefore, remove beads made of natural stones before visiting the pool, shower or sauna.

Keep perfume away from jewelry. Natural stones "for life" require recharging with the energy of the human body, its warmth. Do not leave mineral beads for a long time without attention. From time to time they need to be put on or just held in your hands. Remove and put on the beads should be with the utmost care, without stretching the product and making sure that the beads do not beat one against the other.

Show due attention and care to natural stone jewelry, and gemstone beads will delight you for many years.

Natural stones have a variety of physical and chemical characteristics. Knowing and taking into account at least some of them, it is possible to provide proper care for natural beads and thereby prolong their "brilliant" life, and the owner - the pleasure of prolonged use of their favorite jewelry.

For starters, it’s good to get acquainted with the value “hierarchy” of stones. There are several gemological classifications, but they differ slightly from each other. As a rule, all stones are divided into jewelry (precious), jewelry and ornamental and ornamental. Here is some of them.

jewelry stones:

  • I class - diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire;
  • II class - alexandrite, noble opal;
  • III class - topaz, aquamarine, red tourmaline;
  • Class IV - tourmalines (blue, green, pink and polychrome), beryls, amethyst, citrine, turquoise, chrysolite, chrysoprase, pyrope and almandine (red garnets).

Jewelry and ornamental stones:

  • Class I - rock crystal, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), prazem (green quartz), jadeite, jade, malachite, charoite, lapis lazuli, aventurine, sodalite, amber;
  • Class II - agate, rose quartz, colored chalcedony (sapphirine, carnelian, carnelian), rhodonite, amazonite, labrador, iridescent obsidian, hematite;

ornamental stones: jaspers, petrified wood, marble onyx, selenite, fluorite, shungite, obsidian, serpentine. For the manufacture of jewelry, such forms of stone processing as tumbling and cutting have long been used. Tumbling assumes an arbitrary shape with smoothed corners and a polished surface. On such a stone, the unique beauty of pattern and color is clearly visible. The cut is used to enhance the play of light and brilliance and is more often used for transparent and translucent stones. Cabochonization is a more ancient form of gem cutting; during such processing, the stone acquires the shape of a hemisphere. A very important characteristic of minerals is their hardness. It varies for different stones from 1 to 10. Diamond has a hardness of 10 and it is eternal in products. Stones with a hardness of 7 and above can be called practically “non-wearable” - these are corundum, beryl, tourmaline, topaz, garnet, and also quartz. Most of the well-known natural stones used to make beads, necklaces, bracelets, brooches and other jewelry, refers to quartz. The mineral quartz exists in two varieties: crystalline (found in nature in the form of crystals) and cryptocrystalline (not found in crystals). Crystalline quartz of certain colors has its own names:

  • without color, transparent - rock crystal,
  • lilac-violet - amethyst,
  • yellow-golden - citrine,
  • gray-brown - smoky quartz (rauchtopaz),
  • dark brown or black - morion,
  • green - prase,
  • pink - rose quartz (crystals are rare),
  • blue - blue quartz (crystals are extremely rare).

The most famous variety of cryptocrystalline quartz is chalcedony (hardness 6.5-7). Chalcedony also have their own names depending on the color:

  • yellow-orange color - carnelian,
  • orange-red - carnelian,
  • yellow-brown and red-brown - sardier,
  • apple green, herbal - chrysoprase,
  • onion green - prase.

There is no clear line between carnelian, carnelian and sardier, sometimes all these shades can be found in one small piece of stone at the same time. If the chalcedony has a pattern or layering, this variety is called agate. If the stripes on agate are strictly parallel, then such a stone is called onyx. As it turned out, all these beautiful transparent or translucent gems from the quartz family are very hard and have a beautiful glassy luster. Any products from them - for example, agate or amethyst beads, carnelian bracelets, rose quartz brooches - are practical to wear, as they do not lose their attractiveness over time. Jewelry made from minerals with a hardness of 5-7, when used continuously over several years, may lose their original polish due to accidental damage. Minerals with a hardness less than 5 are considered unstable, glass leaves scratches on them. Products from them require accuracy in wearing and storage (for example, fluorite beads), because. polishing fades over time, and if it is a cut, then the edges of the faces are rounded. A large group of jewelry and ornamental and ornamental stones has another interesting characteristic - viscosity(or "non-brittle" as a stone can be hard but brittle).

  • Minerals with a hardness greater than 5 and high viscosity - jade, jadeite, charoite.
  • Minerals with a hardness greater than 5 and medium viscosity - lapis lazuli, rhodonite, amazonite, obsidian, jasper, aventurine, eye quartz (tiger, falcon and cat's eyes), belomorite (a kind of moonstone).
  • Soft stones with hardness (3-5) - malachite, serpentine, amber, fluorite, marble onyx.
  • Soft stones with a hardness of less than 3 - selenite, alabaster.

Taking into account the above characteristics, it becomes clear why, for example, selenite beads or marble onyx beads are covered with a thin layer of protective transparent varnish: it preserves and prolongs the initial attractiveness of jewelry. It is not recommended to store beads with different hardness in one box. Beads made from harder minerals (eg cut crystal beads) will damage or even scratch the finish of softer stones (eg malachite, turquoise, selenite).

Beads made of malachite, lapis lazuli, amazonite and other stones of similar hardness are often strung through beads or knots. This is also a necessary element that prevents the beads from rubbing against each other.

Large beads made of carnelian, amethyst or other hard quartz varieties are sometimes also placed through a knot, beads or alternated with smaller beads so that the beads lie better and are not too heavy while maintaining the desired length. Beads have long been strung on cotton or silk thread. This tradition has been preserved to this day, but new options have also appeared - “metallized” thread and fishing line.

They should not be afraid, these materials have their advantages. The wear resistance of natural and synthetic threads is approximately the same: both of them, unlike stones, are not eternal and tear when worn intensively or carelessly.

The rupture of the bead string is successfully repaired, the main thing is to collect and preserve the most valuable thing - stone beads.

Bead locks are also a wear item. Which type of locks to give preference to is a matter of taste and habit, because. and screwed, and latched, and fastened with a hook - they all fail sooner or later, they should simply be replaced. Some minerals have individual features of maintenance and care. Their chemical composition (for example, malachite beads) does not allow cleaning with detergents containing acids. Traces of etching will appear on the surface of the beads, and the polishing will be disturbed. Turquoise is sensitive to the effects of organic substances (they are part of cosmetics) and can change color under their influence.

To increase the durability of amber beads, they should be stored in a dark and humid place. Rose quartz beads lose their color saturation from prolonged exposure to bright sun (they should not be left on the windowsill without a box).***

Proper care of natural stone jewelry

no less important than observing the rules for wearing beads, bracelets and earrings. When caring for your jewelry, you need to follow various recommendations and techniques that differ depending on the product and material, the properties of the stones. There are a great many stones, as well as jewelry made from them, so you need to take care of individual approach. In rings and rings, most of the dirt accumulates under the inlaid stone. To clean such jewelry, you can use cotton swabs dipped in cologne. The stone must be carefully wiped along with the frame. The ring is then lightly polished with a piece of flannel or suede. Of course, you can not clean the frame of natural stone with sharp objects. To facilitate the task, you can use specialized products for cleaning and polishing metal jewelry with natural stones and pearls. If there are fasteners on the jewelry, you need to wipe especially carefully around them. In such places, pollution usually accumulates.

Amethysts, emeralds, garnets, citrines, onyxes, opals, lapis lazuli and rubies easy to clean with a soft toothbrush with mild soap and warm water.

Aquamarine, beryl and sapphire not intricate in care, especially if there are no inclusions in the stone. You can also clean with ordinary means and rags. topaz, jade, chrysolite and zircon.

Jewelry made of coral, rock crystal and tourmaline do not clean too often, using a soft cloth or a very gentle brush with warm, not hot (cold) water.

Stones such as turquoise, opals, and other stones of organic origin: pearls, amber, mother-of-pearl, corals, ammonites, petrified wood... . require the greatest care in cleaning. They cannot be cleaned with washing powders, they cannot be exposed to bleaches, they cannot be used for cleaning soda, ether, sulfates.

Pearl clean with a damp cloth, you can lightly wipe with potato starch.

Turquoise generally cannot be cleaned in soapy solutions. Turquoise beads or bracelets can only be washed with distilled water. To remove contaminants from them, a water-alcohol solution is used. Ultrasonic or steam processing of jewelry made of natural stones is unacceptable.

Amber- one of the most delicate and soft stones used in jewelry. It is fragile and requires careful handling and care.
It is desirable to store amber in a separate jewelry box to protect it from contact with metals and other materials; it is better to store each amber product in a separate bag or wrapped in a soft cloth. Protect amber jewelry from exposure to not only too high, but also too low temperatures. Temperature fluctuations are especially harmful for amber. You can not keep amber near heating devices and direct sunlight. Amber is very sensitive to chemicals, so apply hairspray and perfume 10 minutes before putting on amber jewelry, remove amber jewelry before washing dishes and washing, store amber away from substances such as lard and butter, and an ultrasonic cleaner and a steam generator are not suitable for cleaning amber, they will simply destroy it. Also, do not let the amber come into contact with the cleaners for others. jewelry and alcohol. Failure to comply with these conditions can lead to the formation of a whitish coating on amber, which will remain forever.

You can remove dirt, dust and sweat from an amber product with a flannel cloth soaked in mild soapy and slightly warm water. To polish amber and give it a shine, moisten olive oil soft cloth and rub the jewelry, not forgetting to then remove the excess oil with a dry clean cloth. If you follow certain rules for wearing, storing and cleaning amber products, the brilliance and beauty of amber products will please you for a long time.

Turquoise- one of the most ancient jewelry, many legends are associated with them, and there are also many ways to care for them. Animal fat has a very beneficial effect on turquoise, and vegetable fat harms turquoise. Turquoise is an unstable compound, over time it also loses its original color, it reacts especially painfully to soap and fats. Turquoise is porous, easily absorbs fats, aromatic substances and under their influence can change color. When washing hands, it is better to remove rings with turquoise. Jewelry and decorations are also sensitive to cosmetics, hairspray, powder, perfume, deodorants, sunscreen and so on. In addition, jewelry should be protected from vapours, greases and oils. And this applies to pearls in the first place.

Pearl- very moisture-loving, with a lack of moisture, it fades and cracks over time, also the enemy of pearls is high temperature, bright sunlight, polluted air, as well as our perfumes, creams and other cosmetics, where all sorts of fragrances are present. Pearls can be washed in a neutral solution of shampoo and warm water, and then rinsed with running water, you can also clean the pearls with potato starch, this helps to remove excess moisture and dirt. Pearls contain organic matter that can dry out and decompose, so pearls have a certain lifespan, then they fade, delaminate, and collapse. However, when properly stored, pearls do not lose their beauty for many hundreds of years. First of all, in order for pearls not to age, they must be worn. Pearls need to be looked after, even if you haven't worn them for a long time. Old pearls, if treated with a weak solution of hydrochloric or acetic acid will look better. It is advisable to store pearls in a special case or wrapped in a soft cloth separately from other jewelry and metal objects.

Opal- an amorphous stone, it cannot stay in the sun for a long time - it dehydrates, loses its iridescence, becomes milky white, and opal also does not like sudden temperature changes, which can cause cracks due to the large amount of moisture contained in the opal. Natural opals contain 6-10% water. Such a high water content in opal is due to the porous structure of this stone. This means that opals easily absorb not only moisture, but also perfumes, hairsprays, cosmetics, which, over time, damages this stone. Opals are not very hard stones like diamonds, so they should be protected from impact and abrasive materials; clean only in a soapy solution, as well as amber - ultrasonic and steam treatment is contraindicated for opal. To maintain the necessary moisture, prevent cracking and dehydration, opal jewelry is smeared from time to time with a soft cloth with a small amount of glycerin.

In addition to turquoise, opal and pearls, rubies, blue topaz, garnets and some other tinted or artificially irradiated stones lose their color in bright sunlight, so jewelry with them should be stored in the dark and preferably in a jewelry box. There are recommendations for various stones for all occasions: amethysts, ametrines, aquamarines, garnets, peridots, topazes, tourmalines, citrines, suitable for everyday wear, but avoid direct contact with them sun rays, heating and contact with chemicals that can change color.

Yellowed ivory can be immersed in a bleach solution containing chlorine for 10 minutes. The most convenient and safest way to care for jewelry with precious stones is to use special “jewelry cosmetics”. A wide range of various cleaning products (liquids, foams, wipes) are now being produced, designed to care for all types of natural stones and gold, platinum and silver alloys. It is better to store jewelry separately, preferably in boxes or cases. In addition, give them a rest, which is occasionally necessary for all jewelry.

SILVER AND CARE925, also called "sterling", is an alloy of 925 parts of silver with 75 parts of an alloying metal (traditionally copper is taken as such). This means that such an alloy contains 92.5% silver.

Silver in its pure form is too ductile, products made from it are highly soft, so this precious metal must be strengthened by introducing other metals into its composition. Due to the fact that copper ions are perfectly integrated into the crystal lattice of silver, they use it. The higher the concentration of silver in the alloy, the higher the sample. An alloy of 925 sterling silver may have a characteristic pinkish tint, which can be explained by the presence of copper in the composition of the alloy, but this opinion is erroneous. The shade of pink is natural for the sulfide film that forms on the surface of silver items when this metal interacts with traces of hydrogen sulfide in the air. High humidity speeds up the process, and the product may fade, and then turn black.

According to the most common version, the name of the alloy "sterling" has English roots and literally means "eastern lands", since Germany paid for the supplied goods with silver coins of this quality. Later, silver coins became stronger in England itself, becoming the national currency. 240 of these coins weighed exactly 1 pound, hence the name "pound sterling".

Silver "Ag" (according to Mendeleev's classification) - element 11 of group 5 of the period with number 47, has a specific gravity of 10.5 g / cu. cm, plastic, malleable. The origin of the name comes originally from the words "white", "brilliant". Its long history is connected with the fact that silver is found in nature, due to its high chemical activity, in much smaller quantities than gold, in the form of nuggets, so silver mining has been known since ancient times. Repeatedly in history, nuggets weighing 20 tons were mined. Silver is used to make dishes, jewelry and coins.

Silver is the second most sought after precious metal in the world. Silver is used to create jewelry the highest standard(silver 925), while silverware is made from low-grade raw materials (you can recognize the sample on a special marking on the product). In addition, the popularity of silver is explained by the fact that jewelry made from this metal is the most democratic in the world. If not everyone can wear gold, then silver jewelry is suitable for almost everyone. Due to the highest electrical conductivity among metals at room temperature, it is widely used in electronics, and due to its disinfectant properties, also in medicine. But in 2008, it was proved that the minimum concentration of silver in water, necessary to kill bacteria, is too high and dangerous to human health.

Silver also has weight in religious teachings and cults, including because of its color associated with the moon. Included in the list of "noble" metals, does not oxidize and does not dissolve in acids, indifferent to the presence of alkalis. The weak point of this metal is the ability to react with sulfur and oxidize, causing its surface to darken. To combat corrosion, silver items are sometimes coated with rhodium or lacquer, but in general there is no protective coating, so regular care is required for silver items.

925 sterling silver has a light reflectance close to 100%, so it is the most advantageous material for diamond jewelry because White color jewelry allows the brilliance of the diamond to be fully expressed. Silver items with precious stones, especially those with diamonds, need constant care, as silver darkens over time, which negatively affects the brilliance of the stones.

Silver cleaning

Prevention of tarnishing of silver products consists in monthly wiping the product with a flannel, suede cloth or felt
. The use of abrasive materials is strictly not recommended, because they can damage the surface of the metal, and in the future it will only be possible to clean it by polishing, often only in jewelry workshops. For this silver item pre-soaked in soapy water, rinsed thoroughly, dried, and then polished with flannel or suede. Choose non-metallic utensils for cleaning. Specialized cleaning products have also been developed for silver, which can be purchased at jewelry stores.

In addition to cleaning silverware by special means, there are also several alternative cleaning methods. Before cleaning any of them, hold the product in soapy water and rinse well. Consider several ways to clean 925 sterling silver.

Soda cleaning

It is necessary to make a solution in the proportion of 50 g of soda per 1 liter of hot water. It is necessary to gently wipe the surface of the silver object with a flannel soaked in the solution. If the contamination is very strong (blackening), a mushy solution of soda in water should be made, and very little water is needed. The resulting mass is carefully applied to the surface and easily polished to avoid scratches.

Cleaning with ammonia

Ammonia and chalk are mixed to form thick porridge applied to the object and left to dry. After the mixture has completely dried, the product must be thoroughly washed and dried. This method has an alternative. Ammonia dissolves in water in a ratio of 1:10. The tarnished silver item is placed in the solution for 15-20 minutes, after which it must be rinsed with water and wiped with a soft flannel cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide cleaning

Hydrogen peroxide does a very good job of cleaning fine gold and silver jewelry, but be aware that it reacts well with other metals. Therefore, if you do not know the grade of the alloy or are not sure about the alloying additive in your product, do not use this method, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.

Sterling silver 925 with precious stones and pearls requires special attention. When cleaning jewelry with precious stones, you should try to use only special cleaning products. If this is not possible, then you can use a solution of ammonia in water in the proportion of 6 drops of alcohol per 1 glass of water. In the case when the item is encrusted with pearls, it is better to rinse it more often in soapy water. After rinsing, the product is wrapped in a soft linen cloth, to which 1 teaspoon of salt must be added, and rinsed again under running water until all the salt is washed out. In no case should you clean such products with ammonia, it negatively affects the color of pearls.


Unlike artificial and synthetic, natural stones require careful and regular care. Daily used modern cosmetic and hygiene products, as well as household chemicals contain various chemical elements and their compounds that adversely affect gold alloys and precious stones.
Therefore, it is recommended to remove jewelry without fail before face and hand skin care procedures and applying makeup, and put them back on after they are completed. Also not recommended in jewelry with natural stones do housework, take a shower, visit the sauna and swimming pool. It is recommended to remove jewelry during sports activities so as not to damage it or lose it.

If you notice that the stone in your jewelry has become somewhat dull and has lost its luster, it must be cleaned and accumulated dirt removed. Give it a few minutes and rinse in a solution of water with ammonia (5-10 drops of alcohol per glass of water) or put in a warm solution for several hours washing powder then rinse and dry. So you can update products with topaz, beryl, aquamarine, amethyst, citrine, chrysolite, garnet, tourmaline, chrysoprase. It is better not to use a soapy solution, because. it can form a greasy film (especially on topazes) due to its fat content.

Particularly careful care is required for products with "living" gems - natural turquoise, coral, pearls, mother-of-pearl and opal. Products with coral are recommended to be washed in a clean cold water and wipe with suede or flannel. You can remove fatty deposits from pearls or mother-of-pearl by rinsing it in clean warm water and drying it.

Products with natural turquoise are not recommended to be washed at all, moisture is contraindicated for it, because. Turquoise is a very hygroscopic mineral and can change color when exposed to moisture. Products with turquoise should be cleaned with dry suede, flannel or woolen cloth. Also, noble opal requires extremely careful care. This mineral contains a large number of moisture. With prolonged exposure to the sun, it dehydrates, and with a sharp cooling, the moisture in the mineral crystallizes. All this can cause cracking. Products with opal are recommended to be washed with water more often.

All jewelry should be stored in a closed box or box away from heating appliances. Never store products in the bathroom, as there is high humidity.

Artificially irradiated stones, such as topaz, fade when stored in bright sunlight. Rubies, garnets and turquoise are also afraid of the light, so always put them in a box.

All products with stone inserts must be protected from exposure to rapidly changing temperatures. For example, a ruby ​​from strong heating can completely lose color.

Aquamarine Care

The main factor to consider when caring for an aquamarine is its density. This stone is considered strong and durable to wear. Apart from this, aquamarine jewelry is best stored separately from other jewelry to avoid scratches. The most important thing to remember is not to allow the aquamarine to come into contact with chemicals such as alcohol or ammonia, which can cause irreparable damage to the stone.

If you need to clean your aquamarine, you can do so with warm, soapy water. To do this, add some dishwashing liquid to a container of warm water, put the aquamarine jewelry in it for a few minutes and then clean it with a soft toothbrush. Be careful with the frame, as strong friction with the brush can loosen it, and the stone can fall out of it. Finally, rinse the jewelry with clean water to remove any soap suds from it.

Since aquamarine can be combined with any precious metal you need to know how to clean it. If it is silver, then you can polish it with a special napkin for jewelry. If an aquamarine is set with gold, then you can clean it in the same way as the stone itself. The same goes for tungsten and stainless steel.

Under no circumstances should you use synthetic detergents or products with enzymes to clean your aquamarine, as they can lead to allergic reactions. Do not clean the stone with an ultrasonic cleaning machine either. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, hot steam, contact with cosmetics and various sprays on aquamarine.

Jasper Care

Products with jasper inserts must be cleaned by hand, cotton swab, carefully protecting stones from cleaning solutions. Rinse them only with warm water.

agate care

The stone does not like direct sunlight. Do not leave it on the windowsill or in the yard in the sun, otherwise it will lose its rich color, becoming faded.

Agate products are polished, so they look smooth. Because of this, figurines and jewelry get very dirty. But do not rush to wash them with aggressive detergents - use mild hand soap.

The stone is able to contain all the bad that was intended for its owner. So, it is better not to store it in a box with other jewelry, so that negative energy did not switch to them. Find a separate "house" for your amulet and do not forget to clean it at least several times a month.

Remember that when treating stones, it is important to follow some rules. If the sessions are not regular, you should not count on a positive effect. But do not think that the more you hold the stone on the affected area, the sooner you will recover.

Let the talisman rest and be sure to clean it up. After all, sooner or later he will absorb too much negative energy and stop absorbing it. To prevent this, leave the amulet overnight in a glass of salt, and in the morning rinse under running water.

Amethyst Care

Like many other minerals, amethysts do not like frequent exposure to direct sunlight, so the stone must be stored in a dark place, preferably wrapped in a soft cloth;
Also, caring for amethyst involves protecting it from exposure. high temperatures- under their influence, the mineral loses its color and its aesthetic qualities;
Protect the stone from contact with various kinds of chemicals, including household detergents;
Once or twice a month, the stone must be kept under running water so that it gets rid of the negative energy with which it is charged;
If the amethyst is cloudy, then it must be cleaned. Of course, it is better to rely on professionals in this matter. In jewelry workshops, amethyst is cleaned using ultraviolet light. However, there are ways to clean amethyst yourself at home. To do this, you need to make a soapy solution and rinse the stone thoroughly in it. You can also use a soft brush (for example, a toothbrush) and gently clean the mineral with it.
There may be other ways to purify amethyst, but this is the most common.

Lapis lazuli care

First of all, it is worth considering that the care of lapis lazuli is based on its physical properties. Lapis lazuli is a relatively soft mineral. Try to store lapis lazuli in a bag made of soft, natural matter;
Try, as little as possible, to allow contact of the lapis lazuli product with water and chemicals, including detergents;
But you don’t have to worry about direct sunlight - lapis lazuli is not afraid of them and is not subject to fading.

Tourmaline Care

Tourmaline care involves cleaning the stone. The mineral can only be cleaned with soapy water and a soft cloth (it is better to avoid brushing). Remember that tourmaline does not tolerate ultrasonic and steam cleaning;
Of course, when doing household chores (washing, cleaning, cooking), jewelry with tourmaline must be removed;
The stone can magically deplete over time. To feed it, you need to periodically spread the stone in the sun - the sun's rays are the best "food" for tourmaline.

Pomegranate Care

Despite the fact that the grenade is often impossible to interact with water, it is possible to clean the grenade with water. To do this, you can prepare a soapy solution, dip a product with a stone into it and wait for a while. Then you need to wipe the stone with a soft cloth and rinse again. You can also use a special brush for cleaning jewelry stones;
You can clean the pomegranate with salt - sea or ordinary. To do this, you need to dilute the salt in warm water, then let the solution cool and dip the jewelry with the stone there. It is desirable that the pomegranate remains in the water for a while and only then can it be rinsed in cold water;
There are several ways to remove negative energy from a stone - by immersing a pomegranate in a container with flowers, herbs or petals, or in a container with salt.
As you can see, caring for a pomegranate is not a difficult process, but a well-groomed grant can bring a lot of benefits to its owner, provided, of course, that it is natural.

Turquoise Care

Turquoise is very sensitive and susceptible to environment. This stone quickly becomes dirty and darkens even from frequent contact with ordinary water, so try to protect it from factors that spoil it, such as chemicals, acids, frequent contact with water, interaction with sunlight, temperature changes, exposure to fats. Under the influence of all these factors, the stone changes its color over time, loses its external attractiveness, and there is an opinion that it even loses its magical and healing properties;
Cleaning turquoise with ultrasound, water, steam will only harm the mineral, so such methods should not be used in any case. For cleaning stones, it is recommended to use wool, suede, flannel. Unlike vegetable fat, animal fat also cleanses turquoise well and preserves its color. To process the mineral, you can use, for example, tail fat or lamb fat;
If the turquoise has lost its color, you can restore it by resorting to dyes, such as, for example, Prussian blue, aniline dyes;
Turquoise should be stored separately from other jewelry, especially if their inserts are stones with great hardness.

Chrysoprase Care

One of the main conditions for caring for this mineral is to keep it away from constant direct sunlight. Otherwise, the stone loses the saturation of its color, becomes faded. If this happens, wrap it in a wet cloth for a while;
Otherwise, caring for chrysoprase is similar to caring for other minerals - washing in soapy water, protecting it from interaction with chemicals, using soft materials when cleaning.

Larimar Care

Larimar can suffer from mechanical damage, try to protect it from this. It is better to store it separately from other jewelry;
Over time, the stone can burn out and lose its former beauty. Try, if possible, to protect it from constant exposure to sunlight so that it does not fade, then it will retain its color for a long time. lovely color;
Larimar is a sea stone, so he loves water. It is worth cleaning the larimar with water, while it does not have to be sea water - purified water, not salty, is quite suitable. You can also use a mild soap solution to clean the stone. An excellent option for cleaning the stone from pollution is water taken from a mountain source.

Energy cleansing and care of kunzite

Despite the fact that the hardness of kunzite is high and is 6.5~7.5 on the Mohs scale, due to cleavage (the property of the mineral to split in one direction), it easily splits along the length. Because of this, it is unstable to impacts, and therefore care must be taken when handling and cleaning it. Since it is fragile, do not apply much pressure to it. It is an expensive stone, so it is better to refrain from cleaning it with running water. Use moonlight and crystal clearing.

Tiger eye care

Protect tiger eye from scratches and sharp impacts. Also avoid large temperature changes. The stone is quite dense and hard, but still constant wear can lead to the appearance of microcracks on the surface, due to which the gloss will be broken. Eye of the Tiger rather chemically inert material and can be washed with warm soapy water using a soft brush.

Jade Care:

Jade does not belong to those minerals that need an overly reverent attitude. It is shockproof, scratch resistant, however, it is recommended to store it in a separate case or soft tissue;
Jade can be cleaned with a soapy solution, rinsing it thoroughly after washing in running water;
If the stone is not too dirty, it is enough to simply wipe it with a damp cloth, using force to rub it.

Information on the care of stones will be updated.

History of jewelry has its roots deep in antiquity. It seems that people have always sought to decorate their bodies. In part, jewelry was a talisman against the intrigues of enemies, in part - an indicator of status. Of course, gems were not always used. Claws and teeth of dead ancient animals, fruit pits, shells, wood elements - that's probably all antiquity jewelry.

Thousands of precious stones are known to the modern jewelry industry, and their number is constantly expanding due to new discoveries. According to the legends, precious stones in ancient times were the main symbol of health and safety. A simple pebble was considered a common common decoration, while jasper, quartz, obsidian, rock crystal played the role of a guardian. During the period of Babylonian civilization, malachite was studied, different types pearls and corals. If at the very end of the era of antiquity, about 80 minerals were known, including rubies, opals and diamonds, then by the beginning of the Middle Ages, about 400 types of precious stones were in demand.

Names of stones: historical terms

The names of many minerals in modern world do not match historical terminology. For example, ancient sapphires and topazes are now sold under the names lapis lazuli and chrysolites. Previously, transparent minerals with a red tint were called carbuncles, but now they are rubies. With the help of stones, jewelry was made not only for the body, but also for personal weapons, household appliances, and seals. Usually the application of precious minerals was carried out together with gold and silver.

In the future, diamond cutting was established, which made it possible to improve individual jewelry. If in the Middle Ages almost all jewelry contained large stones, then the Baroque era is known for its elegant and intricate details in jewelry. The high cost of precious minerals caused a cult of jewelry with them, so forging stones appeared already in the Middle Ages. People who could afford expensive items preferred to store them in secluded places, and use them for everyday wear. beautiful imitations. This period can be considered the first birth of the formation of the jewelry market. Usually fakes were used to decorate shoes or clothes.

The history of jewelry: the properties of minerals

There were several reasons for using natural jewelry, history highlights both the status function of stones and the magical abilities of minerals. In Israel, jewelry in the form of rings, pendants, anklets, and special vessels was the most popular. Only the nobility were allowed to wear such products. Simple people who did not have the opportunity to acquire a precious mineral, were forced to decorate the body with simple stones of no value.

Every person aspired to have at least one personal decoration with stone, because gems were considered a symbol of longevity. Depending on the type of mineral, a person could influence various areas of life, improve health, and drive away evil spirits. It is known that agates facilitate the course of infectious processes, amethysts perfectly cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins and avert alcohol. Hyacinth was actively used by warriors and travelers, as this stone has the ability to protect against misfortunes. Such properties of precious stones are still used today.

natural jewelry today

In modern realities, you can pick up jewelry not only for every taste, but also for every wallet. Stones, both semi-precious and precious, are actively used in individual jewelry. Finding the right product is not easy. When choosing, you should focus, first of all, on your inner feeling when in contact with the mineral. Do not forget about the magical properties of stones, with which you can strengthen your own health and improve certain areas of life. Properly selected jewelry with a stone will become a talisman that will be beneficial for many years.