Breast enhancers. Some interesting ways to increase breasts at home. strawberry leaf tea

AT folk medicine There are many recipes for breast augmentation that our grandmothers used. How effective can they be and how to use them? Let's try to remember the most popular folk methods and, perhaps, experience it for yourself.

The most famous means for increasing the bust is considered cabbage. The trace elements contained in it improve the hormonal background of a woman and stimulate breast growth. However, the most effective result can be obtained only in adolescence. Adult women, when eating a large amount of cabbage, will feel only a slight result.

Some women have noticed that regular use black tea with milk promotes breast enlargement.

It is considered effective fresh strawberry leaf tea with milk . The recipe is very simple: boil the leaves in boiling water, let it brew, then add milk.

A very useful and safe folk remedy for breast enlargement - walnuts with honey . Grind nuts, fill them with liquid honey and let it brew for about a week. Use a dessert spoon of the mixture 2-3 times a day.

Some women have been helped by another recipe for breast augmentation - bread crusts . They say that if you use them in large quantities for about six months, there is a slight increase in the breast.

Turmeric with milk - one of the oldest means for breast enlargement. One teaspoon of turmeric with milk should be eaten 3 times a day before meals.

In folk medicine, it is believed that the use of green apples, dairy and dairy products , chicken or fish, lemon juice, even red wine and beer. However, physicians similar means are skeptical.

Some promote breast enlargement decoctions of herbs . 1 tablespoon of hop cones pour a glass of water and put on water bath for 15 minutes, cool. Take 2-3 tablespoons of decoction 3 times a day. The result is always noticeable, the breast grows due to the hormones contained in the hop cones. Be careful, hormonal drugs affect a woman's health ambiguously.

Another effective way to increase the bust is moderate beer consumption . Here it is important not to abuse it so that dependence on beer is not formed and, in addition, there are the same drawbacks as in the recipe with hops.

You can also prepare a decoction of grains rye, barley, millet and corn , mixed in equal parts and brewed in plenty of water. This decoction is consumed 3 times a day before meals. At night, the chest is wrapped in rice porridge, and in the morning it is rinsed with chamomile infusion. However, the effectiveness of this method is not the same for everyone.

There is also such a recipe: 10 times alternately apply hot compresses with ylang-ylang oil and geraniums and cold compresses with sea ​​salt, then rinse the breasts with clean water and apply the breast tightening cream. However, it is dangerous to abuse this remedy, since frequent overheating and hypothermia contribute to the appearance of tumors.

Another recipe is to apply a mixture of 50 ml almond oil and 10 drops of ylang ylang and geranium every day after shower.

Also very effective applications from blue clay at night . They help to tighten the breast and maintain its elasticity.

Dangerous recipes that are undesirable to use

In some sources, you can find a dubious way to increase the breast - rubbing hemlock juice. This method is very dangerous for health, hemlock is a poison, so in no case try it on yourself.

There is an opinion that the breast can be enlarged with the help of mustard plasters. However, this method has not helped anyone yet, but there is a high risk of burning the delicate skin of the chest and the development of tumors, including those of poor quality.

A very well-known method among the people is iodine nets. In small quantities, it is safe, but ineffective. And with frequent use, such manipulations will certainly end in burns, or even worse - neoplasms.

People say that if you eat raw dough, your breasts will increase. In this case, you need to listen to the doctors: they warn that the result of such a diet is very doubtful, and side effects will not keep you waiting - problems with digestion and overweight will begin.

You can often hear the opinion that breast enlargement can be done with a large amount of fatty foods. There is some truth in this: the volume of the chest will increase, and at the same time the rest of the body will recover. It should be remembered that fatty foods in large quantities provoke diseases of the digestive system.

To achieve a noticeable effect, you need to combine folk remedies with physical exercise.

Before using folk remedies for breast enlargement, first of all think about your health. Do not experiment on yourself, appreciate what nature has given you.

Many women are not satisfied with the existing bust size. But they are not ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Actually there are effective means, which can actually increase the breasts by several sizes.

There are several methods for breast enlargement.

The internal structure of the mammary glands

The device of the female breast explains why it is impossible to pump up this part of the body and make it more elastic and voluminous. Inside each mammary gland there are ducts, glandular and adipose tissue. Muscles are almost completely absent there.

Based physiological characteristics of this part of the body in a woman, it can be concluded that the bust can change in volume after the birth of a child, when the lobules of the glandular tissue are filled with milk, or after weight gain.

What affects the size and growth of the breast

The mammary glands begin to change from puberty, which occurs at 13-14 years. After 18 years, breast size does not change. In the future, the volume of the bust depends on the natural level of the hormone estrogen in the blood, due to which the breast tissue swells at the time of ovulation and becomes less elastic if pregnancy does not occur.

Different ways help to transform the bust, if it still turned out to be not big enough. 25th anniversary count right age when is it better to correct the mammary glands surgically. But you need to know what else, besides the operation, you need to do to increase the size of the breast.

Visual correction methods

It is important for women to learn about small subtleties that help in a safe way breast enlargement:

  • The presence of a waist, regardless of the build and parameters of the girl's figure, noticeably emphasizes the bust.
  • Proud posture allows you to focus on the chest, which seems larger.
  • Loose clothing with drapery in the bust area makes it visually more voluminous. Wardrobe items in light colors and with large patterns on the chest have the same effect.
  • Bras with foam cups, anatomical inserts or push-ups lift the mammary glands, creating the appearance of a larger size.

These correction methods will always help out with insufficient bust volume.

Exercise system

Despite the fact that there is very little muscle tissue in the composition of the mammary glands, it is present in adjacent areas. Therefore, you can do exercises to lift the chest, from which it will appear larger. The change in size is achieved by working out the muscles with training and eliminating excess adipose tissue in the chest area.

There is a set of effective exercises, thanks to which the result will appear after 7 days:

  • Mahi. Stand up straight, close your legs. Alternately raise your hands, winding them as far back as possible. Do 5 repetitions.
  • Claps. Raise straight arms above your head, spread them apart and return to the starting position, clapping your palms at the top point. Repeat 10 times.
  • Martin. Lie on your stomach on the floor, stretch your arms and legs in one line. Bend the spine and raise your arms, fix the position for a few seconds. Perform 10 approaches. If this is difficult to do, then you can lean on your stomach on a small bench.
  • Raising the arms in the supine position. Take dumbbells, raise your hands above your face, spread them apart, return to the starting position, bring straight crossed arms behind your head. Perform 15 repetitions.
  • Lotus. Sit in a lotus position, fold your hands, as in prayer, press your palms hard against each other for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times. This exercise guarantees the development of the pectoral muscles.

Most good way enlarge breasts - physical exercises. The growth of the pectoral muscles leads to a change in the volume of the bust.

Breast massage

You can make your breasts more elastic after childbirth by taking special care of the delicate skin of this part of the body. By massaging the mammary glands, they improve their blood supply and tone. After childbirth, you can return the previous shape of the breast and make it bigger thanks to the following manipulations:

  • Stroking in a circle from the nipple towards the base of the chest.
  • Light tapping with fingertips.

With the help of massage with the addition essential oils you can increase the size of the breast, paying attention to the area under the mammary glands and the sides. Doctors do not recommend the use cosmetics during lactation.

Nutrition for breast growth

The mammary glands, like the buttocks, can be enlarged without implants thanks to a diet rich in useful substances. The list of products that affect bust growth includes:

  • walnuts with honey and lemon juice;
  • cabbage, useful with valuable vitamins;
  • milk and its derivatives;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and chicken meat.

To increase the bust drink a decoction with dill seeds. This infusion improves blood supply to this part of the body, stimulates tissue growth.

Certain foods will help you get closer to your goal.

Pharmacy funds

You can change the size of the mammary glands at home using hormonal pills that increase the breast by changing the balance of substances in female body. These funds stimulate the production of hormones - estrogen and prolactin, which are responsible for the growth of the bust.

Among the pharmaceutical preparations that increase the breast, there are:

  • Oral contraceptives, or COCs. The composition of birth control pills includes phytoestrogens, which are similar to female sex hormones. These agents, when combined with folic acid, promote tissue growth.
  • Compresses with heparin ointment improve the patency of the vessels of the mammary glands.
  • Vaseline massage stimulates blood circulation and changes in bust size.

Breasts can be enlarged with iodine. To do this, a mesh is drawn on the surface of the mammary glands daily with a cotton swab. This method is not suitable for problems with the thyroid gland and sensitive skin. The use of various drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

Traditional medicine

At home, you can increase the bust with folk remedies using creams with natural composition and various decoctions:

  • A few drops of linseed oil are added to compresses. Dill seed oil is also used.
  • A mixture of honey, crushed walnuts and lemon stimulates breast growth.
  • Massage with aromatic oils gives the skin firmness.
  • Drink tea from helba seeds to improve blood circulation in the chest.
  • Among herbs useful for the mammary glands, mallow is distinguished. A decoction of the roots of this plant increases the volume of the bust. 1 st. l. dry preparation is combined with 1 glass of water, boiled for several minutes, cooled, filtered. Three times a day, drink a sip before meals. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator.
  • A compress with soda accelerates blood circulation in the mammary glands.
  • Brewer's yeast is diluted with plain water in a volume of 1 cup per 2 tsp. The product contains phytoestrogens, useful for tissue growth.

Alternative drugs can cause an allergic reaction. They must be used with caution.

Masks, gels and creams for breast enlargement

Cosmetics can increase breast size by 1 size per week if used regularly. Creams and gels are of two types:

  • hormonal are more effective, but the mammary glands will return to their previous volume after the end of the course;
  • natural creams take care of the skin of the bust and décolleté, but have little effect on breast enlargement.

You can stimulate tissue growth with the help of masks:

  • Potato - mashed boiled potatoes are combined with 50 ml of cream and vegetable oil, add 1 tsp. honey, applied to the mammary glands, washed off after 20 minutes.
  • With blue clay - dilute the finished product to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on the chest until dry.

All remedies can have side effects. If an allergic reaction occurs, then the use of the cream, gel or mask should be discontinued.

Surgical intervention

If the volume of the bust is too small or the skin is stretched after childbirth, breast augmentation is carried out by installing implants. Thanks to modern technologies the seams at the incision sites are almost invisible, the breast looks like a real one.

The effect of surgery is visible immediately after manipulation. This method helps to increase the breasts for those who have already tried other methods to no avail.

Modern medicine offers radical ways to increase breasts

Hardware methods

It is possible to change the size of the mammary glands without surgery using devices that create a vacuum environment. A silicone cap is placed on the chest, from which air is pumped out. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes every day.

The results after using the device will be noticeable immediately. Adipose tissue begins to grow actively after such stimulation. However, the method is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications.

Bust shots

Breast augmentation can be done with hyaluronic acid injections. The drug is injected under the skin using a syringe with a needle. In this way, the mammary gland is changed by about one and a half sizes.

Injections hyaluronic acid carried out after examination by a doctor. The procedure is repeated as the effect disappears.

Precautionary measures

Non-surgical methods of breast augmentation are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the means, high tissue sensitivity. If you want to change the mammary glands by installing implants, plastic surgeons recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Breast surgery is not advised before pregnancy.
  • The increase is carried out no less than a month before the summer season.
  • With fibrocystic mastopathy, the operation can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

Girls under the age of 18 complete the list of those who cannot increase their breasts by any means. At this age, the mammary glands are still being formed. It is worth refraining from the use of external agents and tablets during pregnancy and lactation. With mastopathy, it is possible to perform various exercises, but the hardware technique is contraindicated. First of all, it is important to take care of women's health.

It is necessary to choose a method of breast augmentation only after consulting a doctor.

Beliefs and myths about breast augmentation

Some girls are contraindicated in changing their appearance surgically due to religious beliefs, for example, in Islam or for health reasons. These obstacles have provided fertile ground for a variety of misconceptions:

  • By using children food, bust size cannot be changed. This method is harmless, but will not bring results.

Large breasts have long been the subject of admiration for men, and for this, women enlarge their breasts with folk remedies. Women who have been deprived of nature have always tried to fix it. Plastic surgery has appeared only recently.

Our grandmothers tried to increase the volume of the mammary glands with the help of various infusions and compresses. A whole host of them have been created. Each woman can choose the option that is suitable for herself in order to become the owner of magnificent forms.

To choose a method for increasing the bust, you need to know what makes the breast grow well.

It's no secret that estrogen is the main factor in the formation of beautiful mammary glands. But it is very important to maintain hormonal balance.

The mammary glands are affected by:

  • Estrogens. There is an opinion that since estrogen determines how the breast develops, then in order for it to grow, you need to increase the amount of this hormone in the woman's body. To do this, take drugs containing estrogen or its analogue. This is very dangerous for health, since uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs can easily cause hormonal imbalances, which can have serious health consequences. Every woman's body produces as much estrogen as it needs. You can saturate the body with it without harm to health by using decoctions and infusions of herbs containing phytoestrogens.
  • Progesterone plays an equally important role in breast development. Every month it is excreted in the body. You can increase and stabilize its amount by using products based on medicinal plants.
  • Prolactin affects the growth of the bust from the onset of puberty and during breastfeeding. It also contributes to an increase in adipose tissue, of which the breast mainly consists. To control the level of prolactin in the body, you can consume an herb called fenugreek.

breast augmentation folk methods less effective than plastic surgery.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to increase the bust by several sizes with the help of medicinal herbs, but it is possible to improve the condition of the breast, make it more elastic, toned and one size larger. This will require maximum effort and will have to use all your patience. The result can be seen if you use folk recipes regularly.

Grandma's Secrets

Breast augmentation by folk methods involves the use of herbs, essential oils and the preparation of the right diet. These tools, combined with perseverance, will change the size of the bust for the better. The first changes can be noticed only after a month or two from the start of treatment.

Hop cones contain a large amount of phytoestrogens. Because of this, regular consumption of decoctions from these buds can help increase bust size.

But you have to be careful with this. Some women have experienced menstrual irregularities after taking.

Hop cone remedy is easy to prepare. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of cones with a glass of boiling water. The medicine must be poured into a thermos and insisted for about eight hours. You need to drink it in small portions 40 minutes before meals.

This recipe is quite dangerous, since the use of a decoction of hop cones can cause the development of a disease such as endometriosis and lead to a malfunction of the menstrual cycle and disruption of ovulation. Therefore, before trying to increase the size of the mammary glands in this way, it is better to consult a specialist.

Linden also contains phytoestrogens, but at a lower concentration than hop cones. In addition, it is very useful for the whole body and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare the remedy, you need to boil a glass of water and pour a tablespoon of linden into it. The decoction should stand overnight. Drink it in the morning ten minutes before breakfast. Drink the drink every day for a month. After this period, you need to take a two-month break.

Interesting fact: hundreds of years ago, a drink made from linden was popular among noble girls. Every year for two months, many drank this remedy to support youth and beauty.


Soy also has breast enlargement properties. It contains analogues of the female hormone estrogen. These are the so-called phytoestrogens. You can just eat soy meat or drink soy milk.

Soy protein shakes are great help - they contain protein, arginine and glutamine, normalize cholesterol levels, speed up metabolism. And most importantly in the process of breast augmentation - stimulate the growth and preservation of muscle mass.


This herb is often called female, as it contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. Fenugreek, combined with wild yam, helps to increase breast volume by several centimeters.

This tool can be used in two ways:

  1. You can mix equal amounts of fenugreek and wild yam and add a teaspoon of the mixture to your tea. You need to drink it in the morning.
  2. A fenugreek infusion works well. They need to wipe their chest every evening after a shower. After applying the decoction, the chest should be rubbed with a moisturizer or lotion. For a good effect, you can add a drop of vitamin E to the cream.

These procedures will perfectly affect the condition of the skin of the mammary glands and add a little volume in this part of the body.

Red pepper

Red pepper stimulates blood circulation due to which the volume of the breast increases. This folk remedy is very simple and economical, but you need to be careful. The recipe is contraindicated for women allergic to red pepper. Also, before applying the medicine, the nipples should be smeared with a fat cream. This will protect them from burning.

It is necessary to mix ground red pepper with vegetable oil. The composition must be applied to the skin of the chest, it is advisable to try not to get on the nipples. After that, the mammary glands must be wrapped with a warm bandage. You need to keep the composition on the skin for as long as you have enough strength. But not too long, otherwise you can burn delicate skin chest.

Red clover

Red clover will help to make the bust larger without surgery. It contains isoflavones and anticoagulants. These substances regulate the level of female sex hormones. That is why red clover affects the condition and size of the breast, allowing you to make it bigger and more beautiful.

To increase the mammary glands, a decoction is prepared from red clover. It is necessary to add 2 tablespoons of the plant to half a liter of water. The agent must be brought to a boil and boil for another half hour. Half of the liquid should evaporate. The medicine should be drunk 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. You can also wipe the skin of the chest with a decoction.


Many underestimate the properties of dandelions, considering them to be a common weed. But in vain. It contains many useful vitamins and minerals for the body. It is also recommended to use to improve the condition of the bust. Women of age can use a decoction of this plant so that the breasts do not sag.

Before preparing a decoction of dandelions, their yellow flowers must be picked and dried. A glass of boiling water should be poured over one flower and insisted for 20 minutes. It is necessary to drink the drug on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Breast massages

Not only folk remedies from herbs, but also massages will help increase the size of the mammary glands. They improve metabolism and accelerate the delivery of oxygen to tissues.

This is due to the improvement in blood circulation that is observed during massage. Need to massage breasts in a circular motion for 10 minutes. You need to do this every day after the evening shower. After the massage, you can apply a moisturizer.

Massages with such essential oils help to increase breasts:

  1. Ylang-ylang.
  2. Paluchi.
  3. Geranium.
  4. Primrose.

These essential oils contain phytoestrogens. A drop of each is enough. With gentle gentle movements, you need to rub the oils into the skin. You need to perform the procedure for two weeks, then rest for the same period, and then continue therapy again.

Perfectly tighten the skin of the chest dousing with cool water. It is necessary to start with a warm, gradually moving to cold water. The alternation of temperatures must be performed 4-5 times. Such a procedure will bring the mammary glands into tone, help them stay elastic longer.

It is also useful to massage with a jet of water. You can’t do too much pressure, otherwise you can injure the chest, but a weak pressure will not give any result. The water must be normal temperature so that the procedure does not cause discomfort.

The bust should be massaged in a circular motion. The duration of such a massage should be no more than 10 minutes. Reviews of women prove the benefits of this tool. Svetlana, 27 years old. “I was very complex about small size chest. There is neither desire nor means to go under the surgeon's knife, so I use folk remedies. Massages help very well in combination with compresses and creams. The skin becomes elastic and toned.

Dangerous Recipes

Some folk remedies can cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, such advice should be treated with caution.

Not all grandmothers' recipes can help increase breasts:

  1. Cicuta juice. You can find references to bust enlargement using this tool. But we must remember that hemlock juice is a poison. Therefore, it is not worth checking it for yourself.
  2. Mustard plasters. It is believed that mustard plasters can help increase the bust by stimulating blood circulation. This recipe is quite common. But it can burn the skin and cause inflammation. There is also a risk of neoplasms, including malignant ones.
  3. Iodine grid. This is a very famous method. In small amounts, iodine is safe and even beneficial. But too frequent manipulations and prolonged use of this remedy can lead to burns and the development of tumors.
  4. You can often hear from grandmothers that if there is a lot of cabbage and raw dough, the breasts will be big and beautiful. The positive effect of such nutrition is very doubtful, but digestive problems are guaranteed. Reviews of those who have tried these remedies on themselves prove their ineffectiveness. Olga, 25 years old “All my childhood I heard from my grandmother that you need to eat a lot of cabbage so that your breasts are big. I followed the advice and ate. The bust has grown to the first size and that's it. Apparently, it’s not about the cabbage.”
  5. There is also an opinion that fatty foods will help increase the bust. This assertion is not without foundation. Indeed, fatty foods contribute to an increase in breast volume, but along with this, the rest of the body will grow. In addition, the abuse of fatty foods can cause many diseases.

To get the desired result, you can combine folk recipes with exercise. They allow you to improve the shape of the breast, make it toned and elastic.

The most effective are push-ups from the floor. You need to perform them every day, at least three approaches. For beginners, it is better to start with a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing to 20 push-ups in one set.

The bench press with dumbbells in hand, palm pressure and other exercises also help well. To date, there are many complexes that will help slightly increase the bust. But in order to achieve any changes, you need to practice for a long time, persistently and regularly. Reviews of those ladies who have improved their breasts with sports prove that this is possible. Natalia, 26 years old “I work as a fitness instructor. Naturally, I do it regularly. The whole body, including the chest, is in excellent condition. For the chest, I do push-ups and exercises with dumbbells. Even after the birth of the child, the breasts did not sag. ”

Folk remedies will not give instant results, like plastic surgery. But many women prefer just such ways to increase their breasts. Which recipe to choose, each lady decides for herself. The main thing is not to the detriment of health.

Can anyone doubt the sexuality of a decent breast? Not likely nowadays. Any girl understands that she is beautiful and elastic chest- this is a huge plus for her attractiveness and sex appeal. Those who do not have such dignity should not despair. We'll fix everything. Let's try to suggest some ways

All recipes are quite simple and affordable. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: foods that should be added to your diet (or increase their number), and exercises that can be done at home without any complex devices or simulators.

And the last "edible" way to enlarge the chest with folk remedies is to add yellow and green flowers (in the form of vegetables and fruits) to the daily menu. Any green salads, bell peppers, all citrus fruits, etc. Vitamins “work” here, which support the metabolism at the proper level.

In fact, this is far from the last way to increase the bust, but for the beginning of the above simple rules food will be sufficient. And if you supplement them with special physical exercises, the effect will be tangible and pleasant. Let's try to get by with simple means here.

One of the easiest - ordinary massage. There is no need to complicate anything. The task is to increase blood flow to the mammary glands. You can stroke, pinch, knead (without fanaticism). If possible, you can first apply some oils to the skin of the chest, for example, apricot or peach (sold in a pharmacy). Beer is also suitable, or rather, its foam. True, only live beer will be useful, any “preservation” in cans and bottles is useless. Lemon juice (1 part) mixed with olive oil (2 parts) works well.

Another simple exercise can be suggested. It is noteworthy in that after some training (quite small) it can be used anywhere: at a bus stop, in the office, etc. It is unlikely that anyone will notice, especially under outerwear. We fold our palms in front of the chest and squeeze them with force. Over time, those pectoral muscles that work at the same time can be exercised without hands.

You can still offer a lot of answers to the question of how to increase breasts with folk remedies, but of course, you should not try to apply everything at once. It makes sense to choose the most convenient and use them constantly.

You can get the breast of the desired size with the help of plastic surgery. But is there a chance to increase the size at home, we read in this article.

Beautiful and magnificent breasts have always been the subject of admiration for men, and envy for women. After all, not everyone is lucky to have a third bust size. There are also tribes on the planet where the standard of beauty is a flat-chested woman. Fortunately, this is not about us. Here are just the main characters of films or TV shows, frank outfits with gorgeous breasts, more and more drive girls with a small size into complexes.

How to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Plastic surgery has stepped forward so far that you can change a person beyond recognition, following all his wishes. Breast augmentation surgery will be no exception. This is so far the only effective way to get breasts of the desired shape and size, in a short period of time, but also the most expensive. But what to do if it is very scary to go under the surgeon's knife, and the inferiority complex has developed so much that it does not allow you to live normally?

  • The easiest way to increase breasts is pregnancy and breastfeeding. True, this method gives only a temporary result, more precisely, after lactation is completed, the breasts may further decrease in size and lose their shape. And the question becomes relevant again
  • On certain days of the monthly cycle, the breasts increase slightly in size. This is due to the hormonal background. Thus, the body prepares for possible pregnancy, and if this does not happen, the chest returns to its previous size
  • You can gain a couple of extra pounds, because adipose tissue is the main component of the structure of the chest. But only after a sharp weight loss, the reverse process occurs, the volume and shape are lost. Strict diet and curvaceous - these things are incompatible, you have to sacrifice something
  • Have an active and regular sex life. This contributes to the active production of female sex hormones by the body, they also help to increase the breasts by several centimeters. Thanks to intimate caresses, the blood circulation of the mammary glands improves, which, in turn, has a positive effect on volume.

If none of the above methods work, you can try to increase your breast size with:

  • physical exercise
  • folk medicine
  • Massage
  • Creams and gels
  • special diet
  • Medical preparations
  • following certain methods.

Let's consider them in more detail.

How to increase breasts in folk ways?

In order to enlarge the chest, you can seek help from traditional medicine.

  • A decoction of mallow roots in about a minimum of three months, and a maximum of a year, will help increase the mammary glands by one size. Everything depends on the organism. To do this, you will need: dry flower roots, 3 tablespoons, and 3 glasses of water drawn from the water supply. Place all this in a saucepan and boil, after 15 minutes remove from heat and strain. It is necessary to take a decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals, 0.3 cups each. The course of such treatment is one month, after which you need to take a break for one week and you can repeat the reception. It is recommended, while taking the decoction inside, to make compresses on the chest out of it. This effect of mallow roots is explained by the content of the hormone phytosterol in them, which has a positive effect on breast enlargement.
  • Hop cones contain the female hormone phytoestrogen, which is responsible for breast enlargement. It is advised to take it orally, in the form of an infusion. To do this, boil one glass of water and pour a tablespoon of plant cones into it. Wrap the dishes well, or use a thermos, insist all night. It is necessary to take the infusion three times a day for 0.33 cups, 21 days with a break for a week. The expected effect occurs after about three to six months of admission. You should be prepared for the fact that the infusion is very bitter, and the action does not occur immediately, but gradually
  • You can drink cabbage juice, only this method is suitable for young girls during puberty. This method does not work for adult women.
  • For breast augmentation, you can use linden, nettle and wormwood. To get medicinal tea you need: pour one teaspoon of the plant with one glass of boiling water. After that, put the dishes with the plant in a water bath, and boil for 20 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. After that, strain the tea and take 0.3 cups 3 times a day. The course of such treatment is one month, with a week break. You should choose one of the listed plants, and make tea from it for 3 months, after that you can use another plant, and then a third
  • More delicious folk recipe: Take equal amounts of honey, nuts and lemon. Grind lemon with nuts, passing through a meat grinder, then add honey and mix. Eat this mixture should be 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, for 6 months
  • You can try to increase the breasts with oregano, hop cones and licorice root. All these components are taken in the amount of 50 grams and mixed. After that, 1 tablespoon of the collection is taken and poured with a glass of hot water. The dishes with the collection are placed for 15 minutes in a water bath. And insisted for another forty minutes. Be sure to cover the dish. Within a month, take 0.3 cups of infusion, three times a day. Take a break for a week and repeat

IMPORTANT: All of these recipes have contraindications. The doses and quantities of infusions, decoctions and mixtures taken should be strictly observed. It is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of increasing your breasts in this way.

How can I enlarge my breasts with iodine?

There are quite a lot of enthusiastic reviews on the network about breast augmentation with the help of an iodine mesh. For this you need:

  • With help cotton swab, evenly apply strips of iodine on the skin of the mammary glands, without affecting the area around the nipples
  • Before this, take a shower or bath so that the chest area is clean
  • After application, allow the iodine to dry, after which you can put on a bra made of natural fabrics
  • Manipulation should be carried out once a day
  • The promised effect should come after three months of use.

IMPORTANT: Breast augmentation in volume occurs due to increased blood flow. But this method has great amount contraindications, although it seems that it may be safer than iodine.

  • Girls and women should take into account the place of residence and the possible deficiency of iodine in the body. In this case, the iodine mesh will be quickly absorbed into the skin, so the body will replenish its reserves. But this cannot be turned into fanaticism.
  • The most harmless side effect can be dry skin, allergic reactions and, with fanatical use, burns.
  • With prolonged application of iodine to the chest, malfunctions of the thyroid gland and health problems may occur.
  • Constant artificial increase in temperature with an iodine mesh can lead to the appearance of tumors

IMPORTANT: You can not use iodine to improve the shape of the mammary glands for women after the cessation of lactation, this can only greatly harm health.

How to increase breasts with exercises?

Physical exercises will help improve the shape of the mammary glands, make them fit and beautiful. But, to increase the chest by two sizes, thus, this is more a myth than a reality.

It is necessary to start exercises with a minimum number of approaches, gradually increasing the intensity. You can perform them at home, in a familiar and comfortable environment:

  • Standing, rest against the wall with your hands as hard as possible. In this position, you need to stand for 15 seconds. Do 10 sets
  • Push-ups, like in a physical education lesson, only correct. If you start very hard, you can lean on your knees. Ideally, there should be 15 reps per set, but you can start with two, increasing the number every day.
  • In the supine position, raise the dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. Weight dumbbells from half to two kilograms. You should do 15 such exercises in one approach.
  • With dumbbells in hand, do movements like when skiing. This should be done within one minute. When finished, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. This should be done six times in one approach, and there should be three approaches
  • In a standing position, raise the dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. Dumbbell weight and number of exercises, as in the exercise lying on your back
  • Standing, press palms into each other, they should be at chest level, and elbows apart. This exercise should be done for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times

IMPORTANT: Exercises should be started with a minimum amount, gradually increasing the load. The key to success is regularity and intensity. The result can be seen only after three months of classes.

Breast Enlargement Gel

As an alternative to plastic surgery, gels can be used for breast augmentation. They are:

  • synthetic, not absorbed in the body
  • natural, absorbable

Gels are injected female breast using a syringe and a needle.

IMPORTANT: Synthetic gels are prohibited for entry into the body, the consequences of such breast augmentation are very serious. Breast tissues become like non-jelly, in addition, the gel can move to another place. And it is extremely difficult to remove it from the body.

Natural gels based on hyaluronic acid will help you get a breast size and a half larger. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect will last from six months to a year and a half. After this, the procedure must be repeated.

IMPORTANT: If it was decided to increase the size of the mammary glands by introducing a gel into them, then the choice of a specialist must be approached with all responsibility. You can trust only experienced and professional doctors.

Breast Enlargement Cream

Many women try to change the shape and size of their breasts with a cream. Cream in its composition can be:

  • natural
  • Hormonal

IMPORTANT: Using a natural cream, breasts cannot be enlarged. The medicinal herbs included in the composition will only help improve the condition of the skin, but no more.

Hormonal creams will help achieve breast enlargement by one size, only if regular use. If you stop applying the cream to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, they will quickly regain their former shape. A more lasting effect can be achieved only if the drug is applied regularly, for six months. The composition of such creams contains vitamins and medicinal herbs, which has a positive effect on the skin.

Doctors are extremely skeptical about this method of breast augmentation. The constant application of hormonal drugs to the skin can affect the overall hormonal background. And it can lead to a delay in menstruation, the occurrence of serious diseases.

IMPORTANT: You can not use such creams for girls during puberty, women who have reached the age of forty, and young mothers who have lost their shape after breastfeeding.

How to enlarge breasts with oil?

A safe way to give your breasts a beautiful and toned shape with the help of essential oils. Their impact favorably affects blood circulation, which, in turn, adds a few centimeters in volume.

Oil can be used:

  • for massage
  • in the form of a tonic or lotion
  • make masks or compresses with it.

IMPORTANT: A positive effect can only be achieved with regular use.

Essential oils cannot be used on their own. A few drops of oil can be mixed with sour cream, kefir, baby cream with a greasy texture, almond and petroleum jelly. You can use only one oil, in order to achieve the result, or you can use a mixture of oils, which is more effective.

For breast enlargement, you can use the following oils:

  • From flax seeds
  • olive
  • geranium
  • verbena
  • Camphor
  • Fennel
  • Grape
  • Anise
  • hops
  • Ylang Ylang
  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • orange
  • sage
  • evening primrose
  • wheat germ
  • Jojoba.

IMPORTANT: Apply oils carefully, avoiding nipple areas. Before using, you need to make sure the general tolerance of oils, whether there are any allergic reactions. If it’s hard enough to decide on the choice of oil yourself, you can seek help from an aromatherapist.

Breast Enlargement Mask

By making regular masks on the décolleté area, you can give the chest beautiful shape, improve skin condition, and even increase volume. It can be several centimeters, because for the third and fourth sizes at the first, you have to go under the surgeon's knife. Rinse off the masks with cold water, but not much, otherwise you can only get sick.

  • Grate one apple with cabbage. Mix one tablespoon of this mixture with one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of butter, room temperature. apply this mixture after massage for 15 minutes
  • Cocoa butter should be applied to the armpits and décolleté. After that, you should do a massage. No oil should be applied to the breast itself.
  • Yeast, in the amount of 20 grams, should be dissolved to the consistency of sour cream in warm water. This mixture should be applied for 20 minutes.

When applying masks, the nipple area should be avoided. Masks should be done regularly, alternating them every day.

Breast Enlargement Exercises

You should be aware that physical exercises will not help to increase the breasts, but will improve the shape. But, if you exercise regularly, over a long period, there may be some increase in the volume of the mammary glands.

For intense workouts, the gym is perfect. Under the guidance of a trainer, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Press the barbell, the weight should increase gradually and reach 80% of body weight
  • lift dumbbells
  • Exercise on the simulator, training the pectoral muscle group

IMPORTANT: Training should take place regularly, three times a week. If you practice more often, there will be no harm, but no benefit either. Muscles grow after training, not during exercise.

Breast Enlargement Products

  • There is a popular belief among the people that if you eat cabbage in large quantities, then you can get a gorgeous chest. But, as practice shows, this is another myth. Girls and girls from 13 to 19 years old have a chance to prove the opposite, and such a food product will not help women of more mature age.
  • Dubious advice includes raw dough. Apart from problems with the digestive tract, no more result should be expected.
  • It is believed that if you drink beer, then the breasts will increase in size. This is probably just another publicity stunt. After all, modern beer is far from being as natural as it was in the last century. Apart from health problems and weight gain, this drink will not bring anything better.
  • Fatty and junk food, out of a kilogram of weight gained, gives only 20 grams to the decollete. It is better to include healthy fats in your diet: lard, olive oil, fatty fish, seeds, avocados. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mammary glands and on the body in general. Only in everything you need to know the measure, uncontrolled use can lead to breast enlargement due to extra pounds on the waist and hips
  • There is a myth on the net that you can enlarge your breasts with mineral water. It is necessary to drink water, and in the required quantities, but this does not affect the size of the breast. Is it that if you drink too much liquid, it can lead to swelling
  • Of the foods that increase the breast by several centimeters, one can name those that contain natural female hormones in their composition. And this is primarily legumes and soy. They can really help cherished desire, but this does not mean that you need to eat only them, everything should be in moderation. An excess of hormones can only harm the hormonal system. It should be remembered that if you stop eating food containing hormones, then the breast will return to its state.
  • Honey with nuts will help with various diseases and also improve the condition of the mammary glands. With regular use of such a sweet mixture, the chest will become more rounded and toned.
  • For a beautiful décolleté zone, you need to eat right, including fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants in your daily diet, they will help improve skin condition in general. But, unfortunately, large volumes cannot be obtained.

Trying to increase the size of the chest, with the help of food, do not forget about physical exercises, adding light massage to them.

IMPORTANT: Get rid of bad habits. The main enemy of a beautiful bust is smoking. In women who smoke, the breasts quickly lose their shape and become saggy. The abuse of caffeine and alcohol also does not benefit the mammary glands.

Breast Enlargement Products

Of the drugs that promise to increase the breast by two sizes, dietary supplements can be noted. These are dietary supplements containing a natural female hormone or stimulants for the production of sex hormones in a woman's body. Taking these drugs, you can achieve breast enlargement for a while. After refusing to take, the breast becomes the original size.

IMPORTANT: Taking such drugs without consulting a doctor, and even more so uncontrollably, is dangerous to health. You can bring severe harm to the body, and long-term treatment can be very expensive. Much more expensive than a jar of dietary supplements.

breast enlargement pills

IMPORTANT: The pills that promise to increase the breast contain phytoestrogen, a female hormone. But it is worth remembering that you should not start taking hormonal pills, only on the advice of a friend.

If the cause of the small size of the mammary glands is a low content of female sex hormones, the doctor should find out. With the help of special analyzes and surveys.

By increasing the breast, with the help of hormonal pills, you can get:

  • Absence of menstruation, up to infertility
  • Tumors
  • Hormonal disruptions
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Changes in the size of the uterus and vagina
  • After the drug is discontinued, a new restructuring begins in the body, in mammary glands possible formation of nodules and cysts

IMPORTANT: The promised result comes only if the tablets are taken constantly. After refusing to take hormonal pills, the breast becomes normal size.

Japanese method of breast augmentation

You can try to get a breast of the desired size, using Japanese technique. This technique was developed by the Japanese Mieko Yoshimaru, who, at first, had the first breast size, and as a result received the fourth. There is nothing complicated in this technique, you should regularly perform a set of exercises and massage.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is the internal state. You should tune in only to a positive result, let go of all resentment and negativity, and look at the whole world with love.

  • During the morning rise, you need to rest one palm on the other, while keeping your hands at chest level. Take a deep breath, and begin to press the bases of your fingers as you exhale. In this case, you must count to eight. The same exercises should be done by shifting the arms to the right and left of the body. Such regular exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the chest.
  • The second exercise can be performed at a convenient time. To do this, you need to do a massage of the forearm. After warming up, you should grab the fat deposits in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm with your hand, and, as it were, push it to the chest. According to the Japanese, it is they who will help to increase the breasts. You must perform it in turn, for each hand for five minutes.
  • You can also fill your breasts with belly fat. To do this, before going to bed, you need to massage the abdomen, in its upper part. With similar movements as in the exercise with the hands, try to push the fat from the abdomen into the chest
  • To improve the effect of exercise, it is necessary to stimulate biologically active points. They are on the hips, on the inside. According to Japanese medicine, stimulation of these points contributes to the production of female sex hormones by the body. Which, in turn, contributes to an increase in breast size.

IMPORTANT: To fully achieve the set goal, you must definitely sleep only on your back, and believe in a positive result.

  • The woman is beautiful natural beauty. It is not worth sacrificing precious health by experiencing methods that are not confirmed by science
  • Self-hypnosis plays an important role in terms of breast augmentation using folk methods. It seems to a woman that her breasts have really increased, but very often this turns out to be self-deception.
  • Adhering to the rules of a healthy diet, doing physical exercises and caring for the skin in the décolleté area, you can improve the shape of the breast, make it more elastic.
  • You can not try to increase the size, girls under twenty years old. During puberty, you can greatly harm the body
  • Simple and effective way, visually enlarge the chest, there is a slender posture. You should keep your back straight all the time, and the breasts will appear larger.
  • The right bra will help you deal with this problem. Must be able to choose and the right clothes, emphasizing and visually enlarging the chest area
  • You can use the secret of Hollywood stars who do not have magnificent forms. With help correct application tonal means, the chest will seem chic and admire others
  • If the desire to get the fourth size is very strong, then it is better to use the services of a plastic surgeon. Neither of folk ways won't help you achieve this.

Video: How to enlarge breasts? Fallacies and working methods