Why does chrysoprase change color. Green quartz: properties of a jewelry stone. The "race" of chrysoprase depends on the location of the stone

Chrysoprase- semi-precious and ornamental stone, a variety of quartz and chalcedony (a cryptocrystalline form of silicon dioxide). The color of the stone is usually apple green, but can vary to dark green and bluish green. The color of chrysoprase is due to nickel impurities in the form of microscopic inclusions of Ni-silicates of willemseite, neoite (Ni-lizardite), pimelite (Ni-saponite), and bunsenite. Chrysoprase is formed by erosion or laterization of nickel-bearing serpentinites or other ultramafic ophiolites. Valuable ornamental and semiprecious stone.
Unlike many other opaque varieties of quartz, chrysoprase is not valued for its pattern or pattern, but for its color.

See also:


The crystal structure of chrychoprase, as well as other polymorphic modifications of quartz, is characterized by the feature that the Si 4+ ion is always in a quadruple environment of O 2- ions located at the vertices of the tetrahedron. Each vertex of such a tetrahedron simultaneously serves as a vertex of another adjacent tetrahedron. Thus, the crystal lattices of these minerals consist, as it were, of frameworks of tetrahedra linked to each other. The method of linkage in all modifications is the same (through the vertices of the tetrahedra), but the orientation and general symmetry in their arrangement are different. In general, the packing of oxygen ions is not dense: there are “voids” between the tetrahedra in the frameworks. In low-temperature modifications, they are small in size, and in high-temperature, more "loose" modifications, they are larger.


According to its species, chrysoprase belongs to the group of chalcedony (translucent quartz) and is one of its most valuable varieties. According to its chemical composition, chrysoprase is silicon dioxide. Accordingly, its chemical formula is: SiO 2 .

Green shades in the color of the mineral ensures the presence in its composition of finely dispersed inclusions of nickel hydroxides, including pimelite (sodium and magnesium silicate), as well as willemseite (zinc silicate), serpentine (magnesium-iron hydrosilicate) and other minerals. These impurities color chrysoprase in green and blue-green hues. True, under the influence of bright sunlight, the intensity of the color of chrysoprase may fade.
The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 6.5-7.0 units, and the density is 2.6 g / cm 3.

The fracture is conchoidal. It is insoluble in acids, etched with HF. Chrysoprase has a high porosity, the pore size is about 0.1 microns. Porosity causes chrysoprase to have lower hardness, density (2.57–2.64 g/cm) and refractive indices than for clear-crystalline quartz. Forms spherulites, spherulitic crusts, pseudostalactites or continuous massive formations.


Chrysoprase is a cryptocrystalline aggregate consisting of small crystalline grains indistinguishable to the naked eye, visible only under a microscope. Unlike rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, morion and other varieties of quartz, usually represented by prismatic crystals.
  1. Chrysoprase emerald green, uniform. Top grade. Such chrysoprases are high-quality jewelry raw materials. They have a uniform bright, intense color. As a rule, they shine through a large thickness of stone up to 5 cm in plates and pieces very well. The smallest scattered impurities of clay particles and iron hydroxides may be present inside the stone.
  2. Chrysoprase apple green, uniform. First grade. Here, chrysoprases already shine through no more than 2 cm. Whitish and not translucent areas may be present in the stone. The structure is homogeneous, without a pattern.
  3. Chrysoprase pale colored, spotted. The second grade is ornamental. Such chrysoprase, as a rule, is bluish-green or yellow-green in color with a heterogeneous structure. Milky white spots may be present in the color of the stone, and translucent and opaque areas alternate in the structure of the stone itself. Inclusions of manganese oxides are possible, sometimes forming dendrites. On the periphery of the stone, yellow or brown inclusions of limonite may be present.


Chrysoprases are associated with linear weathering crusts of nickel-bearing hypermafic rocks. Chrysoprase is rare in nature. Chrysoprase deposits are located in the CIS (Sarykul-Boldy, Novo-Akkermanovskoye), Brazil, USA (Arizona, Oregon, California). Australia is currently the main supplier of high-quality chrysoprase to the world market.

Chrysoprase is formed as a result of the replacement of garnierite with silica and is uniformly pigmented with submicroscopic relics of garnierite. It should be kept in mind that chrysoprase is widely distributed in the form of small grains in the residual and infiltration weathering crusts of serietinite massifs. Large segregations of chrysoprase, suitable in quality and size for jewelry purposes, are rare and are associated only with some deposits of silicate-nickel ores.

Sometimes an opinion is also expressed about the hydrothermal origin of chrysoprase, which is then associated with zones of intense silicification of ultramafic rocks under the influence of late granitoid intrusions. An interesting suggestion was made by J. Brooks, who considers the process of silicification of ultramafic rocks to be endogenous, and that of chrysoprase formation to be exogenous.


In the past, European craftsmen used chrysoprase as an expensive finishing stone for interior decoration, as exemplified by the interiors of the Bohemian St. Vitus Cathedral (Prague), the Bohemian Chapel of St. Christ (Karlštejn Castle), the German Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam).
Today, chrysoprase is used only as a jewelry and ornamental stone for jewelry and handicrafts. This green gem is inserted into a variety of jewelry: necklaces, buttons, earrings, cufflinks, necklaces. For the manufacture of expensive products usually use chrysoprase of the highest grade. It is not too often cut and has the shape of a circle or oval.

Chrysoprase - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Chrysoprase stone has long been used by man as a talisman of good luck and happiness. His magical properties known from ancient times. What is remarkable about this mysterious mineral and how it differs from other precious ones?

Description, physical properties

According to the classification, chrysoprase gemstone belongs to semi-precious or ornamental. In scientific terms, it is a variety of chalcedony and quartz.

According to its chemical composition, it is silicon dioxide with a certain proportion of nickel; according to its physical properties, it has a latent crystalline form.

The main difference from other types of chalcedony and quartz is its granular crystal structure, which cannot be seen. with a simple eye without amplifying devices.

The name of the mineral comes from the Greek words meaning gold and leek: "golden bow" or "green gold".

Previously, the stone was called chrysopras.

The group of green chalcedony, to which it belongs, includes translucent minerals with shades from green to blue to dark emerald green. The more transparent and darker the green color, the more expensive the copy, the higher its jewelry quality.

Why does green chrysoprase "fade" over time? Such a question arose and haunted specialists for a long time. It has been observed that the mineral becomes whitish, "gray" if it is in a dry climate. But as soon as it is placed in a humid environment, it again becomes a rich green color. Modern scientists have established the cause of this phenomenon. It turns out that nickel compounds lose water molecules in a dehydrated environment, and when contact with water occurs, nickel molecules recombine with water molecules, that is, they attract oxygen and hydrogen atoms to themselves (do you still remember the formula of water - H20?).

Place of Birth

Chrysoprase is a fairly common stone, but the quality and color depend on the place of its origin.

The most expensive types of green mineral with jewelry value are mined in Kazakhstan (Karaganda region), as well as in the south of the United States of America, in Australia, Brazil and Ukraine.

In Australia, very large specimens of rich green color are mined. They have a high jewelry value.

Mined in Africa, green minerals are also a variety of quartz, but their color is due not to nickel impurities, but to chromium. The name was given to them by the area in which mining is carried out - mtorolite. It looks brighter and more massive than chrysolite, so it is quite easy to distinguish it. The only problem is the use of mtorolite to fake chrysoprase as a more expensive mineral.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

In addition, the property of bringing good luck and success is attributed to the green mineral. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that if you have a pebble with you, then a person will escape punishment (this was true for all kinds of thieves and scammers), and respectable citizens kept chrysoprase talismans as amulets of themselves and their homes from evil spells and villains of all stripes.

Interestingly, lithotherapists of our time reasonably recommend wearing chrysoprase jewelry to everyone who needs a positive mood. And modern magicians insist on the ability of the mineral to protect from the evil eye and repel the negative influence of someone. This is due in green having such an impact on the human psyche.

The main magical feature inherent in the green mineral is that it helps only kind and sincere people (and, as noted above, repentant criminals of the Middle Ages who wanted to avoid punishment with it).

If a person is evil, a deceiver, or has an excessively risky character, then the green mineral will not help him, and perhaps, on the contrary, will harm him.

Talismans and amulets

Alexander the Great believed in the magical properties of green stone and therefore constantly wore a plate of it on his belt, believing that this would help him uncover the plans of enemies and be successful. The greatest general of all known at that time precious stones preferred chrysoprase as his talisman. How successful the military campaigns of Alexander the Great were is known, and what role chrysoprase played in this can only be guessed at. The legend says that before his death, Alexander, after bathing, put on a belt on which there was no chrysoprase plate, because it was lost, but he simply did not notice it.

Green is the color of health

If we consider the healing properties of chrysoprase, then after green color therapy in the form of calming the nerves, the most obvious property is the treatment of the eyes. Here, again, it was not without the influence of green, the contemplation of which has such a beneficial effect on us.

With the help of a stone, you can cure some eye diseases, as well as improve eyesight. It also has a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands.

In addition to improvement mental state, when using it, you can get rid of insomnia, stress and depression, the impact of magnetic storms is reduced, and blood pressure is normalized.

Lithotherapists “prescribe” a stone for colds - for this purpose, infusions of water should be used, where a pebble was previously placed for several hours. The same infusion helps very well with sexual problems, because. evens out a person's sexual background.

The use of chrysoprase for medicinal purposes should be followed with precautions: you should not constantly use tinctures, as well as wear a stone, you must observe the measure in everything, it is better to use its properties in the form of courses of 10-14 days and only on the recommendations of specialists. A side effect, which was recorded by lithotherapists with the constant use of chrysoprase, is the formation of gallstones and other negative consequences.

Another property of chrysoprase is to maintain energy in a person, for example, when it is difficult for him to part with loved ones, and there is no strength left to work, you can learn from the video.

Chrysoprase or Chrysolite?

People often confuse stones because of their similarity in name and color. However, these are completely different minerals both externally and in structure, not to mention the healing and magical properties. If the first is more durable and has a matte sheen, then the second is transparent or translucent and rather fragile. can be confused with, if it is of a sufficiently dark shade and skillfully cut, it is therefore called the "Brazilian emerald".

Chrysoprase Chrysolite

Instances that have transparency and rich green are easy to confuse even with emerald.

Chrysoprase differs in magical and healing properties from the fact that it “loves” contact with the human body, sharing energy with it through contact. It is better not to forget to constantly wear jewelry with chrysoprase, otherwise the stone may “take offense” - fade or darken.

The name of the grassy-green or light-apple mineral consists of two Greek words "prazos" - green onion and "chrysos" - gold. There is a hypothesis that the gardeners of Ancient Egypt gave it a similar name - “golden green onions” for its unusual shade and brilliance. Today, this stone is very popular in jewelry, and also as one of the most expensive finishing stones.

Origin story

It has been known since ancient times as an ornamental and jewelry stone. Even ancient Greek beauties and Roman matrons decorated their necks with cameos made of translucent chrysoprase. In the Arab East, they were treated for diseases nervous system and skin, and also applied to places where pain throbbed.

In the 18th century, jewelers decorated similar cameos with loose diamonds and other precious stones, and the mineral itself was valued as highly as they were. In the 19th century, after the discovery of the largest deposit in Poland, they began to make church mosaics from it, decorate temple utensils in some European countries.

No wonder this mineral was called "golden green onions" and "green agate", it attracts attention with its translucent light green color. Since its color is constantly changing, it is difficult to find two identical pieces of jewelry.

There are stones of a gently light green color, cloudy apple, bright grassy with black and white patches.

Conditionally divided into three types:

  • Emerald - the most expensive. A rare species, especially popular with jewelers,
  • Apple green - almost opaque, has many different inclusions,
  • Spotted is used for making crafts.

Well-cut chrysoprase is easy to confuse with a precious stone. Sometimes they are cut into cabochons or processed with a special "Russian cut" to make rings that are not inferior in beauty to the most famous and beautiful jewelry in the world.

Minerals with special inclusions have a unique pattern created by nature itself, so each product is unique.

Deposits and production

Deposits of chalcedony in the world are quite rare, the old mines, known since ancient times, have already lost their significance. Currently, the largest deposits of chrysoprase are located on the territory of the CIS countries (in Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, etc.), South America, and the USA. Australia is the largest supplier of the mineral.

In the Middle Ages, some European countries (Poland, Austria) had large deposits, where it was called "green agate", but, unfortunately, at present, all natural reserves there have been exhausted.

physical characteristics

Chrysoprase or chrysoprase - the most valuable variety of chalcedony, has a glassy radiance. Can change color from light green to deep green. Particularly brightly colored samples can even be confused with emeralds.

On the Mohs scale, the hardness of the mineral is 6-7, the density is 2.6-2.7 g per cubic meter. cm.

The color depends on the presence of nickel impurities in the mineral. In constant bright light, the colors may fade, but they can easily return to their original radiance by wrapping them with a wet cloth.

Medicinal properties

AT last years the role of alternative medicine is increasing, lithotherapists stubbornly insist on the benefits of treatment natural minerals, especially since such a direction was effectively used in the ancient world.

It is considered extremely beneficial for human health. It is able to solve a number of problems related to human health:

  • Removes pain in the throat and ears;
  • Normalizes the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Relieves asthma attacks;
  • When worn for a long time, it improves vision;
  • Removes chronic pain in the joints, restores the connective tissue in them;
  • Treats depression, relieves stress, calms the nervous system;
  • With age-related changes, it slows down hormonal changes, helps the body recover.

Many believe that chrysoprase, when worn constantly, normalizes blood pressure and helps with heart attacks. Its color has a calming effect on excited nerves, and is also very beneficial for the eyes. If you look at apple-green patterns for a long time, you will get rid of the feeling of sand in the eyes, tearing. Normalize vision.

If you keep a stone of pale salad color or mint color on your bedside table, you will get rid of nightmares and get a sound healthy sleep.

If you put the mineral in a glass of clean water and hold it in the sun for at least five hours, you will get a solution that successfully fights inflammation in colds.

The main thing that lithotherapists warn about is that it is impossible to constantly be treated in an unconventional way, long breaks should be taken in treatment.

magical properties

Even in ancient India, famous yogis used this stone to achieve nirvana. Since ancient times, the magical properties of chrysoprase have been known as a "stone of wish fulfillment."

It was believed that it has a great effect on the chest (heart) chakra and the head chakra, therefore it is responsible for the state of the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Since the stone hates insidious people, it is able to warn its owner of wicked intentions and insidious plans against him.

In Eastern literature, there are many descriptions of green chrysoprase jewelry worn by the Great Iskander Zulkarnaya (Alexander the Great). It was believed that this treasure gave him multiple military victories, protected him from internal and external enemies, and warned of danger. Helped achieve worldwide fame.

Important! Chrysoprase especially shows its activity in late summer - early autumn, at other times of the year it is somewhat presumptuous to expect magic and treatment from it.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

It has long been known that each sign of the zodiac has its own talismans and amulets, they love some decorations, and some are directly contraindicated for them. So, under what stars do people have to be born to wear this bun-green stone?

People born under the sign of Capricorn, Pisces or Aquarius must wear jewelry with chrysoprase, it enhances their positive qualities, negates the negative ones. The stone is especially useful for Aquarius, it will give them the patronage and help of distant ancestors. But the owner of the stone himself must also make considerable efforts. If a person is lazy and indifferent, then chrysoprase will leave him.

People born under the sign of Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries should never wear such jewelry, they can harm them. Since the stone hates all the luxury, pretentiousness and extravagance inherent in the signs of Fire, it is better to set it in silver with black, and not in bright gold. He will prevent these signs from attracting undue attention to himself.

Chrysoprase jewelry should be worn with caution by people born under the signs of Cancer, Taurus and Gemini, as they can both please him and arouse rejection. It will depend on the owner of the jewelry, on his character, his attitude to life and career.

Amulets and amulets

Amulets were made from this green treasure for merchants and business people. Set in gold, he protected on long journeys, sheltered from natural disasters. Protected from pirates and thieves. Since ancient times, it has been considered a stone of good luck and military victories. Sometimes he was called "the giver of power."

In the role of a talisman, he helps to find a way out of difficult situation, quickly solve a confusing problem, get together to act decisively and firmly. In addition, it helps to enlist the protection of ancestors.

Chrysoprase has a unique character: it hates and immediately recognizes deceitful people, in their society it changes color, darkens and loses its luster.

It happens that from long wearing it loses its bright color but this grief is easy to help. In order to rejuvenate the stone and give it a new glow, hold it for several days in sea water (or water with sea salt diluted in it).

Applications and products

All women's and men's jewelry is made from green agate: rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, beads. Many girls are interested in which finger to wear rings with these stones. This will depend on the sign of the zodiac, as well as what role you have chosen for the decoration. If you want to have a charm, then a woman puts a ring on her index finger, and a man on his little finger.

You can carry a rimless stone in your pocket as a talisman or amulet. Minerals with a large amount of impurities are used to decorate the interior and for the manufacture of household items.

Storage and care

If chrysoprase products are left in direct sunlight for a long time, they may lose their bright color. But it is easy to return it if you hold the stone in salt water. He likes to wear it all the time, so if you have such jewelry, use it as often as possible.

The stone can be washed in running water with ordinary soap using soft tissue. Interior items also need to be wiped from time to time with a damp cloth, and if necessary, covered with a wet cloth for several hours.

How to distinguish a fake

When purchasing a chrysoprase product, ask to see the certificate, as all real stones must be certified. Pay attention also to the price, a low price indicates a fake.

Chrysoprase is one of the most beautiful semi-precious stones. Due to its magical, healing properties, it is often used in various fields of activity.

Chrysoprase is a type of chalcedony. This mineral was mined in ancient Greece. This period brought him to the pinnacle of popularity. Wars are known, the beginning of which was laid because of a semi-precious stone.

Legend has it that Alexander the Great wore a green amulet. After the passed centuries, any information was lost.

During classicism, information, as well as interest in the mineral, increased rapidly. After all, it was in the 17th - 19th centuries that archaeologists began excavations related to antiquity.

magical properties

Chrysoprase stone was used not only to create exquisite jewelry, but also as a magical amulet. More people ancient world believed, knew about the presence of magic in the mineral and used the magical properties of chrysoprase to their advantage.

It is worth considering the character traits of the person to whom chrysoprase is suitable. This is a person with a strong energy side. There is an opinion about the luck of the stone used for business people, creative individuals, careerists.

A mineral is suitable as a talisman against slander, a “bad eye”. The stone is good for psychological condition. It helps to calm and pacify, protects from negative energy.

The mineral chrysoprase is able to change color palette. There is a belief that says about the connection of color and good, or negative character traits, human intentions. In cases of clouding of the stone, it is worth thinking about the possible danger. The chrysoprase magical properties of the stone include a connection with the heart chakra. It regulates the feeling of love and devotion. Chrysoprase is used to strengthen or develop these traits. The magical properties of the stone are responsible for the health of the heart, circulatory system, maintains the health of organs at the required level.

Historically, it so happened that chrysoprase accompanied successful, wealthy and even great people through life. In medieval Europe, chrysoprase jewelry and amulets were worn by representatives of the nobility, the first successful businessmen, bankers and other wealthy people. No wonder green is the color of money, the color of business, the color of intelligence.

A talisman with chrysoprase is an ideal talisman for business people who own large material resources. Medieval Europeans believed that chrysoprase brings money, helps to achieve success in business and in all endeavors.
Read more about: The magical properties of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase was highly valued by innovators and inventors - its power awakened creative energy in them. And, indeed, when you look at the cheerful green chrysoprase, you feel how your mood improves!

Chrysoprase has always been valued not for its pattern, but for its unusual color. This gem cannot be confused with any other - it has such an unusual color. Romantic and delicate chrysoprase has a rare shade in nature and a noble matte sheen. The traditional shade is apple green. Options can be different - and bluish-green and almost emerald.

Chrysoprase contains the forces of Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury. The astrological planet is Venus. The stone protects from troubles and from black envy, returning to the envious their own negative energy.

In medieval books, it is noted that chrysoprase has its own special “character” - the stone “does not like” unbalanced, bad and deceitful people, darkens in their hands, loses its magical power or completely disappears without a trace. Chrysoprase only serves kind people- removes slander, envy, does not allow damage. The positive energy of the stone helps them in any endeavors.

Since ancient times, people have noted that green stones greatly facilitate the well-being of weather-dependent people during magnetic storms. Chrysoprase also has this property. It is no coincidence that this stone was widely used in the manufacture of church items. Water was loaded with chrysoprase.
Read about: The healing properties of chrysoprase

"The romantic tenderness of chrysoprase conceals powerful energy, adds courage and endurance to its owner," the great Alexander of Macedon believed so. The commander never parted with his chrysoprase. In the paintings of ancient Greek artists, Alexander is depicted in armor with a belt, which is decorated with large chrysoprase (4th century BC). Macedonian considered him his battle talisman and never parted with him. Cloudy chrysoprase warned the commander of impending danger, helped him choose the right paths and make the right decisions. Albert the Great described the magic stone of the great commander as "a stone great victory».

According to legend, the day before his death, Macedonsky decided to swim in the river and took off his famous belt with a talisman. While Alexander was swimming, a snake crawled up to his belt and bit off the coveted green stone. Chrysoprase fell into the water and disappeared. The commander did not notice the loss, put on a belt and the next day died in battle.

Therefore, even before our era, chrysoprase was considered a stone of warriors and a stone of winners. King Frederick the Great of Prussia highly valued chrysoprase - he always wore a ring with chrysoprase, because he believed that the stone was able to increase the endurance of the human body. The same stone was adorned with his crown.


Chrysoprase is considered a rare gemstone and is the most valuable variety of chalcedony.

Chrysoprase has been used as a jewelry stone since ancient times - it was the favorite stone of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Masters of Hellas carved gems, cameos, intaglios, seals and amulets of amazing beauty from radiant crystal. They depicted mythological scenes, portraits of emperors, heroes and famous people.

Ancient Eastern healers used chrysoprase as a medicine - they applied it to sore spots to treat gout, skin rashes, treated eye diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. Ancient healers noted that a pleasant greenish tint of the stone helps to restore good spirits.

Chrysoprase was widely used to make jewelry - ancient craftsmen created luxurious earrings, rings, beads, pendants, bracelets, cufflinks, necklaces, necklaces, buttons. Chrysoprase was used to encrust snuff boxes and lorgnettes. History knows very valuable jewelry compositions, where chrysoprase was combined with diamonds, diamonds and other precious stones.

In the 18-19 centuries, a beautiful mineral of a pale green hue was included in the most luxurious interiors - when decorating the rooms of the royal court and in the houses of the nobility. Chrysoprase has always been a symbol of luxury and prosperity, so its presence in one form or another was considered mandatory for high society. Medieval chrysoprase mosaics can still be seen today in the magnificent Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and St. Wenceslas Chapel (Prague, Czech Republic).
Church utensils were everywhere decorated with chrysoprase. Protestant cathedrals in Austria and Germany are rich in chrysoprase - it was used to decorate goblets, altars, and chalices.

Today, chrysoprase is also actively used in jewelry. On large industrial developments, specimens of dark apple-green color are most often mined. The stone is set in necklaces, rings and brooches.

origin of name

The word "chrysoprase" comes from the Greek "chrysos", which means "gold". The second part of the word is from the Greek "prasios", which means "leek" or "green".

Chrysoprase is a mineral, the most valuable variety of chalcedony.
The stone was formed at low temperatures as a result of strong weathering of the serpentine (mineral, nickel-containing rock of high density). The deposits of this stone fill the cracks of the host rocks. It is the presence of nickel that provides the pale green color of chrysoprase, in contrast to emerald, the color of which is formed by the presence of chromium.

Chrysoprase deposits

The best deposits of chrysoprase are Western Australia, Germany, Poland, USA (Arizona, California), Brazil, Kazakhstan.

In Poland there are deposits developed by Europeans since ancient times. These stones are decorated imperial crowns and royal quarters. Chrysoprase is mined in Polish deposits today.

Currently, Australia is the leader in terms of production of chrysoprase. Also, this semi-precious stone is mined in the Russian Urals, Romania, Serbia, Pakistan and Madagascar.

  • Chrysoprase of the highest grade

Color - emerald green, uniform, without pattern. Such chrysoprase is the best - it is a high-quality jewelry stone. Uniformly bright, intense coloration. Almost translucent - it shines well through a large thickness of the stone (up to 5 cm), which gives it airiness and attractive visual qualities. The structure of the stone is cryptocrystalline with a rare presence of the smallest impurities of alumina.

  • Chrysoprase first grade

Color - apple-green, uniform, without pattern. It shines through through 2 cm. Whitish and opaque areas are occasionally found in the stone. The structure of the crystal is homogeneous, without a pattern.

  • Chrysoprase second grade

Color - bluish-green or yellow-green, pale-colored, spotted. This is an ornamental stone. The structure of the stone is heterogeneous with milky white spots, with transparent and opaque areas, often with yellow or brown inclusions of limonite. The cracks contain ore minerals.

History of chrysoprase

The pale green chrysoprase glowing from the inside is like a piece of the bottomless sea.
The stone pacifies, calms, tunes in to the waves of joy, inspires harmony. An extremely pleasant-looking stone was highly appreciated even before our era.

The name of the stone "chrysoprase" and information about it can be found in primary sources that date back to the 1st century BC.

In addition to many ancient historians, the famous Roman writer Pliny tells about the stone. In his work "Natural History" he called it only "green chalcedony".

Pliny the Elder described the varieties of green stones and chrysoprase in particular: “... There are many expensive green stones .. Chrysoprase is valued higher than them. The color is similar to leek juice, but changes from the color of topaz to the color of gold. It is so large that vessels are made from it in the form of boats, but more often cylinders. These stones are mined in India...” (“Natural History”, book 37, chapter 34).

In ancient versions of the Bible, it is referred to as the stone "chrysopras" or "chrysopras". The tenth foundation of holy Jerusalem was adorned with chrysoprase (Apocalypse, Revelation 21:20).

Chrysoprase was very popular in ancient Egypt and in ancient Rome - in the form of magical amulets, bright inserts for neck jewelry, and bracelets. The stone was inserted into rings, headdresses. He became famous as a stone-talisman of the great ancient Greek commander Alexander the Great, who guarded his owner in battle and brought victory.

In the 10-12 centuries, chrysoprase was already widely used as an amulet - a magic crystal protected from troubles and wrong deeds. It was believed that the stone helped those sentenced to death - if the prisoner put chrysoprase in his mouth, then he had the opportunity to hide from the executioner. Also, many sources mention that chrysoprase had the ability to disappear.

Chrysoprase was in high demand in 12th century England. The stone was resold many times, so its price reached the highest level.

Admirers of the stone have their own "Mecca" - these are the cathedrals and chapels of Prague, where unique examples of chrysoprase mosaics of the 14th century have been preserved (St. Wenceslas Chapel, St. Catherine's Chapel).

In the 13th-14th century, most wealthy people Europe could see an amulet with chrysoprase around his neck - it was believed that it protects from evil spirits with which Medieval Europe was overflowing. Often, the image of a bull was carved on the stone, which meant a high degree of protection.

The 14th century saw an increase in the popularity of chrysoprase at the Austrian and German courts. "Luxury" and "chrysoprase" became synonymous in the minds of the royal retinue. Rich and careless representatives of the nobility literally sprinkled all their property with chrysoprase - they decorated festive clothes, horse harnesses, gift weapons.

In the 14th century, chrysoprase came into fashion and became a symbol of power and luxury in the royal courts of Austria and Germany. The stone was used in virtually all jewelry and framed exclusively with diamonds. We can safely say that it was the main stone of the medieval nobility of the 14th century. Its cost reached, at times, astronomical proportions. In the 18th century, chrysoprase was also popular and was one of the five favorite stones of wealthy Europeans.

Chrysoprase is a relatively rare stone in nature, so its industrial production began quite late, only at the beginning of the 18th century. From that moment on, the active use of stone to decorate church utensils began - they created chalices, monstrances, goblets, altars in Austrian and German cathedrals.

In the 16-18 century - the peak of popularity jewelry with chrysoprase among all wealthy strata of Europe. Pale green stone comes into fashion and becomes an essential attribute of noble persons of all ranks. It was believed that the stone brings success and recognition in society. Inserts with chrysoprase were generously showered with diamonds. The precious stone began to be used to decorate luxurious interiors. It was during this period that cameos and intaglios made from chrysoprase began to become widespread. Collectors have opened a real hunt for rare and valuable pieces of jewelry.

In the 18th century, the Prussian king Frederick II, who preferred chrysoprase to diamonds and rubies, contributed to the widespread use of pale green crystal. Throughout his life, the courtiers observed on the hand of His Majesty a luxurious ring with large chrysoprase. The same stone also adorned his crown. Especially for the royal crown was invented original technique gemstone cutting, which is still called “Friedrich cut” to this day. In the same style, the luxurious decoration of the famous Sanssouci castle, which was built for King Frederick in Potsdam, was made.

The popularity and high cost of chrysoprase were the reasons for the frequent fakes of the stone. Moreover, crystal fakes appeared even before our era. Here is how Papyrus Grecus Holmiensis describes the recipe for making “chrysoprase” in the 4th-3rd century BC: “... if you mix swallow's potion with indigo, you get greenery. Take some more bark, that's good remedy for coloring. Put a crystal (rock crystal) in it, let it soak, and you will get chrysoprase ... ".

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