Silver samples: which is the best? All tests of silver: what is the highest sample of silver and what sample is the best silver

Silver is incredibly beautiful, but, in its pure form, it is not used, it quickly loses appearance- fades and gets damaged. Therefore, alloys with different ratios of the precious metal are used. Therefore, they introduced a method for evaluating a sample of silver.

What are silver samples

What does a silver sample mean and what markings exist? The three-digit sample system was developed in 1927 and has been successfully used to this day. According to hallmarks, the quality and value of the received jewelry is determined by the amount of pure material per 1000 gr.

The most common are 750, 800, 875, 916, 925, 960 and 999.

All alloys differ only in the percentage of pure precious metal content. The sampling system adopted in Russia is one of the most accurate; such a number gives a more accurate result of the ratio of pure metal and added master alloys. As additional components, it is customary to use solid materials: nickel, copper, aluminum, zinc. Copper is mainly used, as it combines excellently with silver. Gum is used less often, while the cost of the product increases, and the metal itself is obtained with a beautiful snow-white tint.

The lowest samples are 750 and 800, they have the smallest percentage of silver. In some countries, alloys are made with 60% pure precious metal, the product from it acquires a yellowish or red tint. In Russia, such a test is not used, due to low quality. To answer the question of which sample of silver is the best, you need to learn in detail about all existing types, since each of them exists for a specific purpose, only table utensils are made from some, beautiful jewelry from others.

Silver alloy in various samples

Marking 750 indicates low-grade silver, the pure metal in which is 75%, the remaining 25% is copper. It melts poorly and has a yellow tint. Such an alloy is used in industry for the manufacture of circuit boards. In contrast, the 800 sample product has improved casting properties, despite its yellowish tint. Such a metal oxidizes quickly, so it must be periodically cleaned of oxides, it is mainly used for the manufacture of cutlery and household items.

Low samples include marking 875, this composition is used for glasses, glasses and ashtrays. Sometimes the alloy can be used for inexpensive jewelry of low quality.

925 sterling silver is the most common. It turns out a beautiful, noble white shade with high anti-corrosion properties. The composition is often used for jewelry because of its strength and good casting qualities. For a long time, sterling was made from such an alloy in England. Until now, sterling silver is highly valued for its high quality. It consists of 92.5% pure metal and 7.5% copper.

916 and 960 samples are used less often for the manufacture of any art exhibits. For precious jewelry, this alloy is not used, products from it quickly lose their appearance. Their advantage is that they do not oxidize in air.

What is the highest standard of silver

The highest standard of silver is 999, the alloy turns out to be quite soft, it is subjected to deformation.

Try pure silver it is used for smelting collectible products or ingots due to the fact that they are less susceptible to various damages. 999 sterling silver was widely used in Japan, where pure metal is endowed nearby. magical properties and do not want to dilute it with other materials.

Types of silver

Silver without a sample is called technical. The percentage of pure metal in the alloy is 80 and below and is often not marked.
The reference is considered to be 925 sterling silver, which is distinguished by its exquisite and noble white color, suitable for almost any jewelry, due to its excellent qualities. The ligature in the alloy is copper, less often zinc, aluminum, titanium and palladium. Often white silver samples are made with 7.5% cadmium, which gives it a high price. But do not confuse it with a similar metal from China, which tarnishes and loses its appearance, which only says that the main percentage is copper.

Table silver gained great popularity in Russia back in tsarist times, as household items from it were very common and spoke of a special refined taste. Such metal, in addition to aesthetic qualities, also has bactericidal properties. The samples of silverware are different, it can be 875, 800 and 925 marking. It is noteworthy that earlier cutlery was not cast from metal, but was forged from silver coins, so a spoon, for example, consisted of only two coins.

Blackened silver is considered a more exclusive option and is often used for amulets and antiques. The use of such metal processing began in the 17th century and so far it has not lost its relevance. As a rule, mechanical, chemical and galvanic methods are used for this. By using modern technologies it is possible to create a slight blackening effect by oxidation with air.
Oxidized silver can be called a variety of blackened, it is obtained by combining a precious metal with sulfur. This type of alloy gets the effect of an old product and is mainly used for the manufacture of rings, bracelets, pendants. In this case, the oxidized film may become thinner over time and its restoration will be required.

Filigree silver impresses with its subtle and openwork pattern, it is made of many small details and thin silver threads. Such products are highly valued by craftsmen. There are two types of filigree: openwork and background.

Another type of silver is matte, with a rough surface, sometimes covered with enamel. This effect is achieved by treating the metal with a special chemical that changes the top layer.

How to distinguish fake silver

How to determine the sample of silver yourself and distinguish imitation from precious metal? The most correct decision would be to contact a jeweler, he will accurately determine the type and composition of the metal. Any samples of Russian silver are approved by GOST and have quality certificates. If there is the slightest doubt, after purchasing any sample of silver jewelry, you can conduct an authenticity check at home.

1. Most effective method is to check it with a magnet. Real silver will not attract.
2. Silver conducts heat well, unlike a fake, so it heats up quickly even in the hands.
3. To check the authenticity of any kind of silver samples, you can smear the product with sulfuric ointment. After a couple of hours, the precious metal will turn black from this.
4. Iodine is a litmus test for real silver. If you drop it on a piece of precious metal, then a dark spot will immediately appear. However, it will be difficult to remove it later.
5. A safer method to decorate is to rub it ordinary chalk. If the chalk becomes darker, then it is a precious metal.

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention not only to its beautiful appearance, but also to the sample in order to avoid further troubles and not run into a fake. Only then will the jewelry products be of proper quality, in accordance with all state standards.

Not only beautiful, but also impractical. The highest standard of silver means not only quality, but softness, processing complexity and a quick loss of gloss. If used intensively openwork jewelry from pure silver, and even more so, clean them with abrasive materials, then they will smooth out and lose their relief. This threatens decoration with a loss of expressiveness and artistic value. What are the samples of silver, and what does this mean in terms of the use of metal in jewelry and other activities?

As a result, master jewelers from all over the world began to use in their work not pure silver, but alloys with alloyed metal. But the percentage of ligature additives for each master is different. Some consider it acceptable to add no more than 5%, while others "dilute" the source material with additives by half. Each alloy has its own characteristics, and the choice of jewelers depends on the purpose of the product.

What are the samples of this precious metal? On the finished silver product, a numerical value is indicated, indicating the ratio of metal and ligature. Jewelry, dishes and decor items are made from samples of the following basic values:

  1. 720 - a metal that oxidizes and changes over time. It is mainly used for the manufacture of small parts of clothing: buttons, locks and zippers.
  2. 800 and 825 - metal suitable for the production of dishes and interior elements. High percentage of silver content (80 - 83%) is suitable for the active use of objects made of such metal in everyday life. Periodically, an oxidizing film forms on the products, which must be removed.
  3. 875 and 916 - high-quality metal, actively used for production gift sets, wine glasses, glasses, ashtrays and glasses. To add sophistication silver products of this sample, jewelers often complement their decoration with gilding.
  4. 925 - a classic and proven combination of ligature additives and pure metal. Is this a good test or not? Products of this sample retain a beautiful appearance and are resistant to air and water.
  5. 960 - in appearance and physical properties it is equated to pure silver. However, such a metal is short-lived, so it is almost never used for making dishes or jewelry.
  6. 999 - pure silver, the highest test. Most often stored in ingots, sometimes used for the production of fine jewelry or decorative items.

Often silver (for example, 825) is added to 525 gold to increase the durability of the product and reduce its price.

How to measure a sample?

For sample measurement precious metals two systems are used: metric and carat. In Russia, since 1927, a metric measurement of the quality of metals has been adopted. However, buying jewelry abroad, you must first familiarize yourself with the ratio of measurement scales for both methods:

  • 20 carats = 830th sample;
  • 21 carats = 875th sample;
  • 22 carats = 925th sample;
  • 23 carats = 960th sample;
  • 24 carats = 999th sample.

Which test is better?

The best samples are characterized by resistance to external influences and retain their unique shade. But jewelry and dishes made of silver, the share of which is 96 - 99% have too high plasticity and for daily use unsuitable.

So still, which is better - which sample? It depends on the purpose of the product. When choosing interior items, dishes or jewelry, you need to pay attention to products of 875 and 925 samples. It is this metal that gives jewelers the opportunity to embody the most unusual ideas. However, if the alloy contains more copper, then its popularity decreases due to the yellowish tint of the products, but the strength will be increased.

Important! Items made of pure 999 silver, or just silver bullion, are considered the best investment.

An alloy of silver with cadmium is also highly valued, because such a metal acquires a noble white hue and increased mechanical resistance.

Varieties of silver

What to give preference - light or dark metal?

Buyers are used to seeing white silver on store shelves and do not think that there are several varieties of precious metal. Silver differs in color and composition:

  1. blackened - the manufacture of such a metal is preceded by a complex technological process. Blackened items are popular with connoisseurs of exclusivity and lovers of amulets (it is believed that such a metal has mystical properties).
  2. Sterling - This is 925 Sterling Silver with beautiful luster and exquisite white color. This type of metal got its name thanks to the English coins that were minted from it.
  3. Matte - The popularity of silver jewelry is growing, but buyers want something new and unusual. That's why jewelers invented matte silver - by treating the surface of the product with special corrosive agents or a sandblasting machine. Jewelry is first made, and at the final stage, it is processed, giving the products a unique look.
  4. filigree - filigree manufacturing technology involves soldering many thin silver wires together. The high cost of filigree products is due to the high requirements for the skill of a jeweler and the complexity of their manufacture.

Filigree Silver Jewelry

Most of the items and jewelry presented on Russian shelves are made of sterling silver.

Technical metal and imitation

Technical silver is distinguished by the absence of a sample and the content of the precious metal is less than 80%. This metal has its advantages. - it is strong and light, has good electrical conductivity and conducts light well. That's why technical silver has found its application in the details of electronics and apparatus as well as in industrial production.

Long known healing properties of silver, which formed the basis for the manufacture of silver ionizers for water and the popularity of silverware and jewelry. Due to the high cost of the metal, there is always the risk of it being counterfeited by scammers. Imitation of silver also takes place in the decoration of monuments, the manufacture of decorative items. Precious metal substitutes are also used in production equipment. Usually instead of silver, they use:

The minimum value of a jewelry sample accepted in Russia - this is 800. Everything else should be labeled as costume jewelry.

Rules for choosing silver products

Please note that when buying dishes or jewelry in local markets in foreign countries, you can get cupronickel or technical silver instead of the promised silver. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to distinguish them, but even a short operation will reveal all the shortcomings of fake silver.

It is most reliable to buy jewelry and tableware in trusted jewelry stores or directly from manufacturer through the online store.

Important! The best breakdown for high-quality and really valuable jewelry is 875 or 925. Silver with this level of ligature has a beautiful white tint and high strength. It is for products made from such silver that certificates of quality are issued, and such jewelry items are sold in good specialized stores.

Unsure which sample to choose? Choose according to the purpose of the product. For example, household silver with 87.5% pure metal in the composition is suitable for dishes, and for jewelry it is better to pay attention to silver with a sample of 925.

Silver is one of the most popular precious metals in the world. It is used to create jewelry, cutlery, decorating objects, and making coins. 925 sterling silver is also called sterling. 925 means 92.5% silver and 7.5% one or more other metals. Copper is the most common addition to create an alloy. Is 925 sterling silver good or bad? Is it worth it to buy products from this metal? If you are concerned about such questions, read this article to the end.

What does "sterling silver" mean? Where did such a name come from?

Archaeologists have found evidence that silver alloys were used as early as the third millennium BC. Medical and surgical instruments were made from it, because many people know that it has an antiseptic effect. The main quality of this metal is its ductility, thanks to which any objects, as well as small details, can be formed from it.

The name comes from the name of the Sterling alloy, from which silver coins were made in denominations of one pound sterling. The denomination meant the exact weight of 240 coins. If the weight of 240 coins was less, this indicated a fake or the fact that the coins were quite old because of which they were lost in mass.

Beginning in 1840, sterling silver became the most popular metal for cutlery in the United States and Europe. The number of factories grew very rapidly to meet the demand. In the midst of such a "craze", 1870-1920, dinners in palaces, rich estates grew from three main to ten, in order to demonstrate many expensive products, serving products. Serving in those days could include many items: 5 forks, 6 spoons, 5 knives, as well as a napkin ring, a goblet, an omentum, a bowl and a saucer.

Jewelry, too, has retained its popularity and value for thousands of years. Sterling silver, unlike gold, was not very expensive, which could not but rejoice. Crafted with great skill and extraordinary artisan design, this amazing metal exalts any element added to it, from humble amber to gemstones.

The best way to keep your jewelry clean is to wear it often. However, humidity and storage also play an important role. After all, 925 sterling silver oxidizes over time, acquires a dark gray color, which is easy to remove in the early stages.

There are several simple ways cleaning:

  • A popular method is to use a special liquid cleaner. It can be purchased at any jewelry store. Put a piece of 925 sterling silver in a small bowl, stir it. After some time (usually written in the instructions for the cleaning agent), the original color and shine will be restored.
  • A special polishing cloth, which is sold in stores, will also help restore the former beauty of your products.
  • Another great method for cleaning sterling silver jewelry at home is with toothpaste. Apply a little paste to an old toothbrush or a piece of soft cloth, then rub the toothpaste in with light movements. Leave the product for a few minutes, rinse with running water. To clean the chain - apply a thin layer of toothpaste along the entire length and pull it through a cloth or paper napkin, then rinse too.
  • Cleaning with aluminum foil works great. Fill the container halfway with hot water, add 1 tablespoon of salt or soda (one tablespoon per glass), dissolve it. Throw a few strips of aluminum foil into a bowl. Put silver items and leave for 20-30 minutes. After such manipulations, rinse the jewelry with water, do not rub them. This method can be repeated several times if all contamination has not been removed.

If something could not be removed or you are afraid of damaging the exhibit, you can take it to jewelry shop- the master will easily help you with this and will do everything very high quality.

What is the difference between silver, white gold and platinum?

Silver, platinum and white gold are considered "white" metals, although they all have a similar appearance. They are difficult to distinguish in appearance, but they are completely different in composition. Sterling silver is the least expensive of these. At proper care and cleaning may well serve as an alternative to white gold and platinum.

White gold is a harder metal, often used as a base for gems. It is durable, does not fade, retain its luster. However, gold is significantly more expensive and is typically reserved for more elegant pieces of jewelry such as engagement rings.

Platinum is the hardest and most durable white metal, often used for rings, small weaves. However, the durability and appearance of platinum is reflected in its value. A $30 925 sterling silver ring would be worth about $200 in white gold. If it were made of platinum, the price would be about $600.

Sometimes there are cases when silver products can cost several times more than platinum and gold - these are old antique jewelry or cutlery. They carry within themselves big story, the names of great masters, the hallmarks of famous factories and are highly valued. Such exhibits are very prestigious and unique in their kind.

As a result, it can be argued that 925 sterling silver is one of the cheapest, but at the same time beautiful and durable metals.

Sterling silver items are becoming more and more common. Jewelry made from this beautiful white metal is especially popular. So what is sterling silver and how is it different from regular silver?

Characteristics of 925 sterling silver

Classic 925 sterling silver is a predominantly white alloy of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper. The origin of the name has several backgrounds. One of them is rooted in England in the 12th century, where silver money "pounds sterling" was a bargaining chip of the royal court.

The English coin was popular due to its incredible strength and high quality. Silver sterling ("silver sterling") was often forged, but the fake was often revealed when weighed - 240 coins equaled approximately exactly 1 pound or 0.454 kg.

According to another version, the name comes from the name of the Easterling family, who lived in Germany at the beginning of the 13th century and were entitled to mint coins of impeccable quality. So precious metal and was named "sterling" in honor of the family that produced it.

Thanks to high temperature melting, in which metals are mixed, silver has high strength.

In science, they often experiment with silver, adding other metals instead of copper or replacing them with similar elements, but not a single combination gives such a ratio of strength and price as silver and copper. Combinations of silver with cadmium, platinum or germanium avoid the problem of blackening, but increase the cost of jewelry. To give silver items a noble white color and protect them from rapid blackening and scratches, they are sometimes coated with a small layer of rhodium.

The main difference between sterling silver and ordinary silver is the presence of copper in its composition, thanks to which the metal retains its white color and beautiful appearance, and also acquires additional strength.

The price of a silver product is formed depending on its sample. The sample determines how much metal is contained in the product. In addition to the 925 sample, 750, 800, 875, 916, 960 samples are also distinguished in jewelry, although the 950 sample already belongs to gold. The higher the copper content, the redder it will be.

When mixed with other alloys, the resulting product is no longer called a sterling silver item, but a 925 mark jewel.

Products 720-830 samples are mainly used in industrial production, as they contain a lot of copper, they have a yellowish tint and quickly oxidize.

The 960 markings have an incredibly beautiful white color, but are not at all durable. Sometimes, in ads, you can see information about the sale of 975 silver. This is erroneous information, precious metals with such a breakdown do not exist.

Some gold looks very similar to 925 sterling silver. For example, pure 950 gold leaf, which has a bright natural yellow sheen, is almost indistinguishable from rough silver in appearance. The composition of such gold includes, in addition to gold itself, copper and silver.

Where is sterling silver used and how to care for it?

Silver 999, that is, without impurities, in its pure form is used only in bank ingots, in the electronics industry and medicine, and is practically not used in the jewelry industry due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide, due to which it darkens, becoming covered with a sulfide coating.

With softness and elasticity, this material is not suitable for making dishes, figurines or furniture. The most common sterling silver used for almost all jewelry and non-jewellery is classic 925 sterling silver.

This alloy is a material not only for jewelry, but also for dishes, home decor, pieces of furniture, figurines, etc. Real jewelry of the highest standard of silver (usually 925) does not blacken even with constant wear.

However, like any precious piece of jewelry, sterling silver items require special care:

  1. It is necessary to periodically wipe silver products with a soft cloth soaked in a special solution for jewelry. Mechanical plaque cleaning should be avoided.
  2. To remove black plaque, it is recommended to use toothpaste or powder. Hydrogen peroxide works well. After the procedure, the product is rubbed soft cloth to add shine.
  3. Keep rarely used products in cases to avoid dust and light.
  4. The best cleaning option is to use the services of professional jewelry stores.

If the jewelry quickly turned black, faded and worn out, then the product is a fake and is most likely made of copper and small impurities of other metals, which is why rapid oxidation occurred. Basically, fakes come from China, where a huge production of sterling silver products is concentrated, but not always of high quality.

To protect yourself from buying a fake, you should buy jewelry in a jewelry store. If the choice nevertheless fell on an online store, you should pay attention to the price (it should not be too low), whether the store has certificates and the possibility of a return.

With undoubted advantages such as low cost (approximately $0.62 per gram), high strength, and great appearance, sterling silver is an excellent choice for connoisseurs of beautiful things and jewelry.

Jewelry is loved by many young ladies. After all, they give the image a touch of femininity and sophistication. Jewelry craftsmen use a wide variety of precious materials to make various items: gold, silver, diamonds, pearls… - the list goes on and on.

Many girls give their preference to silver jewelry, because they are cheaper than gold and look amazing. But which sample of silver is considered the best? Let's find out in this article.

The beauty of noble silver has been known since time immemorial. When exactly it was discovered remains a mystery to us. But, according to written sources, silver jewelry made by the ancient Egyptians. At that time, such jewels were much rarer than gold, so they were very much appreciated.

If you disassemble the etymology of the word "silver", you can see that it comes from the Sanskrit word "argenta", which means "bright". And indeed, the metal naturally has a silvery-white color.

In the bowels of the earth, silver is quite rare. It is for this reason that it can be safely attributed to the category of precious materials.

By its nature, it is a very soft metal with a characteristic ductility. This property allows the material to be processed with particular ease.

Pull, stretch, roll into thin plates - yes, anything can be done with such metal. However, master jewelers in most cases do not prefer to take pure silver to create jewelry. Why? The fact is that high-grade silver jewelry is easily deformed.

Pure silver is an excellent raw material for creating items such as collectible silver coins and bank silver bars. But in creating jewelry, craftsmen most often use silver alloys with other non-ferrous and precious metals.

Silver is often found in combination with copper. Such a material will fill silver with new and amazing properties. Jewelry items made of silver-copper alloy are very durable and keep their shape perfectly. And they are not afraid of oxidation and corrosion.

Silver is a versatile material that suits everyone. It looks equally good on both women and men. Usually, jewelry craftsmen use a high-grade alloy in their work.

This metal looks great in combination with other materials. These are gold, pearls, ivory, corals, and colored gemstones.

As for low-grade alloys, they make good tableware, such as: knives, forks, spoons, etc. Also, designers often use such silver for making various decor for home. These can be candlesticks, decorative vases, figurines and other table decorations.

As you can see, silver is a great material for all occasions. And if you want to know which sample material is best, let's take a look at the international metric sample designation system with you. Here are the following samples of silver:

Silver 800. This alloy can be called low-grade. And all because it is 80% silver and 20% copper and various impurities. Copper gives the material a slight yellowish tint. Silver 800 oxidizes in the air, but despite this, it has excellent ductility.

Possessing casting properties, such material is very suitable for the manufacture of various cutlery. Finished goods retain their excellent appearance for a long time, because they are not deformed and scratches do not appear on them.

Silver 830. It has almost the same properties as the previous type of sample. The alloy consists of 83 percent silver. It has a yellowish color. From this material it is already possible to make various decorative ornaments.

Silver 875. The composition of the alloy of such a sample is 87.5% silver, no less. Widely used in the industrial production of household products and jewelry.

Sterling Silver. This is already high-grade silver, since 92.5% of the alloy is pure silver, and the rest is copper and various impurities.

A distinctive feature of the alloy of such a sample is its white color, reminiscent of platinum in color. In addition, such a metal is practically not subject to oxidation.

It is very good to use for creating earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry. It also makes very beautiful cutlery.

Silver 960. As much as 96% of the alloy of such a sample is pure silver. A characteristic feature of the metal is softness and ductility. And you can find out by white color. The alloy is perfectly processed and the finished surface can be enameled. In addition to this, to give silver products beauty and sophistication, you can use a special jewelry technique - filigree.

Silver 999. This is pure silver. Such a test is at the highest level in the metric system. True, many are inclined to believe that there is a 1000 sample, but all this is arbitrary, because absolutely pure silver does not exist.

In any case, the material contains a small percentage of various impurities.

Silver 999- not a very good option for making high-end jewelry. As mentioned above, the highest quality metal is best used to make bank silver bars and collectible coins that can serve as investments. In addition, often such an alloy is used for decoration, as well as protection of precious and non-precious items.

What is the best sample of silver? There are many answers to this question and they are not all unambiguous. After all, each of the samples is useful and good in its own way. For investment the best option will be pure silver.

Long-term practice shows that many people invest their money in 999 silver. These are often bank bullion. One such billet weighing 1 kilogram contains about 999 grams of pure silver, and 1 gram falls on various impurities.

If you are a jewelry master or just learn the first basics of such a craft, then it is better to choose 925 alloys for your work. This choice is explained by the fact that they are characterized by such important features as strength and durability. Silver fine items and jewelry in most cases are not subject to wear.

Such amazing properties of silver were known many years ago. In the old days, coins were minted from 900 silver. Then such money was of high quality and high resistance to wear. considered the most popular precious material in the world. That is why it is often called the silver standard.