How to distinguish crystal from glass. All about crystal glassware. How to distinguish glass from crystal

In the house of every housewife there is a crystal tableware, which is taken out only on holidays and important events. Exquisite and luxurious items will decorate every event, add gloss and elegance.

However, today there is fake crystal, which, in fact, turns out to be skillfully processed glass. In this article, we will learn how to recognize a fake.

In laboratory conditions, the volume of lead oxide can be determined. Real crystal should contain 4-10% of this substance. Glass contains no more than four percent lead oxide. However, it is impossible to check the composition of products outside the laboratory conditions. But you can use home methods that will help determine whether crystal or glass is in front of you.

Crystal tableware is much more expensive than similar materials. But the high price does not guarantee the authenticity of the product. Therefore, carefully study and inspect the items before buying. We offer several easy methods that will tell you how to distinguish crystal from glass.

Nine ways to distinguish crystal from glass

  1. Crystal is always colder than glass, provided that both objects are in the same conditions. When heated, crystal also heats up much more slowly;
  2. Crystal is harder to damage than glass. This material is more difficult to scratch, but do not forget that crystal products are still fragile. Therefore, they require careful handling and careful care;
  3. Look at the structure of the product. Small gas bubbles are noticeable near glass, there are no such bubbles on crystal;
  4. Hold the product up to the light and look through the material. On glass objects you will see striations or flow lines. There are no such lines on real crystal;
  5. If you look through the glass at objects, they slightly increase. If you look at objects through crystal, they split in two;
  6. Place your palm on the glass and it will heat up quickly. Crystal will remain cool;
  7. When running a wet finger over a natural material, a clear and slightly ringing “crystal” sound will appear. Artificial products do not have such a sound;
  8. If you hit the crystal with your fingers, the sound will be growing and long, sonorous and transparent, which is not typical for glass material. In the latter case, the sound is deaf and short;
  9. There may be extraneous inclusions and gaseous bubbles on the glass, the maximum crystal may contain small cracks and slight haze.

How to distinguish a crystal chandelier from a fake

Such chandeliers look elegant and luxurious, they will make the interior rich and aristocratic. Most elegantly, such lamps look in the hall, living and dining rooms, in country houses. But even in this case, devices are often faked. Therefore, we will analyze separately how to distinguish a crystal chandelier from a glass one.

Carefully inspect the crystal pendants. They should be smooth, strong and strong without dents and chips, scratches and bubbles, specks. This material is characterized by perfectly even and smooth planes and edges.

Remember that crystal heats up slowly, while glass heats up quickly. Even if you hold a real pendant in your hands for a long time, it will remain cool.

You can distinguish rock crystal from glass by looking through a separate pendant at light or at objects. Through the real material, objects will split in two, and when light hits, it will remain transparent.

If it's a fake, the items will enlarge and flow lines will appear when hit by light. In addition, a real crystal chandelier must have a manufacturer's certificate.

How to care for crystal

After you have chosen and distinguished crystal from a fake, it is important to preserve the fragile material for a long time. To do this, you must follow certain rules for the care of such products. The crystal chandelier creates the greatest problems, because it is quite difficult to clean such a bulky and heavy object.

Crystal tableware has been in demand at all times ever since the secret of crystal production was discovered. The material itself was first made in 1676 in England. Crystal is a combination of glass and lead oxide. Because of this composition, crystal is called lead glass. By appearance, it is not easy to determine crystal and distinguish it from glass, which is what unscrupulous sellers use, offering customers glass products at the price of crystal. So how to distinguish crystal from glass yourself?

Information about crystal

Natural crystal is rock crystal, which is the clear quartz found in river pebbles. This mineral is used in the jewelry industry for the manufacture of decorative inserts in jewelry. Artificial crystal is a raw material for the production of tableware and decor items.

crystal tableware

Crystal is characterized by such features as resistance to acids and a high refractive index. Despite its thinness, crystal is a very durable material. So, the density of crystal is on average 3.6 per 10 kilograms per cubic meter in a cube.

Crystal production cannot be called a quick and easy process, as it consists of the following steps:

  1. Smelting charge - a mixture of sand, lead oxide and potash. The melting point is 1500 degrees Celsius.
  2. After that, a product of the required shape is blown out of the crystal. Then it is fired in a special furnace under the influence of a falling temperature regime.
  3. An expert evaluation of the finished crystal is carried out, during which the presence of defects (curvature, bubbles, cracks, etc.) is checked.
  4. Crystal is decorative.

Depending on the composition of lead glass, its types are distinguished:

  • classic crystal containing 24-30% lead oxide;
  • low lead: such crystal contains less than 24% lead oxide;
  • barium: contains a minimum of 18% barium oxide;
  • Bohemian: for the production of this type of crystal, not lead and barium are used, but glass, consisting of calcium and potassium.

glass vase

Crystal or glass?

As already noted, externally, crystal usually resembles glass. How to distinguish rock crystal from glass:

  1. Glass, unlike crystal, has good thermal conductivity. If you put your hand on a glass object, it will quickly heat up. This is not typical for crystal.
  2. Crystal is a durable material, so it is resistant to damage, such as scratches. As for glass, it can be severely scratched in a matter of seconds.
  3. If you look at the glass under a magnifying glass, you can see a large number of small bubbles in its thickness. Crystal has a uniform structure.
  4. If you take an object made of glass and look through it at some object, then the latter will appear enlarged. As for crystal, it does not distort the parameters of objects in any way.
  5. If you take a faceted crystal product and examine it in the sunlight, you can see the play of colors. Glass does not have this property.
  6. Crystal, if lightly run over it with a wet finger, will emit a growing melodic ringing, which is uncharacteristic of glass.

Crystal tableware is expensive, especially when it comes to elite material. Premium crystal is produced in factories in countries such as the Czech Republic, Russia and Germany. In order not to make a mistake when buying crystal products, it is recommended to give preference to large stores that sell branded crystal tableware.

No celebration is complete without a beautiful table setting with elegant glasses. If in Soviet times, crystal and glassware was considered in short supply, now everyone can afford it. However, today crystal is not as popular as it used to be, and more durable and lighter utensils have come in its place. What is it connected with? And do we know everything about noble crystal?

Crystal is

Crystal is a type of glass. Crystal can also be called pure high-quality glass. Modern glassmaking is more than 5 thousand years old, and the production technology has remained the same and has not undergone any special changes. Any alcoholic drink - wine or champagne - acquires a completely different "sound" when it is filled with a crystal glass.

The history of the emergence of crystal begins in the 17th century in England. Here, lead was added to the composition of the glass, which gave the crystal strength and brilliance. The walls of the vessel had a high refractive index of light, and therefore it was possible to observe all the colors of the rainbow. Due to its strength, crystal is easy to cut. Usually all raw materials are cooked at a temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius. After the liquid form, the glass is processed manually or with the help of special machines.

Ordinary glass is obtained by combining oxides of various metals with quartz. The main constituent is silicon dioxide, which is obtained from quartz sand. In the past, either chalk or lime was also added to keep the glass thin and have a better luster. Now this technology is not used or in rare cases.

Traditionally, crunch is treated with a diamond facet, as the material is softer and more amenable to change. The decoration method is also used - engraving, and the resulting pattern cannot be polished. Any applied pattern does not affect the taste of alcohol in any way.

Crystal types

  1. Lead. The composition contains lead oxide up to 36%. This type of crystal appeared about 350 years ago in London. It has undeniable advantages: it cannot be destroyed by acidic liquids or those containing alkali or alcohol, it is absolutely safe for health and does not emit harmful substances. It is cooked at a temperature of 1500 degrees.
  2. Mountain. The most natural quartz, which was found high in the mountains and at first was taken for petrified ice. Rock crystal is distinguished by its brilliance, strength, transparency and attractive appearance. No wonder now this type of noble stone is used for the manufacture of lenses, jewelry and expensive utensils. There is also the so-called smoky crystal or Rauchtopaz, which has gray-brown hues. Morion- An interesting type of black crystal.
  3. Barium. In its composition and qualities it resembles lead, only here instead of lead - barium.
  4. Bohemian. Crystal that does not contain lead and is a potassium-calcium glass.

What gives color?

Crystal can be both transparent and colored. He gets his tint color with the help of special additives in his composition. For example, blue is obtained by adding cobalt, red - cadmium or gold, if you add silicon, you get pink crystal, if iron - yellow or bluish-green, copper oxide and manganese oxides give purple and green hues. When pure manganese is added, we get a bright yellow color, grassy green with chromium, yellow-green with uranium.

Some types of decoration are used to decorate crystal. This is first of all decoration with gold(The most common). The foil is taken and melted inside the glass or coated on the outside. An easier and more budgetary way is painting with gold oxide. The second way to decorate is etching(satin finish). Either the entire surface or only the pattern is subjected to etching. The technique is based on the treatment with hydrofluoric acid, which makes the glass more shiny. For lovers of a matte surface, a matting technique is used using sharp-grained sand.

Care and Precautions

Like any fragile glassware, crystal glasses require care. In order not to lose shine and the color always remains so bright, you need to follow some tips:

  • For light soiling, a regular dish detergent and a soft, lint-free cloth will do.
  • If you add a couple of drops of vinegar or alcohol to the water and wipe the crystal with this solution, it will sparkle like new again. It is recommended to wipe with a velveteen or velvet cloth. They won't leave streaks.
  • Crystal, which has not been removed from the sideboard for a long time and has become covered with a thick layer of dust, must be put into the water where the potatoes were previously boiled. Wipe dry afterwards.
  • Cloudy stains will help remove the solution of salt and vinegar. This applies primarily to crystal vases, where there were flowers.
  • Remember! To prevent the crystal from becoming cloudy, do not wash it in hot water.
  • Wine stains can be removed by pouring some warm, soapy water into the decanter. Add a little soda and let it brew. Then shake well and rinse.
  • To avoid smudges on the dishes, they are not left to dry, but carefully wiped with a napkin or towel.

Good day! Are you looking for jewelry or souvenirs with rock crystal? Do you believe in the magical and healing power of an elegant stone and plan to use it as a talisman, amulet or a fashionable decor element? In order not to be disappointed in the purchase and achieve the desired effect, you simply have to know how to distinguish rhinestone from a fake on your own when it is not possible to use the advice of a jeweler or check the documentation. Read about the main differences between a natural mineral and the clever manipulations of scammers below!

Features of rock crystal

"Frozen ice" - this is the informal name of rock crystal. It really was formed not without the help of water as a result of crystallization, but it has nothing to do with ice. This is a semi-precious stone, so not everyone can resist the temptation to sell cheaper analogues under its guise. The rock is forged in various ways, most often using glass and cubic zirconia. Not to become a victim of fraud is the task of every buyer, both with experience and a beginner in the world of jewelry. Study the properties and external signs of the stone, so as not to be mistaken.

Natural breed - distinctive features:

  • Hardness. On the Mohs scale, the mineral has a hardness of 7.5. This means that it is not as fragile as it seems. Check the hardness easily with a sharp object. There should be no scratches on it.
  • A natural stone has no defects in the form of small scratches and chips.
  • Despite the hardness rhinestone can break. During the fall, it does not shatter into small fragments, like glass, but into several pieces.
  • Natural rock - pure mineral without inclusions.
  • An important feature - temperature. With high thermal conductivity, the mineral remains cool. It is enough to hold it in your hand to feel the outgoing cold.

In addition, unlike glass, the mineral not only does not take on temperature, but is also heavier.

Budget analogues of a semi-precious mineral

In order to reduce the cost of jewelry, manufacturers use analogues of precious and semi-precious stones. Some do it openly, some try to pass off fakes as genuine.

In order to understand how to determine deception in the case of rock crystal, you need to know how they most often try to replace it. Typical "substitutes" are cubic zirconia and glass rhinestones. The first one is artificially grown in the laboratory, resembling a natural crystal and some precious prototypes in appearance. The second is glass improved with special additives.

How cubic zirconia differs from natural crystal: how to identify a fake

Fianite is cubic zirconium oxide. It has nothing to do with breeds of natural origin. It was originally developed for use in industry in one of the scientific laboratories of the USSR. Over time, it was put into mass production due to the maximum resemblance to a diamond, and with the addition of coloring pigments to other precious and semi-precious stones, with the exception of emerald.

Artificial cubic zirconia is inexpensive and effective. It is actively used in jewelry. Only a completely “inexperienced user” can confuse natural rock crystal with cubic zirconia. The difference is visible to the naked eye. Firstly, cubic zirconia does not refract color so actively. It looks so crystal clear and transparent that unnaturalness is beyond doubt. In addition, the crystal is more fragile and not as cold as a mountain mineral.

If it is impossible to analyze external signs, as well as to verify the authenticity by the results of tactile sensations, study the product label. After the name of the stone on the tag, there should be a postscript cz - it indicates a replacement with cubic zirconia.

The difference between rock crystal and crystal: how to determine authenticity

Artificial crystal stones are used to replace the natural mineral as often as cubic zirconia. Usually these are popular Swarovski crystals - glass with the addition of barium or lead oxide and a special structure for the skillful refraction of light. A feature of the products is a bright shine, which the manufacturer achieves through aluminum foil with reflective properties.

Swarovski crystals are fashionable branded products, bright and presentable, but they are not natural rock crystal. Artificial glass pebbles do not have the magic and healing properties of the mineral, they are not so durable. When trying to sell Swarovski crystals as an analogue to a natural crystal, it will not be wrong to make a choice if you require a gemological certificate to confirm the authenticity.

  1. First of all, examine the product in the light. Natural stone should not have any inclusions. Its surface is clean without frozen air bubbles. At the same time, purity should not be artificial without a single flaw.
  2. Another indicator of authenticity is the ability to scatter light in a special way. Look at the decoration in the sun. Through the glass, the sunbeam will pass without changes, through the natural rock crystal it will be scattered into numerous colored rays.
  3. Do not forget about the stable low temperature of the rock. Try to buy jewelry and souvenirs in places where you can touch and see them in the light. A stone formed in natural conditions, unlike a glass fake, remains cold even in the palm of your hand.
  4. Feel free to ask the seller to test the rock for hardness. The natural material is hard enough to scratch glass.
  5. Large products are easy to identify by the melodic sound when in contact with the same product. You can hear a lingering sound even if you run a wet finger over the surface.

Now you know how natural crystal differs from artificial cubic zirconia and fashionable glass rhinestones. Do not be fooled by amateurs to capitalize on lack of experience and excessive gullibility and be sure to share your tips with your friends on social networks!

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The choice of dishes today is quite large. The variety of colors and shapes simply excites the mind. However, at all times, crystal tableware is out of competition, from which it exudes sophistication and luxury. How to distinguish real crystal from skillfully processed glass? That is what we will be talking about today.

Looking ahead a little, I would like to inform you that, no matter how surprising it may seem, it is quite simple to distinguish crystal from glass at home, even much easier than. All that is needed for success is just to carefully study the object, comparing its characteristics with the following statements:

Crystal has a lower thermal conductivity than glass.

Put your hand on the surface. If the product is made of crystal, it will be cool, and even if you hold it in your hand for a long time, its temperature will rise only slightly, which cannot be said about glass, which acquires ambient temperature in a matter of minutes.

Crystal is less prone to scratches than glass

You are unlikely to be able to scratch the crystal surface, since this material is quite durable, scratching glass is quite common. However, in no case should you check the strength of the crystal by dropping it on the floor, because in this case it will crumble into many small fragments (by the way, glass products break into large pieces).

Crystal has a homogeneous structure, which cannot be said about the structure of glass

Look at the light through the object of study. If bubbles are visible in the structure, then this is glass, since crystal cannot contain foreign inclusions. In crystal, you will not only not find gas bubbles, but you will also not see striations - the flow lines of the substance from which glass is created.

Glass magnifies objects, crystal bifurcates

You can also determine what is in front of you - glass or crystal if you look through it at some object. If the object has become a little larger in size, then you are looking at it through glass, if you notice a clear bifurcation, then you have crystal in your hands.

Crystal and glass sound different

Surely, many of you have at least once heard the growing, long, sonorous, clear, resonant rumble that is characteristic only of wine glasses made of crystal. For glassware, such ringing is not typical. You can hear a similar sound not only when two glasses touch, but also simply by running a wet finger over their surface, or simply by tapping on them.

Crystal differs from glass and such a characteristic as the refraction of light

Look at an object in sunlight. If its edges shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, then with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that a crystal product flaunts in front of you, since glass is unlikely to please you with such a play of glare.

Crystal is more expensive than glass

We simply could not say nothing about the cost of the goods. Naturally, crystal tableware is much more expensive than glass counterparts, but do not forget that often sellers can simply take advantage of the buyer's ignorance and sell high-quality, but ordinary glassware under the guise of crystal.

Video recipe for the occasion:

We have brought to your attention several proven methods that will allow you to distinguish crystal from glass with a high percentage of accuracy. However, if you are still in doubt about what material the item you wish to purchase is made of, seek the help of professional experts. Having extensive experience in such examinations, they will be able to determine what is presented in front of them - crystal or glass.