Weaving from newspaper tubes: the best ideas with detailed photos. Weaving newspaper tubes step by step: new ideas for beginners and master classes from needlewomen Painting and storing paper vines

Walk a fascinating path from the origins of weaving to the heights of craftsmanship, gradually mastering weaving from newspaper tubes. The article is specially structured and provides information on increasing complexity. In addition, on the occasion of the approaching New Year and Christmas, we have prepared for you a master class on making themed figurines and Christmas decorations. The abundance of photo and video material makes learning even more accessible.

Weaving has been known since ancient times. Wicker products can be found in any corner of the earth, and depending on the place of residence, a person used different materials for this craft. In the harsh northern regions, bark and tree roots were used for weaving. In Canada, needles are still used today to make beautiful dishes. In Vietnam and Japan, openwork baskets are woven from rice straws, and original dishes are made from papyrus ribbons twisted into thin ropes. In hot countries, herbs and plant stems are used for weaving, making the most necessary items for everyday life (matting, rugs, dishes, nets, shoes and much more).
This craft has gained immense popularity due to the fact that in any era people could use it in everyday life for their needs. The beauty of wickerwork is amazing: from cradles to rocking chairs, from hats to openwork baskets, from jewelry to shoes.

Nowadays, weaving is experiencing a rebirth, and the most interesting thing is that this type of art began to develop rapidly among the townspeople. Modern man replaced natural materials on more accessible in the conditions of the city - sheets of old magazines and newspapers. This genious idea helped a lot of people different ages master a wonderful craft and decorate your houses.
The beauty of weaving lies in its accessibility. It allows you to create not only pleasing to the eye, but often useful things in the household. You can do weaving from newspaper tubes with your child, the pleasure is guaranteed for all participants.

Weaving from newspaper tubes - video for beginners.

On the Internet, it is not difficult to find surprisingly sensible and detailed lessons of this needlework. The most common version of weaving from newspaper tubes is similar to weaving from a vine. But before you start creating, you need to prepare the material for work. Making tubes is not difficult, but it’s worth taking the advice of experts, they will teach you everything: how to cut a newspaper, how to twist a tube, and how to get a long tube, and provide their explanations with photographs. And then they will guide the student step by step until the work is completed.

Weaving from newspaper tubes ends with the coloring of the product. Painting with spray alkyd enamel has the advantage that it paints evenly, quickly, and does not require washing jars and brushes. But we must remember that when working with any aerosol, the respiratory organs must be protected - the use of a respirator is mandatory. And you should ventilate the room well after using the aerosol.
In the manufacture of complex color compositions, you can pre-color newspaper tubes.

Weaving does not require great strength and good eyesight, the quality of work depends on a well-learned technique. Not only young people, but also people of mature age will enjoy this craft. When starting to manufacture products, after preparing newspaper tubes, start with weaving simpler ones and gradually move on to more complex wicker products. During the manufacture of each product, you will master new techniques and skills.

Weaving from newspaper tubes - photos and diagrams.

Weaving techniques from newspaper tubes, used in practice, are shown in the photo. They are simple and within the power of every novice craftsman.

Stand for hot newspaper tubes.

If the first blanks of newspaper tubes have already been made and you can’t wait to create, but you still don’t have enough experience, create a hot stand. In the process, you will master the simplest skills of weaving newspaper tubes and “feel” the material. And you can also improve the technology of manufacturing raw materials. Try to quickly move on to working with color.

All of the weaving patterns above are easiest to perfect on flat items such as rugs and napkins. Finished products will instantly go to the homes of your friends or become a lifesaver for an unexpected present.

Today, the long-gone tradition of hanging on Christmas tree handmade toys. As modern technology creating such toys, it is customary to use tubes made of paper, newspapers, a very reliable and affordable improvised material. Moreover, weaving from newspaper tubes can be mastered by anyone, even the most creatively ungifted person.

Weaving snowflakes from newspaper tubes.

It will take in this case just a little patience, paper, glue, scissors, paint or spray. The body of a snowflake is best done with the inclusion of a wire, but you can get by using only a paper base. For this, not only ordinary soft paper is used, but also quite hard cardboard, twisted in several layers. Such material will become an indispensable basis, all the more so there is no need to waste your time and effort on finding the necessary set of wire to equip the structure, giving it the desired shape. Cardboard can be taken in any color, and then braided with plain paper.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is carried out strictly along the body, taking into account individual features products. For example, you can easily use multi-colored tubes, add original decorative elements to them. At the end, the finished composition is painted, varnished, the product becomes visually attractive and perfect. This is a significant plus of such a snowflake.

Weaving a snowman from newspaper tubes.

We suggest you make not an ordinary snowman, but his life-size figurine. Of course, more patience and time will be required here, but the result is worth it. Such a snowman will become the center of the New Year's photo shoot.

We use the standard scheme for making a snowman - 3 balls fastened together with decorations and decorative elements. A feature of the manufacture of a growth figure will be the use of large diameter balls as a frame. Fitness balls of different diameters are best suited.

Each ball is tied with twine, which will later be woven into rows of newspaper tubes and used to attach the balls to each other (see photo). Then the balls are braided with newspaper tubes in sequence from large to small. You can see more weaving from newspaper tubes according to the diagrams and videos presented in the article.

The process of blowing and pulling out the balls is also a difficult stage. Take care of convenience in advance by installing the balls with air holes up. If the finished figure lacks stability, use a sandbag embedded in the base as a weighting agent.

Let's not forget about the hands! This will be a long tube inserted through the holes in the body (at the level of the second ball). You can come up with another version of the execution of hands.

Now we cover the product with varnish and proceed to the decor. We make a traditional scarf, hat, buttons and a nose with a carrot from improvised means. Here you have a wider field for imagination. Therefore, even 10 snowmen, made initially according to the same scheme, will not be similar to each other. Create a fun snowman family!

Such a snowman will always be surrounded by the attention of children and adults, and will also successfully fit into the interior of any home or children's institution. Start working on it ahead of time. The main thing is to prepare raw materials, and this is about 3000 newspaper tubes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes of the original heart.

A heart made with love from newspaper tubes can very skillfully decorate a house, an apartment for a celebration, and also make original gift close person. Remarkably, virtually any magazine, old newspapers, even a cash register can serve as the source material (the main thing is that all this be paper and amenable to easy processing, coloring).

You can paint the tubes both before and after they are fastened together. As a composition for painting, it is best to take ordinary paint, in extreme cases, a spray, after which it remains only to cover finished composition varnish. Next, we will look at how you can make the product beautiful and stylish in more detail.

To work on the composition, you will need to prepare a wire (necessary to create a frame of the heart, and all other tubes will be attached to it in the future). A set of newspapers, magazines is also selected, for the manufacture of the tubes themselves, glue for fastening them, clothespins (used if reliable fixation is necessary).

The sequence of operations is as follows:

♦ The wire is kneaded, after which it must be inserted into the main tubes. This is done only at the beginning of work. It is important not to take too thick a wire, it is enough just to calculate the thickness correctly so that it can be conveniently bent.

♦ The wire is inserted into the tubes, which are used as load-bearing structures. Other tubes already without wire will be attached in neat layers. The frame must be shaped like a heart. It is important to perform this operation with high quality, forming perfectly rounded walls in the product.

♦ The tubes at the base must be glued together to give the product its final shape. In the future, you will need to use just the same clothespins, through which the edges are fixed. Take care to create optimal conditions for the subsequent drying of the structure.

♦ When the basic design is ready, you need to add a tube, only in a different plane, so that the heart turns out to be voluminous. This is necessary not only to create a visually attractive design, but also to further strengthen the heart.

♦ When the 3D frame is complete, the creator only needs to braid it with new tubes of newspaper to give it its final shape. You can provide two options for the appearance of the product. Namely, a heart, maximally braided with tubes, or stylized from just a few elements. Regardless of the option, the wire is no longer required.

Weaving from newspaper tubes allows you to create a stylish and practical decoration for the holiday!

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes.

Having gone through a certain creative path and having mastered the basic basics of the craft, you can proceed to the manufacture of a larger and more beautiful product, such as a basket. Baskets have ancient history almost as old as mankind. They were the first bags in which they carried food, clothes, flowers, they carried a bird in baskets. Baskets were made from twigs, grass, vines, and other materials. Why not make a newspaper basket using what's around the house: slips of paper? Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes continues the long tradition of decorating your home with baskets that served for various household uses (storage of clothes, food, Easter baskets, etc.). A basket woven and decorated with your own hands will be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends for any occasion.

Do not immediately start making large and large baskets, start with a small and decorative basket that will decorate your interior. Feel how to weave a voluminous product correctly. Having completed the manufacture of the basket, you will experience a unique delight and confidence in your creativity. Now you can safely start making any product from newspaper tubes and believe that you can handle everything! Your house will be transformed beyond recognition, and all thanks to your skill and small pieces of unnecessary paper!

Most often, the accumulation of newspapers is associated with the upcoming repairs, but sometimes this process gets out of control and the weekly press, out of habit, goes into storage in a common pile, increasing to an incredible scale. Over time, the question arises: How to use newspapers wisely in everyday life? Craftswoman Lyudmila Khonina will share with us the secrets of creating original products and clean our homes of useless waste paper.

The technology, called weaving from newspaper tubes, allows you to create various gizmos that are useful in the house: boxes, caskets, coasters, etc. Kit necessary materials while being minimal. All you need is newspapers or magazines, knitting needles different lengths, scissors and glue. There is such goodness in everyone.

strength and appearance products depends on the quality of newspaper tubes. Of course, you can buy ready-made tubes in the department for needlework and creativity, however, it is better to learn how to twist them yourself. Firstly, you will be independent of the search and supply of such specific raw materials to the point of sale. And secondly, the finished product will be 100% hand-made.

To make a tube, take a sheet of newspaper and divide it into 4 strips. Then, by attaching the needle to the corner of the strip diagonally, start twisting. Fix the tip of the tube with glue, and remove the needle on half of the tube. The number of prepared tubes depends on the size of the product.

as a template future crafts take a box or other bulky item. You will braid him. Glue an odd number of tubes to the bottom of the box (on the outside). Further manipulations carefully study the video.

When the box is already woven, we move on to the decor. You can apply various techniques coloring, decoupage, glue beads, shells and much more. Right now the product turns into an individual element of decor suitable only for your interior. And it’s hard to believe that earlier it was just a pile of unnecessary newspapers.

I think that everyone has a stack of unnecessary newspapers or magazines - they don’t raise their hand to throw it away, but it takes up a lot of space. It is from this waste paper that we will make our Goat. Let's use the currently popular technique - weaving from a vine. With one difference - we will not take a natural vine, but we will make it ourselves using a material that is no less flexible, but more durable - newspapers.

Materials and tools

For weaving we need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • PVA glue;
  • thin knitting needle 1.5-2.5 mm or skewer;
  • stain on water based;
  • brush for painting;
  • tray (optional)
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • acrylic varnish (you can do without it);
  • ruler.

Making vines from newspapers

First we need to make a paper vine. I’ll make a reservation right away that for the manufacture of tubes, you can use not only newspapers and magazines, but also writing, fax paper and even a check tape. Writing paper is the most pliable basis for weaving, magazine paper is very capricious and difficult for beginners. We will take middle option- newsprint.

We fold the newspaper in half, then cut along the fold line with scissors or a clerical knife. We fold the resulting halves again, cut again. As a result, from one newspaper sheet you should get 4 strips about 10-11 cm wide. I will open one little trick: to get light tubes without letters, use only the extreme strips of newspaper with a white edge.

We put the knitting needle on the very edge of the newspaper strip at an angle of 30-40º, then we begin to wind the newspaper knitting needle as tightly as possible. Having screwed it to the end, apply glue to the corner and slightly scroll between the fingers. Then carefully pull the needle out of the tube.

Please note that the diameter of the upper edge of the tube should be approximately 2-3 mm wider than the lower one. This is necessary for the possibility of building up our vines in the process of weaving. We will connect the tubes by inserting a narrow tip into a wide one.

Painting and storing paper vines

Since our goat is blue-green, we will paint the resulting newspaper vine. For painting, you can use any water-based stain. The most suitable in this case will be the color "walnut". For clothes and decor, you can paint part of the vine from newspapers in a different tone, such as mahogany.

Let the newspaper vine dry a little. But don't overdo it! Wet tubes are more pliable, it is much easier to weave them. Too dry tubes from newspapers will be brittle and inflexible.

If you are not going to weave right away, wrap the vine in cling film. For long-term storage, it is recommended to use a vacuum bag with a valve. If the tubes are still dry, shortly before weaving, moisten them with water from a spray bottle and let them lie down for a while.


So, we go directly to the weaving of our goat:

  1. To begin with, let's make blanks. Cut one tube in half. So that the vine does not unwind, we glue the place of the cut.
  2. We tie knots on one of the resulting halves. We get improvised paws with hooves. Fold the other half in half and cut the ends diagonally. These will be the horns for our Goat.
  3. We take two tubes and combine them into one large one. This will be the main frame of our goat. Folding our tube base into a figure eight, we form the ears. Please note that the hanging ends (racks) should be approximately the same in length.
  4. We bend the racks up, skip between the ears, wrap it back - a muzzle is formed.
  5. We glue the blank for the horns to the muzzle. We also glue an additional tube to the head, and glue it with a wider end. We coat the upper part of the muzzle with glue and begin to wrap it in a circle. But not from the very end, but stepping back a little - we get a nose and lips.
  6. So we wrap it to the very top. Then we wind the tube back and make two turns - we get a neck.
  7. To form a dress, we attach a tube of a different color.
  8. We part our base a little and weave the torso with a figure eight - three turns around each rack. We put the paws, braiding them in a circle.
  9. Then again weave with a figure eight, make 5-6 turns, narrowing it a little towards the end of the weaving. The body is formed. We put the end of the tube behind the rack and carefully glue it.
  10. And finally, we tie hoof knots on the legs. We coat each hoof well with glue. We leave to dry.
  11. If desired, you can additionally cover the craft acrylic varnish. The goat will gain shine, but will slightly lose its flexibility.

Depending on who you want to make - a goat or a goat, you can "dress" the figure in a dress, skirt or pants. You can tie a tie, add accessories to the kit - for example, a handbag, or put it on a sofa. With the help of a magnetic sticker it is possible to make a goat fridge magnet. It all depends on your imagination.

If you have children, include them in the weaving process. After all, the joint occupation of needlework is one of the most effective methods education, helps to establish trusting relationship between parents and children. In addition, weaving from newspaper vines remarkably develops fine motor skills hands, and is also a good incentive to develop the creative potential of the child.

Dare, create, experiment! Wicker Goat will surely bring you and your family good luck and prosperity.

We invite you to try your hand at an ancient and ever-relevant craft - weaving. However, the material in this case is not a traditional vine, but newsprint, twisted in a special way into long thin tubes, in many ways reminiscent of a vine and just as suitable (and maybe even better) for weaving of varying degrees of complexity - from the simplest, on which you have to “fill your hand”, to future masterpieces.

Perhaps, in childhood, among many, you studied with interest how your grandmother's basket works and once dreamed of learning how to do something similar. However, the need to find and harvest a suitable vine, the lack of a mentor or available information even in rural areas, not to mention urban conditions, forced them to give up on interesting and useful needlework, which could become a wonderful hobby. Today, a unique opportunity has arisen, and we present it to you.

From paper tubes you can realize a lot of ideas, in fact, everything is the same as from an ordinary vine - baskets, caskets, decorative panels, figurines of animals and dolls, bags, photo frames, hanging interior decorations and much more that your imagination and craftsmanship will tell you. You can even weave some furniture elements from dense tubes!

Material preparation is an important step

The material for the manufacture of tubes can be very different - from ordinary newspapers to more flexible "twigs" and openwork crafts to the thick glossy pages of magazines, the tubes of which are not as flexible, but are great for more experienced craftsmen who create durable household items. It is clear that we, as beginners, are more interested in newspapers and other similar grades of paper.

Twisting the tube-twig is quite simple. To do this, you need a knitting needle and strips of paper about 7-10 cm wide. Put the strip in front of you, attach a knitting needle to its lower left corner at an acute angle and, starting from the tip, wrap the paper tightly on the knitting needle, rotating right hand and helping the left along the entire length. The fact that the length of the needle is limited should not worry you: keep winding, rotating by the spoke. When a small corner of the paper remains at the end, apply a drop of PVA glue (prepare in advance) and wind it to the end, the glued corner will firmly hold the entire structure. The tube is ready! You will see that it is not difficult at all and after a little practice it will only take a few seconds.

Needlework can be called a craft that borders on art. It manifests itself in different types creativity. Exists a large number of materials used by lovers of applied art. Thanks to new opportunities and technologies, unusual techniques and new directions in creativity appear.

Weaving from a vine is a fairly ancient type of needlework. While the use of newspaper tubes as a weaving material has only been around for a very short time, the technology itself has been proven for centuries. Newspapers are a simple and affordable material, if you have the desire and patience, you can learn how to weave interior items that are useful in the household.

The history of the craft

Weaving from plant stems was already used in Neolithic times. Archaeologists find household items made in this way both in Africa and throughout Eurasia. It is assumed that for weaving people used thin tree roots and a flexible vine.

Much later, the interlacing of long rods began to be used in construction. In the nineteenth century, many roofs were made using this technology. Simple people they made fences around their houses, the rich could boast of wicker furniture.

Today, decorative wicker souvenirs can often be found at handicraft exhibitions. However, it is not necessary to dwell only on history. Using the interlacing technique, using newspaper tubes, real design objects are created.

Preparing the paper vine

The longest stage when working with newspaper tubes is preparatory. The preparation of identical paper rods takes more than a third of the entire time of manufacture of the product. Collecting a sufficient number of newspapers will not be difficult. Every day we receive different leaflets and advertising booklets in the mailbox.

First of all, you should decide on the type of product and the method of weaving. It depends on the type of paper. So, for example, dense glossy covers are used for large items (furniture, boxes, coasters). Thick paper does not have plasticity, but is very durable. Elegant interior products are made of thin paper that can bend in the right direction. Especially good for these purposes is newsprint or unnecessary office sheets for the printer.

Preparation is divided into several stages:

  1. Collection of the required amount of material;
  2. Page marking on the same stripes (4-10 cm);
  3. Cutting identical blanks (a clerical knife may come in handy);
  4. tubule formation;
  5. Collection of the required number of tubes.

It is best to immediately make the number of tubes with a margin, so that later you will not be distracted by this process, but will be engaged directly in weaving.

The process of forming newspaper tubes has several secrets. A strip of paper is wrapped around a thin metal object. It could very well be a needle. The paper should be placed at an angle relative to the needle. The flexibility of the paper twig depends on the angle. This option is suitable for fine work. If the item requires durable material the angle of inclination should be made as small as possible. Remember that such tubes are most often short. They are perfect for creating a product frame. While long thin twigs are needed for weaving.

Secret! The beginning of each tube is made slightly thinner than the end. This makes it possible to connect several twigs into one and continue weaving without interruption.

Types of weaving

You can bind paper blanks different ways. The nature of the weave depends on the functionality of the manufactured item, the aesthetic image, and the place of operation. For a children's room, it is worth choosing a more durable weaving so that the product can withstand active children's games. If it is planned to manufacture decorative element, which will stand on the shelf, you can apply openwork patterns. All methods are easy to perform, but require some skill and patience.

So, weaving is distinguished:

  • simple;
  • spiral twist;
  • tissue (layered);
  • rope;
  • pigtail;
  • openwork.

To begin with, it is worth mastering the basic methods of working with a paper vine. You can make a small basket for practice. Simple weaving is the formation of a frame and braiding it with flexible twigs. There are options for working with one or two tubes. You can go around each element of the frame or through one.

By spiral twisting is meant a way to work with a vine, as in children's crafts from electrical tape. A thin object is wrapped around with two twigs, twisting is done in each row with a slight offset. This creates a spiral effect.

Layered weaving from newspaper tubes resembles the structure of the fabric. Its other name is fabric weaving. It is used to create round shapes. To work with this type of weaving, you need to alternately go around the frame bases either in front or behind. To speed up the work, weaving with two paper twists at once is possible. When working with round shapes you need to carefully monitor the beginning of a new row so as not to lose the binding density.

There is a spiral weave around the frame bars. To work diagonally, the first row is not made at right angles to the base, but at an angle of 45 degrees. After building up the body of the product, you should finish the unfinished section at the bottom of the basket with an additional tape. Here you can also work simultaneously with two or more lanes.

Weaving with a rope and a pigtail, with newspaper tubes, strengthens the frame. Can be used for additional bottom or edge sealing. Work in this technique is the decoration of the object. When the base is ready, additional paper tapes are inserted into the edge, intertwined, capturing the body of the base. Decoration is acceptable at the bottom at the bottom, at the top at the edge and as a border. The pigtail can be edging and consignment note.

The most complex technique can be called openwork. With its help, various patterns and drawings are obtained. Often it performs a decorative function, decorating only an element of the product. There are many different options for openwork weaving. The essence of this work is to create a pattern using areas free from weaving. It can be a chessboard, various vertical braids, plaits, twists, arcs. When combining several patterns, an original, unique item is created.

Some of the types of work with paper vines are available even to children, to master the rest you need to practice extra.

How to weave the bottom of the product

Since the bottom can be represented by any geometric figure, then this factor is the main one when choosing a weaving technique. The bottom can be solid or openwork. However, all methods are based on the formation of a framework. For him, beams from several blanks intersect.

With a solid bottom, six tubes are taken perpendicularly, crossed 3 through 3 in a checkerboard pattern. The middle should be tight. The success of the entire structure depends on this. The resulting 3 * 3 square is the center around which the bottom begins to grow.

Further weaving is done with two twigs at once. The bends of the lozin are made in the corners of the central figure. The tubes can "dive" both above and below the bundle of three frame rods, or they can go around each twig separately. In the process of weaving, the shape of the bottom is formed. All lozina should fit snugly against each other.

The second option for the formation of the bottom is based not on three twigs, but on six. At the same time, they are braided in pairs. To seal the bottom, you can use not only the perpendicular intersection of the bases of the base, but also add diagonal paper tubes to the main figure.

It is possible to build the bottom without a frame. In this case, the bottom is made of two pieces of thick cardboard. Future racks of the object are attached to one of them, and the resulting structure is covered with the second part. First you need to mark the places of the racks on the cardboard, distributing them evenly. The wicker bottom looks more impressive, especially on small items (box, vase).

Further weaving continues according to the chosen technique. The only thing you need to remember to take care of is that the length of the racks must match the length finished product. Building thick cardboard is very problematic and not always possible. Therefore, it is better to pre-prepare the appropriate twigs.

The technique of weaving is that the entire product is woven at the same time. It "grows" in height. If you make each detail separately, and then glue the structure, then elegance will be lost, the joints will look sloppy.

Extension of tubules and weaving

When a high product is planned, then you can not do without building up a paper vine. If you adhere to the technology of preparing paper tubes, making one of the edges thinner, then building up is not difficult. Two twigs are connected with glue, work continues. If, after assembly, the product is covered with paint, then the joints are completely invisible.

Often, during weaving, an object is required that performs the function of a base, the shape of which must be repeated. This method helps to maintain the correct proportions. For a rectangular shape, you can use a box. With dense weaving, a product made of thin tubes can even repeat the shape of a bottle.

The product can be painted at the final stage, or you can use pre-painted tubes. At the same time, you can make color accents, bring fantasy patterns to life. At the last stage, the product must be varnished.

What can be woven from newspaper tubes

Wicker decor is increasingly common in interiors. It could be something as small as a photo frame. Such a modest element can be applied in almost any interior style (with the exception of high-tech style).

Items from newspapers in a country house look especially good. It creates a unique rustic atmosphere. Various vases, caskets, chests will be appropriate here. It should be noted that all these items can be used on the farm. As a result of weaving, a very durable product is obtained.

In a modern apartment, there is also a place for such gizmos. In the nursery, you can use baskets for toys. Laundry baskets are perfect for the bathroom. By the way, varnished, they are not afraid of moisture.

Sometimes you can even find accessories made in this technique. For example, an elegant woven clutch will be a great addition to the look.

Newspaper weaving is a great way to get rid of the accumulated waste paper and create a unique design object at the same time. The result is a beautiful and durable thing that can be used in life. Handmade interior items fill the room with comfort and warmth. In addition, all hand-made products are unique and original. There is a guarantee that no one else will have exactly such a box.

96 photos of products woven from newspaper tubes