DIY Christmas mosaic. Mosaic from the shell on the New Year theme. Christmas tree made of beads

Approaching New Year and there is a desire to do something homemade jewelry for home. A holiday is a holiday, decorations should be bright, shiny and original. Good material old CDs can serve as crafts.
CDs and dvds are almost never used for their intended purpose, but perhaps someone has some leftovers. From such discs, you can make a reflective mosaic on glass Christmas balls with your own hands.

For work, you will need to purchase transparent glass Christmas balls with pendant.
Each product will require 1-1.5 shiny mirror discs. Any will do, only CD discs are poorly cut, the film coating can be frayed. It is difficult to determine by eye, you have to try to cut it.

You will also need scissors, a glue gun and a shiny tape in gold or silver.

1. Cut the CDs with scissors into small fragments of different shapes and sizes.
In order for the edges to be even, scissors must be chosen good, sharp.

2. For convenience, we place the ball in some kind of cup that is suitable in diameter.
We apply a drop of hot glue and plant a piece of the mosaic on the glue, pressing lightly with your finger.

3. We continue to stick the shiny fragments one by one until the entire surface of the ball is filled.

4. Since we are gluing a mosaic with gaps between the parts, it will be possible to see drops of glue inside the ball through the transparent walls. To hide this flaw and at the same time make the colors of the craft richer, we fill the ball with a shiny ribbon through the hole. There are other options for using CDs, .

Photo from
Such jewelry with a mirror mosaic can be made in any size and shape.
Hot glue should only be used on glass or ceramics. But if you are going to use some kind of quick-drying universal glue, then the base will also work from plastic or paper.

Christmas tree - a three-dimensional thermomosaic craft for the New Year.

Crafts from thermomosaic

This year, my daughter's reserves have been significantly replenished thanks to gifts from relatives and friends, for which we thank them very much. Therefore, I continue to talk about what can be made from this material, which is not yet familiar to everyone, for children's creativity.

Most often made from thermomosaic flat crafts. But voluminous crafts from it also turn out to be interesting. For example, today Rita made a pretty nice voluminous Christmas tree.

Thermomosaic craft for the New Year: voluminous Christmas tree

This craft from thermomosaic:

  • is an unusual New Year's souvenir that will decorate the house for the holiday
  • will serve as a gift for relatives and friends of the child
  • can be done in Kindergarten or school for a competition

In addition, when it is completed, it will be possible to attach the remaining beads in the minority bright colors. And about the benefits for development fine motor skills hands can not even tell.

Scheme of a three-dimensional Christmas tree made of thermomosaic

In order to make a New Year's thermomosaic voluminous Christmas tree, you will need a base (tablet), in which the pins are located one below the other.

If the size of the base allows, both parts of the Christmas tree can be laid out next to each other. We have a small base, so my daughter did the details in turn.

One detail looks like this.

And the second one is like this.

These are both parts after ironing on both sides through thermal paper.

My daughter and I were surprised when the colored beads that play a role Christmas decorations, become square. As it turned out, Rita made a Christmas tree from beads of different companies, apparently because of this, they behaved differently during the heat treatment process (beads that become square are very useful for crafts with thin or narrow parts, because such beads when melting denser and stronger stick together with each other, due to this the figure will turn out to be more durable).

After both parts have cooled, they can be connected to each other using grooves made specifically for this.

If desired, in a similar way, you can make a larger Christmas tree. We have it small enough to fit in a dollhouse.

In the articles with the tag there are diagrams of our other crafts made of hot melt beads.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

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The New Year is upon us! Well, what is the New Year without a Christmas tree?

Christmas tree from sweets

Such a Christmas tree will be an excellent souvenir for new year holidays, while it is not difficult to make it yourself. Christmas trees look especially beautiful if you pick up sweets in a green wrapper with an ornament. Such a Christmas tree will decorate the festive table!

coffee christmas tree

Recently gained great popularity various crafts from coffee beans, and the Christmas tree was no exception.

Christmas tree made of paper and napkins

There are many options for such Christmas trees - they can be cut out from several sheets of colored double-sided paper or from magazines.

Christmas tree made of fabric and ribbons.

The Christmas tree can be sewn from felt or other fabric.

Sisal Christmas tree

Today, the production of sisal Christmas trees of various colors and sizes is very important.

Christmas tree made of threads, rope and lace

You can make a cone and simply tie it with thread or jute rope.
You can also use thread / lace + PVA glue.

Knitted Christmas tree

And lovers of knitting can independently make one of the Christmas trees below.

Feather Christmas tree

Chic, a feather tree will look airy.
Make a cone out of cardboard and start from below to glue feathers to it in a checkerboard pattern

Christmas tree made of beads

Christmas tree made of cones

Such a Christmas tree can be made both from whole cones and from small pieces.

Christmas tree made of shells

Christmas tree from other natural materials

Tree branches, nuts are suitable here, which can then be covered with golden spray paint.

Christmas tree from Christmas balls

The most christmas tree can be made from bright Christmas balls

Christmas tree made of pasta

Such a Christmas tree looks very beautiful from tubular pasta, but you can also use any other shape.
Glue the pasta to the cone from bottom to top, then spray paint and top with tinsel.

Button Christmas tree

Very simple and no less beautiful option.

edible christmas tree

Christmas tree on the wall

If you don't have much space in your house, make a Christmas tree on the wall.

Christmas tree with legs with their own hands.

We will need:

Cardboard, drawing paper (for the base),
soft yarn, thread,
wire 15 cm,
simple pens or pencils 2 pcs.,
regular and double sided tape
roll toilet paper or napkins,
thick cotton threads
thick fabric,
building plaster,
thermal gun.

Manufacturing process:

At the heart of such a leg is gypsum, which gives it stability. cut out a piece of cardboard for the future boot using a template: cut the piece along the black lines, along the lines of blue color walk with a knitting needle, make cuts along the red lines (photo 2)

For a shoe of about 5 cm, a little more gypsum will be required, but the design will also be more stable. The template is made for two shoes on a scale for a sheet of A4 paper, print, cut, glue.

Go through all the seams with a sharp object, bend along the lines (photo 3). Get two open joints, where the red lines were located. For durability, it is better to glue the surface of the entire boot with tape.

Fill with diluted gypsum, having previously fixed the blank for the legs - an unnecessary pen or pencil. After the gypsum has hardened, glue double-sided tape to the tip of the boot - felt boots (photo 4).

Next, glue soft yarn to the double-sided tape in rows. Paste over the surface of the entire boot, but you already need to wind it around the circumference: from the nose of the boot, go to the lower leg, winding it to the top, cut off the thread. Then glue and wind the thread on the sides of the foot (photo 5). As a result, you get a boot as in photo 6.

To the sole with glue gun glue a piece of dense fabric (photo 7). Tape the leg and secure with hot glue (Pic 8).

Decorate the gypsum by smearing it with glue and covering it with beads (photo 9). Cut out circles for the bottom of the Christmas tree, cover with double-sided tape and decorate with yarn. Pre-prepare the holes for the legs (photo 10). Insert the legs and pour plenty of glue from the wrong side (photo 11).

Bend a figured piece of wire. Glue the paper cone onto double-sided tape (Pic 12). Insert the wire through the hole in the paper cone, after pouring glue into it. After the glue has cooled, the wire will hold well (photo 13). Wrap the wire with toilet paper, forming smooth transition to a paper blank (photo 14).

Fill a paper cone with napkins, cut out a circle from drawing paper with a diameter slightly smaller than the bottom covered with yarn. Glue it inside the workpiece - a cone using a thermal gun. There should also be two holes on the mug - the blank (a thick and light bottom can also be made of foam), i.e. the legs of the pencils will pass through two mugs - bottoms. If there is no foam, the space between the circles can be filled with paper. This will give rigidity to the structure (photo 15), glue the bottom bottom with hot glue (photo 16).

Tape the entire surface of the cone with double-sided tape (photo 17) and start gluing the threads (photo 18).

Make a toy for the crown, you can use ready-made or make it yourself. You can make balls of thread. Why you can take a jar of vitamins, make two small holes in the bottom and in the lid. Thread the needle, thread the needle through the bottom and through the cap. Pour glue on at least half of the jar, close the lid. Now, when winding on the base, the thread will be pulled through the structure and its surface will be evenly moistened with glue (photo 20).

Attach the ball to the Christmas tree (Pic 21). You can also make a pendant, for which you need to glue a strip of double-sided tape on a piece of toilet paper reel and also cover it with yarn dipped in PVA glue, let it dry (photo 22 - 23). Decorate the inner surface of the pendant.

The Christmas tree is ready!

Christmas trees made by hand.

Well, what is the New Year without a Christmas tree?

But what if you don’t want to spend money on expensive Christmas trees, which are either artificial or live, which are even more pitiful? There is an option - do it yourself. Moreover, it is very easy to do, and you don’t need special materials, the main desire is to attract your children for this.

We offer you 10 options, this will be a simple needlework for you. We grouped them into separate pictures in which you can see how the Christmas tree is made. After you have made it, you can decorate it, Christmas decorations are perfect for this.

Beautiful Christmas tree made of paper.

All you need is: thick paper, pencil, cleaver, sewing machine(you can also manually flash it),
pencils and markers.

Christmas trees can be painted and even hang small toys on them, then the fantasy is yours.

Confetti, stars, glass pebbles? Do not rush to throw away! They can make a wonderful one, which even small children can easily make with their own hands.

In addition to jewelry, you will need:

a thick sheet of blue paper or cardboard;

thick green and yellow yarn;

PVA glue;

Let's get started.

We draw a background for crafts.

We lay out the outline of the Christmas tree on cardboard with green yarn. You can first draw the outline with a simple pencil. We glue the yarn securely.

On the top of the Christmas tree with yellow yarn, lay out the outline of the star. The basis for our craft is ready.

Let's move on to the most interesting - we fill it with mosaic elements.

To do this, we apply PVA glue inside it with a sufficiently thick layer and quickly, before it has time to dry, sprinkle the smeared area with our decorations.

You can also use small bright details from toys, designers, pieces of dense fabric, small puzzles - everything that is found in the house.

In the same way we decorate the star. And so that it lights up every time a ray of light falls on its surface, we fill the contours with shiny decorations - confetti or foil figures. You can use decorative glitter.

Beads, sequins and rhinestones dry out

The guys from the city of Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, are engaged in the circle "Nature and Fantasy". They sent us for their work - a mosaic of shells on new year theme. All works are made in the same technique - "Mosaic drawings".

For work you will need:

  • thick paper or what you are going to decorate,
  • pencil,
  • tassel,
  • tweezers,
  • PVA glue,
  • paint (any quick-drying paint),
  • eggshell.

Remove the inner film from the shell. You can use white, you can use any colors, for example, with Easter eggs. The main thing - do not take pieces with a stamp printed on the egg.

1. We draw on the object of decoration (in this case, paper) any desired shape or picture - a plot, as in our case.

2. Paint over with PVA glue part nr. until the Christmas tree. While small. We take a piece of the shell and press it to the glue, crushing it along the way. We glue the next piece with glue, press the shell, and fill the entire form. You can ignore the gaps between the shells for the time being, we fill in quite approximately.

3. Now the small fragments of the shell left over from work are used. We smear empty areas with glue, and pick up pieces under them, helping ourselves with tweezers.

4. Thus, we make the whole picture. Tiny areas do not need to be filled, but if you need it, you can make a slurry of PVA and small shells, and cover the cracks with it.

5. The picture can be painted with paint. We use acrylic, watercolor and gouache. We try to paint over the cracks.

6. Leave to dry. The craft can be decorated various rhinestones, sparkles, stars, as you like.

7. You can decorate with a frame.

Halkhozhaeva Amina, 10 years old.
Title of the work: "New Year's fairy tale".

Zakirova Diyora, 10 years old.
Title of the work: "New Year's Surprise".

Kudryavtseva Anastasia, 7 years old.
Title of work: "Silver hoof".

Israilova Jasmine, 8 years old.
Title of the work: "Snowman and hares".

Mannabdzhanova Durdonakhon, 8 years old.
Title of the work: "Reindeer".

Uskova Olesya, 10 years old.
Title of the work: "Make a snowman."

Khalkhozhaeva Zainab, 7 years old.
Title of the work: "True Friends".

Shiroglazova Victoria, 9 years old.
Title of work: "Cheerful snowman".

sent work by the head of the circle

Gorodetskikh Natalya Fedorovna

What wonderful mosaic pictures the guys gave us! Thank you very much!

And I still ask all readers of our site to leave comments on the guys' work, otherwise we will not be able to determine the winners of the New Year's crafts contest!