Snowflake costumes. How to sew a Christmas snowflake dress for a girl with her own hands, a dress pattern and sewing instructions How to make a snowflake dress from a dress

In fact, such a dress is suitable for any celebration, but if you decorate it with sequins and garlands, you will get a great dress for your little snowflake.

Before New Year holidays remained "sweet". And so you want to please yourself and your daughter with a new dress and, of course, New Year's, and of course, a “snowflake”.

To sew christmas dress for a “snowflake” girl, you must first take measurements, make patterns, cut out the details of the dress, then sew these details. This is what we will do now.

Let's take a close look at the photo.

In the photo - a dress "snowflake" for a baby of three - five years without sleeves, with a fluffy double skirt, decorated with a belt and a flower. The bodice and underskirt of the dress are made of white satin. The top skirt and belt are made of organza.

Such a dress for a baby 3-5 years old can be sewn in one evening. The main thing is to buy fabric in advance: white - or satin, or satin, or silk and transparent - organza or nylon, rose - or pink, or white, or blue or any other flower.

HOW TO MAKE PATTERNS FROM A T-SHIRTS for a New Year's dress for a girl:

And for the pattern, pick up a beacon or an old T-shirt without a collar, the one that you don’t mind cutting and it is just the right size for your daughter.

Do not rip the T-shirt, but cut it neatly at the seams. First, cut off the sleeves, cut the seams of the sleeves. The dress we are going to make is sleeveless. But you do not throw them away, they will still be useful to you for other dresses. Cut the shirt at the shoulder and side seams. You have a front and back.

Note that the cuts of the armholes and neckline of the front are different from the cuts of the armholes and neckline of the back. The cuts of the neck and armholes are steeper, deeper cut.

In order to sew a New Year's dress "snowflake" for a girl, you need to CUT OUT the skirt and bodice of the dress: front and back. And take measurements!

Measure your daughter from the shoulder cut to the waist line, as shown in the figure, this will be the length of the front.

To take measurements, first tie your baby with a string along the intended waist line, not tight.

If you make a mistake in finding the waistline of the crumbs, it’s not scary, you will close the sewing seam of the skirt with a belt - a bow.

Measure the length of the skirt from the waistline to the knees or below the knees, as you like.

Does your daughter not want to stand still? Turn on this video clip for her, and, in the meantime, take measurements.

Transfer the measurement to the front of the T-shirt, draw a new line with chalk, slightly convex. Trim the front along the marked line.

Lay the cut off front of the T-shirt on the back of the T-shirt and draw the bottom edge with chalk. Trim the back along the marked line.

HOW TO MAKE PAPER PATTERNS of a New Year's dress for a girl:

On a sheet of paper or wallpaper with a pencil, outline the front and back of the T-shirt. Set the T-shirt pieces aside.

On paper, add 1.5 - 2 cm seam allowances to the lines of the shoulder cuts, sides and bottom line. No allowances are needed for the cuts of the neck and armholes, so we will process these cuts with a edging strip.

With a pencil, draw new cut lines: shoulder, side and bottom.

Cut out the front and back pieces from the paper along the new outlined lines.

Skirt patterns are not needed!

Everything! patterns for a New Year's dress "snowflake" for a girl with seam allowances are ready!

HOW TO CUT A New Year's snowflake dress:

1. Open skirts.
Cut out a strip of 2.5 ÷ 2.8 m long and 0.5 m wide from the atlas. The value of 0.5 m is the length of the underskirt.

Then cut a strip of the same length from organza 2.5 ÷ 2.8 m wide 0.5 m. You can make the overskirt shorter. For example, 0.4 m.

2. Open the bodice.

Place the paper pattern of the front of the bodice on the wrong side of the satin and outline with a simple pencil. Next, outline the pattern of the back. Cut out the front and back pieces.

Fold the back along the middle and cut down from the neckline 8.0 ÷ 10.0 cm for fastening.

3. Cutting oblique strips for edging the cuts of the neck and armholes.

From the remnants of the atlas, cut out strips with a length equal to the length of the neck and armholes. The width of the strips depends on the method of edging the sections.

4. Open the belts. Cut a strip of organza 15.0 ÷ 20.0 cm wide and 1.5 ÷ 2.0 m long. The direction of the warp thread does not matter.

All New Year's dress for the girl is cut out!


1. Finish the opening for the fastener with either piping tape, or double stripe, or single stripe piping stitch.

Processing the fastener with a single oblique stripe:

Straighten the zipper opening into an almost straight line. Sew on the edging strip as shown. Go around the cut with a strip, fold the cut of the strip inward and stitch the edge of the strip. Fold the edged section of the clasp in half and place a bartack at the end of the clasp.

2. Connect the shoulder seams. To do this, stitch, overcast shoulder sections and iron them towards the front.

3. Trim the edges of the armholes.

Approaching New Year and caring mothers are already thinking new year outfit for your princess! Create a costume with your own hands, and your snowflake will be the most beautiful in the celebration of the New Year's celebration!

DIY snowflake costume

We offer you a very simple way to sew a snowflake costume. Based on the pattern of the regular dress for girl. You will need - a white fur coat for frills, beautiful fabric(thick silk, taffeta, velor) and a wide elastic band for a bandage.

  • First, take measurements of the circumference of the hips and chest, determine the length of the product. Draw a pattern on paper. Tip - to make both halves symmetrical to each other, first draw one half on the fabric, then turn it over and draw the other. Leave 2-3 cm seam allowances.
  • Connect the two pieces together and sew, then overcast side seams and neck.
  • Sew a fur coat along the edges of the dress. For the accuracy of the work, the craftswomen fasten the two materials with a furrier seam manually.
  • We make a bandage - measure the circumference of the head and cut out two rectangles, adding 2 cm to the seams. On the wrong side, sew the pieces together and turn right side out. front side, then thread the elastic. Fold the edges of the bandage inward and join the sides together.
  • Complete the look with snowflakes, tinsel or rain, our outfit is ready!

DIY snowflake costume - bodysuit and tutu skirt

The outfit consists of a fluffy base of a tutu skirt, which even a novice seamstress can make. All it takes is a little time and imagination! After manufacturing, you just have to pick up and decorate the top - white shirt or body. To create a skirt, we need: scissors, cardboard, white and blue tulle, a wide elastic band 5 - 6 cm, stars for decoration.

  • For accuracy and even layers of the skirt, it is necessary to make a cardboard blank for the skirt. Base width - 35 cm, length - 40 cm.
  • Wind the entire tulle from the roll onto the prepared cardboard. Trim the beginning and end - the stripes for the skirt are ready! There should be about 50 of them.
  • For the convenience of knitting strips, put an elastic band on the legs of a chair or on a thick book.
  • Fold the strip in half and squeeze, then lay it on top of the elastic, pushing the ends apart. We lower the loop down and stretch the tulle with two fingers, tying a knot.
  • Do not tighten the knots too much, try to keep them the same. Thus, we tie the entire skirt around, the more stripes you tie, the more magnificent the skirt will turn out.
  • At the end of the work, wrap the product with knots to the inside and decorate with stars!
  • We make pompoms to decorate hairpins and shoes - to make one pompom, cut a piece of ribbon about 8 cm wide, and tie around the book 7-8 times. Then carefully and firmly tie with a rope, cut the edges and fluff. The pompom is ready!

DIY snowflake costume - crown

Add a crown to the dress and your princess will turn into the queen of snowflakes! We will need - a diadem, a mesh with sequins, white tulle of two densities, a beautiful large snowflake.

  • In order to make the base that will hold the snowflake on the crown, you need to make a rigid tulle backing. To do this, measure the size of the tulle, given the size of the snowflake.
  • Make a tight gathering that can be sewn either by hand or by machine. The denser the base, the better.
  • We put the assemblies one on top of the other, you can even 3 on 1. We iron to make the base flatter and even.
  • The second layer - attach blue tulle to white.
  • With the third layer we attach light white tulle, which will be the background for the snowflake. The layer can be attached to the previous one by uneven bending, for a more diffuse effect.
  • To attach the array to the crown, you need to trim the edge by cutting off the excess.
  • We connect the resulting beauty with the tiara in an adhesive way, putting the crown on top, closing the seam.
  • Next, glue the snowflake in the center.
  • We form the crown - we cut off three layers to get from large to small. At the end of the work, iron the top layer for greater splendor.

DIY snowflake costume - New Year's ideas for moms

Take a look at the creations of the mothers of craftswomen! The basis of all New Year's dresses includes - a white fluffy skirt made of tulle or silk with organza, abundant ruffles, assemblies, various shiny decorations. In order not to buy an outfit for one evening, you can supplement an existing dress with New Year's accessories. Dress the princess in white shoes and white patterned tights and your snowflake costume is ready!

Many mothers want to see their daughter at the matinee in a snowflake costume - this is the lightest and most airy outfit!

And most importantly, it will never go out of fashion. But how to save time and money, while making your daughter the queen of the ball?

Let's analyze and discuss what details should be taken into account when choosing or creating it?

What version of a snowflake costume for a girl can a mother make with her own hands? What she needs for this, as well as photo and video instructions for creating it.

Let's explore ideas for creating simple option literally in one evening and more sophisticated with rhinestones and decorations of everything, including tights, Czechs and a headdress.

It should be taken into account at the stage of reflection that in a tiny room kindergarten, where mothers, fathers, grandparents will come to see the matinee, there are very few places.

Literally in 10-15 minutes it will become stuffy, so ideas from fur capes or warm fabrics are best left for a matinee in the house of culture.

  1. White dress or full skirt with top
  2. tights or knee socks;
  3. shoes;
  4. crown;
  5. and a few more accessories (earrings, beads or necklaces, Magic wand, mitts or gloves).

We sew in 1 evening quickly and beautifully according to step-by-step instructions

For mothers of needlewomen who have been friends with the machine for a long time, the next idea and instructions from the author Tatusya.

You will need: tulle 2 shades white with peas and blue, white taffeta for the dress, silver and white threads, linen elastic white color, Velcro for bandage 2 cm, bead for bandage, zipper for fastening.

The main uniqueness of this dress is that the tulle skirt itself, as well as the sleeves, are put on separately, you decide whether to sew them on or not. top and bottom.


  1. Cut out and sew a dress according to an existing one, or take a white T-shirt.
  2. To cut out a tulle skirt, to do this, measure the volume of the abdomen and take a cut 2 times longer to make folds. The height of each layer is approximately 16 cm and 19 cm, while leaving 3 cm for the hem under the elastic band. The thinner the fabric, the more it is needed, for example, chiffon or tulle, we recommend choosing 1.5 - 2 m.
  3. We sew it like this: stitch the side seams. Fold them on top of each other and bend 3 cm, and sew 2 cm away from the fold so that your elastic band lays down without creases. The skirt is ready to try on.
  4. Sleeves - we sew flashlights in the same way, only we insert an elastic band from 2 sides. They will also have two layers. In finished form, their height is about 10 cm. The width of the sleeve is taken based on the volume of the child's arm in the armpits.
  5. For the bandage, we recommend taking a ready-made white bandage or knitted weave, then the fit is not particularly accurate, the fabric stretches perfectly. Measure the volume of the child's head, take into account allowances for seams of 1 cm and for a clasp of 2-3 cm. If you use knitted fabric, then a clasp is not needed.
  6. We collect the whole suit and put it on. Sleeves and a skirt, if desired, are worn directly on the matinee or immediately.

Video on making a snowflake costume for babies.

Costume for very young children

A spectacular crocheted crown will become an accent and highlight in a snowflake costume, and detailed master classes with video and photos are

Pay attention to the gentle and graceful crowns, so emphasizing the childish immediacy.

Go on and find out how easy it is to decorate them with your own hands using a minimum of time and money.

Winter snowflake accessories

To decorate the head, not only a crown is suitable, but also a hat or kokoshnik embroidered with snowflakes. Use hairpins, elastic bands and bows.

You can not do without white tights, golfs or socks.

Jewelry for the neck, earrings, crown

You can add decorations around the neck with beads or beads or knitted or ready-made snowflakes.

We offer to make snowflakes from: mass for modeling, which hardens, beads, crocheted, made using the kanzashi technique, or from polymer clay, cut out of a plastic bottle, and if you don’t want to waste time, then purchase jewelry in the shape of snowflakes at the accessories store.

Video how to tie a snowflake for decoration: beads, earrings

After knitting, lay it out on a file and pin it with pins in a stretched state, and then process it with PVA glue. This will give it rigidity and allow you to easily thread it into the hooks themselves - the basis for the earrings.

A visit to the store where they sell christmas toys, offers such decorations for the Christmas tree.

Here are snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen, stars and they are in different color scheme, i.e., suitable for any suit.

You can decorate the entire costume with them or by separating individual parts to make earrings, all that remains is to add hooks.

They are quite light and long, which means that they will be enough for the whole dress, if such an ornament is put into a piping around the edge.

Make large snowflakes with a glue gun.

Master class on creating a snowflake with a glue gun:

  1. Prepare a napkin, a glue gun, olive oil, brush, ruler, pencil, oilcloth, PVA glue, sparkles, brushes.
  2. Draw a snowflake on the napkin with a pencil and a ruler. Using a brush, smear the pattern with olive oil.
  3. Apply according to the drawing glue gun 1 layer, wait until it dries and go again so the snowflake will be more voluminous and strong.
  4. Let it dry and coat it with PVA glue. Then, using a brush, apply glitter to each ray. The snowflake is ready.

if you have acrylic paints or luminescent varnish, then it will do, so your snowflake will also glow in the dark.

Video tutorial on creating snowflakes with a glue gun

If there are no snowflakes at all, then they are easy to tie, they are also suitable for decorating the neck, look at the first photo in the article, you just have to make them harder, lay them out on a template and process them with PVA glue, then when they dry, you can glue rhinestones.

Snowflakes are available to draw on the bottoms plastic bottles, or on the bottles themselves, so that they do not curl, put under a press.

Snowflake magic wand

Your princess will be delighted with a “magic wand” that will complement the outfit - just glue a strong snowflake on a stick up to 30 cm long. Silver tinsel will be a good addition to the costume - decorate a dress, crown, shoes and even a magic wand with it.

Fur coat or cape

If you have no sleeves, then take care of a bolero or a fur coat that the baby can throw on her shoulders. Decorate them too with snowflakes, use sew-on rhinestones, sequins or glue rhinestones.

Handbag, gloves

These details add some elegance. Replace long gloves with fingerless ones with decorated edges. In stores there are whole sets of gloves, crowns, sticks and braids. Mitts crocheted from cotton threads will suit a gentle image.

Video on knitting mitts for snowflakes

White openwork mitts with beads

How to comb a snowflake girl?

We recommend choosing a hairstyle for a snowflake carefully, because a headdress is a harmonious continuation of the costume. Take care right now correct hairstyle for the snowflake.

If the snowflake is not your final version, then we suggest that you find out about other New Year's costumes, they are written in detail.

We offer a detailed analysis of the costume of a hedgehog, a bunny and a squirrel at this link with recommendations for creating it in different versions.

Hairstyles with gathered at the top and beautifully styled hair look more restrained, and curls and curled curls are suitable for a more festive look.

Quick suits for snowflakes

You will have to buy shoes and tights in the store, and if you don’t want to buy a dress, you can quickly make it at home with your own hands.

The easiest option is to make a tutu skirt from tulle. For this, it is not at all necessary to be able to sew, and this procedure will take no more than an hour. We present detailed photo instructions for mothers

Step by step video to create a tutu skirt without sewing

Video on making a dress with a tutu skirt

Add a top, T-shirt or combidress to the skirt, having previously embroidered it with beads and tinsel, you can also use glue rhinestones. Sometimes ready-made paintings in the form of snowflakes are sold right in stores.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a dress without sewing or How to make a festive dress from tulle quickly?

We replace the flowers with snowflakes, as well as the color of the dress itself and the tulle, we choose from the colors familiar to the snowflake.

We will need: tulle 2 colors, top with holes, scissors, beads, glue gun.

Video tutorial with step-by-step explanations from the choice of fabric to the finished dress.

Tiara or crown?

The crown can be replaced with a tiara - it often remains after my mother's wedding - or quickly made from a headband or wire. The option of making a crown is on our website, the link is at the top of the article.

And one more very effective secret, if you know that it will be dark at the matinee or at the holiday, then we recommend that you purchase such luminescent snowflakes, they are not at all expensive, but they will amuse the kids.

They are sold in such boxes sealed on paper, so you can immediately figure out how many pieces you need 1 or 2 packs.

Before the matinee, put them for a few minutes under the lamp or near it, so that their glow is brighter and more saturated.

The snowflake costume has always been and will be a favorite, although you should not forget about others. We suggest you read the article how to do it.

Do-it-yourself butterfly costume for girls is also popular on holidays, and photos and videos will help you make it in 1 evening, you can read the instructions.

Among animal lovers, a dog costume is always popular, how to make it is described in.

Snowflake Makeup or Face Painting Ideas

Do you want to complement the image with makeup or face painting?

Look at the ideas in the photo, maybe some of them will appeal to you. Snowflakes or Olaf with Elsa and Anna? Choose the one you like or create your own.

Video on drawing a face painting snowflake for a girl on her forehead:

Makeup tutorial for a snowflake for a New Year's party:

What else to add?

The most important thing that your snowflake should have is a cheerful mood. Create a festive atmosphere for her, and she will be happy to go to a meeting with Santa Claus to receive gifts.

Delicate, airy and incredibly cute snowflake - traditional New Year's image, without which almost no matinee can do. The image is popular and therefore often repeated. To make your little snowflake stand out qualitatively against the general “snowy” background, we suggest sewing a suit for her with your own hands. Firstly, he will ideally sit on the figure of the baby and will not cause discomfort to the child. And, secondly, the author's costume always guarantees its originality and uniqueness.

Ideas for a New Year's snowflake costume for a girl

To begin with, there are a lot of options for embodying this popular image. But in almost every one of them, basic clothes of a white or blue hue are taken as the basis: a dress, a suit, a skirt and a T-shirt (bodysuit). The base is decorated with sequins, beads, New Year's tinsel, lace. The main motif of the decor is, of course, snowflakes of all sizes and patterns. Completes the image, as a rule, thematic headdress. It can be a white hoop, headband, diadem.

On a note! To make the snowflake costume light and airy, use white and blue feathers when decorating it. different sizes. But be sure to lay out the feathers in the form of snowflakes, otherwise you risk getting a costume of an outlandish bird.

Do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl - step by step instructions

If you are not strong in improvisation, then you can use the ready-made master class on creating a snowflake outfit. This option is very simple to perform and requires a minimum of effort and investment.

Necessary materials:

  • tulle
  • wide elastic band
  • hot glue
  • sequins
  • parchment paper
  • white T-shirt or bodysuit

Main steps:

How to make a snowflake headdress - step by step instructions

The final step will be the creation of a suitable headdress. The easiest option is a bezel, which we suggest you make with your own hands from ordinary gum.

The most magical time of the year begins at the end of December, because it is then that kindergartens and schools arrange New Year's parties for children. Such events not only cheer up, but also make the child believe in a fairy tale.

It is very important for a little fashionista to be the most beautiful and original at the long-awaited event, so parents have a great responsibility. Fortunately, nowadays the search interesting costume It will not be difficult, because the choice is incredibly diverse. Knowing some of the nuances will help you make your baby the happiest.

Features and Benefits

Previously, at children's parties, all the boys were bunnies, and the girls were snowflakes. Now individuality is in fashion, and even children strive for it. Your child will be grateful to you for the unique and beautiful suit, which will leave in memory only positive emotions. Moreover, now the abundance of such things alleviates the plight of parents.

You can emphasize your baby's hobbies or hobbies by buying her a similar costume. And those who are limited by finances can always create something of their own from improvised means. This is especially true for children from the nursery, because for them the carnival outfit does not matter much.

By the way, there are quite versatile products that can be easily used for several years. So you save yourself from unnecessary expenses and torment with the search.

Remember that in childhood, sincere emotions are not associated with expensive purchases, but with bright events. Do not skimp on giving your daughter joy.

Varieties of costumes for girls for the New Year

Snow Maiden

Being the granddaughter of Santa Claus is a special privilege that will make any girl happy. Such a costume is most often found in stores, and it is also extremely easy to make it at home.

The basis is a blue, white or light blue dress made of light and smooth fabric, which will shimmer a little in the light. Usually it is decorated with various beads, lace and embroidery. The cuffs decorated with white fur look beautiful. In general, abundance and airiness is only welcome.

A kokoshnik or an interesting hat is most often worn on the head. They also love rhinestones, fluffy pile and unusual patterns. You can put on boots made of fabric or white felt boots on your feet.


This is one of the most popular costumes since the 80s. Mothers remember their childhood by dressing their daughter in a similar outfit. In addition, it is considered universal, simple and quite democratic.

The product is necessarily white fluffy dress, which looks like a big circle from above. It is best if the skirt is stiff enough and standing up, like a ballerina's tutu. The top can be anything, but transparent lantern sleeves and a shiny collar will look especially beautiful.

They decorate the outfit with various beads, lace, iridescent ribbons, and some still use tinsel. You can wear a diadem or a kokoshnik in the shape of a snowflake on your head. As for shoes, white or silver sandals will look great.


In children, the squirrel is associated with something fragile, fluffy and very cute. Any baby will be happy to dress up in such an animal.

To do this, you need a bright orange or brown dress, which may be slightly flared. The bottom is often decorated with contrasting fur, which is also present in the form of tassels on the ears and some other details. Behind must be a neat standing tail. By the way, instead of a dress, you can use a sundress with a white blouse.

You can wear simple triangular ears on a headband or a hat with an animal muzzle on your head. The second option will look much more interesting and full. On your feet, you should wear ballet flats or shoes that will echo the color of the suit.


Girls are very fond of cartoons about magical characters, so this outfit will cause a lot of emotions.

The main attribute of a fairy is her magic wand, which should never be forgotten. As for the costume itself, it consists of a fluffy translucent dress and a headdress. The skirt should be very voluminous and look like a tulip. The top can be anything, but light and graceful wings are simply required to show off on the back.

From accessories it is worth giving preference to a cap or a wreath of artificial flowers. Complete the look with cute shoes in a similar style, which can be complemented with colored leggings.


This is a very unusual costume, which will certainly be appreciated by everyone around.

It can consist of a one-piece dress or a skirt with a blouse. The bottom should be straight or tight-fitting, but below the knees, the skirt should be flared. You can simply add sheer layered fabric at the bottom of the legs or style it as a ponytail. Material resembling scales is welcome. The top should be tight, but an outfit with shells in the chest area will look especially cute.

Don't forget to look for a suit in turquoise or navy, which can combine play of lilac, pink and silver tones. A headdress is optional, but a red wig, like Ariel's, will look extremely unusual. You can also wear a headband or hairpin with a large flower. Shoes should be unremarkable.

Christmas trees

Purely new Year costume which always looks very bright and original. Layering is most welcome, which will create the illusion of tiers.

The basis is a dress of a green shade, which can be completely different. The simplest and most common material for it will be tulle, which keeps its shape perfectly and looks very festive. It is superimposed on each other in layers, increasing towards the bottom in a circle. The edges can be decorated with a contrasting frill, and various layers can be added to the layers themselves. Christmas decorations. They can be small and real, or they can be foam balls or decorative fittings.

You can put on a green cap on your head, decorated with the same details, or just make beautiful hairstyle. Grass-colored shoes or sandals will look especially great.

Little Red Riding Hood

Now many people forget about this character, so on New Year's party such a costume will look very bright and unusual.

The easiest way to purchase a set of red skirt and white blouse. The bottom should be flared, but fairly simple. Can do without various decor. As for the shirt, you should choose a model with ruffles, bows and puffed sleeves. The top is partially covered by a black vest with lacing, and the skirt is covered by a small lace apron.

As for the headdress, a cute deep red hat is an integral part of the image. White stockings and open sandals can complete the costume.


If your fidget likes to climb trees and play with the boys, then she will certainly like such a daring costume.

It may consist of a blouse and a ripped skirt or leather trousers. Suit colors must be brown, black or burgundy. It is these shades that are associated with this ambiguous character. Do not forget to use striped things in your suit. A massive belt with a large metal buckle will play a big role.

Do not forget that the image of a pirate will not work without a branded hat with a skull and crossbones. It is easy to find in thematic stores, so there should be no problems. If you choose a skirt, then you can wear black leggings on your feet, and cowboy boots should be preferred from shoes.


Very cute and extremely simple costume, which is now quite popular.

Of course, massive foam bases will look very original, but they will not be the most comfortable. For a girl, it is worth buying a familiar black and yellow dress. It can be striped around the entire perimeter or only at the bottom. It is worth saying that styles look best with fluffy skirt, because in the bee this zone is voluminous.

Don't forget the wings on the back and the antennae on the head. Perfectly complement the outfit with striped tights and black boots.


Such a costume always looks very cute, but more often you can meet the smallest children in it.

In the departments, you can easily find a voluminous jumpsuit with wide sleeves and a cute hat. However, for girls, a dress is more suitable. yellow color with a flared skirt. They will also complement the image of a sleeve in the form of chicken wings, which can be supplemented with feathers or a ribbed pattern. Various frills, ruffles are welcome, but colored fittings will be superfluous.

On the head, the child can put on a deep hat with a muzzle or also a decorated hood near the dress. For a complete look, you can buy or sew slippers in the form of paws.


A very specific look for a girl. It should be chosen only if the child himself asks for it.

It usually consists of a black jumpsuit, which should be figure-hugging. The second is very important detail is a cloak that is worn on the back. The costume turns out to be quite gloomy, but everyone can fix the little details. For example, a translucent cape that can be decorated with white veins will look more interesting. You can also make jumpsuit and raincoat in contrasting colors.

Do not forget to wear a hat with triangular ears on your head. If possible, look for a headdress with a mouse face. Shoes must be black.


The positive hero of many fairy tales is quite popular and simple suit for the holiday.

There are several variations of this image. The set may consist of a white turtleneck, a gray vest and the same shorts. It will also be interesting to look at a graphite-colored dress or sundress. Another tandem is a combination of a T-shirt, a skirt and a short cape on the shoulders. Choose the option that suits your little one the most.

Do not forget that the costume should be decorated with a long ponytail and a hat or headband with ears. You can wear a bow tie around your neck, and socks and ballet flats on your feet.


Not all girls will like this themed costume, so be sure to ask the child's opinion.

This outfit is also quite diverse. Often included are shorts with cuffs, a T-shirt and a vest. No less popular is the option of a dress with a voluminous bottom or a sundress. However, the easiest way to find a skirt, turtleneck and cape. The jacket should be white, and all other details usually have a grassy or marsh hue.

Yellow frills or individual elements of the same tone will look beautiful. Do not forget to add a deep hat with a frog face and small ears to the set. Colored gloves and salad-colored shoes will complement this outfit.


cute and clean feminine image for any holiday event.

The classic suit is a combination of lush, but short dress and pantaloons. Frills, lace and ruffles in a contrasting shade will never be superfluous. As for the primary colors, blue, blue and white tones are welcome.

An indispensable part of this outfit are blue curls. If you can't afford to buy a wig, you can just make curls or buy blue hair crayons. Do not forget to also buy a headband with a large bow made of satin fabric. Tights or socks should be white, and light-colored sandals can be worn from shoes.


One of the most accessible and common heroes for holiday costumes.

In stores, you can easily find a long jumpsuit in white or gray with a pinkish belly. Usually it immediately has a hood, decorated with ears and an animal muzzle. However, for some, it is easier to buy separate shorts or a skirt and combine them with a turtleneck and vest. Less often you can find flared dresses or sundresses with a cape.

Perhaps, separate sets will be not only democratic, but also more convenient. In addition, the baby can be hot in overalls, which will incredibly spoil the mood for her and those around her. By the way, instead of a warm hat, you can buy a headband with long ears.


The most versatile outfit that can be worn to many events.

Now the princesses of certain cartoons are in great demand. For Cinderella, a blue dress with brilliant decor and a small diadem. Princess Aurora must have long dress pink shade with a lush hem. The princess from the Bremen Town Musicians is dressed in a red outfit with a fur collar.

In general, the image should be feminine and fabulous. If you want to buy something without a theme, then feel free to buy a fluffy snow-white dress, decorated with beads, rhinestones and unobtrusive accessories. An elegant tiara and neat shoes will always complement a fabulous look.

Lady Bug

The popular character has been loved by millions, so Ladybug-style costumes have already appeared in many departments.

This simple outfit consists of a form-fitting jumpsuit with a closed leg. It is good if the product also has gloves built in. However, the image will absolutely fail if the color does not match the costume of the real heroine. The cartoon shows a red jumpsuit decorated with black peas.