What does a baby feel in the womb when a mother cries. Intrauterine life of the child and his reaction to the outside world

  1. The origin of life
  2. I am a little man!
  3. How does a baby hear?
  4. Personality formation
  5. Want to eat!
  6. Video

Life naturally begins in the womb. This simple truth is known to everyone, if you miss the achievements of science and technology, no matter how innovative it may sound. The prefix "in" in Latin "novatio" means "in the direction of change." The very concept of "innovation", which arose in the 19th century, received a new application at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of research in the field of economic relations.

Father's perception Whether any changes and innovations are needed in the relationship between a man and a woman at the birth of their child is a widely discussed and increasingly controversial issue. But the most important task of future parents has always been and remains the creation best conditions so that the little man who is born will always be well. Therefore, they, along with everyone around them, often ask themselves the question - what does a child feel in the womb.

The origin of life

Embryo at the ninth week of pregnancy

At the beginning of a conversation about this, I would immediately like to note that I don’t really want to use the medical terms “fetus” or “embryo”. It is unlikely that the future mother thinks about the fact that some cells connect and grow inside her, she always thinks about her child.

Mental state of mother and baby

The life of a baby, as is most commonly believed, begins from the moment he is born. He accepts congratulations on his first birthday in 12 months. But in reality, according to, for example, in China, at that moment he had already lived for 21 months. 9 months in the womb is also his life. This opinion is shared by embryologists, gynecologists, psychologists and, of course, the parents of the child. What are the mother's emotions from the pushing of the baby in her stomach! She cannot in any way call that tiny creature, which already four weeks after conception, is an organism with a small, independently beating heart, an accumulation of certain cells.

I am a little man!

Little man in the womb

Twelve weeks later, the baby in the womb already has tiny hands with tactile cells at the tip of each finger, and facial features become individual. From this time on, the kid is able to express the whole palette of human feelings on his touching, intelligent face. This can be observed especially well in infants born prematurely (at the 25th week). They groan and wrinkle their brow when they are examined, but enjoy on the mother's chest, which is accompanied by their smile. Any contact with the mother's body is a search for protection. In anxious situations, the baby even leans his head against the crib - this reminds him of the familiar environment in the womb, where he was surrounded by maternal hip bones.

Baby in the womb

Touching and stroking the belly of a pregnant woman is very important, including if it comes from the father of the child.

A woman's womb is the very protective haven in which the baby feels the greatest connection with the mother, when he participates in her life, at the same time, not being isolated from the outside world. The baby reacts to what is happening around the mother, feels her mood, hears different noises during the work of all the organs of her body - the heart, stomach, intestines, pulsations of blood vessels. It has been noticed that the ultrasound procedure is not very pleasant for the baby in the womb, so it must be carried out according to the plan.

How does a baby hear?

Sounds play a special role in the development of the baby. To understand how he perceives sounds in the womb, we just need to plunge headlong into the water. In such a muffled form, any sounds are perceived by him. At the 25th week, the baby's hearing organs are already fully developed.

It is very important to pay attention to communication with the child in the form of a quiet and emotionally positive conversation. The child perceives fairy tales and lullabies already in the mother's womb.

Such communication for a woman is always fascinating and exciting. Mommy asks herself questions - does the baby hear her, does she understand her worries and anxieties, her fatigue? How to make him feel comfortable?

Lifestyle of a pregnant woman

The child experiences discomfort with loud music, especially hard rock, which is accompanied by frequent noisy beats. He actively reacts to quarrels of parents, to sharp movements of the mother's body, to a loud call mobile phone, for the long operation of the mixer, for the loud knock of the car door, for the tears of the mother. Aggression between parents causes more harm to the unborn baby than alcohol or smoking, and often leads to miscarriage.

The baby loves classical, calm music, more later dates mother's pregnancy is well perceived by the low tone of the father's conversation.

Personality formation

The course of pregnancy

In the womb, the baby already shows emotions, actively reacts to everything that happens around him, especially to the mood of his mother. Therefore, she should think only about positive things and do only pleasant things, not forgetting about physical exercises. There is an opinion that the future mental development the baby depends on the nervousness and stress of the mother during pregnancy. Nevertheless, German scientists hastened to reassure everyone by refuting this point of view. The fact is that the baby only for short periods of time (instantly) reacts to events, then quickly switches his attention and forgets about the previous one.

Only prolonged stress of a pregnant mother has an impact on the future psyche of a child. Maternal rejection of an unwanted child leads to the infant's dislike for himself, which means that the child has difficulty adapting to society.

Want to eat!

Fetal emotions

The baby in the womb silently reports that he is hungry, with various movements and jerks. Its nutrition occurs through the placenta, where nutrients from the foods consumed by the mother. amniotic fluid become bitter from strong tea, cigarette nicotine, hot food seasonings and spices. Therefore, it is extremely important what a pregnant woman eats. If mommy is excited or scared, there is a clamp in her body, which means that the placenta does not receive the necessary nutrition and oxygen.

Love and security, satiety and peace - these are the components of the success of a small person. We wish him a good appetite for the joy of all.

Find out how the baby develops in utero.

They say that a child in the womb both hears and almost sees ... Is this true? And what is she intrauterine life of the child? How does an unborn baby react to the outside world? How does the fetus develop and how does its intrauterine life affect the future? These and other questions are answered by a gynecologist the highest category Polina Sergeevna DEREVYANENKO. Interviewed by Lyudmila SLAVINA.

“What kind of science is prenatal psychology? When did she appear?

Prenatal, that is, prenatal, psychology appeared not so long ago. The fact is that the former idea of ​​the prenatal life of a future person, as a period of purely biological existence in last years completely and irrevocably forgotten. Now it is considered an axiom that the fetus develops not only parts and systems of the body, but also cognitive functions and sensory organs. And some researchers argue that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the human fetus already understands in its own way what is happening around, reacts not only to internal changes in the mother's womb, but also to external stimuli that reach it. Prenatal science studies the prenatal psychology of the child.

"Is it true that future child hears? And how does this happen?

- It is well known that the hearing organ in the embryo begins to form one of the first. By four months, the fetus hears music. He reacts to bravura and loud active stirring calm and melodic music soothes him. There are cases when pregnant women were forced to leave rock music concerts due to an unbearably violent reaction of the fetus.

With anxiety, the fetus reacts to quarrels and cries of parents. Sometimes they can lead to a miscarriage, and it is not known what the reason for this development of events is either sharp fluctuations in hormones in the mother's body, or the threat itself contained in the stormy cries and insults with which the scandal proceeds.

It is also known that unborn children remember melodies, words, whole expressions and even nursery rhymes if they are often read in recent months pregnancy. The mother of a two-year-old girl once heard her daughter repeat: "Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale" - commands that sounded in courses for expectant mothers.

Children born hear and recognize voices of parents, react to their intonations. Doctors advise expectant mothers to talk to their baby as often as possible. After birth, such children are calm, less likely to cry.

The fetus hears external sounds in a peculiar way - low frequencies seem to be cut off, high frequencies are heard more clearly. It is with this that psychologists associate the maternal instinct to talk to a newborn: in a special, high voice - it sounds clearer and safer than low sounds.

“I read that in ancient Greece, pregnant women were forbidden to look at everything ugly, ugly. And they were charged with the duty to systematically admire the beautiful drawings, statues, landscapes. Allegedly, the future baby sees the same thing as the mother, and this affects his development ... "

- It is not yet known whether the fetus distinguishes between beautiful and ugly, but the fact that a born child reacts to light has been proven. If a doctor examines a pregnant woman with a fetoscope (a device for intrauterine examination), then the bright light from it frightens the child. He rolls over, trying to hide from the beam, tightly closing his eyelids. Perhaps the next news about intrauterine life will be exactly what you are asking about, and find out that the fetus is really prone to beauty.

“Does the fetus have a taste sensation? It's hard to believe that he tastes but I've heard that too.

It really is. The unborn child, like all children, loves sweet and does not like bitter. If in amniotic fluid, in which he swims, add glucose, the fetus swallows it twice as much as usual. And the introduction of a bitter medicine there reduces the swallowing reflex. Moreover, swallowing bitter, the fetus makes exactly the same grimace, depicting disgust, as an adult.

"They say that the fetus feels the mood of the mother, reacts to her smoking, falls asleep with her." Is it all true?

- The fetus really repeats all the actions and even the mood of the mother. He dozes when his mother falls asleep, wakes up with her. If the mother is calm, then the fetus behaves calmly. If she is nervous, then he either freezes or actively moves. But he also has his own needs. If the mother remains immobile for a long time, he lacks oxygen, and he begins to move violently, jerk his legs. If the mother, on the contrary, is active, he may get tired and sway. By the way, the traditions of rocking a newborn in arms or in a cradle are also connected with this.

A five-month-old fetus moves its head if the mother's stomach is stroked with a hand, and if poured cold water, the fetus is very dissatisfied, angry, kicking.

The fetus also reacts to smoking of the mother. And not only for the entry of harmful substances into the blood, but even for her desire to smoke: a woman is just thinking about a cigarette, and her heart is already starting to beat faster. The reason is that because of smoking, the fetus receives much less oxygen, and this causes painful cramps in it. And the anticipation of tobacco by a woman, apparently, somehow changes hormonal reactions.

The fetus reacts to physical trauma already from the second month of life. If you hit the mother's stomach, he gets scared, tries to hide, shrink.

“I read somewhere: on how the mother of the child wears, whether she wants him or not, it depends on what he will become in adult life. Well, this, in my opinion, is just science fiction, and not scientific ... "

- No, not science fiction, but scientific developments. Scientists have found that the experience gained during pregnancy seriously affects the rest of a person's life. Desired children, who already felt her love and joy in their mother's womb, are more self-confident, react more calmly to stress, have a generally positive perception of life, are friendly, sociable, and learn more easily. Unwanted children, on the contrary, feel insecure, more often fall into depression, expect only troubles and blows from life, are distrustful, have difficulty getting along with people, and experience difficulties in learning.

It is not difficult to explain this from the point of view of science: maternal experiences and emotions are directly related to changes in the hormonal background of her body, and that, in turn, forms the child’s reactions, his physiology.

“I am finally expecting a baby. It is impossible to convey how happy my husband and I are. I really want to be born and raised healthy, strong and happy. I know that Eastern traditions count the age of a person not from the date of birth, but from the moment of conception.
Please advise: how should I behave during pregnancy so that the baby is well? I still have a very short time, I hope I'm not too late.

If you are expecting a baby, try create favorable conditions for it from the very first days of its existence. Of course, do not smoke, walk more, eat right.

And the modern approach to conscious parenthood implies active communication with the unborn child from the first months of pregnancy.

It is good to tell fairy tales, poems to the future baby, turn on pleasant, melodic music. If he has older siblings (this is apparently not your case - at least not yet), you should involve them in communication with him. Then, after birth, he will recognize their voices as native.

It is not necessary at this time to violently sort things out, quarrel, scandal - you can scare unborn baby for the rest of my life. And you want him to grow up calm, balanced and happy.

Agree, dear read? What interesting things did you observe / observe in the behavior of the child during your pregnancy? Share your experience in the comments!

The human body is arranged in an amazing way: nature has created an almost perfect mechanism that regulates not only all systems of the human body together, but also each separately, forcing people to grow, age, develop physically, psychologically and emotionally. Even more work needs to be done by the female body - pregnancy, bearing and giving birth to a baby are natural mechanisms that are laid down at a deep level of the subconscious. Nevertheless, one should not be careless and let the "interesting situation" take its course. In order for the child to be healthy, the expectant mother needs to eat right, healthy lifestyle life and try not to overreact emotionally to a variety of life circumstances. Why shouldn't a pregnant woman be nervous? What is so terrible that can happen from fear or stress, a strong manifestation of joy or feelings?

First difficulties

At the very first stage of bearing a fetus, a woman's body experiences maximum stress. The formation of an embryo, the intensive growth of an unborn child, which appears literally from nothing, developing from several cells into a person, is an incredibly complex process during which the baby is changing and changing every day. Central to all these metamorphoses is the growth of nerve cells that form the baby's brain and spinal cord. Violation psycho-emotional state mother can lead to disorders and pathologies of the neurological nature of the fetus. This is the main reason why a pregnant woman should not be nervous.

Any failure in the normal state of the mother can lead to irreversible consequences: a lag in the subsequent development of the child, and according to the latest data, even autism. It turns out that much depends on the sex of the fetus, and nervous shocks affect girls and boys differently. Since this effect is in any case painted in negative tones, it becomes clear why pregnant women should not be nervous and worried, and it is simply necessary to try, if not to exclude various factors that have a bad effect on mood, then at least minimize them.

Small miracle

It has been clinically proven that at first the body perceives the child as a foreign body, and if a woman does not have time to adapt to the new conditions of existence, the changed hormonal background, there are outbursts of emotions, toxicosis, and general poor health.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period. A woman may not be aware of such significant changes in her body and that she is expecting a child, therefore she does not always understand the nature of irritability, fatigue, what is happening to her and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous during all nine months of bearing a baby, but it is at the initial stage that excessive emotionality often causes an abortion.

Give in to instinct

For those who are going to become a mother, they plan their every step, it is easier to prepare for future difficulties, but they can also expect many frightening changes for which the girl simply will not be ready. What can we say about expectant mothers, for whom the new position was a surprise, and in addition to realizing the shocking fact of the upcoming birth, the body sends various incomprehensible messages that need to be correctly interpreted and deciphered.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, the body prepares for this on a monthly basis, and ideally everything should go naturally. The most important thing is to listen carefully to what the subconscious, sensations and emotions suggest, then there will be no problems and worries, and the question of why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry will not disturb expectant mothers, fathers, or their leading doctors. .

Strong man

Western doctors love to do all sorts of research, including with expectant mothers. One of the last works of pundits was the observation of 500 pregnant women. The task of the doctors was to study the effect of stress on the process of bearing a fetus, as well as on subsequent births and the psyche of babies in general.

During the research, doctors got interesting results. It turns out that stress in a mother, if she is carrying a boy, can cause such problems:

    gestation of the fetus;

    prolonged course of childbirth;

    psychological disorders in the baby (nervousness, tearfulness, autism).

The most dangerous consequence, explaining why pregnant women should not be nervous, is a possible miscarriage. During stress, strong pressure surges occur, blood circulation, air circulation in the body, and the supply of substances necessary for vital activity to the baby are disturbed, which as a result leads to very serious pathologies.

Sweet baby

With girls, things are a little different. Scientists say that increased nervousness of the mother can provoke premature birth, entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord, and possibly asphyxia.

Adverse effect on the psyche of the newborn, which brings nervous tension mother during gestation, subsequently manifested by a variety of neurological and psychological problems.

The greatest impact of stress as a factor affecting the baby is manifested in the later stages, starting from the 28th week, but why should pregnant women not be nervous in the first trimester? This period is significant, up to 12 weeks the fetus is so fragile and tender that even the strongest emotional stress can provoke its death. Therefore, having learned about an interesting position, it is important to avoid any stress.

Woe from happiness

What does the phrase "any stress" mean? What is stress anyway? This is the reaction of the human body to a variety of external stimuli, which can be not only bad emotions or impressions, fatigue or overstrain, but also good, joyful events, moments of great happiness.

Some people at positive emotions experience such strong feelings that they can cause serious, albeit short-term, disturbances in the body. For a pregnant woman, this can result in her contractions, spasms, or even premature birth, and the baby will experience mother's delight in the form of a lack of oxygen and discomfort, sincerely not understanding what disturbs his peace and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous, but what to do if a stressful situation nevertheless happened, how to recover faster?

How to overcome stress?

Many mothers recall a slight feeling of inhibition that they experienced during pregnancy. Nature thus protects both the mother and her baby, creating a natural barrier for all sorts of stresses. This measure is sometimes not enough. How can a woman then help herself find a sense of peace and tranquility?

    soothing herbal teas;

    a favorable environment for relaxation;

    light sedatives, tinctures and fees (on the recommendation of a doctor);

    foot massage;

    if the deadline is not too late, you can take a warm bath, go to the pool, rinse under contrast shower, but without sudden temperature changes, it perfectly relieves irritation and fatigue, tones the body.

Until the child begins to move, the expectant mother, especially the one who is carrying her first child, is not yet fully aware of what a miracle is happening in her body. The second pregnancy is usually more conscious. A woman listens more to her baby, she is interested not only in her own feelings about the birth of a child, but also the other side - how he perceives his appearance in this world.

Amazing Facts

Probably everyone is interested in how a child develops in the womb. Only 40 weeks - and a small miracle is born, a person with all the senses. But he learned to use them not at the time of birth, but long before him. Surely, many pregnant women noted the relationship between music and the behavior of the child. Under the classics, everyone, without exception, subsides. Heavy and loud music, on the contrary, causes increased activity. The kid kicks in the stomach, showing displeasure.

The life of a child in the womb is a real life-long race. From a tiny cell, he needs to grow into a complex organism. He feels, hears and understands everything that is happening around him, gradually learning and getting ready to begin to learn Big world. Mom's task already at this stage is to show that our world is worthwhile and interesting, and that it is desired and loved here.

Where does it all start

It was from one mature egg that met with the sperm. The journey through the fallopian tube begins, which lasts about 5 days. By the end of this period, the embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. And already at this stage the brain is formed.

Embryo: 5 to 8 weeks

The liver, heart (it will start beating already at week 6), digestive and respiratory systems are being formed. It is at this stage that gender differences are laid. And the most important thing in this period is the formation of the central nervous system(by the eighth week, the neural tube is completely closed). The baby has grown a lot, his height is 2 cm. The weight of the child in the womb will increase rapidly, at this stage it is 3 g.

Fetus: 9 to 12 weeks

Only the third month of pregnancy, often unnoticed by others "interesting" position expectant mother, and the baby's brain is already developed so much that its cells produce impulses (signals to the body). By week 12, the number of neurons will greatly increase. The cerebellum appears, responsible for the coordination of movements. Since a child develops in the womb by leaps and bounds, his head, torso and limbs are already clearly distinguishable. The baby is already about 4 cm long, weighs about 45 g.

The appearance of the first reflexes can be called a significant event of this stage. He is able to throw back his head if his mouth or nose is touched. Pull your hand away and make more chaotic grasping movements. The sense of touch develops, the baby begins to feel touch with the entire surface of the body, in contact with the walls of the uterus. So that the child in the womb feels every touch from the outside, stroking the abdomen stimulates development and makes the child understand that he is the most beloved.

fourth month

This period is characterized by rapid physical growth and psychological development. If at 13 weeks the baby reaches 7 cm, by the 16th it grows up to 12 cm. The weight also grows rapidly, increasing from 80 to 110 g. A turning point occurs, the child begins to breathe, drawing in amniotic fluid instead of air. Simultaneously formed The kid tries and analyzes the water. I must say, the taste of the latter greatly depends on what mom ate.

Today, ultrasound helps to spy on how a child develops in the womb. He may wince and turn away if he takes a sip of water with a bitter aftertaste, and, conversely, express pleasure when they contain a lot of sugar. Taste preferences are already being laid, so watch your diet. Sweets without measure can do a disservice. The child throughout his life will struggle with cravings for these harmful products. Healthy nutrition should be laid at this stage, and not painfully accustom the baby to it later.

By week 16, mothers usually begin to feel how the baby is moving. This is facilitated by the coordination and direction of the child's movements, as well as his increased weight.

Fifth month: from 17 to 20 weeks

By the beginning of this period, all internal organs already formed. They will continue their improvement until the birth, but psychological development comes to the fore. The baby has already grown to 24 cm, and weighs about 300 g. The formation of the hearing system is nearing completion, and now the whole world of sounds is available to the child. If you haven't talked to him before, it's time to start. After all, how a child develops in the womb depends on what material you provided him. By the 20th week, the formation of the brain is completely completed, which means that its cells need material for processing.

What can you do to improve your child's life? Read poems and fairy tales, sing songs, tell how your day went, go to nature more often. From now on, you can invite your baby to play with you. Children learn quickly, the clapping of mother's hand on the stomach will cause a response push in the same place.

Sixth month: 21-24 weeks

If until this moment the child can lie as he pleases, now his weight reaches 500 g, and his height is 27 cm. To roll over, he already has to make some efforts. Eyebrows can be called a neoplasm of this period. Ends the formation of nails. In the ovaries of the girl, the eggs are already fully developed, from which your grandchildren will later appear.

You can diversify your games - not only pat, but also rub, stroke, press with your finger or swipe with a fluffy object. Pay attention to the child's reaction. All the basic concepts: light - dark, cold - warm, are already available to the baby. If you take a piece of ice and a bottle of warm water, then, alternately applying them to your stomach, you can give your baby the first lessons, telling him what different phenomena he will get to know in this world.

Seventh month: 25-28 weeks

The baby looks like a human already. His weight is about 1 kg, and his height is 34 cm. He has hair on his head, cilia appear. It grows and develops more and more actively, the organs of balance are being improved and finally formed, so everything that the child does in the womb becomes purposeful and coordinated. He can suck his thumb and enjoy it, explore his body and the little world in which he is currently imprisoned.

Please note that from this month the baby begins to lose unused brain cells, so the opinion that she should lie down and sleep a lot is fundamentally wrong. Now the child hears and distinguishes sounds very well, so it is extremely useful to walk in the forest, allowing him to enjoy the calm life of nature. Play "Guess the Melody" with your baby, put on different songs, sounds of nature, ask his opinion. Usually a calm push is “yes”, a series of sharp and short ones is “no”. Just talk to him, play tic-tac-toe with dad on his stomach, while giving the right to "move" to the child.

A wonderful tool for family unity and child development is art therapy, when parents paint with gouache with a brush or fingers on the belly of the expectant mother. These are both new tactile sensations and a manifestation of parental love.

Eighth month: 29-32 weeks

This is a period of active physical growth. How a child develops in the womb during this period depends on whether he can survive under premature birth. The baby's body learns to regulate body temperature on its own. By the end of this period, he will reach a weight of 1.7 kg and a height of 39 cm. He learns to push pointwise, with elbows, knees, to press his palm or heel against the wall of the uterus. This is also due to the fact that it becomes crowded.

Your baby already sees well, he squints, if a bright light is directed on his stomach, he distinguishes day and night well. You can add a flashlight game before bed, it will give a lot pleasant experience to both of you. At the same time, the light can be changed from point to diffuse, directed to different places in the abdomen, and then turned off and wait until the baby starts looking for a “sunny bunny”.

Taste preferences have already been formed, the child can practically not touch amniotic fluid, which contain an unpleasant taste for him, and, conversely, to swallow greedily if the mother ate her usual and preferred food. That is why the baby in the womb often hiccups. This is not a dangerous symptom, but if the hiccups continue for several hours, tell the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

Ninth month: 33-36 weeks

Your baby's lungs are preparing for the fact that soon he will be breathing on his own. The weight of the child during this period changes from 2 to 3 kg, and the height reaches 47 cm. Your child is already completely ready for birth, but his organs continue to improve.

Last days before birth: 37-40 weeks

Starting at 37 weeks, labor can begin any day. By this time, the child turns head down, the woman's stomach drops. There is an opinion that girls are born more often at 38 weeks, and boys at 40, but this has not been statistically confirmed. Time to pack for the hospital.

Only the main milestones are described here, revealing how a child develops in the womb. In fact, this process is even more wonderful and mysterious. And from the mother already at this time, as much love and attention as possible is required.

During pregnancy, many women are subject to drastic emotional swings moods. Because pregnancy greatly affects physical and emotional changes female body. Therefore, sharp minor mood swings in a future mother can occur almost every hour and day. But you can get rid of sudden mood swings if you use emotional health guidelines. Try to balance emotions and physical condition, then the pregnancy will be complete.

Methods of dealing with emotional stress:

  • Come to terms with the upcoming birth, think that the birth of a child will end quickly and safely.
  • Take care of yourself and your unborn child, love yourself and loved ones, relax, do special exercise eat right, avoid bad habits and unnecessary acquaintances who make you nervous and tempt you to harmful things, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.
  • Communicate more often with loved ones, at the doctor's office, with friends. Speak out everything that you have accumulated.
  • Tune in positively perceive everything that happens around you with humor.
  • Try not to watch TV. Because television programs often show negative things: murders, abuse, suffering, etc. If you watch some films, then give preference to good films and cartoons.
  • When choosing music to listen to, give preference to classical music. Rock, metal, trance, chaos, etc. are filled with annoying sounds that lower the wife's tone.
  • If possible, walk on foot more often, instead of driving a car, where you can run into rudeness from inadequate passengers.
  • Try not to read or listen to stories about the negative experience of childbirth, learn only about the childbirth that took place.
  • Do not believe in pagan signs and superstitions, for example, during pregnancy you cannot knit, cut your hair, etc.
  • Look at the water flowing, you can imagine how all your problems will flow away in the same way.
  • In any case, believe that everything will be fine with you and your baby. After all, our thoughts are material, i.e. embodied in reality.

If a pregnant woman does not understand at the time that her expectant emotions are different from usual ones, and does not take measures to regulate her psychological state , then a lot of problems can arise, including in marital relations. Especially harmful are the stresses associated with everyday problems, when the expectant mother feels like a victim, then even the protective mechanisms of the fetus, invented by nature itself, will not be able to protect the baby from harmful effects negative effects of stress.

Signs of stress:

  • whims
  • panic attacks
  • lonely feeling
  • Feelings of unhappy personality and depression
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Bad feeling
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Poor memorability
  • Anxiety

Common Causes of Anxiety

Usually, women who become pregnant for the first time begin to worry because they are afraid to give birth to a child, they are afraid that they may have a miscarriage, they are very worried about their health and their crumbs. Expectant mothers experience fear of pending contractions and pain. At some point, pregnant women may think about the changes in their body associated with bearing a child, that after that the husband may be disappointed because of the loss of his wife's former figure. In other cases fears include financial questions; on what means will we live after childbirth, where to get money to support the unborn child, problems with housing, etc.

Initially, minor emotional experiences can cause irritability, if ignored, then depression may appear, and then stress, which can develop into a chronic mental disorder. In this case, the pregnant woman will feel increased fatigue, toxicosis or even may develop.

What happens to the fetus in the womb when the mother is nervous

When pregnant woman is very worried, the baby in the womb begins to move, as if protesting what is happening. In addition, scientists have noticed that constant worries for any family reasons (alcoholism, beating) can cause a digestive system ulcer in an unborn baby! This phenomenon is not fully understood, but there is something to think about. In addition, prolonged stress during pregnancy can lead to, the process of having a baby can be protracted, or there is a chance of miscarriage (birth of a dead baby)!

When the expectant mother is worried, the hormones of anxiety Kartisol are released into her blood. And through the blood vessels they reach the fetus. These hormones accumulate in the baby and the amniotic fluid, while the baby swallows it, and his body is not yet able to process them. The amniotic fluid increases along with the duration of pregnancy, and at the same time, the amount of stress hormones cartisol is added to it.

The nervous system of the fetus matures by the second half of the gestation period. Any emotion that the mother experiences is transmitted to the baby - if the mother is nervous, then the fetus is with her. If a woman is often worried, sad, angry, then by the last weeks of pregnancy, the fluid surrounding the fetus turns into a hormonal concentrate. And a child has to live in it. In addition, from experiences, there is a narrowing of the vessels through which oxygen enters the child with blood. Blood ceases to bring the required amount of oxygen, and due to its lack, hypoxia can develop, which is extremely harmful for the baby oxygen starvation.

It has been proven that children who were often anxious while in their mother's belly remain anxious after birth. They are overly active (including emotionally), capricious, restless, sensitive to smells, noise, bright light. They often get dizzy. If mom is in bad mood spirit, then the child is nervous.

After reading this article, make an important decision not to be nervous, take care of your health and your unborn child. Take all measures to worry as little as possible. If you feel that you cannot cope with the unrest of the soul, contact an ordinary or better Orthodox psychotherapist. Subscribe to updates of our site "".