Summary of the lesson "drawing with sand on glass." Sand drawing in kindergarten on the theme: Autumn Sand animation autumn for children

Little children love to get dirty, mess around with loose materials, create fantasy images, give themselves creative process entirely. Combine the child's hobbies into one whole, you get drawing in the sand.

Surely you yourself were fascinated by watching such performances on TV, watching chic animations by famous world authors. Try to repeat the show at home with your child. And our article will tell you how to draw with sand on glass and how to teach a child to make sand compositions.

From this article you will learn

What is the benefit of this lesson

American animator Carolyn Leaf filed interesting idea teachers and parents, how to organize the leisure of kids and engage in the development of multidirectional skills at the same time.

She created a sand video. The heroes came to life, acted on a luminous board. The artist painted them with her fingers using sand. The idea was picked up by other animators. The method of creating images and plot deserved high praise.

Gradually, drawing on a special board with sand came into the life of ordinary people. Teachers began to practice such activities with children different ages. The fascinating method of pedagogical work was studied from the point of view of psychology, physiology, didactics. Practicing innovation teachers and preschool teachers noticed the following beneficial features similar activities:

  • Painting with sand on glass is fun and interesting. 99% of kids get charged positive emotions during the lesson, entertainment.
  • The method has no special rules. The kid can draw with his palm, one or more fingers, create any shapes and erase them quickly if something doesn’t work out.
  • The absence of restrictions relieves emotional stress. Children are relaxed, moderately excited, they feel like the creators of a unique masterpiece.
  • Motor skills develop. Kindergarteners are tired of plasticine, pencils, it is no less useful to train the dexterity of fingers with the help of a light tablet and sand. Along with motor skills, speech develops.
  • Improving graphomotor. Schoolchildren develop the ability to follow the contour, hold the pen correctly, and observe the rhythm of movements.
  • Suitable for any age. Kindergartens, schoolchildren and adults draw on the board with pleasure. The magic of loose animation leaves almost no one indifferent.
  • Getting rid of stress. Work with sand is included in the course of psychotherapy for the treatment of neuroses, tics, insomnia. Healthy children in the classroom also calm down, find peace of mind, forget about troubles.
  • A unique method helps to reveal creative potential, to find yourself. The child shows imagination, shows hidden abilities, is not afraid of evaluating the result.

If we consider the methodology from the point of view of organization and material costs, the following advantages are revealed:

  • Consumables are cheap. Sand is not necessary to buy, use semolina, ground coffee.
  • You can make a drawing tablet with your own hands. You will need a lamp, plexiglass, a wooden box. The equipment takes up little space in the room and does not require special care.
  • Any mom, dad, grandmother can teach a kid to draw with sand. You don't need any special education or courses to take classes. Look at examples of work on the Internet and feel free to start creating.

Drawing materials and tools

Without special home-made or store-bought equipment, learning to draw in the sand will not work. Small set of tools and consumables:

On a note! Buy quartz sand at a pet store, shopping centers in the "Toys", "Everything for creativity" department.

Drawing techniques

The art of creating animations is based on simple tricks drawing. AT kindergarten, at home, show your child how to hold hands, pour out sand so that the picture is clear, bright and real. Use the following techniques for beginners.

Pour sand from one palm to another

Great option to get started. Kids tune in to work, get acquainted with the material, feel its weight, warmth or coolness, texture.

We collect sand in a fist and scatter

You need to watch how much sand a preschooler picks up in his palm. It should be a little so that the movements are easy, the layer of material on the glass is thin.

Throwing out the sand

With the help of a stream from the palm of your hand, children draw lines of different thicknesses. If you hold the pen high and shoot in a thin stream, you get a light version of the line. If you pour roughly, almost unclenching your fist, you will draw a dark wide curve. At this stage, it is important to work out both techniques so that the child controls the saturation of the picture with color, creates almost invisible lines.

Draw with fingers

Children can use each finger individually or the entire palm. Let them depict grass, hair, trees. Large objects are drawn with a fist - a mountain, a stone. Pillows - fruits, stars.

Students who have mastered simple ways drawing, offer such exciting exercises.

Maple Leaf

Fill in the outline for maple leaf, trying to keep its form. Correct the lines with your fingers. Move the excess sand to the edge of the painted sheet to make the outline darker. Draw a petiole. Draw internal lines (veins) with your fingernail. Place a circle in the petiole area with your fingertip.


The material is scattered on the glass from the palm of your hand or with a pinch. Levels out. Against this background, write the letters of the Latin or Slavic alphabet according to the model. The child learns to be attentive, to repeat the pattern. Graphomotor skills develop.


Pour sand over the entire surface of the container. Using four or five widely spaced fingers, draw wavy lines. Make horizontal lines with your fingernail - this is a ripple. Then draw the horizon and remove the excess at the top of the glass. Draw clouds on the same composition.


The sand is clenched in a fist. Doing circular motions hand with a small amplitude, scatter the material in the sandbox. Small lines can then be drawn with a fingernail to make the clouds lush.

Young artists at the initial stage of mastering an exciting hobby will like these exercises using additional tools.


Take stamps, coffee stencils, lids from plastic bottles. Leave footprints on the sand table. By using different figures large plot compositions are created.


It is much easier to disperse sand through a baby sieve. You can form mountains, make a thin coating on glass. The next step is to draw with your fingers on the resulting sand space.


A wide-mouth tool helps to make a high mound. Children enthusiastically watch the sand stream, repeat the action with the help of a fist.

Draw animal tracks

This exercise requires careful work from the fingers. Draw traces with a fist, making the main background. Small details are drawn with sticks, fingertips, nails.


Attach beads of different sizes to the ropes. Swing the pendulum so that traces of the load remain on the glass. Toddlers learn to control strength, observe the rhythm of movements. This is an excellent therapy for emotional overload.

Color linings for the background

Colored cardboard, colorful pictures are placed on the glass. Sand is spread over a thin layer. Children draw circles, zigzags. The colored fragment protrudes partially. It turns out the original picture.

pattern prints

You can play with a non-standard item with patterns - a toilet paper sleeve. Put pictures on it glue gun let dry. Swipe the tool over a thin surface of sand, leaving a mark. Girls love this type of work.

There are many options for selecting additional elements, tools for creating a sand masterpiece:

  • Take combs with rare or frequent teeth - you get a wave.
  • Toothpicks help to draw the thinnest lines, to make the image of the hero expressive, real.
  • Children's rakes are suitable for drawing relief on landscape compositions.

Fantasize, do not limit yourself and your child in the creative process.

sand animation

The child will be able to perform the first simple animation in three or four lessons, having mastered the technical basics of drawing. Invite the student to draw an apple tree on the glass. Step by step master class is given below:

  1. Prepare the sand and screen. Treat the table surface with an antistatic agent, remove excess.
  2. Take some sand in your fist and sprinkle it on the light table. The surface must be covered evenly.
  3. draw thumb trunk, press on the entire pad.
  4. Rising to the top of the apple tree, sharpen the line. Draw not everything with a pillow, but with a half, then with a fingernail.
  5. Use your little finger and index finger to draw thin and thick branches. Curve the lines to make the apple tree look like a real one.
  6. Draw a crown. Collect sand, generously sprinkle around the branches, at the top.
  7. Leave a little for the bottom of the picture. Scatter it under a tree. It will be weed.
  8. Use your fingerprints to draw apples on the branches. Determine their number yourself. It is important that the circles are not blurry, the edges should be clear.
  9. If you draw three or four apples under a tree, on the ground, you get an autumn version of the picture.
  10. Now clear the background. Draw a contour around the crown, remove excess sand from the surface. The tree will have a shape.

On a note! For animation, use a multi-colored drawing set. With the help of green, yellow, white, gray sand, changing the hue of the image backlight, professionals achieve the effect of a lively picture.

How to draw a pig

How to draw a mouse

How to draw a Hippo

Game exercises

At home, in kindergarten, in early development classes, kids learn through play. it The best way teach the complex through the simple. A board sandbox with high sides and play activities for preschoolers will help you with this.

We train fingers

Start your first acquaintance with animation not with theory, but with practice. Give the opportunity to touch, smell, explore the material. Turn on the lights in the sandbox. You can put on soft music so that the kids immerse themselves in the whole process, understand that something unusual will happen now.

Ask preschoolers to draw any object, figure on the glass with their finger. Let them tinker with sand. At the same time, motor skills, imagination, and attention develop.

We play hide and seek

You will need a rake, shovels and a thick layer of sand. Distribute small toys to students (kinder figures). Ask to bury unnoticed by others. Arrange a competition to see who can find a friend's toy faster with eyes closed with the help of fingers.

What a surprise for me

The teacher hides various small items in the sandbox (buttons, rags, pieces of paper, figurines, balls, coins). The task of the children: to find one object with their hands, guess what it is, by touch. In the process of understanding, feeling the subject, you need to talk about your feelings, assumptions.


Sand should be poured into a deep container or chest. Put pirate treasure inside: beads, coins, map, " gems". You need to look for treasure with one finger. Associate a fascinating story with each find. Tell it yourself or come up with the children.


Find a cobblestone on the street. Let it be unpleasant to the touch: cold, slippery, rough and so on. Bury the item in the sand. Ask the children to touch an unknown object at the same time, to tell what they feel, why they feel uncomfortable, and so on.

Continue research as a group when the stone is removed from the sandbox. Tactile sensations are responsible for the formation of speech, train emotional endurance.

Important! For hide-and-seek when children cannot see the object under the sand, pick up toys with rounded edges, made of fabric, rubber, so that the kids do not hurt their fingers.

Learn non-traditional methods early development, children's entertainment is needed after watching video tutorials or recommendations from professionals. For beginners, it is useful to know the following:

  1. Place dots with the pads of different fingers. Remember what size they will be. This will help not to make a mistake in choosing a finger when drawing eyes, fruits, drawings on the body of animals.
  2. Before the lesson, try to fill an even layer of sand on the glass. Use a sieve, funnels, fists a little later.
  3. Do not smooth the surface with your fingers. Prints leave an unaesthetic mark.
  4. When toddlers learn how to create simple images, try to create compositions from small details using improvised tools.
  5. Professionals minimize the number of touches to the sand. Movements should be sweeping, confident.
  6. Select the best option drawing for your level. Practice the technique of its creation to perfection. Rehearse the scheme several times.
  7. Before drawing a stroke, consider its length and width.
  8. You can draw with sand on a light and sound board, a black polished table, a kitchen baking sheet. The most important thing is the contrast between the surface and the bulk material.

Important! Watch master classes for free on the Web. Periodically show children complex compositions on video. This gives impetus to development, spurs interest and desire to improve the technique of drawing.

How to make a sand animation table with your own hands

Playing activities in the family circle are much more useful for young children than group classes in development centers. A backlit sand drawing tablet can be made at home from improvised materials. Dads will need:

  • wooden box;
  • a suitable piece of plexiglass;
  • nails;
  • electrical tape, adhesive tape;
  • wood paint;
  • flashlight, lamp.

The manufacturing process will take no more than 1-2 hours, and there will be no limit to children's joy. Make a table bigger so that the whole family can use it at the same time. The instruction consists of the following steps:

  1. Clean the wooden box from excess, reduce the height of the sides. The average depth of space is 10–15 centimeters.
  2. Remove the bottom cover or make a slot to install the glass.
  3. Place the transparent part on the bottom half.
  4. Secure the glass carefully with the strips underneath.
  5. On the sides, make compartments for storing small items (sticks, sieves, rakes). To do this, nail the strips, retreating from the edge a couple of centimeters.
  6. Install the legs on the table. Choose the height according to the height and age of the youngest child.
  7. Place a bright lantern or electric lamp with good power under the table.
  8. The workplace for the little artist is ready.

Watch the video tutorial on how to make your own sand painting light table at home:

Interesting fact! In Tibet and India, traditions of creating images of the supreme God with the help of multi-colored grains of sand have been preserved. This art has a name - mandala. Bright round pictures are made only by monks initiated into tantric secrets. It takes 1-2 weeks to make one mandala. The picture is made up of millions of sand grains.

Sand compositions cannot be hung on the wall, left as a keepsake to show to friends and relatives. This is the only negative of such creativity. But there is a way out. Record successful classes on the camera, take pictures of drawings. Make a video with music over the slides.

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Educational and methodological development
Summary of a lesson for children with a complex defect structure

Sand painting on light tables on the theme "Autumn"

Makarenko Svetlana Mikhailovna,
teacher-psychologist GBDOU kindergarten №104
Nevsky district in St. Petersburg

Software content.

1. Consolidation of the idea of ​​​​autumn, repeat the signs of autumn

2. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary (cloud, rain, tree, leaves fall, puddles, dry, hard, soft, wet)

3. Development of dialogic speech

4. Removal of psycho-emotional stress

5. Development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the hands (opening the palm, straightening the fingers, mobility of the hand)

Lesson structure:

1. Greeting children. Topic message

2. Sand work. Motor exercises (“Hello, sand!”, “Sand rain”, unusual footprints, etc.)

3. Drawing on the sand. We draw "autumn" (cloud, rain, tree, leaves fall, puddles, etc.)

5. Free drawing.Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song"

6. Farewell

Equipment : light tables, sand, wet wipes, music Center


Hello guys!




My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! Let's stand in a circle so that we can see each other well!

Children stand in a circle

Today we will have another magical activity. But first, let's remember our names! We will pass the “Ball” in a circle and when the “ball” is in your hands, you say your name! Let's start with me: “My name is Svetlana Mikhailovna! And I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you remember what unusual tables are in the office? What is unusual about them???


They are magical, light, sand


Correctly. And today we will again paint with sand Autumn And let's remember the rulesdrawing. All this sand on your tables belongs to the sand fairy. The psychologist shows the Fairy doll. Today she allowed us to play with her favorite grains of sand. More than anything, she loves when in her magical land children come and draw beautiful pictures, and she is very sad, she cries when her magic grains of sand are used to throw at each other! So let's remember the rules of conduct when we draw on the tables.

We play together with the sand

And we do not throw at friends,

Draw on your table

We will not put our hands on another table!

Do you remember the rules? Well done!

Shall we promise the Fairy that we will abide by the rules?




In order for us to get beautiful pictures, we need to say hello to the sand. We stroke it, touch it, pour it from one hand to the other.

From palm to palm

The sand is pouring.

I'll play with it a little

Let me tickle.

Guys, tell me what kind of sand we have? Dry or wet?




Soft or hard?




Well done

Exercise "Hello, sand!"

The teacher asks gently, and then strongly to say hello to the sand, that is different ways touch the sand.

1. The child touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then the second hand, then with all fingers at the same time.

2. The child easily, and then with tension squeezes the fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox.

3. The child touches the sand with his whole palm - the inside, then the back.

4. The child rubs the sand between the fingers, palms.

Children perform

Exercise "Sand rain"

Sand Fairy: “In my country, an unusual sand rain may fall, a sandy wind may blow. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. Watch it happen." Options:

1. The child slowly or quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, into the palm of an adult, into his own palm.

2. Children raise their fists with sand over the table, slightly unclenching their fists, move them to the right and left, and see how it rains.

"Rain, rain,

Forest watering can

You rain me Pole

I want to grow up this summer


Well done!

We return to the tables. Look at the tables, they are all covered with sand, and now you and I can start drawing

Exercise "Unusual footprints"

1. “Cubs are coming” - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force.

2. “Jumping hares” - with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving his hands in different directions.

3. “Snakes crawl” - the child, with relaxed or tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

4. "Chick-chick" - children imitate the feeding of chickens, rubbing the sand with their fingers, as if scattering food.

Well done!


Guys, what time of year is it?




Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. Withered grass. Flowers withered. The wind often blows and it rains. The leaves swirl and fall to the ground. This is always the case when autumn comes.

All the trees flew around

Only firs are green.

The forests have become bare.

Day and night it rains,

Mud and puddles at the gate.


Let's try to draw on our table?

Now let's draw together(cloud, rain, tree, leaves fall, puddles, etc.)

the teacher shows, and the children draw and, together with the teacher, say what they are drawing.

Phys. minute. Finger gymnastics"Ducks", "Meeting"


On the right hand - fingers.

On the left hand - fingers.

It's time for them to meet

- Get your bags ready!

fingers right hand in turn "hello" with the fingers of the left hand, touching each other with the tips.


Swinging on the waves

The duck is swimming. |

It dives, it pops up

- Rows with paws.

Make smooth movements with the hands of both hands from right to left, then imitate the movements of the legs of a duck in the water.


Guys, our lesson is over. What did we talk about today and what did we draw?


Children's answers

Pedago G

The Sand Fairy says goodbye to you until the next class.

What are we going to do now?


Listen to music


Today we will listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Autumn Song" and while the music is playing, play with the sand or draw.

Music sounds.


And now we must shake off the hands, take a damp napkin and wipe our palms with it.

Well done!!!

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, repeat the words after the teacher:

Here the lesson is over

See you soon.

We will tell all friends and adults

Friendly: "Goodbye!"

Topic: "Vegetables"

Age of children: 3-4 years

Target: to teach children to draw various vegetables on the table from simple shapes, as well as to consolidate children's knowledge of where they grow (in the garden, in the garden, their taste properties, what they do with them, etc.)


Removal of psycho-emotional stress;

Development of coordination of movement and fine motor skills of the hand;

Expanding children's knowledge of the world around them.

Development of creative abilities

The development of speech.

Equipment: light tables, sand (semolina for children), video camera, multimedia projector, drawn basket (which is attached to the board), cards with the image of vegetables (tomato, cucumber, zucchini, potato), magnetic board, glue stick, x / b napkins, wet wipes, blanks for application (Appendix 6).

Dictionary enrichment and activation: Vegetables, garden bed, seeds, vegetable garden, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, grow, water, harvest, etc.

Lesson progress:

Org. moment.

    Greeting children, getting to know each other.

Hello guys!


I'm glad to see you all! Let's say hello to each other!

I will greet each of you in turn, if I guess right, you clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet, agreed?

And so, hello Carlson! (Child stomps feet) Oh sorry, hello….! Etc.

Children stand in a circle.

Children play a game with a teacher.

    Sand work. motor exercises

The teacher invites the children to the tables, and offers to say hello to the sand

In order for us to get beautiful pictures, we need to say hello to the sand. We stroke it, touch it, pour it from one hand to the other.

From palm to palm

The sand is pouring.

I'll play with him a little.

Let me tickle.

Well done!

Children follow the actions of the teacher.

Exercise "Hello, sand!"

See activity 1.

Exercise "Bells"

See activity 1.

Exercise "Sand rain"

See activity 1.

Children do the actions of the teacher

    Sand painting.

Well done!

We return to the tables. Our tables are covered with sand, and now you and I can start drawing.

Exercise "Unusual footprints"

See activity 1.

sand painting

Guys, we are now in the street autumn. In autumn, people harvest. And today we will go to the garden to see what will be born in the garden in the garden?

Do you want to know what has grown in the garden over the summer? And harvest too!?

And so, on the way ...

Let's first draw a circle, just as small as mine, and now let's make it a little bit bigger. And now with a pinch we will draw a ponytail on top, see how I do it, try those yourself! Well done! Guys, what did we get?

You can guess right now:

Grow in the garden

green branches,

And on them

Red kids.

Well done! Of course it's a tomato! Have you eaten tomatoes? What do they taste like? Juicy or hard? Delicious, sour, salty? Etc. And now we can put our tomato in the basket (the teacher attaches the tomato to the basket).

Guys, put the index fingers of both hands on the table, and draw two lines up, slightly spread them apart, see how I do it! From above, let's draw such a tail with our thumb, and such small thin lines in our triangle, and we got a hundred?

Correctly! Carrot!

Who has tried carrots? What is she? Juicy? Crispy? What colour? Where does it grow? Etc. Mystery:

For a curly tuft

Dragged a fox from a mink.

Feels very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sugar, sweet.

Now let's draw an oval! It is like a circle stretched out to the sides. Look how I do it! And now with a finger we will put dots on it. And what it looks like, the riddle will help us to guess:

I am long and green

I'm delicious salty

Delicious and raw

Who am I?

A conversation about a cucumber, where it grows, what color, what it tastes like, etc. A card with the image of a cucumber is attached to the basket.

And now let's clear the table of sand and draw a circle with a fist, fill this circle with sand and make a lot of eyes with your finger, and look what happened:

Family lies underground

Mom, dad, kids.

Family you dig a little

And it will appear…..!

Potatoes. A conversation about her. We also attach it to the basket. Look, guys, what a crop you have harvested! Aye well done!


Children's answers

Children answer questions.

Perform actions, repeating them after the teacher, and answer questions.

    Fizminutka "Garden"

Guys, let's imagine that we are now in our garden. And let's work a little!

Our garden is fine.

We dug up the beds in the spring

(imitation of work with a shovel)

We weeded the garden

(tilts with hands, reach the floor)

watered the garden,

(show how watered)

Small holes are not dense,

We planted cabbage.

(squat down and wrap your arms around your knees)

All summer she got fat,

Growing up and up

(slowly rise)

And now, she is closely poor

Says: "Step aside!"

(stomp foot at end of sentence)

Children repeat the movements of the teacher.

    productive activity .

Children are offered preparations of "carrots". The carrot is glued just below the middle of the sheet, the “tops” are glued on top of it, and then the “bed” is glued to the tip of the carrot. The result was an application “fresh crop of carrots” (Appendix 6).

Final part

    End of class, goodbye

Guys, our lesson is over. The Sand Fairy says goodbye to you until the next class. Did you enjoy the activity?

What did you like the most?

What was difficult for you?

What was easy for you?

Goodbye guys! Until the next lesson!

Children's answers.


Note: instead of drawing a basket and cards with the image of vegetables, you can use dummies of vegetables and, for example, a pan.

series of abstracts on the technique of sand drawing

for younger children preschool age

Explanatory note

Visual activity - one of the types artistic creativity giving the child the opportunity to create on their own.

Many different techniques are known non-traditional drawing- monotype, drawing cotton swabs, wrinkled paper, screen printing, etc.

Of particular interest to children and adults is such a technique as drawing in the sand. And this is no coincidence. The malleability of the sand and its natural magic are mesmerizing.

This type of drawing is one of the most unusual ways of creative activity, because children create unique masterpieces on the sand with their own hands.

Of course, you are familiar with the elements of sand therapy. But I would like to introduce you to another form - drawing in the sand.

In the process of drawing on the sand in children, tactile sensitivity increases, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, Creative skills, memory, and there is also an active formation of speech activity.

Surprisingly, the hands of the baby turn a handful of sand into a landscape, a starry sky, a forest, a sea or a magical land. The use of illumination, including colored or multi-colored, gives children special joy.

Teaching the technique of drawing on the sand is carried out with a subgroup of children or individually in the afternoon.

Classes include three cycles:

  • 1st- initial - getting to know the sand, preparing the hand, word games and exercises to develop the imagination and the ability to draw on the sand;
  • 2nd- plot drawing on the topic and according to the plan, first with the teacher, then independently;
  • 3rd- Telling, reasoning, compiling fairy tales, stories from drawings, diagrams, pictograms.

Topics of activity can change, be supplemented depending on the imagination and creative intent of the child.

For organization educational activities appropriate equipment is required - a table with glass or a tablet measuring 50 x 30 with backlight. Fine white sand is used for drawing, which is stored in a special compartment in a box on the table (tablet).

Sand painting methods.

Sand is the same paint, only it works on the principle of “light” and “shadow”.

There are several ways to draw on a sand table. Simplest: light in the dark. First, we prepare the background: a thin, uniform layer of sand is applied by uniform dispersion (“salting”) of sand over the surface of the table with a height of 20-30 cm. Images are obtained by applying lines, dots and other figures to the background with fingers, the side of the palm, palms. A thin layer is pushed apart, raked.

Way dark in bright (filling). It's a little more difficult. Sand can be poured onto a clean “light” sheet in any way: thin, thick, curly lines (for example: seagulls over the sea).

Way prints. Imprints can be applied with the side surface of the palm, fingertips, nails (for example: bunnies jump, an elephant walks, a flower grows).

Techniques can be easily combined, combined in one composition. The drawing can always be corrected - no need to be afraid to make a mistake. This is one of the beauties of sand painting - everything is fixable. Over time, you feel how and what to portray, you understand what possibilities the sand has.

You can start familiarizing children with sand with simple tricks: say hello to the sand, stroke it (what kind of sand is warm, dry?), warm it in a fist, pass it between your palms, listen to how it talks to you, whispers. Children like to amuse the sand: tickle it first with one finger, then with all, with both hands - the sand laughs. Glide your palms on the sand, drawing how the car drove, with two fingers - a sled.

Simple graphic exercises

Based on the principle of graphics, it is good to introduce the child to its elements.

To implement each idea, a certain amount of sand is used, the central figure conceived by the child stands out, the rest of the details are drawn additionally. By adding a handful of sand, children learn to make the drawing dark, bright or, removing the excess, light, transparent, they try to convey their mood, feelings and thoughts in the drawing. You think, beautiful drawings will you get sand from the first lesson? This is not entirely true, unfortunately. Good drawings are created not even by all adults, not to mention the kids.

If you're really interested in trying things out on your own, then find and read a book called Writing and Drawing in the Sand by German educator Mariella Seitz. This is a unique guide! In affordable and very interesting form the author shares tips on how adults can learn to paint with sand themselves and how to teach children different techniques drawing.

"Rain, rain, more fun!"

Target: learn to draw straight lines (vertical).


  • Learn to draw straight lines (vertical).
  • Develop fine motor skills, develop a sense of rhythm, aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: Sand experimentation. Examination of landscape paintings on the theme "Autumn", conversation, observation.

light table, sand, paper silhouette of clouds, musical accompaniment of "Voice of Nature" (the sound of rain).

Teacher: Do you like rainy weather? Not? But trees, grass, flowers need rain. Yes, and it's fun to walk through the puddles, unless of course you have rubber boots.

Rain, rain is more fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain

Spray into the field more:

The grass will get thicker!

Shows drawings made with pencils or felt-tip pens. He asks the children what these pictures are drawn with and offers to draw rain with sand.

Look, in the picture, the rain has not started yet, although the clouds have covered the sun. And then the first drops of rain fell to the ground. Cap-cap, cap-cap.

We draw long, long lines - this is heavy rain, trickles run;

We draw short lines - this is a light rain, raindrops (droplets) drip.

The rain is getting quieter and now it is completely over, only puddles remain on the ground.

What kind of rain will you have?

Children draw raindrops, accompanying the drawing with the words "Drip, drip, drip ..."

Teacher: - Well done, what a fun rain you got.

Did you guys like it?

"Here's a hedgehog - no head, no legs!"



  • Learn to draw straight vertical lines.
  • Develop fine motor skills, develop a sense of rhythm. aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: drawing centipede legs, modeling hedgehogs from plasticine. Shadow theater "Hedgehog".

Material, tools, equipment: light table, sand, paper silhouette of a hedgehog, musical accompaniment.

  1. Creating a game situation

The teacher with the help of the shadow theater beats the poem by G. Lagzyn "Hedgehog".

I met a hedgehog

He carried mushrooms on his back.

Good afternoon prickly hedgehog!

Do you live far away?

  1. "Prickly hedgehog". Children raise their hands up, at the signal of the teacher spread their fingers, clench into a fist and open again - “the hedgehog hides and shows its thorns.”
  2. The child is invited to touch the sand, hold it in his hands, pour it from one hand to another ...

The teacher shows a “hedgehog silhouette” and offers to draw him many, many needles.

This is a hedgehog where is his back? Here. Needles grow on the back of a hedgehog. Needles grow up.

The teacher explains and shows how to draw needles.

Here is the back, I put my finger here and draw first, one needle - like this. Next to the other - like this (fixes the movement so that the children notice the separation of the finger from the light screen). The hedgehog has a lot of needles, let's draw more.

Teacher: - Well done, what prickly hedgehogs you got.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms - They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up!

After the lesson, you can take a picture of the drawings with the names of the children.

"The sun is shining."



  • Learn to draw a circle closing the line into a ring.
  • Develop fine motor skills. ability to work as a model.
  • To cultivate curiosity, initiative, interest in visual activity.

Preliminary work: looking at images of the sun in children's books. Sun watching on walks.

Material, tools, equipment: easel, flannelgraph, figurines for flannelgraph (sun, cloud), light table, sand, musical accompaniment.

A figurine of the sun is attached to the flannelograph:

In the morning the sun rises

Calls everyone to the street.

I leave the house:

Hello sunshine, it's me!

From the bright light, everyone becomes joyful, cheerful. But when the sun hides behind a cloud (they attach a cloud), everything becomes gloomy. Our mood also changes. Let's draw a cheerful sun so that it always delights us with its radiance.

2. Exercises "Say hello to the sand." The child is invited to touch the sand, hold it in his hands, pour it from one hand to another ...

The teacher invites the children to draw a cheerful sun. Shows how to draw the sun with sand.

Draw a circle with your finger

Rays are different: straight and wavy; short and long.

The child creates a drawing according to his plan.

Look how happy the sun is. The sun woke up and smiled at you. Smile back at him: Say "Hello, sunshine!"

Who can be awakened by its rays? Think and tell.

4. Reflection.

Teacher: - Well done, what beautiful suns you got.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms - They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up!

"Bath the duckling."



  • Learn to draw wavy lines (horizontally).
  • Development of coordination of movements (bivalent work of the brain through conscious drawing with two hands at once).
  • To cultivate curiosity, initiative, interest in visual activity.

Preliminary work: mobile game "Jump over the stream", games with geometric mosaics.

Material, tools, equipment: toy duckling, light table, sand, musical accompaniment.

Teacher: let's play ducklings, reads A. Barto's poem "Uchi-uti". Children perform the movements on the show.

early in the morning

Mother duck came out

Teach ducks.

She teaches them, teaches them!

You swim, ooh ooh

Nicely in line.

Though the son is small, small.

Mom does not order to be cowardly, does not order.

Swim, swim, baby

Don't be afraid, you won't drown.

  1. Finger gymnastics."Ducks"

One, two, three, four, five - (unbend fingers)

The ducks went out for a walk (we rhythmically squeeze and unclench our fingers)

One, two, three, four, five - (bends all fingers into a fist in turn, starting with the little finger).

They hid in the house again. (rhythmically we squeeze and unclench our fingers)

3. Exercises "Say hello to the sand." The child is invited to touch the sand, hold it in his hands, pour it from one hand to another ...

Teacher: Look how good and handsome the duckling is! The eyes are blue, the paws are red, the beak is clean. Oh, our duckling is sad for some reason, he probably wants to swim in the stream. Let's draw streams.

The teacher asks the children to show with their hands how ducklings swim in the water. Children (by imitating the teacher's actions) depict a wave - "draw" wavy lines in the air - first with one hand, then with both synchronously.

The teacher shows the silhouettes of ducklings and distributes them to the children. Offers to help ducklings learn to swim in streams.

5. Reflection.

Teacher: - Well done, what beautiful streams you got. Ducklings love to swim.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms -

They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up!

After the lesson, you can take pictures of the drawings with the names of the children.




  • Learn to draw a circle - closing the line into a ring.
  • Develop fine motor skills, eye, eye-hand coordination, aesthetic perception.
  • Generate interest in creating an image in the sand.

Preliminary work: examining and examining the pyramid rings of different sizes to enrich and clarify the tactile sensation, develop the perception of the form. Presentation of the shadow theater "Come visit".

Material, tools, equipment: light table, sand, a bunch of donuts to show to children, musical accompaniment.

The teacher shows the children a bunch of bagels and plays the nursery rhyme “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi!”

with the help of bi-ba-bo dolls.

Hey, kachi-kachi-kachi!

Look - bagels kalachi!

Look - bagels kalachi!

From the heat, from the heat of the oven.

From the heat, from the heat of the oven -

All blushes are hot.

Rooks flew here

They grabbed rolls.

We've got lambs left!

  1. Finger gymnastics.
  2. The child is invited to touch the sand, hold it in his hands, pour it from one hand to another ...

4. Drawing.

“Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi, look - bagels, kalachi. Everyone is ruddy, hot" and asks to "draw" in the air first a huge roll, then a big bagel, and a small one - a small bagel. Children draw in the air with their fingers.

Then the teacher draws attention to the light table, asks to circle the silhouettes of “donut-bagels” along the outer edge with a finger (3-5 times) in order to remember the movements.

The teacher offers to draw "donuts - kalachi"

Teacher: - Well done, what beautiful tasty bagels you got - kalachi.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms - They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up!

After the lesson, you can take pictures of the drawings with the names of the children.


Target: Learn to draw with two hands.


  • Learn to draw with two hands.
  • Develop fine motor skills. Enrich children's tactile experience.
  • Generate interest in creating an image in the sand.

Preliminary work: Observation. Conversation. Consideration of illustrations.

Material: light table, butterfly illustration, butterfly body paper blanks, musical accompaniment.

  1. Creating a game situation

Teacher: make a riddle.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away.

Guys, who is this? (shows a butterfly)

That's right, children are a butterfly. What can butterflies do?

Why do they fly? What they have?

Look at her wings. She has 2 large wings and 2 small ones. And now let's try to turn into butterflies.

  1. Mobile game "Butterfly"

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (trunk to the right, to the left.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso in front, back.)

Moved, stretched, (hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew

The sun will only wake up in the morning, (circle)

Butterfly spinning, winding.

(Children “flutter” around the group to the soundtrack. As soon as the soundtrack ends, the children squat on an imaginary flower).

Look, children, I have butterflies (shows a blank), but they don’t have wings, let’s draw wings.

  1. The child is invited to touch the sand, hold it in his hands, pour it from one hand to another ...
  2. Drawing.

Children, draw a butterfly 2 large and 2 small wings. We will draw with two hands. (children draw, the teacher watches their work, if necessary, helps, while the children draw, musical accompaniment is turned on).

5. Reflection.

Well done, what beautiful butterflies you have turned out. My butterfly from the picture will definitely fly in and make friends with your butterflies.

Did you guys like it?

Look at our palms - They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up!

After the lesson, you can take a picture of the resulting butterflies with the names of the children.


  • Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, methodological recommendations. Early age. - M .: "KARAPUZ", 2009. - 144 p.
  • Internet resources:

Master class on the theme "Autumn. Autumn nature. Gifts of autumn"

Drawing on the autumn theme "Autumn outside the window", made in the technique of "Drawing with sand"

The proposed sand painting workshop is designed for educators preschool education and teachers additional education in work with children of senior preschool age (6-7 years).

The purpose of the composition
The presented composition is interesting option for teachers to familiarize children with the technique of "drawing with sand". Creating an image using sand contributes to the development of fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, and fantasy in children.
Target: familiarization with the features of creating an image in the technique of sand painting.
- introduce older preschoolers to sand painting;
- to teach how to create paintings in the technique of sand painting;
- develop imagination, motor skills, creative thinking in children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old);
Description of the sand painting technique
Sand Art or sand painting is a fairly young type of art that appeared in the 70s of the last century. It was then that the American animator Caroline Leaf created the first sand animated film "Sand, or Peter and the Gray Wolf." Later, other animators began to use her experience: they began to create dynamic sand films, i.e. without installation, in one breath. This experience was very successful and marked the beginning of a new art form - the art of sand painting.
As a form of art therapy, sand painting has been used only in our days. So far, this is a rarity.
The deeper roots of sand animation can be found in Buddhism - in the spiritual practice of building a Mandala. Mandala is a Buddhist model of the Universe, the abode of all enlightened beings, built from marble sand. A work of Buddhist art, amazing in beauty and harmony, is made according to strict canons from finely crushed painted marble. According to Buddhist tradition, the mandala of an enlightened deity lives for the duration of the ritual. It should not be left as an exhibit; the main purpose of the mandala is to serve as a basis for meditation practice. The destruction of the mandala is a special ritual, the purpose of which is to emphasize one of the most important aspects of Buddhism - the idea of ​​the impermanence of everything that exists.
The Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology, a follower of Freud - Carl Gustav Jung resorted to art therapy when he needed emotional support. He drew mandalas, including in the sand. Many of the psychologists point out that this is how one of the areas of art therapy appeared - sand therapy, which is so popular today (in sand therapy, worlds are created in the sandbox with the help of water and various figures
Sand painting is an unusual art of creating pictures with the help of sand.
Sand painting is an opportunity to express your feelings and emotions without words.
Sand painting has a number of important aspects, the advantage of which does not classical technique drawing.
Sand drawing develops fine motor skills, improves memory, plasticity of movements, as well as brain function. Unusually pleasant to the touch sand, makes it possible to truly relax and unwind. It is in this state that stress, internal tension are best relieved, problems go away ...

Drawing on the autumn theme "Autumn outside the window", made in the technique of "drawing with sand".

Necessary materials:
1. Sand painting light module
2. Quartz sand
3. Brush (optional)

I propose to proceed to the first stage - creating the background of the future composition.
Sprinkle a thin layer of sand on the light module.

In the upper part of the light module, with the pad of the index finger or the back of the brush, draw
rowan branch.

Draw the leaves.

With the pad of the index finger or the back of the brush, draw notches on the contours of the leaves, gently shifting the sand in one direction.

We begin to draw rowan berries.

On each berry we add small crosses.

Next, we begin to draw curtains. To do this, with index, middle and ring fingers, we draw along the sand from the upper edge of the light module to its middle on the left, and then on the right.

We finish the curtains.

Draw semicircles along the upper edge of the light module.

With the pad of your thumb at the bottom of the light module, move the sand from left to right.

With the pad of your thumb or the back of the brush, draw the outline of the cat.

With the pad of the index finger from top to bottom, we clean off excess sand.

Draw a tail from the rest of the sand below.

To make the cat fluffy, make its outline uneven.