How to make a postcard by September 1. Paper maple leaf card

This postcard is made of colored cardboard and paper in the form of an owl. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to give a smart owl to my future first graders on September 1. I really want the kids to remember this day as one of the most significant days In my life. You can paste a letter from the teacher to your future students or just words of congratulations on the card.

Materials and tools

How to make a postcard to the "First Grader" by September 1 with your own hands? Step by step instructions for children and adults.

To make a postcard you need:

1) Fold a sheet of brown cardboard in half across. From one sheet of cardboard, two postcard blanks are obtained at once.

2) Cut out the base in the form of an owl.

This is what the card looks like unfolded:

3) Cut out:

From gray paper - the belly of an owl (1 piece)

From golden paper - a beak (1 piece)

From white paper - eyes (2 pieces)

From yellow paper - pupils (2 pieces)

From black paper - eyelids (2 pieces)

From black cardboard 4x4cm - academic cap (1 piece)

4) Glue the detail of the abdomen.

5) Then comes the turn of the beak. I bent the detail of the beak in half and glued the edges to make the beak voluminous.

6) It's time to make owl eyes. We will glue the pupil on the white part of the eye ...

And on top - the eyelid.

We will also make the second eye. Now we place both eyes on the craft.

7) Now the turn has come to the academic cap. You can make a brush entirely from threads. I made my job easier. From scraps of black paper, I cut out 2 details of the future brush. Between them she put a thread, folded in twins, and glued both parts together. After the tassel dried, I sewed it to the middle of the cap.

8) You can decorate the postcard as you wish. It all depends on your imagination! I got it like this:

9) It remains to write a letter of congratulations. I'll still have time to write it.

And on the Internet there are such options:


But your former students can help you make such congratulations, then sign them!

Tatyana Goryacheva

Good day, dear colleagues! Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming Knowledge Day! Tomorrow 1 September The summer has flown by, and so has the vacation. A new school year is starting for us, let it bring us only good things! And I bring to your attention postcard which I made on the order of a colleague. Her granddaughter is going to first grade, and her grandmother wanted to give her granddaughter cash gift and postcard in memory of this wonderful day. That's what I did.

Card quite large - 20 by 25 cm, voluminous, decorated with many elements: both ribbons, and a bell pendant, and half beads. Roses made by myself from perforated flowers. Number 1 is a chipboard (cardboard cutting) etc. The leaves are perforated, I embossed them, made veins. The paper is stitched on sewing machine. I bought it on purpose (do not laugh) do not sew clothes, but decorate machine stitch postcards. This is what my hobby has brought me to!

Inside postcards - congratulations(poetry not mine)

And, of course, a pocket for a cash gift.

Grandmother-colleague I really liked the postcard I hope my granddaughter does too. It contains a piece of my soul and the warmth of my hands. Once again - HAPPY HOLIDAY, colleagues!

DIY card with maple leaves. Master class with detailed description.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary school KEI KHMAO-Yugra "Lariak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: This workshop is for younger children. school age, teachers additional education, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful gifts with your own hands.
Purpose: the work can be used as an interior decoration, a gift for a holiday or invitation card for any ceremonial event.
Designed for children from 9 years of age.
Target: Making invitation cards from paper.
1. To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with paper.
2. Cultivate the desire to make the product with your own hands.
3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, bringing the work begun to its logical conclusion.
4. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic sense.
Materials and tools needed for work:
1. Colored sheets of paper for printing A-4 (color paper).
2. A simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue, carved hole punch.
3. For decor, you will need ribbons, beads, rhinestones, threads.

The postcard, its design and content shows the attitude towards the person to whom the postcard is given. By appearance postcards, it becomes immediately clear from whom this postcard is intended and what feelings the donor has for the person being presented. In order to sincerely congratulate a person, a simple postcard will not work, but you need to choose a beautiful one and with interesting words, or write the words yourself.
AT modern time postcard can be made from different material and can be made in a variety of styles and can be directed to various subjects. Also, postcards can have a floral scent.
You can make a postcard yourself and this will require your imagination and idea. If the postcard will be made independently, then it is necessary to make it so that it does not look like other postcards. For homemade postcard you will need beads, flowers, leaves, ribbons, but besides this, you must also observe color scheme so that the idea of ​​the postcard is visible and the composition is respected.

Stages of making an invitation card.
1. First of all, let's make the base of the postcard. Divide a standard color printing sheet into three parts. This size is the most economical, in the sense that three postcard bases can be made from one standard sheet. Cut into pieces get three rectangles.
So, for the base of the postcard, we prepared a rectangle of colored office paper measuring 10.5 by 18.5 cm. Fold it into three parts, observing certain dimensions. The right side is 9 cm wide. Fold the left side exactly in half.

2. Fold one narrow part towards the middle.

3. To prevent the edge from opening, connect the folded parts with a drop of glue. You can use glue stick.

4. Using a carved hole punch, decorate the outer edges of the base of the postcard. The base of the postcard is ready.

5. Pre-print congratulations or invitations to the expected celebration. Glue to the other page of the invitation.
Words can also be written by hand using colored pens or felt-tip pens.

This is what the invitation card looks like when open.

5. Half of the following template was used to make maple leaves.

Previously, the templates were printed on a printer on multi-colored sheets of A-4 format.

6. Bending along the intended line, they cut out and received the following paper parts.

7. Each detail was folded like an accordion. It is more convenient to bend starting from the wide side of the part.

8. Iron the folds well and fold the part completely in half, smearing one edge with glue.

Thus, you get a maple leaf.

9. Decorate each leaf with a golden bow. Bows can be knitted from satin ribbon.
Or do the following. Cut strips of golden textile 4-5 cm long.

10. Glue the end and the beginning of the strip. Here, glue is suitable - a moment.

11. Glue the parts together in pairs, and the golden bow is ready.

12. Glue a golden bow on the wrong side of the maple leaf.

Leaves can be made in different sizes.

13. Arrange and secure the bowed maple leaves on the front page of the invitation card.

14. Everyone understands the expression " gold autumn", so you can "golden" maple leaves by adding shiny curls. This is a thin floral decorative tape.

15. This is how the postcard looks when open.

One of decorative elements of our postcard is a flower in autumn colors. It will consist of three parts different shades and sizes. To slightly revive the flower, we tint its petals with ink pads. Let's walk along the edge of the petals and sow a little bit along the veins. In addition, slightly raise the petals of all three parts. So the flower will become more voluminous, which will give it realism.

We collect the flower, connecting the parts with double-sided tape.

We decorate the flower with raffia in two colors. Raffia is an element of decor, which is palm fibers. We also sell artificial raffia. If you do not have raffia, you can replace it with ribbons or braid.
We add a little glamor - the role of the middle of the flower is played by a strazinka in tone!

Glue the finished flower onto the card. Before doing this, estimate the approximate location of all the parts in order to calculate the most appropriate place for a flower.

For the inscription, we chose scrap paper that imitates a sheet from a school notebook in a ruler. We print the text on it and cut it out.

Glue the rectangle with the text on the front of the postcard. To add volume to the work, we fasten three corners with double-sided foam tape. Special adhesive pads are also suitable - it's even more convenient. We fix the corner that will hide under the flower with ordinary double-sided tape - there is no need for volume.

What is a flower without leaves? With a hole punch, cut out two branches of paper in two shades. Just like the petals of a flower, we process them with an ink pad. It turned out almost real autumn leaves!

We glue the inscription, hiding one corner under the flower. Add perforated leaves.

Now our postcard for September 1 is ready! It has all the colors of autumn - yellow, orange, red, brown, a little green and a little sky blue! Such a card will cheer you up even on the gloomiest autumn day.

A do-it-yourself card for Knowledge Day can be made to present to a teacher or educator senior group as well as classmates and school friends. At the same time, in the manufacturing process, you can use a variety of original techniques and use a variety of decorative elements.

One of the attributes of the first autumn holiday serve maple or any other autumn leaves. Maple trees are used more often because they have the most expressive color, shape and a fairly strong sinewy base.

In order to get a spectacular postcard for September 1, you can cut out maple leaves from multi-colored cardboard or paper with your own hands. This is easy to do using a pre-prepared template. Then the leaves are decorated with various glitters, sprinkles, confetti, sequins and other decorative elements. It turns out a beautiful basis for creating an autumn congratulatory composition. It remains only to distribute the leaves on the postcard - and the craft is ready.

You can cut leaves from unusual materials - for example, painted different ways sheets of colored cardboard. For cardboard, we cover with a dense layer of paint, mixing different shades with each other. Then we apply an ornament on a plain coating, using a brush and various items for setting stamps - for example, cardboard tubes left over from toilet paper and disposable towels, a sponge, the bottom of cups and glasses. When the paint dries, you can cut out autumn leaves of the most unimaginable color from these sheets.

You can use real fallen leaves in your work. For example, dipping a maple leaf in advance mixed paints autumn shades, we'll get excellent remedy for stamping. We put an imprint on the postcard - and now part of the work on decorating it has been completed.

You can use not only leaf figures, but also various school supplies. For example, beautiful and original postcard on September 1, with your own hands, a teacher or classmates can be made in the form of a pencil, decorated with a wide satin ribbon.

A pencil can be glued from colored paper and decorate the cardboard base of the postcard with it. Complement the postcard with paper flowers.

A postcard made in the form of a school board looks very interesting. It is easy to make by gluing black cardboard on beige corrugated cardboard and adding a few decorative elements - a bow, a ruler, buttons or an apple.

Postcards made in the shape of an apple look interesting - a symbol of grandiose discoveries, the knowledge of good and evil. You can decorate a regular-shaped postcard with an apple or make it in the form of an apple.

Another traditional symbol of the First of September is the bells, the ringing of which serves as a signal to start school year. In the form of a bell, you can make a postcard - a pendant, the same as those usually presented at the end of the year to high school students at the last bell. It will be interesting if a student starts his journey to the land of knowledge by receiving such a postcard, and then receives the same symbol at the end of his studies.

Paper maple leaf card

For a postcard with maple leaf we need to make maple leaves out of paper. You can simply cut out a leaf from colored paper, or fold it using the origami technique. How to do it, look at the video:

We color them with our leaves.

Fold the paper in half. We circle the sheet on the left side of the paper and glue the sheet on the right side exactly opposite.

Cut out a leaf-shaped hole on the left side.

Close the card and decorate it front side. We write a congratulatory inscription.

Postcard with bells in quilling technique

A very beautiful postcard with bells is obtained using the quilling technique. We need to prepare a double-folded cardboard base on which we will glue the yellow paper bells. Glue along the contour of the bell paper strip for quilling.

We decorate the outline of the bells with paper ribbons for quilling. We complement it with flowers and greenery.

Postcard in scrapbooking technique

See what beautiful postcard can be done using the scrapbooking technique. We make the base of the postcard from the paper folded in half. We glue a gray background with patterns on it, in the center we glue a piece of paper with a different pattern and a congratulatory inscription.

The main principle of scrapbooking is layering and the effect of antiquity. We place on the postcard any attributes of autumn and study - a diary, a briefcase and autumn leaves.

Another amazing school-themed scrapbooking card is an apron card. First, glue several layers of paper and lace onto the base.

First, glue the ribbon skirt.

Now we glue the upper part of the apron made of lace and a congratulatory inscription.

By combining several ideas, you can organize a memorable, bright, holiday for everyone who on September 1 begins their difficult path to new knowledge.

Do-it-yourself postcard for September 1 video: