How to protect yourself from dangerous gifts? How to get rid of "gifts" that kill you How to give gifts to unpleasant people

There are many things that carry negative energy. They are not only gifts that traditionally represent the time of the approach of illness and old age, but also many other items, the negative of which many may not be aware of.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that this item has some kind of magical power. There is a statement that, once in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, a mirror helps to perform various magical rituals. For example, if a “spoken” mirror is presented to a young successful person, then through it you can take all her youth, luck and beauty from her.

It is believed that donated watches bring all sorts of misfortunes. If presented as a wedding gift, they will begin to count down the time for the newlyweds, spent in harmony and love. This will inevitably lead to quarrels and, as a result, to divorce. And if, for example, to give Wall Clock head of the organization, then he will not be able to hold this post for a long time.

The thing is that such dolls are made according to the prototype of living people. In other words, the doll's face reflects the features real person, repeats his facial expressions, look, smile. That is, the energy of a certain person can live in a doll. And it is not known how this will affect the health and life in general of those people to whom they were presented.

It is not recommended to present gifts in the form of forks, knives, daggers. These items will bring negative energy into your home. It is believed that such gifts bring only quarrels, strife and troubles into the life of the person to whom they are presented.

Like knives, bird figurines can bring misfortune and sorrow into the house. This is due to the belief that the bird is a symbol of distress noise. No wonder it is believed that a bird accidentally flying through the window brings grief.

Especially do not present these gifts to the elderly. After all, such presentations can remind them of the approaching old age.

And donated gloves or mittens are a harbinger of the fact that the donor intends to end the relationship with the recipient of the gift. Not in vain in the old days, challenging to a duel, they threw down the gauntlet.

As for a gift in the form of slippers, some believe that this is a very bad omen, promising a quick death to the person to whom they were presented.

In order to avoid financial problems for people who are to be given these things as a gift, paper must be put inside them. banknote. The larger it is, the better.

You can not give those items that, one way or another, remind of diseases. For example, an inhaler, a heating pad, a tonometer, a corset for the spine.

It is better not to give live animals if there is no certainty that a person has long dreamed of a particular animal of a particular breed. If you still had a chance to present such a present, you must definitely take a ransom for the animal - a symbolic amount of money. Otherwise, the animal can run away from its owner or get sick.

Underwear and socks are not recommended to be presented as a gift to your husbands. It is believed that this can provoke the faithful to treason, as well as to long journeys. There is an opinion that donated socks are a harbinger of the fact that the husband will leave home and want to return to it more.

Donated handkerchiefs bring tears to the house. After all, it is not for nothing that those scarves that are used during the funeral ceremony are left in the cemetery without taking them into the house.

And, of course, one of the most "dangerous" gifts, symbolizing death, is a bouquet presented to a living person, consisting of an even number of flowers.

I would like to remind you that it is also not recommended to re-gift gifts. It is believed that the energy of the first recipient of the gift remains in him forever. And who knows what this energy is, maybe negative? In any case, it is alien and will not bring anything good to the subsequent owners of this gift.

Finally, it should be noted that if it happened that you still had to give any of the above presents, you should definitely demand a ransom for it in the form of a symbolic sum of money. Then all the negative energy from this gift will go away.

The holiday is over, the guests have dispersed, and, of course, hands are reaching for packages with gifts - what did friends and relatives please this time? Alas, indeed useful gifts- units. The rest can be safely put back in the bags and hidden in the closet. Although no, there is no more space left in the closet.

Where to put useless gifts? Understanding...

Parsing bad gifts - dangerous, offensive or unnecessary

Of course, everyone's tastes are different. For one, a set of bath accessories will be a useless and offensive gift, for another - the third multicooker. Therefore, we note the most popular gifts from useless, offensive or even dangerous.

Offensive gifts

  • Cosmetics from the series "Isn't it time for you, old galosh, to tighten your flabby skin?". Yes, the product can be very expensive, and the bottle is insanely beautiful. Yes, the gift must have come from pure heart. But hardly adult woman, which itself is frightened of its reflection in the morning, such a sign of attention will be pleasant. It is worth noting that even close relatives often accept such presents with mental resentment.
  • Bathroom sets. To fragrant soap, as many gifted people joke, only a fluffy rope is missing. Of course, such sets, densely covering the shelves on the eve of the holidays, beckon with their baskets, bright bottles and tubes, and low prices. But it is one thing to “knead” such a gift among others, more valuable, for your children, relatives (shampoo is never superfluous!), And it’s quite another to solemnly hand over the set to a colleague or friend. At a minimum, a person will think that they are hinting at uncleanliness or simply did not become particularly puzzled by the choice of a present. Which is also embarrassing.
  • Socks, deodorants, shaving accessories. Every year, in anticipation of February 23rd, men sigh heavily and vow to “revenge” on March 8th if shaving foam or a bouquet of socks turns out to be a gift again. You should not torment your faithful or work colleagues with such presents. Turn on your fantasy.
  • Subscription to a beauty salon for an anti-cellulite wrap or a gym, a slimming belt, anti-cellulite pants, etc. For a woman, such a gift is a disaster. Unless it's from your beloved mom, who, of course, won't tell anyone about your orange peel.
  • A “pleasant” trifle in the form of pens, calendars, cups or notepads. Such souvenirs can be given to colleagues on whom you do not want to spend your money. But for a loved one or friend, this gift will be an indicator of your attitude towards him.

Useless Gifts

  • Figurines, magnets and other "souvenir". Usually they are simply poured into boxes and put away in a closet. Because there is nowhere to put it, and laziness to wash the dust, and in general "does not fit the overall design." And on the refrigerator, there is already no living place - all in magnets. Another option is if you are buying a rare souvenir for a collector. For example, a rare figurine for a friend's collection, a super-original Christmas tree-shaped candle for a friend who collects just such Christmas trees, or a magnet from Spain for a friend who collects magnets from different countries(and there is no such thing yet). Leave the rest at the store if you don't want your plaster hippo to fly into the basket after you leave.
  • Subscriptions to a gym (swimming pool, bowling, etc.), which a person will never go to for anything. Before making such a gift, one should at least take an interest in the interests of a person.
  • Tickets to the cinema, theater, concert of a famous artist. Firstly, the taste and color, as they say ... If you are delighted with, for example, Nadezhda Kadysheva, this does not mean that everyone is eager to "go to" her. Yes, and a person may simply not have time. Your tickets will remain untouched in the kitchen among a pile of newspapers, or, at best, will be given away to a fan of Russian folk songs just like you.
  • Handmade crafts. Embroidered napkins, macrame, quilling postcards and other little things only in your eyes are a work of art. For the rest of the majority - another nonsense for the box in which children's crafts are already gathering dust. In order not to be upset later that your efforts were not appreciated, choose other options for gifts. Of course, if you paint pictures professionally, create masterpiece carpets handmade or paint dishes in modern style, then your gift will be appreciated and even, probably, adapted in the living room. But this is more the exception than the rule. Adequately evaluate your talents and rely not only on the praise of relatives who are glad that your hands are busy with at least something, but also on the opinions of strangers.
  • Cheap utensils. Again, at best, she will be taken to the country. At worst, they will be completely offended. Well, who needs the 10th set of cheap "terrible" glasses, a frying pan in which everything burns, or another batch of plates "out of color, out of color"?
    Perfume, toilet water. Even the most close person not always able to guess the very flavor that will match the tastes and mood. It is extremely rare for perfume givers to hit the bull's-eye. And if the perfume "not in the bull's-eye" is also cheap ...

Dangerous Gifts

  • Sets of "educational" games not by age. For example, "young chemist" (or "pyrotechnician") for a child of five years old.
  • Weapons, crossbows, darts. Such gifts can be given solely on the basis of the age of the child, with the permission of the parents and with the firm conviction that the games will be held under the control of mom and dad. A broken service in a sideboard and fired upon pets are not as scary as the really serious injuries that can be inflicted by these toys. This is especially true for air pistols, which today it has become fashionable for kids to buy (despite the “+18” sign on the boxes). A shot from such a gun can leave a child without an eye.
  • Toys with small details for kids. While the child's hands automatically pull everything that lies nearby into the mouth, toys should be chosen very carefully. We leave all small designers on the shelves of the store, we pull all the other toys by the eyes / noses to make sure they are strong.
  • Subscriptions for skydiving or other extreme pleasures. For an inexperienced person, such a present can result in serious injuries.
  • Flowers in pots. It is also a very fashionable gift option today, to which a rather serious allergy can occur. Check the information about the flower and the health of the person before packing the plant in a holiday bag.
  • Cheap cosmetics. At least they won't have any effect. In the worst case, a serious allergy may occur. However, it can also occur on expensive cosmetic products, so you should purchase such gifts as carefully as possible and only with confidence that this particular gift will be terribly happy.
  • Pets. The danger of a gift is in the allergy to wool of the addressee of the present, which you may not know about. It is also worth considering that the appearance of a pet may simply not be part of his plans (maybe a person has nothing to feed him, no time to take care of him, or his wife is against it in general). It is also not recommended to give exotic pets like giant snails, iguanas, snakes and other living creatures.

You can also add to the list of unsuccessful gifts:

  • Linens. Unless it's a super-set for a wedding or for your children.
  • Underwear. The exception is from husband to wife and vice versa.
  • Clothing. It can be given only to close people and knowing exactly the size. By the way, it is not recommended to give clothes to children - they prefer toys, games, sweets and modern technological innovations, rather than a set of uniforms for academic year or new shoes.
  • Candies. Just a casual present, and nothing more. Exception: A LOT of sweets, candy bouquets and other sweet original designs. And then, provided that the recipient of the gift is not a diabetic and is not on a diet.
  • Money. The most controversial gift option. It can be offensive if a person was waiting for attention to himself, but received an envelope with the words "buy it yourself, I have no time to look." It can be annoying if the amount in the envelope resembles change in a store. It can be awkward if the amount is too high and automatically obliges the recipient of the gift.

What to do with unwanted or unsuccessful gifts - practical advice

If a friend (close relative, loved one) still manages to get something original, useful and perfect for a birthday, then on the same New Year or “the holiday of spring and mothers” gifts from the shelves scatter like hot cakes. And a person returning from work gets only cheap candles or clumsy plaster figures. They most often occupy our shelves, cabinets and bedside tables. And it's a pity to throw it away, and I'm tired of sweeping the dust. Where to put them?

  1. Put away in the closet until better times. Maybe in a couple of years the donated “unsuccessful” blouse will seem very fashionable to you or your daughter will come in handy. Or the “extra” iron will suddenly turn out to be necessary when your usual one breaks.
  2. Regift. Of course not very beautiful option, but superfluous things only clutter up the house, and someone may really like this gift. The main thing is that this someone is not familiar with the donor. And that will be awkward.
  3. "Reshape" for other purposes. For example, sew on various little things for the kitchen from an unnecessary dress.
  4. Adapt unsightly oven pots for flower pots. To paint the presented faded vase specifically for your interior.
  5. Take it back to the store. Unless, of course, there is a tag on the product, and, just in case, they left you a receipt.
  6. Give gifts in good hands to those who need them more. Just. For example, in Orphanage or poor family.
  7. Sell ​​or exchange. For example, through a forum, an auction or an appropriate site on the Internet.
  8. Throw a party and use unwanted gifts as prizes. A great option to painlessly part with extra souvenirs.

Do not clutter your head with thoughts like "It's not good somehow." Surround yourself with only useful and pleasant things. The rest - find a use.

Moreover, it makes no sense to regret a stupid cheap souvenir that was presented to you not from great love, but “for show”, it makes no sense.

Anastasia. Items of power, good luck and prosperity Ignatova Maria

Gifts of ill-wishers

Gifts of ill-wishers

“A gift is a very important thing, a gift made from the heart, it is no longer a gift, but a gift, because, in addition to its physical embodiment, it carries a positive energy charge in itself. Such a gift, being next to a person, can help him, take trouble away from him. But if the gift was made not from a pure heart, but with falsehood in the soul, then there is little benefit from this. No wonder there is a belief - if a gift quickly broke, deteriorated, failed, then it was given without good intentions. But this is not scary yet, gifts are even more dangerous when they are given with malicious intent.

How to deprive Gifts from ill-wishers of evil power

In order not to suffer and puzzle over how the person who gave you the gift treats you, and what to expect from this gift, you can simply clean this thing, and if the gift is positively charged, it will not harm it, it will not destroy good message. This cleansing is directed only against the negative.

With this cleansing, you can immediately process a lot of gifts if you start doing this after some holiday, for example, a birthday or housewarming.

For this processing, you will need essential oil juniper and an ordinary white candle.

Be sure to close the doors and windows at the same time so that the room is completely isolated from outside world and the rest of the apartment. Next, you need to apply a little oil on each thing, and then say:

Brother Juniper,

You are strong

Everything is up to you.

Let evil go, let blackness go,

And joy and kindness will never leave us.

Help and cleanse

Brother Juniper.

After that, you should light a candle, and while it burns, do not open doors or windows.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Aug 28

A gift "you won't wish on your enemy" (Gift with a lining)

Most people love to give and receive gifts. Choosing and buying a gift can turn into a pleasant little adventure. But sometimes gifts are chosen not for that at all. to please a person. It's about the so-called gifts with lining

Not every gift is unique and pleasant.. There are such "gifts" that it is better to refuse, no matter how expensive they are, and no matter how much you would like to have this thing. Or try to at least protect yourself from the negative

the impact of such a "gift".

As a fortuneteller with great experience, I often meet in my practice with the fact that we often don’t even guess where, when and to whom we “crossed the road” and from a friend or friend we got, to put it mildly, an ill-wisher .. And not every person is able to forgive an offense , even if you inflicted it out of ignorance.

Revenge and envy of other people's success haunt many people, even if they do not want to admit it to themselves.

Of course, there are people who, quite sincerely and without a second thought, give you gifts, which will be discussed later. BUT GOD PROVIDES THE GUARDED. It's never too much to be insured. The price of carelessness can be too expensive.

Gift with lining

And so, we turn to gifts that bring trouble to the house and ways to neutralize their negative impact.

You received GLOVES as a gift.

Gloves protect hands from the cold. Why do you need someone else's warmth? This gift can put you at the mercy of the giver. There are ancient rituals and conspiracies to gain power over a person through such a “gift”. This can cause significant harm to the mental and physical health who will wear these gloves.

How to defend yourself.

Give a coin to the donor, thereby paying off him. Then, within a week (not later!) "give back" - give this person gloves too. If for some reason this is unacceptable to you, go visit this person and “accidentally” forget his gloves for at least a week. If the gloves were with a magical "add-on", then during this time all this negative "add-on" will leave your gloves and spread throughout the donor's home.


The previous gift may affect your mental and the physical state. The belt can limit, "fetter" your actions. There will be no swing or run for the jump. You may find yourself "carefully shielded" from achieving success, success, victory. The belt is an attempt to leave you a small enclosed space to exist.

How to remove negativity

As in the first case - give a coin in return, "pay off." Then perform the next ritual. Place 3 church candles in a row and light them, put a straightened (do not twist or fold in half) belt next to it and read the Our Father prayer 12 times. Extinguish the candles (then you need to throw away these cinders). Let the belt "age" for a week and you can wear it.

You have received a HANDKERCHIEF as a gift.

Almost everyone knows that a handkerchief should not be given or received as a gift. Give a handkerchief - give tears. A handkerchief is a symbol of sorrow, illness and tears. You can get this whole "bouquet" "in addition" to a handkerchief. Even if it is very beautiful and expensive handmade.

How to defend yourself.

Redeem immediately with a coin. Then wash this scarf and iron it without arrows (without folding). Put it in front of the icons or a burning candle and read the “Our Father” with sincere wishes to the giver of health, good luck and other blessings so that this rite does not harm this person.

(In parentheses, I note that if a person gave you this handkerchief with a “weight” - you should not particularly care about not harming him. He knew perfectly well what harm he wanted to do to you by making such a gift with a lining. And protecting him from the consequences of his dirty act, you thereby encourage him to continue to do such abominations.But this is my personal opinion, based on life observations.Whether it is worth protecting such a donor from the consequences of his own dirty tricks or not is up to you.)


Be especially wary of receiving items of religious worship as a gift. It doesn't matter what religion it is. On icons, crosses, lamps and other church-religious attributes, one can (and is doing!!!) perform a great myriad of different rites and rituals that are far from being the most humane direction.

How to defend yourself.

If possible, it is better to simply refuse such gifts. You can never be 100% sure of the sincerity of the giver. And by accepting such a gift, you are at great risk of dragging all the misfortunes of the giver into your life.

If for some reason it is impossible to refuse such a gift, take this gift to the church, or hand it over to a pawnshop and distribute the proceeds to the poor or give it to some charitable foundation or project.


As well as icons and pectoral crosses, these are cult items. And they can be "charged" not in the most favorable way for a person and (or) space. Those. already buying such a thing as a gift, a person may not even suspect that he will make someone a “gift with a lining” without even having any malicious intent in his head.

How to protect yourself

To begin, wrap your gift in a piece of white silk and put it in a dark place for a week, such as in a closet or in a box on top of a closet. Then look in the library or on the Internet for information about this deity or spirit. What is he responsible for, what is his character, what does he like and what does he not like, etc.

Then (after 7 days) take out your gift and perform a rite of purification from negative energy which may still be in it. You can hold it in a circle of lit church candles (3 or 7 candles - at your discretion), after the candles burn out - hold it under running water for 3-5 minutes. On this rite can be considered completed.

The most "evil" ritual objects from Africa are considered.

Personally I prefer do not keep objects of any religious worship in the house at all. Who knows what trick they can throw out - then disentangle all this.


Such a gift can stop the time of your life and delay the good changes in your life.

How to protect yourself.

It's better to buy it right away.


The mirror is one of the most mystical and mysterious objects. Antique mirrors are especially strong in this regard. It is better not to bring such a gift into your home at all. Such a mirror can also turn out to be a gift with a lining, even if the donor had no "ulterior motive". Such a mirror can take away from you vital energy, youth and beauty.

Mirror - can be considered a kind of portal to another world. Everything that is taken from you will flow there. It's useless to buy here. Clearing such a mirror from negative energy and information is also far from always possible.

If you could not resist the temptation to have such a thing in the house and brought it to your home, and after some time you felt something was wrong - for example, this mirror began to cause you anxiety or fear, or in some incomprehensible way attract you to to himself - the mirror began its dirty work.

How to defend yourself.

The simplest thing you can do is put a few lighted candles in front of the mirror, it is better that these candles are white color and big size- so that they can burn for several hours. If your discomfort decreases, continue to burn candles in front of the mirror until these unpleasant sensations go away completely.

Also, if there are small children or animals in the family, observe their behavior and attitude towards this mirror. Their internal tuning to this type of radiation is usually finer than that of an adult, and they can pick up what you cannot feel. If the effect of the mirror will still continue, it is time to resort to the services of a professional magician. It is NOT cheap and there is no guarantee that everything will be neutralized.

Get rid of this mirror in any way you can. But even after that, you will need a powerful energy cleansing of your home, otherwise the effect of this mirror will continue for a long time and bring you a lot of trouble with your health and well-being and, as a result, problems in communicating with close and not very close people.

It is better not to immediately bring such a gift to your home. Refuse under any pretext.


It is worth starting with the fact that, with rare exceptions, all old coins were once part of treasures. And charms were almost always placed on treasures. And it is not a fact that your gift does not carry a part of such a spell. Even if this coin is a gift from a pure heart, you will still unwittingly give a person a gift with a lining.

In addition, money, due to its direct function of exchanging for something necessary, or luxurious, always bears the charge of many human vices, such as envy, jealousy, not to mention how many crimes have been committed, are being committed and will be committed. because of money.

How to protect yourself.

Wrap your gift in a piece of white silk and keep it on your windowsill for 24 hours. Then put it for 3 days in front of the icons and every morning during these 3 days, light 3 candles (it is better to take church candles). Then, after these 3 days, it's a good idea to hold these coins under running cold running water for a few minutes. On this, the purification procedure can be considered completed.

Store your old coins in a metal box or box and don't take them out more than 2 times a week. Don't disturb them.


It can bring destruction to any area of ​​your life. This stone has a stubborn disposition. Who wants to know more about this - read I. Bazhov's tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" from the collection "Ural Tales". Bazhov was a connoisseur of Ural folklore, old Ural legends and beliefs.

How to negotiate with an obstinate stone.

Wrap your gift in a piece of purple silk. Light a thick church candle in front of this bundle and let it burn out to the end. After that, light 3 thin church candles and refer to the mountain from which the stone was mined for your gift. Ask her forgiveness for the destruction caused and ask for parting words and blessings.

Then turn to your gift and ask him not to bring you destruction and other dirty tricks. Let him know that you have the blessing of Mother Mountain. And if he (the malachite from your gift) is "self-willed", then Mother Mountain will split it into pieces, turn it into sand and scatter it in the wind. As soon as you receive the consent of the malachite from which your gift is made, wipe it with golden water and the ritual can be considered completed.


They can reshape and distort your life, break off relations with others.

How to protect yourself.

Refuse such a gift.If the donor brought them to your house and, despite your refusal, “forgot” to take them with you, draw conclusions about his true attitude towards you.

Perform an energy cleansing of your home after the departure of this guest and take his gift to the trash.


Such a gift can push to commit a crime.

How to defend yourself.

Redeem immediately.


This gift can take you around the world.

How to defend yourself.

Ask the donor to put some REAL (not souvenir) money. Let it be the smallest coin, for example 1 kopeck.

Redeem immediately.

These tips may seem funny or irritating. But following them you will not spend a lot of time and money, but you can save yourself, your loved ones and your home from a bunch of all sorts of troubles and problems.

If, nevertheless, for some reason, such a charmed thing fell into your hands or into your house, try it.

P.S. I have a great fortune-telling experience and clients in real life There is also, but I'm relatively new on the Internet. Therefore, I will be grateful and grateful to you for your feedback and for information about what else you would like to know about fortune-telling, predictions and everything connected with it, in order to make my site more interesting and useful for you.

« They gave me such a thing and my whole life went downhill; and I got into trouble; my relationship has deteriorated, etc. - What should I do now?»

Within the framework of one comment, I cannot answer such questions for several reasons.

  • It could just be a coincidence
  • This may be a person’s desire to shift the responsibility for what happens in his life to the person who gave this gift.
  • I don't know all the subtleties and details. Perhaps the lining for the gift was made on a completely different topic than the one that plays out in the life of the person who accepted this gift.
  • Each case is unique. Here it is IMPOSSIBLE to give any useful advice"from the ceiling".
  • As part of answering your question in a comment, I can only give very general answers and recommendations.

Therefore, if you want to get a detailed detailed answer specifically for your situation, please contact us for advice. We'll find out

  • Is this gift really negatively charged?
  • Does the donor have anything to do with this, or does the thing have a negative charge without his participation (for example, in the case when you were presented with some kind of antique or cult item)
  • How exactly does this thing affect the circumstances of your life. (if it makes any difference at all)
  • What was the reason for giving you such a gift
  • What and how can / should be done to stop the negative impact on your life (if there really is such an impact). Etc.

Without having full information, how can you give at least some useful advice? It may be that the donor has nothing to do with it. And you absolutely in vain suspect him of all mortal sins.

You can sign up for a consultation through, or by calling me on Skype directly from the site (button My skype is at the top of the right column).


Natalia Vammas

With respect for your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

A gift can be so elaborately wrapped that you may not always be able to recognize what is inside and gladly accept it. Be careful!

Not everyone is able to accept offensive words and deftly “beat off the pitch”. Unfortunately, the most significant and long-lasting are the words and deeds associated with close and dear people. In the future, this can significantly affect your life.

The mother, who told her daughter that “she would never find a “decent” husband,” gave her an inferiority complex for almost her entire life. Ex-husband, before leaving, rewarded with guilt and the conviction that you are "the worst wife in the world", and ex-mother-in-law gladly added: "... also the most clumsy and not feminine." You did not have to wait long to be convinced of the "truthfulness" of their words. The citizen who knocked you down in the transition “politely” said that you were “a slow-moving artiodactyl”.

Since you initially doubted that you had the right to a different attitude, you easily accept such characteristics in your address. Any attention from those around you seems to be a "valuable gift." You carefully keep it, accept it as part of yourself and do not notice how you begin to use “foreign words”. In a conversation with a friend, you whisper confidentially: "... I am the worst wife in the world." And hurry to inform a new acquaintance: "... I have always been ugly and not feminine."

Now list everything that depresses you, irritates, hurts you in yourself. Do you really think so, or did someone tell you this? Take your time... Think of a situation that could "give" you these beliefs.

It is difficult to resist someone else's aggression, especially if you were born a weak and fragile creature. But this is not a reason to become a container for "foreign waste." Remember, everything that you hear and dutifully accept from others has nothing to do with you. It's just that you have become a "handy person" for dumping "garbage" into you that you don't want to carry in yourself. It is not customary to “gift” such things without a beautiful wrapper. They deftly wrap themselves in “quivering concern for you”, “desire to help”, “protect ...”, “indicate ...”. A gift can be so elaborately wrapped that you may not always be able to recognize what is inside and gladly accept it. Be careful! If your ex-mother-in-law said that “you are not feminine,” then most likely this is the problem that worries her all her life. Take back what belongs only to her! If your "ex" said that "you are the worst wife in the world", then give him this "worst option", and keep the "best" for yourself. If your mom thinks that you are "not worthy ...", then most likely she voices the reason for her unsuccessful marriage.

Do not take on other people's problems and get rid of the negativity as soon as possible. If you were pushed and insulted, then immediately “attach” his insulting words to this person, and let him “rattle” them for the entire transition ...

Regardless of the situation, learn to keep your own world clean and untouchable. If you managed to accumulate “gifts” in yourself, then don’t worry, it’s not too late to return them. You can start doing it right now...

  1. Recall a situation when you were insulted, offended, or "gave" the belief that you now carry with you. What do you feel now? How has this affected your life? Relax, take a deep breath...exhale...close your eyes...
  2. Focus on inner feelings. In what part of the body do you store your "gift". How did you feel it? Describe what it looks like, what emotions it evokes. If, as it increases, your unpleasant feelings increase, then you are on the right track. After such a check, return to the original image.
  3. Reproduce the image of the person who "gave" you this "charm". Look directly at him, exude confidence in what you are doing.
  4. Mentally take out a “gift” from yourself and give it to this person. Tell him: "I forgive you, but I do not accept the gift." Do it calmly, without thoughts of revenge, reproaches and explanations.
  5. Watch how the image of a person will change. What will he do with the returned "gift"? Thank him for the valuable experience, but make it clear that you don't need it anymore, let go of his image, let him go.
  6. Fill the space with positive energy. What new image are you ready to take on the vacant seat? Describe what it looks like, what shape, size, how much you like it. It is important that he tire you in absolutely everything! Feel the new sensations in your body. How is your mood changing?
  7. Return to the previous situation with an updated image. How will you behave now? How have your reactions to words and actions changed?
  8. Thank yourself. Putting your hand on the place where the new image appeared, thank him for the fact that now he will always be with you.

Thus, you can “give away” everything that you have accumulated during this time. In order for your future life to flow in a happy stream, immediately return the “gifts” to the “generous hands” of your offenders and aggressors. Remember, knee-jerk negative attitudes grow into us at great speed, and if you don’t immediately get rid of them, then after a while it will be difficult to distinguish “foreign” from your own. Protect yourself and your life from outside interference and let only pleasant, kind and useful gifts be given to you!