Rooster make-up on the face. Face painting - a butterfly on the face, cheek, hand step by step: instructions, photos. How to paint a butterfly's face for a child: options, photos. Masquerade makeup for the year of the Rooster using winter symbols


A lot of entertainment is available to modern children, for example, children's face painting is very popular. This type of body art is safe due to the special composition of paints and is very popular at children's parties. Parents can do most of the face drawings on their own, but you need to know the rules for applying paints and the features of this technique.

Drawings on the face

Some parents confuse face painting with face painting. However, these are two different technologies. They make face painting drawings for children on New Year's holidays, birthdays and other events. The paint is used with a special safe composition on water based, so it does not cause allergies and does not clog into the pores on the skin. In addition, the composition is very elastic, does not crack when dried. High-quality paint should dry quickly and not get dirty during the operation of the face painting. Face art for children is popular: drawings do not lose their appearance for a long time and are easily washed off with soap and water.

Before proceeding with this procedure at home, you need to buy all the materials and tools for face painting. The price of paints and sets is acceptable. You can buy everything in an online store or supermarket, where there is a special department of goods for creativity. To make face drawings for children and adults, you will need the following:

The face painting technique is simple even for beginners. However, before you paint the face of your beloved baby, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • scratches, damage to the face;
  • skin diseases.

What can be drawn on the face depends on the age and gender of the child. Girls, as a rule, like images of flowers, muzzles of kittens or chanterelles, images of fairies, snowflakes or princesses. For boys, the make-up of a superman, a pirate, a wolf or a spider-man is more suitable. In any case, you need to take into account the wishes of the child and apply the image that he himself likes. It is important to take into account the age of the baby and not make the image too scary so as not to frighten your child. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to brush the child's face with a dry brush so that he gets used to the new sensations.

How to draw on the face of children with paints? The main steps and rules for beginners are described below:

  1. The base should be applied from the hairline with a sponge or sponge. Particular attention is paid to the nasolabial folds, the area around the eyes, eyebrows.
  2. With the help of a wide brush, the eyelids are treated.
  3. Eyebrows are drawn with a special pencil.
  4. The drawing is applied in stages: on the cheeks, lips, chin of the child.
  5. Work out the contours and small details.

Face painting for Halloween

One of the specific holidays that last years actively celebrated by adults and children is Halloween. The image on this day must be special, so makeup for children that turns them into zombies, vampires, witches and ghouls will be very appropriate. However, the makeup of the baby should be different from the adult. The paint should be tested for allergens, and the picture itself should not be too intimidating.

Face painting for girls

It is important for little fashionistas at any age to be the most beautiful. Face drawings for girls should be chosen according to the event. It can be:

  • bee;
  • fish;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • kitty;
  • butterfly;
  • Fox;
  • bird;
  • Princess;
  • angel.

Face painting for boys

When choosing an image for a boy, it is worth considering his age. If the child is small, then it is better to make him up as a harmless cartoon character, a kitten, a hedgehog or other cute animal. It is recommended to ask the baby himself what he wants to be. Drawings on the face for boys school age can be in the form of images of superheroes, pirates, koshcheev, ninja turtles, dragons.

Face painting for the New Year

One of the most long-awaited holidays for all children is New Year. Face art masters are often invited to matinees on this occasion, who inexpensively and quickly paint all those present in fairytale heroes or cute animals. Professionals always have a catalog with a photo, where you can choose an image for yourself. If the parents decide to do the New Year's face painting for children on their own, then you can depict:

Face painting Cat

To turn your child into a funny cat, you need special paints, brushes, sponge, water and cotton buds. Below is an instruction with a photo on how to draw a cat on the face:

  1. With a sponge, a white base is applied (between the eyebrows, chin, bridge of the nose).
  2. Ears are painted with pink paint over the eyebrows.
  3. With a thin brush make a black outline of the ears.
  4. Draw the nose and mustache.
  5. Add pink hairs on the cheeks and chin.

Face painting Butterfly

One of the popular looks for girls of all ages is beautiful butterflies. However, before drawing such a picture to the baby, it is worth showing her photos of the samples, because not all girls will want such a face painting. If the model is ready, then follow the following instructions on how to draw a butterfly on the face:

  1. Apply foundation with white make-up (forehead, cheekbones).
  2. Draw the outline of the wings in black using a thin brush.
  3. Make another contour of a brighter shade with a brush of a larger diameter.
  4. Add fancy patterns in bright colors.
  5. On the nose of the child, draw the body of a butterfly with antennae.
  6. Add colorful stripes on the butterfly's body.
  7. You can add glitter if you like.

Face painting Tiger

This option is suitable for children. different ages. A tiger on the face will look spectacular on almost any holiday. To draw it, you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of different diameters, sponge. The steps for creating a drawing on a child's face are described below:

  1. White paint for face painting draws the nose and cheeks of the future tiger cub.
  2. Depict the upper eyelid, the contours of the muzzle, chin.
  3. An even layer of orange paint is applied to the rest of the surface of the child's face.
  4. Details are drawn with black paint: mustaches, stripes, nose, mouth.

Face painting Spiderman

Many boys prefer this look for the holidays. Spider-man's face painting must be backed up with an appropriate costume. Even inexperienced make-up artists can draw a picture on the face of a child. It is necessary to prepare red and black paint for face painting, brushes of different thicknesses, wet wipes, cotton pads. Steps on how to paint a face:

  1. Apply a red foundation to the child's face with a sponge.
  2. Draw the outline of the glasses longitudinal stripes in black.
  3. Draw transverse lines, emphasize the details.

Face painting Doggy

The muzzle of a cute doggie can decorate the baby's face before visiting new year holiday, Halloween or other themed events. There are many options for the image of this animal. To draw a dog according to the instructions below, you will need brown, white, pink, black make-up paints. If desired, you can add a yellow tint. How to draw a dog face painting:

  1. From the eyebrows to the cheeks of the child, the puppy's ears are drawn with white paint.
  2. Apply white spots in the chin area above the lips.
  3. Draw the dog's tongue in the corner of the mouth with pink and white paint.
  4. Draw contours and small details in black.
  5. If the dog is drawn to a girl, then glitter is added if desired.
  6. Shade the face painting.

Face painting Fox

Every girl wants to be a cunning fox at least once. For such a case, you can try face painting with the appropriate costume. Below is step-by-step instruction how to paint a face to get the image of a fox:

  1. Apply a light yellow or white base.
  2. Draw eyebrows, arrows on the eyes, highlight the nose.
  3. If desired, draw a mustache, but you can do without them.
  4. Orange face paint is applied from the nose to the cheekbones.
  5. To make the fox's fur seem fluffy, apply a few strokes of yellow and white color along the edges.

Face painting Pirate

This option will win on any children's holiday. How to make a pirate makeup for a child:

  1. Draw a red bandana with a knot and dangling tips.
  2. One eye is circled, a pirate bandage is depicted.
  3. Draw a mustache and beard.
  4. The bandana is decorated with white polka dots.

Face painting Bear

This version of face art is suitable for kids of any age. If you need to decorate the girl's face, then the teddy bear can be depicted with a bow. For the procedure, you will need a standard set of materials, white, brown, black paint. How the muzzle of a teddy bear is painted on the face of a child is described below:

  1. On the forehead, chin, near the ears of the child draw the contour of the bear's head.
  2. Ears are depicted on the forehead.
  3. The area of ​​​​the mouth and nose is drawn with a lighter brown paint, the rest is dark.
  4. Draw the muzzle of the bear with black paint.
  5. Cheeks are highlighted with light paint.

Face painting Princess

Almost any girl will be delighted with such an image for a New Year tree or other event. The face painting Princess will be especially relevant for true fashionistas who adore puffy dresses and sequins. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. With pink face painting paint, the contours of the future crown are drawn on the child’s forehead.
  2. Sponge or sponge paint over the crown with pink.
  3. Highlight the contour with black glossy paint using a thin brush.
  4. Sequins depict a diamond in the center of the crown.
  5. A pendant is drawn with white paint between the eyebrows.
  6. Draw long eyelashes on the upper eyelid with black face paint.
  7. The tops of the lips are highlighted in scarlet.

Face painting Lion

Another good option for making up children is the image of a lion. Boys are especially suited for this option. To create a Leo face painting on your own, you need to prepare a container with water, brushes, a sponge and paint in black, brown, orange, yellow flowers. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. The base is applied with yellow paint.
  2. Draw the outline of the lion's fur in orange.
  3. White paint highlight the mouth and area around the eyes of the child.
  4. dark color draw eyebrows and cat eyes.
  5. A white mustache is depicted above the lip.
  6. Brown paint shade the transitions near the eyes and mouth.

Price for face painting

You can order face painting from a professional face painter. Different companies offer this service at an hourly rate. The cost depends on the number of children and the specific region. How much does professional face painting cost? The price can vary from 800 to 2500 rubles per hour. Another option for parents is to buy paint brushes and decorate the children themselves. The price of the set depends on the configuration. On average, you will have to pay from 600 to 3000 rubles. For pencils and crayons, the price was set at 150-400 rubles per set.

So the era of the mischievous Monkey is passing, and a new owner is stepping in to replace it with a majestic tread. To successfully enter the next year, you need to think over your solemn image to the smallest detail. Fashionable New Year's Makeup 2017 Fire Rooster, examples of which we will provide, will become the hero of our short review.

Makeup Ideas for New Year 2017

Festive make-up differs from everyday make-up with bright, unforgettable accents. That's why proper makeup so hard to pick up without going over the edge of taste. You must emphasize your strengths and disguise your weaknesses. But the main thing is that your image is truly New Year's and magical.

Be sure to think over the wardrobe and hairstyle: in this case, the selection of makeup will not be difficult. If your clothes and accessories are presented in a bright design, then flashy shades will spoil the whole look. A fairly modest outfit will not become festive with a discreet make-up.

We select makeup for the New Year's image

The New Year's image consists of small details that make it complete. The combination of all elements, correctly selected for the type of face, skin and hair color, will make you the queen of the evening:

  • outfit;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • hairstyle;
  • makeup.

In a solemn make-up, it is customary to highlight one thing - lips or eyes. Emphasizing all the details will make the bow defiant and vulgar. Professional makeup artists believe that the eyes are the window to the soul, so be sure to highlight them to create a mysterious style. Are you single and want to attract the attention of the opposite sex? Make lips bright: as you know, men rarely think about spiritual beauty when they meet.

New Year's makeup must contain shimmering elements - from bright sparkles on the shadows to the mysterious play of powder on the face. Remember: you can not overload the image with extra shine. You will then be reminded Christmas tree toy, which shimmers with all faces. This is especially true of the shadows that spill out on the cheeks by the end of the celebration, like freckles.

Makeup for the New Year must be chic. Forget about everyday pastels: to make your eyes sparkle, you need a combination of at least three types of shadows. And don't forget mascara and curled lashes. A truly dramatic look is obtained with believable, thick cilia.

Actual styles for New Year's makeup

Festive make-up must be unique and correspond to the venue solemn events. Glamorous "smoky ice" will look completely stupid under Ski suit. Therefore, we will find out in advance where we celebrate the New Year - in a restaurant or in nature.

The hallmark of the premises is great amount artificial light, under which your image will sparkle with all colors. Remember: illumination focuses on the skin, highlighting all the flaws and flaws. Your tone should be impeccable and hide trifles that are unnecessary to a stranger's eye.

Retro style with elegant arrows is perfect. Keep in mind the peculiarities of the structure of your eyes when you draw thin lines: do not try to be like someone else - emphasize your positive sides.
Smokey Ice is a great option for a romantic look. You can choose both aggressive dark shades and lighter, more natural ones. However, the main focus is the eyes and feathered lines of the arrows.

It's not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Be sure to choose a tone with protective properties, all flaws (wrinkles, spots and dark circles under the eyes) are masked. Use products with sun-reflecting particles - they will give the face an unearthly glow and lightness.

New Year's makeup photo tutorials

So, now let's talk about applying a festive make-up. Be sure to use high-quality cosmetics that have already been tested on your skin. After all, it will cover your face for long hours, being not always in comfortable rooms: stuffiness or sudden changes in temperature. Any allergic reactions will unpleasant gift, which will overshadow the whole celebration.

All cosmetics must be persistent. After all, you don’t want to retire every two hours and tint a “floated” eye or crumbled shadows, do you? Remember such wonders of modern makeup as basic foundation under makeup - this is a real magic wand that will allow you to forget about all the flaws. There are primers:
  • for face;
  • for eyes;
  • for lips.

By choosing the right copy, you will not only protect your makeup, but also make the colors brighter and more saturated. This is a panacea that will help mask fine wrinkles and pimples.
Now start applying the tone, moving along massage lines. If you change the direction, then the product rolls into the area of ​​​​mimic wrinkles.

We also pay attention to eyebrows, as they play not the last violin in the general bow. To do this, take a pencil or shadows of suitable tones. Don't use black colors - it will look rather silly. Comb your hair in the direction of growth. You can use special wax without fear.

Lips are the final chord of our makeup. We draw the outline with a darker pencil than the main tone of the lipstick. Do not forget about the corners that must be painted over. If you are focusing on the lips, then use gloss products - this will give the lips more appetizing.

Lip and eye makeup for the Year of the Fire Rooster

The Fire Rooster is a proud and independent bird that appreciates everything expensive and non-standard. The main thing to remember is that your image should not be overloaded with bright details. If the outfit, accessories and hairstyle have noticeable elements, then your makeup will be done in muted colors. Remember the nude style that was fashionable in the past year, when everything looks very natural.

The new trends of a capricious lady named fashion can be treated differently. Some representatives of the fair sex unquestioningly follow new trends, others prefer common sense in creating an image. But it is impossible to completely ignore the trends of the season, because female appearance is made up of many little things. Make-up plays a leading role in the design of the appearance. Consider what makeup should be for the new 2017 in order to elevate its mistress to the top of the fashionable Olympus.

The main trends in the creation of a make-up in 2017

Makeup for the new year 2017 is defined as free and person-oriented. The new season involves a combination of the best directions in the make-up of previous years.

  • Nude style. As close as possible to the natural effect.
  • Skin with a slight glow achieved through quality care.
  • Popular .
  • Circular eyeliner in style.
  • Monochrome makeup.
  • Graphic style. Used as a base for evening make-up.
  • to create a festive look.
  • Gothic direction in modern interpretation.

As you have noticed, designers give ladies complete freedom to choose the most suitable makeup option for each of them.

New Year's makeup 2017: creation ideas

Choosing an image for new year party, it should be remembered that in the year of the Rooster you need to enter fully armed. Not only make-up should correspond to the host of the holiday, but it should also be chosen based on fashion recommendations. For the New Year's holiday, stylists offer the following makeup options.

  • Bright option. fashion makeup 2017 cannot look faded compared to the outfit. The Fire Rooster loves everything and, therefore, makeup should be selected appropriately. Highlight the eyebrow line, be sure to use eyeliner, a few colored shadows in the color of the outfit. Lipstick or glitter should also be bright. Give your lashes maximum volume. For this you can use . Cover them with the original green or blue ink. Don't be afraid to look clumsy or defiant. The Fire Rooster encourages brightness.

  • Gorgeous image. New Year's make-up 2017 will be most successful when using the maximum amount of shiny details on the face and exposed areas of the body. In the make-up, use the hit of the season shadows with a metallic effect of any shade. Well, if it is golden or silver tones. Remember the application rules: from the lightest tone in the inner corner of the eye, to the darkest one in the outer. On top of the shadows you need to glue small decorative pebbles or rhinestones. Any fashionista can place them on the eyebrow line. Eye makeup for the new year 2017 will be considered complete with the addition of glitter over the mascara at the tips of the lashes. Remember that at the end of the holiday you need to cleanse the skin and cilia with a special cleansing milk.

  • Unusual appearance. If you consider yourself to be a brave young lady, then you can easily create any stylized make-up on your face. For example, you can choose the image of the Snow Maiden. To do this, sprinkle your eyelashes with sparkles, apply blue-white shadows, the most light cream and pink blush. An addition to the image will be a snowflake drawn near the eye, smoothly turning into the temporal zone.

Options for creating fashionable and stylish look on the upcoming New Year's Eve mass. The main thing is choice resistant cosmetics to keep the created make-up until the morning.

Stylish Fire Rooster Makeup: Step by Step Diagram

If you have not yet decided what kind of makeup to do for the new 2017, then we offer you to opt for the most popular and original version makeup. The guise, which fully reflects all the requirements of the Fire Rooster, is perfectly embodied in this variant.

  1. Cleanse your face and apply moisturizer to its surface.
  2. Spread the foundation over the skin, grabbing the neck to avoid a noticeable color transition.
  3. Fill in the eyebrows with a pencil of a suitable color, filling in the voids between the hairs. If desired, glue small sparkles on their surface.
  4. Continue to create a make-up of the eyes for the new year 2017. smoothly bringing them up near the outer corner of the eye. Blend lightly and apply eye shadow with a metallic effect. A rich color scheme involves the use of orange, gold, light green, black and dark blue tones. Blend the transitions well and stick decorative rhinestones in the outer corner of the eye (optional).
  5. Apply your favorite mascara in two coats. After that, glue false cilia and special feathers.
  6. Decorate the surface of the lips with any juicy lipstick or increasing gloss.

Eye makeup for the new year 2017 requires the use of persistent decorative cosmetics. If you use a bright color, the make-up will turn out festive and rich. In this case, the outfit will not overshadow your face.

Fashionable makeup options for the new year 2017

Each young lady can easily embody in her guise fashion news new season. Applying makeup for the new year 2017, you should choose from these options.

  • . Photos from the latest shows clearly demonstrate the newfangled emphasis on the lips. With the most natural make-up of the eyes, the lips should be painted as dark as possible. Suitable plum, maroon, brown shades of lipstick. The main thing is a clear contour of the lips. To use this trend, be sure to outline the contour with a pencil in the color of lipstick or a colorless liner.

  • Crazy Smokey. Classic smoky ice can be diversified and refreshed using stencils. You need to apply shadows of different tones of the same color through the stencil. If you are diligent, then just get a persistent eyeliner and draw clear lines with it. straight lines parallel from the lash line to the eyebrows. You can draw up the final result by shading the shadows on the moving eyelid.

  • Butterfly makeup. The effect of open butterfly wings on the eyes is achieved by brightly highlighting the upper and lower eyelids with bright eyeliners or liners. To do this, apply a base under the shadows, and then draw a pattern of butterfly wings on the upper eyelid with colored liners and display a similar pattern on the lower eyelid.

  • Graphic arts. If you decide to focus on the eyes, then be sure to use the ideas of applying all kinds of massive arrows. Feel like an artist, working with eyeliner, like a brush. Remember that the more massive the arrows, the more fashionable the created image will be.

  • Bronze glow. The effect of glowing eyes is achieved by applying eye shadow with a metallic element over matte on the eyelid. base color. The main thing is the lack of clear contours and the smoothness of the color transition. Choose shades of copper, bronze, silver.

  • Natural eyebrows. in fashion natural eyebrows. Therefore, you should forget about their tattoo, ruthless plucking and pencil. Just comb the hairs and comb them up a little. The naturalness of the image is one of the trends of 2017.

  • Glitter. The lack of radiance in appearance can be avoided by learning how to use glitter. It is recommended to apply glitter on any part of the face: eyebrows, eyelids, cheekbones. To do this, simply use a glitter fixer or regular Vaseline.

  • Fuchsia. Juicy fuchsia lips will not disregard any of their hostess. You can choose any shades: from translucent to saturated "electric". We recommend using fuchsia with ultra black arrows, or smokey ice.

  • Juicy red. Classic red lipstick never leaves the world's most famous catwalks. It can be applied only if the skin tone is even. Perfect red lipstick complete with black arrows and dark eyebrows. New Year's make-up should be emphasized with red lipstick, so you will amuse the owner of the holiday - the Fire Rooster.

  • Colorless shine. If you are tired of saturated colors, choose transparent lip glosses. It is they who will give the lips sexual moisture and additional volume.

  • Eye lighting. Highlighting the inner corner of the eye with a light glare can be traced in almost all designers on fashion shows. It is easy to join the catwalk image. To do this, apply light shadows or concealer to the surface of the inner corner on the upper and lower eyelids.

Universal makeup in ultramarine style

This option is suitable for any type of young lady.

  1. Moisturize the skin, apply a make-up base.
  2. Apply cream blush suitable for your color type. Powder your skin.
  3. Apply and blend on the eyelids the base under the shadow.
  4. Apply a light golden shade under the eyebrow and in the inner corners of the eyes.
  5. Apply turquoise color in the center, and go through the outer corners with rich blue. Apply it, pulling it up, closer to the eyebrow. Put some green shadows in the very corner, shade the lash line with a dark color.
  6. Highlight the contours of the eyes with a gel texture. Make-up for the new year 2017 allows the use of bright mascara. However, you can take black. Apply mascara in two coats.
  7. Shape your brows.
  8. Draw lips with a beige pencil and make up with the same lipstick. Add some glitter if you like.

The universal make-up of the coming year is ready.

In preparation for the magical New Year's Eve and the coming year, you should study the latest make-up novelties and think about ways to implement them in your own image. From the variety of options presented, each lady will easily choose her favorite trends. Fashion makeup 2017 not only takes into account the preferences of every woman, but also provides a wide springboard for experiments that reveal the uniqueness of the appearance and emphasize her individuality.

Video: Fashionable makeup for the new year 2017 - creation scheme

New Year - fabulous winter holiday waiting for both children and adults. The brighter and more fun to meet him, the more good and happy events will take place next year. The New Year is a great occasion to show off your attractiveness and outfits for women, so they think over the image in advance, remembering everything they know.

The coming year 2017 Eastern calendar year of the Red Fire Rooster. And this means that in order to ensure your well-being in the coming year, you need to celebrate the New Year using fiery colors as much as possible. Clothing and makeup should be catchy, colorful, colorful. And if in bright colors may seem inappropriate, then at a party dedicated to the New Year's Eve, there are no such restrictions. Especially if it's a masquerade. The rooster is distinguished by curiosity, cheerfulness, a desire to show off, activity, courage, as well as a bright appearance. Some breeds of roosters have stunning multi-colored tails. From this they proceed, choosing makeup for the New Year 2017.

Festive makeup for the New Year 2017 (photo)

If there is no desire or opportunity to dress up in multi-colored fancy dress, the appropriate mood is created by making bright makeup. In this way, you will not only become the star of the evening, but also enlist the support of the symbol of the year.

Sequins, rhinestones, bright colors, false eyelashes of unusual colors and sizes will help to make your makeup festive. Any color combinations are allowed. Brightness, colorfulness and originality are only welcome.

There is an opinion that the more colorful and eccentric it will be appearance the more miracles will happen next year.

The most preferred colors are various shades of red, orange, green, yellow. Colored arrows and ink are appropriate.

As in any other, there are rules in New Year's makeup to help you do it correctly. First, you need to select either eyes or lips, but all at once. Secondly, the shades used should be combined with the color of the skin, eyes and hair.

Any holiday makeup should start with foundation, as this will keep it fresh longer and stay beautiful throughout the holiday. At the same time, the foundation will hide skin imperfections, which will become easily noticeable when using, for example, silvery “metallic” shadows. Even if you usually do not use the foundation, it is recommended to do this in New Year's makeup.

New Year's makeup for women with dark hair

Brunettes can use almost the entire range of colors without fear of making their faces rough. But when choosing a color, take into account the color of the eyes and skin.

It can be makeup with an emphasis on the lips, in which case they do not overload the eyes with shadows. Good bright lipstick.

Or it can be multi-colored shadows. In this case, lipstick is taken in lighter tones.

Beautiful makeup is obtained using the smoky ice technique for the eyes. It will look great in a festive make-up and the classic black and gray version and using other dark shadows.

New Year's makeup for women with blond hair

Blondes will really go for light and multi-colored bright shadows, if the emphasis is on the eyes. You can use rhinestones and sequins to create a festive mood.

New Year's makeup for women with blond and red hair

Shades of bright fiery colors are perfect for brown-haired women. The use of several colors in eye makeup allows you to maintain it in a "rooster" style, without making it overtly masquerade. A skillful combination of bright colors even for adult women will add charm and be appropriate.

Masquerade makeup for the New Year of the Rooster

For those who are going to new year's masquerade, bright makeup with a clearly defined cock theme is suitable.

Colorful eye makeup is perfect, using almost all the colors of the rainbow. You need to apply shadows sequentially, thinking through all the shades that may arise where the colors overlap each other. Colored arrows and colored ink look very nice.

With special persistent shadows, you can create a special "bird" pattern on the eyelids, which will continue with long multi-colored false eyelashes. You can use false eyelashes that imitate bird feathers. Such makeup is quite difficult to do on your own, for this it is better to turn to professional makeup artist. He has the knowledge and materials to reproduce what he wants.

Masquerade makeup for the year of the Rooster using winter symbols

As an alternative to the "rooster" makeup, you can do makeup using the colors and symbols of winter, the New Year's holiday.

For such a make-up, gray, white, beige shades of shiny shadows are used. Arrows are drawn with white, gray, blue, green pencils. False eyelashes choose the same tones.

You can draw sprigs of needles or a Christmas tree, christmas toys, snowflakes. Figures are also made using rhinestones and body paints.

If a masquerade with costumes, then it would be appropriate to draw on the face a semblance of a lace half mask using real or painted lace.

It is worth recalling that special paints are used for drawing on the body. This will minimize the possibility of allergic reactions. Sometimes, before going to an event, the face and exposed areas of the body are covered with glitter spray, they give the skin a beautiful shimmer.

After the end of the holiday, all paint from the face and body must be thoroughly washed off. With the seeming harmlessness of the drawings on the body, they can be dangerous. No matter how hypoallergenic paints are, the skin under them does not breathe fully.

Bright and festive mood for you.

Properly selected makeup for the New Year 2020 will be able to emphasize your beauty, attractiveness and charm.

The transfer of rights to manage the year from the Pig to the Rat will take place very soon, and girls and women are thinking about evening make-up and attire to create a stunning look on New Year's Eve 2020.

And how to choose a New Year's makeup 2020, you will be prompted by the sacred animal of the coming year - the White Metal Rat.

And if you follow these tips, he will certainly remember you in order to bestow happiness, health, prosperity, good luck and luck for the whole year.

Make-up should match the character of the owner of the year: positive, bright, spectacular and memorable.

Such a make-up helps to create an image of a glamorous, sophisticated, stylish, with a bit of frills.

Makeup colors for the New Year 2020

Many of the fair sex know that the coming year is the year of the Rat, moreover, the White and Metallic.

This means that your makeup for the New Year should be done in exactly these shades.

Eye shadow can be chosen in a rich metallic range: gold, platinum, silver, bronze.

To stand out among your friends, try the original make up in pink and gold tones.

Blue, purple, blue and green shades are also suitable.

Pay attention to the rich cream color with a shimmering effect, it also falls into our "astrological" range of shades for the meeting of the year of the Rat.

On the video: a simple and effective make-up for the New Year with some dark brown shadows.

It is not forbidden to make up the eyes and gray flowers shadows, they will also like the mistress of the year - the Rat.

The only color that should not be used in New Year's eye makeup is aggressive red, although it suits few people.

There is no need to apply shadows on the entire surface of the skin of the eyelids, it is enough to distribute them in the area of ​​​​the moving eyelid, use them as an eyeliner, or combine them with various other shadows.

Sky, blue, aquamarine colors should also be actively used in eyelid makeup. You can safely combine them with other shades from colors White Metal Rat.

Tandems of blue and brown, green and terracotta, blue and coffee are a great option for meeting 2020.

Actively use gold and bronze eyeliner, as well as sparkles for make-up eyelids.

Luxurious eye makeup "Bird Wing", which does not lose its relevance, can and should be used on New Year's Eve to look luxurious and mysterious.

On December 31, you can experiment not only with the color of the shadows, but also change the color of the eyes by choosing colored lenses of a different shade.

The complexion should not be too dark, choose natural foundations that simply mask skin imperfections.

Golden or bronze blush will add a special zest to the festive make-up.

If you decide to choose a rich eye makeup for the New Year 2020, then it is better to stop at pink, caramel, beige and peach colors.

You can increase the volume of the lips in the following way:

The rat will not mind if in your New Year's image there is a place for mother-of-pearl, sequins, rhinestones, crystals and iridescent shades.

The color scheme of shadows with a metallic effect can be absolutely anything, from golden tones, ending with the color of a dark evening sky.

Do not forget that the metallic sheen of shadows can focus on problem areas of the skin of the face, so it is recommended that you first take care of a uniform skin tone with foundation, concealer and powder.

New Year's makeup options 2020

New Year's Eve is a special time filled with romance.

That is why you need to create the effect of mysterious eyes, but at the same time not make them vulgar.

To create a makeup that matches the theme of the New Year, follow the instructions:

  • along the growth line of the upper eyelashes it is necessary to draw a straight arrow with a soft pencil. Having reached the outer corner of the eye, it must be directed upwards.
  • the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid should be covered with light shadows with a pearly sheen. You need to distribute them using the applicator.
  • to make the eyes more expressive, use rich black shadows. They need to cover the outer edge of the century. You need to shade it closer to the central part in order to erase the pronounced border with light shadows.
  • With a black pencil, you need to draw a line on the lower eyelid. Thanks to this step, the eyes will look more expressive.

New Year's smoky makeup

The most popular and spectacular makeup for the holidays is smoky eyes.

The femininity, firm confidence and mystery inherent in this visage are very popular with modern men.

Eyes painted in the style of smokey eyes are able to captivate with just one look.

To perform such a make-up, you will need to purchase false eyelashes, magical and mysterious rhinestones, shadows of black, grayish-ash (or white) shade, black pencil of soft texture.

Application instructions:

  1. Apply a pencil to the entire surface of the moving part of the eyelid. After that, apply black shadow.
  2. Carefully blend the shadows.
  3. It is also necessary to emphasize the line of the eyebrows, for which you need to apply light shadows with shine under them.
  4. To achieve smooth transition, it is necessary to shade light and black tones.
  5. Apply black shadows to the fixed, that is, the lower part of the eyelids, blend them.
  6. Now it's time for false eyelashes. Gently stick them on your cilia.
  7. Line your lips with light lipstick.
  8. If you want, you can add a few rhinestones to the image, for example, stick them under the eyebrow.

If you want to add some zest, then you can use glitter glitters. They need to cover the shadows, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Eyelashes are an important element in holiday makeup. They should be long and thick. To create the desired effect, you can use artificial eyelashes, which can be glued in a strip or in separate bundles.

Do not use cheap cosmetics, because New year's night is the longest of the year, and beautiful make-up should last until you yourself want to wash it off.

And the most main advice in the New Year's make-up 2020 Rats: do not experiment a couple of hours before the grand exit "to the people."

Be sure to try to make your favorite makeup a few days before the holiday, to be sure that everything will work out at the highest level.