Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: simple and complex images. Making a New Year's gnome costume with your own hands Gnome costume options

Gone new year holidays and now there is time to show Aleshin New Year's costume.

Last year Alyosha was a cockerel, and this year he is a dwarf. I made both costumes myself.

For the gnome costume for the new year, I used the following materials:

  • burgundy velor
  • short pile white faux fur (the white fleece I wanted was out of stock)
  • fur pompom from Irishkina winter jacket
  • burgundy and white threads
  • two buttons
  • cord for ties (I forgot what it's called)
  • elastic bands (width 0.5 cm at the bottom of the pants, width 2 cm at the waist)
  • scissors

How to make a cap for a gnome costume

It's actually very simple. 🙂 Just like I did.

I folded the fabric in half, measured the length of the cap along the 50 cm fold, measured 27 cm away from the fold from one edge and connected the dots. Rounded one corner. It turned out such a triangle.

The measured side of 27 cm is half the girth of the child's head + 2 cm seam allowance. For example, Lesha's head circumference is 52cm + 2cm seam allowance = 54cm/2 = 27cm.

Then she folded the fabric front side inside, and sewed along the long side of the resulting triangle. When trying on, the cap was put on tightly on the head.

Therefore, if you need the cap to sit freely, then add more centimeters to the head circumference.

Cut off a strip of white faux fur with a short pile 10 cm wide and 54 cm long (over the head circumference with seam allowances). She sewed it.

The first. Sew a strip of fur to the edge of the cap so that the seam allowance is on the outside. Fold it up to close the seam and stitch again. Then the width of the strip can be taken even less.

Second. How I did. I sewed the fur to the edge of the cap with the seam allowance inward, folded the strip of fur in half, hid the edge to the seam allowance and stitched it. So I closed the seam, and increased the length of the cap by 4 cm ((10 cm - 2 cm per allowance) / 2 (folded in half) = 4 cm).

And on the top of the cap I sewed a fur pom-pom from Irishka's winter jacket. Returned after the holiday. 🙂

How to sew gnome pants

Since I have problems with cutting, I made patterns by circling Alyosha's elongated shorts. The shorts are 50cm long.

First, I sewed each leg separately, and then put one into the other and sewed the middle of the panties.

I turned the bottom up and stitched, leaving a small hole for inserting the elastic.

Initially, the belt was made narrow, and the pants got a low fit. In principle, it looked fine, but it did not suit me. Therefore, I sewed another wide strip, stitched it in the middle, and inserted an elastic band into the upper part.

It turned out such a triple wide belt.

How to sew a vest for a gnome

I made the pattern according to Alyosha's vest from a two-piece suit.

I sewed three pieces. I cut off a strip of white faux fur 7 cm wide. I sewed along the edge of the vest, as well as on the cap (in the second way).

Then I sewed two buttons and loops for them from a thin cord.

The vest is ready too.

I didn’t do a beard, for me it’s an extra detail for a child, which will only interfere with him. For reasons of convenience, she also refused any shoes for the gnome.

And here is the New Year's costume of the dwarf on Alyosha. Sample at home.

White socks and Czech shoes for the matinee itself. It was possible to take colored striped stockings from the cockerel costume, but I decided not to take my eyes off the costume itself. 🙂

Did you like our gnome costume for the new year? Click on the social media buttons! It doesn't cost you anything, but I'm pleased. 🙂

Gnome costume on New Year
Gnome costume for the New Year for a boy 4 years old. How to sew with your own hands.


You can't forbid beautiful sewing!

Elena Krasovskaya

You can't forbid beautiful sewing!

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Suit "Gnome". Participant №12

The closer the New Year's costume contest comes to an end, the hotter it gets!

This is always the case by the end of the competition, everyone is trying to be in time. Here is the next participant sent an application for her competitive work quite recently and managed to do it!

Today I present to you mother Kristina and the wonderful Dwarf Vitaly.

Christina not only sewed lovely costume A gnome for her son, but also remarkably designed her story, even with a poem.

I give the floor to the participant:

"… Hello.
My name is Christina. I really like your site. I recently decided to learn how to sew ... I bought sewing machine... so that your advice helps me a lot in mastering the sewing craft!
I have a wonderful son Vitaliy, for whom I sewed a New Year's GNOME costume! We want to participate in the New Year's costume contest!
Happy New Year!…"

GNOMIC costume

I am a good New Year's gnome,
I bring good luck to the house!
I give you happiness
Because I love you all!
At the little gnome
There are jokes!

The costume consists of a vest, pants, cap, belt, socks, which are worn on sandals. A turtleneck or T-shirt is worn under the vest.

Vest. The fabric is fleece. I didn’t have a pattern, so I attached a turtleneck, added 2 cm on the sides, 10 cm in length, and 6 cm (in width) on the front of the product for smell. Cut out the neck. The armhole, neck and bottom of the vest were sheathed with padding polyester.

Pants. The fabric is fleece. I cut out according to the existing trousers, for allowances - 2 cm each (so that the pants were wide), for a length - 4 cm. I inserted elastic bands into the belt and bottom of the pants.

Belt. Made from a wide black elastic band and a plastic plaque.

On the tip of the cap I sewed a ball made of padding polyester.

Socks. The fabric is fleece. Consist of 4 details: top, bottom 2 lateral. For the bottom part, I circled the sole of the shoe, adding 1 cm on the sides, and 14 cm on the side of the heel and toe. Narrowed the toe. The upper part is 7 cm wide, 26 cm long, of which the narrowed part is 11 cm. For the sidewalls, I circled the shoes, adding 1-1.5 cm for allowances and 14 cm for a narrow, curved nose. The height of the sidewalls (from the heel side) is 13 cm Connect products should start from the bow. I inserted an elastic band into the upper part of the product. The nose part was filled with synthetic filler from a pillow.

Christina, thank you very much for your participation, for the excellent use of the master class from my resource (doubly nice) and the cheerful mood that always appears when you look at your son Vitalik in the “Gnome” costume!

You can't forbid beautiful sewing!
You can't forbid beautiful sewing! Elena Krasovskaya You can't forbid beautiful sewing! Beginner's Guide Learn to sew online with Elena Krasovskaya Gnome Suit. Participant №12 The closer


How to make a children's gnome costume for the New Year?

The gnome is a symbol of material well-being!

Good day or another time of day to you, friends and readers of my blog, Tatyana Sukhikh is with you! You can congratulate me: my nephew turned 1 year old! I became an aunt for the first time! And although the topic of my article is: how to make baby suit a do-it-yourself gnome for the new year is not associated with one-year-old children, but the search for a gift for a nephew under the Christmas tree helped in writing this text. I found a great children's gnome costume for the New Year for kids from a year old - what you need for the first photo shoot!

I will give a certificate for shooting and the cutest costume of a gnome or a tiny Santa. The clothes are sewn in the form of a jumpsuit-man and a hat. Do you think I did well? Although the baby does not need all these gifts now, only his mother and bright toys are important to him, but what a memory it will be!

You have probably seen amazing staged photos with kids on the Internet? Photo artists create real stories with little children by dressing them in different costumes and creating funny compositions around them.

I found a seemingly good example of how to make a gnome costume with my own hands, but the catch is that I don’t particularly like sewing, and, as it turned out, no one else. As always, I am extreme...

So, the easiest way to build an outfit for a gnome.

If you have time and you don’t want to “sew up” with this problem, you can buy some attributes that will help bring the gnome’s children’s costume to life: leggings or striped tights, Santa Claus’s beard with an elastic band, a cap. At home, you will have to choose short pants, a vest and sheathe the whole thing with rain.

But I don’t plan to buy anything, I don’t earn that much, unfortunately ...

We'll have to figure out how to quickly make a decent children's gnome costume at low cost. As I said, I have a 10-year-old son, and, accordingly, there are his clothes, which have become small for him. From it I will make an outfit. It is not necessary to strive to make all the details of the suit the same color. Use what is at hand. I'll have to sew during quiet hours, but what to do?

How to sew a cap?


We take old sweater, golf, etc. and cut off the sleeve. The widest part of the sleeve is tucked up, sheathed with rain and put on the head. We collect the end of the sleeve on a thread and sew it up. We make a pompom and sew to the top of the cap. You can make a pompom like this: cut a circle out of fabric, sew around the circle with a seam forward needle. Put a ball of cotton wool in the center and tighten the thread. Got a ball. We sew it on the end of the cap.

If you are sewing from a piece of fabric, then simply cut out an isosceles triangle, the base of which is equal to the girth of the child's head. We sew the seam and decorate with rain. Some mothers advise filling the cap with cotton, but I didn’t have that much at home. By the way, I spied on the manufacture of a cap on the portal for women.

How to make a vest for a gnome?

From the same sweater we cut off the second sleeve, cut through the front part in the middle. Trim the bottom in a semicircle. We cover everything with rain. I met another option: we take a long plain T-shirt, cut off the bottom with large teeth, make a torn edge, as it were, and decorate the bottom of the sleeves in the same way. This will be the vest. We put on a vest over a regular golf and tie it with a wide belt. If there is a belt with a buckle - wonderful. If not, we cut out the buckle from golden cardboard and fasten it to the belt. The same buckles can be attached to boots.

Pants for fairy tale character any will do. You can decorate them with contrasting patches and rain. I found an idea when a vest is sewn from the bottom of old trousers, and the top turns into breeches.

To make a believable children's fairy gnome costume, you need a beard. Fortunately, the wardrobe lady will give me this detail of the costume, but there are options for independent creativity. They take an elastic band and knot long pieces of white thick thread for knitting on it. You need to make thick, then comb. Sew the elastic to the cap so that the beard does not slip.

If you do baby too carnival costume do-it-yourself little gnome, do not forget about leggings or striped tights. This detail will add color to the image. Have time but don't have the right tights? Sew strips directly onto tights!

Usually gnomes walk with bundles on long sticks - there is nothing easier. We take a scarf, put a hat, scarf, any light object in the middle and tie the ends of the scarf with a knot.

Dwarf's shoes are the most difficult thing, it is for craftswomen. Needlewomen are advised to sheathe Czechs with a fabric cut in the form of a pointed boat. It is necessary to fill the toes of the shoes with cotton wool and fix them in a bent position with inconspicuous stitches.

For mere mortals like me, these manipulations are something beyond. Therefore, I limit myself to buckles made of golden cardboard on ordinary shoes.

As you have seen, it is not difficult to make a fairy gnome costume on your own.

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh, stay healthy and see you soon!

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How to make a children's gnome costume for the New Year?
Do-it-yourself children's gnome carnival costume, do not forget about leg warmers or striped tights. This detail will add color to the image.


Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: simple and complex images. Beautiful do-it-yourself gnome costumes for boys

Any event in kindergarten or at school is accompanied by a children's costumed concert for their parents. The job of creating the image falls on the shoulders of the parents. Do not worry, in fact, all the costumes can be made by yourself with your own hands.

Today's master class is dedicated to the story of how to sew a gnome costume for a boy with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: blouse or vest

In order to look like a gnome, you need to be dressed like a gnome. The main attributes when creating a do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy are: a cap, a jacket or vest, pants or shorts and shoes. You can also complement the image with leggings if you wear shorts, a beard and a wide belt on a jacket.

Decide on color scheme the whole costume. If the jacket matches the color of the pants, then the cap must be of a different color, and if the jacket does not match the color of the pants, then the cap must be combined with the pants. It's nice to look not only at the costume, but also to note the taste preferences of the one who chose and completed the fabrics of the entire image as a whole.

Gnome's blouse is usually wraparound and always with buttons and a large belt

In order to sew a jacket, you will need a fabric of one or two colors, a thread, a centimeter tape, large buttons.

Stage 1

Take measurements for the child and transfer them to the fabric according to these patterns.

If it’s difficult for you and you are confused with measurements, then you can make it easier: put the fabric from which you will sew a blouse on the table and attach to it any purchased jacket of your child, which is just the right size for him. Circle the outline from it, and the patterns are ready.

You can mentally divide the jacket into sleeves, front and back parts of the body. Do not forget that with this method, for each part, you need to cut out a fabric that has already been folded in half, or, if the parts are from one layer of fabric, in its mirror image.

Stage 2

If you want to see on the child not a sweater, but a vest, then do not sew on the sleeves. The scheme for the body remains the same. Details are sewn together from the inside. Cut edges are processed on an overlock, then tucked in one or two layers and stitched.

Stage 3

For decoration, you can sew a visor on the shoulder of a vest of a different color. To do this, take the desired fabric, cut out a rectangle measuring 10 × 15 cm from it and fold it in half. Sew it to the inside of the fabric with the cut edge so that the folded edge remains hanging over the child's shoulder. Hide all the edges in the seam, so that the cuts would not be visible.

Stage 4

Sew on large buttons on the chest. Tie a belt around your stomach.

Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: shorts or pants

Now sew pants or shorts. If you want to sew shorts, then the suit can be supplemented with striped golfs - leggings.

Stage 1

Measure your child's waistband and leg height from hip to bottom and crotch to bottom. Divide the circumference of the belt in half, as the fabric will be cut and sewn folded.

Stage 2

Fold the fabric in four layers and transfer the dimensions to the drawing. Make a pattern according to this scheme.

The diagram shows that the pattern is applied to the fabric, folded in 4 layers. Next, you will get two parts. Sew them together along the side top seams. Next, twist the product so that the seams pass in the middle, and the two parts lie on the sides folded in half.

Stage 3

Sew long sections in pieces folded in half between each other. This will be the seam between the legs.

Stage 4

Turn and sew the remaining seams at the waist and legs. You can sew or insert an elastic band into the tucked fabric, which will hold the pants on the belt and tighten at the ankle. If the trouser leg is much wider than the leg, then the elastic band, pulling off the lower part, will emphasize the splendor of the suit.

If you decide to sew shorts, then they are made in the same way, only shorter in leg length.

Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: cap

This cap is very easy to make. You will need only two parts: a cone with a rounded bottom and a rectangle. The width of the rectangle is 20-22 cm, the length is equal to the length of the girth of the head.

Stage 1

Measure the circumference of your head with a measuring tape. Transfer the resulting dimensions to the fabric. The length or height of the cap is up to you. If you make it very long, then the tip can be tied into a knot, as shown in the picture.

Stage 2

Cut and sew the resulting parts together. The crown for the cap can be of different shapes and colors. The contrasting crown looks beautiful and emphasizes the headdress.

One of the decoration options can be cloves made on it. In this case, sew it from one even edge, and turn the other inside out.

It can also be made two-layer, which will give it additional rigidity.

Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: shoes

Shoes are also an important attribute in a suit. The gnome will turn out not at all fabulous or not full-fledged without beautiful shoes with curved noses and bells at the end. You can make them in several ways according to the pattern.

For boots, you will need colored felt or thick fabric and a thick, strong thread. You can use several colors of fabric and make the sole of one color and the edges of another. You can also make shoes one color inside and another outside. When you put them on your feet and turn the edges inside out, it will look interesting.

Option 1

For this type of boots, you will need to make the following pattern and cut out the details.

Stage 1

Be sure to measure the length of the child's foot and the height of the instep from heel to ankle and transfer the measurements to the fabric. This is important, because if the baby is not comfortable in these shoes, then he will not feel the joy of the holiday.

Stage 2

Draw on the fabric pattern according to the pattern shown above. Cut and sew the resulting parts together. Part A in the picture is the upper part of the boot, and part C is the bottom part or sole.

If you want, you can stitch the details with a sewing machine, or you can sew them with your hands. As a rule, the work is done manually with a buttonhole, because it does not require much time and effort.

The buttonhole stitch looks like this and is sewn by hand using a regular needle and thread. They process the cut edges of fabric or paper.

Stage 3

Decorate the shoes with bells or bumbons that are sewn onto the sharp ends of the noses. You can also sew a bow from satin ribbon on the tongue of the shoe.

Option 2

This image shows the pattern and the final result. You can, as with the first option, use several colors and types of fabrics.

Stage 1

Measure your child's foot size and leg height.

Stage 2

Draw the details on the fabric according to measurements and cut out. Sew them together by hand or with a sewing machine. Decorate with bombons, bells and bows as desired.

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Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy: simple and complex images
Any event in a kindergarten or school is accompanied by a costumed concert of children for their parents. The work of creating an image falls on the shoulders

Step 1: Gather What You'll Need for the Dwarf Costume

I used clothes that my son already wore, and he is now only 3 years old. Cozy, colored shirt, brown shorts, red rubber boots and striped knitted leggings.

I bought: red fabric to make a hat, white faux fur to make a beard and eyebrows, a piece of white felt to stick this fur on, and tiny gardening tools from the economy store.

You will also need red thread, Velcro, and some basic sewing skills.

Step 2: Making the Gnome's Hat

I thought a tall, cone-shaped hat would be the most impressive for a gnome costume, but you can get creative and sew it with a curved tip that looks more like an Eastern European style.

I bought a bright red shirt. I started by cutting off her sleeves.

Step 3: Chalk a Cone

With a piece of chalk and a ruler, draw a triangle, as in the photo, leaving the part closer to the armpit intact.

Step 4: Stitching along the chalk line

Starting at the bottom of the triangle, sew up to the top point, and then move to the other side. Trim off excess and cuff, leaving at least 1/2" of hem intact.

Step 5: Let's move on to the head of your child, the future gnome

At this stage, turn the future gnome's hat on its right side and pick up something soft to fill it.

Initially, I had a cone made from a thin lining. He was tough and stood straight up. I think that would be the norm, but I opted for a polyfill instead of a liner, hoping that if the hat falls off at a carnival or New Year's party, it will retain its shape better if stuffed. It makes sense? So I stuffed it, making sure it was worth it.

Put the hat on your child's head. Do you want it to fit snugly on your head, or do you want it to dangle? I didn't worry about the belt as I knew it would make my 3 year old gnome son nervous. Actually, a chin strap would be a good idea.

Step 6: Does it fit?

Yes, he fits.

Step 7: Make a goatee for the suit. Gnome for 3 years? Ha-ha!

I started with a piece of soft felt. I thought it would fit my son's face, who is only 3 years old, better than a scratchy, old piece of faux fur!

I made a cutout at the bottom, with sideburns going up. The form is entirely up to you. This "gnome" turned out to be a little wider for my son's face, but that's good, because it won't stop him from eating, drinking, talking, screaming, hysteria, etc.

Step 8: Attach Your Funky Fur

Using white thread, hand sew the beard of the gnome costume - felt with fur with large stitches along the edge of the neckline. I know hand sewing isn't that much fun, but you can't do it on a sewing machine without ruining the fabric, I promise.

Step 9: Add some Velcro

Glue or sew some Velcro on the top of the sideburns.

Step 10: Place the Velcro Mate on the Inside of the Dwarf's Hat

Sew the other piece of Velcro onto the inside of the hat. Estimate how all this will look on your child, putting a beard on a cap. Based on the results, cut off the desired piece of Velcro.

Step 11: Add Eyebrows to the Gnome's Hat

It's probably a lot easier than having your child wear eyebrows glued to their face, especially if they're 3 years old! Sewing them on a gnome's hat will also be very impressive!

Cut out a couple of small squares of faux fur and round off the edges, being careful not to cut off more fur than you need. Sew them on by hand with 4 or 5 stitches. Curl the ends of your brows... spritz some hairspray on them to keep them looking neat!

Step 12: Try on the Belt

I found a cheap vinyl belt at a hardware store. I measured my son's waist with it, then cut off the end and used the rest to make a lightweight holster for a stylish gardening tool. It gives the gnome costume a fun twist that goes with the gnome theme in the garden!

Step 13: Put all the details of the gnome costume for 3 years together and judge your wit!!!

An easy-to-make, quick-to-make gnome costume that will be effective when begging for sweets from Santa Claus on Christmas tree. If the weather is especially cold, replace your brown shorts with breeches. Happy New Year!

Sourced from

The child has a holiday soon kindergarten or school? If yes, then it's time to get your sewing machine and get to work. Children love to dress up as their favorite characters, so you can make your own gnome costume. It is not necessary to go and buy a ready-made suit, you can combine business with pleasure - do needlework and remember your childhood. In addition, the child and other family members can be involved in the work.

For successful tailoring of an outfit, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools, and then properly organize the workflow. To sew a gnome costume with your own hands, you need:

  • choose fabric;
  • create costume elements: pants, vest, cap, beard, shoes;
  • pick up accessories.

The gnome costume is easy to sew. To make it, you need to stock up necessary materials and tools.

For work you will need:

It is best to sew a costume from felt. The material does not crumble, so it will not be necessary to sheathe the edges. There are several types of felt, so we will study the pros and cons of each of them:

After evaluating the practical properties, you can choose a felt made of viscose or polyester. An outfit made from these fabrics will turn out to be comfortable and practical.

Before sewing, you should decide on the color combination of the parts of the New Year's costume. The outfit should be bright.

If the cap matches the pants, then the vest should be of a different color, and if it doesn’t match, then the pants and the vest can match in color.

It is advisable to take a light shirt. Choose the color of shoes to your taste.

Costume elements:

Making accessories

After watching Disney cartoons, we can see a gnome in his hand with a burning flashlight and a long stick with a red bag. Making a paper lantern is easy. To do this, cut out a rectangle measuring 120x200 mm. We fold the paper in half, make cuts at regular intervals. We cut not to the end, leaving about 12 mm. We unfold the workpiece, fasten it, make a handle. You can add a costume soft toy. To make a wand, we buy a plastic pointer, wrap it with tinsel. We make a bag from any piece of fabric and stuff it with foam rubber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

When the New Year or other holiday approaches, when children love

dress up, all of us, parents, think about a carnival costume for our kids. Of course, today in stores there is a huge selection of clothes for such occasions. However, it will be much more interesting and fun to make the costume yourself with the help of a child.

Invite the kid to become a magic gnome for the holiday, he is unlikely to refuse! Moreover, it is not difficult to bring such an idea to life.

To begin with, let's figure out what components a gnome should consist of. Usually these are depicted wearing short pants, a vest, a cap, knee socks. In addition, you should wear any shirt loose. I think this item is in the wardrobe of every boy. But the rest of the elements will have to work hard.

Let's make the pants first. Look in your boy's closet. Surely there are old trousers there, which will be ideal for making a gnome costume. The main thing is that they have a comfortable top that does not hinder movements. First of all, to a length just below

knees. We measure the circumference of the child's leg at the end of the legs, add a couple of centimeters and cut out the cuffs of the resulting length, sew.

Let's start sewing a vest. If the pants shortened at the previous stage are wide enough, then you can cut out the upper part of the suit from the cut off rags. Otherwise, you will have to choose the right fabric. It is even easier to make a vest from an old jacket or sweater. When cutting, keep in mind that this element of the costume should be quite short. The edges can be processed. The vest, which is part of the gnome's carnival costume, does not fasten, but you can sew ties with pom-poms along the bottom. To make them, we cut out a circle, sweep along the edge, put in a synthetic winterizer and pull it together. By the way, the same pompom will come in handy on the cap.

The gnome's headdress and stockings can be sewn from any knitwear in two colors. Can

Take an old mother's dress or a thick father's T-shirt. The cap is cut in the form of a triangle, stitched on both sides. A cuff made of contrasting fabric is sewn along the bottom. You can also sew artificial curls to it. Attach a pompom to the end of the cap.

Without golfs, the gnome costume will be incomplete. For their manufacture, we cut strips of contrasting colors. It is desirable that they be the same width. We cut them, alternating. We measure the circumference of your child's leg in several places and cut the stockings so that they can be easily put on, but so that they do not hang out. If the fabric is elastic enough, you will definitely achieve this.

To make the image more spectacular, it is advisable to complement the gnome costume with a belt with a buckle. You can decorate your baby's shoes with similar accessories. In addition, it would be nice to hand a wand with a knot into the hands of a newly-made gnome. For the manufacture of this prop, any branch is taken, carefully sanded in order to avoid possible splinters. The knot is sewn from any flap into a small pattern and stuffed with foam rubber or newspapers.

The final touch - take red lipstick, draw the cheeks and nose. Well, you can admire the fruit of your efforts, the gnome costume is ready!

On the New Year's parties this year my son was a gnome.

And of course, after the distribution of roles in the kindergarten, the question arose: where to get the costume.

In one second-hand store, I accidentally stumbled upon a beautiful piece of brown fabric and a green belt, and thinking about fate))) I decided to make a brown gnome costume myself.

As a result, he turned out to be such a beauty

Well, a little about how I created it)

From this piece of fabric

I got excellent breeches and a vest, I chose yellow buttons to match the striped tights and a hat

For the gnome cap, I chose this hat (which happened to be in the bins)

To disguise the inscription, I cut out a clover leaf from fleece (of course, this applies more to leprechauns, but who will pay attention to this) and sewed it to the cap

To create a beard, I bought a wig on the market (of course, the quality is lousy (to put it mildly) before use, I had to stitch half the seams, otherwise it would have peeled off completely).

I cut it into pieces: I used long skeins for the beard itself, and short ones for the forelock. She attached the beard itself to the hat with buttons (because the child could not decide to be a bearded dwarf, or young, as he put it), so that it could be unfastened in case of emergency. The forelock was simply sewn to the hat (half of the wig was still left). I screwed up the whole thing, varnished it and got such a hat.

Since our gnome turned out to be a getter precious stones(this became known in the evening before the matinee - the idea of ​​​​a child), I had to urgently sew a bag of jewelry. To do this, I cut a circle out of fleece and stitched it with a white cord.