How to wash a ski suit? Features of ski clothing care How to wash a jacket with a membrane

Ski jackets have long been popular among consumers. Despite their lightness, they warm well in cold weather and protect from strong winds. main feature such products - a special membrane that lets human sweat through, thereby keeping the body dry. In such a jacket, you can actively move and not worry that you can get sick. Naturally, caring for her requires some knowledge.

How to wash your ski jacket in the washing machine

To ensure that washing your ski jacket does not damage it, remember the following:

  1. Always read the contents of the label carefully. A reliable manufacturer must indicate the necessary information about washing and caring for the product;
  2. The lining of the ski jacket has pores through which ventilation is carried out. To prevent them from clogging, it is recommended to use a gel or a special powder for ski items;
  3. If there is an automatic wash icon on the label, you need to set the machine to a gentle washing mode, remove the spin and dry.
  4. Some models are not suitable for automatic washing, so the question arises how to wash a ski jacket by hand. For this you need to use special means or regular soap.
  5. The water temperature for automatic and manual washing should not exceed 40°C.

Now you know how to wash a ski jacket. So that after washing it does not lose its external attractiveness and continues to warm well, it is necessary:

  1. Dry the product properly. To do this, a well-straightened thing is hung on a clothesline at the bottom. Ideally, if it hangs in the sun and is blown by the wind. If you can't hang it, lay it out on a clean white towel and turn every two hours. For reliable protection of the product, experts recommend treating it on both sides with a DWR impregnation with a water-repellent effect. If you have this impregnation, remember that it is applied only to a clean, dry cloth. It does not work on contaminated surfaces;
  2. It is forbidden to iron a ski jacket even with a minimally heated iron. Impact hot temperature will damage its surface and the jacket will be unusable.

Adhering to these simple tips, you will no longer worry about how to wash your ski jacket at home without harming the product.

How to wash a ski jacket with a membrane

No matter how carefully you try to wear your favorite jacket with a membrane insert, you still have to wash it. Many women are frightened by this moment, but we tried to pick up the lightest and most simple ways care for this type of product:

  1. If you decide to wash the product by hand, use only detergents intended for this purpose. A lot of positive feedback was collected by NIKWAX products. Before washing, dilute the required amount of product with warm water, soak the jacket for half an hour and wash;
  2. Rinse the item 2-3 times in clean water;
  3. It is not recommended to twist the jacket too much. It is better to hang it over a bathtub or other container so that the water can run off on its own;
  4. If there is a greasy stain on the product, treat it with a regular dishwasher. The main thing is that it does not contain alkali.
  5. How to wash a ski jacket with a membrane in an automatic washing machine? To do this, set the temperature to 40 ° C, gentle washing mode and the complete absence of revolutions.
  6. When washing such things, it is forbidden to use washing powders containing bleach or any other aggressive substance;
  7. Never wring out the product in the machine - this will damage the membrane and spoil appearance jackets;
  8. If you are unable to remove a stain, do not use aggressive stain removers. It is advisable to use a product for snowboard clothing or dry cleaning services.

If you have a problem with how to wash a glissade jacket, remember:

  1. This item is suitable for washing in an automatic machine;
  2. Choose only 30-degree temperature;
  3. Regular liquid powders and gels can be used;
  4. The jacket is not afraid of centrifuge spins, so you can set the minimum number of revolutions;
  5. To avoid wringing marks on the surface of the product, you can turn on the “Easy Ironing” option.
  6. It is better to dry on the balcony, hanging the jacket on a clothesline at the bottom.

We tried to pick up only simple and proven tips on how to properly wash your ski jacket. Before washing, read them carefully and you can not worry that something will happen to the jacket.

Membrane clothing is popular with fans of outdoor activities and skiing due to its functionality and ability to keep warm. The meaning of this technology is to apply a special mesh-film to a synthetic fabric. Its pores are arranged in such a way that this film is waterproof from the outside, but from the inside the fabric retains conductivity and does not interfere with the thermoregulation of the human body. No matter how you try to use it correctly, it is necessary to wash membrane clothing periodically. At the same time, it is important to take into account the properties of the membrane - unfortunately, its advantages do not include the increased resistance of the hydrophilic film to detergents and thermal effects. Improper care entails a rapid loss of the regulatory properties of the multilayer fabric. How and how can membrane clothing be washed so as not to harm it?

Is it possible to wash membrane clothes with ordinary powder?

The fabric of a jacket with a water-repellent film cannot be exposed to the aggressive action of washing powder, no matter how high-quality it is. Phosphates and sulfates in its composition blur the film, due to which it loses its protective properties. Powder to which bleach is added additionally stretches the pores of the fabric, finally deforming the hydrophilic layer. Therefore, any powder products that the manufacturer assures you that they are universally suitable for washing any fabric should not be used in the membrane washing process.

If you have already made such a mistake as washing with powder, buy a special impregnation for the membrane in order to at least partially restore its properties. This method will give the desired results only on the condition that you have not washed clothes with powder more than 2-3 times.

How to wash membrane clothes in a washing machine?

The simplest and suitable way for washing - with the possibility of regulating the temperature regime.

  1. Instead of washing powder, add liquid soap or washing concentrate to the special compartment.
  2. Choose a suitable temperature regime: washing should take place at a water temperature of 20 to 30 ° C. Cold water prevents the membrane from being cleaned, and hot water can destroy the hydrophilic coating even more than washing with powder. Moreover, high temperatures destroy the dye - bright membrane clothing will become stained.
  3. In programmable washing machines Delicate underwear or manual wash is preferred. Automatic spinning is not allowed: a damp cloth after washing should be lightly wrung out by hand, without twisting it.
  4. After hand wringing, lay the jacket or ski suit on a horizontal surface. At the same time, make sure that the jacket dries in the shade: if the sun heats the fabric during the drying process, the membrane mesh will “melt” from the heat. For the same reason, you should not resort to drying clothes on a battery or using.

How often can membrane clothing be washed to maintain its appearance and functionality?

After finding out all the nuances of caring for the membrane, many owners of such clothes prefer to completely abandon washing. But you should not do this, because its properties allow you to repel water, but they also help to attract particles of dust and dirt. The fabric mesh is simply clogged with these particles, absorbing them. Therefore, washing is still necessary: ​​you can repeat it 2-3 times per season.

If after washing there are stains on the product (for example, on the elbows or in the place of contact with the straps of the backpack), you do not need to rewash it in the machine. Dampen a clothes brush with liquid soap and warm water. Lightly rub the cloth and brush off any remaining dirt.

Membrane tissue is very thin with microscopic holes. This synthetic material, to which the film is welded from the inside. Outerwear with a membrane is very light and comfortable.

However, caring for such things is a little different. Due to microscopic holes, jackets get dirty quickly, which affects the waterproof qualities of the garment. Washing a membrane thing is a laborious process that requires special attention and proper execution. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash a membrane jacket.


The membrane has hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. It sounds complicated, but it's actually quite simple.

Hydrophilic means attracting water and managing moisture. That is, the fabric absorbs sweat and releases it to the outside, where evaporation occurs. In other words, it breathes, hence the term air tightness.

The hydrophobic property is when the membrane prevents water from entering the inside of the jacket, such as rain from the outside. Heat is stored inside, and moisture comes out.

Ski overalls and jackets are sewn from such fabric.

The advantages of membrane clothing are that it is convenient to move around in it, it is light and comfortable, you do not need to put on a ton of clothes. In addition, such things are easily erased.

Care rules

Membrane jackets are expensive, so buyers have another incentive to care for their clothes properly.

Only not all sellers talk about this when selling outerwear, perhaps they themselves do not know about proper care.


  1. Frequent washing negatively affects the quality of the material. But it is necessary to carry out the procedure as often as necessary. Remember that clogged pores will result in a loss of water repellency and airtightness.
  2. A membrane jacket is allowed along with other things. Just check the clothes, they should not shed.
  3. Stain removers must not be used. If the stain is difficult to remove, try soaking the item in soapy water or using home remedies. For example, to remove fat - soda, to remove ink - laundry soap. Chemical cleaners destroy the membrane.
  4. This material is very soft and sensitive to heat. You cannot boil it.
  5. How to wash a membrane jacket? Detergent must be liquid. Do not use regular powder. The granules clog the pores of the membrane, due to which it loses its properties and cannot bring sweat out. Water-repellent properties are not violated, but such jackets are valued for their ability to breathe.
  6. Soak outerwear possible and even necessary. This stage of preparation helps to remove contaminants faster. Soaking helps loosen the dirt and does not need to rub the fabric hard.
  7. Air conditioners cannot be used. Such substances form a thin layer on the surface that does not allow the jacket to breathe.
  8. Also, do not use chlorine-based bleaches. Excessive perforation will lead to clogged pores. Of course, no one forbids trying, but the manufacturer even indicates on the label that such products are not recommended.

If you accidentally left food on the jacket, spilled a drink or another stain appeared, try to remove the dirt immediately or after waiting for it to dry.

It is not necessary to wash clothes completely. The less often you do this, the longer the membrane jacket will last.

Remove dried dirt. Of course, the quality of cleaning will be lower and, if you look closely, the stain will remain noticeable, but the kurta will last longer and will not need to be washed, dried and ironed.

Washing machine

Unlike other outerwear, it is recommended to wash the membrane in the machine, and not by hand.

The thing is that such products have glued seams. With strong friction of the jacket, in places of glue, the tape for sealing the seams may come off.

You can manually clean such things, but very carefully.

As with the membrane:

  1. Do some preparation first. Check the outside and inside pockets. Close zips, pockets and buttons. Thoroughly clean the dispensers for detergent, bleach and fabric softener. They should not contain particles of detergents. You can turn on the machine in idle mode, for 15 minutes, so that the drum is also washed from the powder.
  2. Put the clothes in the automatic washing machine, close the door. Don't overload your equipment. There must be enough space in the drum for the jacket or ski suit to rotate freely.
  3. Pour enough liquid into the powder dispenser. Consider the hardness of the water as well.
  4. Set the temperature to 30 degrees.
  5. Washing mode - delicate. Suitable mode "Wool", "Hand wash".
  6. Select an extra rinse cycle. Because porous membranes are sensitive to detergent residue, another rinse won't hurt.
  7. Set spin. Excessive rotation can damage such a jacket, so set the spin speed to the lowest setting. It's better to disable it altogether.
  8. Click on the "Start" button. Drying follows after washing.

Before washing, pay attention to the label. Perhaps it contains recommendations for machine washing that will help you protect the membrane product from damage.


Other housewives and manufacturers, on the contrary, recommend that such things be processed manually. Since even delicate washing can damage the membrane layer.

Therefore, before the procedure, you should study the label.

For hand washing it is allowed to use laundry soap, baby shampoo or bath gel. You can use any liquid products that do not contain chlorine. Due to the presence of chlorine in the detergent, the jacket will begin to get wet over time.

How to wash by hand:

  1. Check all pockets and check clothing for ripped seams. If there is fur, it must be unfastened or placed in plastic bag and tie tightly so that water does not penetrate.
  2. Locks begin to rust over time due to constant exposure to moisture. The zipper and dog can be protected from moisture with adhesive tape.
  3. Pour warm water into a large basin or tub. The temperature is the same as when washing in a typewriter.
  4. Pour in detergent, shake until foam forms. Then place the membrane jacket into the soap solution.
  5. Washing should begin immediately. Do not soak clothes. Do not rub the fabric together, take a soft brush or cloth, and apply foam to problem areas. Such gentle cleansing will not lead to depressurization of the seams.
  6. After the kurta has been washed, start rinsing. The water will have to be changed more than once to wash the detergent well.
  7. It is not necessary to twist the jacket strongly. Gently wring out the water, hang it on a coat hanger so that the main moisture of the glass in the bath. Then start drying.

Wash only one item at a time. Prolonged contact with water will not benefit the membrane.

Drying and ironing

Immediately after washing, remove the clothes from the washing machine or basin and hang them on a hanger to drain excess moisture. If you leave things in a crumpled state for a long time, one part of the clothes may stain the other side in a brighter or darker color.

Drying rules must be followed to maintain the airtight and water-repellent properties.

Basic Rules:

  1. Do not dry the membrane jacket in, on batteries, heaters.
  2. Hang the product away from open flame. Hanging a thing close to the fire will destroy the membrane.
  3. It is recommended to dry the ski suit at room temperature in a straightened form.
  4. It is advisable after the water drains, put the clothes in a horizontal position on a towel. The fabric will need to be changed as it gets wet. And it is advisable to turn the jacket over sometimes so that the lower part lying on the towel does not rot and does not start to smell unpleasant.

Membrane items must not be ironed on high temperatures. If during the drying process all of these could not avoid the appearance of wrinkles and wrinkles, you can use an iron, but set the lowest temperature.

The iron must not come into contact with the fabric. It must be kept at a small distance from the membrane jacket.

It is necessary to smooth the base fabric, but not to allow the membrane to warm up.


Full care does not end with ironing. It ends with the impregnation of the fabric with special means.

In order for the product to fulfill all its properties, after washing, drying and ironing it must be impregnated with protective sprays.

The following are considered the best:

  • Olvist;
  • Woly;
  • salamander;
  • Nikwax;
  • Kongur;
  • Grangers.

How to use them is written on the bottles in detail. The main thing at the time of purchase is to choose a product designed for clothing, and not for a tent or awning.

The older the product, the more impregnation will need to be used.

Water-repellent compounds extend the life of membrane outerwear.

There are no difficulties in washing, drying and ironing. Observing simple rules and the step-by-step procedure, you can enjoy the cold weather in your magic jacket.

Like any other clothing, ski equipment requires care and sometimes washing. If you don't know how to wash your ski suit, this article will give you some helpful tips.

How to take care of your suit

From the rules of care follow the rules for washing the suit, so it does not hurt to learn how to care for special clothing. The average frequency of washing for a ski suit is no more than 2 times per season. If you are not yet a very active skier, simply dry-clean your suit and put it away for the next season.

Important! Proper Care, cleaning, drying and storing will extend the life of your suit.

Can ski equipment be washed in washing machine? No problem! Just carefully select the mode, avoiding intensive rotation of the drum and quick spin. When washing in the CMA, the spin of the suit is not recommended, but it will not suffer from 300-500 revolutions of the drum per minute. With manual processing, it is better not to twist the clothes - the water flows off by itself, and drying takes place under natural conditions. What else can't be done? Opt out of:

  • Dryers near fan heaters, heating radiators.
  • Drying under open sunlight - even in winter.
  • Bleaches and washing gels containing chlorine.
  • Powders. It's taboo.

And also the processing of the fabric with special compounds will not interfere.

How to wash your ski suit

You just came to the sport and still do not know how to wash your ski clothes and how to do it right? Specialists and experienced skiers say that hand washing is more suitable. But if you have a brand new CMA with support for gentle modes and a bunch of options at home, why not make it easier to care for your equipment? Typically, the type of wash is selected based on the fabric and filler. First, let's take a look at professional means for washing.

Means in liquid form good reviews coping with washing clothes for skiing and other sports. Used for neoprene and lycra products. Gently cleans fabrics with a membrane without damaging them. Can be used for suits with down filling. It is also suitable for thermal underwear, sleeping bags and sneakers: if you are an active traveler, this product is for you! And a nice bonus will be an environmentally friendly composition and a nice price - no more than 200 rubles.

Another gel designed to care for sportswear and designed for high-tech fabric. Can be used in both manual and automatic mode. In addition to ski clothing, you can wash your tent, sleeping bag and even a velor air mattress with it. Of the benefits: safety for fabrics with membranes. A liter bottle of such a gel costs 300-350 rubles.

This shampoo is suitable for membrane and fleece fabrics. Perfectly washes clothes with natural filler - feather or down. Eliminates old stains and traces of sweat. There are no conditioning agents among the components. It costs within 300 rubles (for a package of 0.75 liters).

Liquid care product for high-quality sportswear. German manufacturers have developed this gel for ski suits made of microfiber, membrane-type fabrics (Gore-Tex and the like). Does not weaken the properties of fabrics due to the safe composition. For all types of washing, shoes can also be washed. It costs between 800-1000 rubles.

Shampoo made in Germany. It is used for fabrics with special technological impregnations, does not destroy them. In addition to the suit, you can wash a down jacket, overalls. Harmless to membrane clothing. Has hypoallergenic properties. It costs about 500 rubles. All of the products listed above are with low foaming, so they are ideal for an automatic machine. You already know how to wash a suit, then we will talk about the stages of hand and machine washing.

To wash the equipment with your own hands, follow this sequence:

  • Examine the requirements on the tag (for water temperature and others).

  • Fill a large basin with water - a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
  • Place the pelvis in the tub.
  • Dissolve in water the amount of detergent indicated on the label of the bottle.
  • Turn the product inside out and soak it in a basin for 15 minutes.
  • Transfer the suit from the basin to the bath, take a foam washcloth and lightly wipe the spots with stains.
  • Pour into the bath cold water to rinse the suit.
  • Rinse 2-3 times.
  • Flush the water and leave the clothes for another 5-10 minutes so that the water also drains from them.

  • Smooth out creases while item dries.

Important! For drying, choose a shaded and ventilated place - away from sunlight and heat exposure.

Proceed as follows if you are going to wash equipment in the washer:

  • Without soaking, put the clothes in the drum.
  • Pour the required amount of gel into the powder receptacle.
  • Set the delicate or hand wash mode; if there is a down jacket option, select it.
  • Adjust the temperature regime, select 40 degrees.
  • Reduce the spin speed to 500 or turn it off.
  • Press the Extra Rinse button. Better do it twice.
  • Drying takes place according to the same rules as after hand washing.

Down or fleece care

Fleece clothing can be cleaned of dirt in both ways, without the use of aggressive "chemistry". Drying exclusively in natural conditions. For downy clothes, ensure the most accurate treatment without wringing. Choose products that are easily washed out of fabrics. Dry in the same way as described above, but additionally shake things during drying to avoid churning down.

Delicate mode without spinning - ideal conditions washing for demanding fabrics such as membranes. Choose only the right tools. Increase the number of rinses up to 3-4 times.

Important! Do not iron such a suit, and if it is very wrinkled, then use a steamer, but very carefully.

Now you know if ski clothes can be washed. The main thing is to follow all the rules and tips in order to maintain an attractive appearance and functionality of the equipment.

When purchasing expensive outerwear, we hope that its service life will fully justify the money spent. However, there are a number of objective circumstances that make adjustments to these plans. For example, various kinds of pollution. And if the jacket, overalls are made of membrane tissue, then it seems that it’s time to throw the thing away - after all, many people think that you can’t wash membrane clothes. It's time to dispel the myths.

Understanding terms

Membrane fabric is a combination of a base material (usually made of a synthetic fiber, such as 100% polyester) and the membrane itself. The latter is the thinnest film, the thickness of which is tenths or hundredths of a millimeter.

The main function of the membrane fabric is to keep moisture out

The peculiarity of the membrane is that it has microscopic pores that allow moisture to pass through on the one hand and retain it to almost zero permeability on the other.

This is interesting. One of the manufacturers of membrane fabric, the American company Gore-TeX, creates a high-strength material from Teflon, having 1.5 billion pores per 1 square centimeter.

The film is pressed to the base, that is, “welded”. Due to its structure, the resulting fabric removes sweat to the outside, which means it allows the skin to breathe. Due to the design features, the membrane fabric with high performance is light in weight and very durable. According to this criterion, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • two-layer (the membrane is fixed from the inside of the base);
  • three-layer (outer fabric, membrane, mesh from the inside);
  • 2.5-layer (membrane from the inside, but a protective coating is still sprayed on it).

The structure of the membrane can also differ, so tissues are

  • non-porous (the structure of the material resembles a sponge - micro-holes have a sinuous shape in which moisture condenses);
  • pore (moisture molecules seep from the inside, but the drops do not fit);
  • combined (the most expensive and high-tech, since a film with pores is laid inside, and outside without pores).

Membrane fabric is a high-tech material that can withstand any adverse weather conditions.

Purpose of membrane clothing

The complex production technology of the material is explained by the purpose of clothing. Similar things are recommended for activities involving high physical activity:

  • tourism;
  • mountaineering;
  • travel, etc.

Membrane things are convenient for both adults and children

However, fabrics with a welded film have a number of disadvantages:

  • clothes for membrane things should be made of fleece, polartec (for example, thermal underwear);
  • fabrics with a membrane are relatively short-lived;
  • such a wardrobe needs special care;
  • high price.

What to consider when cleaning

Until recently, it was believed that membrane fabrics cannot be washed. However modern technologies production refute this assertion. Moreover, such things simply need to be cleaned. But at the same time, take into account some limitations.

  1. Ordinary washing powder clogs the pores of the membrane with its crystals, due to which it loses its main quality - air exchange.
  2. Chlorine-containing laundry detergents spoil the membrane, it ceases to reject water, it becomes wet.
  3. Rinsers and conditioners reduce the water-repellent properties of the fabric.
  4. Water temperatures above 40 degrees will glue the pores, and also give the fabric a gray-brown tint, since the film will simply weld. For the same reason, things should not be ironed or dried on a radiator.
  5. Spinning causes irreparable damage to the fibers of the fabric, they stretch and break.
  6. It is impossible to dry things from membrane fabric in the sun or in the wind. Ultraviolet will leave whitish spots on the fabric, which will make the restoration of the material impossible.

How to wash

The right laundry detergent will not only get rid of dirt, but also will not have a negative effect on the fabric.

Table. Detergents for membrane fabric

Special washing gels Application features Conventional funds Application features
Nikwax Tech WashCleans, gives water-repellent functions, allows the fabric to breathe. Recommended for Gore-Tex, Sympatex, Entrant, eVENT and Ultrex fabricsPerwoll Sport & ActiveAdds aroma, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor
DOMAL Sport Fein FashionRetains all protective properties of the fabricConcentrated remedy from AmwayIt washes well, especially children's things with characteristic stains from food and drinks.
DM Fresh SensationRecommended for fabrics Goretex, Sympatex, budget fund but without water repellencyLaundry soap, ground on a graterGood for hand washing, removes grass stains, but leaves a very unpleasant odor.
Woly Sport Textile WashUniversal membrane cleaner, suitable for any fabricBaby soap (either liquid or grated)Alternative laundry soap, copes with stains a little worse, but does not leave a smell.
Shower gels, shampoosMild detergents for hand washing (because excessive foam is harmful to washing machine) and not for the purpose of removing stains.
Liquid detergent "Laska"Removes dirt well, but ineffective for removing grass stains, suitable for children's clothes
Soap "Anti-stain"An effective remedy against greasy spots After use, it is recommended to wash the item completely.
Dishwashing gel FairyGreat for removing oil stains and can also be used as a mild detergent.

This is interesting. Regardless of the product chosen, after 20 hand or machine washing, membrane fabrics lose up to 20% of their thickness.

As a rule, manufacturers of membrane fabric produce care products, including those for washing clothes.

How to wash membrane clothes

In order not to damage the fragile membrane, a number of recommendations must be followed.

  1. Turn things inside out before cleaning.
  2. We take out the contents of the pockets.
  3. Fasten all zippers and buttons.


When choosing this type of membrane clothing cleaning, remember that even a stubborn stain cannot be rubbed strongly - the film may be damaged.


In the washing machine

Membrane things love space, that is, you should not load several wardrobe items into the drum at once. If the thing is overall (for example, overalls), then it should be washed separately from others.


How to dry

It depends on the correct drying whether the clothes will be able to perform their function 100% in the future. So the final drying step is very important.


And if you don't wash

Fresh, non-greasy stains can be removed without washing. To do this, the contamination is cleaned with a brush or cloth. At the same time, the dirt is shaken off, not rubbed. And you can also slightly moisten the stain and wash it. These cleaning methods are especially relevant for children's things. But oil stains cannot be removed without washing. This requires pre-treatment of the greasy trace. To do this, you can use the following tools:

Features of care

The life of any thing depends on how well it is stored. This rule also applies to clothes made of membrane fabric.

  1. Pores absorb odors very quickly and firmly, so clothes should be stored away from the kitchen.
  2. The closet should not be damp, otherwise the membrane will be saturated with dust, the pores will become clogged, and the thing will cease to perform its functions.
  3. Clothing items made of fabric with a film should be washed at least once a year.
  4. After washing, to enhance the property of repelling water and to stimulate resistance to the appearance of pollution, we use impregnations. These fluoride products are available as a liquid to be diluted with water according to package directions (Nikwax TX. Direct Wash-in, Toko Eco Wash-In Proof) or spray (eg Revivex, Nikwax TX.Direct Spray-On). We add liquid products when rinsing, repeating the procedure after 1-2 washes, as more frequent use will clog the membrane. Impregnation in the form of a spray can be applied once every 3-4 weeks of active use of the item.

Video. How to care for membrane clothing: from the personal experience of a fisherman

What you need to know about membrane repair

Impregnations are not only the final stage of cleaning, but also do a good job of restoring the membrane. They must be used in accordance with the recommendations of the fabric manufacturers. True, if the film began to blow through, then it can no longer be restored.

Video. Why and how to use membrane impregnations

Caring for membrane things: washing, impregnation, proper storage is a rather troublesome business. But following all the recommendations of manufacturers of high-tech material makes it possible to fully experience the benefits of using this type of fabric, which fully pays off the time and effort spent.