Does lilac suit blondes? What colors go to blondes: color types, classic and modern color combinations of clothes, creative solutions and fashionable makeup novelties. blondes with green eyes

The color of clothes should be combined not only with a skin tone. In fact, the main criterion for choosing the color scheme of an outfit is its combination with hair color.

Find out what specific colors will suit the shade of your hair. Exist universal colors, which will look equally good on all types of beauty, however, there are also shades that can more advantageously emphasize a certain type of appearance. We have prepared for you a series of articles about what colors of clothes suit certain ladies and. Let's start with blondes.

Blonde girls have a wide range of colors that will look just great. However, they also need to be careful not to “overdress” their image or look too sad. Below we offer you a few good advice regarding this issue.

1. Blondes suit a lot of colors. Let's start with a range of dark shades. If you have blonde hair, then you will look great in a black outfit. For example, black can give brunettes a dull, mournful look, but fair-haired ladies look festive, solemn, elegant in black - due to the bright contrast with their hair. And the lighter your strands, the better dark things will sit on you. Black color creates a clear contrast not only with blonde hair but also light skin tone.

Another great color for blondes is grey, especially warm tones. It is not as gloomy as black, and therefore seems more cheerful and relaxed. Every blonde in a gray outfit will look very elegant. It should be combined with other colors, for example with pink. Gray with pink is an excellent combination for blondes. Ladies in clothes of this color scheme will look elegant and charming at the same time.

2. Another color scheme that looks amazing on blondes is safari shades. The spectrum of safari colors comes into fashion every summer, safari outfits look natural and very cute. This refers to shades such as olive, brown, beige, cream. Do not be afraid to look pale or unsightly in such outfits, the emphasis should be on accessories and the original cut of clothes. Also play on contrasts, combining them with white and black. A variety of design solutions will help you look amazing - a bright bag, a scarf tied around your neck, orange beads, a bracelet and the like.

3. great idea for blondes there will be a royal blue outfit. This shade is velvety, rich and deep.

There is no other type of beauty that royal blue looks as brilliant as blondes. Another couple of colors that will suit fair-haired ladies are red and hot pink. With their help, your beauty will be juicy emphasized and displayed in the best light. The golden sheen of blond hair makes an excellent contrast with this truly rich, chic shade of blue.

With in green blondes should be careful. Not all of its shades will go to blond ladies. Sometimes green color can give fair-haired people a tired look, in which you yourself will look "green". Also, green color can be reflected on blond hair, giving it a marsh hue. putting on green clothes, you need to dilute the image with other details. Green color should not be bright and saturated, but a little dull. As already mentioned, an olive shade is perfect, as well as herbal.

4. Among other things, all gentle, pastel colors are incredibly suitable for blondes. Blond women look cute and touching in them. We mean both beige, vanilla, cream, champagne, and pastel shades of blue, light blue, pink, green, turquoise, aqua and others.

5. In most cases, blondes should avoid bright orange (especially for blue-eyed ladies), yellow (it unpleasantly yellows hair color, especially for dyed blondes), and dark purple (gives a tired look).

Valuable advice

Remember that all of the above are only approximate guidelines in the world of color. In fact, many shades of hair are hidden under the label "blonde". And what suits a platinum blonde may not suit a girl with wheat hair color at all. Iris colors and skin tones also play a big role. Don't be afraid to experiment and constantly look for what will suit your type of beauty.

For every feature of appearance - the shape of the face, skin type, and even the shade of the hair - there are a number of tips and recommendations for choosing clothing items and colors that favorably emphasize this or that type. So, speaking of blondes, we can highlight the main tips and secrets related to choosing clothes and optimal colors. That is what we are going to talk about now.

The best clothing colors for blondes

cheeky red

Red shades are one of the most suitable colors to emphasize the golden undertones of blond hair. The most important thing is to choose the right shade of red. Tones such as alizarin and crimson are recommended the most. Scarlet and pomegranate will refresh and brighten the image. In general, red shades - perfect solution for a date. However, shades such as purple claret and burgundy should be avoided.

innocent white

A pure white tone, ivory or champagne color will create a great combination with light hair tones and create an elegant and concise look. Blondes should not forget to add a little more color for contrast. Pure whites are ideal for fair-skinned and honey blondes, while beige tones are a win-win for light blonde blondes.

Impressive black

Classic black suits everyone, especially platinum blondes. small black dress or pantsuit create the perfect combination for every day.

Brown and mustard shades

Brown tones, especially mustard, are ideal for honey blondes and light blonde shades. You can also combine these two colors, for example, wear a brown suit, complementing it with mustard accessories - a scarf, a bag, etc. The opposite combination will be no less spectacular. These shades will refresh the image and emphasize the shade of the hair.

The allure of blue and pink

If you want to be the center of attention and are ready to experiment, the combination of pink and blue shades will emphasize bright or natural makeup and blonde hair. You can use colors such as raspberry, fuchsia or soft pink. If you do not like blue shades, give preference to denim items. So, combining a pink blouse with jeans or a light denim shirt with a pink skirt, you will create one of the most charming looks!

Romantic gray

Finally, speaking of universal gray, we discover another shade, ideal for blondes, which will emphasize the soft and gentle image and also gives a sense of femininity. You can use hues such as pure gray and light gray, adding a touch of pale pink or fuchsia to complete the look. Light cream pieces with floral prints in soft shades also go well with gray, breaking the monotony and creating a sense of sweetness.

pastel shades

In general, choosing pastel shades is a universal recommendation for blondes. They are gifted with a natural ability to look good in pastel colors. Imagine baby blue, baby pink, baby green and yellow and you have the perfect look. However, it is important to remember that shades such as grayish green are not recommended for blondes, unlike bright yellow-green, pear, herbal, marsh and even dark olive.

The luxury of gemstone colors

Who said that these colors do not adorn blondes? Emerald green, turquoise, purple and cornflower blue are some of the best colors in clothes for blondes with honey-colored hair. These luxurious tones are especially suitable for holiday looks.

Makeup Tips for Blondes

Speaking about the main shades of makeup for blondes, we can recommend not to be afraid of such daring decisions as red lipstick. A pure red or orange tone can look perfect. Lilac, fuchsia and wine color looks amazing on the lips too. When it comes to eye makeup, blondes may prefer both a minimal style and cat's eyes and smokey eyes technique. It is important that the colors balance each other, so bright eyes should be combined with natural lip color, and vice versa.

The stereotype that only light pastel colors suit blondes is fundamentally wrong. After all, blond is not so much a hair color as a solid color type of appearance. It is determined comprehensively and includes hair shade, eye color, skin tone. Agree: a fair-haired woman can have both porcelain and olive or even swarthy skin; the same with the eyes: perfectly blue are extremely rare, but golden brown or even icy green are more common.

Therefore, in order to understand what colors go to blondes, you need to select them according to the type of appearance, and not trust the stereotypes.

All fair-haired women of fashion are different, and depending on the skin tone, the presence of a blush, the shade of the eyes and hair, certain colors in clothes are suitable. According to this classification, two types of blondes can be distinguished - “cold” and “warm”.

If gentle soft tones go for girls with a “cold” color type, then saturated colors look better on “warm” blondes, which favorably emphasize their bright appearance.

And, of course, no other color, regardless of the shade of hair and eyes, suits a blonde like pink. This is a soft pink, raspberry, fuchsia color. In order not to seem too “sweet” in it, dilute it with black or blue.

Suitable colors according to skin tone

“Cold” girls with porcelain skin are suitable for clothes of any pastel colors - delicate blue, pink, green, mint, lilac. Ideal on light skin looks black and classic red. But it is better to refuse other bright shades, they further emphasize the pallor of the face.

Perfect White color makes the appearance inexpressive, and the skin pale. You should definitely not choose white things for girls with fair skin.

“Warm” blondes with dark skin and olive skin need to choose any bright, saturated colors - purple, dark blue, turquoise, grass green, coral, peach.

Suitable colors according to eye color

True blondes with fair skin, blue or gray eyes should wear soft, muted tones, ideally matching the color of the eyes. For example, blue-eyed girls will suit things in muted blue tones, gray-eyed girls in gray and gray-pink. Of the bright colors, only muted red and black are suitable for them.

Blondes with green and brown eyes it is worth giving preference to clothes in a classic natural range - it is dark brown, chocolate, grassy green, yellow, the only color should be bright and saturated. Any bright colors, as well as their combinations, look good on such girls.

Suitable colors according to hair color

When choosing clothes, you should take into account the tone of the hair: gold, champagne, honey, platinum, ash, beige. The first three belong to the "warm" shades, the second - to the "cold".

Blondes with a “warm” shade of hair are suitable for any saturated colors: fuchsia, turquoise, deep blue, any shades of red. These blondes can choose absolutely any color, but with one caveat: the color must be saturated.

Be careful with green. Not all of its shades go to fair-haired girls. Reflected on the hair, it can give them a marsh shade, and a tired look to the face. If you like green, then it should be saturated, but not bright - it is olive and grassy green.

Beautifully emphasizes the “warm” tone of the hair in yellow, orange, dark purple, coral and peach.

Safari shades are another color scheme that looks amazing on blondes. It is beige, cream, brown, olive. With hair of a warm “honey” or light blond shade, mustard-colored things look good.

But pastel shades are not for golden-haired girls - they are able to completely “extinguish” their natural radiance.

Blondes with a “cold” shade of hair go for gentle, pastel colors in which they look touching and very cute. It is lilac, mint, light blue, pale pink. Such girls absolutely do not go with bright saturated shades, with the exception of the classic red color, and provided that they have light porcelain skin.

All fair-haired girls, without exception, are classic black. If it gives brunettes a dull, gloomy look, then blondes, due to the contrast with their hair, look solemn and elegant in it. Another shade suitable for "cold" blondes is gray, especially warm tones, which go well with pink.

A big mistake for "cold" girls would be to choose clothes in bright orange and yellow color, which makes the hair yellow, especially dyed, as well as dark purple, which gives the skin a sickly look.

Do not forget that each of us has our own specific tastes and preferences. If you like some color, but according to all the rules it doesn’t suit you, don’t refuse it. Just dilute it with accessories and jewelry, and maybe this particular color will emphasize your natural beauty.

What colors go to blondes: the rules for choosing your shade

It is fundamentally wrong to think that only light pastel shades are suitable for blondes. It all depends not only on hair color, but also on skin tone, eyes. Everything together makes up a certain color type of appearance, which you should be guided by when buying an outfit.

"Warm" and "cold" version

All fair-haired beauties can be divided according to the type of appearance into two categories: “warm” and “cold”. In the first case, saturated tones look more interesting, for example:

  • coral red;
  • soft orange;
  • pale green;
  • deep blue;
  • blue;
  • Violet.

It is the “warm” blondes who can afford, and will be simply charming.

“Cold” young ladies with snow-white skin color should pay attention to calm tones, such as:

  • emerald;
  • light purple;
  • pale pink;
  • azure;
  • soft malachite.

Strict black and traditional red color looks good. It is better to refrain from other bright colors, otherwise the skin will seem very pale. The same applies to white, it is better not to use it in your image.

The choice of color depending on the shade of the eyes

When wondering what colors go to blondes, you should pay attention to the shade of the eyes. Women with blue and gray eyes and snow-white skin will suit the decoration of muted colors to match the color of the eyes. You can experiment with soft scarlet and black tone.

Natural saturated colors go well with green and brown eyes, for example:

  • coffee;
  • chestnut;
  • sand;
  • bright green.

The real one directly depends on how correctly the colors are chosen and how they are combined with her appearance.

Emphasize, not spoil

Understanding which colors are most suitable for blondes, you need to pay attention to the specific shade of hair. They can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. warm: gold, champagne, honey;
  2. cold: platinum, ash, beige.

For "warm" tones, there is one simple rule: the colors of clothes are chosen intense. It can be purple, sapphire, scarlet, azure, lemon yellow, orange, lilac. Green should be handled with care.

Some tones can give the hair a marsh color and age the face, so it is better to stay on juicy and muted shades, for example, bronze-olive, bright green. Pastel colors are not suitable for “warm” colors, they extinguish the natural radiance of the hair.

“Cold” blondes will not fit an outfit of orange and sandy color, it adds yellowness to the hair. Dark purple tone is also banned, it gives an unhealthy look to very light skin. In this case, gentle colors will be appropriate.

This does not mean that blonde girls can only afford doll colors. Black is the perfect color for all blondes, so you can easily wear them. The main thing is that it is combined with the rest of the outfit.

Blondes are tender and sexy girls. Many colors suit them, but there are still shades in makeup and clothing that further emphasize their attractiveness. This article will tell cute girls what color is suitable for blondes and what is not.

Clothes for blondes

If you are blonde with blue, green or gray eyes, then you should choose clothes in soft and gentle tones. Under green eyes go green things, under blue - violet-blue and just blue.

If you want something bright and provocative, feel free to buy a new red dress, but not very bright. The combination of gray and red will look especially good, your face will look glowing due to the blush on the cheeks that will appear from the red reflection. Another combination - black with white, will add spice to you, just do not overdo it with white, there should be more black.

In order not to look tired and sick, do not wear bright red, greenish yellow and pink colors clothes, they will give your face the appearance of a pale statue. But there is one trick - by combining these colors (let it be a top or jumper) with a white suit, you will look cheerful and fresh. Pure white should not be worn. Bright orange, red and gray are best worn in small quantities, for example, on a belt, shoes or purse.

Choice of clothes depending on the color of the eyes

If you are a grey-eyed blonde, it suits you very well. turquoise any saturation and pink-gray shade. Green-eyed will be good not only in green tones, but also in dark blue, green-violet and brown-orange. Wear dark-colored clothes in winter, because in summer you will look gloomy in them.

Blue-eyed or gray-eyed blondes with pronounced facial features and blush can freely wear bright colors. The color of clothes for blondes of this appearance is chosen more easily, especially they are green, which is in perfect harmony with the blush, emphasizing the beauty and tenderness of the face. Wear gray suits with bright colorful accessories to the office and navy blue dresses to dinner at a restaurant. But in no case, do not wear pale yellow, purple and pink clothes. If it's black, then pair it with white. Wear red and white freely.

Dark-skinned girls with blond hair are suitable for green and blue shades. They also feel good in clothes of such colors: yellow with purple, pure purple, blue with orange and cherry. When choosing gray tones, combine them with bright colors so that your dark skin does not appear gray. Blondes with such skin and brown eyes are just fine in chocolate shades with bright accessories, as well as in red-brown, gray-yellow and soft purple.

Makeup for blondes

The make-up of fair-haired girls should be gentle, like themselves, and not violate their natural beauty. Use brown or gray eyeliner instead of black. Forget about black eyeliner, you don't need such a contrast. Brown pencil is suitable for ash blondes, and gray and brown for light brown and bright white.

Shadows are selected based on the color of the eyes. Too bright colors (purple, hot pink) will not suit light blond blondes, because their image will become frankly defiant. It is better to use pastel shades of bright colors. Looks great soft pink or purple. Golden hair suggests the use of dark purple or mauve. Ashes are golden brown and cream.

Blondes with brown eyes

Here's your traditional eye palette: shades of gold, bronze, peach, and beige. Powder - yellowish-pink or bronze. Lipstick - yellowish-pink or pink: when tanning - coral and orange.

blondes with blue eyes

Consider hair color and eye color. Pink flesh and pink light powder are perfect for you. Lipstick should be used coral pink. Eye shadow is better silver, light blue or blue.

blondes with green eyes

Colors, suitable for blondes with this eye color, should be warm shades. For example: peach, brown, golden, dark chocolate, dark green. Shadows - dark green with a golden sheen, honey, metallic sheen, plum. Eyeliner is better brown, white or golden. Lipstick light pink or coral.

I hope our tips will help you create your own bright or delicate, but very memorable look, because now you know how to choose the color of clothes for blondes, as well as use suitable colors in makeup!