What does a zorro costume look like. Zorro costume is a masquerade outfit for a boy with his own hands. From fairy tale to life

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How to sew a cape or Zorro Costume

Before the New Year's party, we had a need to sew a carnival costume for our son.

The legendary hero Zorro was chosen as a prototype.

I quote a few words about the hero: “... The legend of Zorro tells about the most fearless hero of all times and peoples, who helped the poor, protected the weak, always found himself in the place where his help was needed ...”

Of course, a boy at the age of 10 secretly or clearly dreams of being like such a hero ...

The costume was easy to make.

Using one of the principles of creating a carnival costume, which I talk about in the book, we made up the basis of the costume from black trousers and a shirt. You can replace the black shirt with a white one, my son wanted a black shirt.

We also needed a hat (you can make it yourself - by gluing the fields to the cylinder and painting everything black), we have a hat left from the previous holidays, we just glued the letter “Z” - the symbol of Zorro.

The belt and glasses were cut out of fabric.

The only difficulty in creating a Zorro costume and similar costumes, especially for beginners in sewing, is - cutting and sewing a cape.

Sometimes it can be very helpful.

Your boy is going to New Year's party and you don't know where to get the suit? And everything is very simple, read this article and you will find tips on how to make a hat for Zorro with your own hands.

Would need:

  • Thick cardboard
  • black satin fabric (approx. 30 cm)
  • scissors
  • felt
  • elastic band to hold the hat
  • glue gun
  • glue stick
  • staples
    We take a strong cardboard and cut out a circle of any circle from it. The main thing is that the hat is not too big, but not too small.

Then take an A4 sheet of ordinary cardboard and cut it in half. After that, we fasten the edges of these halves with staples.

Let's take a circle of thick cardboard and a circle of cardboard connected with brackets and use it to draw an oval in the middle of a strong cardboard circle. After that, cut along the intended line.

Now we will outline several lines of 2.5 cm along the edges of ordinary cardboard and will cut along the marked lines.

Then we bend one edge of the cardboard inward, and the other outward. The edge that comes out, we will fasten with staples with a strong circle.

We cut out the details from the satin using our cardboard blank so that there is an allowance of about 6 cm along the edge of the fabric.

We will also cut out a strip of fabric along the length; it should be like the circumference of the hat, and in width, like the height of the hat itself.

By using sewing machine sew all the details to make a hat cover. Most importantly, do not forget that the top of the hat is not glued yet. Glue it on with a glue gun.

We put a satin cover on a cardboard blank and glue the fabric a little near the corner so that it does not slip.

Now pull the edges under the bottom of the fields and fasten them glue gun creating folds.

Then cut out a circle from black felt and glue it on the bottom of the fields. Measure the elastic band and attach it to both sides of the inside of the hat.

That's all. Few costs - great results!

We make a fancy dress at home.
carnival costume Zorro is for brave and determined guys.

Zorro costume set includes cloak, trousers, shirt, vest, belt, hat and mask. It will take about two evenings to prepare the toilet items for this character. It is preferable to sew a suit from satin or a shiny lining, and satin is suitable for a shirt. The easiest way is with a belt, hat and mask, but their preparation will also take time.
The shirt is acceptable in white or black. Black is usually worn by older guys. The child can wear the one in the wardrobe, but you can, using a pattern, sew it on purpose. And if sewing, then it is better to make the cuffs high. If the shirt is white, they put on a black vest, made of the same material as the trousers - black satin.
Pants for Zorro costume. It is interesting to look at the model of loose trousers falling from the hip, gathered at the bottom with elastic bands or cuffs. With the help of a pattern, the details of the trousers are cut out (or remade from suitable, large sizes). Then the parts are sewn together, the product is tried on, customized and scribbled on a typewriter. Seams are processed. The width of the belt does not matter much - a wide ribbon of red fabric is belted over the trousers.
Zorro's cloak is a very important element. There are several models of its tailoring. The easiest is to hem the bottom and top of the fabric, and collect the product on the tape. You can cut out a raincoat in the style of a sun-flared or trapeze. Sometimes the cloak is sewn double: the same parts of the cloak in black and red are sewn along the edges and turned inside out through the upper, narrower share. The top is hemmed and also collected on a tape. In this case, the cloak is worn so that the black fabric is on top. When the child moves, the flaps of the cloak rise and its red underside is visible.
The hat in the carnival costume of Zorro is black. The easiest way to make it is to sheathe it with black lining fabric(possible from unclaimed things) available, suitable in size. A hat, over the brim, can be decorated with a narrow black satin ribbon gathered on a thread.
A mask for a Zorro carnival costume is often bought ready-made, but you can also make it yourself from improvised material. It can be suede, black leather or leatherette. Having taken a measure of the required size of the mask, its desired shape is applied to the material. The part is cut out along the lines of the drawing, cuts are made for the eyes, the cutouts are processed if necessary. A black elastic band is fixed along the edges of the mask - with its help it holds.
The belt, as already noted, is made of red shiny fabric: satin or lining. Cutting a wide strip required length, it is processed and tied over trousers, so that the ends hang down a little.
For a true Zorro, a weapon is needed - a sword. It is bought in departments of children's toys. But you should pay attention so that the end of the sword is not too sharp - it is advisable to put some kind of lock on it. Carnival costume Zorro - ready!
On the children's holiday or a carnival, a child in a Zorro costume will feel like the most courageous hero who can handle all difficulties.

Do not miss other news on the topic - organization and holding of weddings, holidays, celebrations.

Hello, friends! You don’t know what image to come up with for a child on this New Year, but are you sure that it should be something cool, fresh and memorable? I propose to evaluate each new Year costume for the boy from my collection.

New Year's costume for a boy: what is at the peak of popularity

Many options are easy to do with your own hands from improvised materials, even for those who do not know how to sew at all and do not like to mess with patterns. For craftsmen, I attach to complex outfits step by step instructions and photo. Use on health!

In the form of a terrible and terrible Hulk

To adults, the green, huge and quick-tempered Hulk may seem like the personification of evil. Children look at the hero through the prism of admiration for the strength and courage of the character. They believe that being strong and formidable is great and dream to try on unusual image green monster. Parents have no choice but to strain their imagination and make a dream come true for the little hero on New Year's Eve.

Let's remember what the Hulk looked like. Besides being big and green, what do you know about this monster? Let me remind you that he was wearing nothing but torn knee-length pants.

The Hulk's hair is dark and disheveled, his face is twisted with anger and rage. The problem of hair and a terrible face is easily solved with the help of a mask of a comic and cartoon hero. Of course, you can try face painting, but the mask looks much more spectacular.

Another thing is the Hulk's torso. He's not just big. It's a walking mountain of muscle. A child with a similar result can be helped to achieve with the help of a special quilted vest or jacket, if the muscles are not only on the chest, but also on the arms. To make the muscles look prominent, drag the jacket or vest in the right places.

With legs and arms, everything is simple. Ordinary green leggings or leotards with ragged purple shorts and a turtleneck to match will do.

In the image of a fashionable and popular rapper

Rap is in trend today and even a child knows it. The kings of Black Star are recognizable and loved by the audience of all ages. To read rap, repeating after idols, some boys try from the garden age, amusingly copying the manner of gestures, imitating in clothes. If your child loves to rap and knows more than three rappers, this is a signal that on New Year's Eve you can help him completely transform into the image of a world-class rap star!

The coolest thing is that the rapper's costume is easy to make with your own hands and for this you will not need anything that everyone would not have at home. In addition, the fact that a boy of any age can try on the image of a star greatly simplifies the matter.

What is he, a real rapper? Of course, the coolest, most fashionable and stylish with specially advertised attributes of a successful and well-to-do person. Invite the boy to choose to wear wide jeans or low-rise pants, a sweatshirt or T-shirt, and sneakers.

A special rapper's cap with a wide visor, a chain on his pants, fashionable glasses and as many jewelry as possible will make the image recognizable. It can be chains, bracelets with pendants in the form of a dollar, for example. Don't forget to rehearse the little rapper's signature gestures and memorize a few rhyming verses.

Zorro - in the image of a fighter for justice

Very unusual and atypical modern child choice - Zorro. Those who were lucky enough to watch a film about the legendary defender of the weak and disadvantaged will want to try on the costume of this character. Zorro captivates with romance and mystery, which is given to him by a black mask with slits for the eyes and a wide-brimmed hat. In addition, this is a real hero - brave, fast, dexterous and desperate, ready for any exploits in order to help those who are unable to find their place in life.

The hero costume consists of a classic set:

  • wide trousers;
  • silk shirt;
  • vest;
  • belts;
  • raincoat;
  • hats;
  • masks.

Each item of clothing can be made in its own style, the main thing is that the outfit matches the fashion of the past. Black silk trousers look especially impressive in combination with a white blouse and a red satin belt. It is easy to sew a cape from a piece of fabric with a contrasting or plain lining.

Any hat will do, the main thing is a classic style and wide brim. If there is no such thing at home, you can sew the Zorro accessory yourself from a wire frame or cardboard and felt trim. And most importantly - glasses with slits for the eyes. They can be cut out of elastic fabric, leather, or painted with aquarium paints on the face of little Zorro. And don't forget the sword. She is the hero's main accessory.

Spiderman is a good old classic for comic book lovers

to surprise someone children's matinee Spiderman costume? It is unlikely. But, you can easily please a little fan of a hero with super powers. So what if the boy asks for the third year in a row to prepare the same costume for him, too small or vice versa, in your opinion, too adult for the image of a superhero. If the soul of the child asks - do not refuse. Do you want to be the hero of one of the most popular comics? Let. Your job is to prepare such a costume so that the character turns out to be as similar as possible to the prototype.

Spiderman is an amazing hero who can do things that we, ordinary people, cannot. To make feats as comfortable as possible, the creators came up with comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement bright colors and of course a camouflage mask. Put the hero picture in front of you and start creating an incredible hero costume!

In the original Spider-Man suit is very tight to the body. It is not easy to make this, and not every child will be comfortable in it. Therefore, I propose to replace the tight overalls with separate elements of clothing:

  • pants or blue leggings;
  • half boots or red boots (at worst, socks);
  • blue turtleneck with inserts;
  • red gloves;
  • Spiderman mask.

All red details of the costume need to be painted with a "cobweb". It does not hurt to embroider tiny "spiders" or stick them in the form of an appliqué on clothes in different places. This is the easiest option. The option is more difficult for those who know how to sew at least a little.

First, decide on a mask. You need to decide whether it will be a full-fledged mask covering the head and face of the child or partially leaving the face open. Use a fabric that stretches well while still being breathable. In a breathable suit, the child will be comfortable and pleasant at the matinee. If everything is clear with a closed mask, then the open version can be a tight red cap and glasses. Bright face painting will help to complement the image.

Let's move on to the costume. The lower part is blue tight leggings. If there are no red boots, you can sew red inserts in the shin area with a web drawn with a felt-tip pen or paints. The top of the outfit is a narrow elastic jacket (you can cut it out according to the child’s finished golf) with red stripes, similar to how it was done for the decor of the pants.

If there is a blue turtleneck of a suitable shade at home, it can be used as a base, decorating with red accents. To make the web realistic, draw it not on finished product, and not on pieces of fabric before they are sewn or glued. Don't forget the red long Spiderman gloves. They are an integral part of the image of the hero.

Little defenders of the Fatherland - soldiers

Children with clearly manifested patriotism may want to dress up as soldiers for the New Year. Boys who dream of defending their homeland declare themselves from childhood. They are close to the images of soldiers, they sincerely dream of changing ordinary clothes on the military uniform, accomplish your feats and receive well-deserved rewards for courage.

To reproduce the soldier's costume as similar as possible to the original, you will need to try. Let's start with an integral part of the image - caps. It's great if the small size of the cap was left from a friend or relative who served. If not, then you have to sew. Use the instruction below:

  1. Pick a khaki fabric.
  2. Pick a khaki fabric.
  3. Draw a cap pattern on paper.
  4. Transfer the pattern to the fabric.
  5. Cut and sew the pieces.
  6. Iron the seams.
  7. Turn and iron the entire surface of the cap.
  8. Sew the top insert along the top side.

Let's move on to the costume. Special sewing skills in order to sew a tunic - the second important element is not needed. Enough possession of a thread and a needle at a primitive level. For convenience and speed of business, use ready-made t-shirt child. Measure it on the fabric, indicating exactly the location of the neck and armpits.

Add 1 cm allowances to the finished drawing, cut out the blank. Fasten the details with pins or baste, then sew on a typewriter. Do not forget that the tunic is made recognizable by the stand-up collar, patch pockets and, of course, shoulder straps.

If you are preparing a marine suit, it would be appropriate to complement the tunic with a vest. As for the bottom of the outfit, khaki trousers are suitable, as the simplest option, and full-fledged riding breeches that can be sewn at home, as an improved version.

Sultan's costume - in the New Year with oriental flavor

A brilliant relatively innovative idea is the sultan's costume. In such an outfit, the boy will look festive, elegant and colorful. A huge advantage is the ease of manufacture of the outfit. Use bright silk fabrics such as blue or red. The fabric is suitable for pants, vest and chump. Follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Make a block pattern in the form of a bag with a volume slightly larger than the volume of the head. Hem the bottom of the headdress with an elastic band so that it can be pulled off and laid in beautiful folds. To make the block stand, place cotton wool or foam rubber inside. Decorate beautiful pebble and pen.
  2. The Sultan shirt can be plain white for special occasions, or it can be specially cut and sewn from white satin.
  3. Bloomers and vest must be the same color. Sew wide pants, pull them together with elastic bands at the base of the legs. Add a beautiful satin belt and decorate the finished vest to match it.

The chic Sultan costume is ready! Sultan shoes with a toe bent to the top will make a complete and complete image. These are easy to make from any shoe, using the papier-mâché technique for socks and silk fabric with pebbles and rain for decoration.

The coolest Batman - how to make a costume

Just like Spider-Man, Batman has been out of competition for many years and most likely the situation will not change in the next 2-3 New Years. Kids love dressing up as the brave superhero and feel special. To assemble the best image of Batman you will need:

  • black thermal underwear or leggings and a turtleneck;
  • cardboard;
  • yellow colored paper;
  • a piece of dark fabric;
  • glue, scissors, thread and needle.

The basis of the outfit is black leggings or a turtleneck, or thermal underwear that is suitable in color and style. For greater effect, apply a press to the upper part of the suit with gray paint. Make a hero applique on yellow cardboard (print a stencil from the network) and sew on a turtleneck. Black gloves and black boots complete the look. Once everything is ready, proceed to the manufacture of the hero's cloak. Don't make it too long - it's inconvenient. The optimal length is to the knee. Use any unnecessary black fabric.

Batman won't be Batman if mom or dad forgets the mask. Make it easy. Cut out the model on cardboard and transfer to fabric. To keep the mask on, sew an elastic band on the sides. A hat with ears is easy to make from cardboard or a hood from an old black sweatshirt. In order for such a hood to keep its shape, a wire frame can be fixed in the lower part, starching the edges is also one of the options. The ears will be made voluminous by a filler made of cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, any small rags.

My selection ends here, I hope I helped with ideas and useful tips! Share photos and instructions with friends on social networks, discuss costume variations and exchange experiences - it's useful and interesting!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

The film "Zorro" in its various interpretations was not watched except by a few. Agree, it is simply impossible for us - women not to fall in love with such a fair, sexy, at the same time, mysterious superhero. Italian macho Alain Delon and hot Spaniard Antonio Banderas are the thieves of women's hearts who played in different years the role of the brave Zorro. And, for sure, any man at least once imagined himself in this image and dreamed of possessing all the qualities of film lovers. But who is Zorro without his invariable attributes: a black cloak, a fencing sword, a hat and a mask.

From fairy tale to life

“The legend of Zorro tells about the most fearless hero of all times and peoples, who helped the poor, protected the weak, always found himself in the place where his help was needed,” the film was presented to the audience.

Any of us would like to see next to us the same hero who will protect and protect from any misfortunes. Today, I propose to create the image of the man of your dreams by yourself.

To make our hero look perfect, you need to choose or sew a black silk shirt with a matte sheen to match the trousers.

For the most important and invariable part of the costume - a cape, you need: cuts of black and scarlet satin fabric, as well as a pattern-scheme made according to the standards of your hero.

The details of the cape of both colors must be cut out according to the drawing and stitched according to shoulder sections. Overcast and bend the sides and bottom of the product. To process the cut of the neck, take a satin black ribbon, fold in half lengthwise and iron. Lay a section of the neck of the raincoat between the two folded edges of the tape, leaving 30 cm at the ends for ties, and lay a line along the edge.

The scarlet color of the fabric is necessary for the inside of the cape. When the two sides of the cloak are ready, sew them together.

In addition, a wide belt of the same color can become a contrasting element, so that our character looks even more spectacular and brighter than his prototype.

But, if there is no time at all, you can do without a pattern. In this case, the tattooing method, or, as it is also called, the dummy method, will help. This method involves the formation of a product directly on a mannequin or a person, pinning excess fabric with pins.

As for the hat, here you have to work a little. Zorro's hat has an unusual shape, so you definitely can't do without a pattern here! Having made and transferred it to thick paper, it is necessary to cut out all the details and glue them together. Then the hat must be painted with black paint or pasted over with oracal - vinyl film.

Another, no less important element of the costume is a half-face mask with slits for the eyes. It will require the rest of the black satin fabric, an elastic band, and, of course, a little ingenuity.

The image is completed by a sword, ready-made or made from improvised means, for example, from a wooden pointer and a plastic bottle.

Children's idol - Black cloak

In fairness, it should be noted that the Zorro costume is closer to adults than to children. The boys know this image from the Disney animated series Black Cloak. Its main character is a mysterious drake superhero named Quack Paw-footed. Of course, the Black Cloak does not have a fencing sword at all, but just a pistol, but, in general, the costume is very similar to the one described above, except that you don’t have to make a duck’s beak.