How much do large families pay per year. What monthly payments are due to large families? Who can get

Every year in Russia there are more and more government programs to support families with children. But the greatest attention has always been paid to large families, which make the maximum contribution to solving the demographic crisis. They are entitled to all sorts of benefits and privileges from the state, but today we will take a closer look at what financial assistance to large families is provided for in 2020.

When a family is considered large

Each subject of the Russian Federation can adopt its own criteria for large families. This right was granted to them. However, in most regions there is a single condition for granting a family the status of a large family - this is the presence of more than 3 minor children. And in the case of full-time education of the older child age restrictions extended to 24 years. There are no distinctions between natural and adopted (adopted, guardian) children when assigning status.

More stringent criteria are used in subjects with a traditional family structure, where a large number of children is the rule rather than the exception. For example, in the Republic of Ingushetia, a family with 5 or more children is considered a large family. However, there is a trend towards lower criteria even in such regions. So, in the republics of Tyva, Mari El and Mordovia, until recently, the status of large families was assigned only for the fourth child, but over the past few years, each of these regions has come to all-Russian standards.

Moving from one subject to another, a large family is forced to re-prove its status already on the basis of the criteria in force in the new territory. It is issued through the social authorities. protection, where you must provide the following documents:

  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • references from the university.

The certificate is issued within 2-4 weeks after the submission of documents. From that moment on, the family has the right to receive from the state the provisions provided for large payments and enjoy benefits.

Federal financial support

Federal support measures are divided into monthly allowances, one-time payments, subsidies and compensations.

Monthly allowances

The monthly benefits include two types of payments.

  1. Child care allowance paid up to 1.5 years. Employed citizens are assigned in the amount of 40% of the average salary for the last 2 years. Unemployed parents with many children are entitled to social benefits in the amount of 6284.65 rubles.
  2. Benefit while on additional parental leave. It is provided up to the age of three in the amount of 50 rubles per month.

Started operating in 2020 the new kind benefits paid until the child is 1.5 years old. It is assigned in an amount equal to the subsistence minimum in force in the region. But a large family cannot count on such payments, since they are due only for the first child.

Lump sum payments

On the this moment The law provides for 4 types of lump-sum payments at the federal level.

  1. Decree allowance. Represents compensation of 100% of the employee's average income for 140 days (in case of multiple or complicated pregnancy, this period is extended). Only officially employed citizens, as well as military personnel and full-time students, can count on benefits.
  2. One-time allowance for the birth (adoption) of a child in the amount of 16759.09 rubles. It is provided for each child, regardless of the order of his appearance and the income of the parents. For the adoption of a ward with a disability, brothers and sisters or grown children (over 7 years old), an increased payment in the amount of 128,053.08 rubles is due.
  3. Payment for early registration for pregnancy. If you become registered before the 12th obstetric week, 628.47 rubles are additionally charged.
  4. Maternal capital. Relies on the second baby or for any subsequent, if not previously received. After last indexing its size is 453,026 rubles, and this amount will not change until 2020. Capital can be spent on housing improvements, children's education and mother's pension, and only after the child reaches 3 years of age. But from 2020, certificate holders can cash out part of the funds ahead of schedule, receiving additional benefits until the child is 1.5 years old (not higher than the subsistence level), and also paying for the services of preschool institutions at the expense of maternity capital. Previously, only one-time payments of 20 thousand rubles were provided to families with many children ahead of schedule.

Maternity allowance is assigned at the place of work, maternity capital - through the branch pension fund, all other payments to large families are provided through the social authorities. protection.

Tax deduction

The presence of a large number of children can significantly save on taxation of family income. When calculating personal income tax, parents with many children are entitled to a deduction for each minor dependent ().

In 2020, the deduction is provided in the following amounts:

  • for the first-born and second child - 1400 rubles;
  • starting from the 3rd child - 3000 rubles each;
  • if the child has a disability - 12,000 rubles;
  • in the presence of a disability in a child under guardianship - 6,000 rubles.

For children receiving higher education, the deduction is due even after they reach the age of majority, until they turn 24 years old. If the second spouse is dead or missing, the deduction is doubled.

If the parents have a large income gap, the person with the lower wage may waive their right to the deduction so that the other spouse receives double the amount.

You must confirm your right with the tax authorities by submitting birth certificates for children. Further registration of the deduction is carried out already at the place of work by writing an application in the name of the director in a free form.

Compensation for utility services

Families with children are entitled to compensation for utility bills. Their size depends on the decision of the regional authorities, but cannot be less than the minimum established by federal law:

  • 50% for families with 10 or more children;
  • 30% for other large families.

The payment of compensation implies the following procedure: its recipient pays the utility bill in full, after which up to 50% of the expenses incurred are returned to his bank account. The right to receive compensation through the social authorities is formalized. protection every 6 months, as the benefit is temporary.

Subsidizing a mortgage loan

From January 1, 2020, Russia has a program of state support for large families with mortgage debt. She entered. As part of the program, families with children get the opportunity to take out a mortgage or repay an existing loan at a reduced rate of 6% per annum. The difference with the rate proposed by the bank will be repaid from public funds.

Mortgage subsidy is available subject to the following conditions.

  1. In 2018–2022 a second child appeared in the family. In this case, the state will participate in the repayment of the loan for 3 years.
  2. During the above period, the family acquired 3 children - subsidies will continue for 5 years.
  3. In the three-year grace period assigned for the 2nd child, the 3rd child appears in the family. In such a situation, the total period for obtaining a subsidy will be 8 years.

You can only get help paying for a previously taken mortgage if it was issued after January 1, 2020. There are also restrictions on the amount of the loan. For Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions, a threshold of 8 million rubles has been set, for other regions - 3 million rubles.

Provision of free land

The state project “Assistance to the development of housing construction” is aimed at providing families with a 3rd child with free land plots.

You can count on help only if a number of conditions are met:

  • all family members are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • regional registration has been available for the last 5 years;
  • the parents' marriage is officially registered (only if the family is complete);
  • there are no other land plots in the property.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish additional criteria for the provision of assistance, for example, by income level. They also have the right to determine the size of the plots to be issued, which should be within 6-15 acres.

To obtain free land, you should contact the local administration. There you can find out the exact set of documents required for this. The legislation provides for the allocation of land to a large family within 1 year, but due to the lack of free plots, in practice one has to wait much longer.

Assistance at the regional level

Financial support is also provided to a large family at the regional level. Moreover, in some subjects it exceeds the amount of assistance from the federal budget.

Compensation for the birth of children

In almost every region of Russia, one-time compensation payments are due for the birth of a child.

  • In Moscow, 14,500 rubles are due for the 2nd and all subsequent children. For triplets or triple adoption, 50,000 rubles are paid. In addition, Luzhkov's payments for young families (up to 30 years old) operate in the capital, under which a large family is entitled to 10 living wages for the 3rd and each of subsequent children. For the 1st quarter of 2020, this amount is 161,600 rubles.
  • In the Moscow region, starting from the 3rd child, 30,000 rubles are paid. If twins are born - 70,000 rubles, and if triplets - 150,000 rubles.
  • In St. Petersburg, 47,096 rubles are due for the 3rd and all subsequent children.
  • In Veliky Novgorod, for the birth or adoption of two children at once, a one-time payment is made - 200 thousand rubles, and when three new members appear in the family at once - 1 million rubles.


Regional compensations are provided only if you have a local residence permit. In some subjects it must be permanent (Moscow), in others temporary registration is allowed (St. Petersburg). The amount and terms of payment of compensation can be found in the local social authority. protection.

Maternal capital

In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local maternity capital or its equivalent has been approved.

  • In St. Petersburg, a certificate in the amount of 140,216.97 rubles is issued to a family in which a third child was born.
  • The local authorities help the families of Tatarstan to pay off the mortgage. A payment of 200,000 rubles is due for the birth of any child in the order.
  • In Bashkiria, maternity capital is issued only for adopted children. Its base amount is 453,026 rubles, but if the ward has a disability, its value rises to 553,026 rubles.
  • In the Novgorod region, a family with three children is given money to build or buy a home in the amount of 200,000 rubles.

Like the federal payment, regional capital can be spent only for a strictly designated purpose - to improve housing, study and treat children.

Other benefits and compensations

For each minor member of a large family, a standard child allowance. Its size is determined at the regional level. For example, in Moscow it is 1500 rubles per month. An increased allowance can be paid for children from single-parent families, including those in which fathers evade alimony, as well as for families of military personnel.

The regions were recommended to establish an allowance for the 3rd child (subsequent), which should be paid to them until the age of three. This recommendation was followed by the majority of subjects of the Russian Federation, establishing benefits:

  • 9665 rubles - in the Krasnodar Territory;
  • 7268 rubles - in the Volgograd region;
  • 10325 rubles - in the Astrakhan region, etc.

In some regions, mothers with many children receive separate benefits. In Moscow, women who have given birth to 10 or more children are entitled to a pension supplement of 10,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, under similar conditions, 2826 rubles are paid extra.

Children from large families are entitled to compensation for the purchase of school supplies. They pay it before the Day of Knowledge. For example, in Moscow the amount of compensation is 15,000 rubles for a family plus 5,000 rubles for each student to buy a school uniform.

Families with children can also count on other regional social payments:

  1. monthly compensation for the increase in the cost of food products;
  2. payments due to an increase in the cost of living;
  3. compensation for the purchase of children's goods;
  4. reimbursement of utility bills;
  5. reimbursement of expenses for the use of a city telephone;
  6. Family Day payments, etc.

In addition to financial support, families with children are provided with natural help. It can be expressed as follows:

  • provision of baby food;
  • vouchers to sanatoriums and children's holiday camps;
  • free admission to museums, zoos and other municipal places of culture and recreation;
  • sale at a reduced price of tickets to the circus and theater;
  • social tickets;
  • free parking spaces, etc.

The policies of the regions can vary greatly, but in none of them do families with children go unnoticed. You can get up-to-date information for your area in the city administration and territorial bodies of social services. protection.

The state program of demographic development, which was adopted in Russian Federation in 2006 to increase the population, proved to be effective. Today, many Russian families are raising three or more children. So that parents can provide each of their children with everything necessary and provide them with opportunities for development, they are provided with state support. Families with many children in 2018 will retain all the benefits that were previously provided. At the same time, the amount of payments is planned to be increased.

Types of benefits

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of 05.05.1992, local authorities independently determine which families in their region belong to large families. In most subjects of the Russian Federation, assistance is provided to families with 3 or more children. The exemption continues until the eldest is 18 years old. In some regions, the benefit document is extended until the oldest child reaches the age of 23 if he is studying at an educational institution (full-time education). At the federal level, the following benefits apply to families with many children:

  1. Reducing by 30% the amount of charges for the provided utilities.
  2. Free delivery of medicines for babies under 6 years of age (according to a pediatrician's prescription).
  3. Priority enrollment of children in kindergartens.
  4. Subsidizing meals in preschool, general education and vocational schools.
  5. Free provision of school kits and sportswear during the entire period of schooling.
  6. Free admission to exhibitions, concert halls, theaters, circuses, zoos and other cultural places once a month.
  7. Use of public transport (except taxis) and suburban transport without payment (for schoolchildren). The accompanying parent is eligible for free travel.
  8. Parents are given the opportunity to take extraordinary leave (2 weeks a year without pay).
  9. Federal Law No. 173-FZ dated December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides mothers who have raised 5 or more children with the right to early retirement at age 50, subject to availability seniority(15 years). Women who raised 10 or more heirs are additionally assigned monthly assistance.
  10. mother of many children receives pension points. All maternity periods (no more than 4.5 years in total) are counted in the insurance period.
  11. Spouses can enjoy additional days off. At the same time, in working week must be at least 40 working hours.
  12. Parents are given the opportunity to get an education or acquire a demanded specialty free of charge.
  13. Father and mother are assisted in finding temporary or remote work.
  14. Families who plan to start a farm or business are eligible for government assistance. Spouses receive a discount on land tax, rent and payment of the registration fee.
  15. Spouses with many children can receive all types of state assistance provided for by Federal Law No. 81-FZ for families with children.

The amount of the allowance for babies up to 1.5 years old is tied to the mother's salary. Its size is 40% of the amount of average earnings. There is a lower and upper bound on the sum. From February 1, 2018, benefits to large families will be indexed by a factor of 1.032 (they will increase by 3.2%). This is provided for by law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016. In 2018, the amount of assistance to parents with many children should not be lower than 6327.57 rubles and more than 26116.52 rubles.

What will be the changes in 2018

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 487 dated October 18, 2017, in 2018 a new criterion for selecting subjects of the Russian Federation to participate in the program to stimulate the birth rate is used. After the TFR was increased to 2, the number of participants increased to 60.

Large families will also be supported in Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, North Ossetia-Alania, Astrakhan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and in Perm region.

In 2018, the state will provide new benefits for spouses with many children. In accordance with the Decree No. 1711 of December 30, 2017, families with many children will have the opportunity to obtain a mortgage at 6% per annum. The state will compensate for the difference between the preferential interest and the weighted average rate on the housing loan market for 5 years after the birth of a third or subsequent child.

Financing to compensate financial and credit institutions in Russia for lost profits on issued housing loans issued to borrowers with many children will be provided from the federal budget. If the family has previously issued a mortgage, it can refinance it on a preferential basis.

After the expiration of the grace period, the mortgage rate will be increased. It will be 2% more than the key rate of the Central Bank (not higher). To take advantage of the preferential program, a family must take out a loan in the amount of no more than 3 million rubles (for Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - 8 million rubles). In this case, the amount of the first installment must be 20% or higher.

According to Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017, the maternity capital program has been extended until 2021. At the same time, new possibilities have appeared for using the amount provided for by the certificate. low-income families, who in 2018 will have 2 or more babies at the same time (the second and subsequent ones), will be able to receive part of the mother's capital in cash. The amounts will be paid to parents with many children every month.

Right to monthly payments Families in which the income per person is less than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum receive funds from the mother's capital. As the money of maternity capital is paid, its total size will decrease.

Parents will be able to direct maternity capital money to preschool education, supervision and care of the baby up to 3 years. Having the opportunity to arrange a baby in a nursery (from 2 months), the mother will be able to go to work or continue her studies. The amount of maternity capital in 2018 will remain the same, since indexation does not apply to it. It will amount to 453,026 rubles. Spouses will receive a certificate for mother capital if it has not been issued to them before.

Benefits and allowances for large families in Moscow

In Russia, regional authorities have the right to provide citizens with additional benefits if they have the means to do so. Moscow is a financially prosperous region of the country. Therefore, families with many children living in Moscow receive good assistance.

So, children from such families up to 7 years old will be released children food without payment. The provision of free medicines is provided for children up to the age of 18. The basis for receiving assistance is the conclusion of a pediatrician from a state medical institution. Schoolchildren are entitled to free meals in general education schools 2 times a day. They can attend circles in state institutions without paying for them.

Monthly child allowances for large families in Moscow in 2018 will increase by 2-6 times. They will be paid for each child until he turns 18 years old. The basic amount of the allowance will be: for babies from 0 to 3 years old - 10,000 rubles, from 3 to 18 years old - 4,000 rubles. If an increased allowance is assigned, the spouses will receive 15,000 or 6,000 rubles, respectively.

In 2018, large families will be subsidized due to an increase in food prices (675 rubles per child under 3 years old). Citizens living in Moscow are entitled to payments in the amount of 1044 rubles (with 3-4 children) or 2088 rubles (with 5 or more) to compensate for the amount of charges for utilities, as well as assistance in the amount of 250 rubles for paying for the use of a home telephone.

For each child from a large family, social payments are provided in the amount of 1,200 rubles (in a family with 3-4 children) or 1,500 rubles (in a family with 5 or more children) to reduce the impact of inflation on living standards. Schoolchildren can use city (except taxi) and suburban transport in the Moscow region for free.

Citizens with 5 or more children will be able to use monthly assistance from the city budget in the amount of 1,800 rubles to purchase children's things. Families with more than 10 children will receive an additional 1,500 rubles.

The Moscow Government grants children from large families the right to visit the zoo free of charge, pay reduced prices for tickets to museums, cultural and entertainment centers, exhibitions and sports competitions in institutions run by the Moscow Government. Once a month, students can attend any event for free.

Regional payments

In the Vologda Oblast for large families in 2018, additional regional benefits are provided. Low-income parents are entitled to receive a monthly payment for 3 and subsequent babies in the amount of 10,613 rubles. Additionally, one-time assistance from the state will be allocated. Its size depends on the number of children in the family. Mothers with many children who raised 10 or more babies under 3 years old will receive 500 rubles a month. In Cherepovets, the payouts will be slightly higher, since a different coefficient is used there.

Families with many children from the Krasnodar Territory will continue to receive benefits in 2018. After the birth of the third child and subsequent parents for 3 years, 9665 rubles will be paid monthly. For everyone minor child per year will be allocated from the local budget 4552 rubles.

In Bashkiria, the allowance for families with many children will be 3,000 rubles in 2018. It will be paid on 3, 4, etc. child until he is 3 years old. The allowance will begin to be paid when the baby turns 1.5 years old. Families with 4 children will receive assistance in the amount of 1,500 rubles every month. Parents with 5 or more children will receive 2,000 rubles. Regional support in the Republic of Bashkortostan is low, as there is a high birth rate and positive population growth.

Benefits for large families in Tatarstan will be provided in the amount stipulated by federal laws. Low-income parents will additionally receive a monthly allowance (4,908 rubles) and a compensatory allowance (600-750 rubles) for each child under 16 years old. Babies under 3 years of age will receive free baby food on a pediatrician's prescription.

In the Perm Territory, benefits are provided for low-income families with many children. An amount of 321.29 rubles is allocated for each student aged 7-23. The regional authorities provide compensation of 246.75 rubles for utility bills. At the birth of 3 or more children at the same time, parents with many children are paid a one-time allowance for each child in the amount of 4618.45 rubles.

The Middle Urals are distinguished by good birth rates. Although the allowance for the third and subsequent children is not mandatory for this region, it is paid. In Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region, a large family will receive monthly payments in the amount of 10,207 rubles in 2018 until the baby is 3 years old. To monthly benefits regional rates apply.

large families in Rostov region during the year they will receive monthly payments in the amount of 8013 rubles for the third and subsequent children. Low-income parents with 8 or more children living in the Rostov region for at least 5 years will be provided with a minibus.

Families with many children in Samara will have benefits for utility bills (23%) and kindergarten(70%) throughout 2018. After the birth of 3 and all subsequent children, low-income spouses will receive monthly assistance in the amount of 9121 rubles.

State provision of land and housing

In 2018, large families are entitled to benefits for housing. Parents who want to increase their living space must register with the local authorities. According to Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, low-income parents with many children who do not own housing or have insufficient living space have the right to preferential housing. Each region has its own area norms per person. Spouses living in a dilapidated house can get housing.

Registered families with many children may be allocated living space under a social tenancy agreement or for free use. Parents can receive a subsidy for housing or buy it on credit for up to 30-35 years. Local authorities can provide parents with many children with a temporary place to live. The contract for the temporary provision of housing is drawn up for 5 years. It is regularly renegotiated until the youngest member of the family reaches the age of 16.

Mothers and fathers of many children are allocated free land plots with the right to transfer them into ownership. The order of distribution of land allotments is determined by local authorities. The area of ​​the allocated site fluctuates within 6-15 acres. In some regions, instead of a free piece of land, local authorities can give the family monetary compensation.

The procedure for applying for benefits

In order for a large family to receive state material assistance in 2018, it must issue a preferential document. Immediately after the birth of the 3rd child, parents must contact the regional department of the Department of Social Protection of the Population with an appropriate application. All benefits will be provided to a large family only after the issuance of a certificate. Parents must also submit:

  1. Passports of spouses and children who are 14 years old.
  2. A 3x4 photograph of both parents.
  3. Birth certificates (all children).
  4. Documents on the establishment of paternity, the transfer of the child to foster family, on adoption and guardianship (if any).
  5. Marriage Certificate or Divorce Certificate.
  6. Certificate from the educational institution stating that the son (daughter) is a full-time student (for regions where benefits are provided to students under 23 years old).
  7. Extract from the house book. It must include all family members living in the same living space.
  8. The agreement of the spouses on the establishment of the place of residence of the child (for divorced parents).

Documents can be submitted through the multifunctional center (“one stop shop”). Parents or legal representatives of children who have registered the marriage can apply. You can receive the document in 2 weeks.

The Russian Federation is a socially oriented state, therefore it provides active multi-level support to families with large quantity children. This approach has already yielded results: statistics show that the number of people who decide to have a third or more child has increased significantly in recent years. Benefits and payments provided for such families will also be valid throughout 2018.

This information is useful not only for those who are already counting on state support, but also for citizens who are still making a decision about a third child.

The federal formulation of the status of large families implies the presence of three or more minor members in one family. In different regions, this approach may differ, since there are nationalities in which the presence of a large number of children is common.

What criteria regarding children allow them to be considered dependents:

  • under 18 years of age (before the age of majority);
  • age up to 23 years on condition of studying at a hospital or passing military service in the ranks of the Army.

Children can be both relatives by blood, and adopted or adopted.

Large families come into force only when the parent permanently resides and brings up children. That is, after a divorce with a separate residence, a father who gave birth to a third baby with a new wife cannot claim the status of having many children.

In the month when only two minors remain, and the third becomes an adult citizen, the status of having many children is automatically canceled.

Various types of assistance

Raising a large number of children is difficult not only from a physical and moral point of view, but also from a material point of view. In order to reduce high tensions and provide parents with the necessary minimum for raising children in comfortable conditions, a number of measures are envisaged to assist:

  • allowances;
  • financial and in-kind assistance;
  • grants;
  • social projects;
  • benefits, etc.


This assistance is aimed at facilitating the preparation of students for learning process. The amount of assistance depends on the class in which the child goes:

  • the state allocates 7.5 thousand rubles to first-graders one-time. (most often this amount is transferred in the first half of September upon the start of training);
  • for older students, assistance is 5 thousand rubles. in year.

There is an upper limit on the size of this child subsidy for large families: in total it should not exceed more than 15 thousand rubles.

One-time allowances

Despite the fact that such payments are not permanent, they can significantly help low-income families with many children. The amount of such a financial supplement depends on the region of residence, since it is calculated based on the regional subsistence level. If the average income for each family member is below the established level, then parents will be able to receive a one-time allowance for the poor.

monthly help

Such periodic payments are also tied to the living wage. If a large family is considered poor, then monthly assistance from the state will be transferred to it until the offspring reaches the age of 16 or graduates from school if they finish it at 17 or 18 years old.

Financial assistance is also provided until the baby reaches 1.5 years. For the first-born, it will be 3.065 thousand, and for the next babies - 6.131 thousand. One of the parents under this article can receive no more than 23.089 thousand monthly.

For military personnel, such monthly assistance is 10.5 thousand rubles.

For parents whose children are 1.5 years old and before the age of 3 years, they are supposed to receive about 1,700 rubles. for child care.


Such benefits are of a one-time nature and are assigned in the following cases:

  • Reaching the age of eight of six of the children, on the basis of which they issue the Order of Parental Glory - 100,000 rubles.
  • If such an order was received by a single parent with many children, he is also paid a subsidy in the amount of 25,000 rubles.
  • Receiving the order "Mother Heroine" or "Father Hero" - 15,000 rubles.

All types of the above incentives can be issued simultaneously.

social benefits

Based on the status of having many children, parents can receive the following payments:

  • compensation for an increase in the standard of living - 600 rubles. (if there are more than 5 minors - 750 rubles);
  • assistance for the purchase of children's goods - 900 rubles. (if there are more than 5 minors);
  • compensation for the purchase of foodstuffs - 675 rubles;
  • assistance for compensation of housing and household expenses - 530 rubles (if there are more than 5 minors - 1060 rubles);
  • to pay for telephone communications - 230 rubles;
  • for families with 10 or more children - 250 rubles.

Social programs

Such programs do not provide for cash payments, but help large families to reduce material costs.

Social programs include:

  • compensation of a third of the cost of heating for dwellings not connected to the central heating system, in the case of 10 or more children - compensation of half;
  • payment for housing under the condition of living in public housing - 50%;
  • discount for garbage collection - 50%:
  • issuance of medicines by prescription of a pediatrician or narrow specialists for preschoolers;
  • free travel to public transport;
  • allowance for waiting in line for nurseries and kindergartens;
  • free meals in preschool and educational institutions;
  • providing an opportunity to attend free of charge extracurricular developmental circles, sections, etc.;
  • free access to cultural events (monthly);
  • the priority of obtaining land plots;
  • issuance of an interest-free loan for agricultural activities;
  • state duty exemption for individual entrepreneurship.

In addition, parents with many children have the right to apply for preferential conditions for state mortgage lending.

tax incentives

Over the past years, the state has expanded benefits and allowances for large families. At the moment, the income tax paid by citizens is 13%. For large families, it is different:

  • for families with 3 or 4 minors - 7% of the total tax withheld;
  • for parents with more than 5 children - 5%;
  • for parents who have more than 5 minors in the family, the tax payment is canceled.

Tax incentives also apply to the transport tax on the following types of vehicles:

  • cars;
  • motorcycles;
  • privatized vehicles for transporting people.

Families with many children pay a preferential tax on a land plot or temporarily do not pay it, and they can also be individually granted a tax deferral without charging penalties for a specified period.

Additional benefits

In addition to all of the above, there are also such one-time incentives as assistance for Mother's Day (7.0 thousand) and compensation for obtaining pension benefits (8.5 thousand). The state also provides such families with gifts for the New Year holidays.

State programs provide early exit retirement of a mother in a large family. In the event that the mother raised 10 or more citizens of Russia, then 10 thousand rubles are added to the pension every month.

For working parents with many children raising 3 or more dependents, according to labor code allocated the right to additional leave, which must be granted by the employer in the summer.

How to issue

For parents with many children who are officially employed, payments up to 3 years are transferred by the employer. To do this, the parent must provide a birth certificate for the children and write an appropriate application. If the parents were not employed, then in order to accrue assistance, they need to contact the Social Insurance Fund.

In order to participate in other types of state support and various social programs, you need to notify the social security authorities. You need to submit the following list of documents:

  • passports of adult family members;
  • birth certificates;
  • a document on non-receipt of state assistance to the second parents;
  • bank account details;
  • statement.

The social security authorities will indicate an additional list of documents for obtaining the status of large families, if required.

After providing all the data, they are considered and after 10 days, in case of a positive result, the corresponding transfers begin.

Helping families with many children facilitates the upbringing and provision of each child with everything necessary, from food to cultural development. The state is trying to the maximum to improve the financial situation of such families and provide an opportunity for parents to raise full members of society.



Families with many children in the capital receive various support from both the government and the city administration. To qualify, you must meet certain criteria.

What benefits and allowances are provided to large families in 2020 in Moscow

Families with many children in Moscow are provided with benefits and allowances of a very different nature. But to be able to get them, you need to have complete information.

State assistance to large families in Moscow: what is due

In 2020, social the sphere in Moscow is allocated about 430 billion rubles. This amount is higher than allocated for other purposes. Compared to the previous year, payments increased by approximately 2 times. Such a decision was caused by the desire to provide effective support to large families due to the rise in the cost of living.

Who can receive benefits in the Moscow region and Moscow

Preferences are intended for families with many children. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no definition of such a family at the state level. Therefore, in different regions, their own indicators of having many children are set. There are areas where this status is assigned only if there are four or more children who are brought up in a family. However, in most of them, including in the capital and the Moscow Region, a family with three or more children is considered to have many children.

They must not all be sixteen, or sixteen to eighteen if the children are still in school. It does not matter whether they were born in a family, whether they were adopted or are under guardianship or care.

In the bodies of social protection, parents must obtain a special certificate. It is the basis that gives the right to grant benefits. Until recently, the family lost the status of having many children when the eldest child turned eighteen years old. Today, however, parents can continue to enjoy all the benefits until the youngest child turns eighteen.

To be able to use the established concessions, you must meet the following requirements:

What benefits are provided in 2020 in the Moscow region and Moscow

Most of the benefits by the beginning of 2020 were doubled. By frequency they are:

  • monthly;
  • annual;
  • lump sum.

Monthly payments in 2020

Every month, families with many children receive 1.2 thousand rubles each, if they raise three or four children, 1.5 thousand rubles each. - if there are five or more of them, 1.8 thousand rubles. - if the kids are 5 or more and the compensation includes the purchase of things.

Additional support in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. provided to families with ten or more children.

A mother who has given birth to ten or more babies receives a pension of 20,000 rubles.

Measures of social assistance in the Moscow region

Moscow families with the corresponding status receive compensation for the use of communal services in the amount of 1,044 rubles if the family has three and four children, or 2,088 rubles if the family has five or more children.

Every month they receive compensation of 250 rubles. for using a landline telephone.

A cash allowance of 10 thousand rubles is provided for the purchase of clothes every year.

What are the privileges and benefits in the suburbs, if 3 children

In addition to the above benefits, they are given the opportunity to enjoy a number of preferences. These include:

  • free ride on public transport (this is the right of both children and parents);
  • receiving free medicines up to the age of eighteen, and dairy products - up to seven years;
  • registration of kids in kindergarten on an extraordinary basis;
  • free admission to the kindergarten;
  • free parking in the capital.

In addition, the right is given once a month to go to the bathhouse for free, visit a museum, exhibition or zoo located within the city.

For one certificate of a parent with many children, you can get 2 tickets to the Bolshoi Theater when submitting a preliminary application.

Also, for one vehicle, the parent is exempt from transport tax.

Benefits in 2020: detailed table

The allowances envisaged are conveniently expressed in the following table.

View Size in rubles
Compensation (one-time) for birth or adoption expenses 5 500 (for 1st baby)

14 500 (for the 2nd and subsequent)

Payment (one-time) for the birth of three or more children 50 000
Benefit (one-time) if parents are under thirty years of age 5 living wages - for 1 baby

7 - for 2 babies

10 - for 3 and subsequent children

Indigent for children under the age of majority 4,000 - from 3 to 18 years

10,000 - from 0 to 3 years

For the purchase of children's products (up to three years old) 675
For expenses due to an increase in the cost of living (up to sixteen and up to eighteen years) 1,200 (where there are three or four children)

1,500 (where there are five or more children)

In a family with ten or more children, for each child up to sixteen (twenty three) years old 1 500
For utility services 1044 (with three or four children)

2088 (where there are five or more children)

For the use of a fixed telephone 250
If a family has five or more children, for the purchase of children's goods 1 800
If a family brings up ten or more children, where the youngest is less than eighteen years old to buy children's goods 1 800
If a woman has given birth to ten or more children, she is granted a pension 20 000
To buy clothes (per child) 10 000
To international day families May 15 20 000
By the first of September 30 000
at a time
Payment to parents awarded with the badge “Parental Glory of the Mountains. Moscow" 125 000

When they can refuse

Assistance may be denied for a variety of reasons. It depends on the terms of the preference. If the family does not meet the stipulated conditions, it will receive a reasoned refusal from the authorized bodies.

The same can happen if an incomplete package of documents was provided during registration or the information they contain turned out to be incorrect. Then parents can correct the mistakes and resubmit the documents.

If the refusal, in the opinion of the applicants, is illegal, it is recommended to seek legal advice. Experienced lawyers will tell you whether it is possible in a particular case to count on the help of city authorities.

As can be seen from the above, support for large families in the capital, and in many respects also in the Moscow Region, is one of the most effective in the country. At the same time, the list of benefits and allowances provided, as well as their size, increases every year.

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Raising children is now difficult and expensive, especially if there are many of them. Therefore, the state is taking a number of measures to support families raising several children. They are given preferences at various levels: federal and regional. Legislation is constantly changing. Let's consider what benefits for large families in 2020 can be counted on in various subjects of the federation.

The legislative framework

The main document on which the legislator relies when working with cells of society in which many children are brought up is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated 05.05.1992 “On measures for social support of large families”. The latest changes were made on February 25, 2003. This document instructs regional legislative assemblies to establish the status of families that will be considered large families. That is, he himself does not contain criteria. In federal law, there is no concept of a large family at all.

Currently, in most regions, a family is recognized as "large" if it contains at least three native (adopted) minor children.

The family retains the status until the eldest child reaches the age of 24, if he is in training (full-time).

Status confirmation

In order for the payments to be assigned, the family needs to confirm their status and receive the appropriate document - a certificate. Payments to large families in 2020 are accrued on the basis of, among other things, certificates. Its sample is being developed by the regions. But the order of receipt is not much different. To secure the status, you need to contact the local department of social support for the population.

You should have the following documents with you (originals and copies):

  • parents' passports, including a copy of the registration page;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificates for all family members proving the fact of their registration in the region;
  • certificate of paternity (if any);
  • for young people who have crossed the 16-year threshold, a certificate from the educational institution is required;
  • when children from previous marriages are brought up in a family, certificates are additionally provided:
    • about marriage;
    • about divorce;
    • about the death of one of the parents;
    • court decision on recognition as missing;
    • about deprivation parental rights and other.
  • Photos of both parents 3×4.

Adoptive parents provide a court decision on adoption. If one of the three children in a family is under guardianship, such a family will not be a large family.

Other documents may be required, the list of which is approved by the regional authorities. A complete list of documents should be obtained from the territorial department of social security or the MFC.

Why do you need a certificate

This document confirms the right of the family to a number of benefits established by the regional authorities. It is usually valid for one year. The expiration date of his term of office is indicated in the document itself. After it occurs, you need to go through the registration procedure again.

The certificate is extended until there are less than three minor children in the family. That is, senior

  • will celebrate the 18th anniversary;
  • complete the education process or reach the age of 24;
  • parents are deprived of parental rights in relation to at least one of the children.
The rule limits the student's age to 24 years. That is, if a young man further studies, then the status is still lost by the family.

Federal level support

State assistance applies to all parents. They are guaranteed the following benefits:

  1. One-time birth allowance in the amount of 17,479.73 rubles.
  2. Monthly payment for child care up to 1.5 years:
    • for the first - in the amount of 3,277.45 rubles;
    • for the second and subsequent - 6,554.89 rubles. The maximum allowance should not exceed 26,152.27 rubles. Military wives are entitled to an additional amount of 11,863.27 rubles.
  3. Maternity capital, if it was not used with the second child.
  4. At the moment, the Government of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, is developing a bill according to which families in which a third or subsequent baby was born in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2021 will be allocated 450,000 rubles to repay a mortgage loan. This assistance will only be provided once.
Other payments are established by regional governments. Their dimensions should be viewed on the relevant portals or in the local administration.

Monthly payments from the state

To support the standard of living of large families, many regions have approved in the amount of PM.

In 2019, the amount of PM in the country was 10,444 rubles. Such a measure of support is paid regardless of the amount of child care benefits a woman receives from social security or an employer. At the moment, such an allowance is guaranteed by 97 subjects of the country, and new regions are connected to the project every year.

If the family is recognized as poor, then payments are due for each minor. Their size depends on the district coefficient, respectively, the amount of payment is determined by each region separately.

For the appointment of both types of benefits, you need to contact the territorial department of social protection or the MFC.

Maternal capital

This type of assistance is established by Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006. According to this document, the family receives a certificate for a certain amount for the birth of a second or subsequent children. That is, the rule applies to large families, including if, for example, at the birth of a second baby, the right to mother capital was not used.

The amount of maternity capital in 2020 is 453,026 rubles, its amount will be indexed. It should be issued at the local branch of the Pension Fund (PF) or the MFC. To do this, you must provide the birth certificates of all children and the passport of the parent - the applicant.

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In the event of a stillborn baby, a certificate is not provided. In addition, it can only be used for the following purposes:

  • improvement of living conditions (buying an apartment, building a house, repaying a mortgage, etc.;
  • payment for education;
  • mother's pension increase
  • acquisition of goods and services for adaptation and social integration into society of a disabled child
  • receiving a monthly cash payment for child care, in accordance with 418-FZ of December 28, 2017.

One-time cash payment to large families

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 dated May 7, 2012, individual regions were instructed to develop and implement a procedure for providing large families with monthly cash payments (UDV). It is charged for each child. The size of the EDV depends on the average subsistence minimum in the region. And the criterion for the development of these activities are the demographic situation and the birth rate.

The decree obliges to provide support in those subjects of the federation where the birth rate is low compared to the rest. In 2019, UDV is accrued in 62 regions of the Russian Federation. Families in which a third (and subsequent) baby appeared after 12/31/2012 until the child reaches 3 years old can receive it. From 2020 there will be 75 such regions.

Download for viewing and printing: EVD is provided only to families in need of support. The income per person in them must be lower than established by the region for the purpose of such a payment.

How to get EDV

In order for the money to begin to flow into the account, parents must contact the local department of social protection. The following documents should be submitted there:

  • information about family composition and income;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • copies of parents' passports.

Above are the basic documents. Social assistance specialists may also need other papers confirming the status of a needy family.

EDV is prescribed until the child reaches 3 years of age. It is equally eligible for:

  • biological parents;
  • adoptive parents;
  • guardians.

State awards

There is another kind of support. This is the awarding of parents with many children with badges of honor or state orders.

In addition to moral encouragement, some are accompanied by the payment of a certain, considerable amount.

The Order of Parental Glory is issued for seven children brought up at least until the seventh child reaches the age of 3. In the case of adoption of children, the period of their upbringing must be at least 5 years. In this case, the parents must be married, registered with the registry office.

It is important that at the time of the award, all children must be alive, and the family must healthy lifestyle life, be socially responsible, provide an appropriate level of care and complete and harmonious development children. The order is entitled to a payment of 100 thousand rubles. This amount is for the whole family.

Regional preferences for large families

In the subjects of the federation, governments are developing their measures to support large and low-income citizens. They differ in conditions, methods of payment of material assistance and others.

However, there general rules approach to solving this problem. They are:

  • support is provided to families who are not able to cope with the hardships of the present time on their own;
  • parents raising a large number of children are a socially responsible family that provides the necessary level of care and development of children;
  • regions issue targeted assistance, that is, the right to it should be documented.
Specific support measures should be obtained from the local administration. , department of social protection or MFC. They may change throughout the year, as work on improving the system of support for beneficiaries does not stop.

Accommodation allowances

In some regions, payments related to rising inflation have been approved. They compensate for the loss of income for people with small wages raising children.

According to regional regulations, families are guaranteed the following payments:

  1. To pay for housing and communal services (HCS). On average, it is 30% of the total bills. In some regions it can reach 50%, for example, in the Republic of Crimea.
  2. Compensatory payments to families with many children due to rising cost of living. They are issued for children under 16 (in some cases 18) years, provided that the young person receives an education. Charges depend on the standard of living in the region.
    • For example, in the capital in 2020, families with 3-4 children receive 1,200 rubles each, and if there are more than five children, then 1,500 rubles each.
  3. Payments to reimburse the cost of food growth are also compensatory. They are laid in some subjects of the federation for children under three years old. The amount of payments is 675 rubles.

In Moscow, additional support measures have been developed for families with ten or more children. They are:

  • by September 1, parents can receive 10,000 rubles. to prepare children for school;
  • for the international day of the family, a gift in the amount of 20,000 rubles is issued;
  • a mother who gave birth to 10 or more children and who receives a pension is assigned a monthly payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles.
All types of assistance are declarative in nature. They must be filed in the appropriate government agency.

Regional payments for a third child

In some subjects, where the birth rate is lame, their own programs for its stimulation have been adopted. In them, along with maternity capital, regional family capital is issued.

The pioneer in this area was the government of the Smolensk region. Since 2008, the region has established a payment for the birth of a second and subsequent children in the amount of 163.3 thousand rubles.

Similar events are also taking place in other regions of the Russian Federation. Please contact your local government office or social security office for information.

Help to get ready for school

Assistance is provided to two categories of students:

  • for first graders;
  • for students in grades 2-11.

To collect a first-grader for school, the state allocates assistance to a large family in the amount of 7,500 rubles. If the number of children in the family exceeds 10, then assistance is set in a fixed form - 10,000 rubles.

For schoolchildren of the next grades, 5,000 rubles are allocated to prepare for school.

Adoptive parents can also apply for help preparing children for school.

In the capital in 2020, 5 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes. If there are more than 10 small citizens in the family, then the amount increases to 10 thousand rubles.

The amount of the allowance does not depend on the actual number of students, the amount of assistance is determined by each region separately. The status of a large family is important.

St. Petersburg supports families with smaller payments for uniforms. The amount is only 1.5 thousand rubles. If the family is recognized as poor, then it is entitled to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Similar programs operate:

  • in Nizhny Novgorod: here 879 rubles are issued for each first-grader;
  • in the Chelyabinsk region - 15,000 rubles. planned to support low-income families from among low-income families with many children;
  • The Novosibirsk government issues 5 thousand rubles. for a first grader and 10 thousand rubles. for a freshman. All other students brought up in large (at least three children) families are entitled to 300 rubles.

Other support measures at the regional level

Various types of benefits are built into local programs. In 2020, they will be provided in such cases:

  • if the child is ill, then he is entitled to free medicines (usually up to 6 years);
  • purchase of school supplies at the expense of the budget;
  • discounts for vouchers to the camp and sanatorium for medical reasons;
  • payment for part of the journey to the place of health restoration;
  • material assistance in difficult living conditions;
  • provision of a land plot on preferential terms or free of charge.
Almost all regions provide large families with the right to preferential travel in public transport (except for taxis) and suburban trains and the right to free admission to theaters, museums, etc.

How to get regional support

Please contact your local branch for assistance. social protection population. You need to take with you all the documents confirming the category and issue a preferential certificate (the procedure is described above).

After receiving a certificate, a citizen should come to social security or the MFC and write applications, for example, before Knowledge Day or in other specific cases. Care must be taken to ensure that the official recognition of the status is not lost due to a delay in the re-issuance of documents.

During the registration of the status, all benefits provided to large families at the regional level should be written out, taking into account the appeal.

Last changes

Since 2018, the list of subjects of the Russian Federation receiving federal subsidies to provide regional social assistance to families with many children in need has been expanded. Now such assistance is provided to 60 regions instead of 50. The corresponding order of the Government of the Russian Federation has already been approved and published.

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