Counted a small pension sample statement. Where and how to check the correctness of the pension accrual: calculation features, accrual scheme and recommendations. An application to the Pension Fund for the provision of information on the length of service taken into account when assigning a pension, what amount

Upon reaching the appropriate age, becoming disabled and in other cases established by law, a citizen receives a certain remuneration from insurance, pension and other funds. In other words, retirement.

Are there any calculation errors?

Pensioners and the disabled belong to socially vulnerable categories of the population. The social security of such persons is guaranteed by the state. Recalculation and revision of pensions is a frequent phenomenon, while no one is immune from incorrect accrual.

Basically, such errors are associated with the human factor, but this is not the only reason. There may also be failures in the operation of the software with which the calculations are made. That is why the question arises as to whether it is possible to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

The pension that Russians receive after the recent reform consists of two parts: insurance and funded. Since this system is relatively new, not all of its features are clear, so sometimes there are doubts about the correctness of its calculation.

If a pensioner is not sure that the amount of his pension payments is determined correctly, he has the opportunity to demand adjustments if errors are found.

Where to check

First of all, you should figure out where to check the correctness of calculating the pension. If a pensioner has any doubts about whether he receives the correctly calculated amount, he will have to apply directly to the Pension Fund of Russia. The application should indicate a request to re-verify the correctness of the calculations of the amount of pension payments and submit it to the PFR branch, in accordance with the pensioner's registration address.

Within five days from the date when the application was accepted, where the citizen asks to check the correctness of the calculation of the old-age pension, the PFR employees are obliged to clarify whether the pension was calculated correctly and notify the applicant of the results of the check. If it turns out that the amount of payments was indeed calculated with errors, then, in accordance with applicable law, it will be adjusted automatically.

Brief instructions for verification

In addition to contacting the FIU, it is advisable to know how to check the correctness of calculating the pension yourself. To do this, you will need: a work book and a calculator, a certificate of the amount of monthly average earnings for 5 consecutive years, or for the period from the beginning to the end of the year.

Now it's time to do some math:

  1. First you need to find out the size of the seniority coefficient. 55% is taken as the basis. For women, this coefficient is set for seniority, equal to twenty years, for men - for 25 years of work. Every year, if a person continues to work further, the seniority coefficient increases by 1% (but not more than 20%).
  2. The average income for one month is calculated. This can be done by dividing the amount of income for five consecutive years by the number of months in five years (sixty).
  3. Information will be required on the average monthly salary established in the Russian Federation for the period that was accepted in the calculations in paragraph 2.
  4. The average salary in the Russian Federation, which was calculated in the third quarter of 2001 and approved by the government of the country as the basis for calculating pension payments, is 1,671 rubles.
  5. The ratio of the number obtained in paragraph 2 to the figure in paragraph 3 is calculated. If we are talking not about residents Far North, then you need to take into account the ratio of 1.2 or less.
  6. The estimated amount of payments will be: the length of service coefficient (from paragraph 1) multiplied by the number from paragraph 5 and by 1,671 from paragraph 4.
  7. The pension capital is calculated. For this, the following actions are performed:
    • 450 rubles must be subtracted from the value obtained in paragraph 6 (the basic part of the pension as of January 1, 2002);
    • what happened is multiplied by the estimated period during which the payment of old-age benefits is planned (for example, from January 1, 2010 it will be 192 months).
  8. The amount obtained in paragraph 7 must be indexed by multiplying by a multiplying factor corresponding to the year. It can be clarified, including on electronic portals, which contain information on how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension.
  9. The part of the benefit, which is called insurance, will be equal to the result of dividing pension capital for the indicative period during which the benefit will be paid.
  10. The result of dividing the total value of insurance premiums on the date of assignment of benefits for the same period that was used for the calculations in paragraph 9 is added.
  11. To the result obtained in paragraph 10, you need to add the amount of the basic payment from the insurance fund established by the government. This is the desired amount of pension.

By comparing the result of the calculations with the amount of the pension assigned in the Pension Fund, you can understand whether you should apply for recalculation. Having carefully studied the instructions on how to check the correctness of calculating the pension, you can independently find out if the PFR is right.

Payout by age

To understand how to check the correct calculation of a pension, it is important to know about all actual changes in this matter. Thus, the year 2015 is notable for the fact that from this date it is planned to gradually increase the minimum value of the total length of service that will be required to calculate the retirement benefit by age. Previously, it was five years. Starting from the date of the introduction of the changes, over the next ten years, 1 will be added every year, and by 2025 the minimum to be worked out will be equal to fifteen years.

If the total number of years worked for calculating the old-age pension is not enough, then it is possible to apply for appointment social pension. Starting in 2025, it will have to be paid to women over 60 and men over 65.

Hazard pension: useful information

The category of harmful, according to statistics, includes almost 50% of all enterprises whose work is related to industry. Early completion of work and access to a well-deserved rest are a kind of compensation for people who are constantly exposed to risks. That is why the question of how to check the correctness of calculating the harmfulness pension is relevant.

But first of all, you should find out which conditions are considered harmful or dangerous:

  • increased level of humidity;
  • low degree of illumination;
  • high degree of pollution environment(gases, dust, etc.);
  • increased noise level;
  • labor obligations associated with the use of or being in close proximity to harmful or toxic substances (for example, in the chemical industry).

Before checking the correctness of calculating a pension, it is important to know some of its features. In order to retire ahead of schedule, the total experience of the fairer sex must be at least twenty years, of which at least 10 years the potential pensioner must be a worker in hazardous production. For men, the minimum total length of service is 25 years, of which work in conditions deemed harmful must be twelve and a half years or more.

At the same time, two lists of harmful professions are distinguished. For representatives of professions that can be found in the list No. 1, retirement age come earlier by another five years.

List No. 1 is quite small, it includes people whose labor activity was directly related to underground work, work in hot shops or in production in harmful conditions.

List No. 2 is much broader, it includes: employees of educational and medical institutions, workers in the food and light industries, employed in mining and transport.

To apply for a harmfulness pension, it is enough to contact the PFR branch, which is located at the place of residence, with the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • a document confirming that a person worked in conditions that give the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest;
  • salary statement;
  • men will also need a military ID.

The basis for calculating pension payments will be: the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and the length of service. The provision of additional benefits, as well as the lists of hazardous industries, are reviewed and supplemented regularly.

It should be noted that the list of people eligible for early retirement now also includes people of art (for example, actors), as well as those who earned seniority at enterprises in the Far North.

A little about social benefits

To understand how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension, you should know that a pensioner can be accrued social supplement from the federal or regional budget.
For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • pensioner should not work;
  • the amount of the pension is less than the subsistence minimum established for the region where the pensioner lives.

At the same time, the amount of the additional payment and the actual pension is equal to the subsistence minimum.

If the latter in a certain region is higher than that established in general in the country, then a regional surcharge may be charged.

Instead of a conclusion

Pensioners are considered socially unprotected citizens. It can be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to live on their income. That is why, in case of any doubts, you should contact where you can check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

The form of the document "Application for the recalculation of the pension sample" refers to the heading "Application". Save a link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

To the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

from ______________________________


I, ___________________, ____ born on the basis of the work book was in labor activity from "___" ________ to the present.
According to the work book, the length of service is __ years.
I have been a pensioner since _____, I submitted an application to the Pension Fund No. __ to assign me a pension in the amount of _____ rubles __ kopecks.
According to Article 19 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173, labor pension (part labor pension old-age pension) is assigned from the day of applying for the specified pension (for the specified part of the old-age labor pension), but in all cases not earlier than from the day the right to the specified pension (the specified part of the old-age labor pension) arises.
The day of applying for a labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension) is considered the day of receipt by the body exercising pension provision, the corresponding application with all necessary documents. If the specified application is sent by mail and all the necessary documents are attached to it, then the day of applying for a labor pension (part of the old-age labor pension) is the date indicated on the postmark of the federal postal organization at the place of sending this application.
I do not agree with the appointed amount of the pension, determined by the Pension Fund No. __ of the district of _____________.
The pension was assigned in the amount of _____ rubles __ kopecks.
I am currently working.
According to Article 18 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173, the appointment, recalculation of the amount and payment of labor pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are carried out by the body providing pensions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in Russian Federation", at the place of residence of the person who applied for a labor pension.

According to Article 20 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173, the recalculation of the size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) is carried out: from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the circumstances leading to a recalculation of the size of the labor pension in the direction of reduction; from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner's application for recalculating the size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) upwards was accepted.
The pensioner's application for the recalculation of the size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the old-age labor pension) is accepted subject to the simultaneous submission of the documents necessary for such recalculation, the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant.
The recalculation of the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension and the amount of the labor disability pension is carried out in the following order:
when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a higher amount of the insurance part of an old-age labor pension or a labor disability pension - from the date the federal institution of medical and social expertise makes the relevant decision;
when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a lower amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or disability labor pension - from the 1st day of the month following the month for which the previous disability group was established.
Recalculation of the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension in connection with the pensioner reaching the age of 80 years is made from the day the pensioner reaches the specified age. The pensioner's application for the recalculation of the size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the labor old-age pension) is considered no later than five days from the date of receipt of the said application with all the necessary documents, the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant. In case of refusal to satisfy this application, the body providing pensions, no later than five days from the date of the relevant decision, notifies the applicant of this, indicating the reason for the refusal and the procedure for appealing, and simultaneously returns all documents.
I undertake to immediately notify the body providing pensions of the occurrence of all circumstances that entail a change in the amount of the pension or the termination of its payment.
I agree to the recalculation of the amount of the pension in connection with the establishment of a higher disability group or reaching the age of 80 without submitting an additional application.
I am warned that in case of submission of false information affecting the amount of the pension, the guilty persons compensate the damage caused to the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

1. Consider my application in due course.
2. Recalculate the assigned pension for me as of ___________, taking the salary period from _________ to ___________ for calculation.

Notify me in writing of the results of the consideration of the application within the period established by law.
I ask you to send the answer to this application to the place of residence.

I ask you to transfer the pension due to me
to the current account No. __________________________

Sberbank of the Russian Federation No. _____ or through a branch
postal service No. _____________

I know that the payment of a pension by proxy is subject to annual confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of his registration at the place of receipt of the pension (Article 18, paragraph 6 of the Law “On Labor Pensions”, Article 24, paragraph 4 of the Law “On State Pension Provision”).

1.Copy of work book
2. Copy of certificate No. __ of __________ year
3. Copy of certificate No. __ of __________ year
4. Copy of certificate no. dated ___________ year
5. Copy of certificate no. dated ___________ year

«___»_____________ _________________

  • It's no secret that office work has a negative impact on both physical and mental health. mental state worker. There are quite a lot of facts confirming both.

  • At work, each person spends a significant part of his life, so it is very important not only what he does, but also who he has to communicate with.

In any system, errors are not ruled out; the main thing is to notice them in a timely manner and take all necessary measures. In this case, you will need to draw up a written application addressed to the head of the FIU, which indicates the requirements for clarification of the calculations made. Within a few weeks, a written response containing detailed information will be delivered to the sender. Thanks to this, it is enough to check the status of the account once a year, having gained confidence in the safety of your own funds. Separately, it should be noted that if the request sent to the pension fund is not satisfied in full, insured persons can always contact the regional office. If, after that, there are doubts about the correctness of payments, then you will need to contact. What rights do pensioners have in Ukraine? What can they expect when applying to the Pension.

Sample application to the pension fund for clarification of the calculation of the pension sample

You can also change your decision on the predestination of the successor in favor of another person at any time by submitting a new application to the Fund. An act on the personal appearance of a citizen (his legal representative) in order to continue the payment of a pension in the relevant period. The object of taxation of insurance premiums for payers of insurance premiums making payments and other remuneration to individuals Article 8.

Application to the pension fund for clarification of the calculation of the pension sample

  • appointment of an insurance pension,
  • assigning a share of the old-age insurance pension,
  • appointment funded pension.

The insurance part can be with the establishment of a fixed payment for age, disability or loss of a breadwinner. The features of the funded pension are also prescribed. If maternity capital was involved, there is investment income, this is indicated.

Application to the pension fund

According to clause 6 of the Rules for Calculation and Confirmation insurance experience for the establishment of a labor pension, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 555 dated July 24, 2002, the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book of an established form (hereinafter referred to as a work book), in the absence of a work book, as well as in the case when the work book contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records of individual periods of work, written labor contracts drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relations arise, labor books of collective farmers, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and statements for the issuance of wages.

You need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. Take with you SNILS, a pensioner's certificate and a passport.
Contact any operator and explain the situation. According to the law, employees of the Russian Pension Fund are required to provide you with reports in the form of paper documentation. This report will contain information about the calculation and accrual of your pension.

Sample application to the Pension Fund on the correct calculation of the pension

5. What, from November 1, 2011 (after the exclusion of codes from automatic regime programs) to the present, the amounts of monthly arrears on my pensions and other types of pension assignments, according to court decisions that have entered into force, are monthly accrued to me according to additional statements (indicate the difference between the amounts of my monthly pensions and other types pension appointments based on court decisions that have entered into force, recalculated in the "manual mode", and actually paid amounts of all these appointments for the period from November 1, 2011 to the present)?

Sample application to the pension fund for the provision of pension calculation

The state pension was appointed for old age 2. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. According to the amount of the pension, it was clear that this pension was paid up to 2. I wrote an application to the Pension Fund for providing me with a full calculation of the pension. They did not give a full calculation, but they provided explanatory note, where it says that from 2. PF came initially by setting me a state old-age pension with a regional coefficient of 1.5, if I worked in the oil and gas industry and a coefficient of 1.7 was applied to wages and at the same time, state employees received a pension from considering the same factor.

Sample application to the pension fund for the provision of pension calculation

  • passport and a photocopy of all pages of this document;
  • work book and a photocopy of all its pages;
  • military ID and its photocopy;
  • an application written in the prescribed form on the letterhead of the pension fund;
  • information about the payment document where the money will be credited;
  • certificate from the place of work, which will indicate the amount of average monthly earnings;
  • documents confirming the place of residence;
  • certificate stating that the citizen has a dependent minor child(you may also need a birth certificate of the child, the insurance certificate of the child and a certificate from his place of study);
  • in case of change of surname, documents confirming this fact;
  • other documents requested by the pension fund specialist.

Application for an old-age pension: structure and general guidelines for filling out

According to the latter (art. In addition, insured persons (employees and pensioners) have the right to information about the status of their individual personal account in the system of individual (personalized) accounting in the Pension Fund. In accordance with the Federal Law of April 1, 1. This Law entered into force on January 1, 1. RF, and from January 1, 1. Russia. However, its phased implementation in the regions dragged on for several years, which explains the difference in the dates of registration of the insured with the FIU. An individual personal account in the system of individual (personalized) accounting contains information on earnings, length of service (including that acquired before the registration of a citizen in the system of personalized accounting), the amount of insurance premiums received from the employer (from which the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension are calculated) and additional income for funded part pensions, information on the estimated pension capital and its indexation, information on income from investing funds pension savings, on the assigned labor pension and indexation of its size.

Sample application to the pension fund for the provision of pension calculation

Application to the pension fund. The applicant received a notification of changes to the unified register of insured persons. From this notification, the applicant learned that the pension savings reflected in the special part of her individual personal account were transferred from the PFR to a non-state pension fund that provides mandatory pension insurance. According to the notification, the basis for the transfer of pension savings from the PFR to a non-state pension fund was the applicant's application and the agreement on compulsory pension insurance. It should be noted that the applicant did not personally submit any applications for transfer to the PFRF, did not otherwise send, did not sign the contract. The applicant believes that her pension savings were unlawfully transferred to a non-state pension fund. The applicant asks to provide her with a copy of the application and a copy of the agreement on compulsory pension insurance. As soon as possible, transfer the funds of pension savings transferred illegally to the NPF to the pension fund of the Russian Federation to the individual personal account of the applicant.

Application to the pension fund management sample

After reviewing the documents, the employee of the pension fund verbally declares that such and such periods are not subject to inclusion in the length of service, there is no right to a pension, and sends the stunned applicant home. She resigned and submitted the application for recalculation of the pension to the pension fund 20. Recalculation of the amount of the pension can be carried out in connection with the submission by the pensioner of new documents (for example, confirming. Not later than 5 working days from the date of filing the electric application, the pensioner must submit to the territorial body of the PFR that pays pensions required.I agree to the implementation of the recalculation of the amount of the pension in connection with.He has submitted an application to the pension fund for the predestination of the pension.

Forms and application forms - pfrf en

In order to achieve an increase in the pension through the courts, you need to draw up statement of claim to the court for the recalculation of pensions. It is necessary to carefully write such a document on the recalculation of the amount of the pension. Completed sample, application form on the recalculation of pensions will help not to make mistakes. All columns of the form should be filled in as indicated in the sample, otherwise it will not be accepted for registration in the court office.

How to write an application for recalculation of a pension: sample, submission

  • all required items must be filled in it;
  • the application must be written in clear handwriting;
  • there should be no strikethroughs, corrections and significant blots;
  • the document must be filled out personally by the pensioner himself, must be signed by him, or by an official representative with a power of attorney.

Sample application to the FIU for the appointment of an old-age pension in 2020 and the procedure for filling it out

It often happens that the citizens of the country need to have a special document with them, which indicates the amount of the pension. It is issued, or rather a certificate, by the employees of the fund, if the citizen submits in advance to government agency application in a special format.

Where can I get a certificate from the Pension Fund indicating the amount of the pension

The deadlines for filing a written or electronic application for the calculation of insurance payments at the legislative level are not established. There is only one restriction - before applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a pension, you need to make sure that there are at least 30 days left before retirement. If the package of documents is incomplete, the execution of the security may last for an indefinite period.

Applying to the Pension Fund for a pension

31 Aug 2018 9946

Application to the pension fund for the recalculation of pensions in 2018


After the appointment of a labor or any other pension, the citizen does not agree with its established size. He can challenge decision with the management of the PFR branch or write a corresponding application to the court and defend your position in it.


These procedures have nothing to do with recalculation pension payment by application. Pensions are awarded for various reasons:

  • in connection with obtaining a disability group;
  • old age;
  • on the loss of a breadwinner;
  • by seniority;
  • on other grounds.

The pension can be insurance, which is established only if there is a certain insurance period and social, due to everyone.

After the age of 60 for women and 65 for men, even those who have not worked a single day can apply for a social pension.

Application to the pension fund

Continue the dialogue Pay for the answer https:// No. 885n “On approval of the Rules for the payment of pensions, monitoring their payment, checking the documents necessary for their payment, accruing pension amounts for the current month in case of assigning a pension of another type or in case of assigning another pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, determination of overpaid pension amounts” 107. The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Part 9 of Article 21 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, has the right to verify the validity of the issuance of documents (information) necessary for the payment of a pension, and as well as the accuracy of the information they contain.

How can I get an explanation for calculating the pension?

The last option occurs when the pension is indexed, as well as when the recipient reaches the age of 80 years. In this case, no application is required. Usually, it is not required to write an application for recalculation taking into account changes in pension coefficients.


In other cases, you will have to write a mandatory application to the FIU and submit it in the prescribed manner. The standard period for recalculating a pension after submitting an application is 5 working days.

It begins to be counted from the date the PFR department receives a complete set of documents. If the applicant did not initially submit all necessary papers, then the period for recalculating the pension in 5 working days will begin to run from the moment the fund receives the last missing document.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, a decision is made to recalculate or refuse it. Appropriate changes are made to the internal documents of the PFR.

Forms and application forms

Rubtsovsky Industrial Institute Faculty of jurisprudence Specialty - lawyer Form of study - part-time Status - legal adviser September 22, 11:16 Good afternoon, thank you for your question. You should know that you have every right to know how and on what basis your pension is calculated.

To clarify this issue, firstly, you can write an application addressed to the head of the RF FIU Department with a request to give a detailed explanation about the calculation of your pension with links to the materials of your pension file and the legislation and send it by mail. Send your application by registered mail by Russian post or hand it in to the reception with a mandatory mark on your copy. The answer is given within a month. Upon receipt, you can take the law and a calculator and check.

How to find out what was calculated for me in the calculation of pensions in the PFR

Attached is:

  • manually completed application form,
  • the passport,
  • SNILS,
  • employment history,
  • a marriage certificate, a certificate of seniority and the latest payroll,
  • birth certificates of children
  • documents that affect the fact of increasing the pension.

When receiving a package of documents and an application to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a pension, the employee checks the correctness of the information provided, makes copies of official papers. The appeal is registered, and a receipt-notification is issued.

It contains the date of admission. If any documents are missing, they are indicated with the terms of their presentation. Application for the transfer of the funded part First, you need to choose the most suitable NPF in Russia. Consider the rating by profitability and the amount of funds raised.

How do I dispute my old age pension?

A sample of filling out the form For most people, when filling out their own application to the FIU for recalculating the amount of a pension, it is most convenient to focus on a ready-made sample. It can be downloaded here. But using a sample, you should not forget about the need to specify your data, and not information from the example.

List of Attached Documents When submitting an application in person, a passport of the applicant or his representative will be required. AT last case the documents must also be accompanied by a properly executed power of attorney.
Other documents are optional and their list may change in each situation. The main thing is to confirm with the help of the attached documents the existence of the necessary grounds for the recalculation.
It is not at all difficult to prepare an application for the recalculation of the amount of pension on your own.

Application to the pension fund for clarifications on the pension accrued to me

Pension fund for pension recalculation. The grounds for the recalculation of the pension payment may be: Moving to the countryside for permanent residence or, conversely, changing the place of residence to the city Acquisition of the right to early retirement due to the presence of the necessary work experience in the Far North Moving for permanent residence to the regions of the Far North and equated to change in the number of persons dependent on the recipient of the pension and change in the amount of pension coefficients Changes in the status of the recipient of the survivor's pension due to the death of the second parent Change in the disability group and the number of accumulated pension points What are the ways to make adjustments? statement of the pensioner or without it.
The specifics of how to write an application to the pension fund depends on the reason for the application. The general scheme is as follows: Header (upper right corner) The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, F.
I. O. volosnost. Statement The body contains data on the place of registration and residence, SNILS number, passport information. Reasons and grounds for the appeal After personal information, the reason for the appeal is indicated. It is desirable that there are references to legislative acts. Inventory of official papers List all documents that accompany the application. Date and signature The signature is put with a transcript Each application must contain complete information about the person and the purpose of his appeal.

How to submit an Application on paper, a pensioner or his representative can submit in person at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, through multifunctional centers or by sending all required documents by regular mail. Electronic application can be submitted on the single portal of the State Service or through Personal Area website of the Pension Fund.

The pensioner can choose the most convenient option for submitting an appeal on his own. Through the State Services Making an application through the State Services portal allows you to reduce the time spent.

The document is accepted and registered in full in in electronic format. Only if employees need to receive original documents that give grounds for recalculation, they will still have to visit the Fund's branch.

Even in the latter case, the time costs will be minimal, because all the data will be entered and verified in advance.
The recalculation of the amount of the pension is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner's application for the recalculation of the pension was accepted. If it turns out that the amount of the pension was calculated incorrectly, then the amount will be automatically corrected. In accordance with the current legislation, there are cases of revision and recalculation of the pension due to incorrect accrual. Such errors are associated primarily with the human factor (an error in the work book, certificate of employment, etc.). Order a lawyer's consultation Topics of a lawyer: Protection of consumer rights Family. Marriage. Children Donation Biography: Services provided: Legal consultations, paid consultations by agreement. Contacts: E-mail: Phones: 89293766529 Education: Educational institution Rubtsovsk.