Child allowance quarterly. Girls, and children who come about once a quarter. Monthly allowance for a child to a disabled parent

Girls, and children who come once a quarter about when they should come? I will receive for the first time. And then an incomprehensible amount fell on the card on the 28th and it doesn’t look like anything ...


And what is the amount?

Children once a quarter from 800 with something up to 1600, depending on what category you have (single mother, complete family, poor, military personnel)

It's just early for children on the 28th of November .... they should come in December

- @nestiaaa @nestiaaa 3800 with pennies there. Yes, up to a year and a half I get 7 with something on the 10th, and this is not it.

- @nestiaaa and I think it's too early....promised in December.

- @nestiaaa it's just that someone else here told me that for example, everything will be paid to my son for the entire period, not only for the last quarter. Or lied to?)))))

After registration, an incomprehensible amount also fell to me in 3 months for two ... and as I just didn’t try to read, that amount still doesn’t come out 🤷‍♀️ And in 6 months, it seems like this month should fall or next it’s not clear in general) )))

And about older children, I heard that if they didn’t apply before, then when applying for the last 6 months, they only pay

Which 800 with something, once a quarter they usually come on the 7th-9th

Now in December they will come to me for 3 months, I usually get it on the 5th. then only in March to wait, etc.

- @arrabesc, for half a year .. for example, you need to extend it in June ... if you extend it within six months, then everything will come in this time, if more time passes, then not all. Like so

- @arrabesc, but in general it looks like it came in 2 quarters?

Yes, it seems that in half a year both children received @nestiaaa

- @arrabesc, that's great)))

- @nestiaaa well, let's see if nothing else comes in December, then it's them))))

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The Crimean Ministry of Labor and Social Protection introduced a bill on the quarterly payment of a monthly child allowance. Consideration of the document in the first reading was approved today at a meeting of the Committee of the State Council of Crimea on labor, social protection, health care and veterans' affairs, informs

Presenting the bill, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic, Elena Romanovskaya, noted that, according to federal law, the monthly child allowance is paid every six months or quarterly. “We propose to pay our benefits quarterly,” the minister clarified and added that the amount of payments is 1.5-4.5 thousand rubles, depending on the privileged category.

For consideration in the first reading, the Ministry of Labor also submitted a bill to amend the law on the powers delegated to municipalities to provide preferential categories in terms of the formation of budget expenditures for these purposes, as well as amendments to the law on conferring the title "Veteran of Labor", necessary to take into account the length of service at one company or industry. Separately, the committee approved for consideration in the session hall draft laws on the accessibility of public services for the disabled and pension provision civil municipal employees.

Read also the latest news on child benefits, payments and benefits

    Tula families whose aged children stand in line at Kindergarten, but have not yet received a place, receive compensation.

    The Primorsky Territory Administration has established the procedure for additional payments for students with children and outstanding athletes.

    The cost of benefits for the first and second child after the increase in the payment period from one and a half to three years and the expansion of the criteria for the participation of families in the program will exceed 70 billion rubles. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin to journalists after a meeting on the implementation of the national project "Demography"...

    Additional expenditures of the federal budget in connection with the increase in the amount of child benefits and the extension of the period for their payment to three years amount to 150 billion rubles a year. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Labor and social protection Russian Federation Svetlana Petrova, reports TASS.

    Which families are considered poor in 2019 - this question can often be seen on the Web, since this category of citizens is entitled to additional payments from the state. Due to the fact that the economic situation in Russia in recent years has not been stable, families with low incomes ...

    The law, which allows needy families to receive monthly allowances for children until they reach three years old, was adopted by the State Duma in the third final reading. Previously, benefits were paid only up to one and a half years.

    In the Khabarovsk Territory, the process of assigning payments for the birth of children has been slightly simplified. So, families who have lived less than a year in the territory of the region can count on financial assistance. Adjustments to the procedure for providing support measures have already been made.

    Matkapital in Russia will become perpetual and indexed, which will allow it to become a support for young families not in words and papers, but in deeds.

    The number of families receiving payments will triple.

    The Ministry of Labor has calculated that an increase in the amount of child care allowance from one and a half to three years will require the allocation of 150 billion rubles from the budget annually.


The city of Moscow in terms of social support for families with children is one of the most successful regions of Russia. This is confirmed by the regular innovations that are introduced at the city level regarding the list and size social payments for children (there are so many benefits, and even in such amounts, they are not paid anymore in any other region of the country). Moreover, since 2018, child benefits in Moscow have also undergone a number of significant changes - many types of assistance for children in the capital have grown by 2-6 times at once. This is an unprecedented increase in child benefits for modern Russia, thanks to which regional benefits for Muscovites exceeded the size of many payments provided for the population of all regions of the country.

However, this increase affected mainly low-income families with many children, as well as parents with disabled children (in contrast to the same state benefits that are paid to all categories of families, regardless of their income level and the number of children - with the exception of mat capital).


Changes from January 1, 2018 in payments for a child in Moscow

Since 2018, significant changes have come into force in the field of payments for children in the capital. At the suggestion of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, changes were made to city legislation, according to which many regional benefits for families with children increased several times at once. What child benefits in Moscow have increased since 2018 and by how much? Here is a list of the main changes since January 1, 2018:

Monthly payments at the birth of a child in 2018 in Moscow

Another significant innovation in 2018 was introduced by decree of Vladimir Putin new monthly payments up to 1.5 years in the amount of the living wage:

  • at the birth of 1 child - from the state budget through the bodies of the Social Protection of the Population;
  • for the 2nd child - at the expense of maternity capital through Pension Fund(FIU).


The amount of the new monthly allowance up to 1.5 years for such families in Moscow at the birth of the first or second child starting from 01/01/2018 will be 14252 rubles.(children's PM for the 2nd quarter of 2017, year).

They are meant families in need, in which the income for each member does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum (PM) for the able-bodied, established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year (such a PM in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is 18,742 rubles, in one and a half size - 28,113 rubles) .

What is the monetary threshold for earning a family so that it can receive a new monthly allowance for a child in Moscow? In 2018, it should not exceed the values ​​given in the table below.


For all cases indicated in the table above, the amount of the monthly allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age will be 14252 rubles- this is the subsistence minimum per child, established in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017. The child must be born starting from 01/01/2018

Payment of state benefits to families with children in Moscow

Federal child benefits in the capital, established in Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, are provided in a standard amount without multiplying by any increasing regional coefficients (they simply do not exist in Moscow). The list of basic state benefits for families with children and their amount (taking into account inflation indexation for 2018 by 4.3% since February 1, 2019) is shown in the table below.

Name of federal benefit The amount of benefits at the federal level from February 1, 2019, rub.
For pregnancy and childbirth (for 140 standard maternity days) not less than 51919.00 rubles.
When registering for pregnancy in the early stages 655,49
At the birth of a child, adoption 17479,73
The pregnant wife of a soldier 27680,97
Child care (up to 1.5 years old)
  • 3277.45 - on the first
  • 6554.89 - on the second and all subsequent
For a child of a military conscript (up to 3 years old) 11863,27

As in other regions of the country, the federal maternity capital also operates in Moscow. Its program has been extended until 2021, the amount of assistance in 2019 will amount to 453 thousand rubles. In the near future (until the end of 2019), this type of assistance will not be indexed.

Regional child allowances in Moscow

Attention, this information may be out of date!

Regional legislation changes frequently. The article might be outdated. If you find an error, please write to us.

For information on the types and amounts of child benefits in your region, check with the social security authorities at the place of residence (social protection, social security, USZN, etc.) or at the MFC. We apologize.

Can apply for Moscow city payments for a child Russian and foreign citizens, refugees and stateless persons.

However, at the same time, one important condition is presented to all recipients - they must have capital registration(both the applicant and the child). One of the parents or the person in charge of the child can apply for help.

Any allowance for a child in Moscow can be done in several ways, including:

  1. Through the city portal MOS.RU. All available types of benefits are listed there and given detailed instructions to receive them. You must first register before applying. This is the most popular way of processing social benefits among Muscovites. In addition to payments, there you can find useful information about vouchers and other types of assistance for children.
  2. To the nearest multifunctional center (MFC) My documents.
  3. Using the website of public services (first select "Moscow" in the "Location" tab at the top).

General list of documents, most often necessary for processing payments:

  • passport (or other identification card, as well as a document confirming registration in Moscow) - both the applicant and the other parent;
  • SNILS, TIN of the applicant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office in form No. 25 or a death certificate of the second parent (to confirm the status of a single mother, if relevant);
  • court decision on adoption / adoption (if applicable);
  • documents on the transfer to the family of a guardian or adoptive parent (if applicable);
  • extract from the house book (or other confirmation that the child is registered in Moscow);
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • account number.


In addition to basic benefits, the Moscow government offers benefits, subsidies and auxiliary types help. Their list is impressive. In general, the capital operates more than two dozen payments parents with children.

Two small features of the social support system for families with children in Moscow:

Below is a list of the main payments to Muscovites for children in 2018, which are discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

Lump sum in early pregnancy

Women who got up registered due to pregnancy early dates (up to 20 weeks) are eligible to apply for a lump sum compensation payment. Compensation can only be made in person future mom. The allowance is issued even in the case of a stillborn child.

  • Art. 6 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 "On social support for families with children in Moscow";
  • Clause 10 of Part II "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and provision of cash payments to families with children in the city of Moscow"
The size 600 rub.
Required documents
  • certificate from a medical institution on registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • passport, SNILS, TIN;
  • confirmation of Moscow registration
Term of circulation From the date of registration until the child is 1 year old

Additional one-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth

Unemployed women dismissed from work to liquidate the organization during the year preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed are entitled to compensation from the city budget for the period of maternity leave.

  1. Compensation is provided regardless of the average per capita income of the family.
  2. It is calculated at the rate of 1,500 rubles. per month.
  3. It also applies to women who have ceased their activities as a notary, lawyer, individual entrepreneur.

Lump sum payments in connection with the birth or adoption of children

After the appearance of a child in the family, numerous costs fall on the shoulders of the parents. The one-time compensation payments provided by the city authorities are designed to reduce the financial burden and help with the purchase of the most necessary. There are several such payments in the capital at once.

One-time compensation payment at birth and adoption

The city's lump sum for newborns is also referred to as the expense allowance. by birth and adoption. It is due to all families living in the capital without exception. Material wealth, age of parents, receipt of other payments are not taken into account.

  1. It applies to legal relations that arose from 01/01/2010.
  2. At the birth of twins paid for each(for one - as for the first, for the next - as for the second).
  3. It is prescribed only for children born alive.
  4. Can apply parent, adoptive parent or guardian with whom the child actually lives.

One-time allowance for the simultaneous birth (adoption) of three or more children

Compensation payment is a kind of analogue of maternity capital. It is provided to families with three or more at the same time living children ( blood, adopted). Issued one per family.

  1. It can be issued regardless of the city compensation payment at the birth of children (that is, both that and this will be given at the same time).
  2. For registration, the financial situation of the family does not play a role.
  3. Parents immediately receive the status of large families.
  4. A parent or guardian may apply.

Additional one-time allowance for young parents

Families where the age of both parents (single parent) under 30 years old are entitled to additional payment due to birth or adoption baby. it child allowance per child in Moscow for each of the children in a family born before the moment when one of the parents is 30 years old.

  1. Another name that is common in everyday life is "Luzhkov's payments" to young families.
  2. The amount of the benefit is determined PM value at the time of birth. Changes quarterly.
  3. The applicant can only be Russian citizen.
  4. The age of the parents is determined on the day of birth (adoption) of the child.
  5. At the birth of twins payments are made in the order in which they are received. For example, for one - as for the first child, for the other - as for the second.


The payment is provided independently of other state and federal benefits. Its registration is not an obstacle to receiving compensation at birth and other types of assistance.

Monthly allowance for a child under 18

The purpose of this benefit is to help poor families, in which the average per capita income is less than provided for by the annually established norms. Allowance for a child under 18 in Moscow is paid for each of the children: relatives and adopted, foster and adoptive, stepsons and stepdaughters.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7
  • No. 67 of 03.11.2004 "About the monthly allowance for a child";
  • Decree No. 911-PP dated December 28, 2004
The size Base size:
  • 10 000 rub. - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 4 000 rub. - for children 3-18 years old.

Increased size (for single moms or dads; if the other parent does not pay child support or is doing military service)

  • 15,000 - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 6,000 - for children 3-18 years old
Required documents
Term of circulation Re-registration - annually from 01.01 to 30.09


About 2 million children live in Moscow, of which about 265 thousand live in low-income families. On average, about 170,000 families receive benefits for the poor each year. In addition to payment, there is another type of assistance: providing free medicines for outpatient treatment children under 3 years old(according to the doctor's prescription).

Monthly compensation payment for a child under 1.5 years old

Special compensation for the child is due to mothers, fired during maternity leave (for pregnancy and childbirth, child care) in connection with the liquidation of the organization. It is paid monthly, regardless of family income, until the child turns 1.5 years old.

Monthly allowance for food for children under 3 years old

Certain categories of families may receive monthly compensation payments due to rising food prices. This allowance is due for each child up to 3 years to such families (without taking into account the level of income):

  • incomplete;
  • in which the parent serves in the army and because of this has no income;
  • if the parent is hiding from the payment of alimony;
  • the family has a child with a disability;
  • large families;
  • student, including if the parent is on academic leave (but not available to graduate students, doctoral students).


The student family is considered where both parents (single parent) are in full-time education at an elementary, intermediate or higher level vocational school. The age of the parents does not matter.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7, Art. 12 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • Clause 26 of Part III of Decree No. 37-PP dated January 24, 2006
The size
  • 1 875 rub. - student families;
  • 675 rub. - other categories of families
Required documents
Term of circulation Before the child is 3 years old. When applied within 6 months. from the day the baby is born, the payment will be scheduled from the month of birth

Monthly compensation for expenses related to rising cost of living

The least socially protected categories of families are entitled to a monthly compensation payment. Her task is reduce the impact of inflation to the standard of living of the family. You can apply regardless of parental income. Compensation paid for each child under the age of 16(up to 18 years old if studying at school):

  • who are raised by a single mother;
  • whose father serves in the army or is hiding from paying alimony, or cannot pay them due to circumstances (for example, being in prison);
  • from large family(up to 18 years old, regardless of education);
  • for children under 1.5 years old, if both parents are disabled or pensioners;
  • The listed categories of families include substitute families.

Monthly payment for the maintenance of children in foster families

Foster parents(guardians, trustees, adoptees) are entitled to a payment for the maintenance of children adopted into the family. "Children" means every child under 18 having the status orphaned or deprived of parental care.

  1. The purpose of the allowance is the purchase of food, clothing and footwear, soft furnishings (bedding), equipment, household items, hygiene products, toys, medicines, books and other things.
  2. When making these payments, the monthly child allowance for the poor is not available, and vice versa.

Other types of assistance to foster families:

  1. Monthly payment for housing utilities 928 rub. (one per family).
  2. Extraordinary placement of foster (guardian) children in kindergartens and free admission.
  3. Free meals at school.
  4. Free travel in public transport for a guardian, foster parent, foster caregiver of a child under 18 years of age.
  5. Other benefits and types of assistance listed in the articles of Law No. 61 of November 30, 2005

Various compensation payments and benefits for large families


A family with many children in Moscow is considered in which at least three children under 16. If the child continues school after this age, then until the age of 18. In this case, relatives, adopted children, stepchildren and stepdaughters are taken into account. Families with foster children of 3 or more are equated to large families.

Various benefits and types of social assistance for large families (regardless of income):

  1. Monthly utility allowance (one per family):
    • RUB 1,044 for families with 3-4 children. Provided until younger child turns 18 years old (art. 17.1).
    • 2 088 rub. for families with 5 children.
  2. Compensation payment 250 rubles. for the use of a city telephone. It is transferred monthly one per family until the youngest child reaches the age of 18.
  3. Medicines for children under 6 are free.
  4. Free food for children under 7 years old (a doctor's opinion is needed).
  5. Priority provision of places in kindergartens.
  6. Two meals a day at school for students for free.
  7. Free travel on public transport up to 16 years old (18 years old if studying at school).
  8. Free repair and manufacture of dentures for mothers who have given birth to 5 or more children (except for dentures made of precious metals, porcelain, metal ceramics).
  9. Other types of assistance provided for in Art. 29 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005

Monthly payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with 5 children or more

The compensation payment is intended large families with 5 or more children. It is paid monthly one per family regardless of his average per capita income. Families eligible for payment:

  • with 5 or more children under 18;
  • with 10 or more children, if at least one of them is under 18 years old.

Monthly compensation for families with 10 or more children

One of the natural or foster parents in a large family with 10 or more children can apply for compensation. She is appointed per child under 18(or up to the age of 23 if he receives full-time vocational education).

Additional types of assistance and payments to large families with 10 or more children (regardless of financial security):

  1. Monthly pension supplement for women pensioners who have given birth to 10 or more children. Provided in the amount of 20,000 rubles. regardless of the type and amount of pension received.
  2. Providing free medicines to mothers in outpatient care.
  3. Annual payments are assigned one per family, provided that the application for them was written before the end of the calendar year. Provided until the youngest of the children is 18 years old, according to Art. eighteen . These payments:
    • to international day families (May 15) in the amount of 20,000 rubles;
    • by September 1 (Knowledge Day) - 30,000 rubles.

Monthly payments to families in which parents or children with disabilities

For registration of these types of assistance, in addition to the basic documents, a certificate of disability from the ITU is required. Disabled children are expected to receive such in-kind assistance (Article 30):

  1. Provision of social housing owned by the city.
  2. Subsidies for the construction of own housing.
  3. Free admission to kindergartens for children with disabilities.
  4. Free travel for a disabled child and his parents, as well as a person under 23 years old from among the disabled children (if he is in training) and one of the parents in public transport.
  5. Release of free food (if there is a doctor's opinion).
  6. Provision of medicines and medical products.
  7. Free entry to museums, exhibitions, zoos, city parks.
  8. The opportunity to use the services of sports facilities free of charge.

Monthly allowance for the care of a disabled child

Families in which one of the parents from a complete family can't work for caring for a disabled child under 18. And also for a person with a disability from childhood to 23 years. Compensation is also provided to working citizens:

From the month of examination of the child in the ITU institution, during the period of validity of the certificate of disability (up to the 18th or 23rd anniversary of the child)


This payment is assigned for every child with a disability in family. It cannot be assigned at the same time as monthly compensation to a disabled parent for a child. If the applicant is eligible for both types of assistance, you will have to choose one. Their sizes are the same.

Monthly allowance for a child to a disabled parent

Compensation payment per child under 18 assigned to families which both parents(or a single parent) do not work and are disabled of 1-2 groups.

When applying for social assistance, family income is not taken into account. Compensation is not assigned simultaneously with the monthly regional payment for the care of a disabled child.

Monthly social supplement to the pension for a disabled child

This type of assistance is provided as pension supplements child with a disability under 18 established at the federal level. It does not take into account the level of family income. It can be appointed on a non-declarative basis if the responsible body (social protection department) has all the necessary documents.

To apply for an additional payment, you must comply with the conditions of residence in Moscow. Child under 18 must be registered in the capital:

  • at least 10 years;
  • less than 10 years old, but from birth;
  • if not complied with, the 10-year registration must be held by the child's representative or the child's deceased parent.
What law establishes
  • Art. 7, Art. 16 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • Decree No. 1268-PP dated November 17, 2009 "About the regional social supplement to retirement"
The size It is determined individually depending on the period of residence in Moscow, the type of registration (at the place of residence or stay) and the amount of material support. In the general case, the size is the difference between the PM (or the value of the city social standard) and the actual material support. See more details.
Required documents
Term of circulation At any time after receiving a disability pension, for the period of validity of this pension

For reference

The size of the city social standard in 2018 will be 17,500 rubles. The living wage per child is determined quarterly. For the 3rd quarter of 2017, it is 13,938 rubles.

Monthly payment to disabled children who have lost their breadwinner

Disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled children from childhood up to 23 years of age are entitled to this compensation. Paid including for the past period, if the appeal did not occur immediately (but not more than 3 previous years).

Annual payment for school preparation

Schoolchildren from large families and students with disabilities are entitled to an annual payment. It is intended to offset the costs for the purchase school uniform . Provided for each of the children from a large family attending school, and for each of the children with disabilities. Until the end of 2017, this payment applied only to large families.

Benefits and types of assistance in kind

In addition to financial assistance, all families with children in Moscow can count on the following:

  1. Free delivery of products to pregnant women and nursing mothers (according to a medical opinion).
  2. Sets of linen for newborns in maternity hospitals for free.
  3. Free provision of dairy products by prescription for children in the first, second and third years of life. Children with a number of chronic diseases can receive such products until the age of 15.
  4. Travel for children under 7 years old in public transport is free (except minibuses and taxis).
  5. Free breakfast at school for students in grades 1-4. And for schoolchildren of any age from socially unprotected families - two meals a day.
  6. Free admission for children under 7 to museums, exhibitions, parks (if they are under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government).
  7. Free admission to the Moscow Zoo, reduced prices for tickets to museums, exhibitions and cultural events for children under 18.
  8. Benefits for paying for a kindergarten for children of military personnel, students.

Regional supplement for a child to a survivor's pension (Article 7, Article 17 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005, resolution