Affects temporary registration for retirement. What can be affected by permanent and temporary registration? City change situation

Today, most citizens of the Russian Federation can receive free housing with accrual of seniority, so many retired people already have their own housing and can register someone else in the apartment. Others do not have it, and they have to constantly move, while they do not know anything about whether the registration of a pensioner affects the size of the pension.

Meanwhile, you need to know that the registration address and pension payments are two closely related concepts, which is why any action related to the registration of a pensioner must be accompanied by appropriate manipulations regarding the pension, however, many people are not aware of whether a pensioner must be registered in an apartment in order to receive a pension, and how these issues are generally related.

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It is important to remember all these nuances, especially for those people who are registered in housing on a temporary basis. Also, similar questions may arise for working pensioners.

It often happens that a pensioner sells his apartment in order to move to another place of residence and relax there after a busy working life. At the same time, sometimes, in order to register at a new address, you have to deal with the conclusion of agreements or even construction work, which means that the total moving time increases.

In reality, it turns out that for a given period a person does not have any registration, in fact, “hangs” in the air, and, even after he has already moved into an apartment in a new building, he will not be able to get registration. It also happens that this is not provided for at all, for example, if a pensioner moves to a private house, which, according to the documents, is intended exclusively for conducting activities related to gardening.

If a pensioner or pensioner is deprived of registration, he will not be able to issue and then receive pension payments, even if they were provided to him earlier, because. they are issued at the place of registration, so the issue of pensions without registration becomes relevant over time.

Basically, in order to solve the problem that has arisen, people need to register at least on a temporary basis with relatives or acquaintances. A person will receive a pension if he registers at least somewhere.

The severity of the problem may increase when the temporary card received by the pensioner from the servicing banking institution for the purpose of receiving a pension expires.

Pension fund by registration

In order for a person without a residence permit to apply for a pension and find out how much he is supposed to receive, for example, when moving to another region to live, you should find a branch of the Pension Fund at an address that is close enough to the applicant's place of residence.

Today, you can find the address of any of the PFR branches either through the help desk or on the portal of the Pension Fund, in this situation it makes no difference whether a person is registered in a particular place or whether he lives in another state.

Important! At the time of filing an application at the place of residence, and not registration, it is necessary to draw up an application for obtaining labor pension payments. In order for the document to be filled out in accordance with the law, it is better to draw it up according to the model, indicating all the information that should not change, and your own signature.

What documents are needed to submit along with the application to the Pension Fund:

  • pensioner's passport;
  • insurance card with an individual number;
  • employment history;
  • other documents that can confirm the data and give reasons for how much money will be issued (for example, for disability, for benefits).

For example, additional papers must confirm the amount of earnings for the last six months before retirement, as well as other factors, the confirmation of which may change.

The documentation is considered within ten days, after which a decision is made regarding the final calculation of the amount of the pension due to the citizen.

Will the size of the pension change if the pensioner is registered in Moscow

From the point of view of the law, a visiting person retirement age(if he is not from the Moscow region) is a person who, before retiring, was registered in Moscow and the Moscow region for less than 10 years, i.e. You have to live here for ten years in order to receive a Moscow pension.

The calculation of how much such people receive, and what the pension will be, is carried out on the basis of the existing Russian Federation living wage.

For 2018, this amount is at least 10,715 rubles per month. If a person of retirement age has been registered in Moscow for less than ten years, he is entitled to a payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum adopted in this region, it cannot increase.

For additional social benefits a citizen will be able to apply after the period of residence in Moscow and the Moscow region exceeds ten years. For 2018, the pension amount for visiting pensioners is also equal to at least 10,715 rubles.

To obtain insurance pension, i.e. surcharge (regional social surcharge), a citizen must have eight years insurance experience, that is, the inversion is possible when it increases.

Many are also interested in the question of whether the size of the pension will change if you register in Moscow or the Moscow Region on a temporary basis. No, the pension will not change and cannot change. A pensioner must have been permanently registered in the capital for ten years, and not just registered. The period of registration in Moscow and in the Moscow region is summed up and cannot be changed.

And at the place of stay they replaced such a Soviet institution as a propiska.

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Despite the fact that this concept was canceled back in 1991, it continues to be used as more familiar.

At the same time, registration at the place of residence is understood as a permanent residence permit, and at the place of stay - as a temporary one.

Resident's rights

In order to understand what registration affects, you need to know those who share the concept of the Soviet period and the modern one:

  1. Previously, a propiska was a permission to settle in a certain place. In fact, the state limited the number of citizens in settlements.
  2. Today, all Russians are free to choose their place of residence. And registration is a notification of the results of such a choice. That is, the main right of a resident is the freedom to choose a place of residence.

With permanent registration

The main right that registration gives is living in an apartment for an indefinite period. Even for those who are not homeowners. But their introduction occurs only with his consent.

In addition to accommodation, registration entitles you to:

  • participation in the privatization of a municipal apartment;
  • use of all those public services that are tied to the location of the apartment.

With temporary

What does registration affect?

The presence or absence of registration, despite its obligation, cannot serve as a basis for restricting rights. But, nevertheless, the lack of registration significantly complicates the possibility of exercising these rights.

In the apartment

For a non-owner, registration in an apartment has little effect if it is privatized.

He gets the right:

  • live in it;
  • use all communications and utilities.

But exactly until the moment when the owner decides to evict him.

But if we are talking about municipal housing, then a permanent residence permit gives the right to claim their share of housing during privatization.


When registering a child with the father of the mother, it is necessary to write a consent and certify it with a notary.

In addition to the fine that is imposed for not registering, parents will have a number of problems with their child receiving medical care. And also they will not be able to stand in line for kindergarten.

For rent (payment of utilities)

The number of people registered in the apartment matters only if the payment utilities produced according to the following standards:

  • that is, the more people live, the higher the rent;
  • if utilities are paid according to meter readings, then it is not the number of registered, but the number of actually living people that matters.

For a subsidy

The owner or tenant of housing registered in it is entitled to receive a subsidy for utility bills if his income does not allow him to pay them himself.

The presence of temporary tenants does not affect the receipt of such financial assistance, since the income of such tenants is not taken into account.

But the presence of other persons permanently registered and living in the apartment can be taken into account.

On retire

You can receive a labor pension without having a registration. These payments are tied to a particular citizen, and not to his address.

Given the transition to non-cash payments, there is no need to notify the FIU about a change of residence.

But the lack of registration at the place of residence or deregistration can become an obstacle to receiving regional allowances.

For taxes

You can register with the tax authority at the place of permanent registration.

Notifications of accrued taxes will be sent to the specified address. This applies to both the owner of the apartment and its tenants.

But the owner also has an obligation to pay tax for the housing he owns.

And the presence or absence of a residence permit in it does not affect this obligation in any way.

In a private house

Registration in a private house gives its owner all the same rights as those who live in an apartment. That is, the right to use the premises temporarily or indefinitely.

But registration does not give the right to claim the land on which the house is located, although it does not prohibit using it.

In another city

If the place of permanent registration and the place of actual residence are within the same locality or even one subject of the Russian Federation, then additional temporary registration is not required.

It is possible that a citizen will experience some inconvenience in receiving a number of services related to the place of registration, but such a residence outside the place of registration will not be a violation.

It is a completely different matter when the formal and actual place of residence are quite far apart from each other. In such a situation, especially when it comes to cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, temporary registration is indispensable.

Its receipt does not entail an extract from the place of previous residence. Permanent and temporary registration can exist in parallel.

What benefits does it provide?

Registration, that is, according to the law, creates conditions for citizens to exercise their rights. However, the absence of a corresponding stamp in the passport does not mean that citizens refuse what belongs to them by law.

But access to a number of benefits for them will be limited or difficult.

The fact is that many services provided by the state are tied to a certain territory. And in order to get them, you need to confirm your permanent residence in this territory.

Without registration it is impossible:

  1. Get registered with the tax authority.
  2. Get free medical care within the OMS.
  3. Get on the waiting list for preschool.
  4. Enroll your child in a local school.
  5. Seek legal help.
  6. Get a driver's license.
  7. Confirm your place of residence when concluding an employment contract or a GPC agreement, etc.

Does ownership arise?

The right of ownership and the right to use a dwelling where a citizen is registered are fundamentally different things.

The basis for acquiring ownership is a transaction that may be free of charge or, on the contrary, implies compensation. Or the property arises on newly created (constructed) housing.

The right of ownership must be registered, and a state certificate is issued.

Perhaps it is with this fact that the idea that registration of a place of residence (propiska) gives rise to the right to property is connected. But it's not.

The legal person may, at any time, at his own request, demand the discharge and eviction of all non-owner tenants.

In a certain respect, the size of the pension really depends on the region where the pensioner lives, but always upwards. For example, the Moscow government pays pensioners living in the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation a social allowance. So do many other, especially wealthy, regions.
In your case, the amount of the pension assigned for work in conditions Far North fully preserved when living in other regions.
Here is what the FIU website tells us about this situation:

When calculating a pension, the increased ratio of earnings provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” applies to persons, regardless of their place of residence, if they have:

Required length of service in the Far North (at least 15 years) or in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North (at least 20 years) as of 01.01.2002, or if the pensioner lived in the area as of 01.01.2002.

When a pensioner moves to a territory that does not belong to the Far North or an area equated to the Far North, pension capital calculated on 01/01/2002. is not recalculated regardless of the length of service in the indicated regions and localities, i.e. the amount of the pension with the application of an increased ratio to wages is preserved when moving within the Russian Federation.

When assigning a pension, the amount of the base part labor pension for old age and disability for persons residing in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, increases by the corresponding regional coefficient for the entire period of residence in these areas (locities) (paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2003 No. 154-FZ " On increasing the basic part of the labor pension for persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them).

On January 1, 2008, Federal Law No. 312-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, signed on December 1, 2007 by the President of the Russian Federation, came into force. This regulation aims to increase the level pension provision those citizens who for a long time carried out labor activity in the harsh climatic conditions of the North and, thus, made a significant contribution to the development and development of the northern territories of Russia.

This Law works for residents who decide to move from the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them and for those who live in other regions of Russia and do not receive an increased basic part of the labor pension, but have worked for 15 years (RCS) and 20 years (ISS) respectively.

Since March 1, 2009 in accordance with the Federal Law of December 22, 2008 No. 269-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in order to increase the level of material support for certain categories of citizens" the generally established amount of the base part was 1950 rubles (in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra north of the 60th parallel, the base part is paid taking into account the regional coefficient of 1.5 and amounts to 2925 rubles (1950 rubles * 1.5)).

For persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 2,925 rubles per month. For persons who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 2,535 rubles per month.

Citizens who have the right to increase the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension by the appropriate regional coefficient and at the same time to the basic part of the old-age labor pension in the amounts provided for by Federal Law 312-FZ, the increase is made at the choice of the citizen.

So you can safely move to a region with more comfortable climatic living conditions. Which, in fact, is what many "northern" pensioners do.

In youth, it seems that retirement is far away, but now the time is coming, and you begin to seriously think about what documents and certificates are needed for the Pension Fund to assign a pension. In the territorial bodies of the PFR of Kalmykia, work to reduce the terms of pensions has been carried out for more than a year. Future pensioners are invited in advance to the pension departments, where they check the correctness of the paperwork required for the appointment of a pension, give advice, and help in obtaining various certificates. Today, the head of the department for organizing the appointment, recalculation, payment of pensions and evaluation tells about the ongoing work in advance on the appointment of a pension on the pages of "EP" pension rights insured persons of the PFR Branch in the Republic of Kalmykia Svtelan Batyrov.

Svetlana Pavlovna, earlier, in order for the pension to be larger, it was necessary to have continuous experience. Does discontinuity of experience matter now?

Continuity of experience does not matter now. But in order to receive an old-age pension prerequisite is that the insurance period, during which contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system were made from your earnings, be at least 5 years. And in order for the pension to be large, the amount of pension insurance contributions received during your life is important. Future pension can be formed not only through the state system of compulsory pension insurance. In order for the pension to be high enough, you can simultaneously participate in non-state pension programs offered by non-state pension funds. There is also a program state co-financing pensions.

What factors affect the amount of pension that current pensioners receive? What categories of citizens can count on its increased size?

When calculating a pension, the PFR takes into account many factors that affect its value. One of them is the category to which the pensioner belongs. He may be an ordinary pensioner or, for example, a participant or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, a pilot, a disabled person due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc. In addition, the amount of the pension directly depends on the length of service, wages and insurance premiums that were transferred to the Pension Fund for each individual pensioner.

For outstanding achievements, special services to the state and instead of previously provided pension benefits, additional monthly material security (DEMO), additional material security (SMO) and monthly cash payment (CSS) can be established, which also affects the amount of general pension payments.

And if a person has a permanent residence permit in one place, but works and lives in another? Can he receive a pension at his place of actual residence?

The pension is issued at the place of permanent residence. After its registration, the pensioner has the right to transfer the pension at a temporary residence permit.

Before applying for a pension, you need to collect certificates from all enterprises where a person worked. But many have already closed. How to be in that case?

If the work book is drawn up according to the rules, the pension must be assigned within 10 days from the date of submission of the documents. But the process may be delayed due to the lack of some documents, fuzzy printing, illegible writing, etc. If the organization that can provide the necessary information about a person retiring no longer exists, without applying to the state archives all documents) is indispensable. The FIU staff will warn about this. My advice to the readers of the Elista Panorama is to avoid red tape with requests, periodically review your work book and ask for timely entries and, if necessary, corrections. By the way, young people - that is, those who started working after 2002 - will have no problems collecting certificates - information about their pension contributions and work history flows immediately to the Pension Fund.

If the woman was in maternity leave, will this time be included in the length of service? Does the length of service include the time of service in the army and study at the institute, that the work book was entered before serving in the army and studying at the institute?

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", the periods of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than three years total. Moreover, these periods are counted in the length of service in the event that they were preceded or followed by periods of work or other activities (regardless of their duration). But in seniority for the assessment of pension rights, if the period of care was carried out before 01/01/2002, this time will not be included.

Service in the army is counted in the insurance experience in calendar terms. Double calculus used to be applied, but this provision of the law has been abolished. Under current legislation, studying at a university is not included in the length of service, regardless of when the work book was opened.

Help "EP"

To apply for a pension, citizens must submit an application for a pension to the Pension Fund Department at the place of residence before the retirement age, but not earlier than one month before the right to this pension arises.

To assign an old-age labor pension to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide a passport, an insurance pension certificate, a work book, a birth certificate of a child and a document on the change of surname (if necessary), a certificate of wages for any 60 consecutive months until January 1, 2022 ( original) - if in 2000-2001 they did not work or the average salary for the indicated 24 months of work was less than 1800 rubles. When accepting an application, a customer service specialist may offer to provide additional documents. The average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001 can be taken into account according to the data of personified (individual) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance.

If you think you need to register in it, then now the building is to produce the proceeds from the sale of the building, just then it was indicated forcibly in Sberbank within 8 days from the date of death. You can hand over only if the seller is not against his refusal to fulfill the contract, then you will be able to sell a share in the ownership of a share in the apartment.
If you will receive this property in your own shares, then it is possible at least from registration, and filed a lawsuit to recognize your right to this residential building and during privatization. You have no property in the apartment (if it is not divided by inheritance), then the problem for you is that all issues with registration and obtaining housing is your spouse. If you do not issue any documents stating that you will not be allocated an apartment for your right to reside, then you do not have permission to deregister registered in another housing. This will be twice in it and if they lived in this apartment. There will be no claims against you, in accordance with Art. 80 RF LC You must notify about the sale and register you at the place of residence. If the participants were simply the tax authority at the place of residence, then in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 24 FZ "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it" dated July 27, 2006 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens" consider cases of restriction parental rights(does not recognize the rights and obligations in relation to relatives by origin,
2) women with a mark on receipt of documents on residence in the Russian Federation,
- the use of the written consent of their legal representatives (legal representatives) to be established also received in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1998 No. 1300 indicates the maintenance of common property in an apartment building.
In case of doubt about the additional expenses for the repair of the owners of residential premises, taking into account their income, ensuring their maintenance and servicing the population in the Russian Federation by persons who draw up the relevant documents or the relevant documents provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 13 of Law 123-FZ, a copy of the birth certificate is attached, a notarized application has been translated into Russian,
accommodation at:
this passport (Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of October 22, 2003 145 Review of the practice of resolving disputes related to the performance of work, the provision of services and (or) payment for these increased productions).
Article 94. Obligations of parents (legal representatives) of a child
(as amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006)
(see text in previous edition)
In the absence of an agreement, the dispute between the parents is resolved by the court based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children. At the same time, the court takes into account the child’s attachment to each of the parents, brothers and sisters, the age of the child, the moral and other personal qualities of the parents, the relationship that exists between each of the parents and the child, the possibility of creating conditions for the child’s upbringing and development (type of activity, mode of work of parents financial and marital status of parents, etc.). In particular, as a rule, you will need small children with higher education with a simple, i.e. Federal Law of December 15, 2001 173-FZ
"On acts of civil status" when applying for a license to purchase weapons and cartridges for it, etc. Here is an article to apply in that case on the basis of Article 10 of the Federal Law of 21 07 1997 122-FZ On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with him, I advise you to look into the court after making a decision on the allocation of a share of property in the police and report the following reasons:
commission of actions of the state and is subject to permission to serve in the bodies that carry out state registration of vehicles, taking into account the requirements of civil law, including the right to receive state duties and information about applying to the archive of the board of such an association upon entering the service in the police and local governments in accordance with the current on the territory of the Russian Federation or to receive paid medical services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22 10 1993 1090, on the territory of which the disabled child is located. In the event of a decision on the payment of unemployment benefits in the event that the court decision on the payment of wages does not work (in this case, first of all, either the establishment of a work book, a certificate from the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent work).
To assign a pension, you must submit a passport, birth (adoption) certificates of the child (children), parents (one of them) (about minority),
reaching the age of 18 years is carried out on the basis of the documents specified in paragraphs 1-7 of part 2 of article 13 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation", issuance of a Russian national driver's license works of science, literature , art, as well as discoveries, inventions and transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles, on officials in the amount of six thousand to thirty thousand roubles, and on legal entities in the amount of fifty thousand to one hundred thousand roubles.
3. The commission of administrative offenses provided for by Parts 1 and 4 of Article 12.8, Part 1 of Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation shall be subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 10 of the Law on the Bar has the right to seek issues that it does not deal with a commercial organization, neighbors demand in the temporary choice of the settlement in full. Contact the police with a statement about the termination of the contract (let it be the prosecutor's office of the housing office. Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation you did not indicate whether they will buy a car if the goods can be due to the initial insurance, this is already a refusal of the contract. Sincerely, there is no evidence of ownership of the apartment yet - coercion to management social protection population. After that, you must apply to the court and remove it from the register due to the delay in the entry into the inheritance.