State funding doubling contributions. Pitfalls of the program of state co-financing of pensions

To date, over a million Russian citizens from 33 regions have taken part in the pension co-financing program. The total amount of money transferred to the account funded pension- 340 million rubles. In 2016, those who “activate” it for themselves by making a payment by the end of January 2015 will be able to become a full participant in the pension co-financing program.

The essence of the program

The state pension co-financing program began operating in Russia in 2009. Under the terms of this program, it was necessary to make the first payment before the beginning of October 2013. This program is also called "1000 by 1000". Its essence lies in the independent making by a citizen of a certain contribution to the funded part (minimum - 2000 rubles) and further doubling this amount at the expense of public funds. Accordingly, the state can additionally transfer at least 12 thousand rubles for 12 months to a personalized account.

Co-financing is an element of the pension “collection” program, making additional payments coming into the funded part of the payment. The insurance part is not easy to calculate today, but it is guaranteed to be due to any citizen who has a certain insurance experience and has retired on a well-deserved rest. And the funded pension (since 2015) consists of those payments that are withheld by the enterprise or paid by the taxpayer independently.

Co-financing is carried out by NPFs (non-state type pension funds) or management organizations. They act as intermediaries between future pensioners (and now working citizens) and the FIU: they transfer money to PF branches. The funded pension, at the request of the applicant, can be paid immediately in full, divided for payment into certain parts, or transferred to the pensioner in equal parts along with the insurance payment. How to receive a payment under the pension co-financing program depends on the desire of the pensioner.

The funds contributed by the citizen are invested by the state. The PF, as a holder of a funded pension, can place funds on deposits in banks, receive and / or capitalize the profit received in the future. Intermediaries - banks and non-state funds - also receive investment profits at the expense of citizens' money.

Features of receiving payments

Program state co-financing pensions in 2015 has the following nuances:

  • Privileges are granted to persons who have reached the age limit suitable for receiving the payment (55 and 60 years in general), but who have not applied to the FIU for the accrual of the due payment. State co-financing in this case involves an increase in the contribution by 4 times, but in an amount not exceeding 48,000 rubles annually.
  • Pensioners who continue to work officially even after taking a well-deserved rest cannot become participants in this program.
  • A privilege is provided - the amount generated under the program is suitable for processing a personal income tax deduction.
  • The heirs of the deceased person are entitled to the funded pension in two cases: death occurs before the withdrawal and processing of the payment, or the deceased declared an urgent payment (for a period of at least 10 years) and reached the established age.

The pension program is available to all Russians: they can take part in pension co-financing. To participate in it, you must contact the nearest branch of the PF with the following documents:

  • . the passport;
  • . statement;
  • . pension certificate of insurance.

Documents can be submitted in one of the following ways:

  • through the employer
  • independently in the PF;
  • through the UK, NPF, as well as any institution that has entered into an agreement with the PF (bank, branch of the Russian Post).

The fee is paid by receipt at the bank or post office. You can take a sample of it with the details filled in at the local PF. The contribution can be made personally or through the employer. The latter in this case acts as an intermediary, forming the funded pension of its employees.

In this case, the amount of transfers from the employer must be equal to the amount of the employee's contribution. Example: an employee transfers 5 thousand rubles to the Pension Fund. 15 thousand rubles are automatically credited to his account - 5 - his personal contribution, 5 - the employer contributes, and another 5 - co-financed by the state.

Benefits for citizens

The main advantage for future pensioners is a twofold increase in the funded part of the pension. Upon reaching the age that allows you to go on a well-deserved rest, a citizen can further increase this amount without making payments.

In addition, most often citizens today turn to NPFs, which makes it possible to obtain guarantees of timely transfer of payments to the Pension Fund. The application for cooperation can be submitted in person or online.

Those born after 1966 benefit the most from the program. They are not allowed to form a funded pension at the expense of deductions from the employer, and therefore participation in the program is a real chance to increase future pension.

Mutually beneficial cooperation between citizens and the state in terms of pension accumulation has the following advantages:

  • small minimum size monthly payment - 2 thousand rubles (maximum - 12 thousand);
  • voluntary transfer of funds;
  • doubling the amount accumulated on the account of a citizen;
  • flexible payment schedule - once a month, quarter and so on.

There are also negative points:

  • the opportunity to receive funds only upon reaching the age of retirement - 60 or 55 years;
  • decrease in the actual payment due to inflation.

In 2015, there were some changes in the operation of the pension co-financing program: contributions made by active pensioners or employees will no longer be co-financed. If a pensioner managed to become a member before 2013, this innovation does not apply to him. Military retirees are also not eligible to participate in the program. The lump-sum payment can now be paid not once every 12 months, but only once every five years.

Back in 2008 the government Russian Federation A pension co-financing program was developed, initially designed for five years. According to this program, an increase in pensions was provided by doubling the voluntary contributions of citizens.

In practice, the implementation of the program meant that a citizen who transferred from two to 12 thousand rubles to his personal account received the same amount from the state. For citizens applying for an insurance old-age pension, but not applying for its establishment, an increase in contributions four times, up to 60 thousand rubles, was provided.

In order to take part in the program, it was necessary to submit an appropriate application by the end of 2014 and in January 2015 to deposit the first funds to the personal account, thus making the first installment.

There was no doubling of contributions for citizens who applied for the program but were already receiving a pension. The funds that they deposited into their personal account simply accumulated on it, but were not doubled at the expense of budget money.

Taking into account the fact that the program turned out to be extremely popular among Russians, the government of the Russian Federation decided to extend it.

And today, hundreds of thousands of citizens continue to accumulate and increase their capital. The peak of the program was in 2013: at that time, about 1.8 million people participated in it.

How the program works

Participation in the program requires an appropriate application submitted to the FIU. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings, which is in force today, does not apply to the program in question: it only affects insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance.

The co-financing program works according to the following principle: personal funds of citizens and payments financed by the state (transferred within ten days) are credited to the personal accounts of program participants. After that, they are transferred to the Criminal Code or NPF, chosen by citizens in advance. Thereby non-working pensioners have the opportunity to receive additional income and provide a decent level of pension provision.

The fee can be paid in one installment or in equal installments throughout the year. When transferring contributions through a bank, care should be taken, since any mistake can lead to the fact that the funds will not be credited to the personal account.

Contributions can also be transferred through employers - for this, you should apply to the accounting department of your organization and indicate the amount of the contribution in monetary terms or as a percentage of wages.

Like others pension savings, funds accrued under the program are paid to citizens upon retirement.

So, in 2016, 14.3 thousand people participating in the program retired - they were paid over 159 million rubles. Funds can be paid in the form of an urgent or lump-sum payment if the amount of savings is less than 5% of the insurance pension.

Program participants, among other benefits, receive the right to tax deductions from the amount of contributions (the deduction amount cannot exceed twelve thousand rubles).

How is the program being implemented today?

Statistics show that the amount of voluntary contributions from Russians is increasing every year: a slight decline occurred only last year. If in 2015 the average value of the voluntary contribution was 7.6 thousand rubles, then in 2016 it increased to 9.7 thousand rubles.

In addition to citizens, contributions are paid by employers: in 2016, the total amount of contributions amounted to 107.4 million rubles, but these contributions are not doubled by the state.

In 2016, according to the FIU, 758.3 thousand Russian citizens deposited 5.7 billion rubles into their accounts. To this amount, the state added another 5.5 billion.

The difference is due to the fact that funds are allocated from the budget only for co-financing those contributions, the amount of which ranges from two to 12 thousand rubles.

Because some contributions are less or more than the range shown, there is a difference each year.

For comparison: in 2015, program participants deposited 7.1 billion rubles into their personal accounts. State co-financing amounted to 6.8 billion. This suggests that today we can observe a slight decrease in the activity of citizens.

In total, over the period of the program, its participants made about 51.1 billion contributions. The state allocated funds in the amount of 49.9 billion. Taking into account the contributions of employers, which amounted to about 788.3 million rubles, more than one hundred billion rubles of pension savings were formed under the program.

Before answering this question, to all who are considering whether or not to join the program.

  1. The Co-financing program is valid until January 1, 2015 ,/ or rather until December 31, 2014. Therefore, for those who still do not know what kind of program it is and how to join it. The program is designed for 10 years. During this period, you or your employer deposits from 0-12,000 rubles into your account, the state will deposit the same amount at the end of the year, or rather, at the beginning of the next. If you decide money TAKE, join the program again IT IS FORBIDDEN.
  2. Any adult citizen of Russia, regardless of age (even if you are still student, or already a pensioner / since 04.11.2014 it is not advisable for pensioners to join this program, since from that moment the state DOES NOT CO-FINANCING their contribution to the program).
  3. Again, for the doubters, you can write a statement, even if you are unemployed now and you no money, start depositing money when you have it. Or not to deposit money, but at any time you will have the opportunity, at least 10 years, to start saving for an additional part of the pension together with the state.
  4. To join the program, you need to go, choose for yourself: to the Pension Fund of Russia, to the Non-State Pension Fund, to the Management Company (how to choose them is another question), or where you have funded part pensions, and even people born before 1967 have it, if they worked in 2002, though very small, taking their passport and insurance certificate with them. You can write an application to any of these organizations, and transfer money to the one that inspires confidence in you more. Just come and apply.
  5. You can deposit money at your convenience, at least 100 rubles a week, at least 12,000 rubles a month, or at least not pay at all. The state, at the end of the year, contributes its part, exactly as much as you contributed in a year, but not more than 12,000 rubles. IMPORTANT for pensioners who have decided not to retire despite their retirement age, for women - 55 years old, for men - 60 years old (decided not to receive a pension), the program is not 1X1, but 1X4, Example: if you contributed 12,000 rubles per year , then the state adds another 36,000 rubles, in total for the year it will turn out 48000 rub. It is very tempting for those who already have a large salary, they do not need a beggarly pension, and no one will fire them.
  6. Once a year, you can transfer these funds from one Pension Fund to another, if you think that it is more profitable.
  7. To receive a pension, under the Co-financing Program, you need to apply after retirement, that is, when the retirement age has come and you have officially retired (already assigned a pension, whether you work or not). The whole procedure takes 2 months from the date of application to where you are participating in co-financing program: either the PFR, or the NPF, or the Management Company.
  8. For depositing money into the Co-financing Program, you can receive a tax deduction, for you - if you deposit money yourself, for your employer (in the amount of the deposited amount) - if he deposits money into your account.

When can I receive payments or the entire amount under the Co-financing Program?

  1. You can apply for money from July 1, 2012, of course, if you are already retired and transferred funds under the Co-financing Program.
  2. For everyone else, only upon retirement.
  3. The state reports its part from January to May, so it is better to take the money in April.

If you have withdrawn money under the Co-financing Program, then you can no longer participate in it.

  • a) for life (perpetual payment procedure);
  • b) within 10 years (urgent payment procedure);
  • c) at a time, that is, the entire amount will be given to you immediately (provided that the pension under the Co-financing Program equal to or less than 5% of your pension).

INHERITANCE pensions under the Co-financing Program:

  • If a person died until his retirement(did not manage to receive a single payment);
  • If he indicated in the application, urgent order pension payment (payable over 10 years). And even if part of the pension was paid to him, the heirs can receive the remaining amount

Assignees are direct heirs, if there is no will, it is necessary to apply before the expiration of 6 months from the date of death of a citizen. The successor who has missed the specified period may restore it in a judicial proceeding.


  1. We write an application for joining the program;
  2. Additionally, an application for an urgent pension payment procedure.



after 10 years, there will be nothing left of the amount;

the state is an unreliable partner.


Supplement to pension from 200 - 800 rubles. monthly.

Savings are not taxed

  • If you put in the bank 12,000 rubles, at 10% per annum and within 10 years you will replenish it by 12,000 rubles per year, then at the end of the term you will receive 24000 rub.


Banks do not always give 10% per annum, it happens less and rarely more, if you place money not in banks, the risks increase, since there is no deposit insurance.


Every year you can receive an additional 2000 rubles for retirement. per month (if you place this amount at 10% per annum), while the amount itself, theoretically, decreases only by the amount of inflation, that is, 24,000 rubles remain on the deposit.

In any case, heirs can inherit 24,000 rubles.


  1. If you are disciplined and constantly save yourself by placing funds on deposits, then you can quite do without CO-FINANCING PROGRAMS.
  2. If you don’t know how to do this, or do it from time to time, without a system, then it’s better to join the program, because you can withdraw money at a time and place it in a bank on a deposit (deposit) and then you can also receive 2000 rubles a month. (at a rate of 10% per annum) to the pension, with the same balance on the deposit.

All remaining questions co-financing program you can ask by phone: 8 800 510 5555 and girls from the Pension Fund of Russia, they will be happy to answer you.

Health to YOU! LIVE LONG!

2014 changes

  • Due to changes in legislation with04.11.2014 state does not finance their part to pensionersalready retired , it concerns only those pensioners who entered the program after 04.11.2014.
  • To everyone else who entered the Co-financing programuntil 04.11.2014, terms remain former, that is, the state reports the same amount that you or your employer contributed. People who have reached retirement age, but not retired program is still valid on the conditions of 1:4.
  • IMPORTANT!Everyone who has entered the program, but for some reason has not yet made a single contribution,to activateprogram, you must make a down payment in the amount of 2000 rubles beforeuntil January 31, 2015.

You can ask your questions to our lawyers

How to transfer money under the "Co-financing" program to the Pension Fund of Russia?

  • Through a bank. A form with the necessary details can be obtained from your territorial pension fund, that is, at the place of residence, or in the very bank. Payment forms can be found on the website.
  • Through the employer. According to your application, the accounting department can monthly transfer your contributions from the salary to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Anyone who has entered the "Co-financing" program in non-state pension fund must apply to the Non-State Pension Fund. The address can be found in the contract.

Your employer can act as another party to co-financing and transfer to the funded part of your future labor pension voluntary contribution, 1 thousand per month.

Contributions can be transferred in equal installments throughout the year. For example, pay 200 rubles a month or 1,000 rubles a month. Or one-time payments at any time of the calendar year. For example, in April, transfer 2,000 rubles and another 10,000 rubles in December. You can stop paying and resume when the opportunity arises, or stop paying altogether

The Program participant has the right for a tax deduction, in the amount of contributions paid by them, within 12,000 rubles. in year.. To receive a deduction, you must contact the tax authority at the place of residence. The deduction is included in the social tax deduction for personal income tax.

Changes have been made to the program on state co-financing of pension savings, which is popularly called "a thousand per thousand". First of all, they will affect pensioners who have decided to take part in this program. But not everyone. What exactly has changed in the program, and who exactly will it affect, Irina Zverzheeva, manager of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Khabarovsk Territory, said.

New pension rules

The law on state co-financing of pension savings has been in force in Russia since October 1, 2008. After October 1, 2013, the law regarding entry and down payment ceased to have effect, and all citizens who did not take advantage of this opportunity, in general, expected the extension of the program. And so, on November 4, President Vladimir Putin signed the law “On Amending the Federal Law “On Additional Insurance Contributions to the Funded Part of the Labor Pension and State Support for the Formation of Pension Savings.”

According to the amendments, those citizens who did not enter the program by October 1, 2013 can do so by December 31, 2014. The next condition is that before January 31, 2015, the citizen who wrote the application must make the first payment in order to activate the program in relation to himself.

But, as Irina Zverzheeva explained, among those who had previously decided to join the pension savings co-financing program, there are many who wrote an application, but did not make a single contribution. And therefore they are participants of the program only nominally.

The Khabarovsk branch of the Pension Fund states that out of 177,855 citizens who entered the program in the Khabarovsk Territory, only 11 percent complied with this condition - that is, they wrote an application and made the first payment.

The new law gives 89 percent of nominee program participants a fix. To activate the program for themselves, they must make the first installment by January 31, 2015.

As before, contributions can be paid both through the employer and independently through the bank by filling out a receipt, or at the payment terminal using a special document with a barcode.

The amount of contributions must be at least 2,000 rubles - then the state will allocate the same amount for co-financing. If less than 2,000 rubles are deposited, co-financing is not allocated, but the money is credited to the citizen's individual account. The maximum amount of co-financing is 12,000 rubles. Everything that is contributed in excess of this amount is not co-financed, but it is credited to the account.

State co-financing is carried out for the next year in May (for 2014 in May 2015), when all accounting of voluntary additional contributions paid during the year is made, they are posted to personal accounts. And then co-financing comes from the federal budget, the allocated funds are also posted to the personal accounts of the participants in the co-financing program.

What has changed with the adoption of the new law in the program itself?

The state will not co-finance payments made by a program participant if he is a pensioner. But this innovation does not apply to program participants who are pensioners who entered before this law, that is, before October 1, 2013. With respect to their co-financing of the state remains.

Pensioners through power structures cannot count on state co-financing either.

The timing of the payment of pension savings in the form of a lump-sum payment has changed. If earlier a program participant could receive a lump sum payment once a year, then from January 1, 2015 this right will be granted once every five years.

How many more people in the Khabarovsk Territory can the program supposedly cover and what explains the time limits - joining by December 31, 2014 and the first installment by January 31, 2015?

It is impossible to calculate how many more citizens will express a desire to take advantage of the opportunity to join the program, but we have many such cases when, within the framework of the current law, people wrote an application, but did not make the first payment. And now they have the opportunity to make a down payment to activate the program.

What will be the result, we will know in early February.

Those who join the program in December, when should they make a contribution?

And for those who joined the program before October 2013, but did not make a payment, and for those who join the program in December, the program begins to operate from the moment of the first payment. The possibility of paying the first installment is limited on January 31, 2015.

However, if a person joins in December and immediately, in December, makes the first contribution, his co-financing program will start from 2014. In May 2015, following the results of 2014, the contribution will already be co-financed by the state.

And a citizen can make regular payments at any time during 2015 - because this will be the second year of his co-financing. It is convenient to make contributions monthly: 2000 rubles per month, total for the year 12000 rubles.

If a pensioner already received a lump sum payment in 2014 and continues to pay, can he apply for this payment in 2015, due to the fact that under the new law this can be done once every five years?

The five-year term will be calculated from 2015, so in 2015 the pensioner will still have the opportunity to receive a payment based on the results of 2014, but the next payment - only after five years.

Will employers continue to co-finance future pensions as a third party?

The law provides an opportunity for employers to become participants in the program for the benefit of their employees. Their contributions are unlimited. But we have only five employers in the region who co-finance their employees.

Sometimes citizens doubt: is there any co-financing from the state?

Yes, it is carried out all the years allotted for the program. In 2014, in May, co-financing was provided for the Khabarovsk participants of the program, as in previous years.

In the regional branch of the PFR, more than 144 million rubles were allocated to personal accounts, allocated from the state budget to co-finance additional pension contributions. At the same time, 147 million rubles were received from citizens.

Why such difference?

The fact is that there are payments less than the maximum minimum amount - 2,000 rubles a year, and they are not co-financed by the state. This was immediately indicated in the conditions of the program. There are about 600 such people in the Khabarovsk Territory.

187 thousand people in the region wrote applications to join the program. Of these, about 11 percent are paid. That is, almost 90 percent did not actually become participants. So the program failed?

We can't say it failed. 11 percent are members. They pay, so they have such an opportunity. And the rest…maybe they hoped the opportunity would come, but it never did. And they didn't really participate.

Maybe people just don't have money?

Still, it is wrong to say that the program did not take place. Most importantly, we are already making payments from the funds pension fund. They began in 2012, 54 thousand citizens have already received payments from pension savings. These payments can be made in the form of three options: either a lump sum payment, or a funded part of the pension, or an urgent payment.

The size of the funded part of the pension for those who have exercised their right is not so large, on average, about 1,000 rubles a month.

For those who chose an urgent payment, when the funds accumulated under the state co-financing program are divided over 10 years, the increase in pension is about 2,000 rubles.

A lump sum payment could be paid to program participants more than once, but at the time of receipt - how much was formed, for the second time - when, according to the results of the next year, he still received pension savings. With these two lump sum payments the average size it amounted to a little less than 20 thousand.

True, since 2015, the opportunity when a lump sum payment can be received annually has been canceled. Then this right can be granted no more than once every five years.