Matinee dedicated to 8. The song "Mom about the scale" is performed

Municipal preschool educational
institution of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Teremok "
Nizhny Novgorod region Tonshaevo


"Mother's Day"


Yakovleva I.Yu.


Vedas: March 8 - celebrates our planet - Women's Day. We are accustomed to it as a kind and cheerful holiday. Mom is the closest, dearest and most affectionate person on earth. On this day, it is customary to give flowers. Today, accept an unusual spring bouquet from us on a holiday, which consists of songs, games, and words of congratulations!

How beautiful mothers are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son!

Here I am, your daughter,

Look how you've grown

And more recently

She was a tiny little one.

Here I am, dear grandmother,

Love me!

You love me, I know

My precious!

Happy spring day today

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgotten kiss

"Air" send you!

("air kiss)

We are for you relatives, loved ones

Let's sing a song together.

We wish you happy days

Together: Happy Women's Day!

A song is being performed"Dear grandmothers mothers"

Music sounds...

Children-angels "fly" into the hall, sit on the clouds.

Vedas: It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

Who sat on a cloud

Who looked down on the world.

Angels in the face of children

Mothers were chosen.

1 Angel. Soon I will be born!

I need to decide.

Mom will be with me

Like a clear dawn.

2 Angel. Mom will be with me

Like a red sun.

Keeps me warm,

And a clear smile.

3 Angel. Mom will be with me

Like the water of the spring is pure,

As fluffy snow is tender,

Warm like spring rain

The cutest and dearest.

4 Angel. I want the same

I will fly with you too!

I will find my mother.

Tight, tight hug.

Angels descend from the "cloud" and go to their mothers. Everyone reads a poem and takes his mother to the center of the hall.

1 Angel. I want this mom!

In the whole world, I know, no

More fun, more gentle kind,

Better than my mother.

2 Angel. Better than my mom

Not in white.

I love my mom very much

I always give her happiness.

3 Angel. Mom, mom, mommy,

My sun!

How happy with you

How warm you are!

Without you in my soul

Flowers don't bloom.

I'll be happy then

If you are near.

4 Angel. When I see my mother

I want to kiss.

I want to hug you so tight

To embrace tenderness.

Dance "Mothers and their children"

I will dance and sing for my mother.

Let everyone know how much I love her.

I will shine for my mother,

And every day like a cartoon to have fun.

I am all the candy in the world

I will buy for my mom.

And white marshmallow

I'll save for my mom.

I am a rainbow for mom

Ordered today.

Let mom be happy

And the hall rejoices.

On the Day of the eighth of March
Mommy beloved
I will give you the sun
Golden beam.

A song is being performed"Mother's Day"

Vedas: How tenderly, with love, your children speak and sing about you, mothers.

And what do your parents think about you, guys, now we will find out!

Comic game-roll call with parents:

Vedas: He gets up in the morning from bed:

"Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the boots? Where is the sock? »

I made the bed myself

And he watered the flowers,

Mom helped set the table ...

Do you have such a son? (Parents answer...)

Scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I'm tired!

I can't clean up, I'll help you tomorrow!

I don't want a point!

Do you have such a daughter? (Parents answer...)

And the other daughters are amazing! Washed all the dishes

They fed Murka the cat, although they themselves are still crumbs,

They work, they try ... Do you like these? (Parents answer...)

Vedas: How cleverly and skillfully your mothers answer. Guys, I have a box, and in it are the things of your mothers and they must recognize their mother's thing.


The teacher in advance, secretly from the children, collects beads, watches, a handkerchief, etc.

During the game asks: Whose mom's thing?

Vedas: Mother's things were found out, and our mothers.


to the performance of the song "The sun is laughing" ("Music. Hand.").

First girls play with their mothers, then boys.

Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer circle.

To the music, everyone goes in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in another),

at the end - the children are looking for their mother ..

1 time - children are looking for mothers, then mothers are looking for children.

The dance is performed by girls.

Competition "BUTTON"

Who will sew buttons faster and better.

(The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm)

Competition "MOM'S ASSISTANTS"

Moms sit on chairs with a basket on their laps.

The host scatters fake sweets around the hall.

Children must bring their mother one piece of candy, for each piece of candy.

child kisses mother on the cheek. Whoever brings more and faster, he won!


1. Mom and child --- at opposite ends of the hall.

The child has "traces" cut from cardboard

Throwing one footprint on the floor, stepping on them one by one, he gets to his mother.

Who quickly? Here you can choose three or four children.

2. Both mother and child participate.

They move in succession towards each other.

3. The same .... but dad gives them traces, running from one to another ...

All three must meet. played by two families. All this to the music of "Mammoth Songs"

The song "Evening and the moon has risen"


And now this thing:

Need to hang handkerchiefs

To dry out overnight.

Therefore, to help you

Let's call Mom.

(2 teams. Each team has 1 mom and 2 girls. Moms hold a long rope,

one girl wears 1 handkerchief of a certain color from a common basin,

the other - attaches it to the rope with a clothespin.

The other team does the same, but the girls hang out handkerchiefs of a different color. The team that hangs out the handkerchiefs first wins.

Competition "Bake pancakes" - relay race.

In the hands of a child, a children's frying pan, pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut from thin foam),

they run to the table. they put the pancake on a dish, each participant has his own, they return. pass the pan to the next team member whose team will "bake" more pancakes.

Competition "Flower of love and tenderness"

Children stand in a circle and pass a flower to gentle calm music,

who is holding a flower. he speaks affectionately of his mother, good word

Children sit down.

Vedas: Your children today presented you with a festive bouquet of touching words, magic notes, fun and enthusiasm. And we, too, could not stay away and prepared our bouquet. A bouquet of sweet dreams and desires. In each of the flowers is a prediction of your fate.

Children go to the center of the hall, in the hands of gifts for mothers and grandmothers, made in advance.

Health and happiness

We all wish you.

our beloved,

We congratulate you!

The song "Mame o gamma" is performed

Our matinee ends once again congratulating all the mothers of grandmothers on the holiday of health to you, and so that every day brings happiness.

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Scenario children's matinee dedicated to the holiday of March 8. For the preparatory group.

Leading educators come out to the music.

1st LEADING: Hello, dear friends!

2nd LEADING: Hello, dear mothers!

1st HOST: Today we have prepared for you a special holiday channel "Warmth of hearts for dear mothers!".

2nd HOST: And now, please, get acquainted with the participants of our programs. Meet!

Music “The sun is shining” children enter, walk around the floor of the hall, sit down.

1st HOST: On our holiday information channel you will see the following programs:

2nd LEADING: "News",

1st LEADER: "While everyone is at home",

2nd LEADER: "Relish"

1st LEADER: "For those who are over",

2nd HOST: "Stories in detail",

1st LEADING: "I serve the Fatherland",

2nd HOST: "Big wash"

1st LEADER: "Laughter-panorama",

2nd LEADER: "Minute of Glory"

1st LEADING: "Good night",

1st LEADER: And the weather forecast for tomorrow will end our program.

2nd HOST: In addition, the festive channel will be decorated with music and dance breaks, games and special reports.

1st LEADER: And now I will introduce you to the news of this day ... (name and surname of the child, "announcer").

The announcer approaches the TV screen, the "News" screensaver sounds.

ANNOUNCER: Hello, the news is on the air. Today the whole country is preparing to celebrate March 8 Day. In Cheboksary, Kazan, Novocheboksarsk and other cities, all children prepare gifts for their beloved mothers. At these moments in kindergarten No. 146 "Cockerel" is a festive matinee. Watch the live broadcast from the music room!

Children are built in a semicircle, read poems in turn.

1st CHILD:

In the kindergarten turmoil and noise,
Will start soon! Where is my suit?

2nd CHILD:

Stomp, movement, disputes, chuckles ...
What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
Apparently, guests of honor will come!

3rd CHILD: Maybe the generals will come?

CHILDREN (in chorus): No!

4th CHILD: Maybe the admirals will come?

CHILDREN (in chorus): No!

5th CHILD: Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?

CHILDREN (in chorus): No! Not! Not!

6th CHILD:

Quit guessing in vain
Look, here they are, our guests,
Honorable, most important!

CHILDREN (in chorus): Hello, our mothers!

7th CHILD:

Today is a holiday, bright colors,
He comes to us as a friend
feast of kindness, fairy tale holiday,
Kind eyes and gentle hands.

8th CHILD:

This is the feast of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
devotion, adoration,
A holiday of the most tender words.

9th CHILD:

Let the sun shine gently
Let the birds greet the dawn!
About the most wonderful thing in the world
I'm talking about my mother.

10th CHILD:

How many of them, kind and gentle,
Today came to the holiday
Let it snow outside
But our hearts are warm.

12th CHILD:

Let the song flow like a stream
And mom's heart warms
We sing about mom in it,
Tender than which does not exist.

Dance "I wake up early in the morning."

Children sit down. Music from the program "While everyone is at home" sounds, a child, the TV show host, comes out.

HOST OF THE 1st TRANSFER: The program "So far, everyone is at home" is on the air. Today we will get acquainted with the big and friendly family our parents. This family is very large and cheerful, although the professions of all family members are different. (approaches with a microphone to the mothers, asks the first question to one of the mothers, she answers, the host asks the second question to another mother, and so on) Please tell me where you work? Traditional question, how did you get acquainted with our kindergarten? Now the question is: do you like to cook? I propose to interrupt our program and give the floor to the host of the Smak program.

Music from the program "Smak".

2nd GEAR HOST: Especially for children, to help tired mothers, I offer an original holiday soup. Write down the recipe.

"Bad advice"

If you stayed at home
Without parents alone,
I can offer you
An interesting game
Titled "Courageous Chef"
Or The Brave Cook.
The essence of the game in preparation
All kinds of delicious food.
I suggest to start
Here is such a simple recipe:
Need in daddy's shoes
Pour out mother's perfume
And then these shoes
Apply shaving cream
And pouring them with fish oil
With black ink in half,
Throw in the soup that mama
Prepared in the morning.
And cook with the lid closed
Roughly seventy minutes.
What happens, you know
When the adults arrive.

3rd GEAR HOST: To create a greeting card, you need cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue. Get a little creative and here's what Greeting Cards got us. You can do all this with your own hands.

Sounds music from the TV show "For those who are over ...".

HOST OF THE 4TH GIVE: And now we want to congratulate our dear and beloved grandmothers.

Grandma's hands (L. Kvitka)

I am with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She is in everything
Along with me.
I do not know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her
But grandmother's hands
I love everything the most.


My grandmother is with me
And that means I'm the boss in the house!
I can open cupboards
Flowers - water with kefir.
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I have a cake eat with hands,
And slam the door loudly.
But it won't work with mom.
I already checked!!!


Mom has a job
Dad has a job
They have for me
remains Saturday,
and grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me!
Seated, feed:
"Don't rush!
Well, what happened to you

I say, and grandmother
Doesn't interrupt
Grains of buckwheat
Sitting-sorting ...

We're good like this, together,
and a house without a grandmother is not a house.

4th GEAR HOST: Please accept a musical gift from us.

"Song about grandma"

Music from the program "History in Detail" sounds.

HOST OF 5TH SHOW: Today in the program "Stories in Detail" the story of a dad from one family.

1st CHILD:

In the soul of every dad
Well, just a boy.
Sometimes he acts like a brat.
Therefore, they should be allowed
Albeit rare, but still
Become boys.

2nd CHILD:

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom,
Dad has skillful, strong hands.
And he will not refuse to help anyone,
And he will say a kind word in time.

3rd CHILD:

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is happier and kinder.
Of course everyone dreams
to be like you
But we know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

4th CHILD:

How I love you!
How happy I am when together
We are going for a walk!
Or do something
Or just talking.
And what a pity you again
Let go to work!


There are many different songs
In the world about everything
And now we have a song for you
Let's sing about daddy.

"Song congratulations to dads" Music. O. Glushkova.

Children sit down.

The music from the TV show "I Serve the Fatherland" sounds, the host boy comes out.

HOST OF THE 6TH TRANSFER: “I serve the Fatherland”, dear friends! And today in our program we will tell you about the brave Defenders of the Fatherland.

The boys come out and stand in a semicircle.

1st BOY:

The boys dream of growing up soon
And become adults,
And go to work.
And dads are probably dreaming again
Such as in childhood.
Become boys.

2nd BOY :

Our own army
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.
So let all the guys
They grow up happy!


Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day
We are family to you now
Let's sing a song.

Song: Don't Be Afraid Mom.

The boys take their seats.

Sounds like music from the TV show "Big Wash".


You know, I look at them
Will be their poor fiance
Handles, look, they are white.
Do not erase, they know.
There are automatic machines!
Learn to wash, girls!

Dance: "washing".

The girls sit down.

Sounds like music from the TV show "Laughter Panorama".

HOST OF THE 8TH TRANSFER: We present to your attention the humorous program "Laughter Panorama". And now people's artists of our theater will perform.

Musical scene "Grandmothers-old women".

2nd LEADING: And now we invite you to a fun warm-up!

"Dress Mom"(3 children dress up their mothers, hats, beads, scarves, bracelets), then mothers demonstrate their models to the music.

"Fanfares" sound, music for the program "Minute of Glory".

1st HOST: The people's program "Minute of Glory" is on the air! The program is opened by young, but very talented musicians, they came to us from Russia from the city of Cheboksary. The number is called "Russia-My Motherland".

Dance "Russia-My Motherland" (with ribbons).

Children sit on chairs.

The music from the TV show sounds: "Good night."

GEAR 9 HOST: It's time for sleep. And the best dream to my mother's lullaby.

The song "Good, dear mother."

1st LEADING: And now the weather forecast for tomorrow. (music sounds, usually accompanying the television weather forecast) Tomorrow, clear and sunny weather will continue throughout our country. The heart temperature of our mothers and their children is 36 and 5 degrees Celsius. In the next two days, precipitation in the form of tears and fog on the face is not expected. And in general, do not forget that spring will immediately come after winter, let's give each other the warmth of hearts and good mood!

Let there be snow on the street
Yes frost on the threshold
In our hall the sun
Let mommy laugh!

Children sing the song "Dear grandmothers and mothers."

2nd LEADING: And we are completing our holiday. Dear mothers, once again we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the brightest and kindest! May the smiles of your children always warm you! And now accept our gifts from us, from your daughters and sons!

Children give mom gifts.

Matinee dedicated to March 8


  • to cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, a desire to help them;

  • give children the opportunity to know their own mothers from an unexpected side;

  • create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.
Happy holiday, our beloved mothers,
We meet you today with flowers.
Good mothers are loved by all children,
To our kind mothers, our greetings!

Student 1:

I know! I remember!
Don't forget - Mother's Day has arrived!
I repeat congratulations, I won’t lose my words -
I've been saving them for a whole year:
Mom dear, dear,
Best of all - one of these!
Even if I'm kidding
I still love you!

Student 2:

On our holiday so desired
What else can you say?
Let us all now
Wish you good health!
Do not be ill! Don't get old!
Never get angry!
So young
Stay forever!

Student 3:

There is no more pleasant and easier
Than with the holiday of spring
Congratulate your mother -
My favorite.
On this lovely spring day
I also wish you
Only joy, fun -
For the soul, they are more important.

Student 4:

I heartily congratulate
You, that is sweeter to the heart of all.
I wish you health
Faithful, sincere friends.
Be happy, love!
Let blood always play!
So necessary in life
Heart tenderness and love.

Student 5:

Our dear mothers,
We are always proud of you
smart, calm,
We will be worthy of you!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
For things to be good
So that trouble does not happen in the house,
To never be sad.
I wish you happiness and good
I wish you warm bright days
Health is the most important thing.

Student 6:

Mum! I love you very, very much!
I love you so much that I can't sleep in the dark at night,
Looking into the darkness, I hurry the dawn,
I love you all the time mommy.
The sun is up, it's already dawn.
There is no one better than a mother in the world!

Student 7:

Mum! Happy spring holiday
I heartily congratulate!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will be dispelled.
I wish only happiness
Let the years not age you!

Student 8:

Happy International Day
And I sincerely wish
To be forever young.
So that strength does not leave,
For business to be successful
Be always so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

Student 9:

Thank you for the kindness, love and smile,
For happiness, which is so unsteady in the world,
For everything that I strive to keep in my soul,
To live your life with dignity.

Mom is the light in my window
Mom is a rainbow in the desert
Mom is a shining star
Mom is always waiting for me.

When I go forward stubbornly,
Mom helps me walk.
When I suddenly fall into a hole,
Mom will help me get up.

I want to say thank you
I want to say thank you.
Why should I say anything
After all, you know: I love you!

My mother is the kindest
Because she forgives
All my tricks and pranks
And kisses me, loving.

My mother is the most beautiful
Because her smile
It warms and pleases me and my sister,
Mom loves us dearly.

My mom is the strictest
Because she wants
So that her children know a lot,
To always be honest.

My mother is the most, the most,
Because among all the troubles,
What happens in our life
Closer than mom and better not.

Student 10:

I will hug and kiss my dear mother,
I want to congratulate her and wish her good health,
I want to promise to correct her behavior.
I promise to be obedient
And less upset
Do only what needs to be done
And help around the house.

Student 11:

Let our mothers hear
How do we sing a song.
You, our dear mothers,

^ All: Congratulations on Women's Day!

Student 12:

Mom is an expensive word
In that word - warmth and light,
On the glorious day of the eighth of March

All: Our mothers - our greetings!

Student 13:

Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for all relatives,

All: We say thank you!

- Well, we wished so much
You must be tired!
All this we ask you to accept!
And to make it come true - clap now!

Children give their mothers holiday greetings made at labor lessons at school (beaded necklace) and sing the song "Solar drops" (music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by I. Vakhrusheva).

- Chastushki are always a decoration of the holiday! It's fun, it's a joke! It's always creative!

Student 1:

Here comes the holiday
We are glad to the ears.
Let's sing to our mothers
We are our ditties.

Student 2:

Our dear mothers,
We will sing ditties to you
Congratulations on March 8
And hello big helmet to you.

Student 3:

If Valya squints her eyes,
So she's waiting for clues.
In vain do not squint, Valyusha, eye,
We won't tell you this time!

Student 4:

I gave to write off on the control
All puzzles for Kolechka,
And now we have in notebooks
Both have doubles!

Student 5:

If you are my friend
Call out of misfortune.
Raise your hand,
Not to call me.

Student 6:

Burnt soup and porridge
Salt is poured into compote.
When mom came home from work
She had a lot of trouble.

Student 7:

I'll tell you a secret
Yes, about our girls.
Dresses change every day
We cannot recognize them.

Student 8:

Here's a clean once a year
I decided the frying pan
And then for four days they couldn't wash me.

Student 9:

Draw a picture of Vasya,
He is an artist, no doubt
But why did he paint his nose
Red, yellow, blue?

Student 10:

Our girls blossomed
Like daisies in the meadow
Well, they sing songs
Like birds in a meadow.

Student 11:

Oh girls don't worry
I'm pretty good too.
And in school everything is in order -
Soon I will be a hero!

Student 12:

I found a broom in the kitchen
And swept the whole apartment,
And left of him
Three straws in total.

Student 13:

We finish singing ditties
And today we promise
Listen to you always in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

We sang ditties to you
Is it good or bad
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

^ III. Competition program for mothers and children

- I greet everyone who came to us for the evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, restless, hardworking and patient and, of course, our most beautiful mothers.
Today, in honor of March 8, you will meet with jokes and surprises, with songs, poems and ..., in general, you can’t count everything. But whether it will be fun today depends only on you, dear friends.
We will make two teams and select the jury members for our contest "Come on, moms and children." Each team should have 6 mothers and their children.
So, it's time for us to get acquainted with the members of our teams (I present the teams and the jury members). Well, let's move on to the most interesting.

Game 2

– I think it will be interesting for everyone to know how well children know their mothers. The children will have to recognize their mother without seeing her (blindfolded), only by her hand.

“We made sure that children know their mothers well. This is not surprising, because for every child, the mother is the only one. And now mothers are given the opportunity, without seeing the child (blindfolded), to recognize him by his voice.

Game 4

The child dances with his mother, standing on the "island" - the newspaper. Then the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half, and everyone continues to dance to the music. The music stops again, the newspaper is folded again, and so on.
Those who leave the newspaper are out of the game.

Game 7

Each team is given a glass of tea and a small spoon. Children from a spoon give tea to their mothers. Whoever drinks tea first wins.

^ Dance of the Boys

First, we imitate putting things in a pile, then we wash them, then we wash them, then we rinse, squeeze them out and hang them up. And all the movements in a row..

^ IV. Final part

- Well, our festive evening has come to an end, dedicated to the day March 8. Thank you all for responding to the invitation to participate in today's competition. Thank you for your love and attention to children.

We are finishing our competition
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.
And you, children, do not upset your mothers,
Never offend.
love them, take care
And grow obedient.

^ Song "Mama"

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mother earth and sky
Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

It happens - you become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As always, dear baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

Author: Abramova Anna Yurievna, primary school teacher
Place of work: School named after Kanysh Satpayev, Esik, Almaty region

Material Description On the eve of the spring holiday on March 8, I would like to please mothers with a good matinee. It is important that the children convey their love and respect to the invited mothers and grandmothers from the bottom of their hearts. Children, especially those of primary school age, can convey emotions very vividly and vividly. We wish your mothers to enjoy such a matinee.

Target: Congratulate mothers and classmates on the international women's holiday spring.

Develop respect and gratitude for mothers and grandmothers.
Upbringing creativity and activity, culture of communication.

Preparatory work: Learning poems, songs and dances, selecting songs for a musical potpourri, making an invitation card and a gift for mom (grandmother or sister).

Equipment: decorated board, computer, song “My dear mommy!”, dance music, musical potpourri for the game, hat, gifts.

The progress of the matinee

(Children sit in a semicircle facing the board, mothers behind them)

Student: Once a year there is a wonderful holiday,
The most tender long-awaited.
This is the holiday of our mothers,
Grandmothers, sisters.
He comes to us in the spring
Worries all the boys.

Teacher: Hello dear mothers and grandmothers. Today we want to congratulate you on your holiday "International women's day". Today the guys want to express their love and gratitude to you.
modern celebration women's day is considered the day of spring, female beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to a woman, when representatives of the strong half of humanity can once again please their loved ones and relatives with gifts and care.

Performance of the song “Dear Mommy, My Mommy!”
Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you! 2r.
Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -
Mommy is right next to me.
I love my dear mother very much
I will give this song to her. 2r.

Student:. With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

Student: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

Student: May the first snowdrop
Will give you tenderness!
The spring sun will give warmth!
And the March wind will give hope
And happiness, and joy, and only good!

Teacher: Mommy the most beautiful word in the world. Mom gives life, loves, cares, worries about us. In all languages ​​of the world, the word mother sounds affectionate. Mom has the most gentle hands, she's got it all. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, she never remains indifferent to our sorrows and failures. First of all, we want to congratulate our beloved mothers. How children care and worry about you.

Mom is sleeping, she is tired (E. Blaginina)
1. Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
2. My toys do not make noise,
Quiet in an empty room...
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
3. And I said to the beam:
I also want to move.
I would like a lot
read aloud
And roll the ball
I would sing a song
I could laugh.
4. Yes, I don’t know what I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence.

Teacher: On this day, the sun shines brighter and gives us its warmth. People give each other smiles. Smile and you, give a good mood to others. Your smiles are charming, sweet and beautiful.

Student: If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,
If there is no mother, it is bad for one;
I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,
I will hug my mother tightly.

Student: Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

Student: You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

Student: One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the most best friend,
Better mom- no!

Teacher: On this day, not only mothers are congratulated, but also grandmothers. After all, your grandmother is also the mother of your father or mother. Grandmothers love us the most. They take care of us even if we don't like it.

Student: My grandmother and I are old friends.
What a good grandma.
But grandmother's hands are just a treasure.
Hands do not order grandmother to be idle.
Golden, dexterous, how I love them!
No, you probably won't find others like that.

Teacher: What will we give grandmothers? We will give the grandmothers a dance.

Dance "Spring".

Teacher: Everyone dreams about something, thinks, wants something. What do our mothers think? Let's find out.

Hat game.
Musical potpourri of songs.
(Moms take turns putting on a hat and a piece of the song is turned on)

Teacher: On March 8, as well as on other holidays, it is customary to give gifts. The guys have prepared surprises for you with their own hands.

(children give gifts)

Teacher: Well, our holiday is coming to an end. I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of spring, wish you a bright sun and a clear peaceful sky. May Love, Understanding and Luck be with you.

Razdina Anzhelika Aleksandrovna Musical director of MKDOU 32 "Dove" ZATO Zheleznogorsk p.Podgorny st. Lesnaya 2-31

(1 junior)

Children in pairs enter the hall, become a semicircle.


Spring is back again
And the birds sang!
Women's Day is coming
let's have fun!

1st child:

Oh, what an elegant kindergarten,
It's Mom's Day for the kids!


Babies congratulate mom
Having fun with mom!
Presenter: Everything is ready for the holiday,
So what are we waiting for?

We are a fun dance
Let's start our holiday!

Song "Pink cheeks"

Matryoshka enters to the music.

Matryoshka: Hello guys, hello adults! You recognized me?

I am a cheerful Matryoshka, I was passing by your kindergarten, I heard a cheerful song and decided to drop in. Yes, I see, you are all smart, beautiful - you probably have a holiday? And what a holiday, tell me!

(Children talk.)

Can I stay at your party?
Presenter: Of course, Matryoshka, stay!
Today is a wonderful holiday
all women are given gifts, flowers...

Matryoshka: So they gave me a flower.
It is not simple, but concert!
tear off the petal,
Songs and dances!

Presenter: Let's ask our mothers to tear off the first petal. You are welcome! (Moms tear off the petal and give it to the Leader).

And the petal will tell us: "Sing a song for moms!"

Song for mom

Matryoshka: Let's ask our grandmothers to tear off a leaf,

And our kids will continue to perform!

Suitable for any grandmother, tear off a petal.

Presenter: Yes, at my grandmother's light hand, for myself congratulations pulled out.

Our lovely babies
Grandmothers will play on spoons.

playing with grandma "Glube"

Matryoshka: We played with you and forgot about our flower. Let's ask the girl to tear off the next petal ... (name).

Matryoshka: Bright Ribbons
We will take in hand
Our lovely mothers
Congratulations on Women's Day!

"Ribbon Dance"

Matryoshka praises the children and immediately turns to one of the boys with a request to tear off the petal, then takes the petal and announces the next number.

Matryoshka: We will continue the holiday,

I invite your moms to play!

A game "Know Your Child" : children stand in a circle, and blindfolded mothers are looking for their child.

Presenter: Matryoshka, let me tear off a petal too! (Tears off.)

Feet don't want to stand
Matryoshka is invited to dance.
Matryoshka: I don't stand still,
I love to have fun!

Help me kids to dance.

"Become dancing"

Everyone claps, Matryoshka unfolds her scarf and dances with it.

Presenter: Matryoshka, what do you have beautiful scarf, large.

Matryoshka: Do you want to play with him? ..

Playing with a handkerchief: they take the edges of the handkerchief together with the Host, raise the handkerchief up and say: "The handkerchief rises, the children gather ..." (Children run up).

Come on "Russian" let's start the fun! (They dance.)

The handkerchief falls, the children scatter.

The game is played Zraza in different corners of the hall. Children stand freely.


Oh, I'm a little tired, I want to rest. I'll tear off a petal, Maybe there will be seagulls?

Here I would like to drink some tea, but with a pie ... (Pulls off petal.)

Ouch! (Sniffs.) How delicious it smells like pies, do the guys themselves: they baked pies ?!

Host: Of course, listen to how they baked them.

Song "Pies"

Matryoshka: Unfortunately, there are no more petals. Only one middle left

Gives the middle of the flower.

The presenter accepts it, reads: "Treat" .

Matryoshka: Treat! Treat! happy holiday

congratulations to all!

Matryoshka: Be cheerful, healthy,
Give good light to everyone!
Come visit again
And live to be a hundred years old!

Children give their mothers souvenirs.

Mother's day

To the music "Song of the Mammoth" children enter the hall with multi-colored fireworks in their hands and stand in the center of the hall.

Spring, spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the planet.
"Thanks!" - mothers are told
Both adults and children.

In the year, in the early spring,
Happens only once
Such a good holiday
Mom and us.

It's just embarrassing
many, many years
Everyone has fireworks
But mom doesn't!

The lights are sparkling
In the sky here and there
We dedicate to mothers
Festive fireworks.

An exercise "Salute with Ribbons"

Leading: We danced for moms,
And now let's sing.
We congratulate mom
Happy Women's Day!

Song "Sweet Mommy" Children sit on chairs.

Here the sun has risen.
It became suddenly quite warm.
Everywhere the sound of a drop is heard:
"Ding-la-la, ding-la-la!"

We are tired of blizzards!
Jing-la-la, ding-la-la!
These droplets sang their song.
So they always meet the girl-spring.

Spring is coming out

Hello spring freckle,
Cheerful little girl.

Hello my friends,
I'm glad to see you all.
How much sun, how much light
Brought spring to all

Everywhere you can hear songs, dances,
There is loud laughter.

Leading. We have a lot of fun because mothers, grandmothers, guys have gathered here.

Spring. Girls, do you help your mothers?

Don't disturb us now
Our laundry is urgent.
Me and mom, we are together
Dealing with linens.

Girls perform a dance "Wash" .

Spring. Well done girls, and who will protect their mothers?

Vedas: Our boys are brave, brave.

They will grow up and will protect their mothers, grandmothers, sisters.

Reb: I'll grow up a little,
As a dad, I will go to the army.
You just need to eat porridge
and listen to grandma and mom!

A song is being performed "We are soldiers"

Spring. What kids, well done! Help mothers in their difficult worries.

And now it's time

Play for us kids.

A game "Know Your Child" : children become in a circle, and mothers with blindfolded eyes are looking for their child.

Spring. It was my pleasure to be a guest at your celebration.

But it's time for me to leave
I have a lot of things to do.
We must melt the snow and ice,
help young green grass grow.

Goodbye, children!

Presenter: We continue our holiday.
And now, guys, guess the riddle
For him, walking is a holiday.
And honey has a special scent.

This plush prankster -
Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh.)
Loudly you say out loud: -
Come join us, WINNIE THE POOH!"

Winnie the Pooh enters holding a pot of honey.
* Pooh: Who visits in the morning
He acts wisely!
Taram-param, taram-param,

That's what morning is for!
Well, am I too late? (He realizes that he did not congratulate everyone on the holiday.)
Dear mothers, grandmothers,
girls and teachers!

Happy New Year! (Clamps his mouth.)
Ouch! Of course not!
Happy Women's Day!
And I give a pot of honey.

I don't feel sorry for you
Here's a congratulations!
Presenter: Thank you, Winnie the Pooh, for the wonderful congratulations!
Pooh: What's that! I still know

squealers, nozzles, yells.
Listen, and you play "R-chalki" know?
Host: No, we don't!
Pooh: Now I'll teach you all.

Do you know how a bear growls?
Showing: "rrrr..."
Understandably? Now let's take turns roaring.
Who is louder - boys or girls?

One, two, three girls! One, two, three - boys! Or maybe parents?

(Children do.)

Children, and I want to ask you: who came to you in the morning?
Children: Mommy!
Winnie the Pooh: Who said: "It's time to get up!"
Children: Mommy!

Winnie the Pooh: Who managed to cook porridge?
Children: Mommy!
Winnie the Pooh: Pour into a cup of tea?
Children: Mommy!

Winnie the Pooh: Who braided your pigtails!
Children: Mommy!
Winnie the Pooh: One swept the whole house?
Children: Mommy!

Winnie the Pooh: Who picked the flowers in the garden?
Children: Mommy!
Winnie the Pooh: Who kissed you?
Children: Mommy!

Winnie the Pooh: Who's childish likes laughter?
Children: Mommy!
Winnie the Pooh: Who is the best in the world?
Children: Mommy!

Winnie the Pooh: Oh, how many mothers are here!

And everyone is smiling. To make your moms even more beautiful, let's dress them up! Which one of you guys wants to decorate their mom?

The game is being played "Dress Mom"

several couples are invited to play - a mother with a child. A table is set up with accessories: beads, bracelets, scarves, hats... Moms sit on chairs. Children "decorate" their mothers. To the cheerful music, mothers go in a circle (difele).

Winnie the Pooh:

We walked well
They brought me joy.
Well, Happy Grandma
Have you congratulated yourself?

1st child. I'll tell you a secret:
I have a girlfriend.
How old is my girlfriend
I can't count on my fingers.

2nd child. Grandma, you're not an old woman,
You are my favorite faithful friend.
Grandma, dear, we are friends.
May my song delight you.

Song "That's what a grandmother" .

playing with grandma "Rewind the ball"

Winnie the Pooh: Well done, guys, and now I want to say goodbye to you.

They are waiting for me in another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Leading. 1,2, 3, 4, 5-
We invite mothers and grandmothers to dance!
Dance "Merry Pole" .
Leading. This is where the fun ends.

It's time for us to part.
We wish you all goodbye
Peace, happiness and kindness!
And to be remembered

Our holiday is bright,
We give you all
Here are the gifts!
Presentation of gifts for mothers.

Leading. We invite our dear guests to the festive table.


"The formation of communication skills, emotional responsiveness, taking into account the individual capabilities of younger children preschool age means of theatrical art" .

Significance. One of the values ​​of the younger preschool age is the increased emotionality of the child, his emotions. Coordination of musical and pedagogical activities with the natural emotionality of children and the use of theatrical art in working with kids allows you to build the learning process taking into account Russian and international laws and implement the emotional component of education. Baby is coming to master the meaning of their actions through feelings. Indeed, only in a state of increased interest, emotional upsurge, a child is able to focus his attention on a piece of music, an object, remember an event with all the details and nuances. The desire to relive a certain state can serve as a motive for activity for him, a stimulus for the manifestation of activity. Under the influence of emotions, attention, thinking, and speech manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way. Early childhood not just a time of spontaneous and free activity of the child. This is a very important period, during which the child acquires skills that later allow him to master the world of adults. Musical education is a synthesis various kinds activities. Theatrical activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in a peer as a partner, improves the ability to embody certain experiences in the game, encourages the creation of new images, and thinking. Joint with peers and adults theatrical (theatrical game) activity has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect on the affective and cognitive spheres of the child, provides correction of violations of the communicative sphere.

Phased implementation of the topic: “The development of communication skills in children younger age means of theatrical art” took place in three stages:

Stage 1 - organizational, theoretical.

Within the framework of the topic, cooperation has been established with educators and parents: an action plan has been drawn up with parents (questionnaire for parents, consultations, conversations); planned joint activities with educators (planning, consultations, conversations) on the development of emotional responsiveness, communication skills in young children by means of musical art, through the theater of the hand.

Stage 2 - practical. Children's immersion game situation. With kids, I pay great attention to the reflection of fabulous images of animals, we analyze the nature of the movement, intonation: a large and small bird flies, funny and sad hares. I use psycho-gymnastics exercises: it's raining, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining, a cloud. I offer children toys, bi-ba-bo dolls, theater spoons, attributes for dressing up, emblems of animals for playing out a fairy tale "Teremok" . I teach children to convey mood, change facial expressions, conduct individual work with children, and encourage children to participate in dramatizations.

Stage 3 - final. Presentation of accumulated experience. Showing a fairy tale "Teremok" . Productive activities of children: drawings, photo - exhibition, crafts.


  • Actions agreed music director, educators and families in matters of the formation of emotional responsiveness, communicative qualities, the development of speech in young children by means of musical art.
  • A positive dynamics in the development of communicative qualities in young children by means of musical art was noted.

Holiday of folk games and fun for 2 ml. groups, based on a fairy tale - "TEREMOK"

The hall is decorated in Russian folk style. Russian folk music sounds. Children - "mummers" enter the hall, where they are met by Grandfather Fedot and Grandmother Natalya.

Grandmother Natalya: Good afternoon and bow, dear guests! I'm Babka Natalia.

Grandfather Fedot: And I'm Grandfather Fedot. We have been waiting for you for a long time,

We can't start the holiday without you!

We have a place and a word for everyone!


Educator. Guys, let's say hello to you together - hello - and sing a song "Hello palms" .

song "Hello palms"

Grandfather Fedot: Here for you, for dear guests,
There will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday!
According to custom in the old days
It's called Autumn!

Grandmother: Today there will be games, dances, laughter,
There is enough joy for everyone.
Grandfather: Let's start the holiday,
Let's sing and dance!

Grandmother: Dear guests, tell me, do you like fairy tales?
Do you like to play? (Children answer.)
Educator: Fairy tales, games and fun
Loves our kid.

And now we'll show grandma
How do we play "Okay" .
Friendly our crumbs
Clap your hands!

Performed Russian folk joke "Okay" (together with children):

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma! Grandma baked sweet pancakes for us. I watered it with oil, gave it to the children. Kolya two, Olya two, Vanya two, Tanya two -

gave to everyone!

Grandmother: Oh, guys, well done,
How delighted everyone!
You deserve your success!
For effort and hard work

Let's clap together!
Grandfather: The wind blows, the wind blows,
It blows, it blows.
yellow leaves,

Breaks from the tree.
Kids, when does it happen?

Children. In autumn.

The teacher offers to listen to the song "Autumn"

Grandfather: And now come in, good people, but sit on the benches!

Children go into the hall and sit on the benches.

Grandmother: Guys, I have one fabulous riddle for you.

Do you want to listen? (Children answer.)

Then listen carefully:

Not low, not high...

What kind of house? (Children answer: "Teremok" .)

Well done! And now, children, sit quietly

Yes, a fairy tale, look about Teremok.

She may be small
But about important things!
Educator: We all know, we all believe:
There is a wonderful tower in the world.

In the open field of Teremok,
He's not low, he's not high...
Once upon a time there was a Mouse-Norushka,
gray ear.

The mouse went across the field,
Mouse Teremok found.

The mouse runs out to the music (autumn leaves in paws), notes Teremok.

Mouse: What is this Teremok? He is not low, not high! Who, who lives in a teremochka? Who, who does not live high? (Listens.) Pee-pee-pee! Silence!.. I will live here alone.

Educator: No one answered the Mouse. She decided to enter the teremok.

The mouse sits on a chair, puts leaves in a vase.

Educator: Only the Mouse is at work, right there is the Frog from the swamp.

The Frog comes out to the music, Teremok notices.

Frog: What kind of teremok is this?
He is not low, not high!
Qua-qua-qua! Who lives in the teremochka?
mouse (rises): The gray mouse lives,

Waiting for you to visit.
(Gives the Frog a hand.)
Educator: They began to live together.
The mouse sweeps the floor

The frog wipes the windows.
Wash together, rub together
And guests are always welcome here.
Along the way - guess what!

Who runs to them, children?
Children: Bunny!
Bunny runs out to the music, notices the tower.
Educator: He saw the tower -

And on the spot jump-jump!
Bunny: What kind of teremok is this?
He is not low, not high!
Who lives here, respond

And make friends with me!
Mouse and Frog: We are girlfriends,
Mouse and Frog.
Come to the house soon

You will be our friend in everything!
Educator: There are three of them in the tower.
Mouse and Frog bake cheesecakes,
And Bunny sings songs to them.

"Hare" r.n. song
Educator: Suddenly knocking at dawn
Cockerel throaty - Petya.
The Rooster comes out to the music.

Cockerel: Crow!
Who lives in the teremochka?
Beasts (leaves the house): We hear a knock on our teremok.
Who is knocking on us?

Cockerel: Cockerel! I will be friends with you, Wake up the song in the morning!
Educator: They live together, have fun,
And they respect work.
Tools reach

And lead the melody.
Orchestra "Shining Moon" .
Educator: Do you hear the branches cracking?
How bitches crunch.

This bear is coming.
I saw the tower and let's knock.
Mishka comes out to the music, notices the tower.
Educator: The bear came from the forest,

Mishka found a teremok.
Bear: What kind of teremok is this?
He is not low, not high!
Educator: Modestly knocked on the door

And Mishka began to ask.
Bear: I am a little Bear,
I read books.
I know a lot of stories

I will read them to you.
Frog: Our Teremok is good,
But you won't enter it.
Mouse: You will break the Teremok for us,

Don't you understand yourself?
Bear: I agree, come out
And sit with me!
Educator: You, Mishutka, do not be sad.

You, my friend, do not be bored,
Hurry, more fun
Play with us!
Russian folk game"At the bear in the forest"

Educator: It was a lot of fun
And not a bit tired.
And now it's time to dance to us kids.
Dance "Fighted, reconciled"

The teacher offers to play with the guests

"Who will pick up the bump faster" .

Grandmother: Well, children, we had fun today, and now it's time to drink tea and eat goodies.

Grandfather: Above steam, below steam,

Our Russian samovar is boiling.

Grandmother: We invite all guests

Come join us for a cup of tea!

The holiday ends with tea.

Tips for parents

Role classical music in the making

What is classical music in understanding modern child? Most likely, for him it is boring music played by people with incomprehensible instruments. And, unfortunately, it is our omission that most children do not listen to and do not understand classical music. However, not everything is so hopeless. Gradually, you can instill in a child, if not love, then at least to some extent, respect for this type of art. And it is not at all necessary to go to a music school for this. To begin with, it will be enough to buy a couple of discs with recordings of classical works and unobtrusively put them in the background. Older children can be taken to a concert at the conservatory, to the ballet or to the opera. The most favorable time for a child to get acquainted with music is in the period up to 5-6 years. Better yet, start "musical education" child from the moment of conception. After all, studies show that the child, being in the mother's tummy, reacts to all the surrounding sounds and music. It is during pregnancy that it is recommended to listen to classical music, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. BUT infants they enjoy listening to both classical music and lullabies, often falling asleep to them. In addition, breastfeeding mothers listening to classical music experience a significant increase in lactation. From the age of two or three years, it is necessary to purposefully introduce the baby to classical pieces of music. Thanks to this, the child develops musical memory, imagination and inner ear. Of course, you should not focus only on classical music, because development should be multilateral. It is necessary to introduce the baby to various musical genres: pop music, jazz and others. However, it should be remembered that pop music and rock, according to doctors and psychologists, has a powerful negative influence to weak nervous system child. Therefore, it is better to give preference to classical music, as studies have proven its beneficial effect on the mental and physical development children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means attraction to goodness, beauty, humanity. Feeling of beauty musical melody reveals its own beauty to the child - a small person realizes his dignity, develops the spiritual strength of the child, his creative activity. The life of children without music is impossible, just as it is impossible without a game and without a fairy tale.... ”

Acquaintance with the musical works of great composers, as well as with the canvases of famous artists, should not become a boring duty for a child, like mathematics and literature at school. It should be a kind of communication between a teacher or a parent and a child. However, before instilling a love for art in children, it is necessary to form a musical culture in adults who are involved in their education.

What gives this acquaintance with the art of music?

It has long been known that listening to Mozart's music every day for 15 minutes significantly improves memory and brain activity in general. However, German neurologists refuted this idea about the influence of classical music on human mental abilities. After conducting a series of experiments, German experts did not reveal a significant increase in intelligence in young children after listening to Mozart's music.

When communicating with art, the child begins to form an artistic taste, develops an ear for music and creative activity. In addition, a small person is already forming his own system of aesthetic values, which develops him as a person.

According to experts, classical works energize, have a positive effect on the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. This music can have both a relaxing effect and stimulate physical activity and mental activity. Therefore, it is very important that a child begins to understand the beauty of the sounds of classical music from childhood.

And than earlier child join this music, the more chances he has to understand and love it

the true personality of the child.



Welcome to children's holiday to us
And we invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules.
We are glad to see everyone in the group
Songs, children's laughter always sound here.

On the day of the holiday, try to get up early.
So as not to be late for the matinee at the nursery.
So that your daughter or your son
I was able to put on the suit.

But take a camera or a camera,
And be sure to film the whole holiday for us.
But what is possible? Ask us!
We beg you, dear ones,

Applause to support children,
To make the artists bolder.
Read poetry, sing songs, dance,
To joke, to play a role on the stage.

Dance, sing, have fun with us. And know that we are always waiting for very pleasant meetings with you!