How beautiful to tie a scarf on your head: step by step instructions. Versatile and comfortable "Bandage"

Good afternoon, today we will learn it is beautiful to tie a wide scarf or stole on your head. I will show all ways make a beautiful headband with a wide scarf or stole. We will learn how to make various WINDINGS of the stole, with knots and bundles, with lace and cords. You will learn a variety of ways to tie a wide stole on your head = from a simple turban techniques, to complex turbans with double scarves and multilayer structures. Plus, I found a few photos where you can see all the beauty of such a tying with a headstole - I want to make you fall in love with this idea. I want you to see the beauty and grace prepared several master classes where in step by step pictures you can imagine the whole process beautiful strapping head stole.

Here is what you will find in this article.

  • How to oblige a head with one scarf ( 3 quick ways).
  • How to tie a stole on your head in the technique of HARNESS.
  • How beautiful to braid braids from stole .
  • Technique "oblique winding" with two scarves.
  • How to tie a tippet with a bun at the back.
  • How to tie a scarf with a bundle or tourniquet in front.
  • How can you decorate
  • And then I will do one more article BY ORIENTAL stoles on the head - ways to tie in Muslim ( and then a link will appear here)

So let's start falling in love with our new simple wide scarf headwear.

Who suits

head scarf.

It is very beautiful when a woman's head is gracefully wrapped in a soft stole. Not every person wears a hat or knitted hat(you are tormented until you pick up what suits you in style and proportions). And the soft wide scarf is good because of it alone you can make several “winding hats” at once in the most different styles and a variety of forms. You can find your own unique style. And by trial and error to find your own way to beautifully tie a stole on your head(under a coat, with a jacket, with a summer dress, with an evening dress).

A stole on the head can be worn not only with the graceful lines of a coat and an elegant jumper. This homemade headdress can easily fit into any style. Chinos, jeans, skinny jeans, skirts sports style and footwear of the most sporty forms.

A wide sweater with a narrow straight skirt and monk shoes goes well with a colorful silk scarf on the head. Knitted poncho coat with fur hood and sleeves skinny jeans and moccasins with tassels - and all this is crowned with a neat knitted stole, gracefully wrapping the head, and even with a decorative harness element.

Thin Indian stoles with an oriental pattern look especially elegant on the head. It looks very interesting when a striped scarf is tied on the head - it seems that several scarves are combined on the head different color. (By the way, I’ll tell you how beautifully to tie several stoles on your head with alternating colors a little lower in the same article).

It is interesting and unusual to tie a stole or scarf on the head, where the hair is collected in a high hairstyle.

You can make a twist on your head from a stole - in an oriental manner - in an asymmetric design.

Oriental turbans are made using the same winding techniques with different variations, with cushion linings, and stacked over high buns. With long scarves or with several stoles at once.

And now let's understand the most different ways tie a scarf on your head to get a beautiful and fashionable headdress.

HOW to tie a tippet

On the head

Technique ENDS INSIDE.

In the first case (photo black-brown silk scarf) - we put the stole on our heads - we pulled the ends to the back of the head and tied a knot there. Then they raised the ends again, crossed them over the upper part of the head - and again lowered the ends to the back of the head - tied them there in a knot and hid the ends under the bottom (buried under a scarf in the back of the head).

In the second case (photo with a red tippet) we lowered our heads - put a scarf on the back of our heads. They made a knot on the forehead - they raised their heads - they threw the edges of the scarf back (from the frontal knot) and put it under the back of the scarf.

The same variant with a cross knot on the forehead can also be made from a longer stole - where we put it on the head - we simply cross it on the back of the head. We go up to the Lub - and there we also cross. We lower the tips down and hide them behind the edges of our first layer.

In a very similar technique (cross and hidden tips), a scarf is tied using the TURP technique.

How to tie a scarf on your head


It is very convenient to make tight windings with a long knitted stretch stole. ,

  • First we put the middle of the scarf on the head - and tie the ends on the back of the head- firmly-on-strongly. We hang the two ends on the chest - one on the left shoulder, the other on the right.
  • Now you need to make coils around the head - alternately with one and the other end of the stole - one turn with the right end, one turn with the left, again a turn with the right, again a turn with the left. We try to tightly press our bandaging to the head (this is convenient if the fabric is knitted and stretch). When we reach the ends of the scarf, we hide them - slip them under the layer of our turns. IT'S VERY SIMPLE.

The stretch fabric of the stole stretches well and the winding is dense. But according to the same principle, you can tie other scarves on your head - for example, stoles from Indian thin translucent gauze.

How to tie a scarf

METHOD "Slanting styling"

In the photo above you see the technique of laying the stole along the oblique. Look carefully at the top of the forehead (the very center). You can see that this is where the 2 layers of the scarf meet (overlap) and cross. One layer lies on the second - obliquely - and a triangle is obtained at the center of the forehead.

Here's how it's done:

We put the stole on the top of the head - so - so that it lies slightly oblique- that is, he covered the left side of the head (the hairy part of the forehead was closed), and opened the right side (so that the hair roots near the forehead were open). Next, we take the ends of the scarf back- and on the back of the head we tie a strong knot (stretch - so that the stole is pressed tightly against the head). We put both ends on the chest.

Now take the left end scarf and raise it to the forehead. We throw it over the forehead - pressing it tightly - and also obliquely and take it to the back of the head.

We repeat the winding, alternating the right and left ends of the scarf, until their length will not end - we hide the short ponytails of the stole under the layers of bandaging.

Here below is a photo-master class on such an OBLIQUE styling tippet - for clarity, scarves of two colors will be taken there.

stole on the head

Technique of two handkerchiefs.


Here the oblique laying is made in the technique of two stoles. Or two scarves - you can make anything out of anything (now see for yourself). Such beautiful way tie a stole can be worn under summer dresses, light tunics and shorts.

Here is a special tutorial . Describes in great detail how to tie a stole on your head with alternating two colors (from two scarves). Firstly, we put on an elastic band (made of non-slip fabric) on the head, ordinary wide elastic bands-hoops on the hair - they will help the scarves lie better and not slide over your silk hair.

So ... we put the first stole obliquely (see in the second photo). Tie in a knot at the back of the head. We take another stole and tie it on the head - also obliquely - BUT IN THE OTHER SIDE. And we also tie at the back of the head. We hang the ends of the stoles so that 2 striped scarf tails are on the right side, two green scarf tails are on the left side. And then comes the alternating winding. Left green end - right striped - left green - right striped - each end is laid obliquely. And we hide the tips on the back of the turban - slipping them under the edges of the winding.

And here is another master class on this topic - LAZY. Because instead of two scarves - there is only ONE - and the role of oblique multi-colored layers is performed by ordinary elastic hair bands. They are first worn around the neck - all 6 pieces. And then put on after the first tie of a scarf-stole.


Technique "HIGH TURBAN"

And if your image requires a high turban. Today, high hairstyles and turbans are just coming into fashion. They are worn with coats, evening dresses and jeans. If only it fit into the general style and proportions.

Everything is very easy to do here. The best thing, if initially you made a HIGH HAIRSTYLE on your head - a bun, a bun, a ponytail, laid the braids with bagels-towers or something else. Such updo will become the basis for our styling-turban.

But if you don’t have enough hair on your head to make towers of them under a turban scarf, then there is a good way out.

Here's the trick which will make it possible to make a high winding of the stole on the head even for short-haired girls.

We take two scarves-stole - and use one for an artificial bun-knot. And the second scarf is already going to the winding-laying.

Head Scarf


And here's another way where a long stole is wrapped around the head in a SHRINKED FORM. That is, we do not straighten the stole and do not wrap our heads around them - but we just make a winding like a narrow scarf. The ends of the palanitin are simple slip under the winding layer- and expose them out side(like a neat ponytail).

Thanks to this method, the hair at the back of the head remains open and you can show a beautiful bun or braids in a circle. And also release bangs. If the hair is too silky and slippery, you can fix the lower layers of the scarf with invisible hairpins.

Or you can do the "Ponytail" technique with a stole that covers all the hair. To do this, first cover the head with a wide scarf. Then we cross the ends of the scarf at the back of the head - several times we wind them around the head (alternating either right or left). And then you need to tie a neat knot-loop. The tips of the stole can be left hanging down. And you can slip the edges of the tips into the knot- this will make them fluff like a fan - and you will get an elegant drapery that looks like a flower or a bow.

Tippet on the head

with a bun at the back.

You can twist the scarf around your head only 1-2 times and remaining long ends tie several times in a knot(you get a nodal bun - as in the photo below with a white stole).

Or can you do bundle- as in the photo with an orange patterned stole below.

Here in the bottom photo you can clearly see how such a bun is made from a scarf knot).

For this you need first tie a scarf on a large knot at the back of the head- we make a double knot or a triple knot so that it is round, voluminous. And then cover this knot with one half of the scarf(close it so that nodal weaves are not visible) and you get smooth bun(you can even fasten it with a hair band so that the beam stays on. And now we wind around it, wind the ends of the stole, twisted into a bundle. We hide the ends of the scarf under the bun (you can stick hairpins in some places to keep better).

After a couple of workouts, you will do such a tying with a stole very quickly - you can wear it under a coat at least every day - changing the colors of your scarves.

This head scarf can be worn even with fancy dresses. The head looks neat, as with a smooth evening hairstyle.

How to tie a stole on your head

Technique NODE FRONT.

Sometimes they wear a scarf with a knot in front. The knot then may resemble a snail-twist twisted from a tourniquet. The coils of the tourniquet-stole are fastened with pins hidden in the folds of the tourniquet. With such a stole on your head, you can create interesting stylish images. And make-up should be the main accent of the face - with such a styling of the stole, the make-up should be very expressive and clear (a pale face will not work here).

Below is a master class that demonstrates the steps for creating such a tourniquet from a stole on the head. Everything is very simple and clear. Beautiful and simple styling of a scarf on the head - suitable for spring and summer.

A tourniquet from a stole does not have to be twisted into a round bun.

You can do it differently - from the two tails of the stole, roll 2 bundles and twist them with each other. into a complex knot. And then take the ends of the bundles back - to the back of the head - and hide, put them under the scarf.

But another way to bun in front. We throw a stole over the head. We tie it in a knot, above the forehead, so that one side of the scarf goes up, and the other vertically down. Now we wrap the upper end of the stole in a ROLL (like a carpet). This will be our pillow lining hidden inside.

Next, raise the lower end of the stole - several times we wrap it around this roll-pillow - and when a small end of this tail remains - we simply put it on the head (over the hair so that it closes) and slip the edges under the back layer of the scarf from all sides.

Tippet on the head


And here is the technique of laying a scarf-stole, which is decorated with twisted bundles. Harnesses are the tails of the tippet knot, which are simply twisted into tight rope flagella and wrapped around the head in this twisted form. Usually, TWO OR THREE scarves are required to wrap a plantain on a head with harnesses.

But sometimes the harness technique is made in a minimalist design.- when both ends of the tippet are twisted into one common bundle and then folded into a spiral, or wrapped around a high hairstyle (bun or high tail).

T how to tie a wide scarf- very simple and fast, and you can wear it with T-shirts and jeans, as well as with dresses, and in autumn with a coat or jacket.

Here's another variations on how to tie a scarf on your head with a tourniquet decoration. Can one tail stole leave hanging at the neck, twist the second tail into a tourniquet and lay it around the head. It looks beautiful, especially if you are wearing a silk or chiffon scarf in bright colors.

It is possible to make an interesting p weaving in the manner of a flower.

Let's see how such a beautiful wrapping with a stole with plaits looks like in reality. I have chosen an asymmetric way for you to arrange the harnesses - when on one side we see the colored layers of the scarf (in the form of a turban), and on the other side there are three multi-colored harnesses.

It is possible to have two bundle ends that meet at the temple, start tying them several times into a knot - a chain of knots is obtained. We lay this chain on its side - and tuck the ends under the scarf-stole at the back of the head.

Scarf on the head


And here is a way to tie a stole with braid decoration. It's simple. In order to braid a scarf braid, you need 2 conditions are required:

Firstly- the stole should have 3 tails (so you need 2 or 3 scarves)

Secondly- you need a bulge on the head around which these braids will be braided (bun hairstyle, hairstyle in the form of braids rolled into rings) per roll).

A plus for loyalty you can stick a few hairpins in secluded places - so that the braids from the scarf hold stronger.

Their two stoles, this method would look like this. We put the first scarf on the head (we tie a knot at the back of the head) - 2 tails lie on the shoulders. We put a second stole on the head - we tie it on the back of the head - 2 more tails lie on the neck. There are 4 of them in total.

We turn one tail of the scarf into a tight roll and slip it under the scarf at the back of the head - so that there is a bulge in the back- like a hidden bun. Now we have only 3 tails left, of which we weave a braid and wrap around the bun. We slip the tip under the coil of the braid (if necessary, fasten it with hairpins). Done.

Here let's see step by step master class how to tie a stole with beautiful two braids - using 3 types of thin gauze wide scarves - blue, pink, blue.

Decoration options

stole on the head.

Option one - weaving with a lace ribbon.

You can add an elegant lace ribbon to the tied stole on the head. Twist it, tie it at the back of the head and hide the ends under the flaps of the stole. Here in the photo below we see that we first make a bandage with two stoles - with alternation (a coil with one scarf from the left shoulder, a coil with a second scarf from the right shoulder and repeat again) when the ends of the stoles run out, slip their tips under the layers on the back of the head (or on the side of the temples) .

And then we will decorate our winding with scarves with a lace ribbon in the same color scheme as well as scarves on the head.

SECOND METHOD - lace ruffle with a pin.

You can wind the scarf around the head and put elegant jewelry with lace under the last turn of the end of the scarf. Look at the photo below. Now I will tell you how to do it with your own hands from a piece of lace and a pin with a rose.

First started winding the head, as usual, with a stole. Not to the end. Then lace was added. We tie a lace ribbon on the head with a knot at the back of the head so that a small tip remains on the left (long enough to lift it to the center of the head and put it in half on the head).

The lace lying on the head is closed with the next turn of the stole. We hide it, because we don’t need it - only this lace ponytail, which still lies on the left shoulder, will lie in sight. We make a winding with a stole until on the left shoulder (next to the lace tail) there remains a stole tail, the same length as the lace one.

And now making decoration(we need these ponytails on the left shoulder and we need a long pin with a smart rose). We take lace - we put it on our heads - and we bend the end of this lace under the bottom (we bend it so that there is an even fold from the edge- so that a sloppy cut with scissors on the edge of the lace is not visible). We turn it around 5-7 cm. We leave it like this to lie on our heads.

Now we take the tail of the stole and turn it up too- in the same way (so that the edge is not visible) and put it on top of the lace - but so that the lace peeks out a little - it was longer. Peel off both layers with a pin(so that it gathers strung into a fold on a long needle of a pin) and pierce the lower layers of the scarf with a hairpin so that this tail holds.

THIRD METHOD - with an elegant buckle.

You can buy a belt buckle in the store - in the form of a ring with a jumper. Choose a beautiful one with rhinestones.

And you will need 3 scarves-stole. First, we make a winding with a leopard stole. Then we do double wrapped black scarf and we hide its ends under the bottom at the back of the head. And finally, we take a silk gray shawl with polka dots we give birth to it through a buckle, We tie over the head and hide the tips also at the back of the head. Or leave small back ties. It's so beautiful and easy to tie and decorate a scarf on your head.

Now you know several ways to tie a stole on your head at once. And that means you can find a suitable one for yourself and wear your tippet with your head held high. But I don't end there.

because there is another series of techniques - for tying a scarf-stole- and soon I will prepare an article with training photos on this topic. There we will tie a wide stole as Muslim women do - the most beautiful and suitable occasions for any outfit ( autumn style under a coat, under a jacket, and summer options from light scarves). As soon as the article is ready, a link to it will appear here.

Good luck experimenting with scarves.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

A scarf is a fashionable accessory this summer that can be worn not only around the neck, but also on the head, each time tying it in a different way. Further in the article, we just gave several of these methods, as well as instructions for detailed description all actions.

If you want the scarf to become a real highlight of your image, we suggest that you first study the recommendations of the stylists below.

  • Give preference to accessories made from lightweight, breathable fabrics such as chiffon, silk, cotton and linen.

  • Forget about boring monochromatic products. Choose from multi-coloured prints to show off your personality. The theme of the drawings may be different. Abstract and geometric patterns, floristry or ethnic ornaments will be especially popular.

  • Jewelry, for example, will help transform even the simplest scarf. stylish brooch, studded with stones or a decorative pin. These products will effectively shimmer in the sun, giving your look a sophisticated touch.

The scarf can be complemented with fashion accessories

  • Do not be afraid to experiment and boldly decorate old scarves and scarves with embroidery, beads or stripes. As a result, you will become the owner of a stylish designer scarf.

To prevent the accessory from slipping through your hair, first spray your hair with varnish.

  • Always use two mirrors, one of which should be large. This way you can see the back view and lay out the scarf nicely.

  • In order for the accessory to stay on the head better, it should be fixed with small invisibility.

Original ways to tie a scarf

Today you can find many different ways to tie a scarf on your head. However, this summer the most fashionable are the schemes that are presented below.


One of the simplest, but at the same time very effective options for wearing a scarf on your head. To do this, simply fold the accessory in half so that you get an equilateral triangle.


Another topical method that is suitable even for owners of short hair.

As in the classic version, first fold the scarf into an equilateral triangle, and then carefully twist it into a wide strip.

Tie the bandage so that the ends of the accessory are on the back of the back or lie beautifully on the side of the shoulder.


In this case, you will need a ready-made voluminous scarf. First, gather your hair into a low bun.

Throw the accessory over your head, bring the ends back and tie them into a knot. Start wrapping the ponytails around the bun so that they completely cover the hair.

Tie them again in a knot and hide under a scarf.


In order to tie a turban, you need to take a scarf and throw it over your head so that it covers part of your forehead.

Twist the ends, bring them back and secure with a knot. Next, twist the ponytails again, bring them to the front and tie in the center or side with a bow.

If desired, such a headdress can be supplemented with a brooch.

With a beam

With the help of a scarf, you can transform any hairstyle, including a bun. Simply wrap this accessory around the bun and secure it to the knot. The ends can be left hanging or tied with a bow.

pin-up style

This is an ideal option for going to the beach, because a scarf tied in this way is a complete replacement for a classic headdress.

Fold the accessory into a triangle and throw it on the hair so that the wide part is at the back.

Take the ponytails and slightly twisting them, bring them to the forehead area, partially covering the ears. Tie them in a knot. Gently tuck the remaining tips under the scarf.

Hollywood style

Here you will need a bright silk or satin scarf. Fold it into an equilateral triangle, throw it over your hair and fix it in a knot in front under the neck.

If desired, the ends can be left hanging freely, or wrapped around the neck, fastened at the back.

"The Infinity symbol"

A great option for owners of thick hair, because this method allows you to wear your hair loose so that the strands do not climb into your face. Take a ready-made scarf or twist it from a scarf. Attach the accessory to the back of the head so that the hair is on top, as in the example photo below. Bring the ends to the front, wrap around each other and tie them at the back.

With a scythe

Not less than spectacular way, with which you can emphasize not only your individuality, but also the beauty of your hair.

Fold the scarf into a strip, throw it over your head and fix it with a knot at the back. Next, start weaving french braid, periodically weaving free ends into it.


Gather your hair into a high bun or ponytail. Take a wide long scarf, wrap it around your head several times so that the tails are in front.

Surely, in your arsenal there is a beautiful stole. In the fall, you can experiment with one technique - tuck a long canvas under the belt at the waist. This trick will help you create a stylish look in a second, and also make your figure more feminine.

A scarf is an accessory that will emphasize femininity, add coquetry and style to the bow. It never goes out of fashion. They wear headscarves at any time of the year. In winter, they protect from the cold, in summer - from the scorching sun, in the off-season - from wind and coolness.

There are many ways to tie an accessory beautifully. The same scarf will look completely different, depending on the method of tying.

What scarf to choose for winter and how to wear it

It is necessary to choose the right product for the winter time and master the technique of tying it.

Choose an accessory, considering the following points:

  • its combination in color and texture with outerwear;
  • it should be soft and tender to the touch;
  • pay attention to the design and size - a very small scarf will be impractical;
  • the best material for winter is wool, cashmere, angora, they will warm you in any weather;
  • the product can be plain or patterned, decorated with fringe or fur inserts;
  • important qualities are unpretentiousness in operation and ease of maintenance.

A product made of cashmere or wool is suitable for fur elements of clothing, it can be worn with a down jacket, jacket and fur coat. If you chose a colored accessory, then the other elements of your bow should be solid.

A scarf will not only decorate and warm you, but also correct your appearance. If you have pale skin, choose bright colors for scarves, pastel colors will suit pink cheeks.

How to wear an Orenburg scarf

Orenburg shawl is indispensable element women's wardrobe in winter. Differs in pleasant warmth, special softness, convenience.

It can be beautifully tied in completely different ways:

  • according to the Hollywood method - the scarf is folded into a scarf, which is thrown over the head. The ends of the product are brought back - behind the neck, and tied into two knots;
  • in the form of a crown - a scarf folded into a triangle is thrown over the hair from above, the ends are pulled back, rolled into bundles and wrapped around the head, hiding at the back of the head;
  • using a brooch - a scarf is thrown over the head, pressed tightly, chopped off in the neck with a brooch or decorative pin. The ends of the product hang freely, they can be hidden under the coat or left on top.

The Orenburg downy shawl is an excellent choice for a luxurious fur coat - artificial or natural. It will emphasize the beauty of fur, make a woman tender and luxurious at the same time. For a dark fur coat, choose a light accessory, for a light one, on the contrary, choose a bright or dark one. There must be contrast here.

How to tie a scarf over a hat

If on the street hard frost, and you want to look stylish and fashionable, put on a scarf over your hat. It is better to stay on the down version, it is very thin, soft, pliable. Choose a scarf for this purpose big size otherwise you will not be able to tie it on top of the hat.

Put on a hat, and cover it with a scarf on top, bring its ends back - make a knot at the back of the head. You can do it differently: throwing a scarf over a hat, tie it around your neck. The image of a noblewoman is ready for you. If you are close to the retro style, stop at this option.

To create an interesting look, use a hat and a scarf. different shades- lighter and darker. If one of the accessories is colored, the other must be solid.

What models will be in trend in the autumn-winter 2019-2020 season - read in a separate review.

Scarf to church: how to tie

In accordance with Orthodox tradition, a woman must cover her head with a scarf when she enters the temple. For different Orthodox holidays It is recommended to wear different scarves. During Lent, give preference to black and dark shades, on the feast of the Trinity - green, on Easter - red or white, during a regular service, you can wear a scarf of a soft, modest shade.

How to tie a scarf when going to church? There are several options:

  • just throw it over your hair, pull the ends back without tying them;
  • leave one end of the product down, and put the other behind your back and leave it free;
  • tie a scarf under the chin or bring its ends back - make a knot at the back of the head.

A scarf for a church can be made from cotton, linen, silk, lace, guipure and other light fabrics.

How beautiful to tie a scarf in the summer

There are a lot of summer options for tying. Thanks to them, the scarf can turn from an ordinary piece of fabric into an attractive, beautiful accessory that complements any image.

It will protect your hair from the scorching sun and ultraviolet rays, goes well with sunglasses and summer options clothes, it can be supplemented with a decorative pin and brooch, long earrings.

For summer, scarves made of cotton, chiffon, silk, lace, guipure are suitable. They drape easily and take on a beautiful, stylish look. Thanks to the light, flowing fabric, such accessories are simply tied with a variety of techniques.

We tie a scarf in a peasant way

This is the easiest and most loved by many method to tie a scarf beautifully. This is how our grandmothers used to tie it. But fashion is back, and young girls are happy to wear it that way.

We fold the product in half - in the form of a triangle. We throw it on the head - the hairstyle should be completely hidden under the scarf. We start the ends back, tie them at the back of the head. They can be both under the fabric and on top of it.

The Hollywood headscarf is a celebrity favorite

They began to use this technique of decorating scarves in America in the last century - in the 60-70s. The main additional element of such a bow is sure to be sunglasses, matching in color with a scarf.

This design method is similar to the one described above - the peasant one. The scarf is folded into a triangular scarf, thrown over the head. The bangs should be free, it does not need to be hidden under the fabric. Under the chin, the ends of the product cross and wind back, where they are tied in a neat knot.

Give the product nice shape you can use invisible pins, simple pins, stylish clips and brooches. They will also help to firmly fix the scarf on the head.

We tie a scarf on the head in a gypsy way

For this purpose, take a bright, colorful handkerchief fabric that flows beautifully. It must be large. Fold your scarf into a triangle, position it so that its middle is on middle line forehead. After that, bring the ends of the product to the right or left side, pull them towards each other and tie, do not leave them free. Form a bow, rose or knot out of them.

A scarf tied in this style - creative idea for a summer weekend on the beach, for evening walks with friends. Sunglasses and long gypsy earrings will complement the spectacular bow.

Tying a scarf in the form of a bandana

There are several options for tying an accessory in this style. It suits not only women, but also men. The bandana looks beautiful with summer sundresses and dresses, with a T-shirt with breeches and with a leather jacket.

  • classic - we take a scarf, put it on the forehead and bring the ends back, where we tie a knot out of them. We hide the tips in the fabric or straighten them beautifully from behind - the last option is suitable for women;
  • we apply the triangle with the base to the back of the head, and pull the ends forward, tie them in front - on the forehead. We hide them in a fabric or tie them on a bow;
  • bandana for hippies - we fold a scarf in the form of a rim, apply it to the forehead, tie it on the back of the head under the hair;
  • pirate way - we tie a fabric folded in the shape of a triangle scarf on the head so that its ends are on the side. We decorate them in the form of a knot or a bow.

Scarf with a bow

Create a flirty look with a strikingly knotted shawl that can be tied into a bow at the front or side. It will suit different bows - for a romantic outfit, evening dress, beach suit. The silk accessory should match the shade of the clothes or be in a contrasting color with it.

The bow is very easy to tie. After styling your hair beautifully, fold the shawl in the form of a rim. Attach the resulting strip to the head, turn the ends of the product so that they are on the side or in front, tie on beautiful bow, straighten it.

How to tie a scarf with a figure eight

The original technique of decorating an accessory for the summer and off-season. You can wear it to outerwear- raincoat, jacket, coat, and to elegant dress or sundress.

Chiffon, silk, satin or crepe de chine - these materials are good for scarves that make a beautiful figure eight. To tie it, you need to fold the fabric into a thin strip, attach the center of the resulting rim to the back of the head. The ends of the product should be brought forward, twisted crosswise in the forehead area, and then pulled to the back of the head, hidden by the hair and tied.

A scarf in the form of a turban

fashion trend in oriental style can choose and Young lady and an older lady. Such a scarf will be a highlight evening dress, romantic and everyday bow. European designers include in their shows models of clothes, complemented by such an accessory.

How it's done:

  • throw the fabric of your choice over your head;
  • take the remnants of the product back, cross them there;
  • bring the matter forward and cross it on the forehead;
  • make another turn in the form of a figure eight around the head;
  • place the fabric on both sides of the head - left and right;
  • pull it back and tie at the back of the head;
  • the ends of the scarf can be hidden under the fabric as you like.

In a similar way, it is also turban on the head. It is also advised to decorate in romantic style. Fold the fabric of the width you need, throw it over your head, turn it on its side and tie a knot at the temple. Twist the remaining ends of the fabric nicely with a braid in the form of a spiral. Form from a spiral beautiful flower, secure it with invisibility.

Choose any method of tying a scarf that suits the style of your clothes and the created image. Consider the time of year and where you are going to go. A beautifully tied scarf on the head is always relevant. It remains in trend, only the ways of tying the accessory change a little.

Photo: ways to tie a scarf on your head

The scarf is the one universal thing, which can help out literally in any situation. If you need to transform your style, just wrap a colorful scarf around your neck in some intricate way.

If you suddenly feel cool, you can throw the same scarf over your shoulders. Well, if you need a headdress, then again this practical accessory will save you. True, there is a whole science in how to tie a scarf on your head.

As much as a scarf is cozy in the winter cold, it is just as comfortable in the summer heat. Yes, yes, this stylish accessory, tied around the head, can perform several functions at once: as an excellent decoration, as a shelter from the sun, and as protection from wind and cold, which also happen in summer. And today, the fashion for scarves is experiencing its own renaissance.

And if earlier handbags and shoes were the main elements that formed your image, now scarves and shawls play this role. And a girl with a scarf tied around her head involuntarily becomes the embodiment of femininity. Such an element of the wardrobe can complete the image, give it a unique romance, elegant lightness and gentle freshness.

A scarf, called a stole, is firmly entrenched in the women's wardrobe. It is usually customary to throw it over the shoulders to protect against coolness and to complement the outfit. But it is also very easy to tie on the head. To tie a scarf on your head, you need to choose a silk, chiffon or satin model. Cotton or thin cashmere stoles are also suitable.

The easiest way is to throw a scarf over your head and wrap it around your neck, throwing one end of the scarf over your back, and leaving the other in front. But there is great amount original ways tying this accessory.

BANDAGE. A very simple, quick to perform, but no less stylish way to tie a scarf on your head. It is suitable for girls who prefer comfortable clothes - supporters of an active lifestyle. This method is an ordinary bandage.

In order to make it, a scarf is taken, folded several times along the length, resulting in a narrow strip, the width of which can be adjusted to your own taste.
In the classic version, the middle of the canvas is applied to the forehead, wrapped around the circumference of the head, and the ends are tied at the back of the head into a knot.

But it is much more interesting to tie a scarf in other original ways.

And, of course, scarf bandages look great. They are equally well suited to both long and short hair:

You can make two bundles of hair and a scarf and wrap them around your head. Healthy idea!

By tying a scarf in this way, we can create different looks by adjusting the width of the band and its position on the head.

BANDANA. Then comes the option of tying according to the Bandana principle. Place the center of the long side of the scarf folded in a triangle in the middle of the forehead. We impose the resulting triangle carefully so that the edge of the scarf is just above the eyebrows. Bring the ends to the back of the head and tie a tight knot over the free edge of the scarf
This classic version Suitable for any girl, and also perfectly diversifies your everyday look.

The ends of the scarf will be tied in the front as well.

By the type of Bandana, you can also tie a scarf in an original way. This is one of the easiest ways to tie a scarf around your head. A rectangular scarf of great length, preferably made of stretchy material, is best suited for this. Throw a scarf over your head and wind its ends into a bundle, tightening them at the back of your head.
The free part of the scarf should hang freely like a train. That's all!

Do you have long hair? It will look very unusual if you weave the ends of the scarf into a braid

HOLLYWOOD . Bandana is still a more youthful option. The Hollywood way creates a glamorous look, especially when paired with sunglasses.

Fold the scarf into a triangle (stole in half along the long side), place the center of the diagonal just above the hairline. Cross the ends of the scarf under the chin, bring it back and tie it in a knot.

TURBAN . Many women like another way of how to tie a scarf on their heads - oriental. Have you not had time to style your hair or are growing your hair and your hairstyle is not perfect? - tie a scarf in a turban ...
To tie a scarf in the form of a turban, it is better to use Muslim-type fabrics, but scarves of traditional colors and textures will also work.
How is it tied? A long wide scarf is taken and folded into a long canvas. You need to put the scarf behind your head, raise the ends of the same length to the forehead up and cross them twice with each other.

A turban looks more original when its center shifts slightly to the side - to the left or right. The ends of the scarf fall behind the head and cross at the back of the head. Then you need to return to the forehead, tie a knot and tuck the ends under the scarf from above.

Or you can tie a tippet like this:

Such a turban draws attention to the eyes and face of a woman, and also adds a mysterious oriental charm to the image.

For a change, do this trick. Throw a scarf over your head. Then begin to fold the ends into a tourniquet, which then needs to be wrapped around the head. As a result, then fasten the stole by threading the ends of the stole under the beginning of the tourniquet.

Option 2 is actually produced according to the same scheme, although with all this, the outside is largely different from the first. The accessory is thrown over the head, but the tip is in front. Twist the tourniquet on the forehead, wrap the stole around the head in the direction first towards the back of the head, then from the back of the head to the forehead. The ends of the tippet are tucked inward under the tourniquet.

If you have long hair, then it will be interesting to try another type of turban - in the African style.

There is such a nuance here: beforehand, the hair rises from the back of the head to the forehead and is tied with a thin ribbon (long hair is twisted into a bun and fastened with hairpins at the crown)

Another type of turban for long hair- low knot. This way of tying a scarf will add glamour. First, gather your hair into a low ponytail at the back of your head. Fold the scarf diagonally into a triangle. Place the center of the long side of the triangle on the forehead along the hairline and wrap the head. Bring the ends of the scarf under the tail and tie in a knot. Twist the tail and ends of the scarf into a tight bun. Wrap the hair and the edges of the scarf in the remaining fabric and tuck into a bun.

Of course, for such methods it is better to use scarves made of thin fabric, but thicker ones can also be used, but be careful: voluminous bandages according to the proposed methods will make the head heavy, if not actually, then visually for sure. Therefore, when constructing such a structure on your head, it is important not to overdo it and adhere to the measure.

CHARLESTON. The most popular tying method is the Charleston.

Why not the style of the beginning of the last century - so fashionable today? At least now to the playground for the flirtatious Charleston!

I'll tell you how to do it from a piece of matter (scarf) 1x1 m. It's very simple, we fold our scarf in half diagonally, and put the resulting triangle (it will have two identical sides) on your head, with the top to your forehead, now wrap your head with a scarf. I am attaching a picture for a clearer explanation.

Tango. This method in execution, perhaps, is no more difficult than the previous one. Just throw a scarf over your head, as you did in the Charleston version. Next, take the ends that were pulled together at the back of the head and roll them into a tourniquet and wrap them around the head so as to “belt” it.
In order to fix the result, thread the ends of the scarf under the very beginning of the tourniquet.

TEA DRINKING. An interesting option under the cozy name of tea drinking, which is also easy to perform.
The stole is thrown over the head with the ends forward. In the forehead area, we twist a tight tourniquet, and then wrap it around the head in the direction first to the back of the head, and then from it to the forehead. The ends of the stole are tucked inside under the tourniquet

This option is interesting to use as a stylish addition to a bathing suit.

ETNO. Try on a spectacular ethno-style option. A stole worn in this way is very comfortable to wear in summer - it protects the head from the sun and goes well with summer clothes. Choose a wide scarf in light translucent fabric - natural silk or rare cotton. Models with stuffing look very nice - abstract patterns or bright prints.
Throw the stole over your head so that its edge covers your forehead, and the edges fall freely on your chest.

Put on a hoop over the scarf or tie a wide knitted ribbon. It will hold the fabric in place and will not squeeze the head. To keep the ribbon tight, pin it with a pair of invisible hairpins.

And finally, a few more video tips (where without them: o)