The child goes to the first grade: what should be in the briefcase and what should be in the head. How to choose a satchel Marking furniture and containers

Reading 9 min. Views 611 Published on 09.08.2018

This article is for those who have a first-grader in their family. Oh, what a significant event - without any irony! Your home sun has grown, and it's time to release it into external world. Even if you have gone through kindergarten, school is a much more mature stage. And for a home child, this is the first acquaintance with an independent life. And you need to prepare your child for it long before you enroll your child in first grade.

Importance of preparation

School is important and very important. And in many respects it depends on the family how comfortable the school years will be for the child. Proper preparation and attitude in the family to school life will do school years though not cloudless, but happy.

First of all, do not try to send your child to the 1st grade of school too early, even if you are sure of his genius. By the age of 6.5–7 years, the child has developed thought processes, he is capable of learning and, which is very important, the hand is formed, without which it is impossible to learn to write.

To reduce stress, psychologists advise making the school as familiar as possible before September 1: tell in detail about the lessons and changes, go to the school on an excursion, and, if possible, introduce you to the teacher. And it is reasonable to accustom the future first-grader to the school daily routine in advance.

Make September 1st a real holiday, with delicious treats and after-school entertainment for an optimistic start to school life.

And be ready every evening to discuss past lessons, school news, help with homework - and this is before final exams!

School readiness

The future success or failure of a child in school is largely determined by the level of his preparation. This is not about the ability to read, count and write fluently - this is just not necessary, but about the knowledge and skills necessary for learning.

When preparing for grade 1, you need to pay attention to the following groups of skills.

Speech skills:

  • clear articulation;
  • reading plain text;
  • making simple sentences;
  • division of words into syllables, sentences into words;
  • the ability to ask and answer questions;
  • storytelling with pictures.

Mathematical representations:

  • direct and reverse counting within 10;
  • knowledge of numbers
  • possession of the concepts of "greater", "less", "equal";
  • knowledge of simple geometric shapes;
  • the ability to navigate the cells on a notebook sheet;
  • solving problems for one action (addition, subtraction).


  • ability to generalize and classify;
  • the ability to combine objects into groups and exclude an extra object;
  • the ability to find similarities and differences;
  • the ability to distinguish colors and shapes;
  • writing simple stories and fairy tales
  • solving logical problems.


  • memorization of simple verses;
  • retelling of the text;
  • memorization of words, figures, pictures, symbols (up to 10 units).


  • the ability to listen to the teacher;
  • concentration on the task;
  • switching to another task;
  • distribution of attention;
  • stability (the ability to find 10-15 differences in the same pictures).

Intellectual development, outlook. The child should know:

  • names and surnames - their own and family members;
  • family composition;
  • home address;
  • your age;
  • seasons and their seasonal signs;
  • months, days of the week;
  • weather conditions;
  • types of professions;
  • species of animals and plants (domestic and wild; from warm and cold countries);
  • spatial orientation: up, down, left, right;
  • household items.


  • knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, in public places;
  • the ability to say hello first, to say “please”, “thank you”, etc .;
  • cultural communication with other children, establishing friendly contacts;
  • adequate response to comments;
  • the ability to listen to others, to reckon with their opinion;
  • the ability to ask for help if something does not work out or is not clear;
  • execution of orders of elders;
  • careful handling of school things.

Self service:

  • personal hygiene: he washes himself, brushes his teeth, washes his hands, etc.;
  • collects a school bag;
  • monitors the neatness of clothes;
  • helps parents with housework.

Motor skills:

  • ability to hold a pen, pencil;
  • drawing a straight line;
  • work with scissors;
  • carefully and correctly cut and glue applications;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • sports: two-wheeled bicycle, scooter, skiing, skating, swimming;
  • the ability to thread a needle.

These skills and abilities are necessary for the future first-grader for easy adaptation in the 1st grade of the school and successful studies in the future. If the child does not fully possess any of them, you have time to teach your student. Agree, a child can be able to read and count better than anyone in the class, but if he does not have, for example, communication skills, reading speed will not help him get used to the team.

Features of studying in the first grade

The first-grader curriculum takes them into account physiological features: restlessness, fatigue, need for motor activity, vulnerability of the child's psyche. The teaching load increases gradually - from three lessons per day for 35 minutes (September, October) to four lessons for 45 minutes by the end of the year. In February, first-graders are waiting for additional holidays.

Don't expect grades, there won't be any in first grade. Children are allowed to get used to the learning process, during the period of adaptation it is difficult to determine the success of their studies. In addition, bad grades will become additional stress. But the teacher may well use funny and sad emoticons, suns and other analogues of assessments. And parents can always ask the teacher about the success of a newly-made student.

There will be no homework - at least in the usual form. But short evening classes will benefit the child, consolidating the skills of reading, writing, counting. Often teachers themselves offer small exercises for homework. In addition, a child who is accustomed to evening classes will much more easily endure the obligation of homework in subsequent classes.

Criteria for choosing school supplies

Today's assortment of school goods impresses with its diversity and colorfulness. And sometimes even prices. A complete list of what a first grader needs to buy will be given to you at school. When choosing a school product, you need to consider several factors at once.

Value for money

Of course, you want to buy everything of the highest quality. But, we assure you, a child with equal ease (and 100% probability) will lose both an expensive and a cheap pen. This also applies to pencils, pencil cases and other contents of the backpack. It is more practical to buy a first grader an inexpensive durable pen, the loss of which the family budget will not notice. It is quite possible to find high-quality and relatively inexpensive school supplies.

Stock Availability

It organically follows from the previous paragraph. Handles will be lost. And in all classes - from first to graduation. So get used to buying with a margin. "Lost? Sorry, please be careful. Oh, you can't do your homework now? Do not be upset, here is the same for you, and sit down for lessons!

Reliability and strength

The child will not particularly worry about the safety of things. And that's completely normal at that age. The same backpack must withstand not only the weight of textbooks, but also the role of the border of a football goal, as well as a sled on a snowy hill. Rejoice that you have an athletic child growing up, and choose school supplies that can withstand local disasters.

Ease of operation

If the backpack has some kind of particularly tricky clasp that requires manual dexterity and time to open, the clasp will soon be torn off. If there is a special attachment for each pen and pencil in the pencil case, and therefore it takes a long time to remove and fold them, then very soon pens and pencils will simply be thrown into the backpack, bypassing the pencil case. Children are able to solve problems quickly and rationally. So don't complicate their lives with too clever things.

business style

Now there are a lot of funny stationery that you want to buy simply on the principle of “let them be!”. But the child should not be distracted during the lesson by the princess drawn on the cover of the notebook, or play with a sharpener made in the form of a cartoon car. This does not mean that everything should be gray and boring. But school supplies should not resemble toys either.

What should be in the backpack

What a first-grade child needs, they will tell you at the first parent meeting. Of course, nuances are possible, but the list will definitely include:

  • notebooks in a cage;
  • lined notebooks;
  • covers for textbooks and notebooks;
  • pen with blue ink - 2 pcs.;
  • pen with green ink;
  • simple pencil TM;
  • colored pencils (set of 5-12 colors);
  • eraser;
  • sharpener;
  • pencil case - convenient, with a "zipper" or with a closing lid;
  • wooden ruler 25-30 cm long.

In addition, for drawing and labor lessons you will need:

  • paints (watercolor or gouache);
  • brushes for drawing;
  • water container;
  • colored paper;
  • colored and plain cardboard;
  • sketchbook;
  • scissors with blunt ends;
  • glue for paper;
  • oilcloth;
  • multi-colored plasticine;
  • molding board.

For sports activities:

  • T-shirt;
  • sports trousers;
  • sport shoes.

It is very important that the first grader wears everything necessary to school. What should a teacher do with a child who comes to a drawing lesson without paints, or to physical education without a uniform? And it's stressful for a child. Teach your first-grader to collect a portfolio in the evening, without haste, putting everything you need.

It is excusable for a first-grader to put his favorite toy in his backpack, if only not instead of textbooks. But the need mobile phone- a controversial issue.

For a child, this is a constant distraction that interferes with learning. Parents, if necessary, can contact the child through the teacher. And in any case, an expensive first-grader phone model is a completely unnecessary luxury that attracts attention, including dangerous for your child.

Backpack selection

The backpack is the most important piece of school equipment. The load of knowledge that the child will carry daily on his shoulders requires comfortable placement. Therefore, choosing which backpack to buy in the first class, you need to seriously and carefully.

It's about the backpack. Briefcases that distort shoulders are a thing of the past - with the full approval of orthopedists. But backpacks are also different. What you should pay attention to:

  1. Backpack weight. It should be no more than 1 kg.
  2. The size. You should not buy a satchel "for growth". It should fit comfortably on your back. The width of the backpack should not exceed the width of the shoulders, the height is selected so that the lower edge coincides with the waist line.
  3. Solid back. The best orthopedic option is a frame model with a dense anatomical back that does not lose shape.
  4. Webbing. Wide (5-8 cm), elastic, shoulder-shaped shoulder straps will greatly facilitate the school burden.
  5. Material. That rare case when synthetics should be chosen for a child - polyester. It is a durable wear-resistant material. Choose a model with a surface treated with water-repellent impregnation.
  6. Convenient clasp. If this is a "lightning", be sure to check its progress. However, any fastener should be checked - it should open easily and quickly.
  7. Design. The backpack should please the child.

The choice of backpacks is now very large. You can find a quality option at a budget price. The products of Mike&Mar, Rosman, Erich Krause, Hatber, Herlitz, DerDieDas have a good reputation.


The beginning of school life is a responsible, difficult, but also very interesting period for you and your first grader. Let your child's school years leave him only good memories! What are your thoughts on preparing for school life? We are waiting for your comments.

By September, many backpacks of various shapes and colors appear in stores. But not every product exhibited at the school market is a priori suitable for a student. Decorative, urban backpacks are skillfully disguised as school ones, which are easily daily use can spoil the posture of the child and will not save books and notebooks from the rain.

What should be the ideal backpack, what are the main problems in the market of backpacks and knapsacks for schoolchildren, and what should you pay special attention to when buying this accessory, Roskachestvo found out.


In anticipation of a new school year Roskachestvo launched a special project dedicated to quality and safety school backpacks. There are a lot of variations of this product on the market. Different shapes, sizes, from a variety of materials - from fabric and leather to plastic. But at the same time, consumers complain that it is difficult to choose a good backpack: for example, backpacks, obviously for children, with beautiful bright patterns, are in fact not suitable for elementary school students in terms of weight, size, or back stiffness. Claims also arise for products with too narrow or unreliable straps, with a pungent "chemical" smell. Is it really so?

Our expert Tatyana Butskaya, founder of the all-Russian movement "Council of Mothers" and the national award "Parents' Choice", a pediatrician, an international expert in children's products, comments:
- To "plant" a child's health, you need quite a bit - to buy him a bad school bag. Such an acquisition will primarily affect the back. And this means that the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system. Due to a curved back, scoliosis, pinched nerves, problems with blood circulation and breathing are possible.

In order to understand what is really happening on the market, whether the claims of consumers are justified, Roskachestvo experts anonymously purchased and sent for research a wide variety of backpacks that outwardly look like they were intended for elementary school students.

Purchases were made on the websites of manufacturers, in large online stores "Ozon", "Auchan". At sellers, these backpacks were positioned as school goods. At the same time, the description in the product cards was rather poor. Neither the weight nor the dimensions of the goods were reported almost anywhere. The cost ranged from 709 to 12,500 rubles per item. Most of the goods turned out to be made in China, but there were also samples made in the Russian Federation, Germany, Japan and Serbia. For some products, the country of origin could not be determined.


To begin with, let's define what a backpack / knapsack is. Ozhegov's dictionary states that a backpack is a shoulder duffel bag, and a knapsack is a rigid quadrangular shoulder bag with a hinged lid and a lock. Ushakov's dictionary defines a knapsack as a bag for carrying things with you, put on by means of help on your back.

But in the technical regulations and other similar documents there are no definitions of a backpack / knapsack. Meanwhile, most students, especially primary school, carry textbooks and notebooks in backpacks. From the satchels that were popular during the Soviet era, good school backpacks inherited a hard back and a rigid body that protects the contents. This distinguishes school backpacks from other backpacks, such as travel backpacks.

Satchels or backpacks for carrying school supplies are much preferable to bags and briefcases. When the load is distributed evenly across the back, the child's posture does not suffer.

Various recommendations, including those of Rospotrebnadzor and TR TS 007/2011, state the following: ideally, the weight of a satchel without textbooks for students in grades 1–4 should be no more than 700 g, for students in middle and high grades - no more than 1000 g.

The material for the manufacture of knapsacks should be light, durable, with a water-repellent coating, easy to clean. Outside, there must be retroreflective elements, and inside - at least two compartments or a special pocket or insert for pens and pencils.

To backpacks/knapsacks for students elementary school There are additional requirements:

  • The product should fit snugly against the back of the student. A form-stable back is required.
  • The product must have long (60–70 cm) and wide straps (at least 3.5–4 cm in the shoulder area and at least 2–2.5 cm along the entire length), which can be adjusted.
  • The length (height) of the product should be from 30 to 36 cm, and the width (depth) - 6-10 cm. The front wall should be shorter than the back - its length should be 22-26 cm.
However, TR TS 007/2011 allows an increase in the indicated dimensions by 3 cm.

Roskachestvo, in turn, has set increased requirements for school backpacks and knapsacks. Standard Russian system quality for school backpacks (knapsacks), in addition to the existing requirements, TR CU establishes requirements for water repellency (at least 90 c.u.), odor intensity (there should be no smell at all, while TR TS allows it to be up to 2 points), strength of thread seams (not less than 30 N/cm).

The lining of the shoulder straps should not only be wide, but also made of ventilated fabric. The standard also tightened the requirements of TR CU for color fastness to wet friction (the product must retain appearance after multiple cleanings).


The purchased backpacks were sent for testing in laboratories accredited in the national accreditation system, where they were tested according to 92 safety and quality indicators.

The following inconsistencies with TR CU 007/2011 have been identified:

  • by weight of the product (too heavy);
  • by size;
  • on the form stability of the back;
  • no retroreflective elements (reflectors);
  • the absence of an indication of the age of the user in the marking;
  • lack of indication of the manufacturer and country of production;
  • lack of labeling in principle;
  • lack of instructions for use and care.
Let's add some positive
Experts have established that all products are sewn with high quality and neatly, do not fade or stain, and are resistant to dry and wet friction. All have a comfortable handle and plenty of pockets. All have strong seams, good quality zippers.

ATTENTION! None of the studied backpacks reached the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard.

Among the backpacks randomly purchased for the study, there was no ideal one.

With all this, it is difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose a high-quality backpack also because in stores where these backpacks are sold as school ones, sometimes there are no certificates of conformity for these goods, or there are certificates, but it turns out that they refer to other models of the manufacturer's backpacks.

Products intended for children must have a document of conformity. The seller is obliged to present such a certificate at the request of the buyer.


So, in practice, it is difficult to find a light, comfortable, practical satchel or backpack with a hard back for sale. Why do stores sell backpacks that are not suitable for elementary school students, although they look quite “childish”?

The technical regulation "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents" (TR TS 007/2011) refers, among other things, to the safety of leather goods, which include briefcases, satchels and backpacks for students, bags for children of preschool and school age, declared manufacturer as intended for children and adolescents. At the same time, the requirements for the presence of retroreflectors and color contrast are established only for schoolbags and satchels for students, and the requirements for dimensional stability of the back are only for schoolbags for junior schoolchildren.

Thus, if there is no marking on a backpack or knapsack that it is intended for a child, besides a schoolchild, it makes no sense to make claims about weight and other parameters. This is what manufacturers use. They either do not indicate that the satchel or backpack is for primary school age, or do not indicate at all that this product is intended for a child.

Unfortunately, in school bazaars, backpacks and knapsacks designed specifically for students, and pseudo-student backpacks made without taking into account the requirements for school accessories, are, as a rule, in the same row. Misled buyers take backpacks that are not suitable for elementary school students. They are bright, beautiful, but at the same time too heavy and / or without an orthopedic back.

Of course, it is impossible to test all the backpacks that will flood the market for the school season. Therefore, when choosing, use the following recommendations of Roskachestvo.


According to TR TS 007/2011, a product intended for a child must be marked: reliable, verifiable, readable and accessible.

Labeling violations are among the most common. This has been confirmed by the study. For some samples, the marking was completely absent or was not in Russian. For example, one of the backpacks was labeled with Japanese characters. Many backpacks in the labeling did not have the mandatory product name, the EAC mark, the name of the country of manufacture, the name and location of the manufacturer, importer, distributor, information on the composition of the material of the product.

Where is the backpack from? Unknown! For whom? Also unknown!

The labeling of many backpacks also lacks information about the user's age.


When buying a backpack, make sure that the label says:
appointment (for example - "school");
age (for example, 10+).

Product for children? Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity.

If the purpose (school) and age are not indicated, it may be a product not intended for a child.

Read more on how to choose a school backpack.


According to TR TS 007/2011, the weight of backpacks, briefcases or backpacks should not exceed 600-700 g - for primary school students; no more than 1000 g - for middle and high school students. Seems like nonsense? Add to the weight of the backpack the weight of textbooks and notebooks. By the way, this weight is also normalized.

The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceedfor students:

1-2 classes - 1.5 kg,

3-4 classes - 2 kg,

5-6 classes - 2.5 kg,

7-8 classes - 3.5 kg,

9-11 classes - 4 kg.

Among the models studied, the heaviest weighed 1 kg 980 g - twice as much as is acceptable for middle and high school students, several more weighed just over a kilogram. The recommended age is not indicated in the labeling of these models, but a backpack with such a weight is not suitable even for a high school student.

Some backpacks designed for babies (according to the information on the label) exceeded the required mark of 700 g. For example:

Backpack TM Mattel: Age: 3+, weight 850 g

Erich Krause: Age: 6+, weight 865g

Dazzle: Age: 7+, weight 807g


If you bought your child a more heavy-than-usual satchel, make sure that the total weight of the satchel with books and notebooks does not exceed the recommended mark. For example, for a first grader - 2.2 kg (calculated - 700 g backpack + 1.5 kg of books), for a graduate - 5 kg (1 kg backpack + 4 kg textbooks and notebooks). So, if a set of textbooks is double (one of them is kept in the classroom, and one is kept at home) and the child only carries notebooks and pens to school, the weight of the backpack may be heavier than recommended.

comments Tatiana Butskaya:

- An empty backpack for first-graders should weigh no more than 700 grams. And with textbooks, a pencil case and notebooks - no more than 10% of the total mass of a student!



According to TR TS, the back of a backpack for a primary school student must be dimensionally stable, rigid, and inflexible. Roskachestvo has set increased requirements for this important element. According to STO Roskachestvo, the backs of all school backpacks or knapsacks must be orthopedic, with rigid inserts made of plastic, metal, fabric with a soft mesh lining, with a rigid frame inside the back.

During the study, the experts came across backpacks with soft backs (made of soft polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam).

Examples of backpacks with a soft back - ТМ Belmil, Samsonite, Disney, Gulliver:

Interestingly, on the website of the online store where the Gulliver backpack was purchased, it is placed in the collection " school uniform". Appears in the search results when the filter is installed - backpacks for a boy of 7-10 years old. After purchasing the sample, it turned out that the model is intended for the age of 14+.

In the photo of the product in the card of the online store, the backpack is shown by a child who can be perceived by the buyer as a primary school student. Directions age category not in the product description on the site. The fact that the backpack is intended for teenagers 14+, the buyer will be able to find out only by purchasing the product and examining the label.


The straps are just as important. If they are too narrow, then under the weight of the satchel and textbooks they will crash into the shoulders. However, the experts had no questions about the width and length of the shoulder strap.


Even a light, but too large satchel can also harm the baby's posture.

According to the results of the study, claims in terms of size have arisen against backpacks of all brands - they are not suitable for elementary school students. Basically, this is an excess in length, height of the front wall and width (depth). Thus, the depth of backpacks with the recommended 6–10 cm was up to 18 cm, and the length recommended within 30–36 cm reached 40 cm.

Our expert Tatiana Butskaya strongly recommends choosing options with an anatomical back (hard on the inside, soft on the outside) and wide straps and also take into account the growth of the child:

- Do not buy a satchel "for growth." It will not correspond to the physiological curves of the spine. The ideal size backpack should not be wider than the shoulders and below the waist of the child. I understand that good knapsacks cannot be cheap, but the miser pays twice. Treating curvature of the spine is more expensive!

It is also important to prevent the curvature of the spine, so that even an incorrectly selected backpack could not spoil the posture of the child.

A backpack is an essential purchase when your child first goes to school. Using a backpack leaves your hands free and thus allows you to do other things, such as opening a door, holding a railing at school, or waving to friends at school. Backpacks are actually designed to evenly distribute the weight to the strong muscles of the body - the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles (abdominal muscles), which is what the backpack itself does. the best option than satchels or a shoulder bag.


Part 1

What to look for in a backpack

    Look for a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps. Shoulder straps should be wide and soft - they are better suited for weight and load distribution. The softness provides extra comfort and ease of use for your little one.[

    • Narrow straps tend to "cut" into the shoulders and create unnecessary inconvenience after using the backpack. You will notice small red dots on your little one's shoulders when you remove the backpack.
    • Narrow straps can also cause your little one's skin to rub when wearing the backpack while walking, which can lead to skin irritation.
  1. Choose a backpack with a padded back. The part of the bag that comes into contact with your baby's back should also be soft. This will ensure that no sharp or pointy objects will poke him in the back, especially pencils, rulers or objects for a craft lesson. The padded back also increases the level of comfort during use.

    Choose a lightweight but durable backpack. The backpack itself needs to be light but strong – if money is the deciding factor when choosing a backpack, then there are backpacks available that are lightweight and made from durable materials.

    • As a rule, it is advised to buy a backpack that is made of polyester or nylon. Choose a backpack that contains 600 den of fabric (these are usually inexpensive).
    • These backpacks are made from 600 units of polyester and 1,200 units of polyester base. The number of dens depends on the fabric itself, which is directly proportional to its strength, that is, the higher the den, the higher the strength of the fabric.
  2. Choose a tall, rather than a wide backpack. Taller backpacks are better than wide ones because the tall ones hug the child's natural curve and are usually the perfect fit for your child.

    • The center of gravity refers to the imaginary point where the total weight is concentrated.
    • Wider backpacks spread the load farther away from your child's back (on the sides), they tend not to fall into the center of gravity and thus put undue strain and stress on the back.
  3. Consider the size of your backpack. You should not allow your child to wear a backpack larger than himself, so the most important thing is to choose the right size backpack for your little one.

    Make sure the backpack can be easily cleaned. Children are always spilling, dropping things, and dragging things around on the floor, so it's important to choose a backpack that's easy to clean.

    • The backpack must be machine washable, so you need to look for synthetic fabrics long wear, such as nylon and polyester, which are water-resistant materials.
    • However, if you prefer an eco-friendly backpack, choose one made from natural fabrics.
  4. Buy a backpack in a store instead of ordering it online. It is best to choose the backpack in person, so you will have more opportunity to view it. These things are very hard to see over the Internet.

    • You can also see if your child's items fit in a backpack before buying, which you can't do through an online store either.
    • The backpack material can be easily checked and reviewed only if you buy it in person.
  5. Choose a backpack that suits your child. Even at a very young age, your child begins to express their own individuality. So it's a good idea to take your toddler to buy a new backpack so he can choose the one he likes.

    • By allowing your child to make decisions during the purchase, you give him the opportunity to feel the importance and responsibility, and help him feel like a "big child".
    • Today there is great amount backpacks that combine functionality and fashion. Many backpacks are decorated with popular cartoon characters combined with bright colors. Your child can also personalize their backpack with stickers, patches and other goodies.

Part 2

Using a backpack
  1. Make sure your child uses both straps while wearing the backpack. It should always be worn using two shoulder straps, although kids usually like to wear it on just one shoulder at all times.

    • Parents and school administrators must prevent this in every possible way, as all this distributes the load unevenly.
    • Even if this way of wearing a backpack does not lead to scoliosis (curvature of the spine), it contributes to incorrect posture and will cause undue stress on the child's back.
  2. Use the waist strap that comes with the backpack. By tying the belt around your child's waist, you will help to distribute the load between your baby's body, as it creates an excellent load on the large muscles of the hips and legs, as well as the large muscles of the back and shoulders.

    Make your backpack as easy to use as possible. Don't put too many things in it. Make sure you only put necessary items such as books or colored pencils

    • If everything your child needs doesn't fit inside, consider swapping out their lunch bag with their sandwiches to avoid overstocking the backpack.
    • Remember that the heaviest things should be placed next to the child's back in order to better distribute the weight.
  3. Give your child time to get used to the backpack. Practice with your toddler and walk around the room to make sure the backpack is comfortable.

    • If the backpack is uncomfortable, adjust the straps or contents to make sure there are no sharp or pointy objects that will cut into your back.
    • Also make sure there are no loose straps that could get in the way of your little one; or worse, these straps can easily get stuck in a car or classroom door. You only need to trim them if they are too long or sew them in.
  4. Put only what you need. Before you decide to pack your baby's backpack, it's important to ask yourself a few questions to make sure you don't overload the backpack. Ask yourself what the child will do during the day and what things he will need. Some things you need may include:

    • A small bottle of water that won't spill.
    • A change of clothes in case the baby's clothes get dirty or in any other case.
    • Useful snack.
    • Small compartment for health related items such as allergy pills, hearing aids or eyeglasses.
  5. Add contact information to your backpack for emergencies. Your baby's backpack should include his first and last name - in case the bag is lost. Also write down your contact number if you cannot reach him by entering it in the next box.

    • You can also add the doctor's name and number, in case of a medical situation.
    • Children's backpacks usually have a small label where you can write this information. If not, then write her markers inside.

Part 3

Caring for your baby's backpack
  1. Constantly check your toddler's backpack to make sure it fits. Your child is growing very fast. No need to think that this backpack will last him for several years, just as a child will need a strong and large backpack when he grows up.


The first of September is a holiday for all schoolchildren. This day is especially exciting and joyful for first-graders and their parents. Preparation for going to school begins long before the first of September. It is necessary to purchase school supplies, accessories, uniforms. If the choice of uniform is dictated by the requirements of the school, then the choice of a backpack is a voluntary matter. The main question remains: how to choose a backpack for a first grader?

High school students, due to their age and independence, can solve this issue without the help of their parents (choose a backpack or bag, with a flexible or hard bottom, made of nylon, tarpaulin or leather), but this is beyond the power of kids.

To choose the right backpack for a first grader, you need to consider several key points: size, weight, anatomical shape, design, fit, strength, practicality, quality of materials used and their safety (see photo).

When buying a backpack, you need to choose the option with which the child will be as comfortable as possible. You can determine this by trying on and carefully examining several different models.

When choosing a backpack, children, first of all, are guided by its appearance. First-graders prefer bright models, with the image of their favorite cartoon characters and the original. Parents, on the other hand, pay more attention to the safety of accessories, and buy products that fully meet their requirements.

You can understand in more detail the question of how to choose backpacks for first graders by watching the video:

When buying a backpack for a first grader, you need to choose an accessory with an orthopedic (anatomical) back. The anatomical back is a rigid frame, which is covered with a porous soft material and has the form of embossed curves.

The use of models with an anatomical back ensures the formation of the correct posture of the child, minimizes pressure on the spine and contributes to the correct and uniform distribution weight (to avoid scoliosis). These advantages are important for this thing. Therefore, if financial possibilities allow, it is better to purchase an orthopedic backpack.

The lightness of a school backpack

Having bought a backpack, even an expensive one with an anatomical back, orthopedic doctors strongly recommend that you carefully monitor that the weight of the contents does not exceed 10% of the child's body weight. Otherwise, it can adversely affect the health of the child - lead to a curvature of the spine, pain in the shoulders and lower back, and impaired posture.

Children sometimes even in the first grade have to carry a lot of textbooks, notebooks, and various stationery with them to study, which in total sometimes reaches about 2-3 kg. Such a full, stuffed backpack will be heavy. Therefore, the backpack itself should be as light as possible. According to the recommendations of experts, the normal weight of an empty satchel should be in the range of 800 grams - 1.5 kg.

Durability of backpack materials

When choosing, you should pay attention to the material used to manufacture the product. The fabric should be as strong as possible. The child will use the backpack for at least 1 - 2 years, so it should remain intact and retain its original appearance as long as possible.

  • A leather satchel will be 100% durable, but its cost will also be the highest. Denim and nylon fabric are also used for their production. Experts advise against buying backpacks made of leatherette or film.
  • The backpack must be made of waterproof material. A small student can get caught in the rain, accidentally spill juice or drop it into a puddle, but the contents (textbooks and notebooks) should always be in excellent condition. Therefore, the surface of the backpack should not let moisture through, but inside (between compartments) full air circulation is necessary.
  • It is worth paying attention to the straps, buckles and accessories. The straps should be wide and soft so that they do not put pressure on the shoulders, but evenly distribute the load over the entire back. The fittings with which the straps are attached and adjusted must be metal or high quality plastic. Over time, you will have to adjust the length of the straps in accordance with the growth of the child or depending on the clothing. Therefore, the fixing elements must be strong and securely fasten the straps.

The use of the backpack should not create any discomfort for the first-grader. It should be as comfortable (ergonomic), light and easy to use as possible. The child should be able to independently, without the help of an adult, put on and take off the backpack.

  • The backpack should fit the child in size, match the height. Too bulky or wide models will be uncomfortable and the child will not receive joy from use.
  • Fasteners and fasteners should be as convenient as possible so that the child can unfasten and fasten zippers and locks without much effort and help. In the presence of a hard bottom, the backpack will not sag and put pressure on the child's lower back. Also, due to the dense bottom, books and notebooks will always lie flat.

School backpack safety

When choosing a backpack, do not forget that in addition to the above requirements, it must also be as safe as possible. The presence of reflective signs or stripes on the backpack will help the child to be visible on the road or sidewalk in the evening.

To get the safest backpack, it is worth buying it in specialized stores and it is preferable to choose a company that has proven itself well.

Backpacks for first graders can be sold with or without accessories. As a rule, a backpack for first-graders includes an additional pencil case, stationery necessary for the first time, a thermos (which fits freely into both the inner and outer side pockets). Parents can choose the complete set and filling on their own, to their taste and based on their financial situation.

  • The material must be as durable and waterproof as possible.
  • It is preferable to use a backpack with an orthopedic / anatomical back to protect the health and posture of the child.
  • A school bag should be light and comfortable to use.
  • The backpack must be secure.
  • When choosing a backpack, be sure to consider the wishes of the child. Let the child choose the color, children's drawing.

If our information helped you in choosing a backpack or you have additional tips/recommendations, write your review in the comments.

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