Chants for the summer camp are modern. Summer camp chants and motivational chants: long and short. Chants for the squad

chants for summer children's camp It is an integral part of the cohesion of the children's team. Funny chants and chants are great for helping children in competitions to support their team. If you have been looking for fun sayings and mottos for sports events, summer hikes and summer camps, then our article will definitely help you.

Choose a slogan for a squad, for going to a canteen or sports competitions, learn it with your children and your team will definitely be the most friendly!

Chants for the squad

What a summer camp without detachments and detachment chants. Among the rhymes offered by us, choose the appropriate one. Such a motto song will surely help guys who are unfamiliar with each other to feel more confident.

Hey guys, step up!
We can't be bored!
No, probably in the whole world
Cheerful, friendly guys.
We are not sad in our family,
We sing, we dance, we dance.
All lessons are good
Let's have fun from the heart!
We can do everything ourselves.
Let's send an SMS to mom!
Hey buddy, don't be discouraged
Sing our song!

Once - in the foot! In the foot once!
There are a lot of us! Lots of us!
Ray banner! Ray banner!
Who is with us, be bolder!
And our motto is:
More action, less words!

One, two! Boys!
Three! Four! And girls!
One, two! Who are we? -
Awesome guys!
We are not afraid of work and sadness,
We can't turn off the road.
We will always be together
We are now one family!

All the guys are happy to have a sunny summer.
Rest, sea, friendship - what else do we need.
We promise to tan and never get sick.
Swim like dolphins
Arching backs.
Friendly fly kids
Let's go loud - Hurray!

Three! Six! Eight! Five!
We have arrived to rest!
Three! Fifteen! Eighteen!
We want to get away!

We are a squad soul.
We have a good change
We are strong and brave
How tanned blacks!

Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
Singer: Who's coming?
Squad: Health Squad
bold and funny
cheeky friends.
Singing: One, two!
Squad: Three, four!
We keep health
We value health.
And we give everyone recipes,
How to maintain health
To be cheerful and cheerful
We live to old age.

We are loud, we are swirling,
We don't need peace of mind.
We are romantics, we are dreamers
Pioneer combat squad.

Squad songs

In addition to chants in the camp, children invent or remake squad songs in their own way. The song is the soul of the detachment, its words should be cheerful and well remembered. Here are some examples of squad songs.

Chica boom is a cool song
Chica-boom is a cool song!
We sing it all together
We sing it all together!
If you want great noise
If you want great noise
Sing with us - chica-boom
Sing with us - chica-boom!
I sing - boom-chica-boom- 3 times
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom,
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom!

We are somewhat similar
And each of us
Special yet
But here and now
Our hearts are in the same rhythm
Knocking and screaming
Our detachment believes in the three colors of Russia!

On bends and currents
Spins my generation
Spinning and breaking away
The guide is always smiling.

Like never before, all of us now
And on a long journey
And good time.
We are like a family
We are all friends.
And we can never be discouraged!

Maybe when they were sad
But they didn't despair.
Together as one team:
Everyone is more stubborn than the stubborn.

Charging speeches

In a summer camp, you can’t do without charging, and this event also needs a slogan. These funny chants will help set the guys up for a new day, make them smile and wake up.

One, two! - In order...
Three four! - Line up!
Three four! - Charging!
One, two! - All!
Left - right!
Running - swimming!
We grow bold
Tanned in the sun.
Our feet are fast
Tags are our shots.
Strong are our muscles
And the eyes are not dull.
One, two! - In order,
Three four! - Charging!

Get out to recharge!
Get everyone charged.
All the guys say: physical exercises are a friend of the guys!
You are an athletic child, gain strength!
Physical exercise in the morning is not to the detriment - to our benefit.
Left! Right! Running, swimming.
We will grow up bold, tanned in the sun.

Competition speeches

We need chants in the camp and for the competition. And not even one, but a couple - those who compete and those who are sick. Funny lines will help your squad defeat the opponent. Together with such chants, two-lines - chants!

Winning is our destiny
We will defeat you as always.
Our guys are better than yours
Our boys are prettier.
Our guys are better than yours
And, of course, stronger!

Our boys are hot!
Our boys are brave!
Both football and basketball
Ours will make yours!

Our opponent is very formidable
You can't just take them!
Only the wind will break
And you will break the snot!

forty eight twenty six
I have arms and legs
forty eight twenty five
So, we must win!
We are going to the stadium.
Our squad will be the champion.
Who is enthusiastic, glad of the sun?
Hey athletes line up!
Is there a team? - There is!
Is our captain here? - Here!
Get out on the field
Support squad honor.

If ours win, we'll kiss the guys.
If ours will blow them over to you, the cow will kiss them!

Drink milk children
You are far from ours.
Drink yogurt children
It's still our victory!

Our opponent is just a monster
We respect them for a reason!
Guys, hit the ball softer
Don't kill the goalkeeper!

Chants "Stolovskie" or songs of thanks to cooks

It is not easy to march in formation to the dining room, but you can shout something cheerful, perky and pleasant for the kitchen workers together. Make the cooks happy with your chants, pay tribute to their work with a poetic speech.

We are grateful to you
We turn again
You cook deliciously for us,
I want to eat again
But we know that now
Our stomach is full
With gratitude from us
Huge hello to you!

We barely made it through the night
We waited a little for the morning
Because I need breakfast
Dear chefs.

Counselor: Open the doors wider!
Children: Open the doors wider!
- We are hungry like animals,
We are hungry like animals!
- We want to eat a lot.
- We really want to eat!
- We'll even eat the cook!
- We'll even eat the cook!

The cooks cook soup for us,
They feed us potatoes
We are good for it
Let's work with a spoon!

Where walks together in a row
Cheerful, glorious our squad?
We hurry to where it smells delicious
Saucepan with sauerkraut.
Where we will always be fed
Very tasty cook.

Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,
Lots of fried potatoes
Lots of soup, pasta,
We run from all directions.
One, two - we want to eat,
Three, four - we'll eat it all!
They won't give you potatoes
We'll eat all the spoons.
They won't give us a kettle,
We'll eat the boss!
And counselors for a snack,
It will be very tasty!

One, two - tomatoes
Three, four - cucumbers
Five, six - we are gluttons
Seven, eight - well done
One, two - apples
Three, four - pears
We go to the dining room
We want to eat!

Wow! Wow! All right!
Wow! Wow! What sounds?!
We're going to the canteen!
This is us shouting a slogan!

Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the tea,
Kitchen for dinner
Meet us again!

We ate, we drank
We froze the worm
We'll go, let's take a break
And we'll come back to eat!

Evening chants before lights out

In the evening before lights out, you can also scream, and then go to bed. Choose your squad "breakdown" slogan.

We jumped, we played
We are very tired.
Let's go to bed soon
And then the bed will miss.
The day has faded and the night embraced
The camp calls to sleep.
Boys - good night to you - girls!
Girls - good night to you guys!
All together: good night to you, our counselors,
Tomorrow we are on the road again.
Read, play, and exactly at 10 - time to sleep!

Eaglets learn to fly
From sofa to bed.

Sleep, sleep, wards,
Pioneers and leaders!
Pioneers don't want to sleep
They laugh at the counselors.

The night descends on us
It's time for the counselors to sleep
And children are allowed
Run until the morning!

The camp sleeps, the counselor fell asleep,
Just the guys having fun!
And we are not afraid of rebound,
Night, pillows, fair fight!

These are the chants we got on the page, but that's not all. Look on our website for chants for hiking and tourists.



1 . One two three four! Three, four, one, two!

The sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!

2. Hurry, my friend, get up, run out to exercise!

3 . The sun is shining brightly! We are hot from the sun!

Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!

4. Sun, air and water are ours best friends!

For charging

1 . Get out to recharge! Get everyone charged.

All the guys say: physical exercises are a friend of the guys!

2 . Physical child, gain strength!

Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it's good for us.

3 . Left! Right! Running, swimming.

We will grow up bold, tanned in the sun.

To the dining room

1 . Op, op, op, we're going to the dining room

Op, op, opanki - the most hungry.

Cooks cook soup for us, feed us potatoes,

We will work well for this with a spoon.

2. We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

3 . Together they took spoons in their hands, quickly ate, everything was removed!

4 . We go to the dining room, we sing a sonorous song

We really want to eat, we will eat everything in the dining room.

5. We are standing at your door, we are hungry as animals.

We want to eat quickly, quickly, open quickly!

6 . Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,

Lots of fried potatoes

Lots of soup, pasta,

We run from all directions.


1. We jumped, we played, we were very tired.

Let's go to bed as soon as possible, otherwise the bed will get bored.

To the stadium

Who is enthusiastic, glad to the sun? Hey team line up!

Is there a team? - There is! Are the commanders here? - Here!

Get out on the field soon to support the detachment of honor.

We are going to the stadium, our squad will be the champion!

Muscles: Strong! And all of them are beautiful!

What is the enthusiasm, the sun is happy? Hey athletes, line up!


1 . One, two, three, four, hey guys, wide step.

No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.

2 . Our family is not sad, we sing, draw, dance.

3 . All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.

4. One, two! Boys! Three! Four! And girls!

One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!

5 . We are not afraid of work and sadness,

We can't turn off the road.

We will always be together, we are now one family!

Team names and mottos:

For juniors:

1. "Firefly" - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

2. "Orange" - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

3. “Bell” - We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.


Snow White, a merry fellow and a team of super gnomes!

Hey, guys - take a wider step, the fairy tale is waiting for its heroes ...

Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - all take off!

The heavens are calling!


We are not simple guys.

Our prowess is full of strength

We are risky, crazy

We guys are cool!

7. Mickey Mouse

In appearance, even though he is a baby, he will ask any fight

The strongest, the most dexterous, Mickey Mouse is mischievous

8. Sunshine

How many bright rays the sun has, so many fun and undertakings we have.

9. Meow meow

Scratch, bite, do not succumb to the enemy.

10. Restless - In the clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks ... The riot police will not help either!

For teenagers:

1. "New generation" - Not satisfied - object, object - offer, offer - do it, get down to business boldly!

2. "220" - If you need to do something! We turn on 220!

3. "Party" - fashion jeans, skate and sneakers we are children of dreams, we are children of the party!

4. “Both-on!” - “Both-on!” is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

5. "Dandelion" - Stick together so as not to be blown away.

6. "BEMS" - Combat, Energetic, Young, Cute.

7. "ELEPHANT" - The Best Detachment - Ours!

8. "Mammoths" - Thunder rumbles, bushes are shaking - these are mammoths rushing!

9. "220 V" - We cannot move without movement, we are always energized.

10. "COMET"

Energy, speed, freedom of movement...

Comet - the afterburner of my generation


younger age

Squad name: "Beetles"
Squad speech:

We are mobile beetles
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Young squad: "Luntiki"
The speech of the junior detachment:

Screws and dowels
Fantiki and funtiki
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the squad "Luntiki"

Squad name: "Positive"
Squad speech:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is positive
Our fun team
Radiates positivity!

Squad Name: "Thousand Devils"

Can you hear the children's laughter?
It's "Thousand Devils"!
A million wonderful ideas
- It's "Thousand Devils"!

Team name: "Bulls"

Who is everyone running from?
From Bulls! From Bulls!
We'll beat fools today, fools!

older age

Our team is moving forward
Calls for others.
We are special guys
From a special squad
Cheerful, strong, smart.
We must be the best!!!

(name of the squad) - this is us.
(name of the squad) - ahead.
We will do all the work
We'll go around all the squads.
Together we walk in step -
We are coming to help you
If someone gets bored
(name of the squad) help out.

Our squad - "Equator",
We are a detachment - winged
We're flying through the sky
Directly towards the sun, towards the light.
In our songs - sparks,
In our dances - the wind.
Sunshine is fast
He will enlighten us.

Who walks together in a row?
our team is very friendly.
Well, what is our name?
"Flame" - there is no more beautiful name.
What are we doing?
We help people together
We ignite the flame in the heart.

We are strong, kind, beautiful,
And smart beyond their years.
And, of course, us guys ,
All problems in the teeth

1.2 - we are all together
We never get bored.
(name of the detachment) not in place -
We are always in a hurry to the stars.
The leader walks ahead
And we follow him.
Let's have fun guys.
(name of the detachment) we are all the same!

sports chants
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be the champion.

Muscles are strong (the boys say)
And we ourselves are beautiful (the girls say).
Who is enthusiastic, glad to the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Is there a team?
There is!
Are the captains here?
Get out in the field
Support the squad and honor!

We are sports guys.
We are ahead of all units.
We go to the gym in formation,
We push to the fullest.
We temper our strength
And we wish you the same.

We start a new day
Get rid of laziness
Get up, open your eyes!
Charge, one, two, three!

Who is always a friend to the guys?
Sun. Air and water!
Is this where you turned black?
We sunbathed!
Our muscles are strong
We home country sons.
What do we need to work?
Sun, air and water!

Campfire chants

Come on, throw the birch bark
For firewood (2 times)
Strike a campfire match!
One, two!
So that our fire grows
Up to the stars!
So that his radiance
Seen by the Martians.

Camping chants

With a brisk step we go
We sing sonorous songs.
One, two - together in step!
Three, four - harder step!
What does the tourist take on the road?
A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who walks with a backpack?
We are (team name)
Who doesn't know boredom?
We are (team name)
Who is the friendliest in the world
We are (team name)
There is no more fun in the world
Us - (squad name)

We are called forward by the roads
Our motto is "Always Forward".
Our best deals:
Through, through and across.

Wider step.
We leave early.
Wider step, wider step.
Drums are drumming,
Wider step, wider step.
Only he is ready to go.
Who knows how to walk in step,
Who keeps the balance strictly, the step is wider.

You are our fire
native bonfire,
We stand up for you!!!

Evening chants

A lot of roads passed
It's time for the kids to sleep.
Goodnight- Motherland.
Until bright morning.

The day has faded and embraced by the night,
The camp calls to sleep.
Good night to you, our girls,
Good night to you guys
Good night to you, our counselors!
Tomorrow you are back on the road.
May we be lucky tomorrow.

Speech is an important attribute of being in a children's camp, at school competitions and in other games. Thanks to her, the team becomes more united, and the atmosphere is much happier. If you are puzzled by the question of finding chants, mottos, this article will certainly become your assistant.


Perhaps you will remember your mottos and slogans for the camp, you can come up with something at the family council, write it down and give it to the child with you, or transfer it to the teacher yourself. He will undoubtedly appreciate your contribution to the creative program. If you can’t write a rhyme, it doesn’t matter, various resources will come to your aid, which are simply saturated interesting information and various plans for the most productive vacation.

The essence of the slogan

Chants for summer camp or schools are some mottoes to cheer children up, create a positive environment, team them up and comic form games. It is advisable to choose a text without using complex, incomprehensible words; children do not remember such expressions well. It is preferable if it is a maximum of 4 lines - short, loud and clear.

It doesn’t matter if you come up with slogans for the camp in the canteen or the organization of the game, the essence of the poem is this - it should be fun and understandable to both you and the child. Team mottos and chants are always appropriate during exercises, joint walks, swimming and other activities. Be sure to involve the guys in them, the very participation in the process makes them more independent. Entrust them with the creation of the chants themselves, let them name their squad, and also come up with a beautiful slogan.

morning ruler

Chants in the camp will help to cheer up the squad during the training camp for the morning workout. You can also learn them for the school ruler. It will be easier for children to wake up, perform a couple of simple exercises in order to start their new day with a great mood in the future:

A new day has come for us

The sun woke up

Hey guys, have fun

Sing the song soon!

Get on the charge, do not be lazy on the charge!

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: physical education is a friend of the guys!

Left, right, up, down, you child, work hard!

You will be strong, brave, beautiful, tanned.

Good morning, combat squad,

How did you sleep? Is it good?

Let's wake up, people of the remote,

Let's play and have fun!

One two three four!

Three, four, one, two!

Look at us

All the guys are just class!

We are so good!

Champions, daredevils!

We will be the first everywhere:

In sports, in business and in work!

We're going to the dining room

When gathering for breakfast, lunch and dinner, chants for the camp in the dining room will be a kind of start for the children before the long-awaited meal:

We are very hungry

We really want to eat!

We'll eat dinner quickly

And we want extras!

We haven't eaten for a long time

Open the door soon

Washed hands and face

We wish you all a great appetite!

Get up, squad, hurry up

We'll go to dinner.

Soup, cutlets, salad and compote -

Our stomach will be happy with everything.

Let's eat pasta

Let's become champions!

Chef, thank you!

Delicious food,

Let's take a look again tonight

Let's wait for cabbage.

Screams in the camp when going to the dining room will make it possible to organize the guys in a collective system, avoiding the hustle and bustle, since usually children run there headlong.

Also, with their help, you can praise the cooks in the school cafeteria together and in an organized manner and wish other children a good appetite.

Physical training

When children have to participate in various activities, sports speeches will be more than ever welcome.

They will perfectly set the guys in the right mood and set a good emotional mood:

Come on, guys, get involved in sports!

We squat - one, two, three!

We repeat - one, two, three!

No need to relax!

We should run

Circle or two around the stadium!

Everyone will grow out of us like a champion!

To be the strongest of all, you need to practice,

Swim, run and dive, just don't wallow!

We will pump muscles, hey, grab the dumbbells!

You can sing the song, it will be more fun!

Bent over - one, and sat down - two.

We pull our hands - higher, higher,

To get to the very roof!

Such chants in the camp and school should be the basis for sports and morning workouts. Good mood- This is the key to more productive physical activity.

For the whole squad

For greater team cohesion, a slogan for the detachment will not be superfluous. The leader or leader starts the speech, then the children finish it together:

Most of all we do not like boredom! - This is us!
We are masters of all trades! - This is us!
And dance and sing? - This is us!
Do we save clothes? - This is us!
Do we put it under the bed? - No, not us!
Do we keep everything in order? - Just us!
And say thank you? And thanks for everything? - Yes, of course, it's us, mischievous daredevils!

These summer camp chants will allow children to playfully take walks, go swimming, explore the world, showing the cohesion of his squad:

Where are we going guys? Play in the stadium!

We've all gathered for a long time, it's time to go on our way!

Then follow me, athletes, and don't forget the ball!

We are now going ... for a walk! (children continue)

We will jump and ....jump! (children continue)

Get in line guys!

Hurry up, squad!

Team games

When team games are organized, in addition to the motto, be sure to come up with a slogan. It should be short, concise and fully convey the whole mood of the team and its will to win.

You can also develop a team symbol, come up with an anthem, flag, paraphernalia, a certain style of clothing and other symbols. Mottos and slogans for the camp during the games of different teams should be easy to remember, we recommend that you think over the organizational issues the day before, so that the children can prepare in advance.

  • Airplane Team.

We will arrive at least where - clearly, always harmoniously!

We fly on top

We can do the clouds!

The roar of the engine will howl into the sky!

Our strength is forever!

  • Tank team.

Quickly, deftly and skillfully - we take up the matter boldly!

We will overcome any path

Difficulties do not bother us!

We roam the expanses of the Earth,

We don't care about any barriers!

Evening chants in the camp

In the end, when all the children are tired and it's time to get ready for bed, getting ready for an evening wash, you can cheer up with a couple of funny chants. Children can learn them on their own, and then read the chants all together, for example, at the construction when summing up the results of the day, showing other squads how they get ready for bed:

We jumped and played, so we were very tired.

Let's go to bed as soon as possible, otherwise the bed will get bored.

We had fun all day long

And a little tired.

Strength left to wash

And get everyone to bed!

Come on, children, go to sleep quickly,

Go to bed!

To gain strength again

Need a lot of rest!

We jumped, we ran

But it's time for bed.

Let's wash up, get some sleep,

And tomorrow all over again!

Walked around, played

It's time to go to bed.

Just don't forget

Wash your hands and face!

Children will definitely like to perform tasks to a sonorous, comic slogan.

In the future, children will happily remember all the chants and chants, showing off these funny poems to others.

Chants and chants for children's camp

 Anything and everything 

Chica-boom - cool song -
Chica boom is a cool song
Let's sing it all together
Let's sing it all together
If you need cool noise -
If you need cool noise
Sing with us - chica-boom -
Sing with us - chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-boom -
I sing - boom-chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-taka-chica-boom -
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-taka-chica-boom Oh Ye ....

Param-parey - Hey
Param-parey - Hey
Param-parey - Hey-hey-hey
What is the mood? – In!!!

(all show big pale up)
Is everyone of this opinion? - Yes!
All without exception? - Yes!
Well done! - Hooray!

Two bears were sitting
Sitting two bears
On a thin bitch -
On a thin bitch
One sat properly -
One sat properly
Another yelled "coo-coo" -
Another shouted "coo-coo"
Once cuckoo -
Time coo-coo
Two cuckoo -
Two poo
Both plopped into flour -
Both plopped into flour
Mouth in flour -
Mouth in flour
Nose in flour -
Nose in flour
Both in sour milk -
Both are in sour milk.

Drink milk children
You are far from ours.
Drink yogurt children
Still the victory is ours!


We are ready as always
Defeat you easily!....

At your gate stands
nightstand in pantyhose!!!

Leader: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Leader: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Leader: Who's coming?
All: Our friendly...

Another goal
two more,
thirty-three more goals!

Param Poreram -
hey hey
Param Poreram -
hey hey hey
Washed face? washed!
Are your hands clean? clean!
Do you want to eat? want!
(and the guys go into the dining room ....

Thanks to us
what we ate
And anyone can cook!


Homa, Homa is a hamster,
Homa - plump barrel,
Homa gets up early
washes eyes,
rubs cheeks,
Homa pulls up the hut,
Homa is doing exercises,
One, two, three, four, five,
Homa wants to become strong!

(The chant is accompanied by movements,
for example: "Homa gets up early" - we stretch,
"Washes eyes, rubs cheeks" - depict ...


I'm riding a tank 2p
I see a cow, 2p
In a hat with earflaps 2p
With a healthy horn 2p
hello cow 2p
How are you doing?2 RDooYuspikeEnglish? 2 R
(Do you speak English?)
What are you calling??? 2p....


Chica-boom - cool song -
Chica boom is a cool song
Let's sing it all together
Let's sing it all together
If you need cool noise -
If you need cool noise
Sing with us - chica-boom -
Sing with us - chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-boom -
I sing - boom-chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-boom -
I sing - boom-chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom -
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom
Oh-oh-oh - Oh-oh-oh
A-ah-ah Once again -
Once again Faster
Hurry up

Everything repeats again, only in a more accelerated version ....


Hey guys, step up!
We can't be bored!
No, probably in the whole world

Have fun, friendly guys.
We are not sad in our family,

We sing, we dance, we dance.
All activities are good - we have fun from the heart!


One, two, three, four, hey guys, wide step.
No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.
Our family is not sad, we sing, draw, dance.
All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.
One, two! Boys! Three! Four! And girls!
One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!
We are not afraid of work and sadness,
We can't turn off the road.
We will always be together, we are now one family!


Hey cheeky kid
It's time for us to get together.
Bim-bom! Ta-ra-ram!
We are never bored.
The sun shines bright, bright
We are hot from the sun - hot!
Summer, air and water - Our best friends!


Clouds in the sky, but it doesn't matter
It's always great in our camp.


B: param - pareyrum!
D: hey
B: param - pareyrum!
D: hey hey
B: param - pareyrum!
D: hey hey hey
Q: How is the mood?
D:( thumb up) - IN!
Q: Is everyone of the same opinion?
D: yes!
Q: All without exception?
D: yes!
B: well done!
D: WOW!!!

Never without counselors
We're not going anywhere.


We are a squad soul.
We have a good change
We are strong and brave
How tanned blacks!


Two bears sat - Two bears sat
On a thin bitch - On a thin bitch
One sat properly - One sat properly
Another yelled "coo-coo" - Another yelled "coo-coo"
Time cuckoo - Time cuckoo
Two cuckoo - Two cuckoo
Both plopped into flour - Both plopped into flour
Mouth in flour - Mouth in flour
Nose in flour - Nose in flour
Both in sour milk - Both in sour milk


Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Host: Who's coming?
All: Squad of Healthy
bold and funny
cheeky friends.
Host: One, two!
All: Three, four!
Leading: We will keep our health,
We value health.
And we give everyone recipes,
All: How to maintain health,
To be cheerful and cheerful
We live to old age.


I have a train - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He takes me on rails - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He has a pipe and a stove - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And the magic ring - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We will depart from the station - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
It has four halls - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We'll go to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And maybe closer - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Then the spring rain came - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And our train got stuck - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We are standing in a huge puddle - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Here we are not up to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI


Alyonushki - we are! Ivanushki - we are!
Together we the best people countries!


We will not leave a comrade in trouble,
We are always together in everything and everywhere!


We are so awesome
We are so pissed off
Simply extraordinary!


Oh no no no
Oh no no no
Oh no no no


The sun rose over the mountain
The sun rose over the mountain
Brakozyabra walks angry
Brakozyabra walks angry
I will find a club
I will find a club
I'll go to marriage
I'll go to marriage

Oooooh, motherfucker
Oooooh, motherfucker


Chica-boom is a cool song……
Chica boom is a cool song
We sing it all together……
We sing it all together
If you want great noise...
If you need cool noise
Sing with us - chica-boom ... ..
Sing with us - chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-boom ......
I sing - boom-chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-boom ......
I sing - boom-chica-boom
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom ………
I sing - boom-chica-raka-chica-raka-chica-boom


On the shore - On the shore
Big River - Big River
bee sting - bee sting
Bear right in the nose - Bear right in the nose
Oh-oh-oh-oh - Oh-oh-oh-oh
The bear cried The bear cried
Sat on a bee - Sat on a bee
And started to sing - And started to sing


One, two, three, four, five,
We defeated you again!....


You will harden from youth -
You will fit for the whole century.


Start by charging.


In a healthy body healthy mind.


Who does exercises - grows a hero.


Winning is our destiny
We will defeat you as always.


The one who wants to sail with us
You must be smart, you must be brave!

Love sports, be strong,
We gave the word to the motherland
Strengthen peace on earth.


So that your day is in order
Start it with charging!....


Our guys are better than yours
Our boys are prettier.

Our guys are better than yours

And, of course, stronger!


forty eight twenty six
I have arms and legs
forty eight twenty five
So, we must win!


We are athletes guys!
All diseases - beware!
Before self-training
Become a sports hour!


Get out to recharge! Get everyone charged.
All the guys say: physical exercises are a friend of the guys!
Athlete - child, gain strength!
Physical exercise in the morning is not to the detriment - to our benefit.
Left! Right! Running, swimming.
We will grow up bold, tanned in the sun.


We are going to the stadium.
Our squad will be the champion.
Who is enthusiastic, glad of the sun?
Hey athletes line up!
Is there a team?
There is!
Is our captain here?
Get out on the field
Support squad honor.


One, two! - In order…
Three four! - Line up!
Three four! - Charging!
One, two! - All!
Left - right!
Running - swimming!
We grow bold
Tanned in the sun.
Our feet are fast
Tags are our shots.
Strong are our muscles
And the eyes are not dull.
One, two! - In order,
Three four! - Charging!


If ours lose
Kovalev is pushing you!


If ours win, we'll kiss the guys.
If ours will blow them over to you, the cow will kiss them!


Drink milk children
You are far from ours.

Drink yogurt children

It's still our victory!


Go around the whole planet
There is no better (squad number) in the world.

(opponent squad number) with the ball,
like a cow with a brick.

(squad number) - Champion!
Only he wins!


Who cooks for us? Chefs!
Who loves us so? Chefs!
What do we say to chefs?
Let's tell them: "Thank you!"....


We are terribly hungry
What to eat is no longer important ....


Thanks to our chefs
What a cool dinner they gave us....


Thank you for what we ate
And everyone can cook!


Thank you Heavenly Father
And a local chef.


With gratitude, we turn to you again,
You cook deliciously for us, I want to eat again,
But we know that now our stomach is full,
With gratitude from us, a huge hello to you!


We barely made it through the night
And we waited for the morning
Because they were expecting breakfast
Dear chefs.


We ate, we drank
We froze the worm
We'll go, let's take a break
And we'll come back to eat!


The buckwheat was delicious
Tulka is also nothing.
But cabbage is the best
We love all cooks.


Thanks for the porridge
Thanks for the tea,
Kitchen for dinner
Meet us again!


Counselor: Open doors wider
Children: open the door wider
We are hungry like animals.
- We want to eat a lot.

- We'll even eat

- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
- Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!


Our Chefs Team
We say thank you!
Everything was cool, just class,
Glory and wonder!


Nothing in the world is better
Than a plate with three servings of cutlets.


macaroni, macaroni
We've been waiting for you for so long
You have arrived and we are ready.
Greet all of you.


Let's eat pasta
We will become champions.


Even on a cloudy morning
Don't ruin our breakfast.
We love milk soup
And thank you chefs!


Musical gave soup,
We love to sing too.
We make a lot of sounds
But it will be later.


Thanks to our chefs
For macaroni and cheese
For tomatoes and tea.


1.2 - tomatoes
3.4 - cucumbers
5.6 - we are gluttons
7.8 - well done
1.2 - apples
3.4 - pears
We go to the dining room

We want to eat!


Wow! Wow! All right!
Wow! Wow! What sounds?!
We're going to the canteen!
This is us shouting a slogan!


one two
We didn't eat
Three four
We want to eat!
Open the doors wider, otherwise we'll eat the cook!
We’ll have a snack with the cooks and we’ll demolish the dining room!
Let's turn the tables!
And Satisfied leave ....


One, Two!
We didn't eat!
Three four!
We want to eat!
Open doors wider
And then we'll eat the cook! ....

Shouts about the dining room

1, 2 - tomatoes
3, 4 - cucumbers
5, 6 - we are gluttons
7, 8 - well done
1, 2 - apples
3, 4 - pears
We go to the dining room
We want to eat!

We are terribly hungry
What to eat is no longer important.
We eat everything.
This is our squad!

Open doors wider
We are hungry like animals
We're going to lunch together!
We all need to feed!
Feed us, cooks,
We will shout to you: "Hurrah!"
Food will be useful to us:
Will wake up new forces.
Let's become strong
Real eagles!

ate porridge,
Ate the cheese
Thank you cooks!

- one, two
- we didn't eat
- three four
- want to eat
- open the door wider, otherwise we'll eat the cook!

Who cooks for us? Chefs!
Who loves us so? Chefs!
What do we say to chefs?
Let's tell them: "Thank you!"

Hands are clean
Face washed!
Everyone, everyone:
Enjoy your meal!

Today we dared:
Breakfast was completely finished.
Thought we'd skip lunch
But this is not allowed!

We go to the dining room
We will collect the whole squad,
We will always eat
If delicious food!

We ate, we drank
We froze the worm
We'll go, let's take a break
And we'll come back to eat!

Thanks to our chefs
What a delicious cook for us!

Sports chants

- if it started raining in the morning?
- so yes!
- if the ball flies to your forehead?
- no problem!
- we're going the opposite way!
- the beauty
- let's jump and play
- until morning.

- goal,
need to need to
- goal, goal, goal
- a lot of.
- no matter,
need to need to
- goal, goal, goal!

- one, two
- ……………. (name of squad or team)
- three four
- ahead
- five six
- keep
- strive to win

Another goal
two more,
thirty-three more goals!

Shouts on various topics

- one, two
- together in step,
- three four,
- harder step
- who goes in the ranks so amicably?
- ………….. detachment

- who is behind?
- keep up!
- who is tired?
- Do not be upset!
- who goes and looks down?
- hey, trooper pull up!
- maybe already tired?
We didn't take these with us!
- Shall we sit down and rest?
- Let's sing a song!

- 1, 2
- 3, 4
- 3, 4
- 1, 2
Let's say silence together.

- one, two
- three four
- three four
- one two
- who walks together in a row?
This is our friendly team!
Why are we walking together?
- the line is very necessary!

-1, 2
-3, 4
-1, 2
-3, 4
- to live in the world?
is a class
- have friends?
- this time
- sun air and water?
- it's two
- Boredom, laziness, run away from here?
- forever and ever!

Youth is on the planet
Clearly minting a step
We are children of the 21st century
The world is in our hands

No need to frown neighbor
And sing sad songs
Understand, there is no separation freak
And there are ways further.

Farewell, beloved camp,
Goodbye not forever
After all, we will come - to you
Visit - yes, yes, yes!