Belarus raises minimum labor and social pensions. What is the maximum pension? The size of the pension in Belarus

Economist. Over 15 years of experience in finance. Date: November 11, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

Since 2017, the Republic of Belarus has begun a consistent increase retirement age. Today, men from the age of 61 and women from the age of 56 have the right to a pension. The pension reform will not solve the problem if the distributive nature of the system for providing for the elderly remains in the Republic of Belarus

One of the most important components of the system of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus is pension provision. Every disabled citizen of Belarus is entitled to payments from the state. Their size depends on the place and length of service, the position held. Let's talk about what kind of pension in Belarus, to whom and in what order it is accrued, from what age a citizen has the right to take a well-deserved rest.

System pension provision in Belarus operates on a distribution basis. The principle of its operation is that contributions from employees go to pay pensions.

The Republic of Belarus pays pensions to its citizens and foreign nationals permanently residing here. It also applies to citizens of Belarus living in countries with which the Republic of Belarus has international agreements.

Tab. 1. Pension payments assigned in the Republic of Belarus

Those who are unable to earn a living on their own can count on a social pension.

Retirement age in Belarus

The definition of a Belarusian pensioner is exactly the same as in any other country in the world - this is a person who has reached the retirement age established by law and who is entitled to payments from the state. More recently, an old-age pension was appointed:

  • 60-year-old men with 25 years of work experience;
  • 55 summer women with 20 years experience.

Starting from 2017, the legislator decided that the retirement age in Belarus should gradually increase. In 2018, it reached 61 for men and 56 for women. In 2019, men will receive a pension at 62.5 years, and women at 57.5 years.

At the same time, they will need 16.5 years of insurance experience in 2018, and 17 years in 2019.

The completion of the reform is expected in 2020. By that time, the retirement age will be 58 for women and 63 for men.

This measure was forced. The population is aging, the birth rate is falling, average age Belarusians is growing. And as a result, one working must contain one non-working. From the point of view of economists, such a ratio is fatal.

How is the Social Security Fund formed?

The mechanism is as follows: on a monthly basis, a payroll tax is deducted to the Social Protection Fund for each working citizen:

  • 34% from the employer;
  • 1% of the worker.

These funds are used to provide pension payments and various benefits. The distribution system is working - no accumulation of pension contributions, everything goes to payments to current citizens of retirement age.

The amount of pension payments by country

At the end of 2017, a pensioner in Belarus received an average allowance from the state in the amount of 314 Belarusian rubles. Minsk pensioners received the most - 316 rubles, and the elderly of the Brest region received the least - 299 rubles. Since the beginning of this year, the average monthly payment has increased by 15.8% and amounted to 363.9 rubles.

The average size of the assigned old-age pension in August 2018 amounted to 374.8 rubles, which is 3% higher than the national average.

Tab. 2. Change in the average amount of granted pensions in Belarus in 2017–2018 (Belarusian rubles)

Average amount of assigned monthly pensions According to the age
2017 2018 2017 2018
January 297,0 314,3 305,8 323,1
February 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
March 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
April 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
May 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
June 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
July 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
August 300,3 363,9 308,2 374,8
September 300,3 308,2
October 300,3 308,2
November 314,7 323,5
December 314,3 323,1

Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

The minimum consumer budget for pensioners from November 1, 2018 was set by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection at the level of 349 Belarusian rubles. Pension payments to the elderly are barely enough for the bare necessities.

Unlike an old-age pension, which is granted for life upon reaching retirement age, disability benefits can be established for a specific period, for the extension of which you will have to undergo a re-examination.

Minimum Guarantees

The legislation of Belarus regulates the amount of pensions and additional payments to them, as well as the procedure for calculating payments.

Labor pension

In 2018, it is calculated from the funds earned for the last 24 years in a row, not exceeding the actual length of service. labor activity.

The minimum size for it is set:

  • by age - 25% of the highest living wage approved for the last two quarters;
  • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner - 100%, for orphans - 200%;
  • for disability: I and II groups - 100%, for group III - 50%, for heroine mothers (regardless of the disability group) - 100% of the minimum age pension;
  • retirement pension - 100%.

For those whose labor pensions turned out to be minimal, the state pays extra 20% of the average earnings in Belarus.

The old-age pension must exceed the minimum for pension payments approved by law, and not be lower than 55% of the pensioner's average monthly income.

Social pension

This is a type of benefit calculated from the maximum subsistence minimum for the last 2 quarters in the following amounts:

  • 110% - disabled people of group I, including disabled since childhood;
  • 95% - disabled since childhood II group;
  • 85% - disabled people of group II (excluding disabled people from childhood), children by loss of a breadwinner for each child;
  • 75% - disabled people of group III, including disabled since childhood;
  • 50% - men from 65, women - from 60;
  • 80% - disabled children of the 1st degree of loss of health, 85% - of the 2nd degree, 95% - of the 3rd degree, 110% - of the 4th degree.


The Government of Belarus intends to maintain pension provision at a certain level. For this purpose, pensions are periodically recalculated. Reasons:

  • growth of the average monthly salary - at least once a year;
  • change in the living wage.

Registration procedure

No one is automatically granted a pension. A citizen of the Republic of Belarus should apply with a relevant application to the authorities for labor, employment and social protection of the population.

The employer draws up and provides all documents for his employees. The unemployed must do everything himself.

The set of documents will depend on the type of pension payments. But for any of them, the original and a copy of the work book and a salary certificate are mandatory. You will also need an identity card: a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a national passport and a residence permit for a foreign citizen.

This is a list of key documents. If necessary, others are also presented: a military ID, education documents, birth certificates of children, etc. A complete list can be clarified at the social security authority at the place of residence.

All of the above documents (originals) are attached to the application. After consideration, their owner will receive all the papers back.

Results and prospects of pension reform

The past two years have brought their results. True, the population did not feel them. The dimensions have not changed significantly. pension benefits and the standard of living of the elderly. But the labor market felt the consequences. Thanks to those who are now recognized as able-bodied (they already have a job and are unlikely to leave it), career prospects in their homeland turned out to be “closed” for young professionals. We will have to forget about the renewal of personnel in the national economy of Belarus for ten years.

The retirement age is raised in all European countries. It was also raised in the Republic of Belarus. But by delaying pensioners in the market, it is necessary to create new jobs, provide more opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. Will this help save the economy from the "pension" overload and at the same time provide everyone dignified old age?

“It is impossible to completely eradicate the problem by raising the age. The pension system really needs to be changed. It is advisable to switch to a mixed one - solidary plus funded "(Valery Borodenia, member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)

In addition, they significantly exceed the level of payments in Belarus.

Now in Belarus, payments to pensioners are provided by contributions from employees and employers to the Social Security Fund. The measures taken by the government of the republic will not solve the problem of the deficit of the Social Security Fund. Today, the share of citizens of retirement age is 25%, by 2050 it will grow and reach 35%.

The salary of the inhabitants of any country reflects the quality of life in it. The characteristic of wages shows the direction of development of each state. Belarus is no less interesting in this regard, since the average salary of its specialists worries many people.

Popular professions

It is easy to guess that the level of income depends on labor productivity and the specialty of the employee, or rather, the popularity of the latter in the labor market. The most popular for 2018 are:

  • management positions (sales manager, sales assistant);
  • engineering specialties;
  • programmers;
  • doctors, teachers, cooks and seamstresses.
  • But by no means all of them receive a decent high salary, as there is a factor of ease of obtaining some professions. So, the work of computer programmers, according to 2017 data, is paid quite high: their average salary in some cases reaches 90 thousand Russian rubles, which is more than 1000 dollars. "Air" employees receive 30 thousand rubles less, and workers in the field of oil processing - 50. Social workers, plumbers and electricians have the lowest income.

    The average salary in Belarus since the beginning of 2017 has changed by months. So, in January it was 23 thousand Russian rubles, or 332 US dollars, in February it increased by 383 rubles, and in March - by another 1,500. In terms of US currency, the increase was 27.5 dollars. The lowest paid workers can be considered the workers of the Brest region, where the average wage is about 22,300 thousand in Russian currency. For comparison, in Minsk in 2018, the average salary is fixed at 30 thousand, which is quite logical for the capital of the country.

    Living wage

    The average salary includes only the net salary. This is also all kinds of allowances: for harmfulness, length of service, work at night. Cash incentives in the form of bonuses are also taken into account. Don't forget about sick leave. If you look from the other side, then deductions in the form of taxes are also made from the salary. For formal workers, the average salary includes income tax in the first place.

    But there is also a lower wage limit, in other words, the minimum wage, normalized by the country's legislation, which guarantees every worker that their salary will be sufficient for a monthly living. Lowering the bar by the employer threatens him with punishment. The government of Belarus in 2018 set a living wage of 5,400 Russian rubles, which is even less than $100.

    Budget workers

    Such noble professions as a teacher or a doctor do not lose their popularity, and it is impossible to imagine modern life without specialists in these areas. In order to maintain interest in them, the government strictly monitors the level of salaries of teachers and doctors. Agree, the greater the monetary reward of an employee, the better services he provides. The state conducts an encouraging policy towards teachers and medical workers, as it is interested in attracting quality personnel.

    Depending on the region of residence and the level of specialty, doctors can receive different incomes, but the average salary is 23 thousand in Russian currency, or 300 US dollars. Middle-level medical personnel earn half as much. The average salary of junior medical workers is 13.5 thousand rubles, or almost $200. Regarding educators in Belarus, back in 2013, a law was introduced to increase wages, which by 2018 increased salaries by one-fourth of them.

    Pensions in Belarus

    The size of the pension in this country is of no less interest, since people need a guarantee from the state that they will be provided with a comfortable old age for the worked experience. The answer to the question "What will be the pension?" depends on the number of years of service and the average income of the worker. In 2014, the Government of Belarus made changes to the procedure for calculating pension payments. So, from the beginning of 2016, after 15 years of service, a labor pension begins to accrue. In addition, to help citizens without work, there is a social pension.

    The effect of labor accruals for men begins after 25 years of work. For women, this period is 20 years. But prerequisite is a contribution to the Pension Fund Money within 10 years. The retirement age in Belarus for 2018 is 63 for men and 58 for women. The minimum monthly pension payment is 5.5 thousand Russian rubles, or 80 dollars in US currency.

    In some industries, a seniority pension is possible when workers have worked out the necessary length of service, determined specifically for their position. Preferential pension assigned to the following categories of citizens:

  • employees of the military sphere;
  • aviation workers;
  • certain categories of teachers and medical workers;
  • athletes;
  • workers in special (harmful or difficult) conditions.
  • The Belarusian economy is currently in a weakened state, which creates negative pressure on the average earnings of citizens, thereby creating the ground for rising unemployment and poverty.

    Experts believe that in 2018 it is worth waiting for the growth trend not only in average incomes of citizens, but also in their pensions. Just do not hope that the pace will be a record. Most likely, the increase will be insignificant, but some areas, such as education, were announced by the government in 2016 as additionally funded. This means that professions in these areas will become more highly paid and in demand.

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    Minimum pension in Belarus

    Pensions paid to citizens of the Republic of Belarus are divided into several categories. Their size is determined by various factors - the total length of service, the pensioner's ability to work, etc. The law also provides for the so-called minimum pension- a payment that is guaranteed to be able to receive a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

    How is the minimum pension calculated in Belarus?

    BPM (subsistence minimum budget) is taken as a basis - a variable economic value, which is calculated individually for different segments of the population. The minimum old-age pension is calculated in the amount 25% of the BPM limit for the last 2 quarters.

    But for a disability pension in our republic, a different calculation mechanism is used.

    • Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups receive payments in the amount of 100% of minimum pension according to the age.
    • Disabled citizens of the third group are guaranteed to receive a pension, the size of which is already 50% of the average age.
    • Separately, a pension is negotiated for heroine mothers with any degree of disability. This category of citizens is paid 100% of the amount of the minimum pension assigned by age.
    • An important nuance: in order to receive a minimum old-age pension, you must have a minimum work experience. It is currently 15 years old. At the same time, during all these years, the employee must pay the due insurance premiums to the budget of the republic. If the minimum length of service for a pension is insufficient (ie less than 15 years), then the employee will receive a social pension. It is also calculated on the basis of BPM for different categories of pensioners.

      Minimum pension in Belarus in 2016-2017

      In 2016-2017, pensions in the country were repeatedly indexed. Increased all types of pensions, including the minimum. In particular, the size of the minimum retirement pension in January 2016 was 392 thousand non-denominated rubles. After several increases, in January 2017, this type of pension increased to 43.8 denominated rubles. The amount, frankly, is small, but it is determined in full accordance with the current legislation of Belarus.

      With information on how pensions in the Republic of Belarus have changed over the course of recent years can be found in the table below.

      Pension in Belarus in 2018 in rubles

      Recalculation of pensions in 2018

      Minimum labor pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75, social pensions due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita.

      In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 7 of January 24, 2018, the average subsistence minimum budget per capita in December 2017 prices, calculated per month for the period from February 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018 is set at 199.32 rubles.

    • the minimum amount of an old-age pension is 49.83 rubles. (25 percent of the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”);
    • additional payment to the minimum pensions of 132.11 rubles. (20 percent of the average wage used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner when assigning and recalculating labor pensions - 660.55 rubles. (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 22, 1999 No. 976).
    • The minimum amount of an old-age pension, taking into account the additional payment, is 181.94 rubles.

      - labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic 696.88 rubles. (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On increasing pensions" dated April 26, 2018 No. 142)

      Minimum labor pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 (80) years, social pensions, due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average.

      In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 47 of April 24, 2018, the average subsistence minimum budget per capita in March 2018 prices, calculated per month for the period from May 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 is set at 206.58 rubles.

      The minimum retirement pension is 51.65 rubles. (25 percent of the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”);

      Supplement to the minimum pensions 139.38 rubles. (20 percent of the average salary used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner when assigning and recalculating labor pensions - 696.88 rubles. (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 22, 1999 No. 976).

      The minimum amount of an old-age pension, taking into account the additional payment, is 191.03 rubles.

      Minimum pension

      Minimum pension– the state-guaranteed pension payment is determined by law and differs depending on the category of recipients.

      The state pension system existing in the Republic of Belarus is clearly structured by law. All pension payments differ by categories of recipients, depending on their seniority and other merits, as well as the degree of disability, the availability of other sources of income. The amount of pensions is determined in accordance with the standards set forth, in particular, in the Law on Pensions. For each type of pension, a minimum amount is set, usually representing a certain percentage of the subsistence level.

      It should be understood that the minimum pension is not a fundamentally new benefit, but the lower limit pension payment in any particular category.

      So the minimum labor pension is assigned in cases where the amount of insurance payments during the period of employment does not allow accruing a pension above the minimum specified by law. The same goes for calculating labor pension disability or loss of a breadwinner.

      The starting point for calculating pension minimums is the amount of the subsistence minimum budget and the minimum old-age pension, which, in turn, is also calculated from the subsistence minimum.

      For labor pensions, the minimum amount is 25% of the maximum size of the average per capita budget of the subsistence minimum for the past two quarters (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pension Provision”).

      The amount of the minimum disability pension is determined depending on the group:

      • For the first and second groups 100%, for the third - 50% of the minimum old-age pension. (for mothers of heroines - 100% for any disability group)
      • The minimum amount of a survivor's retirement pension is 100% of the minimum retirement pension. The same pensions for orphans are doubled (in the absence of a monthly insurance payment due to the death of a parent).
      • The minimum retirement pension is equal to the minimum retirement pension.
      • An additional payment in the amount of 20% of the average salary in the country is due to the minimum retirement pensions.

        Supplements for the care of the disabled are applied to the minimum pensions on a general basis.

        The increase in the size of the minimum pensions is regulated by the state in connection with the increase in the subsistence minimum budget. To illustrate the dynamics of the growth of minimum pensions in 2014-2018, we can consider the relevant statistical data for the city of Minsk.

        Old age pension in Belarus

        old-age pensions- these are regular cash payments from the Social Security Fund, assigned to citizens who have reached the retirement age specified by law, subject to the length of service, the minimum amount of which is also determined by law. The amount of the retirement pension depends on the amount of past earnings.

        The following distinguishing features of the old-age pension in the Republic of Belarus should be highlighted:

        • it is appointed upon reaching a certain age by law:
        • appointed to persons who have a sufficiently long experience of socially useful activity;
        • old-age pension is assigned for life, regardless of the state of working capacity.
        • Thus, an old-age pension is not only a compensation for the expected decrease in the ability to work, but a well-deserved rest.

          The right of citizens to pension provision, including old age, is guaranteed by Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision". At the same time, Article 5 of this Law states that citizens are entitled to a labor pension, from whose income during the period of employment, state social insurance contributions were made for at least 5 years.

          Persons of retirement age who do not have the right to a labor pension are assigned a social pension on conditions determined by law. Such a norm is contained in Articles 5 and 72 of the Law “On Pension Provision”.

          The source of payment of retirement pensions is the Social Protection Fund. Social pensions are paid directly from the republican budget.

          From January 1, 2017, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 11, 2016 No. 137 “On improving pension provision”, the generally established retirement age will be increased annually by 6 months until the age of 63 for men and 58 for women.

          Recall that earlier, according to Article 11 of this Law, the right to receive old-age pensions on a general basis had:

          • men over 60 years of age with at least 25 years of work experience;
          • women, respectively - 55 years old, with at least 20 years of experience.
          • The appointment of an old-age pension is preceded by the process of calculating its size based on the total length of service and the special moments of its calculation; calculation of the amount of earnings, to determine the amount of the pension.

            Issues of calculating pensions as a percentage of previous earnings are regulated by Article 56 of the Law. The procedure for collecting and verifying information about earnings and other payments included in the calculation - respectively, Articles 57 and 58. The procedure for recording information about seniority and the nuances of its calculation are defined in Articles 51-54 of the Law.

            According to the opinions of citizens who have already gone through the procedure for calculating and assigning a pension, this process is well established, the application of legislative norms has been clarified and worked out. The most common problem is errors in submitting information to the Federal Social Security Fund by employers, especially in the Soviet and early post-Soviet years, and obtaining information on work experience and earnings from other states of the former USSR.

            To specify the current situation in the described area, you can consider the statistical data of the Minsk City Executive Committee for 2016-2018, in Belarusian rubles:

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    After the launch of pension reform in Ukraine, neighboring countries began to think about the need to learn from experience. The Russian government also announced an increase in the retirement age and the amount of pensions. Each country carries out reforms in its own way, and pensioners are left to consider who will have more payments.

    Ukraine - European pensions

    The slogan is good, but in reality the picture with accruals to the old people is not rosy. Ukrainians can apply for a pension by age, in connection with disability or loss of a breadwinner, there is an additional category of pensions related to the peculiarities of work or profession.

    Since January of this year, new rules for obtaining benefits for citizens who are on a well-deserved rest or continue to work have started in Ukraine. Recall that not only the age threshold is increasing for Ukrainians, but also the number of work experience.

    The Pension Fund of Ukraine has tariff grids with age restrictions, features of calculating the length of service, frightening formulas that are not so easy to understand for a simple working person. All for the people.

    The average pension of a citizen of Ukraine in 2018 is 2480 hryvnia, which corresponds to 94.3 dollars (at the official exchange rate on the day the article was written). This does not mean that all pensioners receive this amount, since the minimum pension at the beginning of the year was 1,452 hryvnias, or $55.21. So it turns out that for someone you can’t call a pension a social benefit, but deputies and judges receive a pension in the amount of 16,000 hryvnia (600 dollars, that’s where Europe is felt in the wallet).

    Heterogeneous payments of pensions by regions, in the Kyiv region the average size pension varies within 100 dollars, and in Rivne or Ternopil it hardly exceeds 56 dollars.

    What about the neighbor?

    Russia itself is not happy with the pension reform: strikes, consideration of bills, criticism of trade unions, but what can you do when money is sorely lacking.

    From 2019, they plan to raise the retirement age, and there is not far from the revision of the length of service. Gradually, Russia will also reach the age of 65 for men and 63 for women, but so far the same parameters remain: 60 and 55.

    In the Russian Federation there is a pension by age (insurance), social (for people without experience), disability, military, and professions. In addition, due to the large territory in Russia, there is also an allowance for the regions.

    According to the message pension fund RF in 2018, the average pension across the country increased to 14,100 rubles ($222.85), and the minimum, that is, social benefits, does not exceed $140.

    The richest of all live Moscow pensioners, on 17,500 rubles (276.59 dollars), the old people of the Ryazan, Saratov, Bryansk regions modestly "survive" on an allowance of 8,000 rubles (126 dollars).

    What do you have younger brother?

    In Belarus, since 2017, the government was forced to start a pension reform, the age at which citizens can go on a well-deserved rest is gradually increasing, so men have to work up to 63 years old, and women up to 58 years old.

    Pensions in Belarus are different: appointed (according to the profession, early), by age, social, disability, on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Official statistics say that the average pension for citizens of all categories is 340 Belarusian rubles, or $171. Dry figures are far from reality, as the situation with pensions in Ukraine and Russia shows.

    Belarusian old people receive pensions by age unequally, Minsk residents can be called the “richest”, who have a pension of 338 Belarusian rubles or $169.87, residents of other regions receive a little less: from 310 Belarusian rubles ($160). Social payments in the country are also not homogeneous: from 87.75 dollars to 109.26 dollars. As we can see, the picture of the territorial differentiation of pensions in Belarus is not very different.

    All three East Slavic countries are far from European tariffs, where the average pension reaches up to 2800 dollars (Denmark). But do not lose hope, perhaps in the near future we will get out of crises, disputes, squabbles and live in retirement by traveling, but for now our pensioners should hope for a July increase in pension payments.

    “How does the individual earnings ratio of a future pensioner in relation to the coefficient of 1.3 affect the size of his pension? It turns out that the smaller the individual coefficient, the more profitable? Mikhail Kupriyanov, Gomel.

    Tatyana Kulesh, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Gomel Region:

    The size of labor pensions by age depends on the length of the total length of service and wages, from which compulsory insurance contributions were paid to the budget of the state non-budgetary social protection fund.

    The use of these parameters makes it possible to calculate a pension for a specific employee, taking into account his personal contribution to financing. pension system during past employment.

    Decree of the President dated December 8, 2014 No. 570 “On improving pension provision” provides for a set of measures aimed at increasing the level of pensions of citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age, calculated with a long work experience.

    So, since January 1, 2015, pensions have been increased for people who have reached the generally established retirement age, calculated with a long work experience with low earnings. The increase was made by increasing the minimum cost of each full year of work experience in excess of 35 years for men and 30 years for women, and for people with the maximum experience (45 years for men and 40 years for women) - over 25 and 20 years, respectively.

    The cost of the 36th year of service for men and the 31st year of service for women and subsequent years of service amounted to at least 0.7% of the average salary of employees used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner.

    In nominal terms, based on the average salary of employees used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner from November 2017 (Bn660.55), the price of one year of service over 35/30 years is at least Bn4.62.

    Your total work experience is 44 years 3 months 16 days, individual earnings ratio is 2.35052. Based on these parameters, the adjusted actual earnings (according to the rules of section 56 of the Law.) used to calculate your pension is Bn541.68.

    Since one year of your work experience (1% of your earnings) is Bn5.42 (Bn541.68 x 1%), which is higher than the minimum (Bn4.62), the pension for work over 25 years (including work over 35 years) increases by 1% of your earnings.

    Since January 1, 2016, pensions have been additionally increased for men who have reached the generally established retirement age, with work experience over 40 years, and for women over 35 years.

    This happened due to the higher cost of each full year of service over 40 years to 45 years inclusive for men and over 35 years to 40 years inclusive for women: for each full year, pensions additionally increase from 0.1 to 0.5% of average monthly earnings, but not less than 0.7 of the average salary of workers in the country used to adjust the actual earnings.

    Thus, the amount of your pension, taking into account the age supplement of Bn 49.83 and the care allowance of Bn 24.91, is Bn 481.02.

    Additionally, we inform you that maximum pension in terms of age exceeds the minimum labor pension by more than 3 times (in February 2018, old-age pensions are distributed from Bn 181.94 (the minimum with a service of 25 years for men/20 years for women) to Bn 548.27 (with a service of 45/40 years and IPC 5.0 and above).

    It follows from the foregoing that the higher the individual earnings coefficient and the longer the length of service, the higher the size of the pension, respectively.

    Did your neighbors flood you? Checked in the store? Unreasonably fined? Do you find it difficult to solve everyday problems in the field of housing and communal services, trade, transport? Don't find common language with the district administration, traffic police, a bank or a travel agency?

    your questions and complaints.

    In connection with the increase in the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita (hereinafter referred to as BPM) by a decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 26.10.2018 № 79 from November 1 of this year, except for state benefits for families raising children (see materialsand ), the size of the minimum labor and social pensions will also increase.

    Accordingly, the amount of allowances, increases and additional payments to pensions for Belarusians aged 75 and older who receive pensions from labor, employment and social protection authorities, as well as benefits for caring for a disabled person of group I or for a person who has reached the age of 80 will also increase. At the same time, all of the above increases will be made in proportion to the growth of the BPM, which means that they will turn out to be very insignificant, since the size of the BPM increased by only 0.25% (by 0.54 BYN) compared to the previous one and amounts to 214,21 BYN . This value will be used to calculate November 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019

    New sizes of minimum labor and social pensions, additional payments to pensions non-working pensioners who have reached the age of 75 and 80, and pension supplements that will be valid during the specified period, are shown in the table.

    Viewpensions or allowances

    The size

    Minimum retirement pension with an additional payment of 20% of the average salary

    supplement of 20% of the average salary

    216,03 = 53,55 + 162,48

    (previously - 207,43 = 53,42 + 154,01 )

    Social pensions (assigned in case of non-receipt of a labor pension)

    disabled people of group I, including disabled people from childhood

    235,63 (previously - 235,04 )

    disabled since childhood II group

    203,50 (previously - 202,99 )

    disabled people of group II (except for disabled people from childhood), children in case of loss of a breadwinner

    182,08 (previously - 181,62 )

    group III disabled

    160,66 (previously - 160,25 )

    persons aged over the generally established retirement age

    107,11 (previously - 106,84 )

    disabled children under 18 years of age with the degree of loss of health:


    171,37 (previously - 170,94 )

    182,08 (previously - 181,62 )

    203,50 (previously - 202,99 )

    235,63 (previously - 235,04 )

    in % of the minimum retirement pension

    Additional payments to pensions for non-working pensioners who have reached:

    40,16 (previously - 40,07 )

    53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

    Additions to pensions

    by age and length of service:

    disabled people of group I

    53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

    26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

    by disability:

    disabled people of group I

    lone disabled people of group II who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance, as well as pensioners who have reached the age of 80

    53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

    26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

    on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner:

    disabled people of group I

    pensioners who have reached the age of 80, as well as other single pensioners who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance

    53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

    26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

    on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner:

    disabled people of group I

    pensioners who have reached the age of 80, as well as other single pensioners who, according to the conclusion of the MREK or VKK, need constant outside assistance

    53,55 (previously - 53,42 )

    26,78 (previously - 26,71 )

    In addition, we note that from November 1 this year. allowances for caring for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has reached the age of 80 are established in the following amounts: when caring for one person - 214.21 BYN; when caring for two or more persons - 257.05 BYN.

    A complete list of minimum labor and social pensions, additional payments to pensions for non-working pensioners who have reached the age of 75 and 80, pension supplements and pension increases is available on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.