Topiary in a basket with your own hands. Topiary for beginners - step by step creation. The simplest do-it-yourself topiary

Pick flowers and plants. For the manufacture of topiary, medium-sized buds, on strong stems, are suitable. It can be roses, chrysanthemums, small lilies, daisies. If you want to use flowers with flexible and fragile stems, then you can take floral wire for fastening. As additional plants, use gypsophila, various dried flowers, kermek and any green twigs.

Also, to make a topiary from fresh flowers, you will need:
- floristic oasis;
- thick wire or skewer for barbecue;
- satin ribbons;
- organza ribbons;
- Super glue;
- scissors;
- flower pot;
- gypsum;
- decorative elements.

Making a "tree of happiness"

Unlike the manufacture of topiary from artificial materials, a product made from fresh flowers must begin not with the formation of a crown, but with the preparation of the base. Make a stem. To do this, take a barbecue stick and wrap it tightly satin ribbon. Fix the edges with superglue.

Dilute the gypsum with water to the consistency of a homogeneous viscous mass. Pour it into a flower pot, put the prepared stick and leave for a day so that the gypsum hardens. At this time, you can prepare an oasis and purchase flowers.

Usually florist shops sell oases in the form of a rectangle. To give it a classic round shape topiary crowns, cut off the excess with scissors. The base does not have to be perfectly flat, all the errors will hide the flowers. Place the oasis in the water. Once it is completely damp, wring it out lightly.

Put the flowers in water so that they are saturated with moisture, then shake. Cut off the excess part of the stem with pruners or scissors, leaving a 3-5 cm petiole. If you are using flowers with a fragile stem, then wrap it with floral wire.

First, stick the largest flowers into the oasis, there should be few of them, 5 or 7 pieces are enough. Spread them evenly over the surface of the ball. In between them, insert smaller flowers and greens.

Insert the prepared crown with fresh flowers into the upper part of the structure on the trunk, tie an organza bow. Decorate the surface of the pot with pebbles or dry grass. Add decorative elements as you wish.

In horticulture, topiary is a curly haircut of plants. The needlewomen took this idea as a basis and began to create interesting topiary from artificial flowers, paper, vegetables, dummies, cones, sweets, beads, coffee beans, pasta, waste material.

The fastest way to create trees is florists who already use finished material(flowers, branches, berries, leaves, grass, foam blanks). It only takes them a few minutes to assemble everything into bright compositions. Consider several ways to make such a tree from

Basics of making topiary

Russian masters teach beginners to create trees, starting with the trunk and crown, and then pay attention to the roots. This is due to the fact that the bottom of the topiary is filled with plaster. Foreign craftsmen and florists use ready-made special foam plastic, cast iron containers.

That is, in the classical way, the crown is attached to it. Instead, you can take foam rubber or a newspaper ball (crumple the newspaper, rewind it with threads, forming a ball). It all depends on the method of attachment: foam and foam rubber allows you to pierce it with a blunt end, and a newspaper ball needs to be pierced with needles or glued material.

Topiary of flowers can have a long (straight, zigzag) or short trunk. Attach it to the ball until a crown is formed. This is necessary in order to start fastening the elements from it. When using glue, read about its properties, as many varieties simply "burn" the foam.

An ordinary branch, bar, thick cardboard, plastic, wire can act as a trunk. Some craftsmen wrap the tube with newspaper, and then with a cloth soaked in plaster. Such trunks will only have to be painted acrylic paints and varnish. A budget option consists in winding the barrel with brown threads.

The classic way to make a topiary

The bottom of the topiary is often represented by a pot, a vase, which is decorated. A trunk with a crown is inserted inside, poured with plaster and a layer of paper, thread, grass is placed on top, twigs, beaded flowers are inserted. This is due to the fact that nothing sticks to the gypsum, and flowers, insects and other elements can be attached to the threads in the form of grass.

Consider classic way making a tree from top to bottom. To make a topiary of flowers, you will need:

  • artificial roses;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • foam ball;
  • glass flask in the form of a wine glass.

First, cut off the heads of the flowers, leaving a centimeter tail. Then you put it on the flask. Some craftswomen use ordinary inverted wine glasses. Then you need to use a durable unbreakable material.

Starting from the attachment point, glue the roses, piercing the ball with a tail. Try not to leave empty spaces. Otherwise, have on hand various butterflies, beads, berries that will be in harmony with the product. Decorate the trunk with a bow, and the tree is ready to decorate the wedding banquet.

The reverse way to make a tree

Artificial flower topiaries can be made from the roots. For this, a flowerpot or pot is taken, decorated with beads, bows, or simply pasted over with corrugated beautiful paper with decorative ribbons. But more often, craftsmen find unusual forms: baskets, jugs, cones that do not need to be decorated.

Fill the container with a foam base, which is sold in a florist's shop. It looks like a gray brick. It is cut to the size of the pot and inserted inside. From above they decorate with special grass, pierced with a knife or fastened with glue. Next, proceed to the manufacture of the crown. They take the same foam brick and plan it with a knife until a ball or other figure is formed.

Depends on its shape appearance topiary. Now the base is covered with grass and stabbed with pins. They take a ribbon with artificial flowers (they are used for wedding decorations) and wrap the ball around like a ball of thread. Now a barrel is inserted into the ball, and the other end, smeared with glue, is placed in a pot. Then take artificial petals to match (sold by florists or in handicraft hypermarkets) and glue them on the grass, to the trunk.

Unusual topiary: a master class with a photo

Pay attention to the foam base. It is sold in a variety of forms. Particularly popular elongated shape lampshade-like. This is the easiest base to work with.

  1. Take a green pot, decorate on the sides with rosebuds. Insert a foam piece inside, cover with grass.
  2. You pierce the lampshade base with a stem of a tree, paint in green color. Leave to dry.
  3. Take a satin green ribbon, stick artificial roses on it.
  4. Insert the stem with the crown into the pot. Decorate with rosebuds or petals.
  5. Glue a ribbon with roses in a spiral onto the painted base.
  6. Decorate the trunk with a bow.

Who does not like minimalism, completely decorates topiary from artificial flowers (photo with two lampshade trees). As you can see, the base can be decorated with flowers to make the tree bright, or wrapped with green branches, achieving a natural look of plants. In these cases, ordinary flower pots can be used under the "roots".

Topiary for the site

Those who love wild flowers are offered the following master class on making topiary for a garden plot. For this you will need:

  1. Plastic branch with rare green leaves. This will be the trunk, so choose a thick and strong base.
  2. Field artificial flowers.
  3. Ceramic vase.
  4. Foam base, decorative grass.
  5. Satin ribbon.
  6. Glue, scissors, plastic fasteners.

How in this case to make topiary from artificial flowers? Decorate the vase in a known way, i.e. cut off the foam to fit its size, mask the voids with sisal, cover with lawn grass on top.

Next, take a branch and apply artificial flowers to its base. Determine the length, cut off the excess. In fact, you need to overlay the trunk with branches of wild flowers, and then tighten it with plastic fasteners. You can wrap it with transparent tape. Insert the topiary into the pot. Then cut one branch with flowers into small branches and insert near the trunk into the foam. Decorate the trunk with a bow. The garden tree is ready.

Tea master class (step by step)

Topiary can have a completely different shape and be created without a foam base, gypsum and other familiar tools. For this masterclass you will need:

  • cup with saucer;
  • artificial flowers;
  • glue;
  • a thick wire that can withstand the weight of the cup (you may find beautiful plastic cups).

Now bend the wire, attach the cup to determine the length of the craft. Glue. The stronger the wire, the more inclined the cup can be placed, as if simulating the process of pouring tea from a cup into a saucer. Now take artificial flowers for the topiary, cut off the heads without tails, as you will glue them to each other.

You can buy dummies of berries, grass, leaves. Start gluing flowers from the inside of the cup, closing the wire. Then glue it on all sides and proceed to decorating the saucer. This type of topiary is not as complicated as it seems at first. The main thing here is to buy good glue, durable thick wire and bright cups.

How to achieve unusual shapes?

If you look at the work of the masters, you will see that the trees are made not only round, but also square, triangular, pyramidal, zigzag, double, heart-shaped. For this, the masters use ready-made bases for the crown or apply some tricks:


Topiaries can be made in a variety of shapes. Walk around flower and hardware stores, pay attention to different material. For example, a ready-made woven hollow ball is sold, which is wrapped with grass and pasted over with flowers.

Artificial flower topiaries are created in an evening. Their cost depends on the size of the tree and the material. Usually, a 30-centimeter topiary costs from 500 rubles: for a pot, artificial flowers, hot-melt glue, gypsum. And if you walk around "men's" stores (building materials, fishing and automotive products), then it is quite possible to find analogues for a lower price.

Do-it-yourself topiary will decorate the interior and give a good mood.

The gardening art of topiary has long been known to mankind, and consists in the ability to cut trees and shrubs, giving them a variety of shapes. In ancient Rome, for example, the profession of a topiary was very respected - a person who knew how to give the crown a neat shape. geometric figure or animal. Luxurious garden decoration, often overly pompous and pompous, was one of the proofs of wealth. In modern design, topiary occupies a special place in interior design.

Making beautiful trees with an original crown - fashion trend in the art of needlework. Craftswomen are happy to experiment, love to "play" with the form, decor and colors creating truly luxurious products. Anyone can learn this art, you just need to learn more about how to make a tree with your own hands. Such an unusual interior accessory will be a welcome gift for any holiday, because it is not for nothing that they are called “trees of happiness”.

Fundamentals of creative work

A special advantage of the decor is that the tree blooms all year round without requiring special care. It just needs to be dusted off occasionally. Do you want to learn the secrets of how to make an ornamental tree from the most simple materials?

Topiary materials

We will give you some tips, but apart from that you will need some basic elements:

  • Pot or stand. For the stability of the product, it must be "planted" in a container. Craftsmen invent thousands of ways to make coasters, using the most common items outside the box. It can be a yogurt cup, originally decorated with fabric or paper, an old coffee cup or a hand-painted glass jar. If you want to create each element by hand, there are several ways to mold a clay pot at home.
  • The foundation. Under beautiful foliage decorative tree base is hidden. As a rule, craftswomen give the plants a round shape, so a plastic or foam ball will be an excellent base for decorating. Fantasy will tell beginners a lot interesting ideas how to make decorative trees. For example, on Valentine's Day or just on a round date for a couple in love, you can create a symbolic gift using a heart made of papier-mâché as the basis for a crown. Creative shops sell ready-made kits with a foam base for making your first topiary. There are many workshops that illustrate the creation of artificial trees without the use of a foundation. For example, a frame for figured beadwork or stylish lamp trees can only be made of wire.
  • Trunk. When choosing a material for the frame, there is a basic requirement - strength. It can be thick wire, sushi sticks, metal knitting needles. For a special chic, you can wrap the trunk around the trunk with twine, floral ribbons. new trend- making beautiful crafts in eco-style. The main difference between these products is the use natural materials. When creating an eco-style topiary, you can use a bizarrely curved, dried twig for the frame, peeling it from the bark, varnishing or staining it.
  • Crown. The sweetest part of creating an author's product is decoration. A flight of fancy, ready-made ideas of experienced craftswomen, the search for new design solutions - all this is welcome in applied art. When choosing methods and materials for decoration, it is important to think in advance about the concept of the tree, the event to which it is dedicated, and the individual style. Success creative process depends on the degree of creativity of the master. Feel like an artist, creating an exquisite crown of trees, use any materials, even the most non-standard ones. Coffee beans, cones, ribbons, paper, lace or scraps of fabric, glass pebbles and shells, even figured pasta - all this is sure to come in handy in the manufacture of an exclusive themed topiary.

Advice: Thematic decorative topiary - great gift for a wedding or housewarming. original tree symbolizes happiness, luck, financial well-being.

You can add new details to the main elements, invented only by you. As folk wisdom says, if you put your soul into it, you can do anything! Tip for beginners: For making your first decorative tree, feel free to use ready-made ideas to understand the order and specifics of the creative process.

Different types of topiary

Creativity lessons

Any gift made with love with your own hands invariably surprises, impresses, touches to the core. As you know, the cost hand made products is high because each piece is unique in its own way. It was created by the skillful hands of the creator-artist, is an inspiration, keeps a mysterious appeal. Many needlework lovers dream of moving to a new level over time, turning their favorite pastime into a successful and profitable business. You can start with the basics of creating the simplest crafts, over time complicating the work, fantasizing, supplementing them with new decorative details, giving unusual intricate shapes. We offer some simple, but incredibly beautiful lessons on making a bright, stylish, original flowering garden.

Beautiful flower topiary will be a great gift

Delicate topiary from napkins

Paper napkins are an amazing material that is actively used by craftswomen in their work. A tree with delicate foliage of roses will not only decorate the interior of the living room, but will also be a wonderful gift for newlyweds. Required to work paper napkins white and color pink, ball base made of foam, wire for the frame, pot-stand.

Beautiful roses from napkins

The algorithm is the following:

  • Prepare paper flowers. We make them in the form of roses, folding or winding on a knitting needle. In the middle of each flower, you can glue sparkling rhinestones, pearl beads, so the product will take on a more sophisticated and festive look.
  • We glue the ball-base in a circle with flowers, leave the crown to dry.
  • We wrap the wire for the trunk with a floral or satin ribbon to match the crown of the tree, lubricating each turn with glue. We make a hole in the sphere by stringing a decorated ball onto the barrel.
  • A tender plant can be “planted” in a painted clay pot or a container can be prepared from a plastic cup by wrapping it with corrugated paper or cloth.
  • To make the design stable, we fill the container with alabaster mixed with water. After that, we insert the tree, holding it until the mortar sets.

Create a topiary from napkins

Advice: For better bonding of paper elements with the base, you can use PVA glue, covering the surface with a thin layer of varnish, according to the principle of decoupage technique.

To cover the frozen alabaster, you can make a clearing of sisal, drape with tulle, organza, or fill it with glass pebbles for an aquarium. A beautiful and delicate handmade gift will certainly surprise and give a romantic mood.

Do-it-yourself topiary from napkins

stylish flower

Topiary can take any form, the process is so individual that any idea has a place in the art of creating a spectacular garden. A bright interior accessory in the form of a flower will help create coziness in the dining room, kitchen or children's room. What do you need to work? Take a few scraps of bright fabric, bamboo sticks for sushi, large buttons, soft filler, a piece of floral sponge.

Topiary Tools

Of the tools in the work, a thread with a needle, crayon, simple stationery glue will come in handy. The process of creating an elegant accessory is simple:

  • Let's prepare a pattern on paper: draw two even circles, one with a smaller diameter for the middle of the flower, the second with a larger diameter for the petals. We transfer the templates to the fabric, cut out the blanks.
  • We sew along the edge of each circle, like a bag, tightly stuff it with cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or any soft filler. We sew the individual elements together to make a soft flower.
  • Color the stalk stick green or wrap it with a green satin ribbon.
  • We put a floristic sponge in the pot, and plant the flower stem in it.
  • We fasten the flower to the frame, covering minor flaws with various details: multi-colored buttons, flaps, ribbon bows or any other material.
  • Floral sponge can be covered with moss, ornamental grass.

Bright, stylish and incredibly cozy topiary is ready to decorate the living room, dining room and even the interior of the room for a little princess.

flower topiary

Fragrant tree do it yourself

Topiary is a great addition to stylish design. Using spices, dried slices of orange or lemon, coffee beans or cinnamon sticks as decor, you can create not only a beautiful, but also a fragrant tree.

Fragrant a coffee tree

To work, you will need a base for decoration, wire for the trunk, twine or twine, a coffee cup for the stand and a package of coffee beans. If you didn’t find a ready-made foam base at hand, you can make it yourself from improvised materials. Take a few old newspapers or sheets of paper, crumple them into a tight ball. We wrap it with threads on top so that the paper does not unwind. We fix it on top with a uniform layer of PVA glue and leave it to dry completely.

Materials for creating a fragrant tree

When it's ready, let's start creating fragrant decoration:

  • For the frame, take a strong wire, wrap it with twine. The turns must be made thickly, tightly one to one and smeared with glue. The ends of the rope need to be secured with a few drops of superglue.
  • We make a hole in the paper base with a knife or scissors, insert the barrel into it and fix it with glue.
  • We proceed to the most crucial part of the process - decorating the base with coffee beans. Be patient, because the work is painstaking, almost filigree. We glue each grain tightly to each other so that there are no gaps left. We develop the technique ourselves, because you can glue the grains randomly, or you can in a certain order, in vertical or horizontal rows.
  • When the entire surface is thickly pasted over so that paper is not visible through it, proceed to the second layer.
  • We decorate the pot. To do this, wrap the cup with burlap or coarse linen, fasten the fabric with a wide brown ribbon or the same rope that was used to wind the barrel.
  • Traditionally, a gypsum mortar is poured inside the pot, a tree is installed and the substance is allowed to dry.

Advice: To make fragrant coffee trees, it is necessary to select beans with even edges of the same shape. The first layer is always glued with the flat side down, and the second - vice versa.

Master class on creating coffee topiary

To emphasize the theme, you can attach a few cinnamon sticks, dried citrus slices, spicy star anise to the coffee crown. There are a lot of ideas on the topic of creating coffee trees, for example, the original baobabs with a spreading crown, a heart-shaped tree, a bizarre plant with an ornate trunk, and many other creative ideas.

Money Tree

Do you want to creatively congratulate on the holiday? We offer a master class of a decorative tree with a monetary crown.

Money Topiary will surprise everyone with its originality

To work, you need a branch that needs to be varnished, as well as a set of souvenir bills. Glue banknotes on the prepared branch in random order and let the crown dry. Pour gypsum into the decorative stand, insert our tree, decorate with coins on top.

The process of making a money tree

simple and original souvenir can be given to friends, colleagues or business partners. It will become a symbol of financial well-being, success in career endeavors.There are many options for how to make decorative trees with your own hands. Needlewomen with fantasy use the most unusual materials for decoration, skillfully combining the gifts of nature and synthetic materials. Original and eclectic masterpieces are able to bring notes of sophistication and elegance into the interior. They will be appreciated by lovers of exclusive hand made crafts.

Learning to create money topiary

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Today I want to tell you how you can quickly and with pleasure build a topiary with your own hands for beginners - as always, I will give several master classes and explain in detail how even a beginner in needlework can create a topiary with his own hands. Topiaries are a chic gift, they are also used for decoration and aromatization of rooms, and such an artificial tree can also be a wonderful gift - for example, a money topiary will attract wealth to the house.

Satin ribbons

Let's try to make a topiary from satin ribbons. If you know how to do it, then it will be very easy for you, but even if you first took up ribbon topiary, you will succeed. So, I’ll tell you about the experience of making topiary from satin ribbons with my own hands.

Would need:

  • about six meters of satin ribbon (not already 5 cm, it is better to take several colors);
  • threads, beads, as well as a ribbon for decoration;
  • glue gun or regular superglue;
  • stick or piece of plastic tube for the barrel;
  • pot or bucket;
  • material for the middle - a fabric bag, a crumpled newspaper or a ball of foil;
  • earth, pebbles, rubble (I used colorful glass for the aquarium).
To make this topiary, a master class on making flowers will also come in handy - look at the video on how to make a simple rose from a satin ribbon.

We make 12-15 roses from a satin ribbon. You can use several shades of tape (for example, three or four), or you can get by with one shade - when I made the topiary younger sister to decorate the wedding photo booth, I used a beautiful ivory satin ribbon.

We make the middle - for example, crumple foil or an old newspaper, wrap it with threads to make a dense shape. You can wrap it with ribbon, but there is no need - satin roses are quite lush.

The trunk can be made from a branch, plastic pipe or any suitable stick. In extreme cases, a dense wire, folded in several layers and wrapped with tape, is suitable. Wrap your trunk with tape, and then glue the trunk to the crown of the tree on one side and to the pot or bucket on the other.

We string a couple of beads on a thread and “sew” the beads and a satin rosette to the topiary. Sewing or gluing should be tight. When the whole ball is covered with roses, you need to prepare the trunk and pot.

Pour a weighting agent into the bucket, straighten all the flowers, if necessary, decorate with a decorative ribbon.

From coffee

We will also make a coffee tree with our own hands. To make a topiary from coffee beans you will need:

  • base (plastic ball, foam ball - sold in creative stores);
  • trunk (branch, stick, tube);
  • a pot or something in place of it (I had a beautiful earthen jar last time, but now a regular glass);
  • coffee beans (do not save - good coffee has an indescribable bright aroma);
  • solution for fixing (I use ordinary putty, gypsum, alabaster, and at least cement are also suitable);
  • brown acrylic paint;
  • glue gun and glue sticks;
  • newspaper or waste paper;
  • burlap or other characteristic fabric;
  • decor in order to decorate the coffee topiary with your own hands.
How to make a coffee tree:


By the way, according to the same logic as from coffee, you can make a do-it-yourself topiary from coins. Look at the photo, how beautiful it is to make a part of the topiary from coins, and you will get a topiary Money Tree. You can use ordinary coins by painting them with gold paint, or you can buy special decorative coins (they will shine brightly).

The manufacturing principle is the same as that of a coffee tree - you need to take the base, cover it with paint, first partially paste over it with coins (you can do it with a lock - as if coins are shining from an open wallet), and then paste over coffee and fix it in a pot. Unbleached linen and burlap are well suited to such a tree as a decor.

The topiary from banknotes also looks very interesting, but I won’t lie - I haven’t succeeded in a beautiful topiary from banknotes yet, I’m still working on a tree of banknotes with my own hands, so if you want to make a money tree from coins or a tree of banknotes that attracts wealth, then watch a master class on how to make a money tree with your own hands.

It also turns out interestingly a tree in the Kusudama style - see how to make topiary with your own hands according to step-by-step instructions.

Video bonus: two master classes, how else can you make a money tree from banknotes in an original way:

From napkins

A chic do-it-yourself napkin topiary is literally made from nothing, you will need:
  • several bright napkins;
  • base ball (plastic or polystyrene);
  • branch or stick;
  • gypsum (any mixture for fixing);
  • titanium glue or any polymer glue;
  • pot or glass;
  • stapler and scissors;
  • different ribbons and lace, decor and paper for the pot (can be replaced with a cloth).

So, how to make a tree with your own hands from ordinary napkins:
  1. First, we make ordinary flowers from napkins and paper clips - we fix the napkin folded several times with a stapler, cut it out in a circle, and crush it in the form of petals.
  2. You will need 15-20 flowers, if you don’t have enough, you will do more, but usually this amount is enough for a lush and beautiful topiary tree of happiness.
  3. We paste over the ball with a napkin, wrap the barrel with a ribbon, dry it;
  4. We paste over the ball with napkin flowers, skillfully weaving the decor into your napkin tree with your own hands - it can be lace, beads, bows and even plastic figurines, small wooden letters or words on topiary look very attractive;
  5. We breed gypsum and “plant” our tree - we immerse the finished topiary with a trunk in a pot and fill it with gypsum, hold it until it seizes.
We decorate the pot outside, decorate the plaster.

Now you know how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands and you can decorate such products to your taste.


By the way, you can make a very beautiful topiary from cones, especially since it is quite easy to make. What you need in order to make a topiary from cones:
  • pot or glass;
  • stick, branch, tube - trunk;
  • round base for topiary - you can take a foam ball, you can cut it out polyurethane foam, in extreme cases, a crumpled and threaded newspaper is suitable;
  • bumps (bigger is better);
  • brown acrylic (preferably glossy, dark);
  • fabric for decorating a glass;
  • decor to decorate your cone topiary - beads, threads, buttons and so on;
  • gypsum or any mortar for fixing;
  • glue gun and rods to it;
  • scissors, brushes.
Our craft must be neat, only then it will not baby product and chic craft decor.

We start making a topiary from cones with the decor of a glass - we cut the fabric diagonally (so it drapes better), and we fit it, gluing it with a gun. By the way, want to avoid ugly glue marks? Glue where it will not be visible (on the bottom and inside the glass, and the walls should simply be covered).

We prepare the base - we fix the stick to the ball, paint everything with acrylic (it is better to paste over with newspaper first).

We glue the ball with cones, let it dry and fix it in a pot - for this we dilute the gypsum, dip the trunk of our tree and hold until the gypsum seizes.

You can decorate a topiary from cones different ways, I prefer beads of natural shades.

You can decorate your pinecone topiary with ribbons, hang artificial berries or even small figurines on the pinecones.

Beads and beads

You can also make a charming bead topiary. How to make a beaded tree is easier to understand by hand, so watch the video below on how to make a beaded topiary. By the way, the master can make absolutely everything from beads - including decor, for example, you can also berries that you can decorate a money tree from beads.

Now you know how to make an artificial tree with your own hands step by step. I admit honestly, each do-it-yourself topiary is something special, and you will understand what it will be like only when you start decorating it. Try to make festive trees and ordinary modest trees for the interior - those that are laid out with cones and coffee beans can not only decorate the room, but also flavor it (you can add a couple of drops essential oil).

And my sister makes money topiary with her own hands, which lure money into the house, I will publish the guide next time - so far I can only show from photographs how such products look like. Try to make your own topiary and surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts!

A few more original master classes + Video bonus

DIY shell tree:

From tapes:

And one more lesson in creating a tree from petals with scorched edges:

Ideas for inspiration:

Artificial flower topiaries are distinguished by sophistication and versatility, because you can create your favorite composition at any time of the year. Of course, in order to get a truly realistic picture, you will have to work hard after viewing a single master class! However, the end result will make you erase all the difficulties of the workflow from memory, making you enjoy only the end result.

Such crafts are a very modern idea that has acquired its relevance relatively recently. Any person can cope with the task, even an amateur in matters of hand made. The main thing is to clearly observe the proportions and the basic principle of work.

The tree itself can perform several purposes at once:

  • Become a wonderful gift for both adults and their children.
  • Act as a decor for photo shoots.
  • Decorate the current interior.

By the way, it is better to make a grass topiary a little more in height than a traditional one. flower arrangement. This is explained by the fact that such a composition will look much more convincing in enlarged sizes and, if the performer wishes, it can even outwardly resemble a real tree! However, unlike their live equivalent, topiaries do not have to be watered, fertilized, etc.

Unusual ideas for creating coffee bean topiary:

At the same time, the form of the composition does not change: everything is also a rounded tree in an exquisite pot. Of course, it will take quite a lot of time to paste over the crown, because gluing small fragments of artificial grass can sometimes be very tasty and monotonous! But you need to be patient! In any case, the end result will justify the efforts.

DIY artificial flower topiary for beginners

Topiary of perfect artificial flowers begins with the manufacture of a "tree" and the selection of the right pot for it. The “plant” itself consists of crumpled paper, put on a wooden stick - everything is very simple and concise. It will be much more difficult to decorate the product in the future. One of the most important issues is the choice and decor of the pot, which plays an important role in this tandem.

And you can achieve harmony thanks to the following improvised materials:

  • Ribbons, beads and decorative mesh.
  • Embroidery "planted" on the canvas.
  • Textile.
  • Hand painted with acrylics.
  • Leg-split.
  • Burlap with additions of decorative elements.

Recently, the so-called shabby style has gained particular popularity - chic, characterized by blatant simplicity of lines and some negligence. The pot must be painted with a single-color paint, leaving scuffs and underpainting on purpose. If this was not achieved during the work, you can use sandpaper, which will immediately solve all problems.

When installing a tree in a pot, you need to make sure that it is securely fastened. This can be achieved by pouring concrete into the dishes, and leaving the structure to dry for about a day. Now there is no doubt: the topiary will stand securely in place and withstand the loads that the future decor will place on it.

How to make a do-it-yourself artificial flower topiary: useful tips

Any master class for making topiary makes this process accessible to everyone: parents, children, teachers, students. The main thing is the desire to concentrate attention and, in the end, to get a really stunning result.

For these purposes you will need:

  • Artificial flowers and grass.
  • Gypsum.
  • Glue.
  • A flower pot.
  • Decor elements.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Newspapers or thin paper.

Moreover, all selected elements may vary depending on the wishes of the performer. The main thing is that none of them stand out from the general ensemble.

When preparing artificial flowers for work, it is necessary to remove the legs from the root by treating the cut with sandpaper. Thus, it is possible to ensure a tighter fit of the material to the base. In order to make the composition look more realistic, the crown of the tree can be wrapped with artificial grass, giving it a more natural look. As a "highlight" of the composition, small birds can act, snugly hiding in a green skinny.

The topiary will be exactly the way the master sees it! And this is the main advantage of such work!

Master class of artificial flower topiary: what is important

That is why, starting work, you should keep in mind such a Talmud:

  • The master class is just a sketch that can be improved.
  • There are no errors here, so you can do whatever you want.
  • Even experienced professionals can make mistakes.

Topiary from flowers: master class (video)

In order to create an exquisite topiary, it will take no more than a day. Artificial grass, flowers or decorative elements behave equally well in caring hands. Especially if the composition is made as a gift to a good or close person.

Artificial flower topiary options (photo)