What kind of acrylic paint on the nails. How to paint with acrylic paints on nails. Drawing on nails with a brush

Artistic acrylic paints have recently appeared on the market, but instantly gained popularity due to their advantages over other types of paints. Basically, acrylic paints are made up of three components: concentrated pigments, high viscosity acrylic resin, and water. The versatility of these paints allows you to work on almost any surface - paper, ceramics, fabric, glass, plastic, wood, concrete, leather and, of course, nails. Acrylic paints on nails give bright, rich colors. They dissolve in water, mix easily, dry quickly. Unlike other water-soluble paints, acrylic paints do not dissolve after drying, which allows you to apply new layers without fear of blurring the previous one.

Currently, they are becoming increasingly popular among customers of the nail service. Nail designs obtained with these paints are UV resistant (do not fade in the sun), waterproof, vapor permeable.

Photo 1. Drawings on the nails acrylic paints. Oil technique for applying acrylic paints on nails.

Acrylic paints can be transparent, translucent, opaque (completely cover the color of the previous layer) and pasty. When creating drawings on nails with acrylic paints, they can be easily mixed and tinted, getting the widest color gamut - more than 2 thousand shades. One of the many advantages is the durability (long shelf life) of paints. Acrylic paints do not tolerate negative temperatures; when frozen, they can lose their properties.

Consider popular techniques drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Oil technique for applying acrylic paints on nails.

When undiluted, acrylic paints have a consistency similar to oils. Like oil, acrylic retains the effect of the brush, which makes it possible to significantly diversify the texture of the drawings. For a technique similar to oil painting, pasty acrylic paints (3D paints) can be used. They tend to form three-dimensional strokes when applied, retain the shape that the brush gives them (photo 1, 2, 3).

Photo 2. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Oil technique for applying acrylic paints on nails.

Photo 3. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Oil technique for applying acrylic paints on nails.

A pasty technique for making drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

When using the pasty (from the Italian pastoso - pasty) technique, it is necessary to apply acrylic paint on the nails without prior dilution, with dense non-translucent strokes. When it dries, it becomes similar to gouache, but over time (unlike gouache) it does not crack and does not lose color. You can use various paint additives (photo 4, 5, 6).

Photo 4. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. A pasty technique for making drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Photo 5. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. A pasty technique for making drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Photo 6. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. A pasty technique for making drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Watercolor technique of painting on nails with acrylic paints.

By adding a small amount of water and an acrylic binder to acrylic paint, you can achieve a similarity to transparent watercolor. Acrylic paint, unlike watercolor, does not wash off with water after drying. This allows you to apply subsequent layers without damaging the previous ones. Despite the external similarity, the technique of working with diluted acrylic paints differs from painting with watercolors. This is due to the fact that acrylic dries much faster. The wet-on-wet watercolor technique does not produce the same effect when working with acrylic. To obtain a translucent effect, apply the technique for backgrounds (photo 7, 8).

Photo 7. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Watercolor technique of painting on nails with acrylic paints.

Photo 8. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Watercolor technique of painting on nails with acrylic paints.

Sliding technique when performing nail design with acrylic paints.

A more complex technique for drawing on nails with mixing acrylic paints and structural gels. During mixing and application, the paint becomes whitish. But when it dries, the gel becomes transparent and shows the real color of the paint. The effect of such mixing is impressive - the paint takes on a very rich look, like oil paints, complex gradations of light and deep shades. To work in the sliding technique, some skills are undoubtedly needed - only with experience can one learn how to calculate the change in color of the paint after drying. But the result obtained rewards all the efforts expended (photo 9).

Photo 9. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Sliding technique when performing nail design with acrylic paints.

Glazing technique for drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

A unique effect can be achieved by designing with acrylic paints on nails using the glazing technique. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci was the first to use this method - with the finest glazing, an unusually gentle chiaroscuro of the face of the famous Mona Lisa was created. This technique was used by Rembrandt, Velazquez and other famous artists. And although the glazing technique was invented for oil painting, it is also successfully used when painting with acrylic paints, including on nails. The glazing technique is the application of a very thin, transparent layer of paint. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried, very fast drying acrylic paints are best suited for this method. It takes a lot of patience and time to master the glazing. At the same time, the master must have a well-developed imagination, he must clearly mentally represent the future design. , made using the glazing technique, are transparent almost to the base. This technique can be successfully used as a basis or background for a picture, as well as for the design of decorative jackets (photo 10).

Photo 10. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints. Glazing technique for drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Painting nails with acrylic paints is done with various brushes, both synthetic and natural pile. However, synthetic fiber brushes are most suitable for working with acrylic. During operation, unused brushes must be kept in water, otherwise the paint on them will dry quickly - then they will have to be thrown away.

The cost of acrylics is higher than gouaches and watercolors, so you should buy only a few primary colors to get started, six will be enough. In the future, by mixing them, you can achieve any desired shades. In this case, it is better to purchase acrylic nail paints from one manufacturer in order to get the best result when mixed. Another property of acrylic paints is the presence of white, which allows you to correct errors in the transmission of light and shadow. Acrylic paints can be used as a base for other types of nail design, can be combined different kinds technician. As a palette for mixing, it is better to take glass or plastic. It is possible to remove dried paint from the palette by immersing it in hot water for a short time. Getting between the palette and the paint, the water peels off the dried paint - after that it is easy to remove.

Before you start mastering the techniques of drawing with acrylic paints on nails, it will not be superfluous to practice on paper - experiment with the color spectrum, find out color ratios, try mixing different colors. Learning how to layer acrylic colors on top of each other is quite simple. To do this, draw on a white sheet like a 6 by 6 stripes checkerboard (if you have 6 paint colors) with 2 by 2 cm squares. Then paint over each strip with a separate color - first horizontally, then vertically in the same order. So you get 36 different colors. After completing these exercises on paper, you can begin to perform drawings with acrylic paints on nails.

Photo 11. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

Photo 12. Drawings on nails with acrylic paints.

The main advantages of using acrylic paints for painting on nails.

  1. Acrylic paints on nails dry very quickly - this makes it possible to immediately apply the next layer.
  2. You can apply many layers - the paint does not crack or chip, it is very flexible.
  3. There is no need to prime the surface before painting with acrylic paints on the nails.
  4. Acrylic paints dissolve easily with water, which allows you to remove a wet smear with a simple wash.
  5. Due to their weather resistance, acrylic nail paints retain their brightness, shine and are perfect for everyday designs.
  6. In the process of working with acrylic paints, there are no fumes that interfere with breathing.
  7. High elasticity and hiding power of paints.
  8. Ample opportunities for applying acrylic paints on nails: like watercolor - in a thin layer, like oil paint - in a thick, dense layer.
  9. Fulfill acrylic nail art anyone can learn, even without skills in artistic painting.

Watch the technique of drawing on nails with acrylic paints in the video:

Beautiful nails with captivating imagination drawings are gaining more and more popularity. After not only ordinary varnishes began to be used to create a manicure, more and more fashionistas had the question of how to paint with acrylic paints on nails to do it at home. It was this material that made nail decoration more affordable.

Advantages of acrylic paints:

  1. The material has a very wide color palette, as well as the possibility of obtaining a variety of shades by mixing base colors.
  2. Acrylic allows you to create a more accurate, clear and artistic drawing than ordinary varnish, does not spread, does not crack, does not chip.
  3. Fast drying makes it possible to make multi-layer drawings.
  4. Ease of application, ease of correction, suitable for both simple and complex compositions.
  5. Long term storage of paints, as well as the cost-effectiveness of spending makes it affordable.
  6. Can be applied to the nail plate without prior primer.
  7. Water is used to remove wet acrylic, which also facilitates the work.
  8. The paint can be applied both thinly and thickly, and its brightness and brilliance make it possible to make the painting memorable and cheerful.

The paint should be chosen depending on the technique in which the drawing is planned, so for watercolor painting, acrylic is suitable, which is well diluted with water, such material is offered by the Runeil company. Easily mixes up with water and has more saturated color scale of Irisk paint. Professionals often choose Polycolor paints, which have excellent properties, but have a fairly high cost. Fans of unusual and bright colors, as well as metallic sheen, gold and silver in the pattern, prefer Quimaxi and Lady Victory.

There are several techniques for applying a picture with acrylic paints:

  • Oil. The picture is created using undiluted paints that have an oily consistency. Thus, achieving a variety of textures, voluminous strokes, while maintaining the brush effect.
  • pasty. Non-translucent, gouache-like strokes are applied to the nail plate, which are made with undiluted paint.
  • Watercolor. Acrylic is diluted with water, thus obtaining a translucent pattern with a brush. Unlike watercolor paint, when dried, acrylic paint is not washed off with water, which makes it possible to apply several layers, while applying the paint "wet" fails.
  • Sliding. A more professional and complex technique, for which acrylic paints are mixed with a structural gel. This gives the material a whitish hue, which disappears after drying, the color becomes saturated, bright, juicy. It is difficult to guess in the process of work, what shade will be obtained after its completion, this requires experience.
  • Glaze. The technique consists in applying several thin, transparent layers of paint, after the previous one has dried. This rather lengthy process is most often used to create a background or decorate a jacket.

To get a beautiful drawing, novice manicurists are recommended to use step by step instructions on its creation, photo and video tutorials from the Internet. And at the beginning of drawing it is better to do simple patterns, gradually, acquiring mastery, complicating technique and combinations. Do not mix paints from different manufacturers to prevent unpredictable results.

When making a nail, you can use a sticker, rhinestone, dry flowers or another decorative element. Acrylic applied to colored varnish, shellac or a special base for painting looks more impressive. After applying and drying the pattern, it must be fixed with a transparent varnish or a special finish.

Acrylic paints are more expensive than gouache or watercolor, to reduce the cost of nail art design, you can purchase only six basic shades, preferably from one manufacturer, which will allow you to create different shades yourself. With the help of white, you can successfully correct the incorrect transmission of light and shadow.

Most often, drawings on the nails are done with acrylic paints, as they dry quickly, mix easily, are diluted with water, simply removed, and have bright colors.

However, answering the question of what paints the masters paint on the nails with, one cannot fail to mention watercolor, which has recently become fashionable to use for manicure. The ability of the material to spread allows you to create real paintings, but even the master will not perform Chinese painting with it.

To prevent the paint from spreading, you can draw an acrylic outline with a special tool, which, after drying, is simply filled with watercolor. If you need to draw small details, it is also better to resort to acrylic paints. Through a translucent coating, colored varnishes, sparkles, dried flowers are visible.

With the help of this material, landscapes, the effect of haze, nebula are well obtained. Fresh paints, without grains, are suitable for decorating nails. When choosing a color scheme, it is better to take white, black, yellow, red and blue. With the help of the listed base paints, you can create great amount shades. You should start drawing with the application of light spots, gradually moving to more dark colors starting to draw the details. The special charm of the composition will give the creation of shadows, highlights. Only with the help of watercolor can you make an airy, light, delicate drawing.

Acrylic manicure for beginners

Before you start doing a manicure with acrylic paints, it is important for beginners to remember what to choose first. necessary tools and materials: a set of paints, brushes of different sizes, dots or a toothpick, a palette, water, nail polish remover, ear sticks, fixative or clear nail polish.

Performing acrylic painting consists of certain steps:

Step 1
First they carry out preparatory work, remove the old coating, give the nails the desired shape, remove the cuticle.

Step 2
On a polished, fat-free nail, a base is applied, and then a transparent or colored varnish. Allow the paint to dry and start painting.

Step 3
Usually complex pattern applied only on one finger, on the rest they perform a simple pattern. When applying several layers, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of each previous one.

Step 4
After the pattern has dried, it must be fixed with a transparent varnish, as it can be washed off with water.

If you wish to apply a pattern to shellac, the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

Step 1
A base layer and gel polish are applied to the pre-prepared nail, each layer is dried with an ultraviolet lamp, not forgetting to seal the end of the nail plate.

Step 2
Degrease the surface and begin to create a pattern, which is applied using dots and brushes. If desired, glue rhinestones or other decorative elements.

Step 3
The pattern is fixed with two layers of top with drying, after which the sticky structure is removed.

AT summer period the flower design of manicure is especially relevant, which gives the image romance and mystery. Daisies are the easiest to create, to create which you need to put a yellow dot and draw white petals with a brush. To create a more complex floral ornament, you can first draw the contours of the future flower, and then paint over.

The paint is applied from the edge of the petal to the core to get a more saturated shade in the center. One touch draws the core. The picture can be supplemented with leaves. After complete drying, a top coat is applied, which gives the necessary shine and strength. Ease of execution makes it possible to create a unique masterpiece on nail plate on one's own.

Every girl wants her hands to look well-groomed and beautiful, and her nails to stand out. spectacular manicure. Various drawings on the nails allow you to emphasize your style, express your mood and simply make your nails original. That is why many girls choose Beautiful design and painting nails when creating a manicure. The use of acrylic paints helps to translate a lot of ideas into reality, on nails you can depict various patterns, floral motifs, abstract figures and quite realistic drawings of landscapes, any figures and many other ideas.

will show how to paint on nails with acrylic paints what drawings can be made and how to properly use such paints in nail design. Acrylic paints are very popular, they are used by manicure masters in their complex works, as well as by girls who make their own designs at home. Acrylic paints are safe and odorless, they are very convenient to work with. It is absolutely not necessary to buy special acrylic paints for painting nails; you can purchase the desired colors of paints in an art store. Such paints are no different from each other and can significantly save money. But, not all colors have good quality, too cheap will not allow you to make beautiful drawings on the nails, they can crack or lie unevenly. According to reviews, Polycolor acrylic paints are suitable for drawings on nails.

Drawings on the nails can be done with various materials: varnish, gel, shellac, gel paint and, of course, acrylic paints.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paints?

  • Very wide color palette, besides, the paints are perfectly mixed with each other and allow you to get an unlimited number of new shades.;
  • Acrylic is a very plastic and easy-to-apply material;
  • You can perform drawings both on natural nails and extensions, on gel polish;
  • Acrylic paints are diluted with plain water;
  • Do not require special means for removing drawings from nails. It is easy to remove with regular nail polish remover (ZHDL);
  • The applied drawing with acrylic paints dries quickly in the air;
  • Acrylic paints are used very economically, especially for nails. Therefore, the purchased tubes of paint will serve you for a long time.

Acrylic nail art technique

In order for drawing on nails to give only pleasure and the result turned out to be beautiful, you need to follow the application technique.

  1. Need to prepare materials that you need to create a manicure: base and nail polish, a transparent top coat (clear varnish), acrylic paints, a palette (a piece of foil, plastic or thick cardboard), a little water, thin brushes.
  2. Get a manicure. Prepare your nails for polishing, soak, remove or push back cuticles, shape your nails.
  3. Do a light nail polish. It is also advisable to walk a little on the nails with a buff or a file for polishing. natural nails. Grinding will make the surface of the nails smooth and will allow you to go better with paints, make the drawing more accurate.
  4. Apply base on nails and let dry. Then you should apply the nail polish that you decided to use as a background and dry it.
  5. Complete your design with acrylic paints. Put the desired colors from the tubes on the palette and get creative. If the paints are thick, dilute them a little with water. The amount of water regulates the density of paints, if you add more, the paints will be liquid and translucent. With diluted paints, you can get light watercolor drawings. Dense thick acrylic paints allow you to make vivid drawings. If the pattern is complex and applied in several layers, let the previous layer dry before applying another. Let the drawing dry completely.
  6. Pin the drawing and cover your nails with a clear top coat (clear polish). So the acrylic drawing will be protected from external influences and will not be erased. Also, a transparent coating will smooth out bumps and make the surface of the nails shiny and smooth.

How to paint on nails with acrylic paints

Drawing “Butterflies”

Consider the design in the form of drawings of butterflies on the nails.

1. Apply a clear varnish (base) to the nail.

2. With white polish, paint a smile on the tip of the nail in French style.

3. Take light pink acrylic paint. If there is no such color, mix red and white paint. However, you can choose any color, but not dark. Draw two butterfly wings.

4. Stroke with black acrylic paint. The lines should be very thin and even.

5. Cover the drawing with clear varnish.

6. By drawing paired wings on your fingers, you can get a beautiful and original manicure.

Drawing “Flowers”

1. Cover your nails with varnish, which will be the background. In this case, in the photo it is a red varnish.

2. With white acrylic paint, paint a small flower petal. First, by drawing the sides of the petal, and then painting over the middle.

3. Draw another petal next to it in the same way. There will be 5 petals in total. No need to draw the petals the same, let 1 be a little more.

4. Next to the flower, draw the same flower, only smaller.

5. With yellow acrylic paint, draw the veins at the petals from the center to the sides, but do not paint the edges of the petals, they should remain white.

6. In the center of the flowers, put dots in red.

7. With light green acrylic paint, draw small paired leaves around the flowers.

8. Cover the dried pattern with clear varnish.

Drawing “Dandelion”

1. Cover your nails with white polish.

2. Mark the center of the dandelion by making a small dot with black acrylic paint.

3. Draw thin lines from the center with a brush, as shown in the photo.

4. Draw the stem of the flower by drawing a thin curved line.

5. Draw an oval in the center and draw thin lines towards the stem - dandelion leaves.

6. Draw brushes on the edges of the lines.

7. Repeat a similar pattern on the second layer. Separately, you can draw a detached “parachute”.

Drawings on nails with acrylic paints: photo gallery

We offer to see a variety of ideas and drawings with acrylic paints, the most beautiful and stylish options inspire you to create your own manicure.

Have you tried acrylic nails? Share in the comments!

Manicure is one of the favorite procedures of every woman. You can visit a beauty salon or learn how to make patterns yourself. A simple drawing on the nails is done using ordinary varnish. The work is delicate and meticulous, so you will need special tools and fixtures.

A simple pattern on the nails is easy enough to create with gel polish.

You can apply patterns using:

  • gel polish;
  • acrylic paint;
  • watercolor paint;
  • acrylic powder;
  • shellac.

The most popular nail art tool is regular varnish.. 2 contrasting colors are selected, one as a base, the second - for drawing a picture. The disadvantage of the option is that varnishes have a thick texture, and it is difficult for a beginner to create thin lines. This method is more suitable for large and volumetric figures.

Acrylic paints are easy to use, wide colors. They do not have to be mixed with water, after drying they do not crack, so it is acceptable to apply one color to another. To give the image romance and tenderness, crystals, rhinestones or sequins are added. The resulting drawing is necessarily covered with a fixative, since acrylic paints are easily washed off.

Acrylic paints are an excellent choice for creating simple nail designs.

Watercolor paints are diluted with water, they are inferior to acrylic in terms of drying speed. A large selection of colors allows you to draw whole pictures on your nails, but the technique of work is not easy to master.

Shellac is characterized by a safe composition, as it does not contain formaldehyde. It is easy to apply, looks beautiful, wears for a long time without cracks and chips. Drawing with a hybrid of varnish and gel is not difficult. Shellac is thick, so there are difficulties with applying elegant small patterns. Small details cannot be drawn with it, but it is great for creating gradients and contrasting patterns.

Acrylic powder comes in different textures and colors, it gives the nails a well-groomed and stylish look. The effect lasts for a long time, and the nails grow and strengthen perfectly. Used for wedding events white powder, to the neon disco.

Acrylic powder will correct defects in the nail plate and even out its surface.

Gel polish is suitable for nail art. Patterns are applied to the dried base. It can be butterflies, geometric patterns or flowers. Drawing from gel polish lasts a long time.

Necessary supplies for painting on nails

A simple drawing on the nails with varnish, acrylic powder or shellac is applied using additional tools.

List of tools:

Master class: drawing a heart with a toothpick

A simple pattern on the nails in the form of a heart is obtained using any varnish. The nail is covered with a base layer. Select a color, such as red. A toothpick is dipped, 2 points are placed side by side on the same level. Descent from each point along the line to make an angle. The varnish spreads out and a beautiful heart comes out.

How to draw a strawberry with a needle?

To make the berry realistic, varnishes are needed:

  • red;
  • green;
  • and black;
  • yellow.

Nails are prepared, covered with a red base. To create the leaves, an adhesive tape is taken, on which the teeth are cut. Adhesive tape closes the entire surface of the nail except the base. Green varnish is applied to the free space of the nail plate, and leaves are obtained.

The adhesive tape is removed, small dots imitating strawberry seeds are applied with a needle. Acrylic paints are suitable for this design. Strawberry leaves can simply be drawn with a needle using emerald paint. For originality, the drawing is sprinkled with glitter.

An interesting option is voluminous nail art. Nails go through the stage of preparation, coating with the main base color. Without waiting for it to dry, a transparent varnish is applied in a thick layer. After a few seconds, in place of the grains, indentations are made with a needle. When the coating dries, a fringe is drawn in the form of thin leaves.

Drawing on nails with a grid

A manicure with a mesh is perfect for long and well-groomed nails. First, a base coat is applied, then a silver varnish. It is important that it is completely dry.

For such a nail design, a special stencil in the form of a grid is used. It is superimposed on the nails, the sponge is dipped in black varnish and paints the decor with patting movements. After the procedure is completed, the mesh is torn off. The final step will be covering the nails with a fixative.

Drawings using dots

Dots is a special tool for applying patterns that looks like a crochet hook with a steel ball at the tip. Using dots, it is easy to draw flowers. They will look beautiful on both short and long nails. square shape.

The nails are prepared, the base is applied. The background color is selected. Now 5 points are placed on the nail, placing them in a circle. These will be the petals. A dot of a different color is fixed in the center. The tip of the dots should be constantly cleaned with a napkin so that the dyes do not mix. The final stage is the application of a transparent top coat.

One of the well-known decor options using dots is two-tone polka dots. Usually the combinations are: red-white, black-and-white, but other colors can be combined.

There are many other decor ideas:

Drawings using tape and foil

A simple pattern on the nails is created not only using ordinary varnish, but also using decorative tape or foil. To imitate beautiful ornaments, a narrow adhesive tape. Experts advise not to choose double-sided tape, and if the tape leaves a mark, then the manicure may not turn out neat.

Nail art with adhesive tape is performed according to the same type of scheme, only the pattern or the number of straight lines differs.

To make a manicure, you need to purchase:

  • several colored varnishes;
  • base;
  • top cover.

The nails are processed, a transparent base is applied, then any colored varnish. After drying, the tapes are fixed on half of the nail plate diagonally. The part not covered with adhesive tape is painted in a different tone. It remains to wait for drying, and carefully remove the tape.

Foil is an unusual material that can attract attention. To work with it, you need not only standard accessories, but also:

  • sharpened scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • orange sticks.

foil happens different types:

  • holographic;
  • embossed;
  • engraved;
  • covered with a protective film.

After the standard preparation of the nails, a base coat is applied, the main varnish is applied, and on top with glue or colorless varnish foil is applied. It is glued both completely and partially.

If you need to cover the entire nail, only special glue will do. The foil is quite fragile, so work with it should be done using tweezers or tweezers. An adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the nail or varnish. The foil is applied and gently leveled with an orange stick. The film is removed, the manicure is fixed with a top tool.

Partial decoration of the nail plate with foil involves the free arrangement of pieces of material or the decoration of the hole.

Drawing on nails with a brush

A simple drawing on the nails (lacquer, acrylic powder or shellac) is done with nail art brushes.

They are of different types:

A step-by-step guide to creating monograms

  1. The preparatory stage involves the removal of the cuticle, smoothing the surface and shape of the nails, dehydration.
  2. The base or a monochromatic layer of varnish is applied.
  3. Tools are selected.
  4. Before applying the decor, you should practice on paper, as monograms require perseverance, accuracy and smooth, clear strokes.
  5. The drawing is created neatly, from the side of the nail.
  6. When depicting monograms, symmetry is important, it is better to make patterns three-dimensional, doubling the lines. A large drop is collected at the tip of the brush, which is then guided in the right direction.
  7. Decor elements are dried under ultraviolet light if the patterns are applied with gel polish or acrylic paint. The latter is ideal for monograms.
  8. Sequins and rhinestones are added.
  9. The result obtained is fixed by the top tool.

How and with what to draw a smile on the nails

To make it perfect french jacket, you need to know the rules and nuances. The smile line divides the nail into 2 zones - the main and regrown part.

There are several ways to create a jacket, depending on the tools used and the length of the nails:

Acrylic watermelon drawing

This nail art is reminiscent of summer. To make a manicure with imitation watermelon, you will need:

  • tassel;
  • several colors of varnish;
  • stencils (if necessary);
  • fixative;
  • base base.

A preparatory coating is applied to the nails, then a red varnish, which will create the pulp of the berry. 2 parallel lines are drawn along the upper part of the nail, 1 is light green, 2 is dark green. When everything is dry, it remains to make the seeds with black varnish and fix the result with a top that will increase the durability of the manicure.

How to draw a bow with gel polish?

To create such nail art, dots or a brush are suitable.

Bow drawing steps:

Painting flowers with ordinary varnish

Poppies, daisies, sakura, roses are painted on the nails. 2 colors of varnish are being prepared: white and red. With the help of a needle, 6 dots of white and red colors are placed on the finished surface so that they have a small area of ​​​​contact. The colors are mixed in a chaotic manner, the goal is to get a rose. At the end, leaves are painted with green varnish.

Drawings for beginners with decoration

It is better to buy glass rhinestones for manicure, they look more spectacular and shine beautifully. For their application, use an orange stick, pre-moistened in a top product. Beautifully and simply decorate the smile of the nail by laying rhinestones on it. They are applied, gently pressed against the surface of the nail. The result is fixed.

If you want to get a 3D effect, you should pay attention to the bouillons. Manicure with their use is often called "caviar". The registration process is similar to the previous ones. The broths are distributed over the nail plate, the excess is removed with a fan brush. A fixing layer is applied, the emphasis is on the edges of the nail, where the bouillons fall off the fastest.

Acrylic powder is a loose powder, has a porous texture and allows the nails to breathe. It dries quickly, so you need a neat and fast work. Thanks to acrylic powder, three-dimensional drawings are obtained, reminiscent of knitted sweater.

2 layers of gel polish are applied, dried under ultraviolet light. After degreasing, patterns are created that fall under the lamp. In order not to spoil the velvet effect, you will have to choose a matte finishing agent.

Ideas for simple and beautiful patterns for short and long nails

On the short nails the metal strips look great. They are purchased from a specialized store. Apply to the finished coating, cut off the excess edges.

Lunar manicure looks beautiful. For him, you need stencils for a jacket. Only they are superimposed not on the tip of the nail, but on its base. The surface is painted in 1 color, stencils are glued, painted in a different tone. It remains to remove the stickers, and fix the effect.

To cover long nails Acrylic will do. Among the common options for nail art are diagonal stripes, applying rhinestones in the form of a semicircle to the height of the nail, creating patterns, monograms.

Tips from the masters: what not to do when creating a manicure

Common mistakes to avoid:

There are many techniques, decor options, so every woman will choose the option to her liking. Salon procedures are expensive, but you can learn the basics of nail art on your own.

It is easy for a novice manicure master to learn how to do simple drawings on nails. They are created using varnishes, broths, rhinestones, foil, acrylic powder or watercolors.

Article formatting: Olga Pankevich

Video about creating drawings on nails

How to draw thin lines on nails:

In this material, we will talk about what acrylic nail paints are, what types they are and how to choose them correctly. We will also teach how to work with them correctly, including beginners. In the end, let's talk about how to paint with acrylic paints on nails step by step.

What are acrylic nail paints?

Today, nail design is very popular, created not by the usual decorative or gel polish. Drawing with acrylic paints on nails is suitable for both professional masters and beginners.


Acrylic paints are used today for painting various materials– fabrics, wooden, ceramic or glass products. The ability to combine different colors, having the ability to create neat patterns, could not be missed in nail art.

Why are acrylic nail art so popular? It's all about their nice features:

  • as already mentioned, any girl can apply them in her design, even while sitting at home;
  • the variety of colors is very large;
  • if you are not satisfied with the existing shades, you can mix paints with each other;
  • as a basis for drawing, both natural and extended nails can be used;
  • before the paints are completely dry, it is possible to remove flaws with ordinary water;
  • acrylic nail paints are odorless;
  • the cost of a whole set varies between 500-600 rubles, while the quality will be excellent;
  • material consumption is quite small, because the paints will last for a long time;
  • the composition does not include toxic substances.


If you do not take into account the manufacturer, all acrylic nail paints are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Thick acrylic. Such paints are sold in jars, to work with them you will first need to dilute with water.
  2. liquid acrylic. Available in tubes and immediately ready for use. These paints are easier to mix, and you can buy them individually.

Additionally, acrylic paints are divided into matte and glossy.

Manufacturer's choice

For girls who want to paint their nails with acrylic paints, it is important to understand that cheap and little-known brands will rarely give a quality result. Therefore, it is better to purchase funds from already established manufacturers.

comparison table

The table shows some brands of acrylic nail paint manufacturers.

Name Country Main advantages Image
  • high quality;
  • the ability to use at home;
  • democratic price
Planet NailsChina
  • dense texture;
  • mix well with each other;
  • color saturation
Lady VictoryChina
  • acceptable price;
  • a wide palette of colors;
  • after drying, glossy shine remains
  • includes luminescent and metallic colors;
  • wide color palette;
  • soft non-metallized tubes

How to work with acrylic paints?

Nail application techniques

To learn how to create interesting compositions, it is not enough to know how to paint with acrylic paints on nails. There are several ways to apply these paints, which we will now discuss.

oil painting

When there is a desire to make voluminous flowers on nails with acrylic paints, it is the oil application technique that is used. With it, paints do not need to be diluted with water, so you can apply embossed strokes.

It is desirable to choose a brush small, but flat. In this case, the pattern will be more accurate. With this technique, you can also use two colors at the same time, but they do not mix with each other. To do this, they are simply simultaneously typed on a brush.

gouache painting

This method also involves the use of acrylic paints that are not diluted with water. Its difference from the first is that the strokes are more uniform both in texture and in color. This technique has another name - impasto, but still the result is more like gouache drawings.

watercolor painting

This technique is similar to painting with ordinary watercolors. Acrylic paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. This painting is used both for the background in the design and for drawing elements. With its help, you can get delicate flowers or a beautiful smooth transition. The advantage over conventional watercolor will be a longer drying time, allowing you to correct the pattern if necessary.


This method is the most difficult, therefore it would be better if a professional takes care of the execution. Acrylic paint is mixed with structural paint, which becomes transparent after the paint dries. Thanks to this, acrylic is complemented by a white tint and becomes brighter and deeper. The effect is enhanced if decorative elements are added to the design.

The whole difficulty lies precisely in the process of mixing paint and gel. To get a certain shade, it is necessary to use materials in the right proportions. This skill comes with experience, but in the end you can get an almost 3D image. A great example of this technique is aquarium design.


Painting is quite similar to oil painting, but in this case the paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. Then you need to apply acrylic on the nails layer by layer, allowing each to dry thoroughly. The layers must be very thin so that their transparency practically allows you to see all of them to the very bottom. This method helps to solve the question of whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paints on nails and get graceful and delicate patterns.

Drawing on nails with acrylic paints is also available for beginners. To do this, follow these tips:

  • even simple drawings with acrylic paints on nails are easier to do on a hand that is not tense and conveniently located;
  • in the process of applying acrylic, you do not need to press hard on the brush;
  • it is better to start with simple patterns;
  • when creating a drawing, you must first apply the contours, and only then fill the space;
  • if there is a desire to add more complex elements to the design, it is better to use them on only one finger;
  • After drying, the finished drawing must be fixed with a topcoat.

Sample drawings on nails with acrylic paints for beginners are presented below.