Gift certificate for parents for the new year. Gift for parents for the new year. DIY wreath ideas

There is nothing left before the New Year, and you haven't found a gift for your parents yet? Let's agree, it's not that easy. Especially if you don't have much money. Luckily, we have some ideas for you. We have made a selection of budget gifts, the price of which varies from five hundred to a thousand rubles.

Budget: 1000 rubles

The optimal amount for those who do not yet have a permanent income.

Gift box with essentials

Parents don't need expensive gifts. They can be pleased with the fact that they forget to buy or simply do not have time.

You can buy beautiful gift box and fill it with pleasant little things to your taste. For mom, you can put together a set of beautiful kitchen or bath towels, potholders, warm terry socks and hygienic lipstick.

For beauty, fill the box with her favorite sweets and notes with wishes.

You can buy daddy, for example, everything for facial skin care: cream before and after shaving, foam, balm. Add beautiful socks to the gift, and don't forget about sweets!

The gift doesn't always have to be grand. Sometimes it just needs to be the most needed.

Exclusive gift

In December, in almost all cities of Russia, fairs are held where products are sold. handmade. There you can find beautiful and exclusive handmade items that no one else will have.

You can buy for mom beautiful scarf, brooch or earrings. She will definitely enjoy it!

For dad, you can buy handmade soap, a diary with a designer cover or a genuine leather passport cover.

Cozy and warm gift

You can make one gift for two to save time and money.

For example, give your parents a set of bed linen. Or a warm and soft blanket.

All you have to do is wrap the gift in a festive way.

Budget: 500 rubles

Here are some cheaper options, but no less good ones.

Theater/cinema tickets

If you know that your parents have not been out for a long time, then now is the time to take care of it.

Buy mom and dad tickets to a play at the theatre. Most likely, you will not find anything for January dates, but you can give tickets for February as well.

With cinema tickets, of course, it will be easier. They are also cheaper!

Gift Baskets

In any store before the holidays there are all kinds of Gift Baskets. For example, with shower gels, soaps, sponges, bath foam and other pleasant things.

You can buy such sets for mom and dad and not worry about a gift.

You can buy anything in the store, but you know that getting homemade gifts is a thousand times more pleasant. Here are 17 cozy, useful, simple and very budget options. Instructions are included.

Great gift for tea lovers. "Tea connoisseurs don't drink sawdust from bags!" - you say. But who prevents good expensive tea from being packaged in envelopes?

You will need:

  • foam or thick cardboard cone;
  • round cardboard box and rice for the stump;
  • tea packed in small paper bags (the amount depends on the height and diameter of the cone);
  • glue gun;
  • star, bows and other decorations of your choice.

Cover the cone with tea bags, applying glue to the top of them. Move from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern. It is better to use bags that contrast in color: the tree will turn out more elegant.

Lid cardboard box glue to the bottom of the cone. Fill the box itself with rice so that the tree is more stable, and then attach it to the lid. If you don’t have a ready-made box of the desired diameter at hand, make it yourself. Take as a basis a tube from a roll of paper towels or glue it from cardboard according to this pattern.

Decorate the Christmas tree with bows, rhinestones and other decorative elements, and glue a star to the crown.

Tara Aveilhe/

Such a gift will be highly appreciated by the girls. After all, this is an individual fragrance, no one in the city will have such perfume.

Before you create, find out what smells the person you want to please prefers. For example, if a girl likes citrus scents, you will need lemon or orange. To add woody notes, you need sandalwood or cedar oils, powdery ones - roses or vanilla.


  • ½ cup almond oil;
  • ½ cup grape oil;
  • 100 g beeswax;
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E;
  • 60 drops of lemon oil;
  • 25 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 20 drops of lavender oil;
  • 20 drops of rosemary oil.

Mix almond and grape oil with wax in a separate saucepan and place on steam bath. When the wax is completely dissolved, let the liquid cool slightly and add essential oils and vitamin E. Pour the future perfume into molds. A bottle of old hygienic lipstick, vaseline jars, and more will do.

When the wax hardens, the perfume is ready to use. It remains only to pack them beautifully.

A great gift for cold girls. A pair of warm, quite sturdy socks that you don't wear can be turned into fingerless gloves.

Additional materials:

  • needle with thread;
  • heart cut out of felt.

Cut and sew the sock as shown in the photos. Be sure to hem the edge so that it does not fray, and make all seams from the inside out.

Sew a felt heart on top. You can use any other decorative means. For example, embroider the inscription "Happy New Year!" or embroider mittens with rhinestones.

Another DIY gift for those who are always cold -. Heating it for 1-3 minutes in the microwave, you get an excellent heating pad, which also smells good.


Paracord is a cord made of nylon. It was originally used as a material for parachute lines, but then paracord began to be used wherever a light and durable cable might be required. For example, stylish Mens Bracelets. In ordinary life - just a decoration, in an extreme situation - a saving rope.

Exist various techniques paracord weaving. Here is one of the most common.

You will need:

  • 150 cm of paracord of one color and the same amount of the other (it is desirable that the shades are contrasting);
  • 75 cm black paracord;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • needle with thread.

From paracord, you can weave not only a bracelet, but also a keychain, make a braid for a knife or a car steering wheel. You can easily find diagrams on the web. Even easier - watch the video tutorials on YouTube, there are many of them.

From such a mug you can not only drink. On it you can leave messages to the household or just draw.


  • white porcelain mug without relief;
  • slate paint;
  • masking tape;
  • brush.

Slate paint is most often used to update the surfaces of blackboards. Now there is a large selection of such colors. Need one that can work on ceramics. For example, like this.

Choose an area of ​​the mug that is comfortable to write on but that won't come into contact with your lips when you drink. Cover the rest of the mug with masking tape.

Degrease the unglued area and apply a thick layer of paint on it. Remove the tape and leave the mug overnight in a well-ventilated area.

When the paint dries, send the mug to the oven preheated to 150 ° C. After 30 minutes, turn off the stove, but remove the mug when it has cooled down.

Now the mug can be washed in the dishwasher and put in the microwave.

If you are one of those who likes to give not material things, but experiences, you will love this idea. After all, not only a delicious warming drink, but also a reason to go or invite guests.

Take beautiful glass jars and fill them with about a third of the powder for making hot chocolate or cocoa. Put in some sweets or chocolate chips. Fill the remaining space with marshmallows.

Decorate the jars to your liking. For example, put a piece of fabric under the lid, and attach a heart made from candy canes on top. The label can serve as a postcard, write your wishes on it.

Another variation of such a gift is a set for mulled wine. Take an orange, an apple, a clove and a cinnamon stick. Pack it all up nicely, make a wish label, and add a bottle of good red wine.

Candles are a traditional New Year's gift. But one thing is a glamorous shop, another is a personalized candle or a candle with a phrase that is understandable only to the giver and the recipient, or even with a photograph.


  • white candles with a diameter of 5–7 cm;
  • A4 paper for printing;
  • parchment paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;

Cut the parchment paper so that it is 1-2 cm wider than the A4 sheet. Glue the parchment to the printing paper, folding the edges over to the other side. Insert the sheet into the printer with the glossy side, that is, the one where the parchment is. Print out the image you would like to transfer to the candle.

The drawing will be on parchment paper. Now you need to transfer it to a candle. Cut out the image, attach it to the candle, wrap it tightly on top with another layer of parchment and direct a jet of hot air onto the resulting design. If the picture brightened, then it was imprinted on the candle. Carefully remove the top layer of parchment and let the wax dry.

The gift is ready! If desired, you can decorate it with rhinestones or sequins.

This cosmetic bag greatly simplifies the search for the right items, because any lock can be opened.

You will need:

  • 10 zippers 15–20 cm long;
  • safety pins;
  • needle or sewing machine;
  • threads.

Sew the zippers to each other from the inside, for convenience, you can first bait them with pins. Close the resulting canvas in a ring and sew. Sew the zippers also across in front of the dogs, and then turn the cosmetic bag inside out.

This is a gift for a person who does not part with gadgets. By the same principle, you can sew a phone case.


  • a cut of felt suitable for the size of the tablet;
  • 2 buttons;
  • sewn-in magnets;
  • safety pins;
  • dense thread in the color of buttons;
  • thread in the color of felt;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Fold the fabric so that the bottom is longer than the top: this is the future cover of the case. Sew along the edges and turn the product inside out.

Cut the lid in a wave or semicircle. Sew on a button in the middle. Attach the second one below, on the case. Make a loop between them, as shown in the photo.

Sew a magnet on the left and right to the base and lid of the case. Fashion case is ready!

You can also make a stylish organizer for headphones, flash drives, phones and other gadgets from an old book in a beautiful cover. Here is the detailed one.


A gift from which not only children, but also adults with a sweet tooth will be delighted. Making a Santa Claus sleigh is very simple.

You will need:

  • glue gun;
  • ribbons and other decor;
  • sweets: chocolate, sweets, lollipops in the form of canes.

Here is a detailed video tutorial.

A gift for a bosom friend or colleague. Beer can come in handy on January 1st, and the brown bottles are easy to style as Rudolf and his friends. (Rudolph is one of Santa's reindeer, distinguished by a red glowing nose.)


  • beer in dark glass bottles;
  • decorative wire;
  • toy eyes;
  • red pompoms;
  • ribbon and bows;
  • box;
  • Super glue.

Remove labels from bottles. Make antlers from wire for future deer.

Glue them to the back of the bottle. Attach the eyes and nose to the front. Tie the tape (so that it does not slip, you can fix it with glue).

Do the same for the rest of the bottles. Put them in a box and decorate it.

A gift for economic women and men who love to cook.

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with a New Year's pattern;
  • batting for lining;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

If you have a sewing machine, the work will not take much time. A detailed video instruction - from the pattern to cutting the threads - is attached.

Inside such a mitten, you can put a spatula, a ladle and other little things useful for the kitchen.

A little more imagination, and a gift for New Year become even more original. Attach a ring to the spatula, and hang your favorite family recipes printed on cards and laminated on it.

Glass snow ... wine glass

Balloons with a miniature figure and artificial snow inside are very popular. Lifehacker is already how to make something similar from an ordinary glass jar. Today it's the turn of wine glasses.


  • transparent glass;
  • thick cardboard;
  • figurine that fits easily into a glass;
  • artificial snow;
  • bows and other decor;
  • glue.

From the cardboard, cut out a circle of the same diameter as the wine glass. Glue the figurine to the cardboard. It can be a Christmas tree, deer or, for example, a car with a Christmas tree on the roof.

At the bottom of the glass, pour artificial snow, finely chopped white paper or foam. Glue the cardboard base to the edge of the glass and turn it over. Decorate the leg with a bow or ribbon.


In the past year, plaids are very coarse knit incredibly popular. Finished goods they are quite expensive, so it is more profitable to make a blanket yourself.

Merino wool works best for this, but other thick threads can be used. Video tutorial is attached.

Hands, without knitting needles and a hook, you can also knit a beautiful warm scarf. Lifehacker has already done it once.

This gift will help remember the best moments of the outgoing year. Just choose the best photos and print them. Get some clear glass jars and vases. Round and cylindrical vessels work best.

Many people have flaky skin in the winter. If there are such people among your friends, prepare a sugar-lemon scrub as a gift for them..

According to the Chinese calendar, the symbol of 2017 is the rooster. Therefore, gifts with the image of a rooster or in the form of roosters and hens will be especially relevant. Universal option such a gift is a Christmas toy.

You will need:

  • cardboard blank in the shape of a rooster;
  • dense fabric;
  • filler for toys;
  • twine and lace ribbon;
  • white outline;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun.

The manufacturing process is shown in the following video.

You can sweeten such a gift with sweet cockerels on a stick. For many, the form for them has remained since Soviet times.


  • ½ cup granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (to just wet the sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar(in some recipes, ordinary table or a pinch of citric acid is added).

From sugar you need to boil the syrup and pour it into a richly greased vegetable oil shape. Then stick the sticks in and wait until everything hardens.

If you know other original DIY solutions, share them in the comments.

The rapidly approaching holidays evoke thoughts about preparing gifts for loved ones. And today we want to touch on the question of what to give mom for the New Year with our own hands. Below you will find a lot of different master classes that will help bring different gift ideas to life.

Do-it-yourself gifts for mom for the New Year (step-by-step master classes)

1. Decorative vase made of threads


  • Leg-split;
  • PVA glue;
  • A bowl of water;
  • Round plate;
  • Food film.

We cut the twine into segments of approximately the same length, about 20-25 cm. In a bowl, mix water with PVA glue, and soak the twine segments in this solution. We take a round plate, turn it upside down and cover with cling film. Then we proceed to lay out the pieces of twine, laying them in a mess, filling the empty space. Next, we compose the product to dry for about 24 hours, remove the vase from the plate and carefully remove the cling film. By the way, until the twine pieces are laid out, the cling film on the plate can be lubricated with vegetable oil, so that later it can be easily separated from the threads.

2. Pincushion


  1. Felt;
  2. Textile;
  3. Sintepon;
  4. Foamiran;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Threads and needle;
  7. glue gun.

The best 10 master classes on creating different needle beds are presented in the video below. All that remains is to pack the finished pincushion in a pretty box (packaging ideas can be found at the end of this review).

3. Piggy bank from a plastic bottle


  • Plastic bottle;
  • Scissors;
  • Felt;
  • Glue gun;
  • bottle caps;
  • Stationery knife.

We cut the bottle in half, insert one part into the other, so the product will become stronger. We glue the bottle around the perimeter with felt, foamiran or paper. With a clerical knife, cut a hole on top for tossing coins. We glue the ears, eyes and eyebrows in front, and the tail in the back. Well, in order for the piggy bank to stand evenly, you need to glue plastic bottle caps on the sides. So you can arrange any little animal: a mouse, a rooster, a sheep, a horse, and so on.

4. Piggy bank from a tube of chips


  • Packaging from Pringles chips;
  • scrap paper;
  • Glue;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Animal figurines.

Cover the tube with scrapbooking paper. And in the lid we cut a hole for throwing money inside. You can also glue toy animal figures on the lid.

5. Flower vase


  1. Glass bottle;
  2. Woolen threads;
  3. Clay Moment.

We glue the tip of the woolen thread on top of the neck of the bottle, and begin to wrap the bottle with threads to the very bottom. From below, the tip of the thread should also be fixed with glue.

6. New Year's gifts for mom "Painting with a deer"


  1. Canvas or large photo frame;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Gold sequins;
  4. Polish for hair;
  5. Deer silhouette template.

We translate the deer silhouette template onto a canvas or photo frame without glass. We fill the space of the silhouette with PVA glue in a tube with a thin spout. And sprinkle with glitter. After the glue dries, the glitter on top needs to be fixed with hairspray.

7. Christmas composition in a frame


  • Frame;
  • Box according to the size of the photo frame;
  • Acrylic paint (black and gold);
  • Sintepon;
  • Wire garland;
  • Artificial mini Christmas trees;
  • Glue gun.

We glue the box with a photo frame. Paint the box black and the frame golden. On the back wall, you can stick wallpaper, scrap paper, or simply paint it in the desired color. Next, lay out the synthetic winterizer inside and glue the Christmas trees. Finally, install a wire garland inside.

8. Bracelet


  1. Decorative cord;
  2. Jewelry clips and carabiner clasp (sold in craft stores);
  3. Pliers.

The cord must be tied into a knot, all stages of knot formation are presented below.

9. Hair comb


We wrap the base of the scallop with threads, gluing their ends with Moment glue. Thread colors can be alternated between the teeth of the comb.

10. Hair bands


  1. Textile;
  2. Elastic;
  3. Threads;
  4. Sewing machine;
  5. Needle and thread;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Tailor's pins;
  8. Safety pin.

We cut flats 25 cm long and 10 cm wide from the fabric. Fold in half and sew the side seam on the machine, but not completely. We twist. Using a safety pin, we stretch the elastic inward. Sew up the remaining hole with a hidden seam.

11. Candle


  • Glass or metal jar;
  • Household candles;
  • Wax pencils.

6 different ideas on creating candles you will find below in the video.

12. Christmas phone case


  1. Red felt;
  2. Green foamiran with glitter;
  3. Rhinestones;
  4. Glue gun.

Details on how to create this case are presented in this video.

13. Headphone organizer


  • Leatherette;
  • Felt;
  • Button;
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun.

A circle is cut out of leatherette. The elements of the “filling” are cut out of the felt: meat, tomatoes, lettuce, we glue everything together on pita bread. The button is fixed on the side.

14. Table tree


  1. Paper;
  2. Glue;
  3. Acrylic paints;
  4. Brush;
  5. Rhinestones;
  6. Glue gun.

A cone is glued from paper. Then the cone is painted in the desired color with acrylic paint. And at the end, rhinestones are glued from below.

15. Brooch or badge


  • Felt or foamiran;
  • Glue gun.

5 master classes on creating beautiful winter brooches and badges are presented in the video below.

16. Pencil case for stationery


  1. Felt;
  2. Buttons, buttons;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Hot glue.

You will find 6 cool ideas with the manufacture of pencil cases in this video:

17. Stand for hot


  • Felt;
  • Hot glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Accessories.

You can find five different interesting master classes with coasters in the video below.

18. Table napkin rings


  1. Figurines of plastic animals;
  2. Hot glue;
  3. Wooden rings for cornices;
  4. Gold paint in a can.

We glue the animals to the rings, and paint them with gold spray paint.

19. Napkin rings in the form of Poinsettia flowers.


  • Red and green foamiran with glitter;
  • Ring for shower curtains;
  • Hot glue;
  • Decorative rivet.

Details on creating such a ring are presented below.

20. Wreath of tangerines


  • Tangerines;
  • Transparent packaging film;
  • Leg-split.

Details on creating such a gift can be found in the review on our website.

21. Christmas decorations


  1. Felt;
  2. Foamiran;
  3. Waste material;
  4. decorative elements;
  5. Cord or twine.

You will find ten workshops on making toys for the Christmas tree in the video below, followed by 21 more ideas Christmas decorations. You can make mom whole set bright decorations for the Christmas tree.

22. Snow globe


  1. Jar with a lid;
  2. Water;
  3. Glycerol;
  4. figurine;
  5. Clay Moment.

This video shows and tells how to make such a snow globe. The show will begin with the creation of the ball.

23. Santa style notebook


  • Red velvet paper;
  • Black velvet paper;
  • Buckle;
  • Glue.

How to make such a notebook in the style of a Santa suit is shown in the video below. The show will begin with the creation of a notebook.

24. Fluffy photo frame


  1. Cardboard;
  2. White artificial fur;
  3. Glue;
  4. Paper.

Well, below you can see how to make such a wonderful photo frame from scratch. The show will begin with the creation of a photo frame.

25. Bookmarks for books


  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

Mom can be pleased with a bookmark for a book or diary. Below you will find as many as 10 MKs for their implementation.

26. Case for sunglasses


  1. Felt;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Glue gun.

In winter, the sun also shines, which means that every now and then you have to hide your eyes behind sunglasses. Well, so that they are not scratched in the bag when carrying, you can make a cover for them. Examples in the video below.

27. Keychain


  • Carabiner for keychain;
  • Plastic card (unnecessary);
  • Paints;
  • Plastic cup;
  • Rose from foamiran.

You will find 8 workshops on creating key chains below.

28. Decorative lantern


  1. Cardboard;
  2. Wallpaper;
  3. White acrylic paint;
  4. Hot glue.

How to make such a lantern is shown and described here (the show will begin with the creation of a lantern):

29. Composition winter house

Necessary materials:

  • Cardboard;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Soda;
  • White and silver sequins;
  • Polish for hair;
  • White acrylic paint.

How to make this house is shown below (the show will begin with the creation of the house).

30. Snow globe in the form of a large Christmas toy


  • Round glass vase;
  • Gray felt;
  • Glitter soda;
  • Typewriter;
  • wire;
  • Tinsel;
  • Hot glue;
  • Mini vase;
  • Ring;
  • Transparent tight packaging.

You will find details on how to create this spectacular composition below (the show will begin with the creation of a ball).

Gift box ideas

Well, now you know how to make gifts for mom for the New Year with your own hands. well and virtual postcard with congratulations on the New Year for mom, you can. Have fun and happy holidays.

In the article you will find the most original ideas for creating New Year's gifts with your own hands.

In cases where finances do not allow giving a gift bought in a store, you can make surprises with your own hands. Such presents will have a special charm, as they were created with love and awe.

Gift options for parents:

  • Champagne bottle. Yes, you will have to spend a little money for this, but such a gift will always be relevant in new year holidays and will give a lot of pleasant emotions. You will need to purchase a bottle of champagne, 200-300 grams of chocolates, double-sided tape satin ribbon. Attach a piece of double-sided tape to the sweets and thus attach it to the glass of the bottle. This is how the whole bottle is decorated, and its top is decorated satin bow. This bottle can be safely put on New Year's table as a drink and snack!
  • Candlestick. You will need a transparent glass, old candles, dyes and a thread. The glass will be a candlestick. Old candles are melted down into wax. The thread is tied to a skewer and attached to the neck of the glass (so that it does not sink). Wax melts gradually and color is added to it (you can also drip essential oil so that the candle gives aroma). Each color of wax is poured in layers, then stored until solidified.
  • Gingerbread house. If you know how to bake gingerbread, you can make a beautiful New Year's house, which consists entirely of sweet gingerbread, and they are attached to sweet icing.
  • Christmas tree toy. In needlework stores you can find a large number of bases for Christmas tree decorations, which are not at all expensive: foam, wood, plastic. With the help of painted paints and glitter decorations, you can turn such basics into a unique New Year's decor.
  • Soft toy. It can be sewn from felt, knitted with threads or sewn from those fabrics that are at hand. The main thing is to stick to the New Year theme and make Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, deer, snowmen and so on.
  • Decorative "winter" bouquet. This is a decoration for the house on New Year's holidays. For this you can use any natural material: cones, branches, Christmas tree and accessories from the store. Bouquets can be different: for a table, in a vase, on a wall, a wreath (see below for ideas in the photo).
  • Decorative Christmas tree. It is needed in order to decorate the house for the holidays. You can make a Christmas tree from cardboard, threads, fabrics, wood (photo below).

Idea: champagne for the New Year

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for mom: schemes, templates, photos

You can easily please your mother with a pleasant surprise by making it yourself. Think about and remember where mom is most often and what she does. Any child can quite independently sew potholders, coasters or napkins, needle cases and Stuffed Toys for the holiday, which will decorate the house and set a festive mood.

IMPORTANT: In any case, the tack - good gift, because mom always cooks in the kitchen, and every time putting on exactly the potholder that the child gave her, it will be nice.

How to sew a potholder:

  • You will need cardboard, scissors, thick fabric and thread.
  • Can be sewn by machine or by hand
  • It is good to use felt or felt as a fabric, the material should be folded in two layers and stitched along the edges (you can also lay a layer of padding polyester between the layers).
  • First draw a template for the pot holder (see the diagram below), and then cut it out on the fabric (4 pieces).
  • Sew two parts into one, and then stitch the side where the wrist is. Sew two halves into a “mitten” and attach a tail (for a hook).

Video: "Sew a potholder"

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for dad: schemes, templates, photos

What to give dad is a difficult question. Every dad is completely different. Perhaps you can make a beautiful scented candle for him or burn a CD with your favorite songs. Think about the convenience and comfort of your dad, for sure, he will like a small sofa cushion.

What to prepare for work:

  • Textile
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Application materials
  • Stuffing

IMPORTANT: Cushion stuffing can be purchased at fabric stores. It can also be replaced with cotton wool or the remains of flaps.

How to do:

  • Make two pillow pieces (two squares)
  • Come up with an embellishment for the pillow: appliqué, patches or embroidery. Decorate one side of the pillowcase decoratively.
  • Sew their patterns tightly from the inside and fill from the inside
  • The edges of the pillow can be decorated with a fringe of threads or tassels.

Video: "Funny do-it-yourself pillows"

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for grandmother: schemes, templates, photos

Try to surprise your grandmother with an original New Year's gift - a Christmas wreath. It is very easy to make it simple materials, which can be found in the forest: sticks, branches, cones, wild rose and others. You can decorate a wreath with old New Year's toys, tinsel or ribbons.

How to do:

  • You will need 2-3 fir branches(long)
  • Twist the branches into a ring and fix them with wire (you may have to ask for help).
  • After that, proceed to decorate the wreath, hiding all traces of the wire.
  • The wreath can be wrapped with decorative beads, decorated with artificial snow and snowflakes, tied with ribbon bows.
  • Be sure to try to leave the hook on the back of the wreath so you can hang it.

DIY wreath ideas:

Video: "Wreath for the New Year with your own hands"

How to make an interesting New Year's gift to grandfather: schemes, templates, photos

Delight your grandfather with a beautiful and festive hot cup holder. You can make it in two ways: sew or knit. Such a stand is sure to come in handy on a table or on the handrail of a chair and will always be able to please with pleasant emotions.


Video: “Do-it-yourself hot coasters”

The best New Year's gifts for parents - for mom, dad, grandparents with their own hands, made by children: ideas, photos

The best gift is the one made with your own hands. This is an accurate statement, verified by millions of people and huge amount time. Browse through ideas for making your own holiday gifts and choose yours.


A postcard is the best gift

Video: "Gifts for the New Year with your own hands"

Looking for a New Year's surprise for parents is the hardest thing. After all, dad and mom are the most dear people for each person, and therefore they need the best present. Of course, the concept of "best" varies depending on age, needs and other important factors. But we will still try to pick up the most universal ideas that will appeal to the majority.

Here you will find variations of surprises for young and old parents, as well as examples of homemade, budget and creative gifts. After reading the article to the end, you will no longer wonder: “What can I give for the New Year?”, All that remains is to find a suitable store and order the selected product.

What to give parents for the New Year

If you can’t decide what to give your parents for New Year, then take a look at these options:

Important ! Before buying a sofa, think about whether there is a place for it. If relatives live in a small apartment, where there is already enough furniture, a new sofa may simply not fit. Alternatively, two comfortable armchairs can be donated.

New Year gift for new parents

Ideas for the best surprises:

Don't know what is the best gift for parents on a budget? We have a couple of cool ideas:

  • beautiful paired cups;
  • (cookies in festive packaging, favorite sweets, cake).

What to give for the New Year to elderly parents

Now let's talk about what gift to give to pensioners. So, options for cool surprises for parents from children:

Small gifts are also welcome, these can be:

DIY gifts for parents for the New Year

If you want to know a few more ideas of what parents can do for the New Year, then this list is for you:

  • painted dishes;
  • and wishes;
  • candles and soap;

A variety of master classes that can be found on the Internet will tell you how to make a present. We advise you to take a look at these instructions:

  • for manufacturing
  • for weaving a dream catcher:

An original gift for parents for the New Year

Interesting and unusual gifts, are always perceived with more pleasure than something practical, but at the same time inconspicuous. We advise you to pay attention to these variations of cool and creative New Year's presents:

Do not know what to order for dad and mom for the New Year of the original? How about these ideas:

  • alarm clock rugs;
  • board game (Monopoly, Scrabble, etc.);
  • medals with inscriptions best mom” and “To the best dad”.

Interesting gift ideas for relatives:

General gift for parents for the New Year

Puzzling over what joint gift to make to your beloved relatives? Well, we have some interesting options:

  1. Panel. Pay special attention to decorative items made of thread and amber.
  2. Toaster. A great gift for those who love American style breakfasts. We advise you to buy one of these toasters: Philips HD 2595, Tefal TT 3571 Express, Bosch TAT 3A011, Redmond RT-M403.
  3. Food processor. If parents do not yet have this gadget, we strongly recommend that you buy it. It will greatly simplify life and allow you to cook any food many times faster. Of course, the cost of such a miracle device is decent, for example, food processors from the well-known company Bosch will cost at least 12 thousand rubles.

Paired family gift ideas:

Inexpensive New Year gifts for parents

Do you want to please mom and dad with cool and at the same time inexpensive presents? This is quite real, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the variations of budget gifts and souvenirs:

And now a few words about what to give to people who have everything:

  • certificate for ;

Useful New Year gifts for parents

Thinking about what we can give relatives, we do not always take into account their needs and in vain, because really necessary surprises always bring joy. Before moving on to universal ideas gifts for mom and dad, we invite you to think about what your family needs. Surely, they mentioned this, or you yourself see that loved ones need to replace some kind of equipment or buy furniture.

So, options for practical New Year's gifts for parents:

Top Best New Year Gift Ideas for Parents

If, after reading the article up to this point, you still do not know what to buy for mom and dad, then you need to pay attention to the list of the most best gifts for relatives:

  1. Dishwasher. Washing dishes is far from the most fun process, but you can save your relatives from this unpleasant occupation by giving them a dishwasher for the New Year. Especially popular are: Beko DFS 05010, Bosch SKS 62E22, Bosch SPS 40E42, Hansa ZWM 416.
  2. Smart watch. A good option surprise for young relatives. We advise you to give the spouses the same models, but with different straps. Dad will suit classic black, and mom will be happy with a white, powder or burgundy strap (and better kit from 3-5 pieces at once). Take a closer look at products from Samsung and Honor.
  3. Fridge. If the parents' refrigeration appliance celebrated its 7th or 10th birthday, then it's time to replace it with something more modern, for example: LG GA-B419 SYGL, Hitachi R-X690GUX, Electrolux ENN 93111 AW, Bosch KGE39XL2AR.