Benefits for pensioners in Belarus. Benefits for payment of housing and communal services - to whom and in what amount are provided. Conditions for granting a pension

Pensioners in Belarus have benefits guaranteed by the state, which gives an increase in income. Discounts apply to travel in transport, taxes, utility bills.

Men become pensioners in Belarus at the age of 60, women at 55. The number of elderly people is increasing every year. In 2017, the number of pensioners (excluding military pensioners in Belarus) was 2.6 million people.

There is a tendency to increase the share of pensioners in the total number. In 2015 he was 57,2% per 1000 employees, in 2016 - 59,1% , in 2017 - 59,7% . over 3 years, the increase was 2.5% or 25 people per 1,000 employees.


What are the benefits for pensioners in Belarus?

Pensioners by age, upon presentation of a pension certificate in transport organizations, are entitled to receive preferential travel documents valid from May 1 to September 30.

50% discount applies to trips:

  • in public electric trains;
  • on suburban buses;
  • river transport.

Non-working pensioners have a discount on utilities, regardless of the area occupied, if an employed person is not registered on it.

tax incentives in Belarus:

  1. They are exempt from real estate tax (garages, summer cottages) at the place of residence, if only non-working pensioners are registered.
  2. Dachas, garages located outside the place of residence of a non-working pensioner are not taxed, regardless of the non-working pensioner citizens.
  3. Residential buildings owned by a pensioner, but located in a different locality from their residence, are not subject to taxation if able-bodied persons are not registered in them.
  4. Payment for land plots is not charged if pensioners do not have citizens registered on their living space. retirement age.
  5. Vehicle tax is reduced for car owners upon presentation of a pension certificate, which indicates that he is a pensioner by age.

State duty benefits in Belarus:

  • 50% -100% - for notarial acts;
  • 50% - for registration of real estate and transactions on it in the republican, territorial organization;
  • 50% - for the issuance of originals and duplicates of property rights in the republican, territorial organization.

The basis for receiving benefits is the presentation of a pension certificate.

Additional benefits in Belarus are due to pensioners who have merits and awards during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war period:

  1. For Heroes Soviet Union, Socialist Labor, Knights of the Order of Glory:
    – free travel by all modes of transport once a year;
    - free use of utilities.
  2. For disabled veterans:
    - free travel on intercity transport in the area of ​​​​residence;
    – free utilities for an area of ​​20 sq.m.
  3. For participants in the Second World War and persons with awards for work in the rear:
    - free bus travel in the area of ​​​​residence.

Disabled pensioners of groups 1, 2 are entitled to:

  • free travel within the area of ​​residence;
  • 50% discount on utilities and 100% if it is a single pensioner;
  • 50% discount for paying for housing within 50 sq. m for a single pensioner;
  • free health rehabilitation facilities (hearing aid);
  • free sanatorium voucher, if a disabled person of the 2nd group does not work;
  • payment for prescription drugs at 10% of the cost;
  • free dental care and prosthetics, with the exception of cermets and precious metals;

The status of a single pensioner means the absence of a spouse, children, or they are disabled, disabled, retired.

Pension amount

In Belarus, the average level of old-age pension payments from November 1, 2018 is 394 rub., labor - 388 rub. Minimum retirement pension 207 rub. The highest pension is for citizens living in the capital, the lowest is in the Brest region. The reason lies in the different levels of wages, on the basis of which the pension benefit is calculated.

In 2019, the amount of pension will approach 40% from the average wage.

Pensioners over 75 are entitled to a care pension supplement.

Work in Belarus

According to official statistics, about 23 thousand people or 0.5% of the active population are listed as needing employment in Belarus. This includes citizens who have registered with the labor exchange in order to receive unemployment benefits and assistance in finding a job.

In fact, most of the unemployed are looking for jobs on their own because of small size benefits, low-wage offers, the need to perform community service. The unemployment rate in Belarus in 2018 is estimated at 6 to 10%, which is 276-460 thousand people.

Attention! The largest percentage of the unemployed registered at the labor exchange are citizens over 50 years old - a third of the total.

The number of employees in the Republic of Belarus in 2017 was 4.4 million people.

Employment structure (%):

  • in industry - 23.5;
  • agriculture - 9.6;
  • trade - 14.2;
  • transport and communications - 6.9;
  • education - 10.4;
  • healthcare - 7.4;
  • construction - 6.4;
  • provision of services - 14.1;
  • other - 7.5.

Employed at state enterprises 40% employed, on private 56% . Firms with foreign capital and mixed ownership employed 10% of the total number of employees.


Attention! The average salary in the Republic of Belarus is equal to 823 rubles.

Above average salary:

  • at mining enterprises - 1347 rubles;
  • telecommunications enterprises - 2373 rubles;
  • in banks, insurance companies - 1416 rubles;
  • scientific, creative organizations - 1113 rubles.

The lowest wages in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, where it is 71% from the middle level. The average salary in Minsk exceeds the national figure by 37%. In other regions it is below average. The worst indicator in the Gomel region - 723 rubles.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

Every third pensioner continues to work after retirement. According to the law of the Republic of Belarus, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners must be carried out annually in relation to the average level of wages.

In 2018, the labor pension was recalculated 3 times:

  • in May,
  • in August,
  • In November.

The reason is the growth of the average salary in the Republic of Belarus, to which the calculation of pension accruals is tied. In the aggregate of all recalculations, the pension of working pensioners in the Republic of Belarus increased by 22% and averaged 388 rub.

The individual recalculation of the pension depends on the length of service, wages when applying for a pension, available allowances and additional payments.

Possibility of getting a loan

Belarusian banks issue loans to pensioners on an equal basis with other citizens up to a certain age. Each financial institution has its own rules.

The following banks are most loyal to people of retirement age:

  • "Belarusbank",
  • "RRB-Bank",
  • Bank BelVEB.

"Belarusbank" issues a loan "Time to Live" to pensioners at any age. When receiving a pension through this bank, the borrower does not need a certificate of income. The starting rate for the first year is 12% . In the second and third years, it increases by 1 p.p.

Conditions of RRB-Bank for a 12 month loan:

  • the age of the client is not older than 69 years;
  • the pensioner must submit a certificate of pension for the previous 3 months;
  • loan up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • rate 14%;
  • repayment in equal installments.

The loan can be used to refinance debt in other banks.

Bank BelVEB concludes a loan agreement "Spryntar" for 4 years in the amount of up to 12 thousand rubles. The age of the borrower at the end of the debt repayment should not exceed 63 for women, and 68 for men. The loan rate is floating: 14.5% - the first year, 16.5% - subsequent.

Credit rates in other Belarusian banks - 18.19.21%. When concluding an agreement, they require collateral, a guarantee from the borrower.

Standard of living

In terms of living standards, the Republic of Belarus ranks 53rd in the world ranking among 189 countries.

#66th place among best countries for retirement;
#72 place among the best countries.

About 16% Belarusians.

In the structure of consumption, the largest share is occupied by:

  • food - more 40% ,
  • non-food products - about 38% ,
  • services - 17% ,
  • alcoholic drinks - 2% .

People who consider themselves to be in the middle class live in Minsk and the region, have their own housing, a car. The average citizen can afford to buy the necessary household appliances without a long period of accumulation.

The positive aspects of life in Belarus are:

  • good roads;
  • quality medicine;
  • food products without falsifications;
  • calm and measured lifestyle;
  • low level of crime and corruption.

The well-being of citizens is affected by a high level of inflation, which reduces real incomes and leads to higher prices.

the cost of living

Prices for most food products in Belarus are lower than in Russia, for example, bread, milk, potatoes, cheese. At lower prices, you can buy high-quality shoes, knitwear.

Buying and renting real estate in Minsk is 30-40% more affordable than in Moscow. The farther from the capital region, the lower the prices for apartments, houses, land.

Utilities on average do not exceed $70 winter and $30- summer.

A new car will cost more than in the Russian Federation, but the secondary market is more democratic due to the high cost of maintenance. Advanced system public transport allows you to do without your own car. A monthly pass will cost $15.

All types of education are available and free of charge:

  • preschool;
  • school;
  • professional;
  • higher.

Important! Medical services for citizens of Belarus are free.

In 2018, Belarusian pensioners received an increase in pensions in the amount of 22% . More than 20% of citizens after receiving a pension continue to work. Minsk and the region have the highest rates in terms of average wages in the republic and job security. In the whole country, unemployment is up to 10%, while among people over 50 it exceeds 30%. The state provides pensioners with benefits for travel, for taxes. The standard of living in the Republic of Belarus is lower than in the Russian Federation, despite the lower prices for accommodation.

Pension - monetary security paid to a person upon reaching a certain (retirement) age, as well as for length of service, in case of disability, disability, loss of a breadwinner (for disabled citizens) and for other reasons. The pension can be paid from public funds, funds of organizations, and in certain cases at the expense of individuals.

The system of individual accounts, using which a working person finances his own future pension from own contributions, is not common in Belarus. In fact, funds for the payment of pensions are taken from the contributions of workers at the moment.

In the Republic of Belarus, the rights to state pension provision in cases specified by law have:

  • citizens of the Republic of Belarus and other persons residing on its territory;
  • citizens of Belarus residing outside its borders, in accordance with international treaties between the Republic of Belarus and the country of residence of the pensioner.

Pension provision in Belarus

The law establishes the conditions for granting labor pensions for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, for length of service, for special services to the republic.

Right to labor pension according to age, on a general basis, it is provided to men - upon reaching 60 years of age with at least 25 years of work experience, for women - upon reaching 55 years of age with at least 20 years of work experience. A prerequisite for the realization of the right to a pension is the presence of at least 5 years of work with the payment of mandatory insurance premiums.

When calculating the amount of the pension, the length of service before the appointment of the pension and the earnings from which the mandatory insurance premiums were paid are taken into account. Until 2000, the pension was calculated from earnings for any 5 consecutive years of the last 15 years of work. Since 2000, these periods have been increased by 1 year (in 2000, the pension was calculated from earnings for any 6 consecutive years out of the last 16 years of work, in 2001 - for 7 years out of the last 17 years, etc.).

Conditions for granting a pension

The right of citizens to pensions, including for old age, is guaranteed by Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On pension provision". At the same time, Article 5 of this Law states that citizens are entitled to a labor pension, from whose income during the period of employment, state social insurance contributions were made for at least 5 years.

Persons of retirement age who do not have the right to a labor pension are assigned a social pension on conditions determined by law. Such a norm is contained in Articles 5 and 72 of the Law “On Pension Provision”.
The source of payment of retirement pensions is the Fund social protection population. Social pensions are paid directly from the republican budget.

Retirement age in Belarus

According to the Law, from January 1, 2017, the generally established retirement age is increased annually by 6 months until the age of 63 years for men and 58 years for women (in 2017 it is 6 months for men, 55 years 6 months for women). At the same pace, the age for the appointment of early pensions will increase.

A prerequisite for the realization of the right to an old-age labor pension and a labor pension for long service (Articles 11-13,15,24,47-49-2 of the Law) is the existence of work experience (other activities) with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the insurance period). The insurance period annually from January 1 is increased by 6 months until reaching 20 years. For the appointment of a pension in 2017, it must be at least 16 years, in 2018 - 16 years 6 months, in 2019 - 17 years, etc.

Living wage

From November 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017, the average BPM per capita decreased and amounted to 174.52 rubles. However, the reduction in the BPM will not lead to a decrease in the size of pensions, benefits and other payments calculated from its size. According to Decree No. 726 of December 18, 2006 "On the calculation social payments» When they are assigned and recalculated, the highest BPM for the last two quarters is used.

In this regard, when recalculating from November 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017, various social payments calculated from the size of the BPM, the largest amount of the BPM for the last two quarters will be applied. In this case: in June 2016 prices (175 Belarusian rubles 50 kopecks).

The size of the pension in Belarus

The minimum retirement pension is 45.96 rubles. (25 percent of the subsistence minimum budget per capita on average (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pensions")).

NPF in Belarus

In addition to the state in the Republic of Belarus, there are non-state pension funds. Their essence is that a working citizen pays certain funds to the fund, which later become the basis of his additional to the state pension provision for a long time period.

The activity of the fund is to accumulate payments and invest the received funds in the stock market. The income, which is brought by investments under the agreement, is distributed among the participants of the fund according to their contributions.

Pension reform in Belarus and latest news

In Belarus, from August 1, the minimum labor and social pensions, which are tied to the size of the BPM. Recall that from next month this figure will rise to 197.57 rubles.

In addition, from August 1, allowances, increases in pensions and additional payments to Belarusians aged 75 and older who receive pensions from labor, employment and social protection authorities, as well as benefits for caring for a disabled person of group I or for a person who has reached the age of 80, will increase.

Minimum labor and social pensions are reviewed quarterly, they change along with the subsistence minimum budget.

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A pension is a cash payment that is made by the state for certain citizens:

  • those who have reached retirement age;
  • for years of service;
  • due to full or partial working capacity due to an accident at work or an illness of a professional nature;
  • if the breadwinner is lost among citizens who are unable to work.

Pension in 2019 in Belarus can be paid from funds of state importance, from funds of certain companies and organizations, as well as from funds transferred by some individuals who have signed a payment agreement.

Will there be indexation of pension payments in 2019 in Belarus

In 2019, as before, the President of Belarus draws up a plan affecting the increase in pension payments of both labor and social significance. Thanks to the new plan, 2019 is expected to increased pension, which will significantly improve the financial situation of those citizens of Belarus who are in the care of the state.

When is the pension increase due?

Many people of retirement age are interested in the question: when will there be an increase in pension payments in 2019, and what kind of pension will be paid in hand? This year pension payments increase in two steps:

  • The 1st stage is expected in June, the average pension will be about 800 thousand rubles. That is, the increase will be about 15%;
  • The 2nd stage of the recalculation will be carried out in autumn, it is expected that the pension will increase by about 9%.

What changes have affected pensioners

In order for a pension to be granted to Belarusian citizens in 2019, they must have at least 15 years of work experience. This innovation was introduced into the legislation of Belarus this year and applies to all citizens, except:

  • mothers of many children;
  • disabled people who have been ill since childhood;
  • mothers who must constantly care for children with disabilities.

If citizens of Belarus have worked for any organization for more than 30 years (for women) and 40 years (for men), then their pension will already be increased from the beginning of 2019. In order for this procedure to be successful and in accordance with the current legislation, information on wages that were previously paid must be entered into the database of state registration of payers and contributions.

What categories are pension payments divided into?

According to the current legislation of Belarus, pensions for citizens are divided into two categories:

  1. Labor.
  2. Social.

Labor benefits include:

  • pension funds paid by age;
  • disability benefits;
  • seniority pension;
  • a special payment that is due to a citizen for merit done for the state.

A social pension is accrued to those citizens who cannot provide themselves with the means of subsistence due to disability. This type of compensation is accrued in 2019 for disabled persons without additional documents and conditions, if the citizen is already registered in the state database.

Who receives a pension on preferential terms

According to the laws of the country, for a certain category of citizens, a special pension compensation is provided, which is called preferential. Preferential pension in 2019 will be paid to the following groups of the population:

  • honored invalids of military operations;
  • mothers whose sons died while serving in the army;
  • mothers who have several children in care;
  • citizens who have birth defects, for example, midgets or dwarfs;
  • disabled people who were injured or disabled in childhood.

Age pension benefits are assigned for life, regardless of whether the citizen is able to work or not able to labor activity.

Disability payments are established by a special commission of attending physicians. A citizen must pass an annual commission. Based on the results, doctors will issue a verdict that can indicate a life sentence or a certain period when a pension will be paid.

Who pays pensions

FSZN (Fund for Social Protection of the Population) and the state budget pays pensions for citizens of their country of both social and labor significance. If a person needs additional payments, for example, for work carried out in especially difficult and unhealthy conditions, then additional funds are allocated by insurance funds. The disability pension is paid from the Citizens' Accident Insurance Fund.

The age amount of pension payments should be no more than 60% of the earnings that a person of retirement age receives, but not less than the amount approved by the country's legislation.

What innovations are provided for in the calculation of pensions

Currently, when calculating pension payments, a special coefficient is used, which is called a pension. It is included in a special formula for calculating payments. That is, every year that a citizen has worked is taken into account, the resulting indicator is converted into points. This means that for each worked year, a citizen of Belarus in 2019 receives one point. At retirement, the amount of points must be at least thirty.

In 2019, citizens who have reached retirement age can accumulate only 7 points, the cost of each is equal to 64 rubles. The pension of insurance value is currently equal to 4 thousand rubles. Indexation, which will be carried out this year, will help raise the value of the points earned.

What is a military pension

According to the legislation of Belarus, military service is a state service, and citizens performing military duty have complete freedom and all the rights of a citizen of their own country. All persons falling under this category should receive a lifetime pension payment for years of service to their state.

A disability pension is necessarily provided if the injury occurred in the performance of their duties - both to ordinary military personnel and to higher military ranks.

How are pension funds calculated for military conscripts?

If a serviceman serves in the military, then he and his family receive a pension based on a percentage of the average salary, which was accrued both before being called up for service and after being fired.

The minimum pension will be accrued to the following military personnel:

  • not passed military service to the army
  • not employed, if he retired from the army;
  • not signed a contract.

Calculation of pensions for contract military

Contracted servicemen will receive pensions in 2019, which are calculated from their own cash allowance. The calculation takes into account the following facts:

  • average salary;
  • last position held;
  • length of service, taking into account whether it was intermittent or continuous.

Many people whose age is close to retirement are interested in the question of what kind of pension is established in Belarus today, how it is calculated and what is new in this area. Let's try to understand the problem and give an exhaustive answer to these questions.

Pension in Belarus

All issues related to pension provision in Belarus are regulated by Law No. 1596-XII, adopted back in 1992, as well as some additional laws and by-laws.

According to the legislation, two types of pension accruals are established:

  • social;
  • labor.

To obtain each of them, a number of necessary conditions are put forward. In addition, at least once a year (or more often), according to the Decree of the President, pension benefits are recalculated. A prerequisite for receiving payments is the payment of insurance premiums, which are withheld from each able-bodied citizen for a certain period and transferred to the state social protection fund.

The labor pension payment is accrued to all citizens of the country upon reaching a certain age. It is formed based on the work experience of the applicant and the number of insurance contributions made by him during the period of labor activity. Those citizens who, for one reason or another, could not gain experience and are unable to work, are entitled to a social pension.

An increase in pensions in Belarus is also possible through insurance of additional pension payments, which is carried out on a voluntary basis. Such services are provided by the country's insurance companies. Not only the citizen himself, but also the organization in which he works can take care of the formation of an additional part of the pension.

Types of pension provision

As in other countries, the amount of a pension in Belarus directly depends on what kind of payment you are applying for, how old you are and how your relationship with the social insurance fund developed.

There are the following types of pension payments:

According to the age.

As a general rule, men and women, whose age exceeds 60 and 55 years, respectively, who have worked for the benefit of the state for at least 25 (20) years, can apply for such a pension. In some cases, exceptions are possible. ahead of schedule those whose working conditions were recognized as harmful or difficult go on a well-deserved rest. The relaxation also applies to workers in transport, agriculture, textile and some other areas of activity.

By seniority.

This list includes some employees in the medical field, education, sports or creative activities. Also, length of service can be used when calculating pensions for citizens employed in aviation or flight test units.

By disability.

To assign this type of pension at the time of the onset of disability, it is also necessary to have a minimum length of service:

  • 1 year - for persons under 23;
  • 2 years - for those over 23 but under 26;
  • 3 years - from 26 to 31 years and so on.

For people who have been disabled since childhood, an old-age pension is also offered. The length of service for them is set on a par with healthy citizens (25 and 20 years), but the age from which you can claim payment is reduced by 5 years - 55 and 50 years for men and women, respectively.

For special merit.

The procedure for calculating such payments, as well as all issues related to the receipt of such a pension, are regulated by the Council of Ministers.

On the loss of a breadwinner.

This type of payment is due to disabled citizens who are dependents if they are recognized as having lost their breadwinner or the latter is missing.

Retirement age

This is a very important and controversial issue for those who are entitled to a pension in Belarus. Today, the age for entering a well-deserved rest is 55 for women and 60 for the stronger sex.

But from next year it will rise steadily. Every year this figure will increase by 6 months and by 2022 it will reach 58 years for women and 63 years for the male part of the country's population.

Of course, not many like this reform, but it is due to good reasons. The fact is that already today the growing number of pensioners has led to a high burden on the country's budget. Quite a large part of the able-bodied population is increasingly leaving to work abroad and, accordingly, do not pay taxes within the country. All these factors lead to a decrease in GDP per capita and a recession in the country's economy.

Age for retirement

In 2016, an age pension in Belarus will be accrued to those who, upon reaching the appropriate age, have a work experience of at least 15 years and 6 months. But from 2017, this figure will also grow steadily by 6 months annually. By 2025, the minimum length of service for receiving pension payments in Belarus will reach 20 years. If all of the above is a little systematized, then it will look like this:

Year Age (men), years Age (women), years Minimum work experience, years
2017 60,5 55,5 16
2018 61 56 16,5
2019 61,5 56,5 17
2020 62 57 17,5
2021 62,5 57,5 18
2022 63 58 18,5
2023 63 58 19
2024 63 58 19,5
2025 63 58 20

If it was not possible to earn the required work experience, then payments will be made if there are at least 10 years of work activity. Such a pension will be accrued taking into account the actual hours worked. At the same time, it cannot be lower than half of the minimum old-age pension.

Calculation of pension and its size

The minimum pension in Belarus is really low. Its size is a quarter of the subsistence level taken over the previous two quarters.

The minimum pension payment for disabled people of the first and second groups is 100% of the lowest pension payment by age, and for disabled people of the third group this figure is reduced by 50%. Heroine mothers also receive 100% of the age minimum wage. The same applies to senior citizens.

The old-age pension is defined as 55% of the average monthly earnings, adjusted according to Article 56. The calculation takes place in accordance with established norms, as a percentage of the actual wages that were accrued before applying for pension benefits.

Those 10% that do not exceed 130% of the average state wage are taken into account in full, and each subsequent 10% is multiplied accordingly by a coefficient from 0.9 to 0.1 (taken from 90 to 10%). Salary from 130-400% is taken into account in the amount of 10%. The amount that will result from the calculations is considered earnings for calculating the pension payment.

Thus, for the amount pension benefit influence factors:

  • experience;
  • the amount of earnings;
  • years of work beyond experience;
  • area of ​​work.

Change (recalculation) of the calculated indicators can be made in such cases:

  • change in the living wage;
  • an increase in the average salary by 15 percent or more;
  • development of the necessary experience for citizens who did not have it;
  • change in the type of pension benefit.

A little about scores

As you already understood, the pension in Belarus is calculated at a fairly complex scheme, one of the components of which is the personal pension coefficient. For each fully completed year, a certain number of points are awarded. By the time of retirement, they need to recruit at least three dozen. However, this scheme can be fully implemented only by 2025.

Various nuances

Who will not be affected by the increase in seniority? As always, this increase does not apply to those who claim a disability pension, mothers of many children, disabled children and their caregivers. For all these categories, at least 5 years will still be sufficient.

How is experience counted? Only the time when contributions to the social insurance fund were actually made from the employee's salary is taken into account. For example, the army, study or decree will not be taken into account.

If there is no experience, for such citizens a pension in Belarus can only be social. It is equal to half the living wage. At the same time, men will be able to receive even such a small allowance only from the age of 65, and women upon reaching the age of 60.

Foreigners will also pay. Starting this year, compulsory social insurance applies to foreigners and stateless persons residing and working in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Differences between the pension systems of Russia and Belarus

In fact, in pension systems there are not many differences between the two countries. Both in Russia and Belarus, a pension is accrued upon reaching a certain age if a person has the required number of contributions to the social insurance fund. Also in both countries, a small allowance is entitled to receive disabled, disabled persons and citizens who do not have sufficient work experience.

By and large, the main differences are that the pension in Belarus depends mainly on the length of service and the amount of insurance premiums. In Russia, the defining indicator is pension capital. Additionally, it can be noted that in Belarus the procedure for calculating pension payments for citizens working in difficult conditions is made according to a slightly different scheme.

Pensioners in Belarus have benefits guaranteed by the state, which gives an increase in income. Discounts apply to travel in transport, taxes, utility bills.

Men become pensioners in Belarus at the age of 60, women at 55. The number of elderly people is increasing every year. In 2017, the number of pensioners (excluding military pensioners in Belarus) was 2.6 million people.

There is a tendency to increase the share of pensioners in the total number. In 2015 he was 57,2% per 1000 employees, in 2016 - 59,1% , in 2017 - 59,7% . over 3 years, the increase was 2.5% or 25 people per 1,000 employees.


What are the benefits for pensioners in Belarus?

Pensioners by age, upon presentation of a pension certificate in transport organizations, are entitled to receive preferential travel documents valid from May 1 to September 30.

50% discount applies to trips:

  • in public electric trains;
  • on suburban buses;
  • river transport.

Non-working pensioners have a discount on utilities, regardless of the area occupied, if an employed person is not registered on it.

tax incentives in Belarus:

  1. They are exempt from real estate tax (garages, summer cottages) at the place of residence, if only non-working pensioners are registered.
  2. Dachas, garages located outside the place of residence of a non-working pensioner are not taxed, regardless of the citizens registered with the non-working pensioner.
  3. Residential buildings owned by a pensioner, but located in a different locality from their residence, are not subject to taxation if able-bodied persons are not registered in them.
  4. Payment for land plots is not charged if pensioners do not have citizens of pre-retirement age registered in their living space.
  5. Vehicle tax is reduced for car owners upon presentation of a pension certificate, which indicates that he is a pensioner by age.

State duty benefits in Belarus:

  • 50% -100% - for notarial acts;
  • 50% - for registration of real estate and transactions on it in the republican, territorial organization;
  • 50% - for the issuance of originals and duplicates of property rights in the republican, territorial organization.

The basis for receiving benefits is the presentation of a pension certificate.

Additional benefits in Belarus are due to pensioners who have merits and awards during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war period:

  1. For Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor, holders of the Orders of Glory:
    – free travel by all modes of transport once a year;
    - free use of utilities.
  2. For disabled veterans:
    - free travel on intercity transport in the area of ​​​​residence;
    – free utilities for an area of ​​20 sq.m.
  3. For participants in the Second World War and persons with awards for work in the rear:
    - free bus travel in the area of ​​​​residence.

Disabled pensioners of groups 1, 2 are entitled to:

  • free travel within the area of ​​residence;
  • 50% discount on utilities and 100% if it is a single pensioner;
  • 50% discount for paying for housing within 50 sq. m for a single pensioner;
  • free health rehabilitation facilities (hearing aid);
  • free sanatorium voucher, if a disabled person of the 2nd group does not work;
  • payment for prescription drugs at 10% of the cost;
  • free dental care and prosthetics, with the exception of cermets and precious metals;

The status of a single pensioner means the absence of a spouse, children, or they are disabled, disabled, retired.

Pension amount

In Belarus, the average level of old-age pension payments from November 1, 2018 is 394 rub., labor - 388 rub. Minimum retirement pension 207 rub. The highest pension is for citizens living in the capital, the lowest is in the Brest region. The reason lies in the different levels of wages, on the basis of which the pension benefit is calculated.

In 2019, the amount of pension will approach 40% from the average wage.

Pensioners over 75 are entitled to a care pension supplement.

Work in Belarus

According to official statistics, about 23 thousand people or 0.5% of the active population are listed as needing employment in Belarus. This includes citizens who have registered with the labor exchange in order to receive unemployment benefits and assistance in finding a job.

In fact, most of the unemployed are looking for jobs on their own due to the small amount of benefits, low-paying offers, the need to perform community service. The unemployment rate in Belarus in 2018 is estimated at 6 to 10%, which is 276-460 thousand people.

Attention! The largest percentage of the unemployed registered at the labor exchange are citizens over 50 years old - a third of the total.

The number of employees in the Republic of Belarus in 2017 was 4.4 million people.

Employment structure (%):

  • in industry - 23.5;
  • agriculture - 9.6;
  • trade - 14.2;
  • transport and communications - 6.9;
  • education - 10.4;
  • healthcare - 7.4;
  • construction - 6.4;
  • provision of services - 14.1;
  • other - 7.5.

Employed at state enterprises 40% employed, on private 56% . Firms with foreign capital and mixed ownership employed 10% of the total number of employees.


Attention! The average salary in the Republic of Belarus is equal to 823 rubles.

Above average salary:

  • at mining enterprises - 1347 rubles;
  • telecommunications enterprises - 2373 rubles;
  • in banks, insurance companies - 1416 rubles;
  • scientific, creative organizations - 1113 rubles.

The lowest wages in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, where it is 71% from the middle level. The average salary in Minsk exceeds the national figure by 37%. In other regions it is below average. The worst indicator in the Gomel region - 723 rubles.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

Every third pensioner continues to work after retirement. According to the law of the Republic of Belarus, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners must be carried out annually in relation to the average level of wages.

In 2018, the labor pension was recalculated 3 times:

  • in May,
  • in August,
  • In November.

The reason is the growth of the average salary in the Republic of Belarus, to which the calculation of pension accruals is tied. In the aggregate of all recalculations, the pension of working pensioners in the Republic of Belarus increased by 22% and averaged 388 rub.

The individual recalculation of the pension depends on the length of service, wages when applying for a pension, available allowances and additional payments.

Possibility of getting a loan

Belarusian banks issue loans to pensioners on an equal basis with other citizens up to a certain age. Each financial institution has its own rules.

The following banks are most loyal to people of retirement age:

  • "Belarusbank",
  • "RRB-Bank",
  • Bank BelVEB.

"Belarusbank" issues a loan "Time to Live" to pensioners at any age. When receiving a pension through this bank, the borrower does not need a certificate of income. The starting rate for the first year is 12% . In the second and third years, it increases by 1 p.p.

Conditions of RRB-Bank for a 12 month loan:

  • the age of the client is not older than 69 years;
  • the pensioner must submit a certificate of pension for the previous 3 months;
  • loan up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • rate 14%;
  • repayment in equal installments.

The loan can be used to refinance debt in other banks.

Bank BelVEB concludes a loan agreement "Spryntar" for 4 years in the amount of up to 12 thousand rubles. The age of the borrower at the end of the debt repayment should not exceed 63 for women, and 68 for men. The loan rate is floating: 14.5% - the first year, 16.5% - subsequent.

Credit rates in other Belarusian banks - 18.19.21%. When concluding an agreement, they require collateral, a guarantee from the borrower.

Standard of living

In terms of living standards, the Republic of Belarus ranks 53rd in the world ranking among 189 countries.

#66th place among the best countries for retirement;
#72 place among the best countries.

About 16% Belarusians.

In the structure of consumption, the largest share is occupied by:

  • food - more 40% ,
  • non-food products - about 38% ,
  • services - 17% ,
  • alcoholic drinks - 2% .

People who consider themselves to be in the middle class live in Minsk and the region, have their own housing, a car. The average citizen can afford to buy the necessary household appliances without a long period of accumulation.

The positive aspects of life in Belarus are:

  • good roads;
  • quality medicine;
  • food products without falsifications;
  • calm and measured lifestyle;
  • low level of crime and corruption.

The well-being of citizens is affected by a high level of inflation, which reduces real incomes and leads to higher prices.

the cost of living

Prices for most food products in Belarus are lower than in Russia, for example, bread, milk, potatoes, cheese. At lower prices, you can buy high-quality shoes, knitwear.

Buying and renting real estate in Minsk is 30-40% more affordable than in Moscow. The farther from the capital region, the lower the prices for apartments, houses, land.

Utilities on average do not exceed $70 winter and $30- summer.

A new car will cost more than in the Russian Federation, but the secondary market is more democratic due to the high cost of maintenance. The developed system of public transport allows you to do without your own car. A monthly pass will cost $15.

All types of education are available and free of charge:

  • preschool;
  • school;
  • professional;
  • higher.

Important! Medical services for citizens of Belarus are free.

In 2018, Belarusian pensioners received an increase in pensions in the amount of 22% . More than 20% of citizens after receiving a pension continue to work. Minsk and the region have the highest rates in terms of average wages in the republic and job security. In the whole country, unemployment is up to 10%, while among people over 50 it exceeds 30%. The state provides pensioners with benefits for travel, for taxes. The standard of living in the Republic of Belarus is lower than in the Russian Federation, despite the lower prices for accommodation.

Every person, retiring to a well-deserved retirement, hopes to receive a decent financial security in old age, which will be enough to maintain a good standard of living. But as we can see in real life, our plans are one thing, but the plans and financial capabilities of the state are quite another.

Pensions in Belarus are received by all the same categories of citizens as in other countries. The amount of compensation depends on both the length of service and the position held. But in general, the average pension in the country is about the same, and pensioners who receive significantly more than others are rare.

At what age do people retire in Belarus?

A pensioner is a person who has reached the retirement age established by law and who is entitled to pension payments.

Until recently, it was 60 years for men and 55 years for women. But a couple of years ago, the law was amended, and now men retire at 63, and women at 58. That is, the retirement age was increased by three years.

It is worth noting that the transition was made smoothly, and people of pre-retirement age were able to retire not after reaching this age, but earlier.

The size of the average pension in the country

At the end of 2017, the average pension in Belarus was 314 rubles, and pension payments vary somewhat depending on the region. The largest pensions are received in the capital - 316 Belarusian rubles, and the lowest in the Brest region - 299 rubles. In other regions, the average pension fluctuates within these amounts.

It should be noted that the average pension in the country is approximately 2.1 times higher than the subsistence minimum, which is established by law for pensioners. But in practice it often turns out differently, when real pension only enough for the essentials. However, this problem is typical for many CIS countries!

As for social pensions, they, again, are the highest in Minsk and average 217 rubles, while the lowest social pensions are received in the Gomel region - 174 rubles.

Indexation of pensions

As in any other country, pension payments are regularly recalculated for inflation. In Belarus, pensions are recalculated at least once a year, and often more often. Last time recalculation was carried out on February 1, 2018. Both labor and social payments were increased.

All calculations are carried out taking into account the established subsistence minimum, which makes it possible to take into account the real need of people to increase their income. So, for pensioners over 80 years old, in the last recalculation, allowances were made in the amount of 45 rubles, which is almost 25% of the average pension.

How much is it in dollar terms?

For those who are not familiar with the current exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the dollar, it can be difficult to figure out what the minimum pension in Belarus is in dollars. But to do this is simple - divide any of the above amounts by two, and you will get an approximate figure in dollars. The average exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble is 1.96 - 2 rubles to 1 dollar, and has not increased much since the zeroing of the money.

We see that labor pensions in Belarus average 155 dollars, and social - 100. The size of the minimum pension is 182 rubles or 90 dollars.

Seniority allowances

Those who are just about to join the ranks of pensioners are often interested in the question of what the size of the pension will be in Belarus with an experience of 30 years or more. And this moment is noted in the legislation - if the work experience of 35 years (for men) and 30 years (for women) is exceeded, for each full year of work there will be an allowance of 1% of the average salary, but not lower than the minimum threshold prescribed by law.

Number of pensioners in the country

We all know that pension payments are taken from the tax established for workers and transferred to the pension fund. But even here there are nuances that can directly affect the amount of pensions in Belarus.

Ideally, it is considered that there should be at least 4 workers per pensioner. But due to a decrease in the population both in Russia and in Belarus, this simple rule has long been violated. And if in Russia additional funds for pension payments can be taken from the proceeds from the sale of natural resources, then in Belarus everything is more complicated - it does not have these resources.

Now there are 2 million 593.7 thousand pensioners in Belarus, and this despite the fact that the total number of inhabitants of the country does not exceed 10 million people. And from this number, children, students and workers in the public sector must also be taken away, then we will get a tangible financial burden on every able-bodied citizen of the country.

And the saddest thing is that the number of people retiring will steadily grow, while the number of able-bodied population will decrease. The reason for this imbalance rests on demography, and until the problem of declining birth rates is resolved, there is no need to talk about a change in the situation in pension payments.

Pension compared to neighbors

If you spend comparative analysis in terms of income and Belarus, the latter noticeably lose in this. Thus, the average pension in the Russian Federation in terms of Belarusian rubles is 430 rubles, and this is much higher than Belarusians receive. Although it is also worth considering regional differences, in many parts of Russia pension payments are comparable to those in Belarus.

But in comparison with Ukraine, the incomes of Belarusian pensioners look positive - there the average pension in terms of the Belarusian currency is 140 rubles. Well, in comparison with Russia, the incomes of Ukrainian pensioners look quite miserable.

If we compare pensions with pensions in Western Europe or the US, then all three countries lose heavily.

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Hello, in this article we will try to answer the question "Benefits for Pensioners in Belarus for Travel in 2019". You can also consult with lawyers online for free directly on the site.

In 2018, no new benefits were added to pensioners, but, on the contrary, they were removed. Apparently, the deputies decided that the citizens of Belarus are already too luxurious, so why do they need discounts? So what's missing in 2018?

  1. Gone is the exemption for paying tax deductions on interest on deposits.
  2. Now pensioners also have to pay tax on winnings when participating in lotteries. Lucky - bestow happiness on the state, there is never a lot of money.
  3. The cost of gas and electricity consumption includes VAT. VAT is a strange tax, which, in fact, has no real basis. Lawyers have long pointed out its groundlessness, but legislators are not going to abolish it, because VAT is levied on all goods and services, this is one of the main items for filling the treasury.
  4. In 2014, pensioners were required to pay transport tax deductions, and it doesn’t matter at all what engine power, if you own a used Zhiguli - be so kind as to pay.
  5. If earlier pensioners had the right to pay only 50% of the initial cost for the state duty when passing a technical inspection of their native iron horse, then in 2018 the benefit is no longer valid for them. The total payment for service stations will not be 720,000 rubles, but 1,400,000 rubles, which significantly hits the pockets of elderly Belarusians.

To get a ticket to a sanatorium, you can consult a doctor, having received the appropriate referral, or visit the local department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
In cases where the amount of the state pension is below the subsistence level, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes additional payments for the missing material resources. So, in Crimea in 2019, the subsistence minimum for pensioners is 8,035 rubles.

How can I get benefits in Russia?

For pensioners, the abolition of benefits is almost imperceptible, because according to official data, more than 25% of the country's elderly population work and have additional material support.
People's choice Natalya Guivik even operated on the example of her relatives, allegedly her 60-year-old relatives are not going to sit back and do nothing, so they continue to work, drive cars and even travel.

The exemption is valid only for one item of property for each type of property. For example, a pensioner owns an apartment, a dacha, and a private house. In this case, he does not pay tax on any type of his property. Let's take an opposite example. The pensioner owns two apartments: one-room and two-room, located in the same district of the city.

When traveling by the Strizh high-speed train, a thirty percent preference is provided for the Senior fare - for citizens whose age at the time of travel is sixty years or more. A week before and a week after your birthday, you can get a thirty-five percent discount when traveling by swift. Citizens recognized as needy, military pensioners and other privileged categories of persons apply for a subsidy for utility bills. When organizing a major overhaul of an apartment building where such a citizen lives, he will be reimbursed half the amount of money spent.

Mandatory benefits for pensioners by age

To apply for benefits, you must contact the organization that operates the housing stock and (or) provides utility services, or the organization that charges fees for housing and communal services.

Direct filling of the package necessary information and documents. In order to find out exactly what information should be provided, it is recommended to clarify the information with the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

What benefits do single pensioners have Pensioners who officially live alone are entitled to a number of privileges. This is due to the impossibility of independent full self-care.

It turns out that a pensioner needs to visit his grandchildren for the full price, but the state will help to get to the dacha ...

Benefits for pensioners

If a pensioner lives in an apartment or house himself, in order to apply for a subsidy, it is enough to show social bodies pensioner's ID. In this case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space does not matter.

For pensioners, exemption from making tax deductions on real estate for capital buildings is retained, again, only if an able-bodied person does not live with an elderly Belarusian. Land tax does not need to be paid not only to old-age pensioners, but also to disabled people who have received the 1st or 2nd group.

Also, a 50% discount is given to disabled pensioners of the 2nd group for paying for hot and cold water, sewage, gas, electricity, heating, garbage collection, use of an elevator.

All about benefits in Belarus, Russia. Information about benefits for pensioners, the disabled, large families, veterans. All news about benefits.

For the provision of this type of benefits, you must contact the regional center of social protection or the MFC (multifunctional center), the FSS or local government. At the place of application, an appropriate application is drawn up, to which the necessary documents are attached.

A reduction in the overall tax burden can be achieved by pointwise rejection of individual benefits for business entities.

  • former military personnel who were in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, bodies investigating financial and corruption crimes;
  • prosecutors;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • old people who received the honorary title of Hero of Belarus;
  • awarded the title of Hero of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • pensioners who were awarded the title of Hero of Labor Glory.

Almost half of the housing commissioned in Belarus in January was built for those in need of better living conditions.

Benefits for disabled pensioners of the 2nd group in Belarus are included in the following list in 2018:

  • 90% discount when buying a certain list of drugs and medicines approved at the legislative level, if a pensioner buys them according to the prescription of the attending doctor;
  • manufacturing and repair of dentures on a completely free basis, except for ceramic-metal and other expensive materials (the benefit is provided only in state dental clinics);
  • if a disabled person needs special tools or means for rehabilitation and restoration of health, for example, hearing prostheses, you can join the queue for their free issue (technical means must be included in the state register compiled by officials and approved by the Ministry of Health in latest edition law);
  • if there is a medical report with a recommendation to visit a sanatorium-and-spa treatment, a ticket is provided free of charge, but only if a disabled person of the 2nd group does not work;
  • 50% discount on payment for maintenance and use of residential square meters not exceeding 50 square meters of the total area;

A convenient city is a non-commercial web platform where citizens create petitions and collect signatures for appeals to government agencies and organizations. The main goals of the project are to encourage citizens to participate in solving local problems, increase the accountability of local authorities and promote the development of an open dialogue between citizens and local authorities.

To say that Moscow pensioners have lost free travel is not entirely true. For veterans of labor, this preference has been preserved, as well as for residents of the region who travel not to Moscow. Compensating for lost benefits, the regional government proposes to issue a transport social card to a pensioner in order to receive transport benefits.

In St. Petersburg, the discount for electric trains is valid from 27.04 to 31.10 of each year. During this period, pensioners, labor veterans and home front workers pay only 10% of the cost.

Land tax does not need to be paid not only to old-age pensioners, but also to disabled people who have received the 1st or 2nd group.

When traveling by high-speed train "Sapsan" Russian railways offer a 30 percent discount on the Senior rate. This fare is available for passengers over sixty years of age.

The need to provide benefits to pensioners is due to the social vulnerability of this category of the population. On average, the size of pensions in the country is low, and therefore people who are on a well-deserved rest need state assistance to maintain their standard of living and health at a certain level.

Retirement concessions no longer apply

Free spa treatment in accordance with a medical prescription (provided that a disabled person of the 2nd group does not work).

Within the peninsula, citizens can use transport services free of charge. It is enough to present a certificate of the status of a pensioner. This is not affected by the distance or time of using the services of the transport system.

Most often, these institutions do not require additional confirmation of your status. Of course, the pension certificate should always be carried with you.

In Belarus large families and disabled people will be reimbursed 50% of customs duties when importing a car.

Thanks to fundamental changes in the department, it will be possible to significantly increase the prestige of the profession, and improve the working conditions for the remaining employees. Employees who have passed certification will be able not only to count on social benefits and an increase in monetary allowance, but also on improved working conditions.

This category includes citizens who have 5 or less years left before the appointment of an old-age insurance pension. Also included in this category are those who are eligible for early retirement.

As a prospect (quite likely), further actions are to increase the length of service to 30 years. In fairness, it should be noted that such a proposal has already been put forward, was carefully considered and rejected at this stage. It is difficult to guess how long officials will pause. Perhaps the changing political and economic situation in the coming years will lift the veil.

The list of subjects entitled to social benefits from the state is quite wide. One of the categories of persons are pensioners.

The pension is paid:

  • in connection with reaching retirement age;
  • in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • due to disability;
  • for years of service;
  • for special services to the state.

By and large, a rural pensioner who does not leave his village for years did not really enjoy travel benefits. And the monetization of benefits would be fair here, that is, cash payments to vulnerable segments of the population. We acted, as we remember, in a different way.

As you know, without wise laws, order in the country is a utopian idyll. The rights of citizens with the social status "pensioner" are protected by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision" and other legislative acts. To date, more than 2.6 million people in the country have this status and receive regular assistance from the state.

The minimum amount that is due

Three years ago, a law came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation providing social benefits to all police officers. However, as early as next year, one type was canceled, namely, benefits for travel to the place of vacation. Prior to this, police officers could travel around the world entirely at public expense.

If earlier pensioners had the right to pay only 50% of the primary cost for the state duty when passing a technical inspection of their native iron horse, then in 2019 the benefit is no longer valid for them.

Persons over 80 years of age are entitled to a supplement of 50% of the amount of the minimum pension for the care of the elderly. If at this age a person is not able to serve himself, then on the basis of the conclusion of the MREK or the VKK, he can count on the provision of a permanent inspection.

Benefits for pensioners in 2019

It is curious that it turns out that a pensioner needs to visit his grandchildren for the full price, but the state will help to get to the dacha. The question also arises - why, again, not all pensioners received benefits in our social state? After all, the village grandmothers and grandfathers still have no need to go to the garden.

Each retiree has his own understanding of what life should be like after retirement. The idea of ​​active longevity is becoming more and more popular these days. Someone wants to focus on themselves, learn race walking, for example, and decides to do it. The other person continues to actively participate in social life, focuses on social work, activism.
Support for people in the social sphere, classified as pensioners, is manifested in various forms.

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Retirement is the beginning of a period in a person's life when you need to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Many years of experience behind. Different things happened, there were good days and not so good ones. Many skills have been acquired that are no longer useful, and maybe will be needed. Regardless of the profession, every person has the right to count, after reaching a certain age, on the reciprocal gratitude of the social environment, material wealth.

Long years, fruitful work

Each retiree has his own understanding of what life should be like after retirement. The idea of ​​active longevity is becoming more and more popular these days. Someone wants to focus on themselves, learn race walking, for example, and decides to do it. The other person continues to actively participate in social life, focuses on social work, activism. There are those people who like to relax, are ready to honestly admit it to themselves and go on a trip around the world.

Throughout all those years when you have to get up every day on an alarm clock, go to work, many people feel a lack of time and energy for everyday duties, pleasant little things. For example, there is not enough time for children, grandchildren, and it is after retirement that you want to devote yourself to this. Psychologists say that this is the result of improper distribution of time, constant stress. Is it worth it to retire? The work really takes a third of the day. And this is a lot and the state is simply obliged to provide a person dignified old age, in proportion to the efforts that he made for this.

In different states, the system of pension provision is arranged differently. Much is decided by the economic situation in the country and in the world. The social environment, the state, state structures were once created in order to protect residents, take care of the elderly, children, and the disabled. Naturally, this cannot happen with an empty treasury. But an empty treasury, if taxes are paid regularly, will never be.

The Republic of Belarus is distinguished by the originality of the pension system.

Regular reforms are carried out to improve it. The economic situation in the country has been stable for many years and pensioners live well in Belarus. What's in store for senior citizens in 2019?

The law is a guarantee of strict observance of rights

As you know, without wise laws, order in the country is a utopian idyll. The rights of citizens with the social status "pensioner" are protected by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision" and other legislative acts. To date, more than 2.6 million people in the country have this status and receive regular assistance from the state.

Who gets a pension

A pension is a benefit, a measure of social protection. It is received by persons who need social protection, cannot provide for themselves and should not do so. Socially unprotected categories of citizens are helped not only by the state, but also by private investors, other citizens on a voluntary basis - charitable foundations, organizations, philanthropists. But social initiative is a fickle phenomenon. Today it is, tomorrow it may not be. Help, participation exist on a voluntary basis. Only the state can fully guarantee protection.

The pension is paid:

  • in connection with reaching retirement age;
  • in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • due to disability;
  • for years of service;
  • for special services to the state.

The privilege is always assigned taking into account the individual characteristics of the situation, the history of the person. Some people get paid more and some people get paid less. Most often, payments are approximately the same for all people with disabilities, for example. Only the group matters, can influence. The same applies to people who are entitled to benefits in connection with the length of service. It is calculated in accordance with the laws, the calculation is made on a general basis, taking into account the scope, industry of work, time of retirement.

Again, the payout amount differs from person to person, but cannot be less than or greater than a certain limit. Most of the pensioners are people who receive payments in connection with reaching retirement age. In 2019, the rules for calculating pensions in this category have changed, moreover, significantly and for the better. What should be expected now? What are the benefits for pensioners by age in Belarus in 2019?

Retirement age

In the Republic of Belarus, as in all countries, the retirement age is prescribed by law. In 2017, from January 1, some changes came into force. They directly relate to the retirement age and the required length of service. Until 01/01/2018, women had the right to go on a well-deserved rest on the day when they turn 55, but only if the length of service was 20 years. Men were required to retire after reaching the age of 60, after 25 years of service. But since 2017, the conditions have become softer, on the one hand, and slightly toughened on the other.

In particular, in 2019, women retire at the age of 55 years and 6 months. Every year the age will increase by 6 months until it reaches 58 years. This will happen in 2022. With regard to men, in particular of retirement age, the same changes are provided. Life expectancy is increasing and in connection with this, the scope of the retirement age is changing. The reform will affect all men born between 1957 and 1959, as well as women born between 1962 and 1964.

The provisions of the laws regarding the required length of service were also revised and changed. From January 1, 2018, the new ones came into force. The right to a labor pension now gives the length of service, deductions of the insurance contribution to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus for at least 16 years (the changes apply to those citizens who are due to retire in 2019).

Further, the bar for the required work experience will increase: every year it will be added to 16 years for 6 months. It is planned to bring the official, required minimum length of service to the level of 20 years. If a we are talking about early retirement, which is provided for by law, the minimum length of service is 5 years, so that the rights of this category of citizens are not violated, protected, therefore, there is nothing to worry about. As a result of this reform, retirement conditions will become more flexible and attractive, which, of course, pleases.

Experience heterogeneity

The pension experience includes those periods in which the person was actually absent from work, did not engage in professional activities: military service, leave to care for a child up to 3 years, full-time education, and so on. These periods are considered in detail in part 2.51 of the article.

Can't work too long

The experience should not exceed 40 years for women, 45 years for men. Theoretically, of course, this is possible, but in fact it is undesirable. The main thing is not only to replenish the state treasury, to work and strengthen the economy with high-quality products, skills, talent, but also, becoming an example for new generations, inspire, allow the state to pay tribute to the accomplished labor exploits, existing achievements, results.

How is a retirement pension calculated?

In order to calculate the pension, employees pension fund study the earnings of the last 23 years, the actual experience. Each year, the figure will increase by 1 year, until it equals the actual length of service. This is certainly true, because someone has worked for 30 years, and someone for 23. Not only the duration of work matters, but also the type of activity. So, if there is experience in entrepreneurial activity, actual income is taken into account. When it comes to hired labor, 40% of the average wage is taken into account.

The maximum that the state can pay

There are restrictions, the maximum pension limit. It cannot be four times the average wage (IKZ = 4). For male citizens with work experience of 36 years or more, women with work experience of 31 years and more - five times.

The minimum amount that is due

What benefits are due to a citizen if the experience is minimal, 5 years? The minimum social subsidy that a citizen can count on in this case is 25% of the subsistence minimum budget. This value is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Belarus, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law "On pension provision". For calculations, budget indicators for the last 2 quarters are taken.

There is a surcharge for all minimum pensions. It is 20% of the average salary. The increase is accrued when the size of the average wage increases. Thus, there is no unprotected category of citizens in the republic. Everyone has the right to work and receive benefits from the state, but taking into account work experience, personal life experience.

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06:23 13.06.2019

Benefits for pensioners are so well-known that they seem to be something mandatory. “Benefits for pensioners”, “discounts for pensioners”, “tariffs for pensioners”, “free for pensioners”, etc. - such combinations of words can be found in legislation, healthcare, the service sector, trade, etc. The site found out what specific benefits and in what amount an ordinary pensioner in Belarus can apply for.

Photo is illustrative, source:

Mandatory benefits for pensioners by age

The bulk of all recipients of pensions in Belarus are pensioners by age. Many of them are entitled to additional benefits: for disability, in connection with the service or work in certain organizations, for exploits and titles.

But the list of benefits for all pensioners as of 2019 is not so great:

  • old-age pensioners do not pay taxes on the property they own, if people of working age do not live with them;
  • old-age pensioners pay only half of the state duty for notarial operations;
  • during the summer season, from May 1 to September 30 for pensioners, tickets for suburban rail, road and water transport of economy class are 2 times cheaper (trains long distance and taxis are not included).

What you need to know about benefits for pensioners?

The pensioner can use the benefit if he informs about his right. In order to pay less for travel during the summer season, you need to present a pension certificate when buying a ticket. In order to enjoy benefits for electricity and gas supply, you should also contact resource providers with a pension certificate and other documents.

Some benefits are not provided to all pensioners, but only to certain categories: veterans of labor, law enforcement agencies, Heroes, participants in the Second World War and persons equated to them, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, disabled people, etc.

These citizens are partially or completely exempt from utility bills, have the right to free rehabilitation, and may not pay for some other services.

The photo is illustrative. Source:

Also, do not judge the benefits of pensioners "by memory" or "by analogy." The bulk of such benefits were in effect before, but after 2016 they were canceled or replaced with additional payments to pensions. In particular:

  • pensioners now pay taxes on interest on;
  • they pay taxes on lottery winnings;
  • in 2019, old-age pensioners pay the state duty in full for allowing a car to participate in road traffic and the cost of inspection;
  • obligatory discounts for pensioners on urban transport are a thing of the past.

As for lotteries, we recall that if the winnings are not nominal, then you do not need to pay tax in accordance with clause 2.17 of Art. 153 of the Tax Code. If nominal, i.e. upon receipt, a passport is presented, then the income tax is charged in accordance with the same article.

Nominal winnings (those given to a specific person) in the Republic of Belarus are subject to income tax of 4% in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 173 of the Tax Code:

"The income tax rate for individuals is set at 4 percent in relation to income in the form of winnings (returned unplayed bets) received by individuals from organizers of gambling - legal entities of the Republic of Belarus."

In the past, a pension certificate provided benefits in such a situation. Not now.

However, there is no need to worry about taxes on winnings. The organizer of the game is obliged to deduct and transfer this amount to the budget:
"Tax agents are required to withhold the calculated amount of income tax from individuals directly from the payer's income when they are actually paid, taking into account the specifics provided for in paragraph 11 of Article 182 of this Code."

How to treat benefits and discounts for pensioners on goods and services?

The first thing to understand is that these benefits are issued by an internal order for the organizations that provide them.

The law does not require from suppliers of goods and services (other than those listed above) special conditions for pensioners. Therefore, if there are discounts in one store or medical center, then this does not give the right to demand them in another similar place.

Text: Igor SMIRNOV