Where there are fewer men than women. In which countries is it better NOT to be born a man (3 photos). Mosuo tribe in China

This community has about 600 Brazilian women aged 20 to 35 years. The main livelihood in it is agriculture, many women in the commune have husbands and sons, but they are forced to work in other cities and only a few are allowed to see each other on weekends.

A year ago, representatives of this wonderful settlement addressed the men of the planet through the commune's Facebook page and the local press, with a proposal to move to them for permanent residence. The main intentions of women are romantic relationships and marriage.

2. Tuareg (live in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Algeria and Libya)

The Tuareg have the concept of "Asri" - this is the absolute freedom of morals for all unmarried Tuareg women, regardless of whether they are girls, divorced or widows. The more lovers she has, the higher her reputation. A girl cannot be given in marriage against her will.

3. Northern Mariana Islands (Pacific Ocean)

There are 756 men per 1000 women living here. Moreover, in the age group from 18 to 64 years there are even more women - 686 men per 1000 women.

4. Kyiv (Ukraine)

In this city, 54% of the population is women, which allowed the city to receive the title of the most attractive city for bachelors from all over the world.

Such female superiority may seem like a trifle, but in reality, such a figure is considered statistically significant and capable of influencing the “balance of power” when searching for a soulmate.

5. Budapest (Hungary)

The female population of this city is 53%.

6. As for Russia, it’s not bad for bachelors either

The biggest “gender imbalance” is in Ivanovo: there are 190 women for every 100 men. In Yaroslavl - 179 women per 100 men, in Chita - 177, in Kursk - 174, in Nizhny Novgorod and Tver - 173, in Tula - 171, in Barnaul and Perm - 170.

It is so arranged in our country that a man is the breadwinner and the head of the family. His words and deeds carry great weight. But, there are places on our planet where women control everything, and the life of men becomes simply unbearable.

1. Kalash in Pakistan

There is a hypothesis that the Kalash people are the descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great. Once they settled in the Utopia Valley and mixed the blood of their people with local women. Now their number is about three thousand people. Although the ancestors of these people are brave warriors, the Kalash remain a peaceful and non-conflict people. They don't have crime. A woman chooses a companion to create a family. If a woman, the immediate head of the family, does not like a man in any way, she can easily kick him out and choose another husband. A man has no right to argue with a woman.

2. Mosuo tribe in China

Mosuo settled in the territory of several provinces bordering Tibet. The women of this tribe have such wide power that they do not create families, as we do. A woman can invite a man she likes, who has no right to refuse. Children born from such a "marriage" live with relatives on the mother's side.

3. Cultural traditions of Meghalaya

Meghalai is a state in India where the people who bear the name of this area live. There is a problem of disempowerment of men in the state. In any sphere of life, a woman has unquestioning power. Women are not only at the head of the justice of the tribe, but also conduct all family affairs - spending money, naming children and giving them a surname at their discretion. But, the men of Meghalaya are doing everything possible to resist the female omnipotence. They were even able to create men's organizations to protect their rights.

4. Minangkabau matriarchy

Everyone knows the position of a woman in Islam, according to which she must follow her husband in everything. Indonesia is an Islamic country. However, in the Minangkabau tribe, women rule. According to local traditions, boys from the age of seven must study at a religious school. After graduating educational institution they are leaving their homes. Men must return after gaining life experience and earning Money to create a family. During the absence of men, women themselves conduct all current affairs.

5. Himalayas

On the territory of northern India, Nepal and Bhutan, there are villages in which a woman can take several men as husbands at once. The traditions of civilized countries are gradually spreading to these provinces, where men become at the helm of the family unit. There are fewer and fewer settlements in which there are male harems.

According to UN estimates, in 2015 there are 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The number of men has been gradually increasing every year since 1960. The Pew Research Center has prepared a new map showing that the distribution of the sexes is uneven. For example, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the number of women exceeds the number of men. And in Asia, Arab countries and North Africa, on the contrary, there are more men, reports.

Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Belarus, Russia, Estonia and Ukraine are among the countries with the most large quantity the female population.

The same countries lead in the difference between the life expectancy of men and women. In Belarus, for example, men live on average 65.3 years, and women - 77 years. The difference between these figures is greater only in Syria, which is engulfed in civil war.

Differences in sex ratio change with age. Thus, in the Russian Federation, the gender ratio differs in different age groups. More boys than girls are born there every year. In the group up to 31 years, men also predominate. But already from the age of 32, the female population is increasing. And this difference is increasing every year.

This gap is due to historical reasons. The history of the 20th century has seriously influenced the demographics in the USSR. According to the first census in Russia in 1897, there were 98.9 men per 100 women. The same balance is today in the US (98.3 men per 100 women).

The percentage of women in Russia began to grow during the First World War, civil war, famine and the Great Terror with the USSR. In 1939, there were 91.9 men for every 100 women. The Second World War had a huge impact on the proportions of the population, because it was mainly attended by men. In 1959, the ratio was already 81.9 men to 100 women. On the territory of Ukraine, this figure was 79.7 against 100, and, for example, in Azerbaijan - 92.3. In 1989, in the USSR as a whole, there were 89.5 men per 100 women.

The difference widened in the 1990s due to male mortality in early age. This was due to alcoholism and other addictions.


Iraq is one of the countries where women have practically no rights. With the rights of women in this country, things have always been not in the best way, but today, with the emergence and development of the so-called Islamic State, the situation is simply catastrophic. The representatives of the weaker sex are perceived here as beings that fulfill the function of satisfying men and their needs, and sex jihad is a normal practice - women are obliged to provide sexual services to soldiers, and until they get bored. In case of refusal - execution.

Saudi Arabia

In this country, women's rights are very limited, or rather, they are practically non-existent. The most serious prohibitions concern, of course, communication with men - everything is arranged in such a way as to prevent a woman from intersecting with male representatives. The absurdity of the situation comes to the point that women are even forbidden to drive a car so that situations are not created when she can contact a man. Moreover, if a girl is raped, the blame for the incident will fall on her.


There simply is not a single law that protects the rights of the female part of the population. Almost 90% of women suffer from domestic violence. Moreover, it is normal practice in Pakistan to punish a wife for the misdeeds and sins of her husband - she can be raped, beaten or do anything with her, up to murder.

Another country where women do not have rights a priori at any level. Girls are still being married off without consent at the age of 10-12. It is believed that their only purpose is to satisfy all the needs of the husband, as well as procreation.


Here is one of the most high performance in the world in terms of mortality among women in childbirth, since 85% of women in Afghanistan give birth without medical care. In most cases, women in this country do not live longer than 45 years: their only function is the birth of a child, and after that no attention is paid to health. It is forbidden to go to the hospital without the consent of the husband.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Permanent civil wars here women are forced to go to the front line, however, despite the fact that they participate in hostilities in the same way as men, female representatives do not receive any titles or honors. Moreover, they cannot sign any document without a husband.


In this country, women also have no rights. Women endure violence and beatings simply because they have nowhere to turn for help.


Here the brutal custom of female circumcision still prevails. Is it worth it to continue that women's rights and freedoms are not here and are not expected.


A difficult region in which constant internecine clashes and strife make it impossible even to talk about women's rights. Over 90% of girls lose their virginity as a result of rape at the age of 10-12 years.


Although this country is considered part of the civilized world, the vast majority of the population still lives by its own ancient laws, according to which a woman is a powerless creature created for the pleasure of a man. In India, girls are still being married off without their consent and most suffer domestic violence. In addition, human trafficking is very common in this country and women are the main “commodity”. A girl here is always a less desirable child than a boy, and sometimes parents even decide to have an abortion if they find out that they are expecting a representative of the fair sex.


In Guatemala, violence in all its manifestations against women is the norm. According to statistics, every day in this country, two women die from someone else's hands. The worst thing is that women are so accustomed to this that they do not realize the wrongness of what is happening and do not even realize that they were created not only to satisfy all the needs of a man, but can be free, self-sufficient and confident full-fledged individuals with their own desires and interests.

The UN estimates that in 2015 there were 101.8 men for every 100 women in the world. The gap is insignificant, but only at first glance - the number of men has been constantly growing since 1960. In addition, the ratio of men and women in the world is extremely uneven. There are many more men than women in the Arab countries, while in the countries of the former Soviet Union On the contrary, there is a shortage of the male population. We found out in which countries the fair sex prevails.


    84.8 per 100

    In the Baltics, there is a clear shortage of men - residents of Latvia cannot find a companion in their homeland, so they often leave in search of other EU countries.


    The ratio of men to women: 85.3 per 100

    The closest neighbors of Latvians, Lithuanians, also rank first in terms of the number of women in the country. The situation with childbearing here is also sad - fewer couples find each other and fewer children are born, and this with a rather high mortality rate.


    : 84.5 per 100

    A small island in the Caribbean can be safely called an archipelago of women - here is one of the strongest disproportions in demographics in favor of women.


    The ratio of men to women: 85.6 per 100

    Another Caribbean state in which demographic matriarchy reigns - men can be brought here by whole ships.


    The ratio of men to women: 86 per 100

    The former French colony, like others like it, suffers greatly from a lack of harmony between local men and women, due to which the population of the archipelago is constantly declining.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.3 per 100

    Slavic women are very beautiful, and in Ukraine there are many more of them than men. That is why Ukraine is consistently a proven supplier of "wives for export".


    The ratio of men to women: 86.8 per 100

    Absolutely identical indicators for another Slavic country from the former USSR. In Belarus, there is a real hunt for quality men, who are clearly lacking here.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.5 per 100

    Armenian women are beautiful and passionate, which cannot be said about Armenian men. That is why more girls are born in the country, from which world stars like Kim Kardashian may well grow.


    The ratio of men to women: 86.8 per 100

    In Russia, as in other Slavic countries, in recent decades there has been a steady increase in the number of women, while men are becoming fewer and fewer. The reason for this is the lifestyle of Russian men, due to which their average life expectancy is almost ten years shorter than that of women.


    The ratio of men to women: 88 per 100

    Estonians are considered the closest relatives of the Finns. Local beauties are fair-haired and blue-eyed, but there is no one to appreciate this - there is a clear shortage of men in the country.


    The ratio of men to women: 88.4 per 100

    Since the early 1990s, the Central American state of El Salvador has been in an economic crisis. During this time, the number of able-bodied men of reproductive age has fallen significantly - the trend towards an increase in the number of women is very acute here.


    The ratio of men to women: 90.8 per 100

    In the 1990s, Hungary acquired the unofficial status of the main supplier of beautiful actresses for adult films. This trend is not surprising - there are not enough men here, and those that are are so spoiled by female attention that they lose their hunting skill.