How much of the funded part of the pension is paid to the heirs. Features of inheritance of the funded part of the pension of the deceased. Where to apply and how to get these funds for relatives? Restoration of the term for the payment of pension savings

Not every one of us knows that every year the Russian Pension Fund allocates billions of rubles to the federal budget in order to pay these funds to the heirs of Russians who did not live to see their pensions. But in fact, not everyone turns to the money of their deceased relatives. Someone does not know, someone does not believe, and someone simply does not want to collect the necessary documents. They say it sucks. In the end, the money in the accounts remains lying, as they say, dead weight. And Kalmykia is no exception in this list.

In our region, only in the last two years, 860 people died before reaching retirement. And only 308 successors applied for their pension savings (only a third). In total, they were paid over 1.6 million rubles. Although for those who had the right to inherit these pension savings, the amount payable was more than 2.7 million rubles. For comments on this topic, we turned to Nimgir Karvenov, an investment expert in the department for organizing personalized accounting of the PFR Branch in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nimgir Antonovich, it is extremely difficult for an ignorant person to understand what “pension savings” means and who even has them?

Pension savings are the funded part of an old-age labor pension. Now it is formed for citizens born in 1967 and younger who work and for whom the employer deducts insurance premiums. In addition, in 2002-2004, the funded part of the pension was formed for men born in 1953 and younger, as well as for women born in 1957 and younger. Finally, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens participating in the program, have pension savings. state co-financing pensions, popularly referred to as "a thousand per thousand".

If for some reason these people did not live up to retirement, then their pension savings are subject to payment to their successors.

Well, if a citizen has already issued a pension and managed to receive it at least once, then, alas, there will be nothing to inherit. In this case, the pension savings of the deceased become the property of the state and are spent by the Pension Fund to pay pensions.

Retirement savings - is it a lot or a little?

From my experience I can say that it is different. Last year, a resident of one of the districts, who was left a widow after the death of her husband and has two dependent children, received almost 35 thousand rubles. Another resident of another region of the republic inherited pension savings, if I am not mistaken, in the amount of 13 rubles. I repeat, the amounts are different: from a few kopecks to tens of thousands of rubles. According to the latest regional data, the minimum amount payable was 1 ruble. 68 kopecks, maximum - 72 thousand rubles. It all depends on the salary of the deceased insured person and how much the employer managed to transfer to the pension account. Or the citizen himself - if during his lifetime he participated in the pension co-financing program or deducted voluntary contributions.

Let's take a look at a typical situation. Suppose citizen A. at the enterprise receives a salary of 10 thousand rubles. The enterprise deducts 20% from this amount to the Pension Fund, of which 6% goes to the formation of the funded part of the pension of citizen N. And so - every month. As a result, in just one year, about 7.5 thousand rubles will “run in” on the account of citizen A. - a considerable amount, you see. And from the next year, 2011, employers' deductions from the salary of each individual employee will increase even more ...

I want to note that at the same time, you should not count on a super-"legacy". After all, the cumulative pension system has been operating in our country for only a few years, since 2002, and the amounts on individual personal accounts have not yet grown.

Meanwhile, in our difficult time, these statutory payments can really become additional material support for those people who have lost their loved ones.

Tell me, how can I find out if a deceased relative has pension savings?

First you need to specify the year of his birth and place of work after January 1, 2002. If the age of the deceased person meets the requirements mentioned above, and if the enterprise where this citizen worked made payments to the Pension Fund for him in good faith, then the successors can safely apply to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. They will tell you how to write an application for the payment of funds pension savings.

Can any family member apply?

Unfortunately no. As for the successors, they may not be relatives at all, but, say, friends of the deceased. In this case, if a citizen “bequeathed” his pension savings, as they say, to “strangers”, then during his lifetime he had to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. Most of the time, there are no such statements. It is understandable - young and able-bodied citizens, as a rule, do not prepare for sudden death and do not leave orders in this regard. So, in accordance with the law, the successors are the relatives of the first stage: spouses, children (including adopted children), parents. In the absence of such, relatives of the second stage can apply for a “pension inheritance”: brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren. They should apply to the FIU within 6 months from the date of death of the insured person.

And if the relatives did not have time and missed this deadline?

We understand that grief has happened to people and often they are not up to the “inheritance”. And yet, if the relatives of the deceased held out with the filing of an application for more than six months, then it's okay. The deadline for filing an application can be restored through the court. And, by the way, there have already been such cases in the republic. Only in 2010, 21 residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in court restored their rights to receive pension savings of deceased relatives.

What documents need to be submitted to the FIU?

Mandatory - an identity card (passport, military ID), as well as documents confirming family relations with a deceased citizen (for children - a birth certificate, for spouses - a marriage certificate). Then - a death certificate and a "green card" (certificate of mandatory pension insurance) of the deceased, details of the bank where the successor has an account, the account number where the funds will be transferred. If anything else is needed, our experts will prompt.

Figures and facts

The branch of the PFR in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been paying out pension savings to the successors of deceased insured persons since 2008. Since that moment, the OPFR has accepted more than 500 applications from citizens eligible for such a payment. Compared to the previous 2009, the activity of Kalmyk residents who have the right to inherit pension savings is growing. For comparison, if last year 153 applications were received for the entire year, then already for 9 months of this year - 156. Nevertheless, the number of successors who applied to the Pension Fund is less than half of the number of citizens entitled to inherit the funded part of labor pensions.

In the context of the districts of the republic and in the city of Elista, the largest number of potential “heirs” are in the city of Elista (112 people, the total amount of payments is 616.3 thousand rubles), in the Gorodovikovskiy district (36 people, the amount of payments is 95.7 thousand rubles). rubles), in the Lagansky district (25 people, the amount of payments - 53.1 thousand rubles), in the Yustinsky district - (20 people, the amount of payments - 96.0 thousand rubles), in the Yashkulsky district (22 people, the amount of payments - 65.0 thousand rubles), etc. All the necessary information can be obtained from the UPFR at the place of residence.

A citizen has the right to determine in advance the successors of his pension savings and the proportions in which these funds will be distributed among them in the event of his death. To determine the successors, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (or to the NPF, if pension savings are formed in it) and indicate your successors and the shares in which the savings will be distributed between them.

The legal successors of pension savings may be the persons indicated in the application of the citizen. In the application, you can also determine in what shares these funds will be distributed between them.

If there is no such statement, then relatives are considered successors:

  • first of all, children, including adopted children, spouse and parents (adoptive parents);
  • secondly brothers, sisters, grandfathers and grandchildren.

The payment of pension savings to relatives of the same stage is carried out in equal shares. Assignees of the second stage are entitled to receive pension savings if there are no relatives of the first stage.

Pension savings funds can be paid to legal successors if the death of a citizen has occurred:

  • BEFORE appointment payments to him at the expense of pension savings or before recalculating its amount, taking into account additional pension savings (with the exception of maternity (family) capital funds aimed at forming future pension);
  • AFTER appointment him an urgent pension payment. In this case, the successors are entitled to receive the unpaid balance of pension savings (with the exception of maternity (family) capital funds used to form a future pension);
  • AFTER assigned but not yet paid him a one-time payment of pension savings. It can be received by family members of a deceased pensioner (subject to cohabitation with him), as well as his disabled dependents (regardless of whether they lived together with the deceased or not) within 4 months from the date of death of a citizen. If these persons are absent, the amount of the lump-sum payment is included in the composition of the inheritance and is inherited on a general basis.

If a citizen has been paid funded pension(indefinitely), in the event of his death, the funds of pension savings are not paid to the successors.

The procedure for the payment of pension savings to legal successors

In order to receive the funds of the pension savings of a deceased citizen, the successors must, no later than 6 months from the date of his death, personally, by mail or through a representative, contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the NPF.

ATTENTION! If you missed the specified period, it can be restored only in court.

It is necessary to present documents confirming family relations and documents of personal storage. Scroll required documents determine the Rules for the payment of pension savings, approved by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2014 No. 710 and No. 711.

The payment of pension savings to the legal successors of the deceased insured person is carried out no later than the 20th day of the month following the month in which the decision on payment was made. The decision on payment is made within the seventh month from the date of death of the citizen. A copy of the decision to pay (refuse to pay) the FIU sends to the successor no later than 5 working days after the decision is made.

Retirement savings can be obtained:

  • through the post office
  • by transferring funds to the bank account/bank accounts of assignees

The funded part of the pension is savings formed from deductions from the place of work, voluntary contributions, maternity capital funds.

Persons born before 1967 could decide before 2015 how their pension will be formed: will all the employer's contributions go to the formation of insurance payments, or will a certain part be invested monthly to replenish the savings account to increase pension payments in future.

For those born after 1967, this type of pension can only be formed at the expense of personal contributions or maternity capital.

REFERENCE! Unlike a labor pension, these accruals are increased by investing in securities and shares, which is carried out by a fund chosen by a person.

You can find out more about what the funded part of a pension is and what is needed to receive payments.

The money accrued for the entire period of the agreement on the funded part can be transferred by the relatives of the account holder (for details on who will receive the funded part of the pension of the deceased and what are the conditions for payments, see). What does the law say about this?

  • According to Art. 1183 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unpaid amounts as a result of death (salaries, pensions, benefits, etc., provided to a person as a means of subsistence, can be inherited by family members (read more about the features of inheritance of the funded part of the pension of the deceased).

    1183 article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Inheritance of unpaid amounts provided to a citizen as a means of subsistence

    • The right to receive amounts of wages and equivalent payments, pensions, scholarships, social insurance benefits, compensation for harm caused to life or health, alimony and other amounts of money that were payable to the testator, but not received by him during his lifetime for any reason, granted to a citizen as a means of subsistence belongs to the members of his family who lived together with the deceased, as well as to his disabled dependents, regardless of whether they lived together with the deceased or did not live.
    • Claims for the payment of amounts on the basis of paragraph 1 of this article must be presented to obligated persons within four months from the date of opening of the inheritance.
    • In the absence of persons who, on the basis of paragraph 1 of this article, have the right to receive amounts not paid to the testator, or if these persons do not present claims for the payment of the said amounts within the prescribed period, the corresponding amounts shall be included in the composition of the inheritance and inherited on the general basis established by this Code.
  • In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law No. 360, there are several options for paying the funded part. In addition to the one-time, urgent and life-long pensions that are provided for the owner of this pension, the law also establishes the payment to the owner's successors.

The pension of the deceased may be received by other persons if:

  1. during his lifetime, the account holder applied for a lump sum payment, but in fact did not receive it;
  2. he did not reach retirement age;
  3. an urgent payment was made - in this case, the heirs will receive the remainder (as a person?).

The rules and procedure for payments are described in Government Decree No. 711 of July 30, 2014. According to the law, the funded part can be transferred to successors on two grounds:

  • in law;
  • by application.

If the owner of the accruals left in the Pension Fund, which stores his savings, a statement on the distribution of his funds to specific individuals, then these citizens will inherit the money.

In the absence of an application, the money is inherited in order of priority. The first line includes:

  1. parents;
  2. spouses (we talked about when and how to receive the funded part of the pension after the death of her husband);
  3. children.

To the second:

  1. brothers;
  2. sisters;
  3. grandmothers;
  4. grandfathers;
  5. grandchildren.

What will happen to the funded part if the deceased did not have legal successors? In this case, the accumulated funds will be considered escheated property and, in accordance with Art. 1151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, will become the property of the state. In ch. 4 of PP No. 711 specifies that in the absence of a deceased relative or in case of renunciation of the inheritance, the money is transferred to the reserve of the compulsory insurance fund.

How much money is being reimbursed?

The amount that successors can receive depends on whether the account holder applied for an urgent payment during his lifetime or not. If not applied, then the relatives will receive the entire amount that is stored in the account. If the urgent payment was made, then they will be able to return only the unspent part.

How to find out about the finances of the deceased?

In order to receive funds to successors, first of all, you need to find out where the funded pension of the deceased relative is stored.

PP No. 711, Chapter 1, Clause 9 states that a fund that has received notice of the death of the owner of the pension must take measures to notify the successors for further processing of inheritance funds. The institution must send a registered letter to relatives within 10 days. It is from this letter that you can get all the information about the name of the fund and the amount of payments.

However, institutions do not always inform the heirs, which creates many problems in finding information about where the money is kept.

If the account holder did not conclude an agreement with the Non-State Pension Fund, then its accumulative part remained in the Pension Fund of Russia. To find out the amount on the account, you need to apply with the documents of the deceased to the FIU at the place of residence. You will need to take your passport, SNILS of the deceased, death certificate with you. Based on these documents, the fund employee will provide the information of interest.

In addition to the PFR, the funded pension may be in a non-state fund. Until 2015, accrual owners could transfer their funds to NPFs no more than once a year. How to find out in which fund the money is kept? The first thing you can do is look for an agreement with the NPF in the documents of the deceased.

If it was not possible to find it, you need to contact the FIU with a request to provide information about the transfer by the account holder of the funded part to another fund.


Assignees need to apply to the fund within six months from the date of death of a relative. Funds will be paid no earlier than 7 months from the date of death. If one of the heirs has submitted an application to the fund for payment, then the funds are frozen until 6 months have passed or more heirs appear. After 6 months, funds are distributed among all applicants within 30 days.

REFERENCE! If the 6-month deadline for filing an application has been missed, then the heir can restore it on the basis of Article 12 of the Federal Law 424. The recovery procedure is carried out only through the court.

The documents

A number of papers are attached to the application:

  • applicant's passport;
  • documents confirming family ties with the owner of the pension (certificate of marriage, birth, etc.);
  • death certificate (at the request of the successor);
  • insurance certificate of the owner of the pension.

If the inheritance occurs on the basis of a statement written during the life of the owner of the funds, then you will need to take an identity document with you.

Consideration procedure

Within 5 days, the fund carries out work on the consideration and registration of the application:

  1. checks information and documents;
  2. checks data on pension accruals and the possibility of withdrawing them;
  3. in the absence of certain papers, returns the application to the heir;
  4. if all the requirements and conditions are met, registers the application and issues a receipt to the assignee on acceptance of documents.

Within 6 months, the fund accepts applications from heirs, determines the amount of the funded part, determines the shares. After six months, the funds are transferred to the accounts of the applicants.

The funds of the funded part after death are transferred to the heirs of the deceased in a single amount. The account is then closed.

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After the death of a citizen, many people know what needs to be done in order to inherit his property. However, not everyone knows that along with movable and immovable inheritance, it is possible to formalize the inheritance of the funded part of the pension of the deceased.

Obtaining rights to this type of inheritance is formalized quite simply, but you should know certain nuances that are spelled out in the law of the Russian Federation for 2020.

In this article, you will learn in detail:

  • What kind of pension can be inherited?
  • Who can claim the right to the pension of the deceased?
  • What needs to be done to receive the accumulated funds?
  • What are the terms for paying the pension of the deceased?

What pension can be issued as an inheritance?

There are three types of pensions:

  1. Personal funds deposited in a pension account in the PFRF.
  2. Accumulated money in the account of labor pension.
  3. The mandatory amount of pension funds that a citizen did not receive in the event of premature death.

Inheritance of unreceived pension

A person may become eligible for pension assistance, which is characterized by cash, for various reasons:

  • age criterion.
  • Work experience.
  • disability group.
  • Death of a breadwinner.
  • Social payments.

The payment of each pension cash assistance stops upon the occurrence of certain circumstances that have a legal basis:

  1. The death of the person for whom the pension was issued.
  2. Recognition of performance and
  3. Changing the type of pension.

Most often, a notary is contacted with a question about registration of a lost pension and establishing the fact of acceptance of an inheritance.

To resolve this issue, it is necessary to refer to the article "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", which was published on December 17, 2001 in Federal Law No. 173-FZ. It describes in detail how to receive pension accruals after the death of a retired citizen.

Article 23 states that the calculated labor pension money in the current month, as well as the amount of money that was accrued and not paid in connection with the death of a pensioner citizen, is not hereditary property. This means that they can be paid only to persons of the first priority who timely applied for unpaid Money. According to Federal Law No. 173-FZ, article 9, paragraph 2, after death, an inheritance pension can be issued by close relatives who lived with the pensioner until his death. An application for re-registration of funds from a pension account must be submitted within six months after the death of a retired relative.

If the notary department receives several applications from relatives who have a legal basis for receiving the unpaid amount of labor pension funds, then the entire amount is divided equally between the heirs.

Who has the right to inherit

Article 9, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law contains a list of persons who have the right to take over the unpaid amount of the pension:

  • A minor child, brother or sister, and grandson of a deceased pensioner.
  • Close relatives receiving education at a hospital in various institutions who were dependent on a pensioner-breadwinner. Their age must be no more than 23 years.
  • Disabled close relatives of a minor of his age who lived together with a pensioner and were on his support. These include family members with a disability group or relatives who do not have able-bodied parents.
  • Relatives are guardians. This category includes close relatives who care for the child of a deceased pensioner, under the age of 14 years. In accordance with sub. 1, paragraph 2, article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, guardians who do not have a job receive a labor pension.
  • Spouse (wife) or father (mother) who have reached retirement age (60 years and 55 years, respectively). This category of citizens can receive payment if they are disabled or have a disability group.
  • Parents of the father or mother who lived on the provision of the deceased pensioner. The main criteria are age: 55 years and 60 years, respectively, disability group, incapacity for work, absence of citizens who are entrusted with the duty to provide for these persons under the law of the Russian Federation.

On March 1, 2002, Article 3 came into force in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which resolves issues related to the receipt of property, including the inheritance of the pension of the deceased.

In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, article 1183 states that the right to inherit the assigned funds to a pensioner belongs to close relatives who cohabited with a retired citizen. Disabled persons who were on the provision of a pensioner citizen, regardless of their place of residence, can also receive the amount of pensions.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to declare the right to receive an unpaid pension of a deceased citizen within four months after the day of his death.

If there is no opportunity to receive funds, and documents for the payment of the accrued pension by the above persons are not provided in a timely manner, the amount of money may be included in the inheritance, which is inherited by law.

Inheritance of accumulated labor pension funds

Since 2002, there are three ways to accumulate money in a retirement account:

  • Base account.
  • Insurance account.
  • Cumulative.

You should know that a pension is inherited, which is added to a savings account.

After the pension changes in the law since 2002, the accumulation of a pension occurs by transferring a certain amount of money from the place of work to an insurance and savings account.

Funds that are transferred to the funded part of the pension are in the Non-State Pension Fund (NPF) or in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFRF).

The funds that are in the savings account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can be inherited if the person with insurance did not receive them before his death.

Heirs of the funded pension of the deceased

The following can inherit the funded part of the pension:

  • According to the statement. In the application filed with the Pension Fund, the owner of the funded pension may indicate the heirs who are entitled to receive the funds.
  • In law. The heirs of the first stage have the full right to formalize the receipt of the funded pension of the deceased. If there are no direct heirs by law, then such an advantage is transferred to the heirs of the second stage.

Heirs may not know that the insured person left them the right to receive funded funds. In this regard, after the death of the citizen-inheritor, the Pension Fund must without fail notify the heirs of the possibility of paying the unreceived money.

However, if there is no such application, then the heirs must independently apply to the Pension Department with a request to inherit the pension of the deceased.

The heirs of the first stage, according to the law, receive an equivalent part of the accumulated funds. If there are no such relatives, then the heirs of the second stage receive the funded pension from a specially created personal account of the testator.

Deadlines for receiving a funded pension

An application for a funded pension after the death of the testator must be submitted to the Pension Department within six months after the opening of the inheritance case. Such an application is drawn up in accordance with the standard form, which will be provided to the PFRF. After the expiration of six months, the issue of accumulated funds on the pension account will be issued.

If the heir did not submit an application in a timely manner, then he can initiate the procedure for obtaining funds in court. To do this, you will need to calculate the ratio of legal costs and the amount of money that you will receive in the end from the savings account.

Video: About inheritance of pension savings

After the death of a relative, all material goods that were in his possession, debt and financial obligations, as well as cash savings belong to the inheritance. This also applies to funds saved for a future pension. Inheritance of the funded part of the pension of the deceased occurs equally from the accounts of state and non-state pension funds.

Is the funded part of the pension of the deceased an inheritance?

Inheriting the pension of a deceased relative is one of the rights of applicants for valuables. But not all candidates can receive such savings, but only some of the representatives. So, the following categories of accumulative deductions will be transferred to the inheritance:

  • the amount of funds paid by the employer (every month, for all officially employed citizens, the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the future pension account);
  • personal money transfers of the account holder;
  • maternity capital (one of the targeted uses of maternity capital is the transfer of finances to a savings account for the future transfer of pensions);
  • investments, that is, the income that the account holder receives from the turnover of savings.

An inheritance pension is transferred as a sum of money that was accumulated by a person, but he did not have time to use it. Inheritance is allowed only for those deductions that have never been used. That is, if the testator did not receive a single payment from the PFR due to his age or the continuation of work after reaching a pension.

Assignment of pension savings

During the formation of a savings account, its owner writes a handwritten application for the beginning of savings. Also signed a bilateral agreement with the pension fund for further cooperation. And the text of such an agreement may specify which of the relatives will become the recipient of the savings after the death of the account holder.

The second option for receiving a pension as an inheritance is the distribution of funds between legitimate applicants. So, if there is a will and the content of the document contains an order on the further inheritance of savings, then the indicated applicant will receive financial resources.

In the absence of a testamentary disposition, the money will be divided equally among the applicants in turn. Official spouses, parents and children have the priority right to receive inheritance. On the basis of the right of representation, the grandchildren will claim the property. In the absence of candidates of the first level, relatives of the second stage come to replace him. And so consistently, until the legitimate applicants for a pension are established.

Attention! If there is no will, and the deceased person has no relatives, then all material values ​​​​pass to the state.

Registration of an inheritance for a labor pension

The inheritance of the funded part of the pension occurs on the basis of the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Government Decree No. 471, as well as the Federal Law "On pension provision". According to the provisions of these regulations, labor pension may be inherited. And the procedure for registration of property rights to money will be as follows:

  • collection of documents confirming the legitimacy of claims for property;
  • applying to a pension fund (or to a notary, if the money is received by inheritance, and not under the terms of an agreement with a pension fund);
  • writing a handwritten application for the accrual of finances;
  • consideration of the appeal by the competent authorities;
  • preparation of an official response to the application and, if the decision is satisfactory, the money is transferred to the personal account of the heir.

How to get the pension savings of the deceased

Whether the funded part of the pension of the deceased is a testamentary inheritance is up to the account holder himself. This is due to the fact that the legislator reserves the right for the owner of material assets to independently dispose of all benefits at his own discretion. During the preparation of a will, a citizen can draw up the following conditions for the inheritance of savings:

  • transfer only a part of the amount to a specific person, and the remaining amount of the pension will be divided among the applicants on the basis of the legal priority;
  • the savings will be transferred to several persons in equal or different shares;
  • Pension contributions to the will are not made for the purpose of their subsequent distribution among applicants according to the law.

To receive funds, you will have to contact the pension fund in which the testator's finances were kept. You will also have to submit a handwritten application for the payment of a pension. Refusal of assistance is also allowed.

The funded part of the pension after death: to whom it is paid

Inheritance of the pension of a deceased relative (including spouse) will occur only after the opening of the inheritance. To do this, you have to contact the notary office operating in the area where the deceased person is registered. At the notary, the applicant for property clarifies whether there is a will with an order regarding the further division of property. If yes, then all possible applicants for property rights are gathered and the text of the will is announced by the notary.

Important! In the absence of a letter of order, the lawyer checks for other relatives of the deceased person, and then establishes in what shares each of them can receive property.

How to find out the amount

Clarification of the amount of the deposited funds can occur in several ways, depending on where the savings account is opened. So, the following options are available to heirs and potential applicants for property:

  • obtaining remote access to the account of the testator on the website of the PFR or non-state PF (knowledge of the SNILS number is required);
  • personal appeal to the bank, but not every financial institution is ready to provide such information (Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank can help);
  • online on the website of the State Service, but only after authorization on behalf of the deceased person (you have to go to the "public services" section, select "PFR", and then "check the balance of the savings account");
  • in a pension fund after confirming their relationship with the accumulator, as well as after confirming their legal claims to property (which can only be proved after the expiration of a six-month term from the date of death of the testator).

How exactly is it paid

There is a strict algorithm of actions on how to receive an underpaid pension for a deceased relative by inheritance. To do this, you have to follow these steps:

  • open an inheritance in a notary's office and state your claims to property;
  • submit a full package of related documents;
  • wait for the expiration of six months;
  • re-applying to a notary to obtain a certificate of the possibility of entering into inheritance rights;
  • filing an application with the FIU or NPF with a request to transfer money from the account in favor of the heir;
  • consideration of the appeal (the maximum period for making a decision is 30 calendar days);
  • receiving an official response with the refusal or satisfaction of the petition.

If a decision is made to execute the application, then within a month the funds are transferred to the heir. You can get them by postal order or to your personal bank account.

Documents for receiving the funded part of the pension of the deceased

The will of the funded part of the pension and its inheritance is regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The code also establishes the procedure for accepting property rights after the death of the testator. And it is impossible to complete the procedure without preparing a complete package of required documents. These include:

  • an identity document (only a passport or birth certificate is allowed, depending on the age of the applicant for savings);
  • certificates confirming kinship with the testator (if the transfer of property rights occurs on the basis of legal order);
  • a copy of the testamentary letter, within the framework of which the last will of the deceased citizen is realized;
  • SNILS (only a number can be provided, but if the heir does not have such information, then this will not affect the right to receive property);
  • a bank statement with the account number where the funds are to be transferred.

Attention! This is a mandatory list of papers, but depending on the circumstances, other certificates may be requested. So, if the heir is a minor citizen, then the passport of the legal representative of the participant is additionally transferred. If you miss the deadlines and their subsequent restoration, you will have to bring a copy of the relevant court decision.

Deadline for payment of the funded part of the pension of the deceased

The legislation does not provide for a single term during which pension accruals must be credited to the account of the heir. But, filing an application for registration of such savings for personal use is possible no later than six months after the death of the account holder.

As practice shows, the money arrives at the specified account of the applicant for property already after seven months from the date of death of the owner of pension savings.

How to make an application

The funded part of the pension is inherited by relatives after the death of the pensioner only on the basis of the applicant's handwritten application. That is, the candidate for payments must express his personal will to enter into the inheritance. It is his right, not his duty. So, when drawing up an application, the following blocks of information are to be displayed:

  • personal information of the applicant for payments;
  • data of the testator;
  • grounds for the transfer of property rights to the account balance;
  • conditions of inheritance;
  • description of submitted documents;
  • signature and date of issue.

Sample application of the assignee for the payment of pension savings can be downloaded

After reading the application, employees pension fund must obtain a full understanding of the legality of the grounds for the transfer of property to the heir.

How to get the insurance part of the pension after the death of a pensioner

Inherit insurance pension will not work. This is one of the types of money that cannot be inherited. But there is one exception to this rule. Legitimate heirs can only receive payments for one month if the pensioner has not yet received state support in the current month.

Termination of pension payments begins on the first day of the next month after the death of the testator. And if he has not had time to receive payments yet, then his relatives can claim this money.

The procedure for inheriting the insurance part of the pension

Since the inheritance of insurance savings is impossible, then no one can claim them. There is no alternative procedure for taking possession of such funds.

In general, the unpaid part of the pension is also a share of the inheritance, but if for six months none of the citizens has declared their claims to receive such funds, then the savings will be transferred to the state. The exception is cases of extension of the terms of hereditary proceedings.