The Committee on Family, Women and Children Issues came up with the initiative to create a state alimony fund. The Committee on Family, Women and Children Issues came up with an initiative to create a state alimony fund Committee on Women, Family and Children Affairs

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THE PURPOSE OF THE CITY YOUTH POLICY is to assist young citizens in exercising their rights and freedoms, life self-determination, self-expression and self-organization. Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the City of Moscow - an executive body of the city of Moscow, subordinated to the Government of Moscow. Carries out management in the field of implementation of the state family and youth policy and coordination of activities in this area of ​​other executive authorities of the city.


  • Development of directions and methods of activity of city executive authorities in the field of youth policy implementation, protection of the rights and interests of the family, children and adolescents
  • Ensuring interaction in the work of departments and committees, public institutions on family and youth policy, providing methodological assistance to territorial governments in organizing the development of socio-cultural space
  • Implementation of measures to improve the living standards of families, improve the social status of women
  • Creation of conditions for spiritual, intellectual development and meaningful leisure of youth
  • Providing comprehensive assistance to youth, student and children's organizations
  • Support for innovative, intellectual and creative activities of young people, promotion of the development of its talented representatives,
  • Development of proposals for financing youth and family programs and initiatives
  • Assistance in the development of small family and youth entrepreneurship, family forms employment, employment of minors, graduates educational institutions, young people with disabilities
  • Holding city holidays, festivals, exhibitions, concerts for families, children and youth
  • Organization of international children and youth exchanges, internships for social workers, participation in international intergovernmental agreements
  • Promotion in the media of ideas of support and strengthening of the family, the need social protection youth


"Youth of Moscow" (more than 200 youth and student public organizations participate);

Law of the City of Moscow "On Youth" (adopted as a basis on April 1, 2003);

“Affordable housing for a young family” (improving the living conditions of young Moscow families, the age of the spouses is up to 30 years);

"Moscow City Headquarters of Youth and Student Teams" (participation of students and youth in the implementation of urban development programs);

"Moscow student pedagogical team" (work in summer health camps and place of residence)

“Information System of the City Hall “Youth” (Terminal stations (information advisory points) providing students with information in the field of employment, education, leisure and sports, created on the basis of 33 metropolitan university and youth organizations);

“Festos Student Creativity Festival” (development of student creativity, more than 15 thousand participants, 1500 teams, more than 180 universities in Moscow, regions of Russia and foreign countries, 130 concerts, more than 100 thousand spectators);

International Forum "Career" (assistance in employment of graduates and students of universities, more than 100 leading Russian and international companies, up to 17 thousand young people);

International student school-seminar "New information technologies";

International student sports and environmental expedition "Upper Volga";

“Memory Watch” (a set of events to perpetuate the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War: archival research work, field reconnaissance and search expeditions, establishing the names of the dead and searching for relatives);

"Social shelter for children and adolescents" (for 170 orphans);

City and inter-district centers "Street Children" (prevention of offenses, neglect, drug addiction, HIV infection among minors);

State institutions for conducting social, educational and leisure work with children, adolescents and youth at the place of residence (10 city organizational and methodological centers, 89 state institutions, more than 600 clubs);

Rest of children, teenagers, students during vacation time (programs of visiting, city specialized camps, target shifts, hikes, rallies, etc.);

City youth centers ("Leader", "Galaktika");

Moscow City Youth Fund (program of a social production holding);

Annual competition of programs (events) of public associations and non-profit organizations for the implementation of the city program "Youth of Moscow".

This was announced yesterday during a round table on "Actual Problems of Improving the Legislation on Alimony for Underage Children", which was held in the State Duma on the initiative of the relevant Committee.

As a result of the round table, a document was adopted proposing the establishment of a fund for the payment of alimony to children whose parents evade this. Moreover, from the alimony fund, funds should not be paid in all cases, but only when the search for a debtor for alimony is difficult: thus, the fund would become another measure of social support for the population.

The document prepared for the results of the discussion states that due to the inefficient work of search structures abroad, the issue of creating a state alimony fund should be considered, from which funds would be paid to children whose parents evade paying alimony, for the period of searching for alimony payer.

Children in incomplete families should not be left without proper material support, no matter what the relationship between their parents may be. Our committee has long been coming out with a proposal to the Russian government to improve the legislation on alimony obligations. First of all, we are talking about the creation of a state alimony fund, so that it is the state that looks for debtors, and not poor mothers. And let the state itself collect money from them, because when the state does this, the results are completely different. The state should have mechanisms for influencing debtors, including compulsory work in the presence of obligations to the family, if a man does not work anywhere or, as often happens, has money, but there seems to be nothing to take from him.

Every year in Russia, about 700 thousand divorces are registered for 1 million marriages, including in families with children. About 30% of children (26 million children in Russia in total) are born without one of their parents, that is, in single-parent families, 90% of the 130,000 children in orphanages are social orphans with living parents.

For 45% of families, alimony accounts for 10% of their total cash income. In 13% of families, alimony payments are below 300 rubles, in 25% - less than 500 rubles a month. According to the Family Code, alimony should be 25% of the salary for one child and 33% for two children and 50% for three or more children. That is, even with the minimum allowable wage of 7,800 rubles, the amount of alimony should not be less than 1,950 rubles.

Of the 10.5 million people on child support for children under 16, 7.5 million parents avoided paying child support. At the same time, the size of the state allowance for children whose parents do not want to pay alimony is set by the regions, and at the end of 2008 it ranged from 105 rubles per month (in the Kursk and Pskov regions, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria) to 1,500 rubles per month (in Moscow region).

The committee has already prepared proposals for the formation of the fund and sent them to the Duma Committee on Labor and Social Affairs.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the protection of children's rights and develop a unified approach to improving legislation, 4 bills have been submitted and are under consideration today. Of these, three bills amend the Family code regarding the establishment minimum size alimony for minor children and one - an amendment to the Criminal Code in terms of increasing the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children. The State Duma is considering a bill introducing criminal liability for parents who take away or hide the child from the other spouse.

According to the FSSP, in 2016, about 1.5 million writ of execution for the recovery of alimony were being executed. The total debt on alimony in Russia exceeds 100 billion rubles. The country is looking for 77.9 thousand debtors of alimony.

However, on round table Another important issue was raised - about the education of family values. The State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children suggested that the Ministry of Labor include in the plan of events until 2020, held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood, an item on the promotion of family values ​​in the media. In particular, it was proposed to replace the talk show "Let's Get Married" with programs about family and children.

At the end of May, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the Decade of Childhood in Russia from 2018 to 2027 "in order to improve public policy in the field of child protection, taking into account the results achieved in the course of the implementation of the National Strategy for Action for Children 2012-2017".

As part of this decree, the government must approve a plan of major events until 2020 within 3 months.

Founded December 31, 1991

Phones: 280-6479, 280-3433 Fax: 280-6777

Address: Russia, Moscow, 129010, Prospekt Mira 20, building 1


e-mail: [email protected]

Chairman of the Committee - Muravyova Irina Nikolaevna


Assistance to young citizens in exercising their rights and freedoms, life self-determination, self-expression and self-organization.

Such assistance is provided by the Moscow state authorities through the implementation of the main directions of youth policy in Russian Federation on the territory of Moscow, as well as the creation, in addition to all-Russian, economic, organizational and legal guarantees and mechanisms.


Development of directions and methods of activities of city executive authorities in the field of youth policy implementation, protection of the rights and interests of the family, children and adolescents.

Ensuring interaction in the work of departments and committees, public institutions on issues of family and youth policy, providing methodological assistance to territorial governments in organizing the development of socio-cultural space.

Implementation of measures to improve the living standards of families, improve the social status of women.

Creation of conditions for spiritual, intellectual development and meaningful leisure of youth.

Providing comprehensive assistance to youth, student and children's organizations.

Support for innovative, intellectual and creative activities of young people, assistance in the development of their talented representatives.

Development of proposals for financing youth and family programs and initiatives.

Assistance in the development of small family and youth entrepreneurship, family forms of employment, employment of minors, graduates of educational institutions, young people with limited ability to work.

Holding city holidays, festivals, exhibitions, concerts for families, children and youth

Organization of international children's and youth exchanges, internships for social workers, participation in international intergovernmental agreements.

Propaganda in the media ideas of support and strengthening of the family, the need for social protection of youth.

About 110 universities and more than 280 thousand people a year take part in the events held by the Committee.


"Career Day"

Program "Memory watch"

"New Year"

"Knowledge Day"

"Tatyana's Day"

Work with personnel

Work with children and adolescents in the community

Youth holidays

Organization of recreation for young people during the holidays



1.1. The Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is formed by order of the Mayor of Moscow to implement a nationwide policy in the city in the field of improving the situation of the family, children and youth. The Committee is a functional body of the city administration and performs executive and administrative functions for the implementation of family and youth policy in the city.

1.2. The Committee in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Moscow City Duma, orders of the Mayor and Vice-Mayor of Moscow, orders of the Government of Moscow, other regulatory acts on issues, relating to the competence of the Committee, and these Regulations.

1.3. The Committee is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, budgetary and other accounts, including foreign currency, in institutions of banks that are part of the banking system of the Russian Federation, a seal with the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and a seal with its name, letterheads and stamps.

1.4. Financing of the apparatus of the Committee is carried out at the expense of the city budget allocated for the maintenance of the city executive power.

1.5. Location of the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of Moscow: 129010, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 20, building 1.


2.1. Development of directions and methods of activities of city executive authorities in the field of youth policy implementation, protection of the rights and interests of the family, children and adolescents.

2.2. Carrying out a unified state policy aimed at ensuring the most complete satisfaction of the social needs and interests of the family, adolescents and youth in Moscow.

2.3. Strengthening and comprehensive social support for the family, ensuring the proper performance of its basic functions. Implementation of measures to improve the living standards of families, especially families with children, improve the social status of women.

2.5. Creation of conditions for spiritual, intellectual development and meaningful leisure of youth.

2.6. Development and implementation of measures to prevent negative manifestations in youth environment, coordination of work in this area of ​​various departments, public organizations.

2.7. Promoting the development of youth, student and children's organizations providing comprehensive assistance in their activities. Ensuring de facto equality and opportunities for young citizens with other social age groups population.

2.8. Creation of conditions for the implementation of social education of children and youth: adaptation to independent life and activity, the formation of civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities.

2.9. Support for talented youth, assistance in the development of innovative, intellectual and creative activities of young people.

2.10. Support for the activities of military-patriotic youth and children's associations and search units.

2.11. Together with the territorial authorities, the creation and provision of conditions for organizing the rehabilitation and leisure of children, adolescents and youth during school and student holidays.

2.12. Cooperation with state, public, religious and international organizations, charitable foundations involved in solving youth problems and helping families and children.

2.13. Ensuring interaction in the work of departments and committees and public institutions on the issue of family and youth policy, providing methodological assistance to territorial governments in organizing the development of socio-cultural space.

2.14. Monitoring compliance with legislation on the rights of youth, families, children and adolescents.

2.15. Development and control of unified information technologies in the field of youth and family policy.

2.16. Together with state, trade union and other public organizations analysis and study of the working conditions of working women, adolescents and youth, development of measures for their socio-economic protection, labor protection and labor use. Analysis of the interests and needs of young people.

2.17. Development of proposals for the legal support of youth and family policy. Preparation of draft legislative acts of the city of Moscow and their submission for consideration by the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

2.18. Development of proposals for financing youth and family programs and initiatives.

2.19. Development of the procedure for the functioning and management of the activities of the structural divisions of the Committee.

2.20. Together with the territorial authorities, the organization of work to expand all types of assistance to vulnerable categories of families: large families, young people, single parents, those with disabled children.

2.21. Assistance in the organization and development of small family and youth entrepreneurship, family forms of employment. Together with employment centers, participation in the development and implementation of targeted measures to ensure the employment of minors, graduates of educational institutions, young people with limited ability to work, the creation of a data bank on the availability of vacancies for young people in need of employment, retraining, retraining.

2.22. Assistance in the creation of territorial funds for family and youth policy.

2.23. Organization of work on the development of advisory assistance to the Moscow family (psychological, medical, pedagogical, legal), assistance and creation of appropriate social centers and services together with administrative districts and municipal districts.

2.24. Participation in the creation of training courses, advanced training for teachers-organizers, social educators, social workers in the profile and specialty necessary for carrying out work related to the competence of the Committee.

2.25. Organization of city events, holidays, festivals, exhibitions, concerts for families, children and youth. Providing methodological and financial assistance in the implementation of district and district events.

2.26. Organization of international children's and youth exchanges, internships for social workers, participation in international intergovernmental agreements.

2.27. Organization in the media to promote the ideas of supporting and strengthening the family, the need for social protection of youth.

2.28. Providing organizational and methodological assistance in creating independent, with the rights of a legal entity, structures whose activities are aimed at helping families with children, adolescents and youth.


3. The Committee has the right:

3.1. Develop and submit for consideration by the Mayor, Vice Mayor and the Government of Moscow proposals on issues related to their activities.

3.2. Independently approve the structure and staffing of the Committee within the established wage fund.

3.3. To receive in operational management the premises, technical means and equipment necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the Committee and its divisions.

3.4. Request from departments and committees, enterprises, institutions and organizations located in Moscow, the necessary information on issues within the competence of the Committee.

3.5. To take part in accordance with these Regulations in charitable activities, to participate in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, in the creation of legal entities for a more effective solution of the main tasks of the Committee.

3.6. Publish newsletters, analytical reviews and other printed materials.

3.7. Visit and carry out inspections of enterprises, institutions and organizations in Moscow on issues of their activities.

3.8. In accordance with the established procedure, carry out an examination and give opinions on draft documents prepared by departments and departments of the Mayor's Office, the Government of Moscow, prefects and organizations subordinate to them on issues of observing the rights of families, children and youth in them.

3.9. Involve experts and specialists in your work.

3.10. Conduct reception of citizens, provide them with legal and other assistance.

3.11. Take part in meetings of the Moscow Government, collegiums and commissions of departments, committees, prefectures and district governments when discussing issues within the competence of the Committee.

3.12. Keep records of young people and families in need of social assistance, as well as various categories of children and adolescents, including those prone to committing offenses.

3.13. Monitor and record the use of premises, land plots intended for work with children, adolescents and youth at the place of residence.


4.1. The Committee reports to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government for social issues.

4.2. The committee is headed by a chairman who is appointed to the post on the proposal of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government for Social Affairs and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow. Deputy Chairmen of the Committee are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government on the proposal of the Chairman of the Committee.

4.3. Chairman of the Committee:

Acts on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, as well as other regulatory acts binding on the Committee;

Acts on the principles of unity of command on issues within its competence;

Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Committee, represents its interests in state bodies, enterprises, organizations, institutions, disposes of the property of the Committee within its competence, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens bank accounts. Within its competence issues orders and gives instructions obligatory for all employees of the Committee;

Independently, within the limits of the payroll, determines the structure of the Committee, its staff and qualifications, hires (appoints) to the position and dismisses the employees of the Committee in accordance with the employment contract;

Submits, in accordance with the established procedure, for consideration by the Mayor, Vice Mayor and the Government of Moscow draft resolutions and orders on youth and family policy, as well as draft regulations, resolutions and orders to higher authorities and management;

Approves the regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Committee;

Appoints and dismisses the heads of territorial committees for family and youth affairs in agreement with the territorial bodies;

Bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Committee, establishes the responsibility of deputies, heads of departments of the Committee and other employees in accordance with the law;

Represents the interests of the Committee in court and arbitration court on issues within the competence of the Committee.

4.4. The relationship between employees and the chairman, arising on the basis of an employment contract, is regulated by labor legislation.

4.5. The Board is formed in the Committee, the composition and Regulations on which are approved by the Chairman of the Committee.

4.6. Termination of the activities of the Committee is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law.

No. 835-RM On the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Government of Moscow

M O S K W A M E R R A P O R Y E N I E August 2, 2000 N 835-RM On the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Government of Moscow In pursuance of the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated 21.01.2000 N 52-RM "On the structure of the City Hall of Moscow": 1. Approve the Regulations on the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Government of Moscow (appendix). 2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated October 30, 1996 N 449/1-RM "On the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs". 3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow L.I. Shvetsova. PP Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov Appendix to the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated August 2, 2000 N 835-RM REGULATIONS ON THE COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND YOUTH AFFAIRS OF THE MOSCOW GOVERNMENT 1. General Provisions 1.1. The Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Government of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is an executive body of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Government of Moscow, which manages the implementation of the state family and youth policy and coordinates the activities in this area of ​​other executive bodies of the city. 1.2. The Committee in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other federal regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, these Regulations. 1.3. The Committee carries out its activities directly and through its structural subdivisions. The Committee may be in charge of state and municipal unitary enterprises, institutions, organizations, the founder (participant) of which is the city of Moscow, carrying out activities in the field of implementation of family and youth policy. 1.4. The Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local authorities, organizations and public associations. 2. Main tasks and functions of the Committee 2.1. The main tasks of the Committee are: 2.1.1. Implementation of the state youth and family policy in Moscow. 2.1.2. Implementation of intersectoral coordination in the field of youth and family policy in cooperation with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local authorities, organizations and public associations. 2.1.3. Organization and implementation of state control and supervision over compliance with the law, requirements of state standards, other requirements in the field of the implementation of the rights of children, families and youth. 2.2. The Committee, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions: 2.2.1. Develops city programs in the field of family and youth policy. 2.2.2. Develops draft laws and other normative legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating relations in the field of family and youth policy, submits them and other proposals on issues within the competence of the Committee for consideration by the relevant government agencies and officials, prepares an opinion on draft normative acts of other executive authorities of the city in the field of family and youth policy. 2.2.3. Takes part in the development of a draft law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow and control over the use of budget funds under the jurisdiction of the Committee, state and municipal unitary enterprises, institutions and organizations. 2.2.4. Provides strengthening and comprehensive social support for the family, implements measures to improve the living standards of families, especially families with children, improves the social status of women. 2.2.5. Helps to increase the authority of the family, the prestige of motherhood and fatherhood. 2.2.6. Contributes to the creation of conditions for spiritual, physical and intellectual development, meaningful leisure of youth. 2.2.7. Promotes support of talented youth, development of innovative, intellectual and creative activity of youth. 2.2.8. Develops and implements measures to prevent negative manifestations in the youth environment, coordinates the work of various departments and public organizations in this area. 2.2.9. Promotes the development of youth, student and children's organizations, provides comprehensive assistance in their activities. Provides de facto equality and opportunities for young citizens with other social age groups of the population. 2.2.10. Contributes to the creation of conditions for the implementation of the social education of children and youth: adaptation to independent life and activity, the formation of civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities. 2.2.11. Supports the activities of military-patriotic youth and children's associations and search units. 2.2.12. Together with the territorial executive authorities, it creates and provides conditions for organizing the rehabilitation and leisure of children, adolescents and youth during school and student holidays. 2.2.13. Collaborates with state, public, religious and international organizations, charitable foundations involved in solving youth problems and helping families and children. 2.2.14. Interacts with the executive authorities of Moscow on the issue of family and youth policy, providing methodological assistance to the territorial executive authorities in organizing the development of socio-cultural space. 2.2.15. Carries out control over the observance of the legislation on the rights of youth, family, children and adolescents. 2.2.16. Develops and controls unified information technologies in the field of youth and family policy. 2.2.17. Together with state, trade union and other public organizations, it analyzes and studies the working conditions of working women, adolescents and youth. Develops measures for their socio-economic protection, labor protection and labor use. Analyzes the interests and needs of young people. 2.2.18. Develops proposals for the legal support of youth and family policy. 2.2.19. Carries out the functions of the manager of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, established by the budgetary legislation and the departmental classification of expenditures of the budget of the city of Moscow. 2.2.20. Develops proposals for financing youth and family programs and initiatives. 2.2.21. Develops the procedure for the functioning and management of the activities of its structural divisions. 2.2.22. Together with the territorial executive authorities, it organizes work to expand all types of assistance to vulnerable categories of families: large families, young people, single parents, those with disabled children. 2.2.23. It promotes the organization and development of small family and youth entrepreneurship, family forms of employment. Together with employment centers, it ensures participation in the development and implementation of targeted measures on the employment of minors, graduates of educational institutions, young people with limited ability to work, creates a data bank on the availability of vacancies for young people in need of employment, retraining, retraining. 2.2.24. Organizes work on the development of advisory assistance to the Moscow family (psychological, medical, pedagogical, legal). Promotes the creation of relevant social centers and services together with the territorial executive authorities. 2.2.25. Participates in the creation of training courses, advanced training for teachers-organizers, social educators, social workers in the profile and specialty necessary for carrying out work related to the competence of the Committee. 2.2.26. Organizes city events, holidays, festivals, exhibitions, concerts for families, children and youth. Provides methodological and financial assistance in the implementation of district and district activities. 2.2.27. Participates in the implementation of international relations. Contributes to the organization of international and interregional children's and youth exchanges, internships for social workers. 2.2.28. Promotes through the media the issues of support and strengthening of the family, observance and protection of the rights of minors, social protection of youth. Carries out cooperation with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, commercial, non-commercial organizations, citizens on the issues of the Committee's activities. 2.2.29. Performs the functions of a city customer for the development and implementation of city programs in the field of family and youth policy. 2.2.30. Organizes competitions for programs aimed at improving the situation of the family, children and youth. 2.2.31. Takes part in the established order in the creation, reorganization and liquidation of state municipal unitary enterprises, institutions, organizations with the participation of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the financial and economic activities of enterprises, institutions under the jurisdiction of the Committee. 2.2.32. Organizes legal support and provides methodological guidance on issues within the competence of the Committee. 2.2.33. Participates in the development of mobilization measures in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. 2.2.34. Interacts with the media on issues within the jurisdiction of the Committee, informing residents of the city of Moscow about the most important areas of the Committee's activities. 2.2.35. Performs other functions in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. 3. Rights of the Committee The Committee has the right to: 3.1. Make decisions within the limits of competence that are mandatory for the employees of the Committee, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Committee, issued in the form of an order and / or order of the head of the Committee. 3.2. Send requests to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, prefects of administrative districts, heads of district administrations, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Committee, in order to obtain materials, information necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Committee. 3.3. Make submissions on the creation, reorganization, liquidation of state (municipal) unitary enterprises, institutions, on the participation of the city in business entities, on behalf of the Moscow Government, appoint and dismiss the head of an enterprise, institution, conclude a contract with him and carry out other actions in this area in accordance with the legal acts of the city. 3.4. In order to ensure the fulfillment of the functions of the Committee throughout the city, create its own territorial branches, structural divisions in the administrative districts, manage and control their activities. 3.5. Create interdepartmental commissions, scientific and methodological, scientific and technical, expert and other councils, working groups on the issues of the Committee's activities. 3.6. Make proposals on the creation of mass media. 3.7. In order to perform the assigned functions within the limits of competence, conclude agreements on behalf of the Moscow Government with organizations and citizens. 3.8. Involve specialists of the executive authorities of the city, research organizations, other organizations in agreement with their leader to resolve issues under the jurisdiction of the Committee. 3.9. Represent the interests of the city of Moscow in accordance with the established procedure in courts, other state authorities, organizations on matters of the Committee's jurisdiction. 3.10. To have other rights in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city, necessary for solving problems and performing the functions of the Committee. 4. Organization of the activities of the Committee. Management of the Committee 4.1. The management of the Committee is carried out on the principle of unity of command. The Committee is headed by a Chairman appointed by the Mayor of Moscow on the recommendation of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government - Head of the Social Sphere Complex. The Chairman is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Committee and the performance of its functions. 4.2. The First Deputy and Deputy Chairmen are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee. The employees of the Committee are civil servants of the city of Moscow, they are subject to the legislation on civil service and labor legislation with the specifics provided for by the legislation on civil service. To perform certain functions, the Committee may conclude employment contracts with other employees who are not civil servants of the city of Moscow. 4.3. Chairman of the Committee: 4.3.1. Organizes the work of the Committee, manages its activities, bears personal responsibility for the performance by the Committee of the functions assigned to it. 4.3.2. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Committee. 4.3.3. The right to attend meetings of the Moscow Government, meetings of the Mayor and the Premier of the Moscow Government, other executive and representative bodies of the city and officials on the issues of the Committee's activities. 4.3.4. Represents the Committee in federal state authorities, other state authorities, local governments, international organizations, commercial and non-commercial organizations. 4.3.5. Submits, in accordance with the established procedure, for consideration by the executive and legislative authorities of the city and officials drafts of normative legal acts, proposals for improving the legislation of Moscow, and other proposals on the activities of the Committee. 4.3.6. Issues, within the limits of its competence, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, orders and / or instructions that are obligatory for execution by the employees of the Committee, as well as state unitary enterprises, institutions, other organizations that are under the jurisdiction or created by data with the participation of the Committee. 4.3.7. Appoints and dismisses employees of the Committee, concludes employment contracts, dismisses employees of the Committee. 4.3.8. Establishes the powers of his deputies and distributes duties between them, determines the powers of other civil servants and employees of the Committee. 4.3.9. Decides, in accordance with the legislation on civil service, issues related to the performance of civil service in the Committee, including the formation of a personnel reserve, selection, placement, retraining and advanced training of the Committee’s personnel, in established cases, certification, qualification exams, assignment of class ranks , establishing bonuses to official salaries. 4.3.10. Ensures compliance by the employees of the Committee with the Rules of internal labor regulations, job descriptions, and the procedure for working with official documents. 4.3.11. Organizes events to ensure compliance with state and official secrets. 4.3.12. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, it presents especially distinguished civil servants and employees of the Committee for state awards, awards of the city of Moscow, and applies other incentive measures. 4.3.13. Imposes disciplinary sanctions on civil servants and employees of the Committee for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties. 4.3.14. Approves the structure and staffing of the Committee within the limits of the established wage fund and the number of employees of the Committee, as well as the cost estimate for its maintenance within the limits of the appropriations provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow for public administration. 4.3.15. Approves regulations on territorial branches, structural subdivisions of the Committee. 4.3.16. Coordinates the statutes (regulations) of unitary enterprises, institutions, other organizations under the jurisdiction of the Committee, appoints and dismisses their heads in accordance with the established procedure, concludes, changes and terminates contracts with them. 4.3.17. Resolves, within its competence, the issues of ensuring legal and social protection of civil servants and employees of the Committee. 4.3.18. Resolves, in accordance with the established procedure, the issues of secondment of the Committee's employees. 4.3.19. Signs the accounting and statistical reports of the Committee, is responsible for violation of the legislation on accounting and reporting and the procedure for submitting statistical reports. 4.3.20. Exercises other powers in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. 4.4. Under the Committee, a collegium may be formed consisting of the chairman of the Committee, his deputies who are members of it ex officio, civil servants of the Committee, heads of state and municipal institutions, public and non-profit organizations. Members of the collegium, except for persons included in its composition ex officio, are approved by the chairman of the Committee. The regulation on the collegium and the distribution of duties between its members is approved by the Chairman of the Committee. Decisions of the collegium are documented in protocols and implemented, as a rule, by orders and/or orders of the Chairman of the Committee. 4.5. The Committee is a legal entity, has a letterhead and seal depicting the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and with its name, appropriate seals and stamps, budget and other accounts in banks that are part of the banking system of the Russian Federation, other credit institutions, treasury bodies. Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the Committee is carried out at the expense of funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow for public administration. The property necessary for the implementation of activities is transferred to the Committee for operational management. Information, documentation, logistical and financial support for the activities of the Committee, social and welfare services for its employees are carried out by the Administration of the Mayor's Office. 4.6. Location of the Committee - Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 20, building 1. 5. Control over the activities of the Committee 5.1. Control over the activities of the Committee is exercised by the Moscow Government and its authorized bodies. 5.2. The Committee submits accounting and statistical reports in accordance with the established procedure and within certain deadlines. The audit of the Committee's activities is carried out by bodies authorized by the Moscow Government, as well as organizations to which this right is granted in accordance with the law. 6. Amendments and additions to the Regulations, reorganization and liquidation of the Committee 6.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by order of the Mayor of Moscow. 6.2. Reorganization and liquidation of the Committee is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by order of the Mayor of Moscow. 6.3. In the event of the liquidation of the Committee, its documents are transferred to the Moscow City Association of Archives.

The document was published in accordance with the Law No. 63 of November 28, 2012 On Amendments to Article 21 of the Law of the City of Moscow of December 14, 2001 No. 70 "On the Laws of the City of Moscow and Resolutions of the Moscow City Duma" and Article 19 of the Law of the City of Moscow of July 8, 2009 No. 25 "On legal acts of the city of Moscow"

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