Social protection of orphans. Comparative analysis of identification and placement of children left without parental care Statistics of orphans in the world

December 19, 2019 , Social protection of orphans The participants discussed the improvement of legislation aimed at preventing social orphanhood and assistance to families in difficult life situations.

December 17, 2019 , Social protection of orphans Briefing by Tatyana Golikova at the end of the meeting on providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care

April 6, 2019 , Social protection of orphans On providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care Order dated April 6, 2019 No. 656-r. A set of measures has been approved to provide housing for orphans, children left without parental care, and persons from among them for 2019–2021.

April 4, 2019 , Social protection of orphans On changes in the procedure for providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care Decree of April 4, 2019 No. 397. Decisions made will make it possible to ensure a unified procedure for maintaining a list of orphans to be provided with housing in all subjects of the Federation, as well as to establish effective interaction between subjects of the Federation on these issues.

February 1, 2019 , Social protection of orphans Tatyana Golikova held a meeting of the Council on Guardianship in the Social Sphere The agenda includes improving the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.

December 25, 2018 , Housing and communal services The President of Russia signed the Federal Law aimed at improving housing legislation Federal Law of December 25, 2018 No. 482-FZ. The federal law, in particular, amends the Housing Code, which establishes the obligation of persons providing services or performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building to post in the state information system of housing and communal services information on certain types of contracts concluded by them with owners of premises, carrying out direct management of such a house.

December 7, 2018 , Social protection of orphans On changes in the standard contract for the rental of housing for orphans Decree of November 29, 2018 No. 1436. A standard residential rental agreement for orphans and children left without parental care has been brought into line with the previously introduced amendments to the legislation, which provide for the possibility of concluding a residential rental agreement for a new five-year period repeatedly if it is necessary to assist the tenant in overcoming a difficult life situations.

April 11, 2018 , Social protection of orphans For 6 years in Russia, the number of orphans has decreased by more than 2 times.

April 11, 2018 , Social protection of orphans There is a positive trend in reducing the number of identified children left without parental care, and the family placement of such children. As of December 30, 2017, information about 50,201 children was in the state data bank. In 2017, the number of children registered in the state data bank decreased by 15.1%.

January 6, 2018 , Social protection of orphans On simplification of the procedure for submitting the documents required for adoption Decree of December 30, 2017 No. 1716. In order to simplify the procedure for citizens to submit applications and documents necessary to obtain conclusions on the possibility of being adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, foster parents or for the temporary adoption of a child in an organization for orphans into their families, the list of documents independently submitted to the authorities has been reduced. guardianship and guardianship by citizens who wish to become adoptive parents, guardians, foster parents for orphans. The documents excluded from the list will be requested by the guardianship and guardianship authority from the relevant authorized bodies in the manner of interdepartmental information exchange.

December 27, 2017 , Social protection of orphans On the submission to the State Duma of a bill on changes in the procedure for providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care Decree dated December 25, 2017 No. 2932-r. The purpose of the bill is to improve the mechanism for providing living quarters for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, the formation of a unified administrative practice in the field of providing living quarters for these categories of citizens and increasing state guarantees of protection their housing rights. The bill, in particular, proposes to establish a unified procedure for registering orphans and persons from among orphans who are to be provided with living quarters, to form an appropriate regional list and to empower the Government of Russia to establish such a procedure.

November 10, 2017 , Family policy. Childhood protection and upbringing Olga Golodets held a meeting of the Government Commission on Juvenile Affairs The main issue on the agenda is the activities of commissions for minors and the protection of their rights.

September 4, 2017 , Social protection of orphans On the procedure for providing for orphans and children left without parental care, free travel for the period of study in educational organizations Decree of September 2, 2017 No. 1066. Rules have been approved that determine the procedure for providing orphans and people who have lost their parents, who are full-time students in basic professional educational programs at the expense of the federal budget, with free travel on urban, suburban transport, in rural areas on intra-district transport, as well as free travel once a year to the place of residence and back to the place of study. Determined that educational organizations in which such children are educated must provide them with free travel until the end of their education.


The problem of orphanhood, including social, is one of the most pressing in our country. Orphanages and shelters are filled to overflowing. Abandoned children often do not have a place in the orphanage, they are forced to wait in hospitals for a queue.

According to Yelena Mizulina, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Women, Children and Family Affairs, there are 4-5 times more orphans in Russia than in Europe and the United States. According to statistics, the number of abandoned children in Russia now exceeds the post-war period. But there are not so many who want to take children into the family.

Pervouralsk journalist and historian Anatoly Gusev cited interesting statistics in his blog. In the hungry year of 1942, when slightly more than 57 thousand people lived in Pervouralsk, Pervouralsk adopted 21 children. In 2011, there were already about 150 thousand inhabitants in the city, there are almost no barracks, many families have dachas and cars, and only 20 children have been adopted! But out of this twenty citizens of Russia adopted only 12. “Soviet people are over. The Russians are left!” concludes Anatoly Gusev.

Government officials call Russian citizens more actively adopt children, for which it is proposed to encourage them, creating conditions in the country under which citizens of the Russian Federation will adopt children more often than foreigners. In one of his speeches, Vladimir Putin commented on the situation as follows: “I mean, first of all, providing housing, creating conditions for reducing those who adopt them from abroad, and in some near future to reduce this to zero, encouraging accepting children in Russian families.

It seemed that everything was fine, the state supports the family that took the child into the house. This support is quite significant: payment of up to 300,000 rubles upon adoption of a child, issuance of housing certificates, salaries to parents in the amount of up to 17,000 rubles per month for each adopted child, as well as a number of other benefits. In the end, everyone should benefit, including the child, and the society into which this child will enter when he reaches adulthood.

But the special cynicism inherent in our time is manifested in the fact that many citizens decide to take advantage of this opportunity to improve their material well-being! Moreover, foster families have gained particular popularity in rural areas, where salaries are much lower than in urban areas, and home gardening requires extra hands, because existing rules allow you to take up to eight children in one. foster family! Imagine how many times the income of foster parents increases, who most often do not have elementary pedagogical training.

And how does such a large so-called “family” differ from orphanage? Surely neither sincere relationships, nor manifestations of mutual tenderness, nor sincere conversations. Maybe all this is not enough for children in orphanages, but the latter are staffed not only by professional teachers who are well acquainted with the specifics of working with orphans, but also by psychologists, methodologists, medical workers, etc.

Non-professional adoptive parents, who are primarily interested in material incentives, are unable to cope with the upbringing of children (especially when they have transitional age) and return them back to orphanages. The tragedy of the “twice rejected” children is scary even to imagine. And there are currently (think about) 30 thousand of them in the country! Secondary orphanhood deeply injures children and leads to their moral and mental degradation. Being abandoned for the second time in their lives, children lose their remaining trust in adults and become disillusioned with the institution of the family, they have deepening problems with attachment to loved ones.

Why is the family and, above all, the mother so important for the child? She personifies for the child love, tenderness, safety. It is in the relationship with the mother that the child learns to take care, to love, to express his feelings. Therefore, children who grew up in orphanages cannot establish deep, trusting relationship are often unable to start a family and raise their children. Even having siblings, the child remains lonely - after all, in orphanages they are separated according to different groups in accordance with age, which does not contribute to the establishment of close relationships.

How can a graduate of an orphanage, accustomed to the fact that all decisions are made for him by someone else and he is provided for everything, adapt to life in our capitalist society, where man is by no means a friend to man. But it pleases the fact that people who are ready to give their shelter and their love to no one have not died out yet. the right child although they are by no means rich.

If only there were more such self-sacrificing people, then the problem of overcrowding in orphanages would begin to be solved, and the society would grow full-fledged new members, ready to develop and improve this society.

02/08/2019 The Ministry of Education will submit a draft law on changing the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government .

February 8 at the Public Chamber Russian Federation Hearings were held on the bill "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children's Rights". The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation T. Yu. Sinyugina.

During her speech, T. Yu. Sinyugina said that the department was ready to submit a bill on changing the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government.

Over the course of six months, we met several times. And the reason for our meetings was an interested and indifferent conversation and work on the bill, which today is already ready for us to submit it to the Government, - said T. Yu. Sinyugina.

For reference

In December 2018, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Ministry of Education of Russia prepared a draft law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children’s Rights”. The bill was posted on the federal portal of draft regulations for wide public discussion.

The draft law contains new approaches to the transfer of orphans for upbringing in families, which will allow developing the institution of guardianship, improving the conditions for training people who want to take an orphan child into their family.

For the first time, the draft law proposes to introduce the concept of "escort" into federal legislation. It is planned that this authority will be vested in authorized regional authorities and organizations, including NGOs.

Special attention in the document is paid specifically to the adoption procedure, there is added a provision on the procedure for the restoration of adoptive parents in the duties of parents, if they were previously deprived of such an opportunity.

Grisha is Sakhaya Ivanova's fourth child. When the baby was four months old, it turned out that he was seriously ill. It was not possible to make a diagnosis at the place of residence in Yakutsk. But he was sent to Moscow to the world-famous Dima Rogachev Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology.

The statistics are scary. According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, 40 percent of graduates of orphanages become alcoholics and drug addicts, and another 40 percent commit crimes.

Some of the guys themselves become victims of crime, and 10 percent commit suicide. And only 10 percent succeed, having gone beyond the threshold of an orphanage or boarding school, to get on their feet and establish a normal life.

Commenting on these figures, one can use an unkind word "bad genes" and nod to the costs of a state-owned home, where children grow up without parental love and care. You can, with a sigh, shrug your shoulders: and nothing, they say, can be done with all these risk factors - the fate of these children is like that. But are orphan destinies so programmed for trouble? And is there any other reason why we are losing these guys?

Members" round table"- leading experts, representatives of ministries and departments, the Federation Council, the State Duma and the Prosecutor General's Office, who were brought together by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin, gathered precisely for this: to discuss one of these reasons.

How to make it so that graduates of orphanages do not replenish the army of domestic homeless people - how are the rights of orphans to housing observed, or rather, not observed?

Opening the discussion, Vladimir Lukin noted that this topic is not new and is still one of the sharpest. And although lately the orphans themselves, and the prosecutor's office, and human rights organizations have become increasingly active in defending the right of these young people to have their own housing through the courts, and although there are already positive court decisions, but ... "These issues," the Ombudsman believes, - should be resolved not at the cost of long, exhausting lawsuits, but automatically. How can we achieve such automatism?

As the discussion showed, there are a whole tangle of reasons that give rise to a problem. One of the “system-forming” ones, and all its participants agreed with this, is the shortcomings in the legislation and the insufficiency of legal regulation. Simply put, the weakness of the mechanisms for implementing these laws. Experts and practitioners place special hopes on new project Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding the Provision of Housing for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care". It has already been adopted by the State Duma in the first reading, and the Duma will have to adopt it in a new composition. And there is still time to make the necessary, in the opinion of the round table participants, amendments and additions to it. In particular, they are convinced that new law must take off age limit for pupils of orphanage state institutions when they are registered for housing. Today, they must be registered before they reach the age of 23. This gives rise to many incidents. Here is an example: the director of the vocational school, where orphans studied and grew up, did not bother to do this. As a result, one of the guys, who simply found themselves on the street without any hope of getting an apartment, admitted that he deliberately committed offenses in order to find shelter in a correctional colony.

As previously reported (see), a report was published on the inspection of the activities of federal and regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the Orphan Children program. We present the most important, in our opinion, information from this document.
The number of children left without parental care is growing: if in 1994 there were 496.3 thousand of them, then as of January 1, 2003 - 867.8 thousand. At the same time, only 10% of them became orphans due to the death or disability of their parents, the rest are social orphans.
The main reason for this is the difficult situation in families. The number of parents leading an asocial lifestyle is increasing every year. In 2003 alone, 32.6 thousand parents were deprived parental rights, more than 168.8 thousand parents were brought to administrative responsibility, 9 thousand criminal cases were opened against parents.
More than 120,000 children are identified annually, who wander, become involved in the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, and become participants in crimes. In 2003 attracted to criminal liability 145.5 thousand minors, of which 50.9% study at school or colleges. There are 362.4 thousand teenagers registered with the internal affairs bodies, of which 6.3 thousand cannot read and write.
Guardianship is not always established over children who find themselves without parental care. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 2003, 5,200 children deprived of parental care and registered with the police did not have guardians, and therefore they were forced to live in an extremely disadvantaged environment.
The situation is aggravated by the deplorable financial situation of many families. According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, 17 million children, or 56%, are brought up in families where income per person is below the regional subsistence level.
About 18% of local governments do not have specialists in the protection of children's rights, in 32% of them the ratio of the number of these specialists to the number of children is not observed. In the Amur region, only 1 specialist is provided for 9 thousand children in the Ivanovsky district, while the district includes 33 settlements located from the district center at a distance of 7 to 60 km, and in the Zeya district, the distances range from 4 to 370 km. In the city of Kineshma, Ivanovo region, only 2 specialists are provided for 19.1 thousand children, in the Republic of Mordovia there are 30 workers for 200.5 thousand children, with the standard of 40 people.
During the audit, it was concluded that it was necessary to create a service consisting of lawyers, teachers, psychologists authorized through the system of foster care to arrange orphans in a family. The ten-year experience of Orphanage No. 19 in Moscow has shown the effectiveness of such work - families manage to place the bulk of the orphans identified in the city, reduce the number of children in boarding schools and thereby save 35% of the funds allocated for their maintenance.
Every fifth child in Russia left without parental care lives in a boarding school. At the beginning of 2003, there were 2740 schools and colleges for orphans in the country, many of which are overcrowded: they contain more than 270 thousand children. In the past year alone, the number of children in them has increased by 36,000.
In 2003, 340.1 million rubles were allocated for the construction and repair of boarding schools, i.е. 88% of the funds allocated from the budget for the program "Orphans". However, none of the 15 facilities scheduled for commissioning last year was ready. Despite this, for 2004 the program additionally included 7 facilities with a funding volume of 30 million rubles, and the balance of the estimated cost as of 01.01.2004 was 64.3 million rubles. The regions financed the construction of new boarding schools on average by only 21%. At the same time, 28 regions did not allocate funds at all (Belgorod, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kursk, Tver, Pskov, Volgograd, Kirov regions and others).
Many orphans are not placed in orphanages within the period stipulated by law due to lack of places. Children for a long time (sometimes 4-6 years) live in shelters designed for temporary stay. Thus, out of 456 children in the shelters of the Amur region, every second lives there for more than six months, and 4 children for more than 5 years.
More than 40% of boarding school buildings require major repairs, 2.7% are in disrepair, 4.8% do not have central heating, and 5.6% do not have sewage systems.
Due to chronic underfunding, pupils of many boarding schools do not receive their new clothes and shoes, toys, literature. Less than 50% required Money was allocated to the Bezhetsk boarding school in the Tver region for the purchase of clothing, household goods and medicines. In the Kurtamysh Specialized Children's Home in the Kurgan region, children are provided with demi-season coats only by 48%, and other clothes - by 40%.
Insufficient funding does not allow for adequate nutrition. With the Russian average food allowance per child per day of 65.5 rubles in the Ivanovo region, it was 53.2 rubles, and the actual cost of food in a number of areas was even lower. So, in the Ivanovo correctional orphanage - an average of 39.4 rubles is spent on food for a child, in the Chernetsk correctional boarding school - 47.34 rubles, in the Shuisky orphanage- 25.14 rubles. In the shelter "Nadezhda" in the Kemerovo region, the diet of the pupils did not include cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, the children received juice and apples only twice a year. In a correctional boarding school in the Velikoustyugsky district of the Vologda region, children were fed with low-quality products.
According to the All-Russian clinical examination, only 15.2% of children in orphanages are recognized as healthy, in orphanages - 22.5%, in orphanages - boarding schools - 13.8% of children. In 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the death rate of children in orphanages exceeds the national average. The number of disabled children living in boarding schools is increasing, but their rehabilitation is usually limited to physiotherapy and medical care.
Many schools for orphans do not comply with fire safety requirements. In Moscow, these rules are not respected in 22 orphanages. Based on the results of the inspection, the heads of 12 orphanages were given orders to eliminate shortcomings, eight people were brought to administrative responsibility. Similar violations were found in many institutions of the republics of Tatarstan and Mordovia, Amur, Arkhangelsk, Ryazan, Samara, Tver, Ulyanovsk regions and others.
Part of the equipment purchased under the program for boarding schools is not used. The class of labor rehabilitation and vocational training in car manufacturing costing 67.9 thousand rubles delivered to the Otyasskaya correctional boarding school in the Ivanovo region is in the warehouse in a packaged form due to the lack of the necessary premises. In the orphanage number 15 with. Konstantinovka, Amur Region, class of labor rehabilitation and vocational training hairdressing worth 94.7 thousand rubles is not used due to the absence of a specialist.
Currently, about 14,000 orphans are in need of housing. Graduates who were not given apartments on time continue to live in boarding schools or become persons without a fixed place of residence. Particularly acute is the problem of allocation of living space in the villages. The most unfavorable situation has developed in the Republic of Kalmykia, Kemerovo, Kursk, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo regions. In the next two years, the number of orphanage graduates who have no housing will increase by 13,000 people. For example, in the Republic of Khakassia, graduates of 1989 are on the waiting list for housing, and in the Oryol region - 1997.
Every year, about 40% of newly identified orphans are placed under guardianship or guardianship. At the same time, locally, foster families do not always receive the funds allocated for foster children in full. In the Ivanovo region for 2003, the guardian's allowance was set at 1,000 rubles, but the heads of administrations of cities and regions deliberately reduced its size. In rural areas of the Udmurt Republic, the established allowances for children under guardianship averaged from 700 to 1,000 rubles per month, with the national average being 1,600 rubles. Over the past three years, employees of the prosecutor's office of the Amur Region in defense of the rights of children under guardianship sent 1025 applications to the regional courts in connection with the underestimation of the amount of benefits by a total of 7 million rubles. In the Republic of Ingushetia, the arrears in payment of guardianship allowances in 2003 amounted to 36 million rubles, in the Republic of Karelia - 8.4 million rubles.