Elementary school gift for dad on February 23rd. How to make a beautiful gift for dad to a preschool child. Practical gifts from loving children

February 23 is a holiday of courageous men - defenders of the Fatherland. Of course, they all deserve gifts. It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. When choosing a gift for February 23 for dad, you need to show special resourcefulness. It is on this topic that we will talk today.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a present, you need to invest your soul, only then you can really find the most suitable thing.

What gift for February 23 to choose for dad? Of course, you need to start thinking about this long before the very identity, it is desirable that the thing was not only original, but also useful. To make it easier for you to choose a gift for February 23 for dad, we will highlight the basic rules that will help you.

Rules for choosing a gift for father

First, you need to consider age. Of course, it is easier to choose than already mature men. A person at this age prefers practical, high-quality things rather than various trifles.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the interests of the father. Men, like children, are madly happy with gifts, especially if they meet their desires and passions.

Thirdly, if your father is over fifty, then leave modern and trendy gifts for others. Older people are unlikely to appreciate the various stylish things. Fashionable gadgets are also unlikely to be suitable as a gift to the father. Although if your daddy is a technical genius, then you can opt for a stylish tablet, smartphone or other similar device.

Gift Ideas for Dear Father

Men's gifts for real defenders of the Fatherland

When choosing a gift for February 23 to your beloved dad who served, you should pay attention to things that remind you of the army past. They will emphasize his masculine greatness, as well as amuse pride. For example, you can please your father with a gift order "Favorite Defender" or a figurine "Chief Defender of the Family". This item must be placed in a case.

What else are there Original gifts on February 23? A good option is a gun. Such a gift will be appreciated even by the man who is not fond of hunting. Someone wants to shoot at targets. Perhaps your dad will hang it as wall decor.

The sword is not inferior in status. Such a thing will be a great present for dad, who is a connoisseur of history. An elegant sword can be a wonderful interior decoration.

Binoculars - an actual gift for February 23 to dad. Such a military-style item can become a room decoration, as well as a toy for future (or current) grandchildren.

We give emotions to dear dad

What gift for February 23 for dad to choose? You can please your father by giving him emotions. Now we will tell you what options for such presentations are.

You can give dad a certificate for learning to play tennis or billiards. Especially if he is interested in such fun. Perhaps when he retires, he will be able to come to grips with such a game.

If the father served in landing troops, he has no health problems (especially with his heart), then you can offer him a parachute jump. Otherwise, you can make another air gift by presenting a large poster of congratulations by helicopter. Yes, such a pleasure will be quite costly, but nothing is a pity for a beloved dad: neither time nor money.

Does your father have a bosom friend? Then a meeting with him, especially if they have not seen each other for a long time, will become for him the best gift. If this is not possible, then real meeting replace with a virtual one. How to do it? To do this, you only need a computer with a webcam (or laptop), as well as the Internet. Thanks to all sorts of resources, you can chat with friends from all over the world. It is possible to arrange an online conference with several people at once (colleagues, for example). Such communication will bring a lot of conversation or meeting to be remembered for a long time.

We make gifts with our own hands

You can make gifts for February 23 to boys and men with your own hands. How? Now we will tell you how you can please dad, as well as other defenders of the Fatherland. We hope that our tips will help you.

What gifts can be made on February 23 with hands? For example, bake a pie or cake with your dad's favorite cream. If you do not have talents in cooking, then order a similar pastry from the master. For example, a chess-player dad can be presented with a cake in the shape of a chessboard. The football player will like it in the form of a ball. You can make a themed cake. It should be decorated with festive ribbons, flowers and other holiday attributes made from mastic.

Jar of sweets for dad with a sweet tooth

  • one glass jar;
  • candies;
  • in a golden wrapper;
  • colorful dragees.

Tip: choose multi-colored sweets, then the gift will look brighter and more original.

We decorate the gift beautifully:

  1. Take a jar, place a few medals at the very bottom.
  2. Now you need dragees and sweets, they need to be divided by color.
  3. After that, start carefully pouring dragees into a jar by color - first one, then the other, and so on. You can, for example, start with cool blues, purples, browns), then move on to dark ones (yellow, orange and red). Then close the jar with a lid.
  4. For a truly festive gift, tie a jar beautiful ribbon. You can, of course, add a postcard to such an amazing gift for a sweet tooth dad.

Creative gift from kids to father

A child can do to dad children's gift on 23 February. How? Now let's look at a few ideas:

  • First, draw a picture for dad. There you can depict tanks, flowers, weapons and many other attributes of Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • Secondly, you can make a postcard. To do this, take, for example, a small piece of cardboard and colored paper. First you need to work on the base (cardboard). It needs to be folded in half. On the one hand, you need to decorate it. In the middle, you can write everything that you want to wish your father. Used to make jewelry colored paper, letters, flowers, ribbons, perhaps even a tank should be cut out of it. In this case, everything depends on the imagination.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to please dad. We reviewed original gifts for February 23 for father. We hope you can find something worthwhile. Good luck!

The celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please our dear men guarding our family peace and protecting us from adversity and unrest. And, of course, the first on this day we try to congratulate the dearest and dearest representatives of our family - our fathers, who are a real example and role model for us. Therefore, preparing for this event, we first of all try to buy a gift for dad on February 23, and only then we go shopping for souvenirs for friends, colleagues and other relatives.

And, of course, I really want the congratulations addressed to dear daddy to be to his liking and deliver the maximum to the "hero of the occasion" positive emotions and pleasure.

Therefore, we spend a considerable amount of time running around various shops and outlets in the hope of finding something “such”. Sometimes these searches really end a positive result, but sometimes it happens that all these efforts and efforts lead to nothing, as a result of which we experience real disappointment. It seems that today on sale there is simply great amount a wide variety of goods. But how to choose from this abundance what a loved one needs? Here is the real problem, which can be solved without much difficulty, subject to certain simple rules. Here they are in summary:

  • If you choose a gift for your father on your own, then most likely he is a man of a fairly mature age. Therefore, for him, the concepts of usefulness and practicality are not of the last importance. Therefore, it is preferable to give him functional things that can be found practical use. Although, there are exceptions to this rule.
  • If you are going to buy a present for February 23, always consider the interests and taste preferences of the person to whom it will be given. Then he will really bring joy and pleasure to his recipient.
  • When choosing a gift for dad, do not be too "original" and experiment. Most often, adults are conservative, in addition, they have seen a lot in life, so you are unlikely to surprise them with something “such”. Therefore, it is worth giving what they really need.

In general, taking into account all of the above points, you can proceed to the choice of a suitable presentation. And you can start with the simplest and most unpretentious gifts that have a small price.

"Cheap and cheerful"

If you are going to congratulate a loved one, do not forget that the main value and significance of this congratulation lies not in the content of your gift, but in its individuality and personal attitude towards its recipient. Therefore, if there is very little money in your wallet, you don’t need to be especially complex about this, because even from inexpensive, modest things you can choose a lot of worthwhile and useful things. For example:

  • Nice shirt. Despite the fact that this is a fairly predictable gift option, most men will like it, especially if you pick up a thing that suits your dad well in size and style.
  • Warm bathrobe. The perfect gift for cold weather. Your father will remember you more than once warm word, wrapped in it on chilly winter evenings and comfortably sitting in your favorite armchair near the TV screen.
  • Eau de Toilette. Too universal option which may be appropriate in a variety of situations. When choosing such a present as a gift for February 23, specify in advance which flavors your dad likes. Older men are well suited for "strong", rich smells, with woody and spicy notes, while younger people can choose fresher, lighter scents.
  • Folding brazier, a set of skewers or a grill grate. The best way to please the lover of outdoor recreation.
  • A good thermos, folding chair or cooler bag. These useful and practical things can be presented to an avid fisherman or hunter who will be able to use them correctly at the first opportunity.

Emotional and memorable gifts

Handing over our gift on this or that occasion, we certainly expect that it will cause joy and positiveness in its recipient. That is, very often we give not some specific, specific thing, but emotions. And this means that congratulations on February 23 should not at all be tangible and material. After all, pleasure and good impressions can bring the greatest joy. Presentations of this kind include:

  • Movie, theater or concert tickets. This version of congratulations is simply ideal for men who "have everything." But, by the way, it will also be appropriate for dads who live quite modestly, do not allow themselves anything extra and spend most of their lives at work. Do not doubt that your father will take advantage of your offer of leisure activities with great pleasure and will receive positive impressions from him.
  • Visiting a massage or physiotherapy course. Thus, we can congratulate a fairly mature person of respectable age. Such a present will bring a lot of benefits, leaving behind pleasant memories and good health.
  • Resort ticket. A win-win a gift that can be given on a variety of occasions, and February 23 is no exception. The choice of direction in this case will depend on your financial capabilities. If you have enough money at your disposal, try some interesting, new routes and exotic countries, such as Thailand, the Dominican Republic or the United Arab Emirates, or please your father with an exciting trip around Europe, visiting its most beautiful and interesting cities. Well, if your income does not allow you to “fork out” like that, “go broke” at least to visit the best sanatorium located in your area. Believe me, your dad will definitely not forget such a gift.

Tasty congratulations

However, congratulations on February 23 can be not only serious and solid. To please dad, on this day you can give him something tasty and pleasant. For example:

  • A set of several varieties of good tea. A good, practical and very worthy gift for a man who loves this delicious, fragrant drink. If your father is a coffee lover, then it is better to give him a similar set, consisting of several varieties of coffee beans.
  • Bottle good alcohol. It is better if it is high-quality cognac or whiskey. In addition, as a gift, you can choose some original tincture or herbal balm. In any case, the choice of drink will depend on the tastes and preferences of your dad.
  • Basket with delicacies. Highly a good option a present for a zealous and hospitable owner. Well, he will definitely find a worthy and proper use for him, and he will be very pleased.
  • Cake or other sweets. These "goodies" will appeal to any sweet tooth, especially if they are prepared by the caring hands of your beloved wife, son or daughter.


Continuing the theme of "handmade gifts", you can see that they usually bring the greatest joy and pleasure to loved ones. Still, because a special energy comes from them. Such gifts allow the recipient to feel how important and dear he is to his loved ones, and make sure that they appreciate and love him very much. It can be:

    • Postcards with congratulations. There are many options, you can decorate in a military style, you can in the form of a shirt with a tie. It's up to your taste and imagination. But remember that the main thing in a postcard is a congratulation, so pay a lot of attention to it.
    • Knitted scarves and sweaters, created taking into account the taste and personal style of their future owner.
    • crafts from natural materials: leather, wood, which can decorate the interior of his apartment, making it special and individual.
    • Portrait on canvas under the background of the holiday on February 23. You can draw on your own, or you can order a print on canvas on a large-format printer, after preparing the photo and processing it in Photoshop. Very original and practical gift! It will decorate the interior and will remind your father of your gift for a long time.
    • Pictures made in the technique of chasing. You can make them yourself by purchasing the appropriate kit for creating them in specialized stores, etc.

By the way, here are some postcard design ideas.

When buying a gift for your father on February 23, do not chase the high cost and pathos. After all, you don't aim to impress loved one. Show him a little care and attention, and then your gift will definitely be remembered from the best side.

Master class with step by step photos

Master class on making crafts in the form men's suit and shirts and ties

Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, educator of MBDOU d / s No. 24 of the combined type "Polyanka", Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region
The master class is designed for teachers, parents, older children preschool age, elementary school students.
Purpose: as a gift to dads for the holiday of February 23
Target: making a gift from paper with your own hands.
- arouse interest in origami technique;
- to form the ability to work with paper and scissors, to exercise in cutting out details;
- develop Creative skills, the desire to make a gift to dad.

We always want our dads to look beautiful, stylish, elegant. What gives a man solidity and solemnity? Of course, a tie. Most of the stronger sex prefer to use this accessory in holidays, during business meetings.
Psychologists say that the color of a tie can tell a lot about a man's character.
So, for example, a man who prefers striped ties is correct and caring.
A man who chooses a tie with a pattern has a subtle sense of humor and considerable imagination.
A man who wears a tie with colorful peas is purposeful, succeeds in the professional field.
Men who wear two- or three-color ties are very strict.
A flower tie indicates that its owner is a romantic.

Gives a tie to a man
Solidity and confidence!
With him a good idea will come
And absent-mindedness will go away!
May it be for you in your finest hour
Serves as a decoration!
You accept it as a gift from us -
With heartfelt congratulations!

I propose to prepare crafts in the form of a suit and shirts with a tie. We will work with paper and cardboard. The color scheme can be any.

Necessary materials:
white cardboard;
simple pencil;
PVA glue;
colored double-sided paper;
colored xerox paper

Master class: Suit for dad

Step by step workflow:
1. For making crafts, we need tie templates different size and a button template. To do this, we draw these details on cardboard, then cut them out.

2. For a shirt, we need half a sheet of white cardboard. We measure a sheet of cardboard, find its middle, draw a vertical line and cut it. Or fold a sheet of cardboard in half and also cut it. We get the 2nd part of the cardboard blank.

3. For a jacket, take a sheet of double-sided colored paper of any color. We put a cardboard blank in the middle.

To position the workpiece evenly, you can mark 8 cm from the edges, draw lines with a pencil, and put the workpiece in the measured space in the middle.
4. Bend in turn the free parts of the colored paper to the middle. Iron the place of the folds.

5. Bend the upper part first to the right, then to the left. You can focus on the right and left corners of the cardboard blank. Try to keep the parts folded symmetrically. When the desired result is achieved, the fold line can be ironed.

6. Cut out a tie from colored paper using template No. 2.

7. We take out a white cardboard blank and glue the tie from the top to the middle.

We insert the resulting shirt with a tie into the jacket.

8. Using the template, cut out the buttons. There may be a different number of them. I have 2 of them. We glue them.

Shelves of the jacket can be glued.

9. Tie can be made voluminous. To do this, use the technique of origami.
You need to take a sheet of colored paper. Cut out a square with sides 14 cm

10. Fold the square in half.

11. Open the folded square and position it so that the fold line is vertical. Bend the right side so that the right upper side is aligned with the fold line. Iron the fold.

Do the same with the left side.

12. Turn over to the other side and turn 180 degrees.

13. Bend the lower sharp corner, about 6-7 cm. Iron.

14. Then bend the corner towards you, not reaching the edge by about 1 cm. Iron.

15. Bend the part towards you, the tip of the corner will be the guideline for the fold line. Iron.


16. Bend to the middle line alternately the right and left parts. Iron.

17. The tie is ready. Flip it over to the other side and 180 degrees.

This is what the tie looks like from the back.

18. This tie will come in handy for another suit.

Finished result
This is what the finished costume looks like.

Master class: Shirt with tie

And here is the option of making a shirt with a tie.
1. The color of the shirt can be any. Take a sheet of green xerox paper. Fold it in half, cut along the fold line. We get 2 parts.

2. We need one piece. Let's put it vertically. We measure 5 cm on it from above, and 3 cm from the sides, draw lines.

3. We make cuts along the lines.

4. We take the left and right corners and begin to bend so that the corners are connected. When we are sure that it is even, you can iron the fold lines.

5. For this shirt, we will make a voluminous tie from a magazine sheet.

6. You can make a tie for a shirt according to the template, as in the version with a suit.

Finished result
Shirt options with ties.

These shirts turned out for my pupils, 4 years old, for the holiday for dads.

Master class: Shirt

Another option for a shirt.
1. Take a sheet of double-sided colored paper Green colour, arrange vertically and fold in half.

2. Fold in half again.

When unfolded, 4 strips are obtained.

We bend the 3.2nd extreme parts inward, there are already fold lines, iron them.

4. We make lapels, as in the case of previous shirts, focusing on the upper corners.

5. Turn over to the other side.

6. Bend a strip of about 2 cm from the bottom

7. Turn over again to the other side.

8. We will bend the lower left and right corners to the middle line.

Dad is the most beloved man in the life of every child, and no matter how old the son or daughter is, the father always remains the main man and protector. In no case should you leave your beloved daddy on February 23 without a gift. Adult children can buy a useful, but not necessarily expensive thing for their father, and children would like to be advised to make a gift with their own hands.

DIY gifts for dad

Little children can make beautiful clothes for their beloved dad. voluminous postcard, using for its manufacture not only paints and pencils, but also other improvised materials: buttons, ribbons, fabrics. To make the gift application look individual, it is recommended to supplement it with dad's and your own photos.

Girls who have learned how to work with felt will be able to make cozy clothes for their father in a couple of evenings. felt slippers, and if possible, make them in the form of cute tanks. If there is no time for slippers, you can make a small toy that dad will hang in the car. It is even easier to create crafts from leather, it can be key chains, eyeglass cases or document covers.

So that dad can proudly demonstrate the gift of children at work, you need to make a stand for pens and stationery with your own hands. As a basis, you can take bushings from paper towels, shampoo bottles, carton boxes or plastic jars. Any available technique is suitable for decoration: decoupage, wrapping with colored threads or twine, lace, beads, coffee beans, denim or any other fabric.

Boys can make tanks, airplanes, warships from paper or salt dough for dad. Any steam room can make a cork sheet mug stand. Good gift- chasing with a suitable pattern, it is also easy to make from a set sold in special departments.

Inexpensive gifts for dad on February 23

Among inexpensive gifts top shirts, toilet water, T-shirts, warm bathrobes and shaving products. Of course, you can go the easy way and choose something from this list, but if you want to surprise a loved one, you should look for a more original surprise.

Men love festive feasts and at the same time remain children. If you combine these two concepts, then you can choose an alcohol game as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day, which helps to avoid turning the holiday into boring drinking. The range of such sets is wide: roulette, tic-tac-toe, checkers, lotto, bottle and others, so you can please a man with any hobbies.

If dad prefers outdoor recreation to feasts, then great gift a folding brazier, a set of skewers, a grill grate or a barbecue set will become for him. For a father who loves to go fishing, you can buy a new fishing rod, a metal thermos, a cooler bag or a folding chair as a gift to comfortably wait for a bite.

Emotional gifts

The purpose of every gift is to make the recipient happy. If you need to make a gift to dad, who has everything, then it remains to buy a ticket to the cinema or to a concert, or give him a weekend tour of local attractions. For an elderly person the right gift there will be several paid sessions of massage or physiotherapy, and an active and energetic man will enjoy a horseback ride or an exciting balloon flight.

If the financial situation does not allow you to buy an expensive ticket or a ticket, but you want to surprise your loved one, there is an easier idea - buy a dozen small dried fish, put them in a kind of bouquet, tie them with a ribbon or issue a newspaper, supplement the bouquet with a postcard with congratulatory verses and hand it to dad on the Day defender of the Fatherland. Delight and genuine joy in this case will be provided!

Gifts for health

When the father old man, it is worth taking a closer look at those gifts that will help him maintain health. If there is still no tonometer in the house, then you must definitely buy this necessary device, it is advisable to buy an electronic model - with its help it is easy to measure pressure without resorting to the services of other people.

A man suffering from joint pain will need a device for home physiotherapy. A father who complains of back pain will be pleased with a massager or a camel hair belt. You can also buy several good ointments or creams to help relieve discomfort.

Tasty gifts

You can congratulate dad on February 23 not only with useful, but also with tasty gifts. An excellent gift for a father is a large jar of natural honey or a bottle of healing herbal balm. A lover of tea ceremonies is recommended to buy a set of different varieties of good tea, and a coffee connoisseur - to give a package of fragrant beans or a gift jar of an instant drink.

A former military man will like a gift in the form of dry rations, collected in a suitable bag. In such a package, smoked sausages, cheeses, jars of delicacy canned food, juices and fruits will look appropriate.

Hi all! On the agenda today are crafts that everyone will soon have to do with their children, because February 23 is such a holiday that is celebrated in every family. Of course, our beloved men should be very tasty to feed a gala dinner, make hot and, of course, salads. But what about gifts, you can’t do without them, so take ideas and implement them.

Even if it is a very small and modest souvenir, it will be made by hand, which will surely win over your dad or grandfather. Therefore, sit back and look, choose, and then get to work).

I remember when I was at school, we made crafts at labor lessons faux leather key chains, now you can make them from felt or foamiran.

There is nothing easier than to take a piece of paper and make amusing and funny people out of it. This is me and such a famous technique as origami, such creative work suitable for older or preparatory group garden, look at this diagram and repeat all the steps. It turned out not something like a rocket, and your dad is sitting in it))).

You can also cut out a cardboard rocket with the children, and then glue the windows, you get a simple application, children of the middle or younger group can handle it.

All men love tea and coffee, so why don't we take advantage of it.

But, as a teacher, you will have to make blanks from thick cardboard. Moreover, one part of the mug should be slightly smaller.

Fold in half using the accordion method.

Attach the tea bag tag to the string.

And then decorate by gluing the stripes that symbolize our flag.

It came out easy and beautiful.

And most importantly, the children liked it and gave them great pleasure.

An interesting option would be a craft in the form of a train.

We make gifts with schoolchildren to dads

Of course, there will be congratulations and wishes on this day, so I suggest that students elementary school make a postcard out of paper using interesting material. For example, you can tastefully decorate a disposable paper plate.

Or create a real masterpiece card from very unusual materials in the style of plasticine.

We will need:

  • white paper A4 - 1 pc.
  • printed text in the form of poetry
  • pencil, ruler, plasticine
  • cocktail tubes
  • fireworks or sparkles
  • PVA glue

Stages of work:

1. Fold a piece of paper white color in half. Draw like this, a vertical line.

2. Then cut along its contour with special decorative scissors.

4. Lay out a flag from plasticine and decorate the numbers.

5. Then tubules different colors chop finely and stick them into plasticine. Glue the salute, and then let the glue dry. Here is such a wonderful postcard, you can say the souvenir turned out, it remains only to put congratulatory wishes.

You can also, if you did not like the previous version, use the art of quilling for high school students.

Crafts from discs, the most ordinary CDs with holiday symbols, look very bright and impressive.

Impressive, simple and quite creative looking.

You can resort to this method, it is more suitable for children from 5-10 years old, you will need glue, paper and scissors. This is the well-known shirt and tie.

You can complicate the task a little and make an origami-style tie.

A popular school children's craft can be a boat made of cardboard and paper.

A photo frame will be an original present, and you need to cut a rim from an ordinary hard box, and then use woolen threads to decorate and ennoble with stars. You can use stickers, rhinestones and scrapbooking materials.

Can grandfathers make a medal from plasticine balls.

Paper soldier master class for the little ones

Plasticine crafts are considered the simplest and easiest. You can find a lot of variations, because the symbols of the coming men's holiday there will be all kinds of cars and road transport.

In the first place, as always, is the tank, the majority make it, I don’t know why, but it happened by tradition, probably this is one of the symbols of victory.

You can make it exclusively from modeling dough or plasticine, as well as using matchboxes.

There is another option, use all sorts of things like nuts, dowels and other working charms.

The second place is occupied by airplanes.

If you have never done them, then here is a step-by-step instruction for you.

Or build a helicopter, just don't fly away).

For older children, you can make a gang of soldiers.

Do you want to know the features of their production? Then look further at all the step-by-step steps and repeat all the paper folding and folding steps.

Here's the set you'll need to get started:

Now, with regards to actions, move from right to left, and then everything will work out for you.

In general, then you can make a wall newspaper and decorate a group or class. Looks fun and funny, doesn't it?

Learning to make gifts for dad on Defenders of the Fatherland Day

The first option that students use is the trimming method, when they are cut out from corrugated paper squares, then wound on a stick or pencil and glued to the sheet.

Or a real picture, well, here of course you have to tinker longer.

For younger children, the ball rolling technique is well suited.

Well, the most difficult option is a photo frame, with your own hands from a special material, like ball plasticine.

If your children are still very young, then you can invite them to make such a boat out of a dish sponge and a stick, this is completely for kids).

In addition to everything, you can learn a poem.

Master class of crafts with preschoolers

We will need:

  • ice cream sticks - 8 pcs.
  • straw for juice - 1 pc.
  • PVA glue
  • gouache and brush
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Make a base, so to speak, a rod on which the wings will be held. Take 5 sticks and glue them together with PVA glue.

2. Then glue one stick perpendicularly, but step back a little from the edge, as shown in this picture.

3. After that, glue the pieces of tubes on the sides.

4. Approximately the following should turn out. If you have too, proceed to the next step.

5. At this stage, you need to glue the second one parallel to the first stick, you will get a wing.

6. Make the tail of the plane from another stick, just cut it in half.

7. The most long-awaited moment is the design, take brushes and gouache and paint the body.

8. And here it is such a funny and super-duper airplane. By the way, you still need a propeller, do not forget to glue it together with a button or bead.

Or you can do almost the same thing from clothespins.

I also really liked the option from the usual plastic bottle and tubes.

If you also liked this work, take note of it, here are its steps.

We make toys from different improvised means

In most cases, men like all kinds of equipment, including military ones, therefore, from paper napkins and matchboxes you can do the following, tank:

Or an ordinary car.

Using sponges for washing dishes, fold a small tank.

Or arrange a delicious gift using a mountain of chocolates that you can ask for from mom.

Or you can make an application.

In general, surprise your loved ones and relatives with something, I gave you ideas for reflection, so think and recreate. Good luck.

If among your friends there are people who are fond of hunting, for example, grandfather, then you can give him such a junk souvenir in the form of deer horns from a plastic bottle and caps.

You can use your Lego constructor and make a stand for pencils and pens, stationery.

From the sleeve toilet paper you can build a racer, take a little man from the designer.

Of course, they also make papier-mâché toys, but it's a bit complicated.

Or this little masterpiece cotton pads- card.

And this is all I have. I wish you success in everything you have planned, patience and perseverance, as well as inspiration and creative ideas. Until then, see you all!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova